Sinergismo de Boro Con Potasio, Calcio y Fã Sforo
Sinergismo de Boro Con Potasio, Calcio y Fã Sforo
Sinergismo de Boro Con Potasio, Calcio y Fã Sforo
lowest in shoots of plants receiving no B (Table 1). Potassium is swiftly (within 72 h of foliar application) re-translocated in the
concentrations in tomato shoots responded positively to B sup- phloem in priority to sinks throughout the plant, regardless of the
plied to the roots or as a foliar amendment, which agrees with distance from the source application. These workers conclude that
the work of Cerda and Roorda van Eysinga (1981) on tomato and the commonly held view of B as a phloem immobile element may
Schon and Blevins (1990) on soybean. be partly due to the difficulty of using conventional non-tracer
Roots from plants not treated with B had the lowest Ca and methods to observe the movement of the small amounts of B
B concentration (Table 1) and were stunted with blackened typically involved in plant growth and development.
tips. These are classic symptoms of B deficiency (Maynard and Field study. PLANT GROWTH AND YIELD. Tomato response to B
Hochmuth, 1997). Roots from plants receiving B had none of application under field culture supported the results observed in
these symptoms. Lack of B deficiency symptoms and high tis- the hydroponic experiments. Tomatoes receiving soil or foliar-
sue B concentration (Table 1) and uptake (Table 2) in roots from applied B had better growth and were more productive compared
plants that received only foliar applied B suggests that B was to plants that did not receive B (Table 3). Fruit set occurred more
Table 1. Shoot and root tissue nutrient concentration and dry matter of 56-d-old ‘Celebrityʼ tomato grown in hydroponic culture and treated with
foliar, root, foliar+root, or no applied boron.
Nutrient concnz Dry
Boron P K Ca B matter
treatment mg·g-1 mg·kg-1 (g)
None 7.0 by 47.4 c 16.4 c 16.6 c 2.35 b
Foliar applied 6.7 c 53.0 b 17.9 b 95.6 a 3.11 a
Root applied 7.2 a 62.1 a 18.8 a 73.7 b 3.35 a
Root+foliar 7.2 a 62.8 a 18.9 a 94.0 a 3.16 a
None 8.3a 46.1 a 6.3 b 20.4 b 0.64 b
Foliar applied 8.5 a 45.4 a 8.1 a 68.0 a 1.06 a
Root applied 8.8 a 45.4 a 8.0 a 71.7 a 1.16a
Root+foliar 8.5 a 45.6 a 8.0 a 69.4 a 1.05 a
Reported tissue concentration and dry matter means are the combined treatment means of all experiments.
Table 2. Nutrient uptake response to foliar, root, or no applied B in tomatoes under hydroponic culture.
Total uptake (shoot + root) Shoot content Fruit content
Boron N K Ca B N K Ca B N K Ca B
treatmentz g/plant mg/plant g/plant mg/plant g/plant mg/plant
None 0.17 by 0.11 b 0.030 b 0.03 b 0.14 b 0.09 b 0.030 b 0.02 c 0.03 b 0.02 b 0.003 b 0.006 b
Foliar applied 0.30 a 0.23 a 0.070 a 0.40 a 0.23 a 0.18 a 0.060 a 0.29 a 0.07 a 0.05 a 0.010 a 0.100 a
Soil applied 0.29 a 0.25 a 0.070 a 0.36 a 0.22 a 0.20 a 0.060 a 0.26 b 0.07 a 0.05 a 0.008 a 0.090 a
Soil+foliar 0.29 a 0.25 a 0.070 a 0.40 a 0.23 a 0.20 a 0.060 a 0.30 a 0.06 a 0.05 a 0.008 a 0.100 a
Reported nutrient uptake means are the combined treatment means of all experiments.
Table 4. Shoot and fruit tissue nutrient concentration of fresh-market cracks than plants not treated with B (Table 3). These results
field-grown tomato treated with foliar and root applied boron. suggest that B may be important in reducing the incidence of fruit
Nutrient concnz cracking. Dixon et al. (1973) reported that cracking in apple was
Boron K Ca B entirely eliminated by sprays containing B. This may be due to
treatment (g·kg-1) (mg·kg-1) the effects of B on membranes and cell walls. Many studies have
Shoot shown that B helps maintain membrane stability (Ginzburg, 1961;
None 29.8 b 22.9 b 29.7 b Pilbeam and Kirkby, 1983; Yamouchi et al., 1986). Yamouchi et
Foliar applied 48.7 a 24.8 ab 80.3 a al. (1986) reported that B deficiency in tomato actually induced
Root applied 54.8 a 25.1 a 78.2 a a reduction in the amount of Ca associated with the pectin frac-
Fruit tion of tomato leaf cell walls. They found 67% of the total B in
None 35.2 b 2.4 a 17.1 b the cell wall fraction of tomato leaf tissues and suggested that
Foliar applied 46.9 a 2.6 a 27.3 a B may function in cell wall metabolism by maintaining the Ca-
Root applied 44.0 a 2.6 a 28.8 a pectin association.
