Literature Survey: Gclid Cjwkcaiarjjvbraceiwa-Wiqq6Idikaybu6E4Npgogulcgxwxdr3Eien61Ys2Zocz4-Cdgh8 - Q - Fmroccxmqavd - Bwe

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The Kiekens Multi Nozzle Spray Desuperheater controls steam temperature by

regulating the cooling water flow through a variable number of spray nozzles in
operation. The Desuperheater Nozzle is built to your specifications. This means the
(KV/CV) value and the number of nozzles – 6 at the least, 9 at the most – will be
calculated according to your specific process conditions. The Kiekens MNS is
installed perpendicular in your pipeline system and can be coupled to an actuator and
positioner of your preference. Installation is easy and does not require any specific

India is a land of agriculture which comprises of small, marginal, medium and rich
farmers. Small scale farmers are very interested in manually lever operated knapsack
sprayer because of its versatility, cost and design. But this sprayer has certain
limitations like it cannot maintain required pressure; it lead to problem of back pain.
However this equipment can also lead to misapplication of chemicals and ineffective
control of target pest which leads to loss of pesticides due to dribbling or drift during
application. This phenomenon not only adds to cost of production but also cause
environmental pollution and imbalance in natural echo system. This paper suggests a
model of manually operated Multi nozzle pesticides sprayer pump which will perform
spraying at maximum rate in minimum time. Constant flow valves can be applied at
nozzle to have uniform nozzle pressure.[1]

There are many types of pesticides sprayer that are available in India. But mostly used
sprayer is backpack type sprayer which is used by farmers because it is cheaper, easy
to use and main thing about it is less costly. With the help of this machine farmer
spray pesticides in their farm, but it requires lot of time and thus high operational cost.
Also, the farmer which is spraying pesticides is affected by it as it is harmful to
human health and human also affect by the labor pain due to weight of equipment.
This project idea suggests machines which will save time and operational cost. Also
saves human from affecting adversely. The invention of a sprayer brings revolution in
the agriculture or horticulture sector, this enables farmers to obtain the maximum
agricultural output. They are used for garden spraying, weed and pest control, liquid
fertilizing and plant leaf polishing. Major advantages of using sprayers are such as
easy to operate, maintain and handle, it facilitates spread of chemicals. [2]

As on today the whole world is facing a problem of energy crisis. If we want to

continue for prolonged use of energy then we must try to save it as much as we can
whether it is on large scale or small scale. Today we use various spraying
technologies involving use of electrical energy, chemical energy of fuels. This fact
makes us know that how large content of energy is getting used at such a places where
mechanical energy can be used instead of direct energy sources. This is a reason why
we have implemented mechanical sprayer getting powered by human effort. Although
these are serving the purpose, their range of working is not enough. They take
considerably larger time for spraying. Thus what we have aimed is to design such a
technology which will run on mechanical power but requiring less time for spraying
than those which are hand operated. Thus considering today’s demand, we have come
up with mechanically operated spray pump which is purely mechanical. This device is
having the advantage of taking less time for spraying once it starts. In addition to all
this we are implementing soil Coulter along with spray pump so we can have double
advantage. Mechanical energy can be used instead of direct energy sources. This is a
reason why we have implemented some mechanical sprayers equipment getting
powered by human effort. Although these are serving the purpose, their range of
working is not enough. They take considerably larger time for spraying . Thus what
we have aimed is to design such a technology which will run on mechanical power
but requiring less time for spraying than those which are hand operated. Thus
considering today’s demand, we have come up with mechanically operated
multipurpose spray pump equipment. As it has huge advantages so this concept
should be used in agriculture. [3]

The project is a Pesticide/Fertilizer Sprayer mounted on a Cart which is operated

mechanically without any external source of energy. The aim of developing such a
concept is primarily because of preventing the 3 major drawbacks of the pump being
used currently Firstly, the farmer has to carry the entire weight of the pesticide
spraying (approx. 20+ kg) pump on his shoulder; secondly, he has to continuously use
his one hand to pump using the handle; thirdly, reduction in spraying time. All these
factors have been taken care of in this project along with being cost effective, light in
weight and good in strength. The pump already available with the farmer can be
directly used in this mechanism. The handle of the sprayer will be mechanically
operated through the rotating shaft of the wheels of the cart using an efficient
mechanism. This will result into the reciprocating motion of the piston and hence
pumping will be done. The user will now just have to push the cart and the whole
mechanism will be operated with ease. This will be a case of Pure Mechanical

