HSE and Sustanibility Policy
HSE and Sustanibility Policy
HSE and Sustanibility Policy
Tres Technology Solutions LLC. (Tres) is committed to the health and safety of our employees
and the protection of the environment. Effective Health, Safety, and Environmental (HSE)
protection in our business is every employee's responsibility for every activity that is conducted in
our workplace or while at client facilities.
Compliance with all regulations and contractual obligations governing HSE requirements
at our workplaces
Expedient action to correct or isolate unsafe conditions or work practices
Employee accountability for role-related HSE requirements
Reasonable effort to assure that employees can accomplish assigned tasks safely and
with no harm to the environment
Activities to enhance workers’ awareness and participation of HSE requirements
Ongoing monitoring and improvement of the HSE management system
As an employer, Tres recognizes its responsibility for the health and safety of its employees in
the workplace. Tres is committed to supporting every reasonable action to ensure the protection
of employees while at the assigned workplace. Similarly, Tres will make every effort to ensure
that all external persons working with Tres are protected from injury and/or occupational disease.
Tres will monitor our workplace and without exception, will require all persons at our workplace to
work in a safe manner and take every action reasonable to eliminate the risk of personal injury or
injury to others.
The management of Tres expects every employee to be aware of and work in full compliance
with relevant HSE regulations. Tres will supply and/or provide the resources necessary to attend
educational programs as needed to ensure that staff maintain an understanding of HSE
regulations and best practices as applicable to the workplace. In addition, every employee must
be aware of and comply with project specific HSE requirements as determined from time to time,
such as those that may apply at certain industrial sites.
Tres requires every employee and contractor to take ownership of his or her own health and
safety by working in compliance with both the law and according to safe work practices and
procedures established by clients. While working at a client’s site, all Tres project team members
assigned to the project will comply with the client’s HSE policy and procedures. External
contractors retained by Tres must have a HSE policy consistent with Tres’s and the client’s policy
and provide a copy to Tres prior to start of work. Contractors must work in accordance with the
most stringent requirements set out in a policy or program, whether it be the contractor’s, the
client’s, or Tres’s HSE requirements.
Tres management is fully committed to the requirements and the spirit of this HSE plan and to
continual improvement of our HSE performance.
Sustainability Policy
Tres Consultants is committed to delivering high-quality consulting, software, and professional
education to our clients in manner that balances long-term environmental quality with economic
growth. We strive to achieve optimal performance with minimal adverse environmental and
societal impacts.
Externally, we strive to assist our clients achieve environmental sustainability objectives in their
operations via such activities as:
Internally, we strive to improve our sustainability profile through the following commitments:
Continually improve performance in all that we undertake via our Quality Management
Quantify our greenhouse gas emissions profile and achieve transparency with respect to
our stakeholders
Reduce our resource consumption through such measures as use of electronic instead of
paper deliverables, working with office lessors to reduce electricity use, office recycling,
and working towards a “paperless” filing system
Donate used office supplies/equipment to local schools and charitable organizations
Reduce unnecessary travel via the use of web-based meetings and seminars
Purchase energy-efficient appliances and electronics and utilize hibernation features on
Purchase carbon offsets for certain employee travel
Offer flexible working arrangements to employees such as telecommuting and
compressed work hours
Educate employees on sustainability issues
Tres Technology believes that the above efforts and activities will improve the well-being of our
employees, clients, and stakeholders now and into the future.