Growth-Ring Boundary Anatomy and Dendrochronological Potential in A Moist Tropical Forest in Northeastern Bangladesh

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Growth-Ring Boundary Anatomy and Dendrochronological

Potential in a Moist Tropical Forest in Northeastern

Author(s): Mahmuda Islam, Mizanur Rahman, and Achim Bräuning
Source: Tree-Ring Research, 74(1):76-93.
Published By: Tree-Ring Society

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TREE-RING RESEARCH, Vol. 74(1), 2018, pp. 76–93



1 Institute of Geography, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Wetterkreuz 15, 91058 Erlangen, Germany
2 Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet 3114,

We present the microscopic analysis of growth-ring boundary anatomy of 27 tree species from
a moist tropical forest in Bangladesh and evaluate their dendrochronological potential. We observed
high inter-species variability in the anatomical features that define growth-ring boundaries. Marginal
parenchyma, fibre zones, and thick-walled latewood fibres were identified as the dominant anatomical
features delineating growth-ring boundaries. The evaluation of growth-ring boundary distinctness in
thin-sections and scanned images revealed that 25 out of 27 studied species (93%) showed distinct to
fairly distinct growth-ring boundaries. Cluster analysis of wood anatomical features was used to select
an additional 5 species for further investigation. Ring-width series of these species crossdated well within
the same tree. Between trees crossdating was also successful in all 5 species. The Gleichläufigkeit (GLK;
i.e. the proportion of agreement/disagreement of inter-annual growth tendencies among the trees) var-
ied among species between 0.55 and 0.71. A strong synchronization of tree-ring series between trees
suggests that growth rings are annual and influenced by common environmental factors. The derived
tree-ring series, estimated tree ages, and growth trajectories underline the high potential of our study
area for answering a variety of climatological, ecological and archaeological questions by applying den-
drochronology. This study will therefore provide a new endeavor in tropical dendrochronology of South
Asian moist tropical forests.
Keywords: moist tropical forest, tree-ring analysis, Bangladesh, growth-ring boundary, wood
anatomy, boundary distinctness, tree ages, growth trajectory, dendrochronological potential.

INTRODUCTION growth rates, tree ages, regeneration and survival,

which are required for planning sustainable forest
Tree-ring analysis is a powerful tool to recon-
management, can be obtained from tree rings rela-
struct historical growth and physiology of trees,
tively faster and with longer time-scale than alter-
which can be used as key ecological indicators
native sources of information like Permanent Sam-
of environmental and climatic changes (e.g. Fritts
ple Plots (PSPs). Meanwhile, around 230 tropical
1976; McCarroll and Loader 2004; Zhang 2015;
tree species forming annual tree rings have been
Fan and Bräuning 2017). Such information is of
identified (Brienen et al. 2016). Hence, tropical den-
great importance particularly in the tropics, not
drochronology is widely used to reconstruct past
only for understanding past climate variability, but
climate variability, to analyze life-time growth pat-
also for modeling tropical forest response to fu-
terns, to estimate tropical tree age, to predict tropi-
ture climate changes (Hiltner et al. 2016) as well as
cal forest response to future climate changes, and to
for taking management interventions. For example,
answer other ecological questions and their applica-
the basic ecological information such as diameter
tion in forest management (Rozendal and Zuidema
† Authors affirm equal contribution and shared first 2011). Nevertheless, the tropics are still strongly
authorship. understudied considering their high tree biodiver-
*Corresponding author: [email protected] sity and complexity of regional climatic regimes,

C 2018 by The Tree-Ring Society 76
Dendrochronological Potential in a Bangladeshi Moist Tropical Forest 77

