Manipulation and Cognitive Pragmatics: Preliminary Hypotheses

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Manipulation and cognitive pragmatics: Preliminary hypotheses

Article · January 2005


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1 author:

Louis de Saussure
Université de Neuchâtel


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de Saussure Louis (2005). Manipulation and Cognitive Pragmatics: Preliminary

Hypotheses. In de Saussure Louis & Peter Schulz (Eds), Manipulation and Ideologies
in the Twentieth Century: Discourse, Language, Mind, Amsterdam-Philadelphia, John
Benjamins, 113-146.
Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, 17
Uncorrected first proofs. Please refer to original text.

Manipulation and cognitive pragmatics: Preliminary


Louis de Saussure

University of Neuchâtel

1. Introduction*

The paper presents a set of pragmatic hypotheses on the topic of manipulative and ideological
discourse; these hypotheses, which are to be further explored and empirically validated, aim
at grounding a research project. The general framework of this research is a mechanistic and
naturalistic cognitive theory of human communication, Sperber and Wilson’s Relevance
theory (Sperber and Wilson 1995).1

In this introduction, after briefly defending the legitimacy of a cognitive pragmatic

approach of manipulation, I consider the main contributions to the problem in that framework.

In section 2, I propose a working definition for manipulative discourse, where

manipulative discourse is truth-conditionally / truth-functionally defective, doubtful (when the
propositions conveyed are about a state of affairs), or unacceptable within a given culture
(when the propositions conveyed are about moral issues). Section 3 discusses the typology of
strategies involved in discursive manipulation, and notes a commonality between all the
strategies; they lead the hearer to problems of understanding, i.e., problems in the process of
retrieving a clear informative intention on the part of the speaker. In section 4, I suggest that a
central mechanism of manipulation through discursive strategies is organised in a twofold
process, managed by the speaker: causing trouble in the hearer’s understanding procedure and
offering ready-made resolutions of that trouble. I call that mechanism the trouble-and-
resolution device. This process disturbs the normal processing of intention recovery,

permitting to obtain sincere consent to a proposition regardless of defective arguments, given

a particular context. In section 5, I discuss the manipulative discourse with regard to the
theory of mind.

Considering a problem like manipulative discourse through the question of understanding

natural language is quite different from what is generally proposed on the topic within
discourse analysis and the social sciences. Many trends defend the view that anything
manipulative is best understood with informal tools such as those provided by text-linguistics
(see the important works of K. Ehlich in Germany and of J.-M. Adam in French for example,
and trends in the Critical Discourse Analysis approach). However, if assuming that
manipulation in discourse is primarily achieved during the very construction of meaning in
context (which is a first and necessary step for adding beliefs in one’s knowledge base), it
becomes clearer that theories provide descriptions for that cognitive process, which goes on
when exposed to speech or text, are likely to enlighten significantly – and with less intuitive
notions – research on manipulation. I suggest, moreover, that such an approach is likely to
contribute to the transdisciplinary task of better grounding the fine-grained descriptions done
in informal approaches.

A related point is that scholars who favour a social approach to discourse and
manipulation often tend to avoid an objectivist standpoint, for various reasons. The most
obvious of these reasons is the fear that the analyst can be misled, taking his own subjectivity
for objectivity (see Kienpointner in this volume for a discussion). The typical distortion is that
the manipulative nature of a discourse would be identified ‘at first sight’ and intuitively by the
analyst (notably because of stereotypes and prejudices), so that he inevitably finds back the
manipulative nature of the considered text by means of his own tools of description. This
would be, of course, circular and methodologically unacceptable.

But when rejecting any possibility of objectivist, truth-conditional and realist assumptions,
the risk of ‘reading into’ the text one’s own expectations may be even greater with more
intuitive tools: virtually any text or speech could be considered ‘manipulative’.

Scholars in such trends are, of course, conscious of this kind of problem and they
generally prefer not to talk of manipulation at all, or they begin by saying that all texts are
manipulative but some are more manipulative than others.

Now, the same range of objections can be raised against contextual semantic analysis in
general. Given an utterance and a context, the analyst knows, because of his ‘linguistic

intuition’, what the basic meaning of that utterance is. So whatever kind of analysis he would
do, he would find out that very meaning he came to intuitively.

When considering semantic and pragmatic analysis of this kind, it becomes clearer that the
objection of circularity either applies to any language-related analysis or is false for some
reason. I argue for the latter.

The fact is that the analyst who has access to a text can differentiate between what is
conveyed by the linguistic strings and what information is needed in the context to build up a
consistent and relevant meaning. He does so when analysing ordinary utterances. He does so
when noticing, thanks to that very differentiation, that a discourse should be understood under
normal circumstances in a way in which it is common knowledge that it was not. Then, the
question of intention comes up and, in particular, that of non-benevolent hidden intention.

Therefore I assume that, when comes the time for the analysis of a given manipulative
discourse, the ordinary method of the pragmaticist remains unchanged, but addresses
deceptive and non-benevolent communication instead of ordinary and benevolent
communication; he needs then not to talk only about understanding but about the complex
way that leads from comprehension to believing.

1.1. Relevant contributions to the issue within the cognitive framework

Cognitive pragmatics has addressed manipulative discourse only recently and to a limited
extent; however the few hypotheses that have been explored within this paradigm present a
rich ground for further developments.

Choi, Nisbett and Smith (1997) argue that socio-cultural factors concerning information
and category salience directly affect human stereotypic reasoning. This study opens a link
between changes in salience of information and inferential results which could possibly be
exploited manipulatively when building up generalizations and other inductive conclusions.

In Johnson, Grazioli, Jamal and Berryman (2001), an experimental study addresses the
problem of deception-detecting in groups of individuals. Although not directly connected with
political manipulation, this work is in fact a continuation of Dennett’s hypotheses on what he
calls the intentional stance strategy, where detected inconsistencies in discourse are
interpreted in the light of the deceiver’s goals and possible actions (Dennett 1989). This

aspect of research is of great interest since, as we recall later, manipulation in discourse is

often discovered on the basis of inconsistencies and (formal and non-formal) fallacies.

Regarding political manipulation proper, a few references are available within Relevance
theory: Sperber and Wilson (1995), Allott (2002), Allott (this volume), Allott and Rubio
Fernandez (2002), Blass (2002) and Carston (2002) all address the problem of terminological
misuse with regard to interpretative processes (misuse of concepts and shallow processing).
They show that often, lexical items are not properly decoded; they just fill a position until
some concept can be substituted. A manipulation can take place when some inappropriate
word is used to refer to the awaited concept, leading to problematic inferences. For reasons of
processing economy, the hearer either provides the proper concept (as in the joke “where did
they bury the survivors?” where survivors is misread as dead), or accepts the item’s
connotation in situations where the item should be rejected (connotations are part of the
encyclopaedic entry of concepts, according to Relevance theory), because of some conceptual
variation of the item in context. For example the word democracy, which is normally
understood as political system where the people take a crucial part in decisions, is sometimes
understood as a political system with freedom of investment or some other related meaning, as
Allott (this volume) recalls. He argues that a word like democracy may be used with little
meaning, sometimes only to trigger positive judgements, and can be completed by ‘whatever
the speaker means by that’. We agree that this kind of strategy is among the core ones at work
in manipulative discourse, since it triggers consent and adhesion not on the basis of proper
arguments, but because of some fuzzy connotation. However, it is likely that the notion of
misuse of concept needs further elaborations.

With the notion of “utility of interpretation” Chomsky (notably Chomsky 1989) actually
addresses the misuse of concepts, which is claimed to favour the consent of the audience to
thoughts or actions that are, in fact, incompatible with the concept actually encoded by the
lexical expression, as with the word ‘democracy’. In Manufacturing Consent, Herman and
Chomsky (1988) detail their view on political manipulation; however, they do not cover the
theoretical aspects in much depth.

Crucial imports are given by Manktelow and Over (1990), who correlate manipulation
with problems of inferential processes, and Sperber (1982, 1985 and 1997), who addresses the
problems of irrationality and covert communication from an informational viewpoint. Taillard
(2000) and Blass (2002) develop in detail pragmatic aspects of manipulative communication
and tackle the complex relationship between informative and manipulative intentions. In

particular, these authors argue that cognitive information processing is perturbed when
dealing with words with vague, not understandable, vacuous meaning or whose content is
inappropriate with regard to the context – a hypothesis that lies at the core of my analysis.

