Characterization of Refractory Titanium Alloys Welded by TIG and Laser Processes

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To cite this version : Ferdinand, Cyrille and Alexis, Joël and Masri, Talal
and Petit, Jacques-Alain and Ganza, Jean-Christophe Characterization of
refractory titanium alloys welded by TIG and laser processes. (2007) In: 11th
World Conference on Titanium, 03 June 2007 - 07 June 2007 (Kyoto, Japan).

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Characterization of refractory titanium alloys welded by TIG and laser processes

Cyrille Ferdinand1-2, Joel Alexis1, Talal Masri1, Jacques-Alain Petit1, Jean-Christophe Ganza2
Laboratoire Génie de Production - ENIT, 47 avenue d’Azereix, 65016 Tarbes, France, [email protected]
Aeronautical EXAMECA, 64121, Serres-Castet, France
The use of refractory titanium alloys for the components of structure subjected to increasing temperatures is in full expansion in the air transport. Within
the framework of European project HORTIA, aiming to develop and design a conduit of refractory titanium alloy helicopter by associating innovative
processes and the industrial constraints, this work relates to the implementation and characterization of Ti6242 and Beta-21 S welded sheets by TIG and
C02 laser processes. The determination of the mechanical characteristics in connection with the metallurgical transformations relating to the
Ti6242/Ti6242, Beta 2IS /Beta 2lS and Ti6242/Beta2lS assembly configurations allowed a rigorous comparison of the processes and studied materials. The
influence of the heat treatment 600°C/8h on the relations structures/mechanical properties was also studied in order to envisage the behaviour of the
assemblies under the real service use conditions.
Keywords: Refractory Titanium Alloys - TIG and laser process welding - Aeronautical applications - Structure/mechanical properties relationships

1. Introduction GTA welds were produced with a pulsed continue currant

and straight polarity, in a bead-on-plate preparation. The
The present study has been developed into the laser welding was initiated and developed within the
European sponsored HORTIA project (Heat and Exameca company, with a CO2 TRUMPF laser machine.
Oxidation Resistant Titanium Alloy Applications) with a The characterizations of the assemblies and base
direct application of the research studies on a full scale materials were carried out also after a post welding heat
exhaust nozzle manufacturing in titanium alloys applied treatment at 600°C during 8h under argon atmosphere
to helicopter engine. For effective integration of Ti6242 with and air cooling. Many former studies [2] [3] [4]
and Beta21S alloys into some structural components, showed that, whatever the process of welding, this heat
homogeneous weld beads have been performed with both treatment improves the mechanical characteristics of the
gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) and laser beam weld beads of ȕ-metastable titanium alloys while
welding (LBW) processes in order to anticipate the weld preserving an acceptable ductility.
bead characteristics in the HORTIA mock-up. Laser Microhardness of the weld bead cross sections were
beam welding of titanium alloys is more and more measured along the different zones. Transversal tensile
applied in the aeronautical industry especially for tests at room temperature were conducted on weld beads,
lightweight structures because of many advantages to evaluate the tensile strength at a 10-3 s-1 strain rate. In
compared to conventional GTAW, due to highest welding order to define the mechanical properties of the fusion
speeds and high energy density. This welding process zones for each type of assembly, longitudinal
provides narrowest weld-seams, least deformations and microtensile tests were carried out on 3 samples. The
finest grain structures which improve mechanical deformation was observed under optical microscope.
characteristics and ductility. To compare the welding Following these tests, scanning electron microscopy
processes and the assemblies’behaviours [1], the observations of the fracture surfaces were carried out, in
structures/mechanical properties relationship of the order to connect the mechanical characteristics to the
welded joints were studied. mode of rupture.

