6.cool Level Circuit Test

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3/4/2020 C9.

3 Marine Generator Set C9300001-UP(M0069296 - 15) - Documentation

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Configuration: C9.3 Marine Generator Set C9300001-UP

C9.3 Marine Auxiliary and Generator Set Engine
Media Number -UENR4349-03 Publication Date -01/05/2015 Date Updated -23/01/2018


Coolant Level - Test

SMCS - 1395-038; 1439-038-CLT; 7422-038-CLT

Use this procedure to troubleshoot any suspect problems with the circuit for the coolant level sensor.

The coolant level sensor monitors the engine coolant level in order to warn the operator when the coolant level is

Illustration 1 g01150024
Components of the coolant level sensor
(1) Sensor
(2) Sensor probe (brass dowel)
(3) Outer coating

When the probe is not immersed in coolant, approximately +5 VDC is sourced to the sensor signal wire. When
this condition is detected by the Electronic Control Module (ECM), an event code is activated.

Prior to troubleshooting any problems with the coolant level sensor, use Caterpillar ® Electronic Technician (Cat
ET) to check the installation status for the sensor. The coolant level sensor configuration parameter must be set
to "Installed" in order for the ECM to monitor the signal from the sensor.

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3/4/2020 C9.3 Marine Generator Set C9300001-UP(M0069296 - 15) - Documentation

The activation of an event code and/or a warning lamp is probably caused by a low coolant level. The next likely
cause is a problem with the wiring harness, a connector, or the sensor.

Illustration 2 g03816533

Complete the procedure in the order in which the steps are listed.

Table 1
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results

Result: The coolant is at the proper level.

1. Check the Coolant Level
Proceed to Test Step 2.
Allow the engine to cool prior to
Result: The coolant level is low.
removal of the cooling system
pressure cap.
Repair: Add coolant according to the procedure in
the Operation and Maintenance Manual.
A. Remove electrical power from the Coolant
ECM. Level
There may be a leak in the cooling system. Identify
the source of the coolant leak. Repair the leak. Refer
B. Check the coolant level. Refer to
to Systems Operation/Testing and Adjusting,
the Operation and Maintenance
"Cooling System" for additional information.
Manual for the proper procedure to
check the coolant level.
If the problem is not resolved, proceed to Test Step

2. Verify that the "Coolant Level Parameter Result: The "Coolant Level Sensor" parameter is
Sensor" Parameter is Programmed Programmed programmed correctly.
Proceed to Test Step 3.
A. Connect Cat ET to the service tool
connector. Result: The "Coolant Level Sensor" parameter is not
programmed correctly.
B. Establish communication with the
ECM. Repair: Program the "Coolant Level Sensor"
parameter to "Installed".
C. Verify that the "Coolant Level
Sensor" parameter is programmed to Verify that the repair eliminates the problem.
If the problem is not resolved, proceed to Test Step
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D. Remove electrical power from the 3.


Illustration 3 g02090761
Terminal locations at the harness connector for the coolant level sensor
(Terminal A) Sensor supply
(Terminal B) Sensor return
(Terminal C) Sensor signal

Table 2
Troubleshooting Test Steps Values Results

Result: The voltage measurement is 8.0 ±

0.5 VDC.
3. Check the Supply Voltage at the Sensor
The supply voltage is reaching the sensor.
Proceed to Test Step 4.
A. Disconnect the coolant level sensor at the sensor
Result: The voltage measurement is not
8.0 ± 8.0 ± 0.5 VDC.
B. Restore electrical power to the ECM.
VDC Repair: The sensor supply voltage is not
C. Measure the voltage between terminals A (sensor
reaching the sensor. There is a problem in
supply) and B (sensor return) at the harness connector
the circuit for the sensor supply. Repair the
for the coolant level sensor.
wiring between the sensor and the ECM.
D. Remove electrical power from the ECM.
If the problem is not resolved, proceed to
Test Step 4.

4. Short the Signal Wire to Ground and Monitor ±5 Result: The status changes from "LOW"
the Status for "Coolant Level" VDC to "OK" when the jumper wire is installed.
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The ECM and the wiring harness to the

A. Fabricate a jumper wire that is long enough to coolant level sensor are OK.
create a short circuit between two terminals at the
coolant level sensor harness connector. Crimp Repair: Replace the coolant level sensor.
connector pins to each end of the jumper wire. Verify that the repair eliminates the
B. Install the jumper wire between terminals B (sensor
return) and C (sensor signal) on the harness side of the Result: The status does not change from
connector for the coolant level sensor. "LOW" to "OK" when the jumper wire is
C. Restore electrical power to the ECM.
Repair: The problem is between the ECM
D. Monitor the status of "Coolant Level" on Cat ET and the sensor connector. Repair the
while the jumper wire is installed. Wait at least 30 wiring.
seconds for activation of the status indicator.
Verify that the repair eliminated the
E. Remove the jumper wire. Connect the harness problem.
connector for the coolant level sensor.

If the procedure did not correct the issue, contact your Cat dealer Technical Communicator (TC). For further
assistance, your TC can confer with the Dealer Solutions Network (DSN).

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