1.2. Manipulation as a type of language use

Every researcher approaching the field of manipulation, be it in linguistics, discourse analysis,

psychology or political science, is aware of the vagueness, the semantic complexity and the
lack of clear-cut definition for the concept manipulation. This is especially true when it
applies to a specific behaviour towards other individuals, and to a type of linguistic and
communicative behaviour in particular. Literally, to manipulate is to use one’s hands to
instrumentalize an object (to operate or control by skilled use of the hands according to the
American Heritage Dictionary), and sometimes to change the object’s original shape. Then to
manipulate a human being may be about using a person, i.e. have that person adopt specific
behaviours, to fulfill the needs and interests of the manipulator, regardless of the ones of the
manipulated. But an individual, contrarily to an object, has a cognition that enables him to
pursue his own interests; therefore, our first step is to admit that a manipulator first of all
manipulates some aspects of human cognition, notably reasoning, checking for likeliness,
emotions, etc.

The word manipulation, when applied to manipulative discourse, seems to be a kind of

lexicalised metaphorical derivation. It is about using a device or strategy without which the
speaker would not be able to change the addressee’s beliefs and behaviour. Manipulation of
an individual is directly related to applying constraints, in particular constraints that the
individual is not aware of. These constraints act on the process of information treatment and
are built-up with more or less efficient and sophisticated strategies – which remain of course
hidden – and which aim is at misleading the hearer in a way or another. In effect, the
commitment of the addressee to the propositions conveyed by the discourse must be sincere
(or taken for sincere, for another type of manipulation, where physical and psychological
constraint is used to guarantee a behaviour independently of the persuasive power, or lack of
persuasive power of a discourse). The commitment of the addressee must be sincere while the
propositions expressed are in fact problematic at several levels. Furthermore, hidden
strategies are necessary because obvious and brutal force cannot gain sincere commitment.2
Freedom of thought, or at least the illusion of it, is a necessary condition for manipulation.

The fact that manipulation lacks a clear-cut definition does not entail that the concept
itself is completely unclear. To take an analogy from Wittgenstein, a country remains real and
identifiable even though it can have fuzzy or controversial borders. Therefore, we will provide
below an axiomatic working definition of prototypical manipulation, rather than explore the
complexity of the intuitive notion attached to the word (we are talking about a phenomenon,
not about the semantic content of the lexical item ‘manipulation’).

Even more complex is the notion of manipulative discourse. Concerning its definition,
two options are available. First, manipulative discourse can be a type of discourse, therefore
identifiable through formal features. Second, manipulative discourse can be a type of
language use. These two lines of thought are not theoretically equivalent – but they may lead
to close conclusions in the end.

If manipulative discourse is a discourse type, like narration, theatre play or fairy tale may
be, then either some linguistic forms can be found only in manipulative discourses, or
manipulative discourses are sustained by a unique type of structure, for example specific
argumentative structures. In both cases, these particularities would provide a formal ground
for manipulative discourse identification.

Yet it seems far more reasonable to assume that manipulative discourse is not a discourse
type according to purely linguistic criteria. Manipulative discourses exist not because of
formal features; they are produced in order for the speaker to achieve specific goals. Although
some formal features are more present in manipulative discourses than in non-manipulative
discourses, none are exclusive to manipulative discourses. The main criterion I will use is one
of intention on the part of the speaker, an intention which is not cooperative in the Gricean
sense (in particular regarding the respect of the maxim of quality). The speaker aims at giving
manifestness to a certain number of assumptions to the hearer and have him consent to them,
provided that they would be rejected under normal conditions. Manipulative discourse is
therefore a pragmatic problem in my view. It is a type of usage of natural language, and can
be identified only through notions like goals, intentions, and broader aspects of pragmatic
processing, which, in turn, explain the quantitatively high presence of some formal features
(some types of argument schemes and fallacies, some semantically loaded expressions, some
connotative words etc.) because they are of some help in achieving the speaker’s goal.
Therefore one of the core problems of manipulation in language resides in the identification
by the hearer of the manipulative intention through formal and non-formal features; when this
detection fails, manipulation is effective.

This type of usage of natural language requires an extensive use of some types of
argumentative devices, including formal and non-formal fallacies (see van Eemeren and
Grootendorst 1992 for example). In short, I suggest that linguistic structures and formal
phenomena taking place in manipulative discourse are provided by the speaker in order to
trigger specific pragmatic processing. In other words, even if some linguistic elements are
statistically frequent in manipulative discourse, these linguistic elements/structures aim at
weighing on the pragmatic level, in order to affect the mental state of the hearer. Thus
manipulation is not about using metaphors, or some particular syntactic structure, or some
specific semantic feature of quantifiers, but about making them play a particular role at the
pragmatic level.

Turning now to the problem of the propositional content of manipulative utterances, one
notices that manipulation is often regarded as a sort of lie (for example, a recent account of
lies in the public discourse of the USSR is to be found in Jaccard et al. 2003). The notion of
lie is a complex notion, but seems to have a clearer definition, intuitively, than manipulative
discourse. Although, there are cases showing that there is more in lying than simply uttering a
proposition known as false or believed such. Saying ‘2 plus 2 equals 5’ when knowing that it
is false is a lie only when it is uttered in order to obtain some relevant advantage. If a kid says
so simply to make a fool of another kid, and not for other purposes, he probably did not
actually lie in the full meaning of the term. Regarding manipulation, as many scholars, I
suppose that to manipulate implies to deceive in one way or another; although deceiving is
slightly different from lying.

It may be argued that the manipulator sometimes actually believes in the proposition
expressed. This question is very complex, and I address it briefly further down. In principle, I
suggest that a manipulation in fact always entails a kind of content which is not fully adhered
to by the speaker: not necessarily a lie proper, but something wrong on one level or another of
the communication going on. For example, we know that beliefs can be entertained with
various strengths; a weakly entertained belief stated with great authority can be manipulative
since this situation implies a discrepancy between the (weak) strength with which the speaker
actually believes in P and the (strong) strength in which he communicates believing in P. This
is not a lie proper but is similar in nature. On the contrary, it can also be argued that a lie is
not always manipulative. I will not address this question directly in this paper, but I notice
that the notion of manipulation is not only associated with concepts like lie and intention but
also the one of interest on the part of the hearer: a lie – or any defective statement – will be

manipulative if the hearer utters it in order to have the hearer adopt a behaviour consistent
with the manipulator’s interest and possibly inconsistent with the hearer’s own interests.

Now, one may also argue that often, it seems that a true statement, sincerely entertained
by the speaker, is communicated ‘manipulatively’ to the hearer. That might be true according
to some weaker notion of manipulation, but I emphasize that a communication is
manipulative when the speaker retains some relevant information, or provides the correct
information but in order for the hearer to conclude that he should behave in a way which
favours the speaker’s interests, without being aware of it. Therefore, I consider that to
manipulate is, firstly, to communicate the relevance of things that are not relevant by
themselves, and / or retain actually relevant information.

A first way to study the propositional content of manipulative discourse is to adopt a

moderate objectivist view. The main reason for this is the following: if A says to B the
proposition P where P is true in reality but P is believed false by the speaker, it is hard to
qualify A’s attitude as simply lying (B certainly would not say, under any circumstances, that
A was lying, although he was not communicating accordingly to his beliefs). Again, I refrain
from drawing any strong conclusion about this.

2. Manipulation and truth-conditions

2.1. A definition

Within a hypothetical-deductive framework, I will now suggest a working definition for

manipulative discourse. The advantage of this definition is that it overcomes the fuzziness of
the intuitive notion through a light, and I think legitimate, reductionism. This basic definition
of manipulative discourse has further implications that will be discussed below.

A working definition: A manipulative discourse is a discourse produced in order to

persuade the addressee of a set of propositions P1…Pn of type T with appropriate
strategies S.

