Two, Three and Four-Dimensional Electromagnetics Using Differential Forms (#144516) - 125939
Two, Three and Four-Dimensional Electromagnetics Using Differential Forms (#144516) - 125939
Two, Three and Four-Dimensional Electromagnetics Using Differential Forms (#144516) - 125939
1 2006,
The exterior calculus of differential forms provides a mathematical framework for electromagnetic
field theory that combines much of the generality of tensor analysis with the computational simplicity and
concreteness of the vector calculus. We review the pedagogical aspects of the calculus of differential forms
in providing distinct representations of field intensity and flux density, physically meaningful graphical
representations for sources, fields, and fluxes, and a picture of the curl operation that is as simple and
intuitive as that of the gradient and divergence. To further highlight the benefits of differential forms
notation, we demonstrate the flexibility of the calculus of differential forms in responding to changes in
the dimensionality of the underlying manifold on which the calculus is defined. We develop Maxwell’s
equations in the case of two space dimensions with time (2+1), and in a four-dimensional (4D or
spacetime) representation with time included as a differential basis element on an equal footing with
the spatial dimensions. The 2+1 case is commonly treated in textbooks using component notation, but we
show that Maxwell’s equations and the theorems and principles of electromagnetics can be expressed in
a fundamentally two-dimensional formulation. In the 4D representation, graphical representations can
be given to illustrate four-dimensional fields in a way that provides intuition into the interplay between
the electric and magnetic fields in wave propagation. These results illustrate the usefulness of differential
forms in providing the physical insight required for engineering applications of electromagnetics.
1. Introduction
Maxwell’s equations were originally expressed without the benefit of a compact notation and convenient
mathematical system for manipulating field quantities [1, 2]. The subsequent development of the vector
calculus provided a powerful and useful tool for working with electromagnetic theory. Tensor analysis is
in turn an even more concise notation for electromagnetics, but the full generality of tensors is typically
not needed in application problems. The exterior calculus of differential forms provides another framework
for working with electromagnetic theory, which combines the simplicity of vector analysis and much of the
generality of tensor analysis. While the calculus of differential forms is in many respects similar to the vector
calculus, it is actually more general than the vector notation. The purpose of this paper is to explore the
ramifications of this increased generality from an educational point of view.
Turk J Elec Engin, VOL.14, NO.1, 2006
A differential form is by definition any quantity that can be integrated, including differentials. In
1844 Hermann Günter Grassmann published his book Die lineale Ausdehnungslehre, ein neuer Zweig der
Mathematik [3], in which he developed the idea of an algebra in which the symbols representing geometric
entities such as points, lines and planes are manipulated using certain rules. Grassmann introduced what is
now called exterior algebra, based upon the exterior product. In the early 1900’s, Elie Cartan developed an
exterior calculus of differential forms. Since that time, differential forms have received widespread use in the
physics and mathematics communities for many problems, including electrodynamics [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
12, 13].
After its early introduction into the engineering community by Deschamps [14], Engle [15], Baldomir
[16] and others, the calculus of differential forms has been used in applications to numerical methods [17, 18],
boundary conditions [19, 20], Green’s functions [21], and anisotropic media [22]. Differential forms have also
been considered from an educational point of view [23] and as the basis for monographs [24, 25] and an
engineering electromagnetics textbook [26].
Vector analysis provides two types of objects for representing physical quantities: scalar fields and
vector fields. In electromagnetics, the electric potential and the electric charge density are scalar fields,
and the field intensities E, H and the flux densities D, B are vector fields. It is not obvious why field
theory requires two vector quantities to represent one physical field. With differential forms, the field
intensities are represented by one-forms, or differential forms of degree one, which are naturally integrated
over one-dimensional regions in path integrals. The flux densities are two-forms, and are integrated over
two-dimensional regions in surface integrals. This increase in generality, in that the space of vector fields
expands into two types of differential forms, provides distinct mathematical expressions with different
physical interpretations for field intensities and flux densities.
