Sample HSE Policy

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Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Policy

Mideast Data Systems Oman is committed to protecting the health and safety of everybody who plays a part in our
operations, lives in the communities in which we operate or uses our products. We will conduct our business with
respect and care for both the local and global environment and systematically manage risks to drive sustainable
business growth. We will not be satisfied until we succeed in eliminating all injuries, occupational illnesses, unsafe
practices and incidents of environmental harm from our activities.

To meet our commitment, Mideast Data Systems Oman will:

 Demonstrate visible and active leadership that engages employees and service providers and manage
health, safety and environmental (HSE) performance as a line responsibility with clear authorities and
 Ensure that all employees and contractors understand that working safely is a condition of employment,
and that they are each responsible for their own safety and the safety of those around them.
 Manage all projects, products and processes through their life-cycles in a way that protects safety, health
and minimizes impacts to the environment.
 Provide employees with the capabilities, knowledge and resource necessary to instil personal ownership
and motivation to achieve HSE excellence
 Provide relevant safety and health information to contractors and require them to provide proper training
for the safe, environmentally sound performance of their work.
 Measure, audit and report HSE performance and maintain open dialog with stakeholder groups and with
communities where we operate.
 Work with both governments and stakeholders to develop regulations and standards that improve the
safety and health of people and the environment.
 Maintain a secure work environment to protect ourselves, our contractors and the company’s assets from
risks of injury, property loss or damage resulting from hostile acts.
 Communicate our commitment to this safety policy to our subsidiaries, affiliates, contractors and
governments, and seek their support.

Our Expectations
Through the implementation of this policy, Mideast Data Systems Oman seeks to earn the public’s trust and to be
recognized as the leader in HSE performance.

Signed: Jihad ABI SALEH

General Manager, MDS Oman
March 2012

Knowledge Oasis Muscat (KOM4), Office No-0406 Z1, P.O. Box 198 Ruwi, PC 112, Sultanate of Oman
CR No. 1/40604/3 Tel: +968 2 416 1111 Fax: +968 2 416 1100 [email protected]

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