I shall address later the characteristics of the propositions conveyed by manipulative

discourse (the ‘type T’), positing that they are truth-conditionally or, better, truth-functionally
defective (roughly, they are wrong in some way: false, unlikely, doubtful, inaccurate,

inconsistent with the common ground; and therefore should be rejected by the hearer under
normal circumstances). The definition takes the following form, where G is the goal of the
speaker s, λP stands for the set of propositions conveyed, CE(h) stands for the cognitive
environment of the hearer h (the set of his beliefs)3 and λS for the set of strategies aiming at
achieving the belonging of λP to CE(h):

∃ Gs: λP (where P = truth-functionally defective) ∈ CE(h);

Gs → λS such as λS(λP) → λP ∈ CE(h).

There exists a goal Gs on the part of the speaker s, which is fulfilled when a set λP of
truth-conditionally / truth-functionally defective propositions belong to the cognitive
environment CE of the hearer h. Gs implies a set λS of strategies such as λS applied to λP
entails λP’s belonging to the cognitive environment CE of the hearer h.4 Actually, the effect
of the strategies are not granted: they are simply assumed by the speaker to work.5

Without the specification of the properties of the propositions conveyed and of the
identification of the strategies used to convey them,6 this definition would not be informative
enough. Therefore, the properties attached to the propositions, as well as the communicative
strategies involved, are wholly part of the definition I assume here. Let me begin with the
properties of the propositions conveyed by a manipulative discourse, which are mostly about
their truth-conditional or truth-functional value (I use truth-functional in a wide sense:
implicatures are truth-functional since their truth-value is a function of the truth-values of the
explicit content and of the contextual premises needed to deduce it).

I rely here on studies that have pointed out that totalitarian ideologies, and in particular
ideological discourses within totalitarianisms, imply the commitment of the addressee to ideas
that do not correspond with factual reality (Jaccard et al. 2003, but of course also Klemperer
1946/1975, Chomsky 1989 and many others). Since I stand upon a (moderately) objectivist
framework, this question of reference and truth-value of the propositions is a very natural
starting point for my study. This concerns first propositions about states of affairs, but also
propositions about moral issues, which we may call propositions about desirable states of
affairs (following Sperber and Wilson’s Relevance theory).

2.2. Propositions about states of affairs

I assume that the main characteristics of a proposition P conveyed by a manipulative

discourse, when P is about a state of affairs, is the discrepancy of P with its objective truth
value or with the truth of intended truth-functional inferences normally drawn by the
addressee when interpreting the current utterance (in particular implicatures, but also possibly
explicatures).7 More precisely, when a proposition P is conveyed by a manipulative discourse,
either P is false (or half-true, which is equivalent to false),8 or a relevant implicature I inferred
from P and the context is false.

In Gricean terms, one might say that the speaker does not respect the maxim of quality,
either on the side of what is said, or on the side of what is implicated. Within the framework
of Relevance theory, I suggest that either P is presumed to be relevant, and therefore true, or
at least assumed true by the speaker, or acceptable in principle, while it is not (which makes P
a lie if the speaker is aware of that), or P is indeed true but contextual features lead the
addressee to enrich the meaning of the utterance in deriving implicatures I – or in retrieving
presuppositions – that are presumed to be true but which are in fact false (and known or
suspected so by the speaker).9

This case, where P or I is false, is a prototypical case of manipulation. But the retrieval of
some types of implicated information, presuppositions in particular, are less or not at all
subject to cautious verification by the hearer. They are nonetheless derived truth-functionally
since they are grounded on a truth-conditional sentence / utterance, even though they are not,
or not always, part of the truth-conditional meaning of the utterance.

Again, it might be argued that the manipulators10 are not always aware that the
propositions they convey do not comply with reality or with the relevant scale of values. In
other words, they may not be necessarily lying. For example when they had been persuaded
with manipulative means, or when they are not aware of reality. But this would not fall into
the scope of my definition: I suggest, then, that the speaker may be performing an action of
persuasion but not a manipulation proper: he says what he actually believes in good faith,
which implies that as far as he knows, there is no possible discrepancy between his own
interests and the – freely evaluated – interests of the audience.

But the problem is that sincere beliefs may combine with insincere, fallacious reasoning.
The ill-grounded conclusions thus constructed are then manipulative according to the above
definition. More importantly, I speculate that the manipulator, in the strongest sense of the

word, is always aware, at least to some extent, of the falsehood of what he says or implies (or
suggest: for example that P is relevant while it is not, regardless of its truth). This does not
imply that the manipulator is fully or intrinsically insincere, since his awareness may be
unconscious, if we see these terms as non-contradictory.11

Not even thinking of the cases where P is known as false but anyway believed by the
speaker – a case of psychological trouble –, the view according to which a manipulative
discourse is based on the violation of the Gricean maxim of quality is not satisfactory: it is far
too rough to consider that to manipulate is simply to say what you don’t believe or to say
something you don’t have good reasons to believe. There is a complexity that lies behind the
production of a manipulative discourse that cannot be captured through Gricean maxims. For
instance, as said before, communicating that P is relevant while it is not is not a proper
violation of the maxim of quality.

There is a difference between what the speaker actually believes and what he may wish to
believe: manipulators are certainly involved in self-persuasion as much as they are involved
in persuasion of the hearer. A manipulator may find it more desirable to be entertaining
beliefs that promote his ego or positive self-image, or power, rather than having thoughts and
behaviours in accordance with facts. No doubt in some (many?) cases of manipulation, the
manipulator is more concerned with being admired and empowered rather than with the need
for correspondence of his beliefs with reality.

This question is far too complex for me to address here; it is about the details of the
production of a manipulative discourse, and about the psychology of the manipulator, while I
focus on the mechanisms of detection of deception and how they are defeated by means of
manipulative strategies. However I suggest that contrary to psychotics, manipulators (in my
restraint sense) are always aware, to some degree, of the falsity or doubtfulness of the
propositions they communicate, as I said before. This is why manipulators often omit some
necessary parameters or premises in their arguments and promote censorship and repression
against intellectuals.

What is crucial is the fact that the goal of manipulators, whatever they themselves believe
and regardless of their particular psychological condition, is to convince the addressee of a
proposition or set of propositions that should be ruled out by normal information processing
and reality checking. The manipulator short-circuits the process of reality checking and
disturbs normal information processing. Manipulators are more than liars, since they aim,

among other things, at producing dogmas that will in turn provide an axiomatic set of beliefs
in the reasoning material of the manipulated.

2.3. Non-factual propositions in manipulative discourses

Quite often we find manipulative utterances that are not about states of affairs but about moral
issues and principles. Such utterances are not confronted with the addresses’ conceptual
representations but with the addressees’ moral values and culturally-sensitive representations.
In other words, these propositions deal with representations of desirable states of affairs and
not with actual states of affairs. The consensual way of discussing this kind of statement is to
talk about social or cultural values, which are themselves grounded on deeper moral values.

In fact, with such propositions the mechanisms of manipulation are the same as with truth-
conditional propositions except that a moral proposition P is not evaluated regarding its truth
but its acceptability to the ethical values and cultural background of the target audience.
Moral statements and propositions about desirable states of affairs are the easiest type of
propositions conveyed within a manipulative discourse, since reality can be ultimately
checked, whereas moral values are not stable in any comparable way.

These points lead to another hypothesis: totalitarian ideological manipulative discourse is

most efficient in societies where some conditions are met, especially a state of crisis. For
example, economic recession, war, and post-war situations are factors that favour less stable
moral judgement for individuals and open the way for a change in moral values. The fact is
that when a society or system has not been able to provide appropriate quality of life and the
possibility of human relations, individuals are likely to conclude that the values that ground
that particular society or system are not appropriate. This plants the seed of doubt and the will
to change societal conditions. Needless to say, such change is not trivial.

If socio-cultural values, like the commitment to democracy, equality, and rights, are weak,
other contradictory propositions will bring about a change in the addressees’ cognitive
environment that will allow the development of new beliefs. Remember that assumptions
always have a certain degree of certainty, a certain strength. This applies to moral statements
as well as to factual statements. For example, a belief like killing is bad is generally stronger,
at least within occidental cultures, than a belief like stealing an apple is bad. This is a simple
way of talking about scales of values.

When the proposition has a moral meaning or has moral implications, it is evaluated with
regard to the prevailing ethical beliefs. Within a public discourse, the speaker takes this into
account as the confrontation of the statement with the prevailing values in the culture where
the ideology intends to promote itself and develop. We can define the moral culture as

The moral culture C is a set of assumptions about desirable states of affairs prevailing in
a given population.