The pictures that one draws for differential forms of different degree are also distinct. Misner, Thorne
and Wheeler [5] give graphical representations of one-forms as surfaces (equipotentials in the case of the
electric field intensity) and two-forms as tubes (representing electric or magnetic flux). A student acquainted
with differential forms can call to mind mental pictures of field intensity surfaces and flux density that reflect
the physical behavior and mathematical representation of each.
The derivative operations of the calculus of differential forms used in expressing Maxwell’s equations
can also be represented graphically. The derivatives of vector calculus are the gradient, curl and divergence.
The gradient and divergence lend themselves readily to geometric interpretation, but the curl is more difficult
to visualize. This is a major pedagogical hurdle in undergraduate electromagnetics courses. With the calculus
of differential forms, the curl can be given a graphical interpretation that is just as intuitive as the gradient
and divergence. This representation provides an easy way to help students gain a physical understanding of
Ampère’s and Faraday’s laws.
These pedagogical aspects of the calculus of differential forms have already been treated in the
literature and incorporated into textbooks. In this paper, we review this body of work, and add to it
another important aspect of the calculus of differential forms: it can be readily extended to formulations of
the laws of electromagnetics in dimensions other than three.
It is common in applications to consider systems with an axis of symmetry, so that the dimensionality
of the fields and sources are effectively reduced, and Maxwell’s equations can be simplified in a way that
facilitates their solution. Alternately, the equations of electromagnetics can be formulated in a four-
dimensional representation, in such a way that space and time are treated on an equal footing, and the
four Maxwell equations combine into two.
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The vector calculus cannot readily be used in accomplishing either formulation. In the former case,
one typically treats the two-dimensional case as a slice of the three-dimensional case, and thereby avoids the
expression of Maxwell’s equations in a truly two-dimensional framework. In the latter case, vectors would
be extremely unwieldy in describing a higher-dimensional formulation.
These limitations can be overcome by the use of tensor analysis, but as noted above, the full machinery
of tensor analysis is typically not required in engineering electromagnetics. The calculus of differential forms
is general enough that changes to the dimensionality of the formulation of electromagnetics are more natural
than is the case for vector calculus, yet it does not require the index notation of tensor analysis which can
hide simple physical intuition.
After reviewing the three-dimensional formulation of electromagnetics, we develop the exterior cal-
culus on a two-dimensional space, and use it express Maxwell’s equations for two space dimensions (2+1
formulation). We then consider the case of three space dimensions with time included as a fourth differ-
ential basis element in the exterior calculus (4D or spacetime formulation), which leads to a compaction of
Maxwell’s equation into two equations. We consider the designation 3+1 as referring to the most common
expression of Maxwell’s equations using a three-dimensional multivariable calculus for the spatial part with
the time derivative included explicitly.
The 2+1 formulation is in a sense standard material in electromagnetics textbooks, because it is
used in the solution of transverse mode problems for waveguides and many other structures with an axial
symmetry. But the usual viewpoint of the 2+1 case is as a slice of the 3D formulation. In this paper, we
treat the 2+1 case in a non-embedded way, as if sources and fields were confined to a universe consisting of
only two space dimensions plus time (“Flatland” [27]), using the calculus of differential forms.
It is common in mathematical physics to consider field theories of many dimensionalities as models for
various physical systems. The spacetime formulation of Maxwell’s equations has been given in many papers,
monographs, and textbooks (e.g., [5, 11]). These formulations are given almost exclusively using differential
forms or tensor notation. Here, we present these formulations from an engineering point of view, and adapt
the graphical representations that have been used to illustrate fields in the 3+1 case to provide additional
insight into the wave propagation in the spacetime representation.
2. Three-Dimensional Representation
In preparation for considering the two- and four-dimensional representations, we will first review the standard
three-dimensional (3+1) representation of Maxwell’s equations. The basic differentials are dx , dy , and dz .
These differentials are combined using the exterior product, which is antisymmetric, so that
dx ∧ dy = −dy ∧ dx (1)
dx ∧ dx = 0 (2)
The exterior product of two one-forms is a two-form, which is naturally integrated over a surface. The
elementary two-forms are dy ∧ dz , dz ∧ dx , and dx ∧ dy , where we choose the right-cyclic ordering of the
coordinates by convention. Because of the antisymmetry of the exterior product, all three-forms can be
expressed in the form fdx ∧ dy ∧ dz , where f is some function.
