Guideline Watch: Practice Guideline For The Treatment of Patients With Bipolar Disorder, 2Nd Edition
Guideline Watch: Practice Guideline For The Treatment of Patients With Bipolar Disorder, 2Nd Edition
Guideline Watch: Practice Guideline For The Treatment of Patients With Bipolar Disorder, 2Nd Edition
APA’s Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Bipolar Disorder, 2nd Edition, was
published in April 2002 (1). Since that time, a number of controlled treatment studies on as-
pects of bipolar disorder have been completed and published or are in press, including studies
of second-generation (atypical) antipsychotics as monotherapy and as adjunctive treatment
(with more traditional mood stabilizers) for the acute treatment of mania, studies of antiepileptic
agents for the acute treatment of mania, trials for three medications for the acute treatment of
bipolar depression, four monotherapy and one combination therapy relapse prevention studies,
and studies of psychosocial interventions for maintenance. The evidence from these studies
supports a substantially expanded set of options for clinicians who treat patients with bipolar
disorder. This guideline watch briefly reviews the most important of the studies. The majority
of the studies were industry supported.
Recently completed epidemiological studies have estimated the lifetime prevalence of bipolar I
and II disorders in the general population to be 3.7%–3.9% (2, 3). The prevalence in samples of
patients presenting with depression is much higher, ranging from 21% (4) to 26% (5) in primary
care settings and from 28% (6) to 49% (7) in psychiatric clinics. Use of a screening instrument,
such as the Mood Disorder Questionnaire, can substantially improve recognition of patients with
bipolar disorder, particularly among depressed patients (8).
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) practice guidelines are developed by expert work groups us-
ing an explicit methodology that includes rigorous review of available evidence, broad peer review of it-
erative drafts, and formal approval by the APA Assembly and Board of Trustees. APA practice guidelines
are intended to assist psychiatrists in clinical decision making. They are not intended to be a standard of
care. The ultimate judgment regarding a particular clinical procedure or treatment plan must be made by
the psychiatrist in light of the clinical data presented by the patient and the diagnostic and treatment op-
tions available. Guideline watches summarize significant developments in practice since publication of an
APA practice guideline. Watches may be authored and reviewed by experts associated with the original
guideline development effort and are approved for publication by APA’s Executive Committee on Practice
Guidelines. Thus, watches represent opinion of the authors and approval of the Executive Committee but
not policy of the APA. This guideline watch was published in November 2005. Copyright © 2005. Amer-
ican Psychiatric Association. All rights reserved. Suggested citation: Hirschfeld RMA: Guideline Watch:
Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Bipolar Disorder. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric
Association. Available online at
Guideline Watch for the Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Bipolar Disorder 1
Acute treatment
Depressive episodes
The impact (in terms of duration of episodes and quality of life) of depressive episodes in bi-
polar patients is substantially worse than the impact of manic episodes (32, 33). Unfortunately,
far less research attention has been paid to the treatment of bipolar depression (34, 35). This sec-
tion reviews three studies published since the 2002 publication of the second edition practice
In an 8-week placebo-controlled, double-blind study, olanzapine monotherapy and the
combination of olanzapine and fluoxetine were examined in the acute treatment of bipolar I
depression (36). Although both olanzapine and the combination of olanzapine and fluoxetine
were superior to placebo in efficacy, the response in the combination group was much greater,
and only the combination of olanzapine and fluoxetine received an indication from the Food
and Drug Administration for the acute treatment of bipolar depression. The first separation
from placebo occurred at week 1 and continued throughout the trial. The mean dosage in the
combination group was 7.4 mg/day of olanzapine and 39.3 mg/day of fluoxetine. By the end
of the study, 8 of 10 core symptoms of depression had improved relative to placebo. Side effects
included somnolence, weight gain, increased appetite, dry mouth, asthenia, and diarrhea. Nei-
ther olanzapine monotherapy nor the combination of olanzapine and fluoxetine caused switch-
ing into mania or hypomania.
A large randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial supported the efficacy of que-
tiapine monotherapy for the treatment of bipolar I or II depression (37). Quetiapine initiated
at 50 mg/day and titrated to either 300 mg/day or 600 mg/day within 1 week was found to be
effective compared with placebo at both doses, with no significant difference in efficacy be-
tween the two dosage groups. Onset of action occurred by 1 week and continued throughout
the trial. Statistical significance was achieved at endpoint in 9 of 10 core features of depression.
Side effects included dry mouth, sedation, somnolence, dizziness, and constipation and were
substantially greater in the 600 mg/day group compared with the 300 mg/day group. Incidence
of treatment-emergent mania did not differ from that of placebo.
Guideline Watch for the Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Bipolar Disorder 3
A single-blind, randomized, nonplacebo-controlled comparison of venlafaxine and paroxe-
tine was conducted with patients with bipolar disorder who were currently presenting with a
major depressive episode and who were currently taking a mood stabilizer (38). Both medica-
tions yielded significant improvements in depressive symptomatology with no significant dif-
ferences in safety measures. Among the patients treated with paroxetine, 3% switched to
hypomania or mania, compared with 13% in the venlafaxine group.
