Electric Power Train Vehicles - CMVR Type Approval For Electric Power Train Vehicles

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AIS-049 (Rev.



Electric Power Train Vehicles -

CMVR Type Approval for Electric
Power Train Vehicles

(Revision 1)

P.B. NO. 832, PUNE 411 004




March 2016

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

Status chart of the Standard to be used by the Purchaser for updating the record

Sr. Corrigenda Amend- Revision Date Remark Misc.


General Remarks:

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016


The Government of India felt the need for a permanent agency to expedite the
publication of Standards and development of test facilities in parallel when the
work of preparation of Standards is going on, as the development of improved
safety critical parts can be undertaken only after the publication of the Standard
and commissioning of test facilities. To this end, the Ministry of Surface
Transport (MOST) has constituted a permanent Automotive Industry Standard
Committee (AISC) vide order no. RT-11028/11/97-MVL dated September 15,
1997. The Standards prepared by AISC will be approved by the permanent
CMVR Technical Standing Committee (CTSC) after approval, The Automotive
Research Association of India, (ARAI), Pune, being the secretariat of the AIS
Committee, has published this Standard. For better dissemination of this
information, ARAI may publish this document on their website.

This Standard prescribes the applicability of CMVR rules and corresponding

Standards for Electric Power Train Vehicles.

The AISC panel and the Automotive Industry Standards Committee (AISC)
responsible for preparation of this standard are given in Annex F and Annex G

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

Electric Power Train Vehicles - CMVR Type Approval for

Electric Power Train Vehicles

Para. Contents Page

No. No.
1.0 Applicability of the Rules Prescribed in Central Motor 1/19
Vehicles (Amendment) Rules, 1989 (CMVR)

2.0 Applicability of Standards Notified Under Rule 124 2/19

3.0 Standards Referred to in Various Rules of CMVR 2/19

4.0 Definitions 3/19

5.0 Technical Specifications 3/19

6.0 Changes in the Technical Specifications already Type 3/19


7.0 Transitional Provisions 4/19

8.0 Validity of Annexes 4/19

List of Annexes
Annex: A Requirements of Brake and Braking Systems for Electric 5/19
Power Train Vehicles

Annex: B Proposed Amendments to IS 14464: 1999 for Braking 7/19

System to incorporate the Features for 3 Wheelers of 1
to 1.5T GVW

Annex: C Definitions 9/19

Annex: D Criteria for Extension 15/19

Annex: E Delhi Driving Cycle for Buses 16/19
Annex: E Composition of AISC Panel 18/19

Annex: F Committee Composition 19/19

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

Electric Power Train Vehicles - CMVR Type Approval for

Electric Power Train Vehicles



1.1 The following rules are not applicable for Electric Power Train

Rule No. Subject

112 Exhaust gases
113 Location of Exhaust Pipes.
114 Exhaust pipes of public service vehicles.
115, (A), Emission of smoke, vapour, etc. from motor vehicles.
(B), (C), (D)

116 Test for smoke emission level and carbon monoxide

120(1) Silencers
level for motor vehicles

1.2 The following rules are applicable, after taking into consideration the
amendments listed in Annex A.

Rule No. Subject

2 Definitions
96(4) Brakes
101 (1) Power operated windscreen Wiper

102 Signaling devices, direction indicators and stop

103 Position of the indicator.
104 Fitment of reflectors.
105 Lamps
109 Parking light
110 Lamps on three-wheelers
120 (2) Noise Standards
122 Embossment of the
Chassis number and Engine number in the case of
Electric Power Train Vehicles, motor number and
month of manufacture
125(1) Safety-belt, Collapsible steering column, auto-
dipper and padded dashboards

1.3 All other rules of CMVR shall be applicable as detailed in each rule.

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016


RULE 124
2.1 The following standards are not applicable to electric power train

Standard No. Subject

IS:12056:1987, Fuel Tanks
AIS-033/2001 and
IS 14681: 1999
IS 14283: 1995 The accelerator control system
IS 10791: 1983 Control Cables
IS 13942: 1994 External Projection for two wheeled
Electric Power Train Vehicles
2.2 Gradeability test (AIS-003)

This test would be conducted once, for electric powertrain vehicles at

60% state-of-discharge condition of the REESS (Rechargeable Energy
Storage System).