The electric and magnetic field intensities, flux densities, and the source quantities are represented by
Turk J Elec Engin, VOL.14, NO.1, 2006
E = E1 dx + E2 dy + E3 dz (3a)
H = H1 dx + H2 dy + H3 dz (3b)
D = D1 dy ∧ dz + D2 dz ∧ dx + D3 dx ∧ dy (3c)
B = B1 dy ∧ dz + B2 dz ∧ dx + B3 dx ∧ dy (3d)
J = J1 dy ∧ dz + J2 dz ∧ dx + J3 dx ∧ dy (3e)
Q = ρdx dy dz (3f)
where E and H are one-forms; D , B , and J are two-forms; and Q is a three-form. These field quantities,
along with the degree of the differential form and the corresponding vector quantity, are given in Table 1.
We consider that the differentials have units of lengths, so that the differential form carries the same units
as the path, surface, or volume integral of the corresponding vector quantity.
Table 1. The differential forms of electromagnetics, along with their degrees, units, and corresponding vector
The path integral of the one-form E represents potential change along the path. E can be pictured
as parallel surfaces representing equipotentials of the field, such that the value of the integral is given by the
number of surfaces pierced by the path. The differential form dx , for example, consists of parallel planes
spaced a unit distance apart and perpendicular to the x -axis. The surfaces are oriented in one of the two
normal directions, so that the integral is equal to the number of surfaces pierced in the positive direction
minus the number of surfaces pierced in the negative direction.
Figure 1. A one-form is represented graphically by surfaces. The integral of the one-form over a path is the number
of surfaces pierced by the path. The orientation of the surface together with the direction of the integration path
determines the sign of the integral. This one-form represents a conservative field, so that the integral over a closed
path is zero, because each surface pierced by the path with a positive orientation is also pierced by the path at
another location in the opposite direction.
WARNICK, RUSSER: Two, Three and Four-Dimensional Electromagnetics...,
The two-form D represents electric flux, and is graphically pictured as a family of tubes. The two-
form dx ∧ dy , for example, consists of two sets of parallel planes perpendicular to the x and y axes, which
intersect to form tubes extending in the z direction, as shown in Fig. 2. The integral of a two-form over an
area is the number of tubes crossing the area.
The three-form fdx ∧ dy ∧ dz consists of boxes with sides given by the surfaces corresponding to the
one-forms dz , dy , and dz . The density of the boxes is determined by the value of the coefficient function
Figure 2. The two-form dx ∧ dy consists of two sets of parallel surfaces, one perpendicular to x and the other to
y . When integrated over a square in the x – y plane of side 2 , the boundary of which is denoted by the dashed line,
the value of the integration is four, because four tubes pass through the square.
If a one-form represents a nonconservative field, then in the graphical representation new surfaces are
created, allowing a closed path to pierce a nonzero number of surfaces, as shown in Fig. 3(a). This property
can be analyzed locally using the exterior derivative operator, which is given by
∂ ∂ ∂
d= dx + dy + dz ∧ (4)
∂x ∂y ∂z
This operator maps a p-form to a (p + 1)-form. If E represents a nonconservative field, then the two-form
given by dE is nonzero.
Stokes’ theorem provides a link between integrals of a differential form and its exterior derivative
through the relationship
dω = ω (5)
M ∂M
where M is some region of space and ∂M is its boundary. The dimension of ∂M has to match the degree of
ω . If ω is a zero-form, this expression reduces to the fundamental theorem of calculus. If ω is a one-form,
this theorem connects the surface integral of the two-form dω , represented by tubes passing through the
surface, to the closed path integral of ω , as shown in Fig. 3. This closed path integral is nonzero only if new
surfaces of the one-form are created inside the path. Thus, Stokes’ theorem can be interpreted graphically as
stating that new surfaces of ω are created by tubes of dω . If ω is a two-form, then new tubes of ω extend
away from cubes of the three-form dω .
