Auditing: Course Title: Course Code: ACCT212 Credit Units: 3 Level: UG L T P/ S SW/F W Total Credit Units

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Annexure – AAB CD 01

Course Title: Auditing L T P/ SW/F TOTAL

Course Code: ACCT212 S W CREDIT
Credit Units: 3 UNITS
Level: UG 0
3 0 0 3

Course Title Weightage

Course Objectives:

To understand objective and concepts of auditing and gain working knowledge of generally accepted
auditing procedures, auditing Standards, and of skills and techniques required to apply them in audit
and solving simple case studies which will be complemented by the relevant provisions of Companies
Act 2013.

The students are expected to have a basic knowledge of company Law, financial accounting, working
knowledge of various accounting standards followed while preparing books of accounts.
Student Learning Outcomes:

After completing this course, the students should be able to: Explain and discuss auditing principles and
its relationship with different disciplines Interpret and analyze the relevant provisions of Companies Act
Design the audit process for a particular audit programme, how control risks are assessed and controlled
Explain the procedure for preparation of audit report.
Explain the meaning of concepts that are fundamental to auditing such as Independence, audit
evidence, materialistic etc

Module I 15% Weightage

Meaning, Objectives, Nature and limitation of auditing, Generally accepted
auditing principles and techniques, Auditing and assurance standards, Auditing practices-Best
Relationship of auditing with other disciplines.
Overview of Cost Audit, Introduction of Standards of Audit, Audit Planning and Types of Audit including
audit of PPP’s Auditors Independence ; role and responsibility of auditors
Module II 15% Weightage
Internal Check, Internal Control and Internal Audit
Meaning and objects of internal check –-fundamental Principles-internal check as regards wages, cash
sales, cash purchases,
Internal control-meaning definition ; Internal Financial Control mechanism under new Companies Act
2013 ; Evaluation of internal control procedures; techniques including questionnaire, flowchart;
 Internal audit – meaning-importance – advantage and disadvantages; internal audit and external
audit, coordination between the two
 Audit for various organisations i.e. Banking, Manufacturing and Service sectors.

 Introduction of CSR and CSR Audit.

Module III 20% Weightage

Verification and valuation of assets and liabilities
 Verification and valuation of assets and liabilities; Meaning and objectives
 Position of an auditor as regards to the valuation of assets – verification and valuation of different
items – assets –fixed assets -goodwill – stock in trade – investments – liabilities – capital –
debentures – bills payable sundry creditors – contingent liabilities
Module IV 15% Weightage
Audit Report
Reporting requirement under Companies Act 2013,
Report Vs. Certificate, implications of certificate as per Companies Act 2013 Contents of the report,
Drafting of audit report
Qualification in the report, Audit Committee and CSR Committee
Module V 15% Weightage
Audit under computerized environment
Special aspects of Computerized Audit Environment- Systems Audit Need for review of internal control
Use of computers for internal audit purposes: Audit tools, computerized audit programmes; Special
Aspects in Audit of E-Commerce Transaction.

Pedagogy for Course Delivery:

The course is covered by adopting a combination of lecture methods, class presentation by groups of
students, self study sessions. Group Assignment & Presentation to build their own analysis product and
apply the product for preparation of audit report. Case Studies from the Corporate Sector.

Module VI: Recent Trends and Developments 20% Weightage

 Basic considerations of audit in EDP Environment,
 Relevant Auditing and Assurance Standards (AASs).

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio End Term
(%) Examination

30% NA 70%

Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term
Components n
(Drop down)
Mid- Project Viva Attendan
Term ce

10% 10% 5% 5% 70%

Text & References:

Kamal Gupta, Contemporary Auditing,Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi B.N Tandon , A Handbook of Practical Auditing, Sultan Chand
S.V.Ghatalia, Spicer & Peglar’s Practical Auditing, Allied Pubulishers
R.J. Thirauf, Management Auditing: A questionnaire approach, AMACOM Publication Compendium of Statements and Standards —
Accounting and Auditing A.K.Singh, Elements of Auditing,brijwasi books,Delhi
Weirich,ThomasR, Accounting and Auditing Research:a practical guide, South Western Publication Tiwari A.C, Public Sector Accounting
and Auditing Standard, Excel Books
Parth Sarathi, Planning Auditing and developing human resources, Manak Publications

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