The document discusses floatation and stability. It explains that the buoyant force on an object submerged in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. It also discusses the stability of submerged and floating bodies. A body is stable if a slight displacement generates restoring forces, and unstable if the forces further displace it. For rotational stability, a submerged body is stable if its center of gravity is below its center of buoyancy.
The document discusses floatation and stability. It explains that the buoyant force on an object submerged in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. It also discusses the stability of submerged and floating bodies. A body is stable if a slight displacement generates restoring forces, and unstable if the forces further displace it. For rotational stability, a submerged body is stable if its center of gravity is below its center of buoyancy.
The document discusses floatation and stability. It explains that the buoyant force on an object submerged in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. It also discusses the stability of submerged and floating bodies. A body is stable if a slight displacement generates restoring forces, and unstable if the forces further displace it. For rotational stability, a submerged body is stable if its center of gravity is below its center of buoyancy.
The document discusses floatation and stability. It explains that the buoyant force on an object submerged in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object. It also discusses the stability of submerged and floating bodies. A body is stable if a slight displacement generates restoring forces, and unstable if the forces further displace it. For rotational stability, a submerged body is stable if its center of gravity is below its center of buoyancy.
fluid, in which it is submerged or floating is called buoyant force. The cause of this force is pressure But ( h2 - h1) dA = dV, is the volume of the difference existing on the upper and lower surfaces. element; Thus
Consider the object fully immersed in a static liquid.
The vertical force on the body, due to hydrostatic pressure, where V is the volume of the object. But the ratio It can be found more easily by considering ρgV is simply the weight of the liquid whose cylindrical volume elements similar to the one volume is equal to the volume of the object. It is shown in this figure. concluded that the buoyant force acting on the object is equal to the weight of the displaced liquid by the object itself. Note that the buoyant force is independent of the distance from the object to the free surface and the density of the solid body. In addition, the weight and buoyant force must have the same line of action to create a zero moment. This is known as the Archimedean principle, after the Greek mathematician (287-212 Figure 1 Body immersed in a static fluid. B.C.), who apparently used it in 220 B.C. to determine the gold content in the crown of King In a static fluid Hiero II.
For floating bodies, the weight of the entire body
must be equal to the force of floatation, which is the Integrating with constant ρ, we obtain weight of the fluid whose volume is equal to that of the submerged part of that body; that is to say:
The net vertical force on the element is
location. If a floating body is promoted or descends by vertical force, the body will return to its original position as soon as the external effect is removed. Therefore, a floating body possesses vertical stability, while a neutrally floating submerged one Therefore, the submerged fraction of the volume of is in indifferent balance, since it does not return to a floating body is equal to the ratio of the average its original position after a disturbance. density of the body to the density of the fluid. Note that when the ratio of densities is equal to or greater The rotational stability of a submerged body than one, the floating body becomes fully depends on the locations relative to the body's submerged. Based on this, it can be concluded that a center of gravity G and the buoyancy center B, submerged body in a fluid: (1) remains at rest at any which is the centroid of the displaced volume. A point in the fluid, when its density equals the body totally or partially submerged is in stable density of the fluid; (2) it sinks to the bottom, when equilibrium if its center of gravity G is below its its density is greater than that of the fluid; and (3) float center B, as illustrated in Figure 2.20. If the rises to the surface of the fluid and floats when its body turns, it set a moment to straighten it and density is less than that of the fluid. return it to its original position with G directly below B. If the center of gravity of a body totally STABILITY OF SUBMERGED AND FLOATING submerged is above the float, the body is in unstable BODIES equilibrium, as it establishes a momentum imbalance when the body rotates, as illustrated in The buoyant force on a body always acts through Figure. the centroid of the displaced volume, while weight makes it through the center of gravity. These characteristics can make a partially or totally submerged body stable or unstable. An object is in stable equilibrium if a slight displacement generates forces or moments that restore the original position of the object. An object is in unstable equilibrium if a slight displacement generates forces or moments that further displace the object. An object is in indifferent balance if the displacement does not generate forces or moments. The stability is similar to what happens to a ball when it moves slightly on the three surfaces shown in Figure f the center of gravity of a floating body is above its center of buoyancy, the body could be stable or unstable as the float center changes as that the object rotates. The reasons for this difference can be illustrated with two floating wooden blocks: one Figure 2. Illustration of the concept of stability. short and wide and one long and thin. In both blocks the float center moves by For a submerged or floating body in static balance, above the surface. For the same angle of rotation, the weight and strength of flotation acting on it the floating center of the balance each other and inherently those Bodies are short and wide block moves more to the right than stable in the vertical direction. If a neutrally the long block and thin. The result is that the new submerged body floating rises or falls to a different floating center B ’of the short and wide block it is depth, the body it will remain in balance at that now to the right of the center of gravity, while the new center float of the long thin block is still to the left of the center flotation. The short and wide block has a reset time and is stable while the long thin block has a disturbing moment and is unstable.
Figure 3 Stability comparison between two wooden
blocks, one short and wide and the other long and thin: (a) and (c) "balance" position; (b) and (d) position after the turn.
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2. Fox, R.W., & McDonald, A.T.,
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