In a three-dimensional space, one-forms and two-forms both have three independent differential
elements, so that the spaces of one-forms and two-forms are isomorphic. In vector notation, these two
spaces are not explicitly distinguished, but with the calculus of differential forms they are distinct. The
different physical meanings of field intensity and flux density are reflected in this distinction, because E and
H are one-forms, whereas D and B are two-forms. Similarly, zero-forms (scalars) and three-forms (densities)
are identified in vector notation, but become distinct in the calculus of differential forms.
Turk J Elec Engin, VOL.14, NO.1, 2006
(a) (b)
Figure 3. (a) A nonconservative one-form, with new surfaces extending out into space, allowing a nonzero integral
over a closed path. (b) The exterior derivative of the one-form is a two-form having tubes where new surfaces of the
one-form are created. By Stokes’ theorem, the density of the tubes of the two-form is equal to the number of new
surfaces of the one-form.
The Hodge star operator is a mapping between the pairs of isomorphic spaces. In the Euclidean
metric, we have
The vector quantity that is dual to a one-form α is the same as the vector dual to the two-form ? α . Between
zero-forms and three-forms, the star operator takes the function f to the three-form ? f = fdx ∧ dy ∧ dz .
In 3D, the star operator applied twice yields the identity operation, so that ? ? α = α for any form α .
With the differential forms defined in (3), along with the exterior derivative and the Hodge star
operator, we can express Maxwell’s equations in point form as
dE = − B (6a)
dH = D+J (6b)
dD = Q (6c)
dB = 0 (6d)
D = 0 ?E (7a)
B = µ0 ?H (7b)
In vector notation, Gauss’s law for the electric field is expressed using the divergence operator. This
operation can be pictured in a simple way. Where a vector field has nonzero divergence, there is a source or
sink. The vector field represents either flow away from the source, or flow towards a sink. The corresponding
picture in differential forms notation is equally intuitive. Boxes of the three-form Q produce tubes of the
two-form D , which are either oriented away from a positive charge or towards a negative charge (Fig. 4).
With vector notation, the curl operation is less intuitive. The magnetic field intensity φ̂/ρ, for
example, appears to “curl” around a line current source on the z axis, yet students are often perplexed by
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the fact that the curl is actually zero everywhere except at ρ = 0 . With differential forms, on the other
hand, the exterior derivative of a one-form can be given a very simple graphical representation. As shown in
Fig. 5, tubes of the two-form J in Ampère’s law produce surfaces of the one-form H . Away from the tubes
of the source, no new surfaces of the one-form H are created, so the curl is zero. This is in exact analogy
with the picture given for Gauss’s law in Fig. 4, but with the dimensionality of the objects reduced by one.
Turk J Elec Engin, VOL.14, NO.1, 2006
the cross product of the differential tangent vector and a normal vector for the surface in which the current
In the larger picture of tensor analysis, the two isomorphic vector spaces unfold into distinct spaces,
leading to a mathematically more natural calculus, within which the dimensionality of the formulation of
Maxwell’s equations can be readily increased or decreased. The calculus of differential forms as a subset of
tensor analysis is simple enough to allow for easy calculations without tedious index manipulations, but is
general enough that it does not rely on this three-dimensional isomorphism, and so does not suffer from some
of the limitations of vector calculus, including difficulty in changing the dimensionality of the underlying
space from three to two or four.
In this section, we develop Maxwell’s equations in the 2+1 representation, and then consider the
four-dimensional or spacetime formulation in Sec. 4.
where we employ the subscript 2 to indicate that the operator here is associated with a two-dimensional
underlying space, rather than three-dimensional space as in Eq. (6).
In order to determine the action of the 2D Hodge star operator on one-forms, we must resort to the
definition of the operator. For a p-form α , ? 2 α is the unique (n − p)-form such that the relationship
α ∧ β = h?2 α, βi σ (10)
holds for any (n − p)-form β . In this expression, σ is the volume element of the space, which in rectangular
coordinates is dx ∧ dy , and h·, ·i denotes the inner product induced by the underlying metric, which is in
this case the Euclidean metric.