We note that C sanctions the acceptability of moral propositions conveyed within a public

As I said, if C is weakened, for example in the case of social crisis, new moral statements
can be entertained more easily. In other words, the weaker C, the stronger P (where P is
manipulative and where P is not in accordance with C), the more successfully P is accepted.

However, manipulators can also exploit some moral assumptions in the same way as they
can exploit some aspects of obvious reality. Just as they can extract and present half-truths,
they can extract and exploit half-moral ‘truths’, or only part of a moral statement, and distort
it. For example, by exchanging different moral assumptions within the prevalent scale of
value, they may receive guidance for otherwise immoral actions, as when assuming that a
superior good justifies prevailing over a supposed less important good. This was the case
when the killing of disabled persons by the Nazis was intended to achieve the alleged superior
good of a pure and healthy society or when the killing of innoncents by the Tsheka was done
in order to build a society without certain social classes. All these aspects of manipulation are
well documented by other scholars (in particular in the philological study of Klemperer 1946 /
1975, as far as Germany is concerned) and I will not comment them here.

2.4. Three kinds of proposition-evaluation

A contextual evaluation of the propositions is rendered by the hearer in order to guarantee

that he can reasonably consent to the propositions provided. Either we evaluate whether it is
reasonable to assume the correspondence of the supposedly intended meaning with what we
assume about reality, or we evaluate whether the moral consequences of the intended
meaning are compatible with non truth-conditional beliefs.

The first type of evaluation concerns the consistency of the proposition with background
assumptions about reality. The second type of evaluation concerns the consistency of the
proposition with assumptions about desirable states of affairs – moral assumptions. The two
types of evaluation can both occur through the process of interpreting an utterance, when the
interpretation results in a combination of truth-conditional propositions (about actual states of
affairs) and implicatures that carry moral significance (about desirable states of affairs).

The same applies to sets of propositions together forming fallacious arguments. When
fallacies (formal and non-formal) are provided in good faith, one cannot talk about
manipulation. But when arguments are deceptive (fallacious) and are used to promote other
defective propositions, there are good grounds to suspect a manipulation. The bandwagon
fallacy and arguments of authority, for instance, are particularly present in ideological

Our cognitive hypothesis is that the manipulator acts on the very process of this
evaluation, leading the hearer to block his own natural process. There are therefore specific
strategies that the manipulator exploits to obtain such consent (which I address below).

One final issue concerns the fact that manipulative utterances and propositions13 are often
vague, excessively metaphorical, pseudo-mystical and confusing. It is a well-documented fact
that manipulative discourses often use these kinds of linguistic devices in order to call for
irrational consent (see for instance slogans in the Stalinist era, odes to charismatic leaders or,
more simply, the fight against ‘rationalism’ under the Nazi regime). However, these aspects
are not part of the necessary characteristics of the propositions conveyed by a manipulative
discourse, since, on the one hand, the linguistic form is relatively incidental and, on the other
hand, many vague statements are not at all manipulative. It is worth repeating that, in my
view, manipulative discourse is not a discourse type that could be identified through
observation of linguistic features alone. Instead I suggest an hypothesis regarding the
pragmatic effects of fuzziness and metaphorical excess, among them the generation of a
trouble that – paradoxically – may favour the confidence towards the speaker in certain

3. On manipulative strategies

The strategies used by the manipulator in order to block truth, likeliness and acceptability
checking, as well as consistency checking, are first linked to the necessity of blocking the
identification of the manipulative intention of the speaker. Manipulation is a case of covertly
transmitted information – it would be self-defeating if the addressee recognises the speaker’s
intention and came to a certain conclusion. But manipulation is even more: it is about
blocking one’s rational device so that certain operations about beliefs are accomplished by the
manipulator himself, I suggest.

We consider that the strategies used by the manipulator are of two general kinds: local
strategies and global strategies. Local strategies are those used to constrain the interpretation
at the level of utterance processing. Global strategies are those used to create adequate social
and psychological conditions to obtain irrational consent. Global and local strategies can be
both linguistic and non-linguistic.

3.1. Local strategies

Linguistic local strategies are already well-known, in particular because of the work of
German philologists during or shortly after WWII.14 Most of the linguistic local strategies
used to defeat the natural rules of utterance processing are oriented towards the production of
fuzziness in general: a fuzzy thing or thought, presented with great arrogance and authority,
creates a problematic double-bind. I come later to this problem of double-bind and pseudo-
resolution of the double-binding, which, I suggest, lie at the core of the manipulative process.
Other strategies involve presuppositional assertion, misuse of concepts, and pseudo-mystical

Rhetorical devices such as rhetorical questions are quite efficient, since such questions
carry strong presuppositions. A question like (1) carries the presupposition that anyone
disagreeing with the speaker is a traitor:

(1) Which traitor would give our homeland to the imperialists?

Some questions such as ‘what else can we think?’ presupposes that the answer is obvious:
‘Nothing’. The implicature that this ‘nothing’ means ‘nothing at all’ and not ‘nothing that I
know about’ is automatic and is due to general principles of communication (Gricean maxims
or principle of relevance, Sperber and Wilson 1995).

‘Misuse of concepts’ is a problem already mentioned, and is addressed in more detail by

Nicholas Allott in this volume. An interesting example can be found in Le Pen’s speech when
he won the first round of the French elections in spring 2002. He talks about miners and
workers of the steel industry (“métallos”, a word which connotes hard work and precarious
living) in a sentence that could translate as ‘Don’t be afraid, you the humble, the excluded, the
miners, the métallos.’ Talking about miners raises a referential problem since most coal mines
in France have been closed for years, and nearly all the miners are now unemployed or have
converted to other activities. Therefore, the miners form a very little part of Le Pen’s audience
when he speaks to the Nation. But he addresses the audience itself with these words “you the
humble, the excluded, the miners”. Le Pen is talking about virtually non-existing referents and
asserts their existence by presuppositional means. The word métallos triggers a related
problem: steel in France is no longer a leading industry and only a few of the former métallos
are still working as such nowadays. In the interpretation of such utterances, the hearer gets
something like ‘you, the miners, whatever this means, you the métallos, whatever this means’,
while only connotative presuppositions or implicatures are kept and, one should say, driven
by the words immediately preceding: “you the humble, the excluded”. Many other features of
this utterance deserve interest, among which the fact that Le Pen, so to say, presents himself
as the one who talks to the “excluded”, which triggers positive and empathic feelings also in
the mind of the non-excluded people.

Another well-known misuse of concept was made by the use of the words hero and
heroism in both the Third Reich and the Communist countries. There, the hero is the person
who will follow the rule of the dictator or the party and act as requested by the power in place.
Killing of innocent and unarmed people has been many times called heroic. The same applies
to the German Kampf: the ‘noble fight’. Every activity of everyday life was a Kampf, a noble
fight for a noble cause. These facts are neatly addressed by Klemperer (1946 / 1975).

In the USSR, it was common to use bandit (approximately the same as the English and the
French bandit) to designate not only a robber, a criminal or a gangster, but also a soldier of
any anti-communist guerrilla movement (this use of bandit was first applied to Chang-Kai-
Sheck’s movement in China). The word bandit has even extended to describe any anti-
communist activist (as Shmelev 2002 points out). The word comrade (“tovaricht’ch”) is also
a good example of the misuse of concepts.

In addition, religious-like discourse plays a very important part in ideological totalitarian

manipulation. It implies that the speaker is a God-like being, a Saviour-like being. The very

beginning of Le Pen’s address to the nation is a good example: “Enter in hope, be confident.”
The speaker asks for faith instead of rational agreement (it must be added that Le Pen uses the
French word espérance (‘hope’), which is used in religious contexts, instead of the usual word

Unmotivated analogies, metaphors, and vague terms, together with the effects of global
fuzziness, make it complicated to decode the real information that lies behind the discourse
and the articulation between these pieces of information. Thus the hearer is made less able, or
even unable, to identify logical fallacies, half-truths, and other defects of the discourse.
Fuzziness also plays a role in feelings of incompetence in the hearer’s mind, which is very
important in the logic of manipulation. In all cases, the addressee is put in a state of
confusion, because he can’t trust his own intuition that the discourse is meaningless. What he
believes instead is that he is not competent enough to understand it.