as compared to the temperate and boreal forest not restricted to Tectona grandis in India, Thailand
ecosystem, based on the early prevailing, but sub- and Myanmar (Bhattacharyya et al. 1992; Pumi-
sequently disproven assumption that tropical trees jumnong et al. 2001; Borgaonkar et al. 2007), Swi-
do not form annual growth rings (Fritts 1976; Whit- etenia macrophyla and Cedrela odorata in Brazil-
more 1998; Worbes 2002; Rozendaal and Zuidema ian Amazon (Dünisch et al. 2003), Cedrela mon-
2011; Pumijumnong 2013). tana in Ecuador (Bräuning et al. 2009; Spannl et
The search for tropical tree species forming an- al. 2012) and several species in Bolivia and Costa
nual growth rings revealed that annually periodic Rica (Fichtler et al. 2003; Lopez et al. 2012). Re-
environmental phenomena could cause annual pe- cently, Groenendijk et al. (2014) studied the den-
riodicity of vegetative growth even in tropical areas drochronological potential of 22 commercial tree
(de Alvim 1964). Annual growth rings are formed species from a wet tropical forest (mean annual
in tropical trees when they experience cambial dor- rainfall >4000 mm) in Cameroon and found that 14
mancy caused by unfavorable environmental con- out of 22 species had clear rings, although crossdat-
ditions, such as a dry season in areas with dis- ing was difficult for some species. This study clearly
tinct seasonality (Worbes 1999; Gebrekirstos et al. indicates that many more tropical species might
2008; Spannl et al. 2016). Distinct seasonality in have dendrochronological potential, even though
climate with a marked dry season (monthly rain- they are growing in high precipitation areas within
fall <100 mm) for at least five months triggers an- the tropics. Identification of those species is crucial
nual growth-ring formation in tropical deciduous for further development of tropical dendrochronol-
and semi-deciduous forests (Gentry 1995; Graham ogy and its application in multiple fields of research
and Dilcher 1995). However, even a short dry pe- (Babst et al. 2017). In this article, we investigated the
riod may trigger annual ring formation in tropical dendrochronological potential of 27 tree species in
evergreen forests (Dünisch et al. 2003; Fichtler et a moist tropical forest in Bangladesh, a tropical re-
al. 2003; Volland-Voigt et al. 2011). It is therefore gion in South Asia influenced by the Asian mon-
of high relevance to test if trees growing in a moist soon climate.
tropical forest with mean annual precipitation ex- Growth-ring boundaries in the tropics vary
ceeding 2000 mm and a marked dry season form widely in terms of wood anatomy, visibility, and
annual growth rings. clarity. Distinct, indistinct, and absent growth-
Although the history of tropical den- ring boundaries were reported across the tropics
drochronology dates back to early decades of (Worbes 2002). Climatic fluctuations within the sea-
the 20th Century, the dendrochronological po- sons can cause intra-annual density fluctuations
tential of most tropical tree species remains and formation of false rings (Priya and Bhat 1998).
unexplored (Worbes 2002). Some basic studies In addition, insufficient light conditions and growth
reported growth rings in tropical trees and their under competition can result in the formation of
potential for tropical dendrochronology (Maingi wedging rings (Worbes 2002). Detecting growth-
2006; Worbes and Fichtler 2011; Rozendaal and ring boundaries in tropical trees is thus often not
Zuidema 2011; Pumijumnong 2013; Gebrekirstos straightforward. Different approaches are used in
et al. 2014). During the last two decades, tree-ring detecting growth-ring boundaries in tropical tree
studies distinguishably expanded to tropical South species. The microscopic analysis of wood anatomy
America (Worbes et al. 1999; Bräuning et al. 2009), in thin sections can help detect growth-ring bound-
subtropical to semi-arid Africa (Gebrekirstos et al. ary (Pumijumnong 2013), even in tree species grow-
2008; Trouet et al. 2010; Krepkowski et al. 2012; ing in areas with high annual precipitation (>2300
David et al. 2014) and Southeast Asia (Berlage et mm). In the present study, we investigated the
al. 1931; Pumijumnong et al. 1995, 2001, 2013; wood anatomical nature of growth-ring bound-
Vlam et al. 2014). However, most of these studies aries of 27 tree species growing in a moist trop-
were carried out in dry tropical forests with mean ical forest in Bangladesh. Furthermore, we eval-
annual precipitation below 2000 mm. uated the dendrochronological potential of some
In moist tropical forests, tree-ring studies are common and important tree species and provide
still scarce. The species studied so far include but are the first dendrochronological information from this

Figure 1. (a) Map of Bangladesh showing the location of the study site (Rema-Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary). (b) Map of Rema-Kalenga
Wildlife Sanctuary (24◦ 06 −24◦ 14 N and 91◦ 36 −91◦ 39 E). (c) Walter and Leith climate diagram based on data from 1950 to 2015
recorded at the nearest weather station (Sreemangal, 23.5 km away from the study site).

