Internship Report Sameer

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Bidar Kissan Shakhar Karkhana Limited is a Public incorporated on 11 February 2000. It is a

classified as non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Bangalore. The Bidar

Kissan Shakhar Karkhana Limited, Mogdal, Bidar District in Karnataka State.


Dept of Mechanical Engg 1 LAEC BIDAR



The company’s main product is White Refined Sugar, however it has also

following by products:-

1. Bagasse

2. Molasses

3. Press Mud

Dept of Mechanical Engg 2 LAEC BIDAR



2.1 Milling department

2.2 Process department

2.3 Co-gen department

2.4 DM plant department


Matured cane is harvested and brought to the factory through Trucks, and Bullock carts. Cane

Weight: Cane is weighed on automatic weighing scales at the factory gate. Net weight of cane is

determined by subtracting tare weight of the vehicle from its gross weight.

Unloading: Cane is unloaded by means of mechanical unloaded in the carrier and Passed through leveler,

vibrator and prepared cane are subjected for milling

Crushing: The crushing capacity is 8000TCD to 11000TCD.

Milling: The prepared cane is subjected for extraction of the juice in the milling System for successive

compressing followed by imbibitions. The extracted juice is weighed automatically and subjected for


Dept of Mechanical Engg 3 LAEC BIDAR



A by-product of milling system which is known as bagasse is passed for the boiler as a fuel for

generation of steam. Steam is used for running the prime movers and turbo generations for power

production. The exhaust generated from prime movers is utilized for heating of the juice massecuite.


The weighed juice is heated and subjected to automatic liming and Sulphitation settled in the

clarifier. The supernatant liquid is taken for evaporation where it is concentrated up to 60 0 BX and

passed for crystallization in the vacuum pans.process where the pH of the juice is kept neutral. This

sulphinated juice is heated and


The concentrated syrup is again sulphinated and used as a pan boiling system. The three

massecuite boiling system is adopted for the production of white sugar the process is given below:

A Massecuite boiling

Syrup 600 BX and 85% purity excess melt is boiled under vacuum or Crystallization after

adequate exhaustion and attending proper growth of BX and purity above 89% the crystal l-e

massecuite dropped in the crystallization where atmospheric cooling is affected and same is taken

for centrifugation wherein crystallization are separated from its mother liquor under centrifugal

force in the centrifugal machine. The mother Liquor is known as a heavy and a light molasses

which is send back for the process. The crystals are dried and cooled on the hopper and carried for


Dept of Mechanical Engg 4 LAEC BIDAR


B Massecuite

A heavy molasses is used to develop to cooling and material for B Massecuite id developed on a

heavy molasses + B light molasses. It is exhausted to the optimum condition and sufficiently

brought together to have a BX of 94 and purity 75%. It is dropped to crystallizer for achieving the

further exhaustion the same is taken for curing in the continuous machines where a sugar and its

mother liquor is known as B heavy molasses which is send back for the process. The B sugar is

taken as a speed for a Massecuite boiling and excess is melted.

C Massecuite

The grain is made in the C light and B heavy keeping 62 Purity and BX 70. After establishing

grain it is subject for hardening and its further developments. One part of the grain is kept footing

material of “c” massecuite and two parts are stored in vacuum crystallizer. The footing is developed

on B heavy molasses. The mother liquor is completely exhausted followed successive drink of

molasses after achieving proper exhaustion l-e 100-102 BX and purity 56 to 58. The same cured is

continuous to centrifugal machines where crystals are separated from its mother liquor and liquor is

known as final molasses which are weighed automatically and send for storage in a steel tank. The C

fore worker sugar is mixed with water known as C fore magma and sent for further curing. The

double cured sugar is maintained and used for developing C massecuite. The separated crystals are

then graded according to their size as “A” sugar “B” sugar and “C” sugar.


Separated crystals are packaged in the gunny bags and stitched and are send to the godown.