2. Experimental procedures 3. Results

Ti6242Si and Beta21S alloys were provided by TIMET 3.1. GTA Welding
Co. After rolling in the Į/ȕ field, Ti6242Si sheets are
recristallized in the Į/ȕ field at 900°C during 30 min, 3.1.1. Rough beads
followed by a second annealing (15 min - 785°C) to Ti6242 GTA weld beads show microhardness values
decrease the size and the proportion of ȕ grains. The increasing from the heat affected zone (360HV), of
microstructure is characterised by equiaxed Į grains (size approximately 3 mm width, until the centre of the fusion
approximately 20 ȝm), with ȕ grains in small quantity zone (400HV). This change is consistent with the
located at the triple points of the Į grain boundaries. The increasing formation of thinner transformed ȕ phase
Beta-21S alloy sheets, with nominal chemical (lamellar Į/ȕ phase) while approaching the fusion line. In
composition Ti-15Mo-3Al-2.8Nb-0.3Fe-0.2Si-0.13O fusion zone (FZ) the Widmanstätten structure leads to an
(weight percent), were provided in the solution heat average hardness of 410 Hv. The ȕ21S heat affected zone
treated condition (843°C – air cooling). The (HAZ) width (4.5 mm) is larger than that of Ti6242. The
microstructure includes ȕ equiaxed grains (size 40 ȝm) hardness is homogeneous along the ȕ21S GTA weld bead
with slight grain boundary alpha layer precipitation. The with an average value of 310 Hv. The enlargement of the
Ti6242 as well as Beta21S were assembled in ȕ grains, which was noted in optical microscopy while
homogeneous and heterogeneous configuration. Prior to approaching the fusion line, does not involve significant
welding, the samples were chemically pickled to remove variations of hardness. In the heterogeneous assembly,
any oxide layers. Autogenous, full penetration automatic ȕ21S base metal and HAZ hardness is the lowest,
whereas the hardness in the Ti6242 HAZ is the most the ex-ȕ grain boundaries), the observation of equiaxed
important. In fusion zone, hardness is overall constant cups at a higher magnification indicates a microscopic
with specific variations due to the composition variations dimple fracture. In ȕ21S/ȕ21S fusion zone, the increase in
in alloy elements. Low hardness, with values ranging ȕ grains size causes a reduction in elongation at fracture
between 315 and 340 Hv, in spite of the smoothness of without generating changes of area reduction. This is
the microstructure, indicates the formation of the Į'' phase confirmed by the dimple fracture similar to the base metal
to cooling. Microtensile transverse tests confirm the one but with larger cups (figure 3b). The mechanical
results of microhardness tests (figure 1). All the ruptures strength is the same as for the base material. In mixed
were localised in base metal, indicating a mechanical ȕ21S/Ti6242 fusion zone, yield stress, microhardness, as
strength of the weld beads higher than that of the base well as elongation at failure, are equal to the average of
metal. The elongation at failure of the welded samples is those of the homogeneous assemblies. The fracture
lower than that of the base materials for identical surface shows broad ductile zones at macroscopic scale
strength. The GTA weld beads have a transverse with some faceted areas. These zones contain equiaxed
lengthening lower than that of the base metal. cups indicating microscopic ductility (figure 3c). The
rupture mode is overall transgranular with partial
intergranular ruptures due to the local presence of soft Į
phase at the ex-ȕ grain boundaries.

Ti6242/Ti6242 as welded Ti6242/Ti6242 heat treated

β21S/β21S as welded β21S/β21S heat treated

Figure 1. Transverse mechanical strength and ductility of the samples

welded by TIG and laser processes.

Ti6242/β21S as welded Ti6242/β21S heat treated

Figure 3. Fractographies of the fusion zone welded by process TIG.

3.1.2. Heat treated weld beads

Figure 2. Longitudinal mechanical strength and ductility of the
samples welded by TIG and laser processes. As for weld joints in the as-welded condition, a
continuous and progressive increase in hardness occur
The mechanical strength Y.S0.2% and U.T.S of the cords from the heat affected zone to the fusion zone. The heat
in the longitudinal direction are shown in figure 2. The treatment of Ti6242 does not imply any increase in
transgranular fracture surface of the two materials show a hardness of the base metal in spite of the formation of
ductile behaviour marked by the presence of microvoids transformed ȕ phase within the previous ȕ grains. On the
larger in ȕ21S than in Ti6242 (figures 3 and 6). contrary, average hardness in HAZ and FZ (425Hv) is
The GTAW Ti6242/Ti6242 fusion zone made up of a slightly higher than in the as-welded condition (410Hv in
Į/ȕ lamellar structure has mechanical strengths slightly ZF). This increase can be due to the ageing of Į'
higher than those of the base metal of equiaxed structure. martensitic phase present initially in small proportion in
Furthermore, the increase in the grains size and the the fusion zone. The hardness increase is homogeneous in
Widmanstätten intragranular structure involve a fall in the ȕ21S/ȕ21S weld bead after heat treatment contrary to
ductility. The fusion zone fracture face shows a the as-welded weld joint. The average hardness of base
transgranular rupture mode (figure 3a). Despite zones metal (360Hv), HAZ and FZ (370 Hv) is associated to the
with a faceted fracture appearance are observed at the precipitation of Į phase increasingly fine and
centre (random and discontinuous presence of Į phase to homogeneous while approaching the fusion line. Heat
treatment of ȕ21S/Ti6242 GTA weld beads leads to a mode, with also intergranular cleavage which is
hardness increase in fusion zone (450HV) whereas in consistent with the presence of Į phase at the grain
HAZ the hardness values are the same as for the heat boundaries (figure 6d).
treated homogeneous assemblies. This can be explained After heat treatment the ȕ21S/ȕ21S weld fusion zone
by a very fine Į/ȕ phase precipitation coming from the has got also mechanical strengths higher than the base
decomposition of the Į'' and retained ȕ phases. In a metal and in as-welded condition ones, because of
general way, the failure of the heat treated samples extremely fine precipitation of lamellate α phase. Very
occured in base metal. The weld beads show mechanical low ductility (Z<1%) is explained by a rupture which is
strengths higher than base materials associated to a lower carried out mainly by transgranular cleavage (presence of
ductility. In agreement with the increase in hardness and rivers of deformation) associated with a partial
structure transformations previously observed, the heat intergranular rupture, with also localised ductile zones
treatment 600°C/8h of the alloys ȕ21S and Ti6242 (figure 6e). The mechanical strengths of the ȕ21/Ti6242
involves an increase in the mechanical strength associated weld fusion zone are similar to the ȕ21S/ȕ21S weld one
with lower ductility. but with lower ductility. The fracture surface highlights a
purely brittle behaviour with transgranular cleavage
characterized by rivers of deformation within the cleaved
grains (figure 6f).

