Speaking Useful Phrases

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El tipo de preguntas que podéis encontrar en la parte 1 del speaking B2 de

Cambridge pueden ser por ejemplo:

What is your name?
Where are you from?
What would make a job interesting for you?
How easy or difficult is it for young people to get a job?
Can you describe your neighbourhood?
Do you prefer to spend your holidays with friends or with family?
Do you have many things in common with your friends?
What sports do young people like doing in your country?
Are there any trends that have a negative impact on people’s lives?
What kind of wildlife surrounds the area in which you live?
Where are you from?
What do you most like about the place where you live?
What do you think is the best time of the year? Why?
What do you usually do at the weekend?
How often do you listen to music?

Para empezar la comparación:

Both of these pictures show…
These two pictures show…
The two situations in these pictures are…
Para hablar de similitudes:
These two pictures/situations are similar because/in that…
In both pictures we can see…
One similarity between these two pictures/situations is that…
Another similarity might be that…
One thing that these two pictures/situations have in common is that…
One thing that these two pictures share is that…
The most obvious similarity is that…
These two pictures share the fact that…
Both pictures (…) in the same way.
Para hablar de diferencias:
One of the most obvious differences (between these two pictures) is that…
Another difference is that…
Something that makes these two pictures different is…
What makes these two situations (so/completely) different is…
While the first picture …, the second one…
The first picture…. However, the second one…
The first picture… whereas the second one…
Although the first picture…., the second one…
On the one hand, the first picture shows… . On the other hand, the second one…
Para introducir la respuesta a la pregunta:
As for + paraphrased question
As to + paraphrased question
In relation to the question,…
In response to the question, I’d say that…
As regards the question,…
Regarding the question of the task,
With regard to + paraphrased question

Para comenzar el debate:

Shall I start? / Yeah, go on.
Shall I go first? / Of course, go ahead.
Is it okay if I start? / Sure, no problem.
Would you like to go first? / Yes, why not?
Para expresar tu opinión:
I believe/think that…
In my opinion,…
The way I see it,…
If you ask me,…
I would say that…
It seems to me that…
In my view…
As far as I’m concerned,…
Para preguntar a tu compañero:
statement, don’t you think/agree?
statement, wouldn’t you say so?
statement , wouldn’t you agree?
statement, right?
Do you think…?
Do you believe that…?
What do you think about…?
How about…?
What about…?
What’s your take on…?
Para expresar acuerdo:
I (totally) agree with you.
You’re dead right.
That’s (absolutely) true.
You’re (absolutely) right.
That’s a great idea.
I couldn’t agree more.
Yes, I see what you mean.
I see it that way, too.
Yes, of course.
I think so, too.
Para expresar desacuerdo:
I’m afraid I don’t see it the same way.
I’m sorry but I have to disagree.
You may be right, but I have a different view.
That might be true, but I’m not sure I agree with you.
I’m sorry, but I don’t agree.
Para cambiar de tema:
As for + one of the options
As to + one of the options
In relation to + one of the options
As regards + one of the options
Regarding the question of the task,
With regard to + paraphrased question
Para concluir el debate:
I believe we have an agreement, don’t we?
So, do we have an agreement?
Shall we stick to…?
Shall we agree on..?

Moving to the Next Item

Shall we move onto [topic] now?

So what about [topic]?
I wonder if we can compare [current topic] to [new topic]?
What about this one? [pointing to topic]
What do you think about this idea?
How do you feel about that one?
We're running out of time, so let's move on.
We still need to discuss [topic].
Ah, that connects with the next topic.
[Topic] is pretty similar to the last one - maybe we can skip it for now?

Ending Your Turn

What do you think?

Don't you agree?
Do you have anything to say about that?
Do you have anything to add to that?
Did I forget anything?


Sorry to interrupt but...

Just a second...


Good point.
I fully agree.
I was just thinking that!
I was just going to say that!
That's just what I was thinking.
I couldn't agree more.
You're totally right.

Disagreeing (with reasons)

Maybe, but what about...?

I think it would be better to...
I'm not so keen on that.
I don't really agree with you there.
Weeeeeell maybe, but...
Yeah, but, the thing is...
The problem with what you said is...
For one thing...[reason 1] And for another... [reason 2]

Reaching a Decision

Well, I think it's definitely not [topic]

We can eliminate [topic] right away. Don't you think?
So then, what do you think is the best one?
I guess you think we should choose [topic]?
Are we both in favour of [topic]?
Okay, so we agree.
I don't think we're going to agree on this!
Let's agree to disagree!

FCE Speaking Phrases


I’m into…

I’m a keen/avid (surfer)

I’m keen on/fond of (surfing)

I’m a fan of…


In my opinion…

I think/reckon…
From my point of view…


Both pictures show…

In this picture we can see… whereas/while in the other picture…

In contrast

On the other hand

Describing pictures
He/she/they seem to be…

He/she is probably…

In this picture it looks as if/though they are…

They could/might/may be…

They could/might/may have just…

In the background there is/are…

At the top/bottom…

In the corner…


You’re absolutely right.

I feel the same.

I couldn’t agree more.

I think so too.


I don’t think so…
I take your point but…

Hhhmmm, I’m not so sure…

I see what you mean but…


Shall I start?

Shall we start with….?

Would you like to start?

Do you mind if I start?

That’s a difficult/interesting question.

Now let me see…

Asking for opinion

What’s your opinion on….?

What do you think about….?

How do you feel about…?

Would you agree with that?


Speaking from personal experience,…

For me personally,..

I’d prefer to be in this situation because….

Impressive structures

Another point I’d like to add about … is…

Coming back to what… was saying about…

It’s also important to remember that…

Another idea which has just occurred to me is…

Repairing and Rescuing

I can’t remember the word at the moment but…

It’s the thing you use to…

The person who…

I have the word on the tip of my tongue.

The word has slipped my mind.

What I’m trying to say is…

What I mean is…

Asking for repetition

I beg your pardon, I didn’t catch that.

Sorry would you mind repeating that?

Could you repeat the question please?


I've never really thought about that, but...

What a good question!

That's a good question.

That's an interesting question.

Oh! Let me think. Well, ...

“Why do you think many American people vote for Donald Trump?”
“That’s a very interesting question. Let me think... perhaps it’s because he has magnificent


What I think is that...

In my opinion, ...
It's clear to me that...

One thing I'm sure of is...

I might be wrong but ...

I'm no expert but...

“Do you think it’s useful to have a careers day in school?”
“It’s clear to me that young people need help choosing a career, so a careers day might be
good for them. I’m no expert but I’m sure those days have helped a lot of people get ideas
for the future.”

... because ....

... so it's obvious that...

... That means...

“What things do you need to think about when choosing a career?”
“The first thing is money. That means knowing how much you will be paid in the career you


Another thing is...

Apart from that, ...

As well as that, ...

Just as importantly, ...

There's also the fact that...

And don't forget...

“Just as importantly, you have to choose a career with work that you enjoy.”


What do you think, Jack?

Don't you agree?

Do you have anything to say about that?

Jack, do you have anything to add to that?

Did I forget anything?


Do you mind if I add something?

I'd like to comment on that.

If I could just make a point.


But don't you think that...

Yes, but isn't it true that...

Okay, but on the other hand...

Maybe there's another way to think about it.

You're partly right, but...

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