Dept of Mechanical Engg 5 LAEC BIDAR



Cogeneration is a process that simultaneously produces two or more forms of useful energy, such

as electric power and steam. It harnesses the thermal and electrical energy that is released as part of

the production process in the industry. When a fuel is burnt to generate heat, and that heat is

exploited in a thermodynamic cycle to produce electricity, a great deal of energy is wasted. This

wasted energy (which can be up to two-thirds of the energy content) of the fuel emerges as heat. If

this heat can be utilized for space heating, for making hot water or in a manufacturing process, it

could reduce the amount of additional energy needed for such purposes. This makes the economics

of cogeneration extremely favorable.

The co-generation plant is selected to utilize bagasse as a fuel. The plant will consume 345600

MT of bagasse for 180 days of operation of sugarcane crushing season, and during the off season

bagasse as well as coal used as fuel for cogeneration.

The plant is designed to operate on bagasse and coal. The estimating quantity of bagasse for 52

MW under worst condition will be 87.5 TPH at 50 % moisture content. If necessary imported coal

shall be used during off-season. The estimate quantity of coal will be 20 TPH. The imported coal

shall be transported by nearby port.

Fuel for Boiler

Fuel for the boiler is bagasse and coal. The quantity of bagasse required is about 2112 MT/day

and quantity of Coal required is about 480 MT/day. Bagasse shall be reserved for bagacillo and

start-up operation of the boiler for supplying steam to the distillery. Bagasse percent of cane shall be

an average of 47%-48% moisture content.

Dept of Mechanical Engg 6 LAEC BIDAR



The steam generating system for the proposed Cogeneration Project comprises three multi-fuel

fired boilers with a Maximum Continuous Rating (MCR) of 100TPH, 100 TPH and 20 TPH with the

outlet steam parameters at 87 kg/cm2 at 5000C. The tolerance on the super-heater outlet temperature

shall be 50C. The combustion system of the boiler is dumping grate, with the pneumatic system.

Theboilerefficiency, firing 100% bagasse, shall be a minimum of 71% of the Gross Calorific Value

(GCV) basis. The dust concentration in the flue gases leaving the boiler shall be a maximum of 100



There is two turbo generator, one is 25 MW and other is 16 MW The turbo generator is extraction

cum back pressure type. The extraction shall be uncontrolled at 1.5 kg/cm2 and the exhaust at 0.1

kg/cm2. For better control and minimum vibrations, the recommended speed of the turbine shall be

less +8 than 6800 RPM.

Dept of Mechanical Engg 7 LAEC BIDAR


DM plant (demineralization of water plant) Capacity of this plant is 45m3/hr

Fig No.2: flow sheet of DM Plant

Dept of Mechanical Engg 8 LAEC BIDAR


3.1 Clarifier

In clarifier we use some chemical as primary treatment of water these are

ALUM: It is used for the purpose of adsorption and absorption of solid particles in Kannada

language alum is also called as spatick.

PAC (polyaluminium chloride): for settling of sludge and other heavy particles present in water

Sodium hypochlorite (NaOCL): is compound that can be effectively used for water purification it

is used on large scale for surface purification bleaching odour removal and disinfection

Fig No.3 A Typical clarifier

Dept of Mechanical Engg 9 LAEC BIDAR


3.2 MGF (Multi grade filter)

The MGF works on principle of retention and removal of physical impurity in a graded manner

through Voids of the filtering media.

The physical impurities of raw water i.e. suspended solids, dirt, dust, & all visible particles are

removed in Multi Grade Filter up to 50 micron. Raw water passed through the Multi Grade

Filter, it consists of multi layers of filter media consisting graded sand, white sand, fine sand,

activated carbon and pebbles layers, which retain the suspended particles and activated carbon

adsorbs onto its surface free chlorine, organic compounds, colour and odour. During the filtration

cycle the filter bed retains the dirt and suspended particles from the water and accumulates within it.