Since n = 2 , the star operator maps one-forms to one-forms. Considering α = dx , we must have that
dx ∧ β = h?2 dx, βi dx ∧ dy (11)
where β is an arbitrary one-form. In the Euclidean metric, hdx, dxi = hdy, dyi = 1 , and hdx, dyi = 0 . If
we choose β = dx , Eq. (11) shows that ? 2 dx cannot have a dx component, because the left-hand side
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vanishes, whereas on the right the inner product of dx with a differential form having a dx component is
nonzero. As a consequence, we must have that ? 2 dx = a dy , where a is a constant. Choosing β = dy leads
dx ∧ dy = a hdy, dyi dx ∧ dy (12)
| {z }
which requires that a = 1 . Proceeding similarly for dy , we find that ? 2 dy = −dx . Summarizing, for
dE = − B (14a)
dH = D+J (14b)
dD = Q (14c)
dB = 0 (14d)
D = ?2 E (15a)
B = µ?2 H (15b)
These expressions are of precisely the same form as Maxwell’s equations in 3D as given in Eqs. (6), but with
the exterior derivative and Hodge star operators interpreted according to Eqs. (8) and (13). We observe
that Maxwell’s equations are form-invariant with respect to the dimensionality of the underlying space when
expressed using the calculus of differential forms.
These relationships for the 2D fields can be obtained from their 3D counterparts by expanding the
equations in components, forming the interior product or contraction from the left with ẑ to remove the dz
differentials, and then applying the definitions of the 2D exterior derivative and Hodge star operators.
Turk J Elec Engin, VOL.14, NO.1, 2006
It can be seen that the fields correspond to the three-dimensional TE z polarization, because the
electric field can be viewed as the x and y components of the electric field radiated by a cylindrical current
source that is translationally invariant in the z direction. In a two-dimensional space, charges cannot move
in the z direction, so the TM z polarization does not exist in a truly 2D world. Alternately, if magnetic
charges were allowed in the model, then the resulting field equations for a z -invariant magnetic current
flowing in the x - y plane would be dual to those in Eqs. (14) (although it is interesting to note that when the
behavior of Maxwell’s equations under reflection of the coordinate system from left-handed to right-handed
is rigorously considered, magnetic charges apparently have no place in the formalism [28]).
It is especially interesting to consider the electric flux density. From the action of the 2D Hodge star
operator on one-forms in Eq. (13), in 2D the lines of the one-form D are perpendicular to the lines of E .
If Dx3D and Dy3D represent the components of the two-form electric flux density in three dimensions, then
D = D3D y ẑ = −Dy3D dx + Dx3D dy . In three dimensions, the tubes of the two-form D are orthogonal to the
surfaces of E . Also, just as the tubes of electric flux begin at positive point charges and end at negative point
charge in three dimensions, the lines of D begin at positive line charges and end at negative line charges
In the three-dimensional representation, one can largely avoid the need to consider twisted quantities
explicitly. It is only when reducing to 2D that twisted forms necessarily arise, as in the case of the surface
current density at a boundary [19]. But some of the field quantities in the 3D representation of Maxwell’s
equations are actually twisted differential forms [28, 26], as outlined in Table 2. In the 3D case, a one-form
is oriented by a normal direction, whereas a twisted one-form is oriented by a two-form which represents
a “screw sense.” A two-form is also oriented by a screw sense, and a twisted two-form is oriented by the
direction of flow along the tubes of the two-form. As a consequency of this, both D and E are oriented
by the same direction, and H and B are both oriented by the same screw sense. Twisted three-forms are
oriented with a sign, which in the case of the electric charge density Q represents the sign of the charge.
The Hodge star operator most naturally maps twisted forms to nontwisted forms and vice versa, so it maps
diagonally across Table 2.