Non-linguistic local strategies accompany the production of the discourse. They are
elements that contribute to produce a situation where the hearer is under the lead of the
manipulator. Such strategies are numerous, from the general attitude of the speaker to
prosodic features and intonations,16 and to the triggering of emotional reactions. When the
discourse is written, it is accompanied by pragmatic effects coming from the typeface, the
organisation of text on the page, images, etc. Wilke (1998) makes it clear that these
constraints apply to journals and newspaper layouts.

3.2. Global strategies

Well-known linguistic global strategies (manipulative strategies that rely on language use but
which are not directly provided in some particular manipulative discourse) include:

- Spreading and repetition of specific connotative words (words that trigger under
normal circumstances implicatures (or presuppositions) with symbolic weight);

- Generalisation of a new terminology;

- Elimination of some lexical items from public discourse;

- Unmotivated or misleading analogies;

- Acronyms, abbreviations, numbers;

- Naming of elements of the everyday environment


Specific connotative words include military terminology, which presupposes (or triggers
the implicature) that the social individual is, metaphorically, a soldier who does not question
orders and finds happiness in a state of instrumental submission. New words or partially new
constructions, such as the well-known generalisation of the distance prefix ent- in German,
used in order to build new verbs and substantives, are linguistic global strategies of
manipulation.17 When stabilized in the public lexicon, these expressions contribute to
legitimate as ‘normal’ and ‘conventional’ a range of concepts – in particular (but not
exclusively) regarding actions that the target audience is expected to achieve – which would
be seen as strange or exceptional under other circumstances. When this point is reached, one
can hypothesize that the individuals do not really perceive any longer that these namings were
at first imposed by the power, since any lexicalized item falls in the cultural common ground
shared by the community as if sui generis (the perception we have of words and meaning are
not diachronic but synchronic: the history of their implementation in the idiom is not salient at
all when we use language automatically).

Unmotivated analogies which are constructed with discourse but materialised by

institutions may also appear as linguistic global strategies of manipulation. For instance, one
may question the classical links established between health, sport, youth and the army, when
there is an obvious lack of natural motivation in the reference to the military activity. This is
especially true in twentieth-century armies, where no swords, spears and halberds are used.
There was, under the Nazi rule, a hybrid ministry dealing with sport and the army; in the same
vein, students were forced to practice something called Wehrsport (‘military sport’) on
Tuesdays afternoons, and there was even a brand of cigarettes called Wehrsport (again a fact
reported by Klemperer 1946 / 1975). These kind of things create a context where assumptions
of the type the army is a good and healthy sport are present in the hearer’s cognitive
environment, even if they are often unconscious, unreflective beliefs.18

The creation of acronyms and abbreviations of all kinds, the loss of personal and
institutional identities through the use of identification numbers, as in the names of schools
and other institutions in communist countries (like ‘school 22’ or ‘hospital 17’) all contribute
to create a global atmosphere where depersonalisation is progressively integrated and
accepted as conventional and normal. The Soviet naming of streets, towns and villages like
‘progress’, ‘steel plant’, ‘electrical power’ and others, affects the everyday environment of the
manipulated and creates a positive image of the human being as a worker. In addition, it
implies that human existence is not only dedicated to a function in the system, in particular a

working function, but also defined by it. This form of global alienation results from the
depersonalisation of the individual through naming.

There are, I suggest, two main devices of global non-linguistic strategies.

The first one is a purely social device: group pressure (the individual tends to comply with
the most salient opinion within the group he belongs to) – a very well-known topic within
social psychology that I will not address here.

The other device seems to me more crucial as far as consent to defective propositions and
arguments is concerned. It is the achievement, in the hearer’s mind (and in public opinion), of
a particular image by the manipulators, who want to make themselves appear super-
competent, either because they manifest in one way or another that they have some
information that the hearer does not have, or because they are viewed as uncommonly skilled.
In prototypical cases, for example in a typical twentieth century dictatorship, the cult of
personality focused on dictators is extreme. The over-competent image of the manipulator has
a non-trivial consequence: the dictator appears as a superior mind, a universal genius, a being
who knows more than any ordinary human about the world, destiny and society, which
entitles him to establish transcendent-like dogmas. The manipulator in totalitarian societies
can be compared with a God-like figure (to whom an alienated form of worship is dedicated)
The same arises when religious fundamentalists preachers want to be taken for prophets,
which can link to suicide bombings or whatever abnormal behaviour.

This image is built up in order to achieve a specific goal: the hearer must be confident in
the leader, this confidence being a condition of obtaining sincere consent, becauses it creates
the belief that the manipulator acts in favour of the individual’s own interests.

In democratic societies, where manipulation is likely to happen as well, other schemes

may trigger confidence for the leader. The reason is the one which lies behind any persuasion
process, and we take it axiomatically: if hearers are confident in speakers, they tend to believe
them. The simple reason for this is that confidence lowers critical thinking and is, then, is
energy-sparing ( I assume, following Relevance theory and others, that the human mind is
geared at following paths of least-effort). Defeasing a strong assumption about the speaker
deserving confidence implies a cost.

As confidence is a matter of scale, I will assume the following:

The more confident the hearer is, the less critically he thinks, and the more efficiently
the manipulator is likely to achieve his persuasive goal.

Very likely, the human mind has a ‘source-tagging device’ evaluating the reliability of the
source of the linguistic communication (reflected in various modal and evidential expressions
grammaticised or lexicalised in natural languages); a prominent source is ‘credible authority’.
It follows that manipulators have to establish credibility, and it is common sense that the
building of an over-competent image is a key to this process of gaining confidence (see in
particular Sperber 2000).

The important fact, making manipulation fundamentally different from rational persuasive
effects, is that the grounds for which the hearer is confident are not rational. It is a matter of
fact that, generally speaking, children tend to believe their parents, non-specialists tend to
believe specialists, patients tend to believe doctors, and so on. In these cases, the grounds for
confidence are rational.19 There are good grounds to think that the speaker knows more about
the topic of speech that the hearer, and this leads naturally to confidence ‘by default’.

But there is another condition in which confidence arises. The hearer must have no reason
to think that the speaker is deceptive or that the speaker doesn’t wish the hearer’s good. In the
examples mentioned (the doctor, the parent), it is generally the case that the speaker is
benevolent towards the hearer.

The condition of benevolence can be exploited by the speaker. When benevolence is

perceived as extreme, which means that the speaker is perceived as pursuing the interests of
the audience more than he’s own interests, affective reflexes arise in the audience. Again, the
most extreme case reveals how the speaker gains the confidence and even a form of
(sometimes very strong) affection from the individuals in the audience.

We normally trust more easily people we love and who claim to love us, unless we have
good reasons to think that they are not competent. If A believes that B loves him, A assumes
that B wishes A’s good, and that B’s actions will be oriented towards promoting A’s interests.
If A is a group and B a dictator exhibiting his love and concern towards his people, then it is
more likely that A will believe B. As an example, Perón, in a famous speech, said he was
renouncing the rank of general and personal glory for the sake of the people, an argument
certainly very efficient in obtaining confidence.20 This happened also when Pétain asked the
people to have faith in him (French capitulation speech), when Stalin was called ‘Father of the
peoples,’ when Ho Chi Minh was called ‘Uncle Ho’, and so on. Thus, appeals to emotion and
pseudo-mystical discourse gain confidence through emotion-sharing, in turn communicating

destiny-sharing, from which the hearer expects that the speaker will fulfil his existential

If we also consider that A believes that B is super-competent, then all the ingredients for
successful manipulation are in place, provided that B favours his own interests and not those
of the audience, and that he is ready to mislead the audience for this. This approach can be
applied to manipulation within sectarian cults as well.