forest type of Bangladesh. Specifically, the objec- MATERIALS AND METHODS

tives of the current study include (1) characterizing
Study Site and Climate
the distinctness of growth-ring boundaries by an-
alyzing wood anatomical features; (2) grouping of Samples were collected in the Rema-Kalenga
species based on wood anatomical features defin- Wildlife Sanctuary, a nature reserve located in
ing growth-ring boundaries, and evaluating the rel- the northeastern region of Bangladesh between
ative importance of wood anatomical features in 24◦ 06 −24◦ 14 N and 91◦ 36 −91◦ 39 E. The study
detecting growth-ring boundaries; (3) testing the site is a part of the Tarap mountain system,
crossdating potential of tree species having dis- bounded on the east and south by the Tripura
tinct growth-ring boundaries to establish correctly state of India (Figure 1) and situated in the bio-
dated tree-ring chronologies; and (4) assessing the ecological zone of the Sylhet Hills (Nishat et al.
potential of tree-ring analysis to determine tree 2002) along the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot.
ages, growth-climate relationships, and productiv- The total area of the sanctuary is 1795 ha and
ity in a moist tropical forest in monsoonal South consists of several hills of different elevations and
Asia. low-lying valleys, with the highest altitude of 67 m
Dendrochronological Potential in a Bangladeshi Moist Tropical Forest 79

a.s.l. Soils of the sanctuary vary from clay loam grained sandpaper (80–2000 grit) following Stokes
on the relatively level ground or valleys to sandy and Smiley (1968). Cores were then scanned on a
loam on the hills (Hassan 1994). Mean annual rain- high-resolution flatbed scanner (Epson Expression
fall and mean annual temperature recorded from 10000XL, Long Beach, CA USA) at 1600 dpi. To
nearby weather station Sreemangal (24◦ 30 N and examine the growth-ring anatomy, microscopic thin
91◦ 39 E) are 2370 mm and 24.8◦ C, respectively. sections of 20–30 μm thickness were prepared us-
There is a distinct seasonality with a long wet ing a GSL-1 sledge microtome. Thin sections were
season (April–October) and a relatively short dry stained with safranin red following a standard tech-
season (November–February) with mean monthly nique developed for microscopic preparation for
rainfall less than 100 mm (Figure 2). Wet-season plant stem analysis (Gärtner and Schweingruber
precipitation contributes 85% of the total annual 2013).
precipitation. Temperature and precipitation data
were obtained from the Bangladesh Meteorological
Evaluation of Tree-Ring Boundary Anatomy
Department (BMD).
According to the life-zone classification of The micro slides were examined under a digi-
Holdridge (1967), the forest is classified as moist tal microscope Zeiss Smartzoom 5 (Carl Zeiss Mi-
tropical forest, containing both deciduous canopy croscopy GmbH 2014, Jena, Germany). Growth-
and evergreen understorey species. The dominant ring boundaries were tested by the presence or
tree species include Dipterocarpus turbinatus, Tec- absence of several wood anatomical features as
tona grandis, Chukrasia tabularis, Toona ciliata, recommended by the International Association of
Syzygium grandis and Salmalia sp. The under- Wood Anatomists (Wheeler et al. 1989; Table 1).
growth comprises various types of bamboo species Each species was assigned a qualitative score for a
(Bambusa sp.; Islam et al. 2006). The middle canopy particular anatomical feature based on the visual
is mainly composed of Terminalia sp., Lager- characterization of the overall distinctness of re-
stroemia sp., Dillenia pentagyna as well as different spective anatomical feature (i.e. distinct = 1, less
species of Ficus and Albizia. distinct = 0.5, absent = 0). These scores were fur-
ther analyzed to determine the relative importance
of anatomical features in the detection of growth-
Sample Material and Preparation
ring boundaries.
We studied wood anatomy and crossdating po-
tential of 27 tree species representing 17 families
(Table S1). The selection of species was based on the
abundance of species (Sobuj and Rahman 2011). Tree-ring width (TRW) measurements were
Species distribution, main use of wood, phenol- made from the scans with a precision of 0.01 mm
ogy and other ecological characteristics of studied with the program CooRecorder (Cybis Elektronik
species are described in Table S1. Fieldwork was & Data AB, Saltsjöbaden, Sweden) with a cross
conducted in the 1795-ha Rema-Kalenga Wildlife check by a high magnification light microscope.
Sanctuary, Bangladesh. We extracted 420 increment Tree-ring series were visually and statistically cross-
cores from 210 trees; at least 2 trees (4 cores) from dated by comparing measurements from two cores
each species were collected. Cores were extracted of the same tree by using the computer program
at breast height (1.3 m) with a 5.0 mm diameter TSAP-Win (RINNTECH, Heidelberg, Germany).
Suunto (Vantaa, Finland) increment borer. Trees Crossdating within a tree allows synchronizing the
with highly irregular stems were avoided because rings of identical age between the different radii of
growth-ring detection, measurement, and crossdat- an individual and identifying wedging rings (rings
ing might be more difficult. Cores were stored that merge on certain parts of the circumference
in plastic core holders in the field and then air of the tree) and ‘false’ ring structures (intra-annual
dried for 24 hours in order to avoid attack by growth variations; Stokes and Smiley 1968). For
stain fungi. The increment cores were mounted on crossdating between trees, we first selected a tree
wooden holders and sanded with increasingly fine that showed good correlation and correct crossdat-