3.2. Laser welding

3.2.1. Rough beads

For homogeneous Ti6242/Ti6242 weld beads, the
microstructure changes in heat affected zone involve a
steady increase in hardness compared to base metal (400
to 440 Hv in ZAT and 360 Hv in base metal) and then a
stabilization in fusion zone corresponding to Į' acicular
structure formation. Hardness in fusion zone is higher
Figure 4. Transverse mechanical strength and ductility of the heat than the one of GTA weld bead of mainly Į/ȕ lamellate
treated samples, welded by TIG and laser processes.
structure. ȕ21S/ȕ21S laser weld hardness shows a slight
steady increase through the various zones of the bead,
These variations are less marked for Ti6242. The
with an average hardness of 310 Hv in HAZ and 320 Hv
rupture of HT Ti6242 shows a ductile surface
in FZ. The width of the heat affected zone (1.8mm) is
characterized by the presence of many cups. The fracture
higher than that of the Ti6242/Ti6242 welding (0.8 mm).
surface of HT ȕ21S also presents many finer cups. This is
The hardness variations in heat affected zone of
associated a brittleness with the grain boundaries which
ȕ21S/Ti6242 laser weld bead are similar to those
can come from the presence of phase Į coarse softer than
observed for the homogeneous laser welds. The retained ȕ
the structure of the matrix. During the tensile test, the
phase in ȕ21S base metal and HAZ shows the lowest
incompatibilities of slip between the Į phase with the
hardness value whereas the Į' phase in the Ti6242 HAZ
grain boundaries and the harder matrix, involve the
has the most important one. In spite of a very fine
formation of microvoids at these joints and an
structure, the low hardness measured in fusion zone (335-
intergranular rupture. Heat treated Ti6242/Ti6242 GTA
360Hv) confirms the formation of Į'' orthorhombic phase
weld bead has got mechanical characteristics similar to in
with weak mechanical properties, which was formed
as-welded condition but a lower ductility than the base
during the ȕ phase decomposition to cooling. As for the
GTA weld beads transversal tensile tests, all the laser
weld beads failed in base metal, indicating the good weld
beads quality (figure 1). The mechanical properties test
results are given in figure 3. The Į' martensitic structure
in Ti6242/Ti6242 laser fusion zone involves an increase
in the mechanical strength and a fall in ductility. The
mechanical characteristics are higher than those of the
GTA weld fusion zone, which presents more ex-ȕ coarse
grains and a mainly Į/ȕ lamellate microstructure. The
fracture surface shows a faceted appearance with
transgranular ductility and stripping at the grain
boundaries (figure 11a). The ȕ21S/ȕ21S laser weld fusion
zone presents better mechanical properties than the base
Figure 5. Longitudinal mechanical strength and ductility of heat metal and GTA weld beads ones. The fracture surface is
treated cords welded by process TIG and laser processes. wholly ductile and similar to base material one (figure
11b). β21S/Ti6242 weld bead fusion zone presents
The fracture surface shows facets with equiaxed and mechanical strengths intermediate to those of the
lengthened cups, indicating a transgranular ductile rupture homogeneous welds and ductility corresponding to that of
the Ti6242/Ti6242 laser weld. The rupture surface the facets, indicating a rather ductile mode of fracture
presents a mainly transgranular ductile appearance with (figure 6d). For the β21S/β21S laser weld fusion zone,
localised zones of cleavage (figure 6c). the heat treatment causes the fine and homogeneous
precipitation of incoherent Į phase within the grains,
3.2.2 Heat treated beads which increases the mechanical strength and decreases
The heat treatment of the Ti6242/Ti6242 laser weld ductility by blocking the movement of dislocations.
bead involves a slight increase in HAZ and FZ hardness Although at a macroscopic scale, the observation