The gradeability requirement in case of electric power train vehicles shall

be as follows.
Two wheeled electric power train vehicles having net motor power less
than or equal to 1000 W: 3.81°
All other electric power train vehicles: 7°
2.2 All other notified standards shall be applicable as per provisions of
CMVR 1989.


3.1 Brake performance:

The changes needed in the test procedure (IS 14664 and IS 11852 as
applicable) for evaluating the prescribed performance requirements of
braking systems for Electric Power Train Vehicles, to take into
account regenerative braking system, are given in Annex B.

Note: Certain amendments to IS 14464 have been agreed in the

AISC for incorporating the requirements of three wheelers with
GVW between 1 and 1.5 T. These are given in Annex C,
which shall be taken into account for compliance requirements.

3.2 Measurement of pass by noise level:

In IS 3028, the approach speed is specified in terms of the engine rpm

in certain cases of vehicles. In case of electric power train vehicle the
following are the applicable approach speeds:

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

3.2.1 50km/h or 75% of the maximum design speed of the vehicle

whichever is lower, in the following types of vehicles

a) Two wheelers with maximum design speed exceeding 45km/hr,

with manual shift gearbox (Para 8.2.1 of IS 3028:1998.)

b) Three wheelers with manual shift gearbox (Para 8.3 a) of

IS 3028:1998).

c) Four wheeled and multi axles vehicles with manual gearbox or an

automatic transmission with a manual over ride. (Para 8.4.1 of
IS 3028:1998.). Condition given in Para 8.4.2 shall apply.

3.2.2 In all other cases the approach speed shall be same as prescribed in
IS 3028:1998.

3.3 EMC Test

The EMC test shall be applicable as per AIS-004 (Part 3) as applicable

for the category of the electric power train vehicle on the date of


Definitions for electric power train vehicles are enclosed in



The information to be submitted by the manufacturer for type approval

shall contain the information given in the revised version of AIS-007
Note: The requirements specific to Electric Power Train Vehicles are
given in Table 13 of AIS-007 (Rev.5)

6.1 Every modification pertaining to the information declared in accordance

with paragraph 5 shall be intimated by the manufacturer to the testing

6.2 If the changes are in parameters not related to the provisions, no further
action need be taken.

If the changes are in parameters related to the provisions, the testing

agency shall then consider, whether,
a) the model with the changed specifications still complies with
b) any further verification is required to establish compliance.

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

For considering whether any further verification is required or not,

guidelines given in Annexure D shall be used for the electrical
requirements. For other cases, the guide lines given in the individual
standard shall be applicable.

6.3 In case of 6.2 b), verification for only those parameters which are
affected by the modifications needs to be carried out.

6.4 In case of fulfillment of criterion of para 6.2 a) or after results of further

verification as per para of 6.2 b) are successful, the approval of
compliance shall be extended for the changes carried out.


7.1 General guidelines for transitional provisions for this standard shall be as
per AIS-000, as amended from time to time, as applicable, with the
following requirement.

7.2 Type approvals issued for compliance to AIS-049 - 2003 shall be

extended to approval of AIS-049 (Rev 1) - 2016 however manufacturer
may request a retest.

It is expected that in due course of time the details given in

Annexes A, to D would be incorporated in CMVR and other
related documents referred in this chapter. Once such an incorporation
takes place, the details given in these annexes would be automatically

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

Annex: A
(See para 3.1)

Requirements of Brake and Braking Systems for Electric Power

Train Vehicles

A1.0 Definitions:

A1.1 “Electric regenerative braking system” means a braking system,

which allows the use of the vehicle’s drive motor(s) to convert the
kinetic energy of the vehicle into electrical energy during deceleration.

A1.2 “Electric regenerative brake control” means a device which

modulates the action of the electric regenerative braking system

A1.3 “Electric regenerative braking system of Category A” means an

electric regenerative braking system, which is not part of the service
braking system.

A1.4 “Electric regenerative braking system of Category B” means an

electric regenerative braking system, which is part of the service
braking system.

A2.0 General requirements of electric regenerative braking systems:

A electric power train vehicle, if fitted with an electric regenerative
braking system, shall comply with the following requirements:

A2.1 Vehicles fitted with Electric regenerative braking system of

Category A:

The electric regenerative braking shall be only activated by accelerator

control and/or the gear neutral position.