It may be tempting to count among global non-linguistic strategies physical force and use
of power, inasmuch as they strengthen group pressure and sustain an ideology where enemies
are identified and subsequently punished or destroyed. This matter is complex, but I would
rather suggest that force gains sincere consent only under very specific conditions and,
therefore, is manipulative only when generalized repression is active. In effect, generalized
repression may lead to a psychological economy of consent where an individual finds it less
costly to adopt, step-by-step, the thoughts expressed by the authority, rather than trying to
resist (Stockholm syndrome is an extreme case of this mechanism, although all but rare,
where the dominated comes to love the dominator regardless of the harm caused by the

But when force and power become the most important or only tool of power preservation
in a community, another dynamics is put in place (see Ilie in this volume). Relying on force
and repression, the power in place does not need that much to convince the audience. Among
leaders and members of their staff, fewer people sincerely believe in the ideology while
becoming more and more aware that repression and force are the main guarantees of their
privileges. These situations, where only a small minority of people believe in the public
discourse (maybe in some cases almost no one) or at least fake to do so, while the rest remain
in submission because of force (as was the case in the last decades of Ceaucescu’s reign in
Rumania), generally signal the close collapse of totalitarian regimes. Khrushchev’s de-
Stalinization was perhaps intended to avoid this danger in post-Stalin Russia.

4. The central mechanisms of manipulation: trouble and resolution

Among all these strategies, linguistic ones are crucial for the manipulator to obtain sincere
consent. And of all linguistic strategies, we suggest now that fuzziness, in a wide sense, plays
an important role in the process of manipulating. Let us elaborate on this point.

First of all, fuzziness is not only about vague terms, complicated sentences and overuse of
metaphors. One of the most important strategies used within manipulative discourses is the
creation of a global fuzziness, where even parts of the discourse that seem clear and simple
lead to interpretative problems for the addressee. Simplistic, and usually inductive arguments
violating logical rules, and which create unmotivated generalisations, can be considered as
contributing to the global fuzziness or confusion of the discourse,21 despite the fact that they
are intended to imply a particularly ‘clear’ and wise thinking.

Simplification creates another problem. When facing this kind of discourse, the addressee
is troubled, since his cognitive ability to clearly understand the speaker is disabled in one way
or another. In such cases, the hearer may well be aware of an argumentative problem, and we
think this is generally the case. However one must explain why the manipulated comes to
adopt a simplistic view on complex problems.22

The manipulative discourse, at least within totalitarian regimes, is impressive. First, it

creates non-propositional effects on the addressee, such as emotions that give rise to the
assumption, on the addressee’s side, that the speaker is sincere and that he shares the worries
of the addressee. Second, the discourse is impressive because the speaker makes use of
concepts and arguments that the target addressee would not use easily, or because it draws
upon reasoning that complies with some personal intuition or opinion on the part of the
hearer, thus providing an appearance of rational justification for these intuitions or opinions.

In many other cases, the trouble does not arise from simplification (and fallacies) but from
obscure, vague, metaphorical, mystical expressions. The addressee faces a conundrum: one
the one hand, his natural ability to understand clearly is defeated (he has an assumption about
his self-incompetence), and, on the other hand, he is keen to believe in the speaker’s word,
because of these non-propositional (emotional) effects, combined with the constant request,
on the speaker’s side, to have faith in him. In addition, there are social devices implied in the
communication, such as group pressure, which can lead the hearer to overcome a first
impression about the problematic properties of the utterances. This phenomenon is likely to
be related to the kind of situations many of us have once faced, be it during childhood or not,
when we happened to laugh at a joke we didn’t understand just because it would be face-
threatening not to or because we wouldn’t like to risk a self-exclusion.

Moreover, the addressee is led to believe the speaker’s word, since it is communicated to
solve the double-bind, which is thought to be due to the hearer’s incompetence but which is in

fact created by the manipulator himself. The hearer abandons some of his cognitive abilities
for the sake of higher values presented by a discourse originating from a seemingly higher
intellect. This way, the addressee is in a position of moral, intellectual and psychological
dependence towards the speaker, who in turn appears as a saviour, a genius, a ‘God-like’

One more word should be said about emotions. Quite often, the discourse is accompanied
by other emotional devices than prosody and intonation. Emotions are also triggered by
devices at the level of the general attitude of the speaker, and relative to the propositional
contents of the utterances, as when the manipulator speaks about concepts that call for fear
and hope. The addressee perceives the speaker’s emotion, fake or real, which seems fair and
motivated, since the addressee belongs to a group assumed to be integrated in a common fate
with the speaker, and the emotion either comes to be shared by the addressee (for example
fear) or a related emotion is triggered (for example when enthusiasm triggers hope).

5. Conclusive remarks: The manipulative intention and the theory of mind

One of the crucial problems of manipulation is the identification by the manipulated of the
manipulative intention of the manipulator. How is it possible that normal humans, equipped
with rational devices, stop using them correctly when confronted by an efficient manipulative
discourse? Each of the aspects that we have discussed, plus a number of others that have been
described by researchers, play an important role. A few points need to be explained in order to
address the question of intentions. Relevance theory admits two levels of intention on the part
of the speaker, which must be acknowledged by the hearer in order for the interpretive
process to take place.

First, the relevance-theoretic idea of ostensive-inferential communication involves the

need for the identification by the hearer of the speaker’s communicative intention; the speaker
makes it clear to the hearer that the stimulus is intended to communicate something to him.
The recognition by the hearer of the speaker’s communicative intention triggers expectations
of relevance (the expectation that the utterance is adequately formatted to communicate
relevant assumptions at a lower interpretative cost), and therefore allows for inferential
processing to begin.

Second, the communicated material is not simply decoded but is pragmatically enriched
(following a deductive non-demonstrative scheme of information processing). The full
interpretation is a set of assumptions corresponding to what the speaker ‘means’ by the
utterance. This set of assumptions represent the informative intention of the speaker, and
includes any relevant proposition derived during the interpretative process. In order to deal
with other types of intentions, not specifically communication-oriented, we would need a
rather complex psychological apparatus. A few tools derived from Relevance theory and
cognitive science regarding covert communication and detection of deception may well help
(see Dennett 1989 and Sperber 1997 in particular).

We notice that there is no reason for which the deductive inferential process should stop
when an interpretation is found for an utterance; that is, when the informative intention of the
speaker is retrieved. We suggest on the contrary that the inferential process goes further, in
order to find out about other types of information, notably the goals of the speaker and related
intentions of the speaker, plus their consequences in interaction. This happens, we think,
when the hearer has reasons to suspect that the communication which is going on may lead to
relevant consequences. Relevant consequences may be ones that will help to improve the
hearer’s knowledge of reality (this happens when the interpretation of an utterance leads to
further conclusions when confronted with other elements of the hearer’s cognitive
environment), or that will help escape from a risky situation in the interaction itself. This
happens when the hearer suspects the speaker is playing a role, fake, or is being non-
cooperative in some way, which allows for a hypothesis about the speaker’s having hidden
and potentially harmful intentions. This, and any weird utterance in context, or any utterance
having weird consequences, or a proposition that seems to undermine assumptions we hold,
all need to be evaluated in terms of risk for the hearer or improvement of the hearer’s view of
the world before the information comes to be held as a belief or on the contrary rejected.

Dennet’s “intentional stance” is based on a similar view, although with other concepts,
and, seemingly, under the assumption that the process is fundamentally reflective:

Here is how it works: first you decide to treat the object whose behaviour is to be
predicted as a rational agent; then you figure out what beliefs that agent ought to have,
given its place in the world and its purpose. Then you figure out what desires it ought to
have, on the same considerations, and finally you predict that this rational agent will act
to further its goals in the light of its beliefs. A little practical reasoning from the chosen

set of beliefs and desires will in most instances yield a decision about what the agent
ought to do; that is what you predict the agent will do. (Dennett 1989:17)

The core idea is that the individual acts in accordance with his goals and intentions.
Therefore, actions are the key to finding out about intentions. Relevance theory has an even
more radical view on this, assuming that a specific device in the mind is dedicated to the
detection of intentions: the mindreading module (after the well-known works of Baron
Cohen). The role of such a device is the same as the role of rationality in Dennett’s view, and
is also the same as any variant of the theory of mind, itself a variant of what used to be called
popular psychology. All these trends admit in one way or another that the human mind has
some sort of ‘reflexive knowledge’ or capacity to elaborate about itself, positing similar
mechanisms to other individuals.