Figure 2. Wood anatomy and growth-ring boundaries of tropical tree species from a moist tropical forest in Bangladesh. Solid triangles
indicate growth boundaries. Scale bar is 1 mm in Figure 2d, f, j, l, and n, and 500 μm in other figures.
Dendrochronological Potential in a Bangladeshi Moist Tropical Forest 81

Table 1. List of wood anatomical features examined in thin sections of 27 tree species in a moist tropical forest in Bangladesh.

Serial No. Anatomical Feature Code

1 Thick-walled latewood fibres FWT
2 Radially flattened latewood fibres RFF
3 Marked differences in vessel size between latewood and earlywood VS
4 Marked differences in vessel frequency between latewood and earlywood VF
5 Marginal parenchyma band (terminal or initial) MP
6 Narrow vessel elements very numerous or forming the ground
tissue of the latewood NV
7 Distinct fibre zones caused by decreasing frequency of parenchyma bands towards the latewood FZ
8 Porosity P
9 Distended rays DR

ing between two increment cores taken from dif- gplots packages within the R statistical program-
ferent directions of the stem. Taking this tree as a ming environment (R Development Core Team
reference, we crossdated subsequent cores of other 2016).
trees. The quality of crossdating was verified by
considering statistical parameters such as t-test and
GLK values (sign test) that specify the proportion
of agreement/disagreement of inter-annual growth Variability in Growth-Ring Boundary Anatomy
tendencies among the trees (Eckstein and Bauch
Growth-ring boundaries of several tree species
1969). Crossdated tree-ring series were used to es-
were mainly demarcated by a marginal parenchyma
tablish correctly dated tree-ring chronologies. In or-
band, and in some species in association with thick-
der to remove biological growth trends from derived
walled and tangentially flattened latewood fibres
tree-ring chronologies, all individual tree-ring series
and (or) the presence of larger vessels at the be-
were detrended by fitting a cubic smoothing spline
ginning of the growth ring (Figure 2). Growth-ring
curve with a 60% frequency response (p = 0.6). The
boundaries of certain species were only determined
statistical quality check of the crossdated ring width
by marginal parenchyma band (Figure 1a–f, m and
series was performed using the Dendrochronology
n). In Dipterocarpus turbinatus and Shorea robusta,
Program Library in R (dplR; Bunn 2010) within the
growth boundaries were characterized by a combi-
R statistical programming environment (R Devel-
nation of marginal parenchyma and a narrow ves-
opment Core Team 2016).
sel zone (Figure 2g and h). Growth-ring boundaries
in Toona ciliata were distinguished by marginal
parenchyma and larger vessels in the earlywood
Statistical Analyses
zone, whereas those in Lagerstroemia speciosa were
In order to group species that are anatomi- delineated by multiple wood anatomical features
cally homogeneous, we performed a cluster analy- such as marginal parenchyma, larger vessels in the
sis by using the ward.D2 algorithm. Five clusters earlywood zone, and thick-walled fibres (Figure 2).
were subsequently defined because this grouping al- Growth-ring boundaries of some species were
lowed the best separation of species in anatomi- mainly characterized by thick-walled latewood fi-
cally homogeneous groups. Trends in growth-ring bres and fibre zones with few or no parenchyma
boundary anatomy of the samples within these dif- cells (Figure 3). A fibre zone was the main
ferent groups were analyzed by Principal Compo- anatomical feature delineating growth-ring bound-
nent Analysis (PCA). PCA also allowed determina- aries in Aphanamixis polystachya, Castanopsis ar-
tion of how anatomical features are inter-correlated mata, Hopea scaphula, Lagerstroemia parviflora,
and the relative importance of those anatomical Syzygium cumini and Syzygium grande. However,
features in growth-ring boundary detection. The Aphanamixis polystachya was also characterized
analyses were performed using vegan, permute, and by parenchyma band density variations, showing