A2.2 Vehicles fitted with Electric regenerative braking system of

Category B:

A2.2.1 It shall not be possible to disconnect partially or totally one part of

the service braking system other than by an automatic device

A2.2.2 The service braking system control shall also actuate the action of the
electric regenerative braking system simultaneously.

A2.2.3 The service braking system shall not be adversely affected by the
disengagement of the motor(s) or gear ratio used, except during the
short duration of operation of gear shifting.

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

A3.0 Requirements of two wheelers:

A3.1 The requirements covered in IS 14664:1999 shall be complied with.

A3.2 If the brake control (front or rear or both) actuates the electric
regenerative brake system (Category B), the prescribed performance
requirements shall be complied with the use of the electric regenerative

The performance requirements may be verified without the use of the

electric regenerative system if so desired by the manufacturer.

A3.3 If the brake control (front or rear or both) does not actuate the
electric regenerative brake system (Category A) the prescribed
performance requirements shall be obtained without the use of the
electric regenerative system.

A4.0 Requirements of three wheelers:

A4.1 The requirements covered in IS 14664:1999 shall be complied with.

A4.2 In the case of three wheelers with GVW not exceeding 1 ton
(Category1 & 2 as defined in IS 14664:1999) the conditions of
regenerative braking system shall be same as those given in para
A3.2 and A3.3

A4.3 For three wheelers with GVW exceeding 1 ton (Category 3 as

defined in IS 14664:1999) the conditions of regenerative braking
system shall be same as those given in para A5.2. and A5.3.

A4.4 For the purpose of classification only, GVW shall be considered

ignoring the weight of the traction batteries. The tests shall be
conducted with the full GVW, i.e. including the weight of the traction
batteries also.

A5.0 Requirements of vehicles with more than three wheels:

A5.1 The requirements given in the applicable parts of IS:11852 shall be

complied with.

A5.2 If the service brake control actuates the electric regenerative brake
system (Category B), the prescribed performance requirements shall
be obtained with the electric regenerative system.

A5.2.1 The specified secondary brake prescribed performance requirements

shall be met with the failure of the regenerative braking simulated
without any other failure in the service brake system.

A5.3 If the service brake control does not actuate the electric
regenerative brake system (Category A) the prescribed performance
requirements shall be obtained without the use of the electric
regenerative system.

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

Annex: B

Proposed Amendments to IS 14464: 1999 for Braking System to

incorporate the Features for 3 Wheelers of 1 to 1.5T GVW
B1 Para 1.1 Page 1:
Substitute “of all types of two and three wheeled motor vehicles” for
the words “of all types of two wheeled motor vehicles and three
wheeled motor vehicles whose maximum gross vehicle weight does
not exceed 1500kg”

B2 Para 4.2 Page 2:

a) In para b) add the following words at the end: “and the gross
vehicle weight not exceeding 1 tonne.”

b) Add the following: “c) Category 3--- Three wheeled motor vehicles
with gross vehicle weight exceeding 1.0 T.”

B3 Para 7.11, page 3:

Substitute “Every three wheeled vehicle of Category 1 and 2 shall be
fitted with a braking system complying with the requirements given
in para a) or b) below. Every three wheeled vehicle of category 3 shall
be fitted with a braking system complying with the requirements of
para b) below.” for the words “Every three wheeled vehicle shall be
fitted with either:”

B4 Para 7.11. sub-para b) Page 3 :

Add the following at the end of sub-para 5)
“6) In case of three wheelers of category 3, if the requirement given in
7.11(b)(1) above is met by using the same control, the parking
brake device shall be so designed that it can be actuated by the
driver when the vehicle is in motion with at least one hand on the
steering control and shall comply with the requirements for P
type dynamic parking brake test given in Table 2. The force
exerted on the braking control shall not exceed the values
specified in 9.2. Compliance with this requirement shall be
deemed to have met if the braking performance has been achieved
B5 Para 8.1.1 Page 4:
Add the following at the end: “In case of 3 wheelers of Category
3, the P type dynamic parking brake test as specified in 7.11.b) 6 shall
also be carried out.”
B6 Para 9.2 Page 4:
Replace the heading on the second and third columns by
“3 wheelers of category 1 & 2” and “3 wheelers of category 3”,

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

B7 Table 2 Page 5:
a) Substitute the words “For Category 2 & 3” for the words “For
category 2” appearing in the first row.

b) Add the following row after entry no. vi)

“vii Laden P type -- -- -- 30 0.1V 1.5

dynamic +V2/
parking brake 40
6) for
category 3

B8 Para 12.14 Page 9:

Add the following as a new para: “12.14.3 In the case of P type

Dynamic parking brake test {see7.11.b) 6) for category 3, one test is

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

Annex: C

C1.0 This Chapter Annexure gives the definitions of the terminology used
for Electric Power Train Vehicles.

