Synthesis Document: Wastewater Challenges and Solutions

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Insight Series 10 - MUMBAI

Synthesis Document: Wastewater Challenges and

IRC, SuSanA India Chapter and India Sanitation Coalition organized an Insights session supported by
the Ecosan Services Foundation at Taj Land’s End, Byramji Jeejeebhoy Road, Bandstand, Bandra (West),
Mumbai on 18th November, 2018 from 4 – 6 PM. This two-hour event was attended by about 25 people
from the government, private sector, NGOs and academia. The topics covered sewage, faecal sludge and
grey water in rural and urban areas.

Present Status of FAecal with only a few villages having any arrangements to
handle wastewater.
Sludge, Sewage, & Grey water
in Rural and Urban Areas In this scenario, it is necessary to quantify the challenge
and one can only guess and estimate the wastewater
Wastewater treatment is essential to protect one of generated from urban and rural areas. Besides, there
our most valuable resources. The Central Pollution is no uniformity in the collection and handling of
Control Board has estimated that urban India wastewater with each area adopting a different system
generates about 50,000 MLD sewage of which only of waste management. It is observed that proper
about a fifth is treated. There are no estimates of the solutions for sludge disposal are generally lacking both
sewage from rural India where it is estimated that in the rural and urban areas. Towns and cities have
about 33% have septic tanks that generate septage relied excessively on centralized sewage systems or
informal mechanical and manual septic tank pit emptiers. included:
Rural India relies pre-dominantly on manual pit emptiers,
typically manual scavengers. DEVELOPING & IMPLEMENTING Standard
Sludge management is usually limited to a de-sludging To deal with the existing wastewater management
service that is provided by municipal agencies or the private challenges there is a need to establish standardized
sector. The recent proliferation of mini-sewage treatment practices. Consulting the users of wastewater or sewage
plants in urban housing complexes comes with its own is absolutely necessary. For example, if farmers are users,
dangers. There have been many reported deaths caused by their concerns about using wastewater or sewage should
poorly equipped pit emptiers employed by unskilled plant be addressed and they should be included in the process
operators. There is a similar danger associated with faecal for them to better understand the framework. While
sludge treatment plants as well. This is the other aspect of developing the standards, it is imperative to balance the
the unregulated market for maintaining privately-owned concerns of the users with the costs and consequently
and operated sewage treatment units. provide an appropriate solution.

Dialogue on Wastewater Challenges and Solution Farmers use wastewater from municipalities under
Indian Sanitation Coalition, IRC, TARU and SuSanA India contracts in several cities of Gujarat. These cities have
Chapter organized a dialogue on the 18th of November, no sewage treatment plants but have sewage or drain
2018 in Mumbai. This discussion focused on wastewater networks. The water is transmitted to sewage farms where
challenges and solutions and deliberated on issues faced it is naturally treated. However, there are problems with
with the management of sewage, faecal sludge, and this system as it can be unhygienic for agriculture. This is
greywater in rural and urban areas. evident from a case in Bhopal when the collector ordered
the destruction of irrigated crops with sewage on health
This engaging discussion had a multi-sectoral concerns. Besides, the farm workers do not like working
representation with 25 participants from the government, with human waste because of the social stigma attached
private sector, NGO’s and the academia. India’s large to it in our society. However, Karnataka has recognized that
population and the rising pollution levels make the water sewage and sludge can be reused in agriculture. Water
scarcity concern very critical. With depleting freshwater from sewage is recycled for industrial and non-potable
sources, water treatment is absolutely imperative to urban use. For instance, thermal power plants have been
meet the increasing industrial, agricultural, and domestic mandated to use treated sewage water. Additionally, the
demands. state government is executing a ₹ 2,300 crore project to
transport sewage treated to secondary levels to three
districts adjacent to Bangalore for reviving tanks. In turn,
Highlights from the Dialogue they will be used to irrigate more than 50,000 hectares of
India needs a comprehensive methodology for wastewater drought-prone lands1. Depending on the crop, the risks of
management. The limited and inadequate resources today irrigating crops with sewage are relative.
means that whatever is available must be utilized wisely.
Managing and treating wastewater is a huge part of that. Faecal sludge management and the role of
The participants deliberated over the gravity and shared ULBs in managing wastewater
their experiences about the treatment of black and grey There is a need to deconstruct the present faecal sludge
water in a cost-efficient way from an end user perspective. and septage management narrative. In many ULBs,
The key highlights that emerged from this discussion presently efforts are made to narrowly look at it as a part of