As India is agriculture based country and 70% people do farming and related work.
Agriculture is required to be boomed to enhance the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
of the country by improving the productivity. The productivity of the crops can be
increased with the help of pest control. Pesticide spraying is the necessary procedure
in cultivation of the crops. The present idea deals with the designing and fabricating a
pesticide sprayer which will be useful and affordable to the farmers which will assist
to increase the productivity of crops. Though this project an attempt has been done to
improve the method of spraying the pesticide that will enhance the productivity and
increase the farmer’s income. So we have designed a pesticide spraying machine
which will not only increase productivity but also will reduce the effort of the
farmers. The machine will save the time of the farmer as well as efficiency in
spraying. This model carries Multi nozzle pesticides sprayer pump which will perform
spraying at maximum rate in minimum time. Constant flow valves can be applied at
nozzle to have uniform nozzle pressure.[5]

Farmers are the heart of Indian culture. Over 70% of the rural household depends on
agriculture as their principle mean of livelihood. The farmers comes under different
levels according to their economic condition like small, marginal, medium and rich
farmers. Small scale farmers always prefer manually operated instrument instead of
developed instruments. In agriculture there different field work like weeding, reaping,
sowing etc. Along these operations spraying pesticide is an preliminary operation
performed by farmers. To protect them from insects, daises, fungi and pests. Now a
days number of technologies are used to spraying pesticide by solar energy, electrical
energy and chemical energy. We can simply use mechanical energy instead of these
energies and these saved energies can be utilized at appropriate place. Although using
these developed instruments farmer suffer from different problems like less capacity
of sprayer tank, less working area, more cost as compare to manual, more time
consuming. To overcome these limitations number of product are launched in market,
but they are not able to come over all the limitations at a time.[6]

India is a land of agriculture which comprises of small, marginal, medium and rich
farmers. Small scale farmers are very interested in manually lever operated knapsack
sprayer because of its versatility, cost and design. But multiple pesticide sprayer
pumps is combination of both knapsack & Battery operated pump for better
efficiency. This one is trolley operated system by using this we can reduce maximum
effort required for spraying Pesticides as well as we can Spray Pesticides in any
direction or around the crops at any height of crops. This is used for weeding,
plugging etc. This paper suggests a model of manually operated Multi nozzle
pesticides sprayer pump which will perform spraying at maximum rate in minimum
Automation for spraying in the field of agriculture has increased the productive output
of the farms. Owing to this, labor problem has been solved. But the scenario in the
country like India is different. The agriculture field being small, automation is such
places are a difficult task also the economic condition of majority of Indian farmers is
not well to do. Therefore, the mechanically operated sprayer finds wide application in
such condition. In Indian farms two types of sprays are used: Hand operated and Fuel
operated pump. The main drawn back of hand operated spray pump is that the user
cannot use it for more than 5-6 hours continuously as he gets tired whereas fuel
operated spray pump requires fuel which is expensive and availability of fuel is not
easy at rural places. In such situation we should think to move towards non-
conventional energy. This review paper tries to develop a new mechanical system
which will overcome all the above problems and will help farmers to.[8]

In India, about 65% of people are involved in agriculture and farming. Indian farmers
face a lot of difficulties in agriculture, one of the major problems they face is a failure
of crops due to pests and insects. Insects are responsible for the destruction of crops
and to prevent them we use pesticides and insecticides. Insecticides/pesticides are
sprayed on crops using devices known as the pesticides sprayer. There are many types
of sprayers used by farmers, most commonly used sprayer is backpack sprayer. It has
many limitations like low pesticides carrying capacity, inefficient spraying, prolong
use of backpack sprayer will lead to back problems of the person using it. The main
aim of our project is to do fabricate mechanical pest sprayer, which can overcome the
limitations of a backpack sprayer. We have designed a model running without any
fuel and it is easy to operate.[9]

India is a land of agriculture which comprises of small, marginal, medium and rich
farmers. Small scale farmers are very interested in manually lever operated knapsack
sprayer because of its versatility, cost and design. But this sprayer has certain
limitations like it cannot maintain required pressure; it lead to problem of back pain.
This paper suggests a model of manually operated Multi nozzle pesticides sprayer
pump which will perform spraying at maximum rate in minimum time. We have
designed a model running without any fuel and also easy to operate for a user. We
tries to develop a new mechanical system which will overcome all the above
problems and will help farmers to.[10]