C1.1 “Access Probe” means a test probe simulating in a conventional

manner a part of a person or a tool, or the like, held by a person to
verify adequate clearance from hazardous part.

C1.2 "Active driving possible mode" means the vehicle mode when
application of pressure to the accelerator pedal (or activation of an
equivalent control) or release of the brake system will cause the electric
power train to move the vehicle.

C1.3 “Approval of a type of Electric power train vehicle” means the

approval of a type of electric power train vehicle regarding
construction and functional safety requirements specific to the use of
electric energy.

C1.4 “Auxiliary battery” means the battery unit whose reserve of energy
is used only for the auxiliary network supply.

C1.5 “Auxiliary network” means the assembly of auxiliary electric

equipment with similar functions to the one used on vehicles
equipped with an internal combustion engine.

C1.6 “Barrier” means the part providing protection against direct contact to
the live parts from any direction of access.

C1.7 "Cell" means a single encased electrochemical unit containing one

positive and one negative electrode which exhibits a voltage differential
across its two terminals.

C1.8 "Conductive connection" means the connection using connectors to an

external power supply when the rechargeable energy storage system
(REESS) is charged.

C1.9 "Coupling system for charging the Rechargeable Energy Storage

System (REESS)" means the electrical circuit used for charging the
REESS from an external electric power supply including the vehicle

C1.10 “Coupling system” means all the parts used to connect the vehicle to
an external electric power supply (alternative or direct current supply).

C1.11 "Chassis connected to the electric circuit" means AC and DC electric

circuits galvanically connected to the electrical chassis."

C1.12 “Direct contact” means contact of persons with the live parts.

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

C1.13 “Drive direction control unit” means a specific device physically

actuated by the driver in order to select the drive direction (forward or
backward), in which the vehicle will travel if the accelerator is

C1.14 “Drive Train” means specific components of power train, such as the
traction motors, electronic control of the traction motor, the associated
wiring harness and connectors.

C1.15 “Degree of protection” means the extent of protection provided by

an enclosure against access to hazardous parts against ingress of solid
foreign objects and/or against ingress of water and verified by
standardized test methods.

C1.16 "Electrical chassis" means a set made of conductive parts electrically

linked together, whose potential is taken as reference.

C1.17 "Electrical circuit" means an assembly of connected live parts which is

designed to be electrically energized in normal operation.

C1.18 "Electronic converter" means a device capable of controlling and/or

converting electric power for electric propulsion.

C1.19 “Electric energy conversion system” means a system that generates

and provides electric energy for electric propulsion.

C1.20 "Enclosure" means the part enclosing the internal units and providing
protection against direct contact from any direction of access.

C1.21 "Exposed conductive part" means the conductive part which can be
touched under the provisions of the protection IPXXB, and which
becomes electrically energized under isolation failure conditions. This
includes parts under a cover that can be removed without using tools.

C1.22 "Electric power train" means a system consisting of one or more

electric energy storage devices (e.g. a battery, electromechanical
flywheel or super capacitor), one or more electric power conditioning
devices and one or more electric machines that convert stored electric
energy to mechanical energy delivered at the wheels for propulsion of
the vehicle;

C1.23 "External electric power supply" means an alternating current (AC)

or direct current (DC) electric power supply outside of the vehicle.

C1.24 "High Voltage" means the classification of an electric component or

circuit, if its working voltage is > 60 V and ≤ 1500 V DC or > 30 V and
≤ 1000 V AC root mean square (rms).

