Optimization Techniques For Chemical Engineering Applications

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on The Science and Engineering Research Council 1.Basic Optimization Techniques

(SERC) of the Department of Science and
Technology (DST) sponsors state-of-art courses in Search Techniques; Gradient Based
Optimization Techniques for engineering and science for the benefit of faculty of Approaches
engineering colleges, as well as engineers working
Chemical Engineering in industry, R & D organizations and CSIR 2. Constrained Optimization
Applications laboratories, and scientists from government
departments in the country. These courses also offer Kuhn-Tucker Conditions; Linear Programming;
an opportunity for increasing industry-academia Quadratic Programming: Non-linear
interaction. Programming; Integer Programming; Global
Mon 06 July - Sat 11 July, 2009 Optimization; Parametric Programming
3. Genetic Algorithms
Optimization is an active area of research and
Sponsored by industrial activity in all areas of engineering, science, Single-Objective Optimization (SOO); Multi-
finance, etc. It has gained importance in recent Objective Optimization (MOO);
years with newer developments like evolutionary
Department of Science and Technology computation and global optimization techniques. 4. Applications
(SERC) These techniques enable the solution and Sensor Network Design; Heat Exchanger
New Delhi implementation of large-scale real-life industrial Networks; Gene Expression Profiling and Gene
problems which were hitherto unsolvable. The Network Analysis; Model Predictive Control;
proposed SERC School aims to cover the Batch Scheduling; String Matching
fundamentals of classical optimization, evolutionary
optimization and global optimization techniques for
chemical engineers, using a tutorial approach. A few FACULTY
hands-on computer sessions are planned. Some
case studies (based on recent research) on the Professor Mani Bhushan (IIT Bombay)
optimization of industrial systems will be covered. In Professor Santosh K. Gupta (IIT Bombay)
addition, application of these techniques to Professor Ranjan K. Malik (IIT Bombay)
emerging areas of chemical engineering, e.g., Professor Sharad Bhartiya (IIT Bombay)
sensor network design, gene network analysis, Professor Ravindra D. Gudi (IIT Bombay)
model predictive control, etc., will be covered. The Professor Santosh B. Noronha (IIT Bombay)
Organized at lectures will be delivered by experts having several Professor Sanjeev Garg (IIT Kanpur)
years of experience in the simulation, optimization
and control of chemical and bio-engineering ACCOMMODATION
Department of Chemical Engineering
systems. This should be useful for participants in
Indian Institute of Technology their teaching and should also help them undertake Accommodation for the duration of the course
Bombay – 400 076 research on challenging industrial problems. will be arranged in student hostel (single occupancy)
inside IIT Bombay campus. Participants from
industry may be provided Guest house paid by these participants, additionally. An a/c payee REGISTRATION FORM
accommodation on twin-sharing basis subject to demand draft for the registration fee of Rs. 15,000/-, DST-SERC School on
availability. as well as the registration form (this can be
photocopied), duly filled and forwarded, should reach Optimization Techniques for
FEES the course coordinators on or before June 10, 2009.
DDs should be drawn in favor of “Registrar, IIT
Chemical Engineering Applications
PARTICIPANTS FROM ACADEMIC Bombay, (CEP Account)” and payable at Mumbai.
06 – 11 July, 2009
INSTITUTIONS Please note that no Income Tax should be deducted at
About twenty five participants from academic source, as IIT Bombay is exempt from the same. Name:…………………………………………………..
institutions will be sponsored by DST. Participants will Date of Birth:…………………………………………...
be selected on an all-India basis. Selected candidates Designation:……………………………………………
will be paid AC-III tier railway/bus round trip fares by IMPORTANT DATES Organization:…………………………………………..
the shortest route from/to their place of work. Boarding Address for Correspondence:………………………..
and lodging expenses will be borne by DST. The Last date for ………………………………………………………….
registration form (photocopies can be used), duly June 10, 2009 ………………………………………………………….
receiving application
forwarded by the head of the institution, and an a/c …………………………………………………………..
Confirmation of Phone: (O) ………………….(M)……………………...
payee Demand Draft (see below) for Rs. 500/- should June 15, 2009
participation Fax:………………………E-Mail………………………
reach the course coordinators on or before June 10,
2009. This fee is non-refundable in case of Degree Year University
Selected candidates will be informed by e-mail, if the
cancellations, and will be refunded on arrival of the
e-mail address is provided
participant. DDs should be drawn in favor of
“Registrar, IIT Bombay” and payable at Mumbai.
A few participants from academic institutions may COURSE COORDINATORS Experience (Years):…………………………………...
also be considered on a self-sponsored basis. The Research Interests:……………………………………
course fee for such candidates will be Rs. 10,000 Professor Mani Bhushan …………………………………………………………..
(payable via an a/c payee demand draft as described Phone (O) 022 2576 7214; ……………………………………………………….….
(M) 98191 31836;
below) per participant. Boarding, lodging, traveling, Payment Details
FAX 022-25726895;
and all other expenses are to be paid by these Draft No:.…………………………Date:……………..
(Attn. Mani Bhushan)
participants, additionally. DDs for these should be Amount: Rs……….…..Drawn On:…………………..
E-mail [email protected]
drawn in favor of “Registrar, IIT Bombay (CEP and
Sponsored By
Account)” and payable at Mumbai. Please note that no Professor Santosh K. Gupta Name:…………………………………………………..
Income Tax should be deducted at source, as IIT Phone (O) 022 2576 7256; Designation:……………………………………………
Bombay is exempt from the same. (M) 99302 26012; Organization:…………………………………………..
FAX 022-25726895;
(Attn. Santosh K. Gupta)
PARTICIPANTS FROM INDUSTRY, CSIR LABS, E-mail [email protected] Signature
About ten participants from industry/CSIR Labs/R
& D organizations would be accommodated on a self- Department of Chemical Engineering,
sponsored basis. The course fee will be Rs. 15,000 for Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Signature
each participant. This covers the cost of one set of (Head of the Institution, with Seal)
course notes and attendance in the lectures. Boarding, Powai, MUMBAI-400 076
lodging, traveling, and all other expenses are to be

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