A twisted differential form can be oriented in either of two senses. For example, if the magnetic field
in 3D above the z = 0 plane is dx and is zero below, then the twisted surface current density one-form
is Js = dx and is oriented in the +dy direction (where dy is a nontwisted one-form). Alternately, the
3D electric flux density D3D = dz ∧ dx corresponds to D = −dx in the 2D formulation of this paper,
but with orientation also in the +dy direction. The difference can be accounted for by the fact that the
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Table 2. Twisted and nontwisted differential forms in the 3D representation of Maxwell’s equations.
surface current density is obtained by pullback or boundary restriction, whereas the 2D electric flux density
one-form is obtained by removing a differential to lower the dimensionality of the field. In the former case,
the 2D orientation can be obtained mathematically using Eq. (39) in [19]. In the notation of Burke [29], if
the p-form αs is the pullback of α to a surface in R3 , then the outer orientation of αs is the orientation of
the nontwisted (2 − p)-form {αs , σs } which satisfies
where σs is the volume element of the surface, σ is the volume element of R3 , and {α, σ} is the outer
orientation of α . For the example given above, α = H2 − H1 = dx , {α, σ} = dy ∧ dz , and n = dz , from
which we have that the outer orientation of αs = Js = dx is {αs , σs} = +dy , as expected. In the latter
case, the 2D orientation can be obtained by pullback or boundary restriction of the 3D outer orientation of
D3D . For the example, the outer orientation of D3D = dz ∧ dx is {D3D , σ} = dy . The outer orientation
{D, σs } of D = −dx is the pullback of dy to the z = 0 plane, which is also +dy .
In 2D, the Poynting vector is S = E ∧ H , which is a one-form. As with the electric flux density one-form D ,
the direction of the power flux represented by S is along the lines of the one-form S . Mathematically, S is
a twisted form, because H is twisted and causes the product E ∧ H to be twisted also. Since the integral
of S along a path that pierces surfaces of S represents flow of energy across the path rather than along it,
it is clear that the physical orientation of the power flux represented by S must be along the lines of the
one-form, instead of perpendicular to the lines as is the case with a nontwisted one-form.
Because of this difference, in the vector formulation of the 2D Poynting’s theorem the integral of
the vector dual to S is not the usual vector path integral with a differential tangent vector, but involves
a differential vector which is normal to the path. Expressed using differential forms, on the other hand,
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where the closed path P bounds the area A. As with Maxwell’s equations, this expression has precisely the
same form as in the three-dimensional case. The only difference is that the dimensionality of the integrations
and the orders of the differential forms H , D , and J have decreased by one.
d?2 dE = − d?2 B
= −µ dH.
Substituting for H using Ampère’s law leads to
∂2 ∂
d?2 dE = −µ D−µ J (18)
∂t2 ∂t
Applying the Hodge star operator to both sides and using the constitutive relation for D ,
1 ∂2E ∂J
?2 d?2 dE = − µ?2 (19)
c2 ∂t2 ∂t
where it is important to note the minus sign in ? 2 D = −E , which arises due to Eq. (13).
The Laplace–de Rham operator is defined by
It is easy to check by calculating in components that this operator acts according to the familiar relationship
∂2 ∂2
∆= 2
+ 2 (22)
∂x ∂y
This equation is identical in form to the 3D wave equation, except that the sign of the source term on
the right-hand side is different. This difference in sign is accounted for by the relationship J = J 3D y ẑ =
−Jy3D dx + Jx3D dy in moving from the 3D to the 2D representation of the current together with the action
of the 2D Hodge star operator on one-forms.
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Figure 6. Faraday’s law in 4-space.
In four-dimensional Minkowski space Maxwell’s equations assume an extremely compact form [5, 30].
To introduce the four-dimensional representation of Maxwell’s equations we first consider the integral form
of Faraday’s law in the three-dimensional representation,
B=− E. (24)
dt A ∂A
We apply Faraday’s law to a surface A as depicted in Figure 24. Integrating over the time interval T = [t1 , t2 ]
and considering the time t as a fourth coordinate in addition to the three spatial coordinates yields
B −
B + E ∧ dt = 0 . (25)
A t2 A t1 ∂A×T
The domain of integration in the four-space formed by the coordinates x, y, z, t is the two-dimensional surface
of the three-dimensional cylinder generated by translating the surface A along the time-axis from t1 to t2 .
In the first and second integrals in the above equation the integration is performed over the top and bottom
surfaces of the cylinder. The third integral is performed over the side surface of the cylinder. In Fig. 24
we have chosen the surface A in the xy -plane, but A may be any two-dimensional surface embedded in
We now introduce the two-form F on four-dimensional space,
F = Ex dx ∧ dt + Ey dy ∧ dt + Ez dz ∧ dt (26)
+ Bx dy ∧ dz + By dz ∧ dx + Bz dx ∧ dy .