TISSUE NUTRIENT CONTENT. As in the hydroponic study, K con-
zMean separation within columns by F protected LSD at P ≥ 0.05. centration (Table 4) and uptake (Table 5) were highest in shoot
tissues when plants were treated with foliar or soil B. Calcium
than 70% of the time on plants receiving foliar or soil applied B and B concentration (Table 4) and uptake (Table 5) were lowest
compared to only 56% of the time on plants that did not receive in plant tissues when plants were not treated with B, while Ca
B (Table 3). Plants receiving foliar or soil B had higher total and was highest in plants treated with soil B. This agrees with stud-
marketable yields than plants receiving no B (Table 3). ies by Hill and Grant (1935), and Minarik and Shive (1939) who
These results agree with other studies in which soil applied B demonstrated that adding B to the growing medium increased
(Gulati et al., 1980) or foliar applied B (Gascho, 1993; Oplinger et the amount of Ca in plants. It is interesting that although total
al., 1993; Schon and Blevins, 1990; Weaver et al., 1985) improved plant uptake of N, K, and Ca increased with B application (Table
yields in tomato, soybean, and snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris 5), the concentration of N did not (data not shown) indicating
L. var. vulgaris). De Magalhaes et al. (1981) reported increased that N uptake keeps pace with growth while increased K and Ca
tomato fruit yields and quality with soil applied boron but had no uptake exceeded the increased growth resulting from B applica-
response to foliar applied boron. Oplinger et al., (1993) observed tions. Shoot N, P, Mg, and S concentrations were not altered by
that B applied to soybean foliage at initial flowering increased B treatment (data not shown).
yields by 3% and Gascho (1993) reported yield increases when Widders and Lorenz (1982) demonstrated that redistribution
B and N were applied to soybean foliage during reproductive of K from vegetative tissues contributed up to 12% of the total K
development. Yields of jumbo, extra large, and large fruit were content of tomato fruit with subsequent foliar K levels decreasing
greater when plants were treated with foliar or soil applied B than during fruiting by 20% to 40%. We wanted to observe whether
if plants received no B (Table 3). Yields of medium and small soil or foliar B amendments would aid in maintenance of foliar K
fruit were not affected by B (data not shown). concentrations during fruit development. There was a significant
FRUIT QUALITY. Foliar and soil applied B increased shelf life and B × week interaction (Fig. 1). As fruit development progressed,
fruit crack point compared to nontreated plants (Table 3). In this leaflet K levels declined from >4% to <2% during weeks 3 through
study, plants treated with soil applied B had a higher concentration 8 in plants not treated with B. Potassium levels in plants treated
of Ca than plants not treated with B, but fruit Ca concentrations with soil or foliar B declined from ≈4.5% at week 2 to just over
were not significantly different (Table 4). Similar results were 3% at week 6 and maintained these levels through week 8. Based
obtained in a controlled environment study (Sperry, 1995). on these results, applied B appears to be important in maintaining
Concentric and radial fruit crack are two common types of high leaflet K concentrations in field grown tomato, especially
cracks which occur on tomatoes (Peet, 1992; Sperry, 1995). Plants after 5 to 6 weeks of fruit development. Similar results were
treated with foliar B had less fruit with concentric and radial found in a 2-year field study by Sperry (1995). No significant
Table 5. Total nutrient uptake response to foliar or root applied B in field-grown tomatoes.
Boron Total uptake (shoot + root) (kg·ha–1) Shoot uptake (kg·ha–1) Root uptake (kg·ha–1)
treatment N K Ca B N K Ca B N K Ca B
None 397 bz 233 b 137 b 0.22 b 329 b 174 b 133 b 0.17 c 67 b 60 b 4.0 b 0.05 b
Foliar applied 475 a 427a 169 a 0.71 a 386 a 319 a 163 a 0.53 a 89 a 108 a 6.0 a 0.18 a
Soil applied 466 a 456 a 169 a 0.68 a 382 a 358 a 163 a 0.51 b 84 a 98 a 6.0 a 0.17 a
zMean separation within columns by F protected LSD at P ≥ 0.05.