The question we need to address is why is the manipulative intention not detected by a
critical amount of hearers although there are obvious or good reasons to suspect
manipulation? This can only be answered through a more fundamental question: does human
cognition work normally or not when interpreting a manipulative discourse? These are
problems that lead beyond linguistic issues, but are directly related to the question of the
interpretive processing of utterances (they are pragmatic questions). We know that these
aspects of things need further elaboration and research from other disciplines, notably
standard psychology. But there are some things that can be said about that from a cognitive

First, one may hold that normal cognitive abilities are simply exploited by the
manipulator. It is in effect certain that presumption of relevance (presumption that the
utterance is relevant and thus deserves interpretation), or any cooperative principle, is in a
way exploited by the speaker – the communicative act presents itself as a normal one. This is
certainly true to the extent that the manipulator communicates the presumption of relevance
of his utterances (or the presumption that he is cooperative). However, it is far more crucial to
remark, first, that the hearer evaluates the possible relevance of the utterance, and can well
decide not to interpret it fully (that happens all the time when someone talks to you and you
think that his discourse is irrelevant, a phenomenon quite common when a scientist listens to a
conference paper by a scholar belonging to an opposing framework, or when a French deputy
drowses when listening to the Prime Minister during debates at the Assemblée Nationale).
Second, and more importantly, the hearer can actually presume that the utterance is indeed
relevant– assuming then that the speaker is both sincere and rational when communicating the

presumption of relevance carried by any utterance – but nevertheless finds out that the
utterance is in fact irrelevant. In typical cases of manipulation by discourse, the fact is that
these checkings that normally take place during utterance interpretation do not take place the
way they should.

The first deception is at the level of what Relevance theory calls the communicative
intention and not at the level of the information communicated itself. In fact, what is exploited
is not simply the cooperative principle or the presumption of relevance, it’s the false belief,
entertained by the hearer, that the speaker is benevolent, cooperative or relevant.

But the interesting point is that when the addressee encounters a discourse with falsities
and fuzziness, he does not (always) consider the discourse irrelevant. A mix of badly
articulated fuzzy propositions, to take an extreme case, should not create consent, precisely
because the presumption of relevance is not satisfied. How come the addressee questions his
own ability to find proper and rational relevance to the utterances he processes?

Many devices that we need to discuss, such as the god-like image of the manipulator,
merely open the way to a more global hypothesis on the topic of manipulation and cognition.
In short, we suggest that the way to avoid identification of the manipulative intention resides
in the god-like or super-competent image of the speaker. And this has a direct link with

But there may be a more direct way of explaining the success, when it happens, of
manipulation in discourse. Given the fact that the hearer accepts the presumption of relevance,
it becomes more costly to reject the propositions expressed after that first ‘agreement’ to
process the information. There comes the problem of cognitive dissonance, exactly as
exploited by telephone marketing trainers when they tell employees to ask first a question the
potential customer is likely to answer by yes (for example “Do you read newspapers?” or “Do
you have windows in your home?”). The intuitive awareness of this phenomenon may also
explain the fact that sometimes, an individual will prefer not to be exposed to some speech as
a self-protection reflex, in order not to be persuaded, just because it’s complicated in the end
to resist continuous persuasive speech, in particular when lacking the intellectual tools of
critical evaluation (notably because of poor or inadequate education).

Whether this mindreading ability is grounded on the automatic and non-reflective

discovery of intentions or on a (partly) reflective theory of mind is not important here. The
interesting point is that any theory of mind or intuitive heuristics for the discovery of

intentions applies first to ordinary humans. But attributing intentions, and in particular very
complex sets of intentions, to a God, or non-ordinary, super-competent, human being,
whatever this may exactly involve, becomes problematic under the assumption that the ability
of intention recovery is simply not applicable to the domain. Of course, recovery of intentions
is an anthropomorphic ability that applies to other species and even to objects. But regarding a
being that is felt ‘higher’ than an ordinary human, a god, or a genius, the question is not that
simple. If the hearer takes for granted that the manipulator is benevolent and more competent
than him, he may simply not consider himself able to attribute precise intentions that would
not fit this scheme. In particular, a negative intention such as a manipulative one may not be
detectable if the hearer believes strongly in both benevolence and super-competence.
Moreover, intentions attributed to a super-competent being are likely to be weakly attributed,
precisely because the hearer assumes a difference of status: while the speaker is super-
competent, the hearer, by contrast, is under-competent. The statement that God’s intentions
are not understandable, as folk wisdom claims, reflects this aspect of things, and applies to
any dictator believed to be benevolent and super-competent. In a crucial way, the manipulator
achieves his goals when he makes the audience believe this. The result is a form of faith on
the part of the addressee.

There is however an even more fundamental question: how come a given individual
accepts the idea that he should stop evaluating critically the propositions made by the
speaker? There is a rational factor: if the speaker shows super-competence then it is
reasonable to accept his views. But under normal circumstances, we know that super-
competence – or simply competence in a domain where the speaker is not competent – needs
to be constantly demonstrated by the speaker, otherwise confidence is lost (think of the doctor
who suddenly starts saying weird things). We can add a number of psychological and
sociological factors such as group pressure, again. But the clue to all this is that the speaker
builds an environment for the hearer which makes it more efficient for the hearer to adopt the
views of the manipulator. Resisting group pressure, evaluating complex propositions when
plunged into interpretive trouble, etc., is cognitively costly. Therefore, the fundamental
assumption that I would hold on the success of manipulative discourse is the following:

The more costly it is for the hearer to retrieve correctly the information communicated,
and to evaluate the truth, the likeliness or the ethical acceptability of it, the less likely the
hearer is to resist manipulation.

It is pretty economical to rely on the other’s opinion provided that he’s thaught to have the
right opinion, whatever this opinion may be.

Of course, not everybody is manipulation-prone. It needs to be accepted, sincerely

accepted, that the manipulator is super-competent, and that, therefore, an ordinary human has
no authority to engage in normal cognitive processing of the manipulator’s discourse. Many
people are not totally manipulation-prone. However, when the group pressure is extreme,
notably because of fear, any human is oriented towards developing a discourse that complies
with the manipulator’s discourse. When this lasts, many people tend to adopt, by necessity of
survival, the basics of the official dogmas for reasons of economical and safer ordinary life.

Religion itself, when not used as a fundamentalist and exclusive ideology, can generally
be counted among efficient counter-powers to manipulation, since the psychological ‘throne’
of an exclusive God is already occupied.23 This is one of the reasons why religion often
vigorously opposes totalitarian regimes and, in general, is a central concern for dictators (an
obvious fact in communist countries and in Nazi Germany, where the Churches were a target,
in particular the Roman Catholic Church, despite the ambivalent attitude of the Vatican at that
time). Sometimes, however, dictators try to get the support of religion for strategic goals,
since generally speaking a religion can give moral caution to his actions, and therefore makes
them easily acceptable to people. For example, Pétain was anxious to get the backing of the
Vatican, and the contemporary right-wing extremist Le Pen has its annual party meeting on
Joan-of-Arc day, which is intended to promote an alliance of right-wing extremism and
Catholicism. Juan Perón, in Argentina, got the support of the Catholic Church, which was
crucial for him, but once in power, his connivance with the Church was no longer important
and he started to promulgate reforms which were against Catholic views (notably on divorce
and prostitution).

And of course, people are much less prone to manipulative discourse when they are aware
of some of the central mechanisms involved.

It still needs to be said that what the French call langue de bois (‘Wooden language’: a
string of ready-made sentences, generally ideological, without any substantial meaning,
typical of communist regimes in the last decades of their lives) is not efficient as a
manipulative device, since emotional support is not present. When wooden language appears
as it really is, a discourse without significant content, the addressee is no longer manipulated.
This is why wooden language generally appears only: i) when police and brutal pressure

enforces a behaviour of submission; or ii) when no other political force is present to challenge
the power in place. In both cases, the discourses no longer need to be convincing, they fulfil
other needs.

For a totalitarian regime to emerge, it is unavoidable that a significant part of the audience
actually believes and supports its promoters. Active manipulation may decrease in intensity
when the regime is actually supported by repression against opponents. Some claim that when
this happens, the totalitarian regime is entering into a self-destructive phase. Although
apparently clear cases of this phenomenon can be identified, for instance the fall of the
Apartheid regime, it would probably be too strong to posit a generalisation regarding this

As a conclusion, I suggest that manipulation in discourse is clearly a pragmatic and

contextual problem, where the notion of context is understood as the subset of the hearer’s
cognitive environment which allows for the interpretation to be constructed. As such,
manipulation involves cognitive processes; my main hypothesis is that normal interpretive
processes are troubled at the level of intention recognition, which involves a specific
cognitive device (mindreading module). I suggest that this trouble is achieved with a set of
converging strategies leading the hearer to problems of understanding, – notably, but not only,
because of unclear propositions and arguments. I also note that many aspects that were
evoked in this paper require much further elaboration and research.