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

C1.25 "High voltage bus" means the electrical circuit, including the coupling
system for charging the REESS that operates on high voltage.
Where electrical circuits, that are galvanically connected to each other,
are galvanically connected to the electrical chassis and the maximum
voltage between any live part and the electrical chassis or any exposed
conductive part is  30 V AC and  60 V DC, only the components or
parts of the electric circuit that operate on high voltage are classified as a
high voltage bus."
C1.26 "Live parts" means the conductive part(s) intended to be electrically
energized in normal use.

C1.27 "On-board isolation resistance monitoring system" means the device

which monitors the isolation resistance between the high voltage buses
and the electrical chassis.

C1.28 "Open type traction battery" means a liquid type battery requiring
refilling with water and generating hydrogen gas released to the

C1.29 "Rechargeable Energy Storage System (REESS)" means the

rechargeable energy storage system that provides electric energy for
electric propulsion. The REESS may include subsystem(s) together with
the necessary ancillary systems for physical support, thermal
management, electronic control and enclosures.

C1.30 "Subsystem" means any functional assembly of REESS components.

C1.31 "Type of REESS" means systems which do not differ significantly in

such essential aspects as:
(a) The manufacturer's trade name or mark;
(b) The chemistry, capacity and physical dimensions of its cells;
(c) The number of cells, the mode of connection of the cells and the
physical support of the cells;
(d) The construction, materials and physical dimensions of the casing
(e) The necessary ancillary devices for physical support, thermal
management and electronic control.

C1.32 "Service disconnect" means the device for deactivation of the electrical
circuit when conducting checks and services of the REESS, fuel cell
stack, etc.

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

C1.33 "State of Charge (SOC)" means the available electrical charge in a

tested-device expressed as a percentage of its rated capacity.

C1.34 "Solid insulator" means the insulating coating of wiring harnesses

provided in order to cover and protect the live parts against direct
contact from any direction of access; covers for insulating the live parts
of connectors, and varnish or paint for the purpose of insulation.

C1.35 "Net power" means the power obtained on a test bench at the
end of the crankshaft or its equivalent at the corresponding motor
speed with the auxiliaries listed in Table 1 of AIS-041 (Rev.1) and
determined under reference atmospheric condition;

C1.36 "Maximum 30 minutes power" means the maximum net power

of an electric drive train at DC voltage , which a drive train can
deliver over a period of 30 minutes as an average.

C1.37 "Standard-production equipment” means equipment provided by the

manufacturer for a particular application.

C1.38 “Electric range”, for vehicles powered by an electric power train only,
means distance that can be driven electrically on one fully charged

C1.39 “Hazardous Live Part” means a live part, which, under certain
conditions of external influences can give an electric shock (see IEC
536, at present Document 64 (CO) 196).

C1.40 “Hazardous Mechanical Part” means a moving part, other than a

smooth rotating shaft, that is hazardous to touch.

C1.41 “Hazardous part” means a part that is hazardous to approach or


C1.42 “Indirect contact” means contact of persons or livestock with exposed

conductive parts.

C1.43 “IP code” means a coding system to indicate the degrees of

protection provided by an enclosure against access to hazardous
parts, ingress of solid foreign objects, ingress of water to give
additional information in connection with such protection.

C1.44 “Live parts” means conductive part(s) intended to be electrically

energized in normal use.

C1.45 "Luggage compartment" means the space in the vehicle for luggage
accommodation, bounded by the roof, hood, floor, side walls, as well as
by the barrier and enclosure provided for protecting the power train
from direct contact with live parts, being separated from the passenger
compartment by the front bulkhead or the rear bulk head.

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

C1.46 “Maximum Mass” means the technically permissible maximum mass

declared by the Manufacturer. Also referred as GVW.

C1.47 “Maximum Thirty Minute Power” means the maximum net power
at wheels of an electric vehicle drive train at appropriate rated voltage,
which the vehicle drive train can deliver over a period of 30 minutes
as an average.

C1.48 “Maximum Net Power” means the power obtained at the wheels
of electric vehicle when tested on chassis dynamometer or at Motor
shaft when measured at bench dynamometer at corresponding
vehicle/motor speed at reference atmospheric conditions and full load
on wheels of vehicle/motor.

C1.49 “Nominal voltage” means the root –mean – square (r.m.s.) value of
the voltage specified by the Manufacturer, for which the electrical
circuit is designed and to which its characteristics are referred.

C1.50 “Object Probe” means a test probe simulating a solid foreign object
to verify the possibility of ingress into an enclosure.