Fig No.4 A Typical MGF Column

Dept of Mechanical Engg 10 LAEC BIDAR


3.3 ACF (activated carbon filter)

Activated carbon filtration is one of many processes commonly used in water treatment

Activated carbon removes contaminants such as organic materials, and since it also can remove

odour-causing contaminants, it can make drinking water more palatable. And it will remove the

carbon contaminant

Fig No.5 A Typical ACF Column

Dept of Mechanical Engg 11 LAEC BIDAR


3.4 SAC (strong acid cat ion)

Brine regenerated series softeners for hardness removal from produced water. The units are

regenerated with high concentration brine up flow to minimize the hardness residual after softening

and prevent scaling in the steam generator for steam injection in oil fields.

For the regeneration of SAC we need 1000L OF HCL which 35% concentrated for one time

regeneration and will remove total hardness from the water here the pH is less than 4 and

conductivity is double of raw water which fed to the MGF column and strong cat ion resins are used

in this column particle are separated on the basis of charges cat ion charges are separated like ca++

mg++ etc....

Fig No.6: A Typical SAC Column

Dept of Mechanical Engg 12 LAEC BIDAR

3.5 DG (de-gasifier)

Degasser in water treatment is referred to De-carbonator where the primary importance is to

remove Carbon Dioxide from the water. They play an important role when Alkalinity is present

in water. ... It is placed after the Cat ion exchanger to mechanically remove the Carbon Dioxide.

Fig No.7: A Typical DG (De-gasifier)

Dept of Mechanical Engg 13 LAEC BIDAR


3.6 WBA (weak base anion)

Demineralisation process involves removal of minerals by means of Ion Exchange Resins.

Demineralization of water is achieved by passing water through Cat ion Resin Column and then

though Anion Resin Column. Water demineralization thus is process of removing these Cation and

Anions. In WBA the pH is more than 9.2 and the conductivity is less than 100

Fig No.8: A Typical WBA Column

Dept of Mechanical Engg 14 LAEC BIDAR


3.7 SBA (strong base anion)

In SBA column the pH is more than 9.2 and conductivity maintained below 50 here silica is

removed and also dissolved solid present in the water in the SBA column strong base anion resins

are used if the silica or conductivity cross its limit it means the SBA column exhaust

For the regeneration of SBA column we first give backwash to the column which will spread bed all

over the column which settle down after caustic is injected for regeneration purpose for one time it

will take 150 to200kg after that fast wash is given until its parameter comes under control if

regeneration fail the resins are kept in socking to charge resins again

Fig No.9: A Typical SBA Column

Dept of Mechanical Engg 15 LAEC BIDAR


3.8 MB (mixed bed)

In mixed-bed deionizers the caution-exchange and anion-exchange resins are intimately mixed

and contained in a single pressure vessel. The thorough mixture of Caution-exchangers and anion-

exchangers in a single column makes a mixed-bed deionizer equivalent to a lengthy series of two-

bed plants

In mixed bed column the pH is less than 6.5 and conductivity is 1 here the marpoline dosing is

given as a pH booster or to increase the pH here before doing regeneration here bed is separated by

giving backwash to the bed lighter resin settle on top and cat ion settle below here 75kg HCL

Fig No.10: A Typical MB (Mixed bed) Column

Dept of Mechanical Engg 16 LAEC BIDAR




To be the lead in sugar industry by building the company’s image through quality

improvement, competitive prices and meeting social obligations.


1. To endeavour to be the market leader by offer high quality sugar to our valuable

Customers at competitive prices.

2. To continue improving operating performance and profitability thereby ensuring

Growth for the company

Dept of Mechanical Engg 17 LAEC BIDAR



The use of resources in the Sugar industry is spatially organised by the countries that produce

sugar and the countries that buy or trade  sugar. The producing countries are normally tropical

countries and they are sometimes developing countries. The trade and export of sugar shows the

interconnections of the world through one product. This ensures that the consumption and use of

sugar which is in demand for more production. Though there is consequences by the health effects

and environmental effects which can lead to many serious problems.

The inter connections of sugar is led by the farmer who farm the sugarcane product, the workers that

work in the refining process, the engineers and the exporters.

Dept of Mechanical Engg 18 LAEC BIDAR

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