Two small, controlled studies of the adjunctive use of the dopamine agonist pramipexole in the
treatment of bipolar depression suggest efficacy (39, 40). Both studies were 6-week placebo-con-
trolled studies of pramipexole (mean peak dosage = 1.7 mg/day) added to the therapeutic levels of
traditional mood stabilizers. Results were strongly positive in both studies, with few adverse events.
In conclusion, medications having the strongest evidence for efficacy for acute treatment of
depression in patients with bipolar I disorder are the olanzapine-fluoxetine combination, que-
tiapine, and lamotrigine. There is suggestive evidence that the adjunctive use of pramipexole
may be helpful. Evidence for the efficacy of an antidepressant with adjunctive mood stabilizer
is modest. Prescription of antidepressants in the absence of a mood stabilizer is not recom-
mended for bipolar I patients.
Maintenance treatment
Since publication of the second edition practice guideline, new studies have been published on
the long-term treatment of patients with bipolar disorder.
Pharmacological interventions
Two large randomized, double-blind studies examined the utility of lamotrigine in the main-
tenance treatment of patients with bipolar I disorder (41, 42). Both studies were placebo con-
trolled and included lithium monotherapy as an active comparator. In one study, patients had
most recently suffered a depressive episode (41) and, in the other, a manic or hypomanic episode
(42). Both studies involved an open-label stabilization period of 8–16 weeks followed by an
18-month trial of lamotrigine monotherapy, lithium monotherapy, or placebo in patients who
had recovered and were stable.
In the study of recently depressed patients (41), both lamotrigine (200 mg/day or 400 mg/
day) and lithium (0.8–1.1 meq/liter) were superior to placebo in preventing any mood episode.
Lamotrigine, but not lithium, was superior to placebo in preventing a depressive episode. Lith-
ium, but not lamotrigine, was superior to placebo in preventing a manic, hypomanic, or mixed
episode. With the exception of rash, there were no side effects of lamotrigine that exceeded pla-
cebo. There were no serious rashes. For the lithium group, the incidence of somnolence and
tremor exceeded that of placebo.
In the study of recently manic or hypomanic patients (42), both lamotrigine (target dosage
of 200 mg/day) and lithium (0.8–1.1 meq/liter) were superior to placebo in delaying onset of
any mood episode. Lithium, but not lamotrigine, was superior to placebo in prevention of a
manic episode, but neither agent was superior to placebo in preventing depressive episodes. There
were no adverse events for which lamotrigine statistically exceeded placebo. Lithium exceeded
placebo for diarrhea only.
When the data from both studies were pooled, lamotrigine was superior to placebo in time
to intervention for any mood episode, as well as for prevention of depressive episodes and manic,
hypomanic, or mixed episodes (43). Similarly, lithium was superior to placebo in time to in-
tervention for a mood episode and for prevention of a manic, hypomanic, or mixed episode.
Lithium was not superior to placebo in prevention of a depressed episode.
Given the results from these studies, both lamotrigine and lithium appear to have substantial
utility in the maintenance treatment of patients with bipolar disorder. The utility of lamotrigine
was somewhat greater for the prevention of depressive compared with manic episodes, and the
opposite is true for lithium.
Psychosocial interventions
Knowledge of the utility of psychosocial interventions has expanded recently. Family-focused
therapy is a manualized psychosocial program involving all available family members in which
weekly psychoeducation, communication enhancement training, and problem-solving skills
training occur adjunctively with pharmacotherapy. A 2-year randomized, controlled study of
family-focused therapy plus pharmacotherapy versus a crisis management intervention and
pharmacotherapy (supported by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health, the Na-
tional Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia, and the MacArthur Foundation) found that
postepisode symptomatic adjustment and drug adherence were enhanced with the family-
focused therapy and pharmacotherapy combination compared with the other (48). Patients in
the group receiving family-focused therapy had fewer relapses and longer survival intervals.
Another randomized, controlled study examined the utility of cognitive therapy in conjunc-
tion with pharmacotherapy over a 12-month period (49). Those treated with cognitive therapy
and pharmacotherapy had significantly fewer bipolar episodes, days in an episode, and number
of admissions.
Guideline Watch for the Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Bipolar Disorder 5
Two controlled studies (supported by grants from the Stanley Medical Research Institute,
the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, the Fundació Marató de TV3, and the Fundació María Fran-
cisca Roviralta) of a longitudinal (21-session) psychoeducational program were conducted in
Spain (50, 51). In both studies psychoeducation reduced recurrences over 2 years. Psychoedu-
cation enhanced lifestyle regularity and early syndrome detection.
A recent study (supported by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health) found
that a psychosocial intervention focused on addressing interpersonal problems and regulating
social rhythms during acute treatment in bipolar I patients extended the time to new episode
and reduced the likelihood of recurrence (52).
Since the publication in 2002 of the Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Bipolar
Disorder, 2nd Edition, new options for the acute treatment of manic, mixed, or depressive epi-
sodes have emerged. Knowledge of pharmacological and psychosocial interventions for main-
tenance has also increased.
The author thanks Colleen M. Sonora, M.A., for help in preparing this guideline watch.
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Guideline Watch for the Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients With Bipolar Disorder 9