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Many thanks to Peter Schulz, John Messerly and to the anonymous reviewers for their very useful comments
on a previous version of this paper. I am also grateful to my assistants Steve Oswald and Patrick Morency for
proof-reading and comments.
First published in 1986.
One could suggest that in cases of brainwashing or ‘re-education’, sincere consent is gained through brutal
force. I hold that it is far from clear that such consent is really sincere in the full sense of this term. But even if it
were, this kind of manipulation is not the standard one, which is about someone coming to some conclusions

believing he does so freely. Manipulation seems much more efficient when the constraints are not heavy and
brutal but smaller and milder, as when the Chinese gained consent of American prisoners step by step, first
asking them without heavy pressure to explain about some bad things in America, then having them criticize
more and more heavily their county, the process leading the prisoner to finally sincerly think that Communism is
indeed better than Capitalism. They used a cognitive feature known as cognitive dissonance (cf. Lifton
Actually the set of facts manifest to the hearer, which presents slight – and irrelevant at this point – differences
with the “set of beliefs” of the hearer. See Sperber and Wilson 1995 section 1.8 for details.
This is not a definition for ‘communication of truth-functionally defective propositions’ but for manipulation,
since communication does not imply that the communicated material becomes part of the beliefs entertained by
the hearer, an implication manipulation has (as well as persuasion, but then the nature of the propositions need
not be defective and the set of strategies would be different; I see manipulation as a sub-type of persuasion).
Ideally, I should then have replaced the symbol of implication by a symbol for ‘assumed by the speaker to
imply...’, but for the readability of this definition, I chose to simlpy add this precision in words.
I use communicative strategy in the simplest meaning, without reference to psycho-social strategies.
Explicatures are context-dependant inferences which are part of what the utterance explicitly communicates
(roughly, the Gricean “what is said”, although this notion is not operative, according to Relevance theory). See
Sperber and Wilson 1995 section 4 and Carston (2002) for details on the explicature / implicature distinction.
For obvious reasons: any set of truth-functionally interdependent assumptions is globally false if one of them is
false (P and Q is true only when both P and Q are true).
I follow Carston (1998) and our previous work on presupposition in negative utterances (Saussure 2000) in
assuming that presuppositions are types of implicatures. The equivalence between presuppositions and
implicatures is also assumed in other paradigms, for example in congruity theory, where implicatures are dealt
with in terms of specific presuppositions. See Rigotti and Rocci (in press).
I call manipulator any manipulative instance, be it a single speaker or a collective entity (the Party for
A fact may be manifest to an individual although he may not be aware of it. For example, one may have
shortly noticed elements of the situation of speech that are irrelevant to him, and that have not been processed as
information but are stored anyway in the mind. Moreover, it is likely that not only facts can be unconsciously
manifest to an individual, but meta-propositions such as P may be false. Being unconsciously aware of a
proposition or of a fact does not imply plain insincerity: the division between sincere – insincere is obviously too
rough for a fine-grained analysis (as the distinction lie – not-lie may also be). In a relevance-theoretic
terminology, we would say in this very case that the fact that the speaker’s belief is false or doubtful is manifest
to himself: a fact is manifest to an individual if this fact is known or could be known without any further
information (a fact is manifest if known or inferable).
The bandwagon fallacy is a non-formal fallacy that can be expressed as follows:
P: Everybody / most people / a great deal of people believe Q

Therefore, Q is true.
Arguments of authority are of a similar form (and is the same in essence):
P: This great man believes Q
Therefore, Q is true.
Utterances and propositions are distinct things: we reason with many un-uttered propositions, and the
interpretation of a single utterance can lead to several propositions as meaning.
Since the emergence of the National-Socialist party, intellectuals pointed out a few commonsensical
characteristics of manipulative discourse in the public speeches of the party, for instance the “political smoke-
screen of phrases” pointing out fuzziness (see in particular Kraus 1933 / 1952) and many recurrent elements such
as slogans and proverbial manipulation. The major work, although mostly descriptive and not theoretically
detailed, is Klemperer’s (1946 / 1975 / 1998). He addresses a wide range of issues and labelled the way the party
was using language Third Reich language recalling Orwell’s Newspeak. A heavy bibliography on philological
issues is available, from which some must be quoted: Berning (1964), Betz (1955), Bork (1970), Glunk (1966),
Paechter (1944), Sauer (1978), Seidel and Seidel-Slotty (1961).
I assume a distinction between ‘pseudo-mystical’ discourse and religious discourse in general. Religious
discourse is not manipulative in essence, since it may well be provided in good faith (it can be persuasive, which
is another matter); it may become manipulative when produced by religious extremists in order to promote some
political ideology and some individuals’ power. In this case, we suggest an internal contradiction between the
belief in a ‘true’ God, symbolising the ultimate ‘absolute’, and the authority of a human leader claiming to hold
himself the absolute truth about God. Since God is normally out of the natural ontology, he always remains
“unknowable” in some way. Claiming to hold the full and only truth about what God thinks and wants is
therefore manipulative because it is contradictory to the notion of God itself, at least within monotheist
traditions. We notice that the preachers presenting themselves as holding such a full and only truth make an
extensive use of manipulative strategies like appeal to emotion and arguments of authority.
I do not put prosodic features and intonations into linguistic aspects of communication but into pragmatic and
contextual ones; I am aware that this is a controversial issue.
The German ent- corresponds, roughly, to the English un-, de- or dis- in newly created words like Entdunkeln
(‘undarking’, the operation, taking place in the morning, consisting in taking off the screens put on windows to
darken the city when an allied bombing was likely to happen), Entrümpeln (‘disobstructing’ the attics for easy
access in case of fire) etc. Klemperer (1946/1975), who reports these expressions, notes and regrets a similar
word-formation in Entnazifizierung (denazification) after the fall of the Third Reich. One notices also the word
destalinizatsja in Russian, built up under the same scheme (‘destalinisation’).
The assimilation of sport and military activity probably had other motivations in the antique world, when there
were no guns, bombs and planes, and where the physical ability of the soldier was the key to victory. The
remotivation of this parallel between health and war had a great importance in the Third Reich, probably because
it was intended to reinforce the idea of the superiority of the pure Arian race over inferior (and therefore weaker)
peoples. But it also links to the Nazi mythology of antique, legendary and heroic germanity, where nature (and
therefore the body) plays a particular, quasi-mystical role. In some democratic countries, there are still remains

of these analogies – see for instance the strange Swiss Federal Department (ministry) of Defence, Protection of
the Population and Sports.
This is not a law. To take an example, if a doctor starts saying weird things, a patient may suspect
incompetence, and, as a result, confidence is lost. However, a priori, it is legitimate and rational to suppose that
doctors deserves confidence – otherwise, it would be of no use consulting them. Another comment on this
further down.
Speech in Buenos Aires on October 17th, 1943.
One might talk about the lack of global coherence of the manipulative discourse, but this notion is too intuitive
and problematic to be used within our framework; see Rocci (in this volume) for developments on manipulation
and coherence.
Simplification has other interesting consequences. In general, a public discourse relying on simplification has
more power of convincing than nuanced and more elaborated discourses. This is a side-effect of the global
economy of human cognition: a high level of political expectation raised by simplistic discourse for a minimal
reasoning, a minimal cost. In order to adhere to a more complex discourse (which represents a more complex
and interrelated set of propositions), one has first to foresee a more adequate political result (in terms of justice,
efficiency, etc.) that justifies a wider set of elements to deal with – and therefore to accept a longer and more
complex information processing and reasoning.
I am aware of the complex relations of religious faith with non-religious, ideological, dogmatic beliefs. I hold
that there is a kind of religious discourse that is indeed totalitarian, ideological and manipulative, and another
kind which is not, and that these two kinds of religious discourse have occurred in most religions (see note 15).

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