(average of 450Hv). This increase is associated with Į' indicates mainly intergranular fracture, at higher
acicular structure transformation into fine Į/ȕ plates. The magnification the rupture surface reveals some bands of
hardness variations in the heat treated ȕ21S/ȕ21S weld ductility (figure 6e). The heat treatment of the
bead are not very different from those observed in GTA heterogeneous laser weld caused a fall in ductility and a
weld beads. Hardness increases in all the weld bead zones rise of the mechanical strength comparable to the heat
associated with fine Į phase precipitation (average treated ȕ21S/ȕ21S weld fusion zone one, which is
hardness of 370Hv in FZ). In heterogeneous heat treated consistent with the decomposition of Į'' phase in very fine
ȕ21S/Ti6242 weld fusion zone, hardness increases from Į/ȕ phase. The fracture surface presents a brittle cleavage
HAZ of ȕ21S to HAZ of Ti6242 with an hardness in the appearance associated with intergranular rupture. Very
center of the FZ of 425 Hv. This variation correspond to locally, and at higher magnification, some ductile bands
the transformations Į'' Ÿ Į +ȕ and ȕ retained Ÿ Į +ȕ are observed (figure 6f).
which take place through the various zones of the fusion
zone. However, this hardness remains lower than that one 4. Conclusion
of the Ti6242 HAZ close to the fusion zone (Į' Ÿ Į +ȕ)
in spite of a finer precipitation. The rupture of the welded The study of the structures/mechanical properties
samples in base metal shows that the heat treatment of relationship of the GTA weld beads of Ti6242 and ȕ21S
600°C/8h do not weaken the molten metal zone. In alloys, made it possible to highlight the changes of
transverse tensile tests, the composite area (BM, HAZ assemblies characteristics after post welding heat
and FZ) of the heat treated ȕ21S/ȕ21S laser assembly treatment of 600°C/8h (under argon atmosphere). This
shows higher ductility than the HT Ti6242/Ti6242 laser heat treatment, used initially to stabilize the
weld one (figure 4). After heat treatment, the mechanical microstructure and the mechanical properties of ȕ21S
strength of the Ti6242/Ti6242 laser weld fusion zone weld bead, also involved modifications of the properties
increases to the detriment of ductility. This variation is of the weld bead TIG Ti6242/Ti6242 and important
associated with the transformation of the Į' phase into transformations for ȕ21S/Ti6242 GTA weld. The
very fine Į/ȕ lamellate structure. mechanical tests showed that the ȕ21S/ȕ21S laser weld
beads present a better compromise strength/ductility than
Ti6242/Ti6242 as-welded
the GTA weld beads, even after heat treatment. The post
Ti6242/Ti6242 heat treated
heat treatment accentuated the fall in ductility in the
fusion zone compared to the base metal one by the
precipitation of α phase. The Ti6242/Ti6242 laser welds
show also mechanical characteristics higher than those of
GTA welds even after heat treatment. The properties of
the base metal Ti6242 are not affected significantly by the
600°C heat treatment. On the other hand this heat
β21S/β21S as-welded β21S/β21S heat treated treatment decreases the ductility of the FZ because of the
transformations of martensitic α’phase.

1) C. Ferdinand, Thèse de l’Université Polytechnique de
Toulouse, 2278, 2005.
2) M. A. Greenfield, D. S. Duvall, Welding Journal
Research Supplement 54,73s-79s, 1975.
Ti6242/β21S as-welded Ti6242/β21S heat treated
3) R. W. Messler, Welding Journal May,79s-84s, 1981.
4) P. S. Liu, K. H. Hou, W. A. Baeslack III, J. Hurlay,
Proc. 7th World Conference on Titanium, San Diego, Ed.
The minerals, Metals and Material Society, 1477-1485,

Figure 6. Fractographies of the fusion zone welded by laser process.

The fracture surface is overall transgranular and reveals

plans of cleavage associated with partially intergranular
ruptures. At microscopic scale, cups are observed inside

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