the solution, like the mainstreaming private entrepreneurs. understanding that 500 MLD is to be treated and returned
But this is being done without any dedicated treatment for irrigation3. However, due to poor treatment, the farmers
plan. There is an importance of looking at the forward are unable to use the water.
and backward linkages to ensure that faecal sludge/
wastewater is safely managed. The emphasis should be on Alternative financing mechanisms to support
the need to engage with the local systems and stakeholders informal entrepreneurs for treatment and
simultaneously for a safely managed solution, otherwise, it reuse of sewage and sludge
can be seen as the movement and not the management of While rural areas mostly have two-pit latrines, small cities
the risk associated with faecal/wastewater. have installed small sewage treatment plants from where
the effluents meet the prescribed standards (mainly BOD)
FAecal sludge management is not really of the Central Pollution Control Board norms4, however,
cheaper than sewage treatment they contained heavy metals and helminth eggs. Although,
Faecal sludge and sewage treatment plants are some studies display a relatively low risk in wastewater
complementary to each other. The indiscriminate disposal from heavy metals when used for irrigation. To understand
of sewage and sludge causes a rise in pollution levels. the issues associated with heavy metals in wastewater a
Installing sewage networks reduces the potential for more in-depth study is necessary. Companies have been
reusing human waste. This paradigm needs to be revisited. interested in using wastewater because of high water
Untreated and treated wastewater need to be handled charges for commercial connections. Many companies
differently as this would exacerbate inequities in access. prefer to use treated water for it purposes owning to
The Confederation of Indian Industry has a task force for this cost. Excel Industries in Mumbai procured sewage
promoting the use of sewage by thermal plants. Bharat from the municipal corporation for its use. Orchid Hotels
Electronics Ltd. has made an investment of ₹ 13.5 crores2 recycled its wastewater for non-potable5 use. Blackwater
to treat sewage in Bangalore and generate 10 million is a challenge even in rural areas. Certain sector experts
liters per day to rehabilitate a lake. A template is being claimed that nearly 60% of toilets are poorly made and the
developed for a special purpose vehicle to encourage waste is collected in ill-designed large septic tanks. These
more such activities. are the two main sources of black water and if untreated, it
leads to deferred defecation.
Involvement of Companies beyond WASH in
Schools Conclusion
It has been a challenge to get companies involved in Rising population, urbanization, and industrialization has
wastewater treatment as they are focused on WASH in led to an almost unmanageable wastewater problem in
Schools. Only a few state governments have been actively India. This is leading to toxic contamination of our water
promoting the reuse of excreta under public-private sources. In order to work towards achieving Sustainable
partnerships. Development Goal 6, it is essential to plan holistically for
urban and rural areas, looking at water resources on which
CLEAR OWENERSHIP OF WASTEWATER they draw from (and to which they return). To influence
It is necessary to determine who owns the wastewater planning at the levels of Local Government, Civil Society
– farmers or the city. The policymakers need to clearly Organizations (CSO) working in the water and sanitation
determine this while developing treatment and reuse sector needs to be well informed of the interconnectedness
options. For example, In Bangladesh, people in rural areas between water resource, water supply, and wastewater.
own the wastewater but not in urban areas. In Pune, the
irrigation department had allotted 900 MLD (million litres
per day) of water to Pune Municipal Corporation with the


For more information on the “Insights” knowledge series visit the India Sanitation Coalition website.

This document is a product of the Insights Series; developed by IRC, India Sanitation Coalition and Taru Leading Edge.

For further information, please contact:

Sreya Ganguly, India Sanitation Coalition, [email protected] | Shiny Saha, IRC, [email protected] |
Prakhar Jain, Taru, [email protected]

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