C1.51 “Off-board charger” means an energy electronic converter used for

charging REESS from an external power supply (mains network) and
which is not the integral part of the vehicle.

C1.52 “On-board charger” means an energy electronic converter linked by

construction to the vehicle and used for charging the traction REESS
from an external electric power supply (mains network).

C1.53 “Opening” means a gap or aperture in an enclosure, which exists or

may be formed by the application of a test probe at the specified

C1.54 “Passenger compartment" means the space for occupant

accommodation, bounded by the roof, floor, side walls, doors, window
glass, front bulkhead and rear bulkhead, or rear gate, as well as by the
barriers and enclosures provided for protecting the power train from
direct contact with live parts.

C1.55 "Protection degree" means the protection provided by a

barrier/enclosure related to the contact with live parts by a test probe,
such as a test finger (IPXXB) or a test wire (IPXXD).

C1.56 "Power train" means the system of energy storage device(s), energy
converter(s) and transmission(s) that converts stored energy to
mechanical energy delivered at the wheels for propulsion of the vehicle;

C1.57 "Pure electric vehicle" means vehicle powered by an electric power

train only;

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

C1.58 “Reference Mass” means

i) Two wheeled vehicles: unladen mass increased by a figure of 75 kg

ii) Three wheeled vehicles, L7 and M1, M2 (with GVW upto 3500 kg )
category vehicles: unladen mass increased by a figure of 150 kg
iii) N category vehicles: unladen mass increased by a figure of 50%
of the pay load”.
iv) For M2 (with GVW above 3500 kg) and M3 vehicles: unladen mass
increased by 75 kg x 50% of Seating Capacity.

C1.59 “Unladen Mass” means the mass of the vehicle in running order
without driver, crew, passengers or load, but with the fuel tank full
(if any), cooling liquid, service and traction batteries, oils, onboard
charger, portable charger, tools and spare wheel, whatever is
appropriate for the vehicle considered and if provided by the
manufacturer of the vehicle.

C1.60 “Vehicle type” means Electric Power Train ve hi c l e s , which do not

differ in such essential aspects as:

dimensions, structure, shape and nature of constituting materials;

installation of the power system components , REESS or REESS
packs, tyres, unladen mass; nature and type of electric and electronic

Also "Vehicle type" means vehicles which do not differ in such

essential aspects as:

(a) Installation of the electric power train and the galvanically

connected high voltage bus;

(b) Nature and type of electric power train and the galvanically
connected high voltage components.

C1.61 "Working voltage" means the highest value of an electrical circuit

voltage root-mean-square (rms), specified by the manufacturer, which
may occur between any conductive parts in open circuit conditions or
under normal operating condition. If the electrical circuit is divided by
galvanic isolation, the working voltage is defined for each divided
circuit, respectively.

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

Annex: D
(See 6.0)
Criteria for Extension

D1.0 In case of following changes, the verification tests which are necessary
for establishing compliance are listed below

Changes of Parameter Tests to be conducted

D1.1 Type of motor, controller, Range test, Energy consumption

REESS test, Power test, All
tests/verifications as per
AIS-038 (Rev.1):2015,
Gradeability, EMC, and if fitted
with regenerative braking of
category B, brake test.

D1.2 Layout of REESS, controller, All applicable tests/verifications

motor as per AIS-038 (Rev.1):2015.

D1.3 Working Voltage All tests

D1.4 Make, model of on-board Energy consumption test as per

charger AIS-039 (Rev.1):2015, Range Test
as per AIS-040 (Rev.1):2015

D1.5 Vehicle body construction Coast-down, range, energy

affecting aerodynamic consumption, EMC

D1.6 Wiring harness of Traction Compliance to of

REESS AIS-038 (Rev.1):2015

D1.7 In the case of tests affecting range, , energy consumption because of

change in reference mass, coast-down parameters etc. the
conditions given in MoRTH /CMVR/TAP-115/116 shall be

D1.8 Changes in parameter affecting general performance requirements of

CMVR (E.g. brakes, noise etc.) shall be as per details given in the
individual standards.

D1.9 For changes other than the above, the provisions given in the AIS-017
(Procedure for Type Approval and Certification of Vehicles for
Compliance to Central Motor Vehicles Rules) may be followed.