Figure 3. Wood anatomy and growth-ring boundaries of tropical tree species from a moist tropical forest in Bangladesh. Solid triangles
indicate growth boundaries. Scale bar is 1 mm in Figure 3b, d, e, g, j, and l, and 500 μm in other figures.
Dendrochronological Potential in a Bangladeshi Moist Tropical Forest 83

increasing density along the latewood zone (Fig- tended rays were positively correlated and were
ure 3a). In Anthocephalus chinensis and Terminalia dominant factors in defining growth-ring bound-
bellirica, growth-ring boundaries were entirely dis- aries in the species belonging to the first two clus-
tinguished by thick-walled latewood fibres (Figure ters. On the other hand, fibre wall thickness and
3b and j). Distended rays were the central determi- fibre zone contributed mostly to the detection of
nant of growth-ring boundaries in Bombax ceiba, growth-ring boundaries in species group cluster 4
whereas smaller size vessels in the latewood zone and cluster 5. These results were reflected in the
differentiated growth-ring boundaries in Pistacia PCA as illustrated in Figure 7. In total, vessel size
integerrima and Schima wallichii (Figure 3e and l). and vessel frequency were present in around 74%
Figure 4 shows high magnification digital micro- of our studied species followed by fibre wall thick-
scopic images of 5 species and their growth-ring ness (67%) and marginal parenchyma (52%). In
boundaries. one-third (33%) of all studied tree species, marginal
parenchyma was the dominating wood anatomi-
cal feature in defining growth-ring boundaries, fol-
Clustering Based on Growth-Ring Boundary
lowed by fibre wall thickness and fibre zone, each
of which was dominant in 30% of the species.
Clustering of species resulted in 5 clusters Narrow vessel elements (NV) had the least con-
(Figure 5). The clustering was based on the indi- tribution in detecting growth-ring boundaries in
vidual score of each anatomical feature that de- only 2 species of the dipterocarp family and there-
fined the growth-ring boundary of each species as fore was considered a special tree-ring anatomical
illustrated in the heat map (Figure 6). Cluster 1 feature.
was characterized by growth-ring boundaries de-
fined mainly by marginal parenchyma bands. Clus-
ter 2 was also characterized by growth-ring bound-
Tree-Ring Boundary Distinctness and Crossdating
aries delineated by marginal parenchyma, but the
parenchyma bands were relatively narrow com- The evaluation of growth-ring boundary dis-
pared to those of cluster 1. Marginal parenchyma tinctness in thin-sections and scanned images re-
in association with changing porosity determined vealed that 25 out of 27 studied species (92%)
growth-ring boundaries in the species group rep- showed distinct to fairly distinct growth-ring
resenting cluster 3 (Figure 2j, k and l). Clusters 4 boundaries, a stunning fact for a moist tropical for-
and 5 were closely related and growth-ring bound- est (Table 2). Growth curves of these species cross-
aries in these clusters were defined mainly by thick- dated well within one tree as well as between trees.
walled latewood fibres and fibre zones with little An example of synchronization of tree-ring series
or no parenchyma cells. The presence of distinct from 5 tree species representing five clusters is illus-
radially flattened latewood fibres (RFF) in clus- trated in Figure 8. The GLK values given in Figure
ter 5 differentiated it from cluster 4 (Figures 2 8 provide statistical proof of the synchronization
and 6). of tree-ring series of each species. Only 2 species
(Ilex godajam and Syzygium cumini) had indistinct
growth-ring boundaries and were found to have a
Relative Importance of Wood Anatomical Fea-
lower potential for crossdating. During ring-width
tures in Boundary Detection
measurement and crossdating, several difficulties
The principal component analysis (PCA) re- were encountered. Difficulties in ring-width mea-
vealed that marginal parenchyma, fibre zone, and surement during slow growth periods (SG) were
fibre wall thickness contributed together to the first common in most of the species and hence imposed
axis. The second axis mainly represented poros- the major difficulty in studying tree rings in our
ity and changes in vessel size and vessel frequency forest. However, no difficulties were observed dur-
(Figure 7). These two axes together explained more ing ring-width measurement and crossdating in Al-
than half (51.09%) of the total variance (Table bizia procera, Dyllenia pentagyna, Mangifera sylvat-
S2). Marginal parenchyma, narrow vessels and dis- ica and Terminalia bellirica.

Figure 4. High magnification digital microscopic images of 5 selected tree species showing characteristic wood anatomical types of
growth-ring boundaries. Growth direction is from right to left. Solid triangles indicate growth boundaries. Double arrow solid line in
(e) indicates a fibre zone with few or no vessels representing an indistinct growth boundary. Scale bar is 200 μm.

Estimation of Tree Ages and Biomass Growth ation in growth rate and biomass growth among
species (Figure 9). The shortest period of time to at-
The mean tree ages varied from 27 to 161 years tain at 25 cm diameter was needed by Dillenia pen-
among the five species studied in detail. The high- tagyna, while Vitex pubescens required the longest
est age was found in Vitex pubescens and lowest age time to attain the same size. The other 3 species
was observed in Dillenia pentagyna. Mean growth showed similar growth patterns throughout their
trajectories of each species clearly showed the vari- life.
Dendrochronological Potential in a Bangladeshi Moist Tropical Forest 85

Figure 5. Cluster dendrogram of 27 tropical forest tree species representing 17 families from a moist tropical forest in Bangladesh.
Ward.D2 clustering method was used.