This two-form is called the Faraday form. With the Faraday form we can write (25) as
F=0 (27)
where the boundary of the cylinder ∂V is composed by ∂A×t1 ∪ ∂A×t2 ∪ A×[t1 , t2 ] . We easily can see that
in the integral (27) the first three terms of (26), i.e. the electric field terms contribute to the integral over
the side wall of the cylinder, whereas the second three terms, namely the magnetic field terms contribute to
the integration over the bottom and top surfaces. The above equation simply states that the flux described
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by the Faraday form is free of divergence in the four-space. Integration over the boundary of a volume which
is extended in time yields Faraday’s law. Integration over a space-like three-dimensional volume which is
extended in all three space dimensions but not in time shows that the magnetic induction or flux density is
free of divergence.
In a similar way we can construct the Maxwell form by combining the electric displacement form D
and the magnetic field form H to a two-form
G = Dx dy ∧ dz + Dy dz ∧ dx + Dz dx ∧ dy (28)
− Hxdx ∧ dt − Hy dy ∧ dt − Hz dz ∧ dt
Before further proceeding in setting up the four-dimensional formulation of Maxwell’s theory we consider a
distinctive feature of the four-dimensional space. The four-dimensional Minkowski space exhibits a metric
which is not positive definite. In Minkowski space the distance s between two one-forms
A = Ax dx + Ay dy + Az dz + At dt , (29a)
B = Bx dx + By dy + Bz dz + Bt dt (29b)
is given by
where c ist the free-space speed of light. This definition follows from special relativity and means that
points on the light cone exhibit zero distance in Minkowski space. We therefore have to define a suitable
star operator. This requirement is satisfied by defining the four-dimensional Hodge operator for Minkowski
space as follows: For zero-forms and four-forms,
?4 (dx ∧ dy ∧ dz ∧ c dt) = −1 , ?4 1 = dx ∧ dy ∧ dz ∧ c dt (31)
?4 (dx ∧ dy ∧ cdt) = − dz , ?4 dz = −c dt ∧ dx ∧ dy
For two-forms,
?4 (dy ∧ dz) = −dx ∧ cdt , ?4 (dx ∧ cdt) = dy ∧ dz
?4 ?4 ?4 ?4 = 1 (34b)
4 = ?4 ?4 ?4 (34c)
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The Stokes’ theorem also holds in four dimension. Applying it to (24) yields
dF = 0 (36)
The factor (0 /µ0 ) is due to the system of units used here and has no physical meaning. Poincaré’s lemma
states that if the exterior derivative of a p-form is zero, on a simply connected space it can be expressed as
an exterior derivative of some (p − 1)-form. Since the exterior derivative of F vanishes, we therefore have
F = dA (38)
A = Ax dx + Ay dy + Az dz + c Φdt. (39)
where Ax , Ay , Az are the components of the magnetic vector potential and Φ is the scalar electric potential.
To develop a four-dimensional formulation of Ampère’s law and the divergence law for the electric
flux density we introduce the four-current differential form
J4 = −Jx dy ∧ dz ∧ dt − Jy dz ∧ dx ∧ dt
−Jz dx ∧ dy ∧ dt + ρ dx ∧ dy ∧ dz (40)
where Jx , Jy , Jz are the components of the electric current and ρ is the electric charge. The four-
dimensional formulation of Ampère’s law and the divergence law is
dG = J4 (41)
so that in the four-space formulation the four-current J4 is the source of the Maxwell form G .