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

(See clause 3.4 b of AIS 039 (Rev 1):2015)

Table 1: Phase wise operation and duration of the Delhi bus Driving cycle
No. of Operation Phase Speed Acceleration Duration Cumulative Distance,
Operation 2 of time, s m
Km/h m/s
1 Idling 1 0 0 20 20 0
2 Acceleration 2 0-10 0.46 6 26 10
3 Cruising 3 10 0 2 28 6
4 Acceleration 4 10-18 0.44 5 33 23
5 Cruising 5 18 0 2 35 10
6 Acceleration 6 18-25 0.39 5 40 31
7 Deceleration 7 25-15 -0.46 6 46 35
8 Acceleration 8 15-30 0.42 10 56 69
9 Cruising 9 30 0 2 58 17
10 Deceleration 10 30-0 -0.49 17 75 79
11 Idling 11 0 0 17 92 0
12 Acceleration 12 0-10 0.46 6 98 10

13 Cruising 13 10 0 2 100 6

14 Acceleration 14 10-18 0.44 5 105 23

15 Cruising 15 18 0 2 107 10
16 Acceleration 16 18-30 0.42 8 115 58
17 Cruising 17 30 0 2 117 17
18 Acceleration 18 30-40 0.31 9 126 71
19 Cruising 19 40 0 2 128 22
20 Acceleration 20 40-50 0.31 9 137 91
21 Deceleration 21 50-0 -0.48 29 166 219

Total Distance = 837 m

Total time = 166 s

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

Delhi Bus Driving cycle (DBDC)


Speed, km/h 50
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00
Time, Secs

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

(See introduction)
Electric Power Train Vehicles - CMVR Type Approval for Electric Power
Train Vehicles
Mr. A.A. Deshpande The Automotive Research Association of
India (ARAI)
Members Representing
Mr. M.M.Desai The Automotive Research Association of
India (ARAI)
Mr. D. P. Saste/ Mr. Karthikeyan K Central Institute of Road Transport (CIRT)
Representative from International Centre for Automotive
Technology (ICAT)
Mr. Vinod Kumar Vehicle Research & Dev. Estt. (VRDE)
Dr. N. Karuppaiah National Automotive Testing and R&D
Infrastructure Project (NATRIP)
Mr. K. K. Gandhi / Society of Indian Automobile
Manufacturers (SIAM)
Shri Sourabh Rohila
Shri. S Ravishankar Ashok Leyland Ltd. – Technical Center
Mr. T. M. Balaraman/Mr. Adish Hero MotoCorp Ltd.(SIAM)
Mr. Rajendra Khile General Motors Technical Center India Pvt.
Ltd. (SIAM)
Mr. Kiran Mulki Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (SIAM)
Mr. K. Kiran Kumar Mahindra Reva Electric Vehicles Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Vijeth R Gatty Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt. Ltd. (SIAM)
Mr. Firoz Khan Tata Motors Ltd (SIAM)
Mr. Vivekraj S Renault Nissan Pvt Ltd(SIAM)
Mr. Uday Harite Automotive Components Manufacturers
Association of India (ACMA)

AIS-049 (Rev.1):2016

(See Introduction)
Automotive Industry Standards Committee

Mrs. Rashmi Urdhwareshe Director
The Automotive Research Association of India, Pune

Members Representing
Representative from Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, New

Representative from Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises

(Department of Heavy Industry), New Delhi
Shri S. M. Ahuja Office of the Development Commissioner, MSME,
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises,
New Delhi

Representative from National Automotive Testing and R&D Infrastructure

Project (NATRiP)
Shri N.K Sharma Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), New Delhi
Director Central Institute of Road Transport(CIRT), Pune
Director Indian Institute of Petroleum(IIP), Dehra Dun
Director International Centre for Automotive Technology
(ICAT), Manesar, Delhi.
Director Vehicles Research and Development Establishment
(VRDE), Ahmednagar
Shri Shrikant R. Marathe Former Chairman, Automotive Industry Standards
Representatives from Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers
(SIAM), New Delhi
Shri T.R.Kesavan Tractor Manufacturers Association (TMA), New
Shri Uday Harite Automotive Components Manufacturers Association
of India (ACMA), New Delhi

A. S. Bhale
Member Secretary

The Automotive Research Association of India, Pune

* At the time of approval of this Automotive Industry Standard (AIS)

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