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS forest of Bangladesh. Among the anatomical fea-

tures, marginal parenchyma, fibre zones, and thick-
Wood Anatomical Features in Detecting Growth-
walled latewood fibres had the highest significance
Ring Boundary
in detecting growth-ring boundaries in our stud-
We analyzed nine anatomical features of wood ied species as also described for other tropical tree
as recommended by Wheeler et al. (1989) to de- species (Worbes 2002; Marcati et al. 2006; Worbes
fine growth-ring boundaries in a moist tropical and Fichtler 2011; Azim and Ocada 2014; Groe-
nendijk et al. 2014; Nath et al. 2016; Tarelkin et
al. 2016). Changes in vessel frequency, parenchyma
density, and distended rays were reported as more
useful tree-ring markers in tropical trees than

Figure 6. Heat map showing the individual score of wood Figure 7. Biplot of first two principal components from PCA of
anatomical features defining growth-ring boundaries of each wood anatomical features defining growth-ring boundaries in 27
species. See Table 2 for the description of codes used for anatom- tropical tree species from a moist tropical forest in Bangladesh.
ical features. For species code, see Table 1; the first two letters See Table 2 for the description of codes used for wood anatomi-
represent the genus name and last two letters represent species cal features. Each data point represents a species belonging to a
name. particular cluster.

radially flattened latewood fibres or changes in ves- Inter-species variability in growth-ring bound-
sel size (Tarelkin 2016). The variation of vessel size ary anatomy might be linked to leaf phenology and
and/or density is most likely caused by changes species stature (Fichtler and Worbes 2012; Nath et
in water availability to trees (e.g. Baas 1976; Baas al. 2016). Phylogenetic differences in wood anatomy
et al. 1983; Alves and Angyalossy-Alfonsi 2000; might also be attributed to the inter-species variabil-
Ohashi et al. 2009). We observed changes in ves- ity in growth-ring boundary anatomy. For exam-
sel size and vessel frequency in most of our species ple, two species of the genus Syzygium (Syzygium
(74%). This is not an unexpected result because our cumini and Syzygium grande) and Lagerstroemia
study area experiences moisture stress during the (Lagerstroemia speciosa and Lagerstroemia parvi-
dry and pre-monsoon seasons, when mean monthly flora) were placed at different positions in the clus-
precipitation is below 100 mm and evapotranspira- ter dendrogram (Figure 5).
tion is high. However, vessel frequency contributed
more in detecting growth-ring boundaries (Figures
Dendrochronological Potential
6 and 7) than vessel size, which is in line with
other studies (Groenendijk et al. 2014; Tarelkin et Out of the 27 studied moist forest tree species,
al. 2016). Distended rays were mostly associated 25 species (93%) formed distinct to fairly distinct
with marginal parenchyma and were a dominant growth-ring boundaries (Table 2), underlining a
factor in growth-ring boundary detection only in great potential for dendrochronology of the study
two species: Garuga pinnata and Gmelina arborea. region. Ring-width patterns of individuals from
Likewise, a continuous narrow vessel zone was only the same tree species were successfully crossdated
observed as a boundary detector in Dipterocarpus (Figure 8), providing evidence that these growth
turbinatus and Shorea robusta in association with bands are true annual tree rings. Several experimen-
marginal parenchyma. tal techniques have been developed to prove the an-
We observed a high within- and between- nual nature of tree rings in tropical trees, includ-
species variability in wood anatomical features ing periodic sampling of the cambial zone (Krep-
(Figure 6). We are aware of three studies that kowski et al. 2012; Trouet et al. 2012; Volland-Voigt
analyzed the anatomy of growth-ring boundaries et al. 2012; Chowdhury et al. 2015), anatomical
of several species in a moist tropical climate, studies of trees of known age, radiocarbon dating
which overlapped four of our 27 studied species (Worbes 1989; Fichtler et al. 2003; Krepkowski et
(Azim and Ocada 2014; Nath et al. 2012, 2016). al. 2012; Groenendijk et al. 2014), and dendrometer
Gmelina arborea and Michelia champaca were stud- studies (Bräuning 2009; Volland-Voigt et al. 2012;
ied in Western Ghats, India (Nath et al. 2016) Spannl et al. 2016). In addition, crossdating of ring-
and also formed distinct growth rings primar- width time-series between individual trees and be-
ily defined by marginal parenchyma. Growth-ring tween multiple sites in a region provides strong ev-
boundaries in Syzygium cumini are marked by fi- idence that the growth rings are indeed annual and
bre zones and thick-walled latewood fibres (Nath are not arbitrary structural features of the xylem
et al. 2012). In contrast to Nath et al. (2016), (Stahle 1999). Crossdating also provides evidence
we observed distinct growth-ring boundaries in that the growth of trees is periodical, tied to the
Terminalia bellirica defined by thick-walled late- annual seasonality of climate, and synchronized
wood fibres. Likewise, Azim and Ocada (2014) among trees in a region by the inter-annual vari-
observed poorly defined growth-ring boundaries ation in the shared regional climate (Stahle 1999).
in Gmelina arborea, whereas we observed distinct The synchronization of tree-ring series and statis-
growth-ring boundaries in this species delineated by tical proof of within- and between-tree crossdating
marginal parenchyma in association with distended clearly indicates the dendrochronological potential
rays. Such variations, however, entail growth-ring of our studied species.
boundary features that can vary strongly between It is also possible that, the same tree species
individuals of a species growing under different cli- might form annual growth rings depending on the
matic or site conditions (Fichtler and Worbes 2012; complexity of local climate and specific site condi-
Tarelkin et al. 2016). tions (Wils et al. 2009, 2011). However, our samples
Table 2. Distinctness of growth-ring boundaries and crossdating potential of 27 tree species from a moist tropical forest in Bangladesh.

