The document is a chess scoresheet used to record the moves, result, and signatures of players in a chess game. It includes spaces to record the names and ratings of the white and black players, the result of the game, and 50 pairs of spaces to record the move number and moves for both white and black players throughout the game. Explanatory notes at the bottom define abbreviations used to record special moves like captures, checks, castling, and promotions.
The document is a chess scoresheet used to record the moves, result, and signatures of players in a chess game. It includes spaces to record the names and ratings of the white and black players, the result of the game, and 50 pairs of spaces to record the move number and moves for both white and black players throughout the game. Explanatory notes at the bottom define abbreviations used to record special moves like captures, checks, castling, and promotions.
The document is a chess scoresheet used to record the moves, result, and signatures of players in a chess game. It includes spaces to record the names and ratings of the white and black players, the result of the game, and 50 pairs of spaces to record the move number and moves for both white and black players throughout the game. Explanatory notes at the bottom define abbreviations used to record special moves like captures, checks, castling, and promotions.
The document is a chess scoresheet used to record the moves, result, and signatures of players in a chess game. It includes spaces to record the names and ratings of the white and black players, the result of the game, and 50 pairs of spaces to record the move number and moves for both white and black players throughout the game. Explanatory notes at the bottom define abbreviations used to record special moves like captures, checks, castling, and promotions.
Black Name: Rating Result: White Wins - Draw - Black Wins (circle one)
Adjourn (see adjournment diagram)
K= King, Q=Queen, B=Bishop, N=Knight, R=Rook, none=Pawn. Examples: Be5 Move White Black Move White Black (Bishop moves to e5), e5 (pawn moves to 1 26 e5) 2 27 Inserted x indicates capture. Examples: 3 28 Bxe5 (Bishop takes piece at e5), xe5 (pawn 29 takes piece at e5). 4 5 30 Pawn’s en passant capture uses pawn arrival location, followed by e.p. Example: 6 31 xe6 e.p.(pawn takes pawn at e5 by en 7 32 passant). 8 33 If two identical pieces may take the same 9 34 square, insert the unique rank or file of departure (Nce5 or N3e5, Ncxe5 for 10 35 capture). 11 36 If two pawns can capture the same piece, 12 37 start with file of departure. Example dxe5 13 38 (pawn in file d takes piece at e5).
14 39 For pawn promotion, move is followed
40 immediately by = and first letter of the new 15 piece. Examples: d8=Q, f8=N, b1=B, 16 41 g1=R. 17 42
18 43 Other abbr: 0-0 is kingside castling, 0-0-0
is queenside castling, + after for check, # 19 44 after for checkmate, ? after for blunder. 20 45