This paper suggests a model of manually operated Multi nozzle pesticides sprayer.
This will perform spraying at maximum rate in minimum time and optimum
utilization of organic pesticides and evenly distributing it. In another tank there is tank
of organic fertilizer and two knob arrangement for flow of liquid fertilizer which
flows with the gravity force . Constant flow, valve can be applied at nozzle to have
control of flow for fertilizer.[11]

In order to fulfil the hunger of growing population the modernization in the field of
agriculture is necessary and important. Actually Indian farmer use to conventional
backpack sprayer. Which increases time consuming and labour cost, and to overcome
those problems Multi nozzle pesticides sprayer is used. For better yield of crop Multi
nozzle spraying is must this papers attends to design such a flexible sprayer. This
work gives continuously flow of liquid at required pressure, height and gives freedom
of easy engaging. This project helps you to give optimum results in less time and cost.
Pushing mechanism required less effort and three wheel mechanisms gives proper
balancing of machine.[12]

In agriculture there are different filed work like weeding, reaping, sowing etc. Along
these operations spraying pesticide is an preliminary operation performed by farmers.
To protect them from insects, daises, fungi and pests. Now a days number of
technologies are used to spraying pesticide by using solar energy, electric energy and
chemical energy. We can simply use mechanical energy instead of these energies and
these saved energies can be utilize at appropriate place. Although using these
developed instruments farmer suffer from different problems like less capacity of
sprayer tank, less working area, more cost as compare to manual, more time
consuming etc. To overcome these limitations number of product are launched in
market, but they are not able to come over all the limitations at a time. We find a
solution over all these limitation by developing Mechanically operated Multi nozzle
sprayer pump for which any type of energy or fuel is not required except mechanical
energy. [13]

small scale farmers are very interested in manually lever operated knapsack sprayer
because of its versatility, cost and design. but this sprayer has certain limitations like
it cannot maintain required pressure; it lead to problem of back pain. however this
equipment can also lead to misapplication of chemicals and ineffective control of
target pest which leads to loss of pesticides due to dribbling or drift during
application. this phenomenon not only adds to cost of production but also cause
environmental pollution and imbalance in natural echo system. this paper suggests a
model of manually operated Multi nozzle pesticides sprayer pump which will perform
spraying at maximum rate in minimum time.[14]

1. Sandeep H. Poratkar, Dhanraj R. Raut “Development of Multi nozzle pesticide
sprayer pump” International journal of modern engineering research vol.3, issue.2,
2. Karan Thakkar “Multi nozzle agriculture sprayer” vol-3, issue-2,2017,ISSN:2395-
3. Dhiraj Bhagat “Design,Development and Fabrication of Manually Operated Multi
nozzle Pesticide Sprayer” vol-7, International journal of current engineering and
technology, ISSN:2347-5161.
4. Mr.Prakyath R Salian “Multi nozzle manually operated sprayer”
5. Shailesh Malonde “Design and Development of Multipurpose Pesticide Spraying
Machine” International journal of advanced engineering and global technology,vol-
6. “Manually operated Multi nozzle pesticide sprayer pump” Published on Dec-31,

7. Mr.Swapnil Thorat, Mr.Jagadish Pathare “Multipurpose pesticide sprayer pump”

International research journal of engineering and technology, vol-5, issue-6,
8. M. A. Gaodi, A. S. Lonkar “Development of Multipurpose sprayer” vol-3, issue-3,
9. Rajesh Sathavarmath, Abhishek “Fabrication of Multipurpose pest sprayer” May-
10. S.T.Nangare, S.S.Patel, “Design and fabrication of agriculture sprayer” feb-23,
2018, ISBN:978-93-87793-02-6.
11. Kamlesh Kishore Rangari, Swapnil B. Bandane “Design and fabrication of
organic fertilizer and pesticide sprayer” International journal for scientific research
and development” vol-3, issue-1, ISSN:2321-0613.
12. D.Meganathan, P.Venue, “Design and fabrication of mechanical pesticide
sprayer” International journal of research culture society, vol-2, issue-4, ISSN:2456-
13. Mohammed Umair Assad, S.D.Ghatole, “Review Manually operated pesticide
sprayer pump” International journal of innovative research in science,Engineering and
Technology, vol-7, issue-3, ISSN:2319-8753.
14. Ketan Dilipbaai Saradava “Push operated spray pump” Dec-19, 2014.

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