Previous Tree-Ring
Main Anatomical Study In Moist
No. of Features Defining Distinctness of Previous Tropical Forests
Cores Growth-Ring Growth-Ring Crossdating Dendrochronological Tree-Ring (Annual Rainfall
Species Name (Disk) Boundarya Boundaryb Potentialc Potentiald Difficultiese Studyf >2200 mm)f
Aphanamixis polystachya 4 FZ, FWT, VS, VF A HP ++ SG 0 0
Albizia procera 4 MP A HP ++ N 0 0
Anthocephalus chinensis 4 FZ, FWT, VS B P + SG, VR 0 0
Artocarpus chaplasha 4 VF, MP B P + FS, SG 0 0
Bombax ceiba 4 RFF, VF, FWT B P + SG 0 0
Bursera serrata 4 FWT, FZ, VS, VF B P + VG 0 0
Castanopsis armata 4 FZ, FWT B P + VG 0 0
Chukrasia tabularis 60 (1) MP A HP ++ VG, SG, WR 1 (Vlam et al. 2014) 0
Dillenia pentagyna 4 FWT, VF, VS A HP ++ N 0 0
Dipterocarpus turbinatus 4 MP, NV B P + SG 0 0
Garuga pinnata Roxb. 4 DR, VF, MP B P + LR, FS 0 0
Gmelina arborea 4 MP, VF, DR B P + LR 0 0
Hopea scaphula 4 FZ, RFF, FWT B P + SG 0 0
Ilex godajam 4 FZ, FWT, VS, VF C LP − VR 0 0
Lagerstroemia parviflora 4 FZ, MP, FWT B P + SG 0 0
Lagerstroemia speciosa 70 P, MP, FWT, VS A HP SG 0 0
Dendrochronological Potential in a Bangladeshi Moist Tropical Forest


Table 2. Continued.

Previous Tree-Ring
Main Anatomical Study In Moist
No. of Features Defining Distinctness of Previous Tropical Forests
Cores Growth-Ring Growth-Ring Crossdating Dendrochronological Tree-Ring (Annual Rainfall
Species Name (Disk) Boundarya Boundaryb Potentialc Potentiald Difficultiese Studyf >2200 mm)f
Mangifera sylvatica 4 MP A HP ++ N 0 0
Michelia champaca 60 MP A HP ++ VR, SG 0 0
Pistacia integerrima 4 FZ, VS B HP ++ SG 0 0
Schima wallichii 4 VS, FWT B P + SG 0 0
Shorea robusta 4 MP, NV A HP ++ SG 0 0
Swietenia mahagoni 62 MP A HP ++ SG 0 0
Syzygium cumini 4 FZ, FWT, VS C LP − SG 0 0
Syzygium grande 4 FZ B P + SG 0 0
Terminalia bellirica 4 FWT B HP ++ N 0 0
Toona ciliata 80 P, MP, FWT A HP ++ SG, VR 1 (Vlam et al. 2014) 0
Vitex pubescens 4 MP A HP ++ FS, SG 0 0

See Table 2 for the description of codes used for anatomical features.