We introduce the coderivative as
d̃ = (−1)k ?−1
4 d ?4 (44)
Turk J Elec Engin, VOL.14, NO.1, 2006
where k is the degree of the form on which the operator acts. We define the wave operator
2 = dd̃ + d̃d . (45)
Using the gauge freedom in A to choose d? 4 A = 0 (Lorenz gauge), we can then write the wave equation
2A = ?4 J4 (46)
In four-dimensional spacetime with the coordinates t, x , y and z for a zero-form f the wave operator is
1 ∂2f ∂ 2f ∂2f ∂2f
2f = − − − (47)
c2 ∂t2 ∂x2 ∂y2 ∂z 2
In order to illustrate how four-dimensional structures can be visualized by projections, Figure 7(a)
gives a representation of a four-dimensional cubical space domain which is bounded by eight three-dimensional
right parallelipipeds, four of which are depicted in Figures 7. Each of these parallelipipeds is bounded by
six two-dimensional surfaces.
z y z
z y y
t t
x x
Figure 7. Top: Visualizing a hypercubical element in 4-space by projections. The faces of the hypercube are
three-dimensional right parallelipipeds, several of which are shown below in the figure.
WARNICK, RUSSER: Two, Three and Four-Dimensional Electromagnetics...,
By looking at the component notation we can see that this Faraday form describes a plane wave with
an electric field component in the x -direction and a magnetic field component in the y -direction. The
corresponding Faraday form is
F = Ex dx ∧ dt + By dz ∧ dx (50)
1 ∂2u ∂2u
− 2 =0 (52)
c2 ∂t2 ∂z
This can be solved by changing variables to p = z − ct, q = z + ct to obtain the transformed partial
differential equation
=0 (53)
From this relationship, it is apparent that we can express the solution u in the form
u = u1 (p) + u2 (q) (54)
Finally, transforming back to the original space and time coordinates leads to the general solution
u = u1 (z − ct) + u2 (z + ct) (55)
for the coefficient of the potential in Eq. (48). Choosing a solution such that u2 = 0 , we can obtain the
components of the Faraday form using Eqs. (49) as
Using the constitutive relation (37) we can find the Maxwell form,
0 0
G= u (dy ∧ dz − cdy ∧ dt) (57)
The 4D Faraday and Maxwell forms provide a graphical representation of the fields associated with
wave propagation. F can be placed in the form
F = u0 (−cdt + dz) ∧ dx (58)
which shows that this 2-form consists of surfaces perpendicular to the x axis together with surfaces perpen-
dicular to the −ct + z axis. Similarly,
0 0
G= u dy ∧ (−cdt + dz) (59)
which leads to surfaces perpendicular to the y axis and surfaces perpendicular to the −ct+z axis. Projections
of these differential forms are shown in Fig. 8. It can be seen that in these projections, the tubes of both
two-forms are oriented in the ct + z direction. If one further projects F onto a spacelike surface in the
x - z plane, only the By dz ∧ dx term remains. When projected onto a time-like surface in the x - t plane,
Ex dx ∧ dt is obtained. Similar behavior can be seen for the Maxwell form G .
Turk J Elec Engin, VOL.14, NO.1, 2006
ct+z ct+z
z Ex dx dt z
Hy dy dt
ct ct
By dz dx ct-z ct-z
Dx dy dz
Figure 8. Three-dimensional projections of the 4D Faraday and Maxwell forms for a wave traveling in the z direction.
The Faraday form reduces to the electric field intensity or magnetic flux density on timelike or spacelike 2D slices,
whereas the Maxwell form reduces to magnetic field intensity and electric flux density.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, we have considered some of the pedagogical aspects of the exterior calculus of differential
forms in electromagnetic theory. Relative to the vector calculus, differential forms notation simplifies many
calculations and provides additional insight into the behavior of sources and fields through clear and simple
graphical representations.
We have also dealt with electromagnetic field quantities and Maxwell’s equations when formulated in
a two-dimensional space with a time dimension, and in a four-dimensional representation including three
space dimensions and a time axis together on an equal footing. These treatments illustrate the utility of
the exterior calculus of differential forms in working with electromagnetic field theory in spatial dimensions
other than three.
Finally, we remark that although this presentation was made in a way that highlighted differences
between the vector calculus and the calculus of differential forms, one should not view users of the two
notations as being in competition. Rather, one who is expert in the vector calculus can gain additional
insight into the mathematics of electromagnetic fields by reconsidering already known principles in a different
light using the alternate mathematical framework of differential forms.
Warnick would like to express grateful appreciation for the generous support and warm hospitality of Prof.
Russer during his summer visit to TUM in the summer of 2005.
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