A = fairly distinct, B = distinct, C = indistinct, D = absent.
HP = high potential, P = potential, LP = less potential.
+ + = high potential, + = potential, – = less potential.
SG = ring delineation difficult during the period of slow growth, N = no difficulties, FG = fungal stain makes ring delineation difficult, VR = vagued ring boundaries, LR = light (inconspicuous)
ring, WR = wedging ring.
0 = species does not crossdate, or no information on crossdating for this species has been published.
1= species is known to crossdate between cores from the same tree as well as between trees from the same site (Grissino-Mayer 1993).
2= species is known to crossdate between sites in a region (Grissino-Mayer 1993).
Dendrochronological Potential in a Bangladeshi Moist Tropical Forest 89

Figure 8. Scanned images and diameter growth anomalies (measured on scanned images) of five tree species from a moist tropical
forest in Bangladesh. Each species is selected from a particular cluster (see cluster dendrogram). Scale bar is 5 mm. Solid triangles
indicate growth boundaries. Arrows indicate the direction of growth.

dendrochronological studies or excluded from fur-

ther analyses.

Tree-Ring Analysis and Carbon Sequestration

We reconstructed lifetime growth trajectories
of 5 species and calculated their basal area incre-
ments as a measure of tree productivity (Figure 9).
Basal area increment per age varied widely among
species, which is in accordance with other stud-
Figure 9. Mean age-basal area relations for 5 tree species from a ies (Baker and Bunyavejchewin 2006; Brienen and
moist tropical forest in Bangladesh. Each species is selected from
Zuidema 2006; Zuidema et al. 2010). We estimated
a particular cluster (see cluster dendrogram). For species code,
see Table 1; the first two letters represent the genus name and last the highest age for Vitex pubescens (161 years).
two letters represent species name. Horizontal dotted line indi- These findings suggest that some species could be
cates the variation in age when each species attained a diameter of used for climatic reconstruction (Pucha-Cofrep et
25 cm. al. 2015), and calculating biomass accumulation
and carbon sequestration (Simamoto et al. 2014;
Sanogo et al. 2016), as applied in other tropical
were collected from one site that is subject to a ho- Tree growth rate, forest stand development
mogeneous climatic condition. In addition to the and productivity are usually measured in perma-
crossdating, the evidence for annual tree-ring for- nent sample plots (PSPs) in annual or 5- to 10-
mation can be strengthened if the derived chronol- year intervals. This technique of growth monitoring
ogy is strongly correlated with time series of in- was criticized because of its coarse temporal res-
strumental climate (Pumijumnong et al. 1995). Our olution, long time needed for obtaining adequate
sample size is not yet high enough to build statis- data for analysis, and its limitation to provide long-
tically robust chronologies of most of our stud- term historic growth data (Metsaranta and Lieffers
ied tree species, which currently limits our efforts 2009). Throughout the tropics, PSPs with a long
to perform climate-growth analysis. Therefore, after history of measurements are scarce, and consider-
the successful identification of tree species with den- able time would be required to obtain useful data
drochronological potential in our study area, a next from newly established plots. Ages and cumulative
step of research will include sampling of additional biomass data of trees presented in our study clearly
tree individuals to establish statistically robust tree- demonstrate that tree-ring analysis can be used as a
ring chronologies from multiple species for climate tool to calculate carbon sequestration and tree mor-
analyses. tality on an annual basis (Mokria et al. 2015), which
Although crossdating was successful for most might be used in modelling future productivity
of our studied species, several difficulties were as- and carbon sequestration in moist tropical forests
sociated with growth-ring detection if the sam- (Hiltner et al. 2016).
ples had only been analyzed from scanned images.
The level of difficulties varied with species. The
most common problem in growth-ring detection
was associated with irregular growth boundaries in We are grateful to the Bangladesh Forest De-
slow growth periods (SG), making correct growth- partment (BFD) for providing access to the Rema-
ring identification and successful crossdating diffi- Kalenga Wildlife Sanctuary and for the support
cult. Similar problems were reported in some other during the fieldwork. We sincerely acknowledge the
studies (Azim and Ocada 2014; Groenendijk et al. consistent help of Md. Sumon Reza, Rofiqul Is-
2014), suggesting that trees growing under sup- lam, Swapan Miah and several undergraduate stu-
pressed conditions or under strong competition for dents of the Department of Forestry and Environ-
resources should only be considered with care for mental Science, Sahjalal University of Science and
Dendrochronological Potential in a Bangladeshi Moist Tropical Forest 91

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