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SI for Free: Machine Learning of Interconnect Coupling

Delay and Transition Effects

Andrew B. Kahng†‡ , Mulong Luo‡ and Siddhartha Nath‡
† ECE and ‡ CSE Departments, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093
{abk, muluo, sinath}

Abstract—In advanced technology nodes, incremental delay due

to coupling is a serious concern. Design companies spend significant
resources on static timing analysis (STA) tool licenses with signal

Path Slack in Non-SI Mode (ns)

integrity (SI) enabled. The runtime of the STA tools in SI mode is
typically large due to complex algorithms and iterative calculation
of timing windows to accurately determine aggressor and victim
alignments, as well as delay and slew estimations. In this work, we
develop machine learning-based predictors of timing in SI mode based
on timing reports from non-SI mode. Timing analysis in non-SI mode
is faster and the license costs can be several times less than those 81ps
of SI mode. We determine electrical and logic structure parameters
that affect the incremental arc delay/slew and path delay (i.e., the
difference in arrival times at the clock pin of the launch flip-flop and
the D pin of the capture flip-flop) in SI mode, and develop models
that can predict these SI-aware delays. We report worst-case error of
7.0ps and average error of 0.7ps for our models to predict incremental
transition time, worst-case error of 5.2ps and average error of 1.2ps
for our models to predict incremental delay, and worst-case error of
8.2ps and average error of 1.7ps for our models to predict path delay, Path slack in SI Mode (ns)
in 28nm FDSOI technology. We also demonstrate that our models are Fig. 1. Path slack divergence in SI and non-SI analyses with clock period
robust across designs and signoff constraints at a particular technology
1.0ns, as reported by a commercial timer in 28nm FDSOI technology.
Predicted Incremental Delay in SI Mode (ps)

Keywords: Signal integrity (SI), incremental transition time, incremental

delay, SI-aware path delay, machine learning
Accurate signoff timing analysis must be conducted using signal
integrity (SI) mode in signoff timing tools. According to recent
reports of the analyst firm Gary Smith EDA [11], EDA vendors
such as Atrenta [17], Cadence [18], CLK Design Automation [19],
Incentia Design Systems [20], Mentor Graphics [22] and Synopsys
[25], provide STA (Static Timing Analysis) and SI analysis tools for 60ps
use in IC design. The cost of one license of a timing tool with SI
mode analysis enabled is typically several times the cost of a default
(with no SI analysis capability) license. In addition, the runtimes of
SI-aware timing analysis are significantly larger than those of non-SI
analysis. Our own studies indicate the runtime for SI-aware timing
analysis on the top-10K paths can be up to 3× longer than the Actual Incremental Delay in SI Mode (ps)
runtime of non-SI analysis on designs with ∼110K instances and Fig. 2. Actual incremental delay in SI mode versus predictions with clock
∼110K nets. period of 1.0ns, using models of [4].
As would be expected, commercial signoff timing tools show
significant differences between SI and non-SI modes when we use in our work. Previous work by Han et al. [4] provides
estimating arc delay of a stage as well as the accumulated arc delays methodologies to calibrate non-SI to non-SI, or SI to SI, but does
in a path. We have studied SI and non-SI analyses with the same not attempt our present mapping of non-SI to SI. This is the gap
commercial timer, netlists, 28nm FDSOI libraries, and SPEF. For that the present work seeks to fill. Figure 2 shows that the prediction
the non-SI analysis, we add twice the coupling capacitance to the of incremental delay in SI mode can be inaccurate by up to 60ps
ground capacitance to model worst-case Miller coupling [10]. Figure when using the wire delay model in [4] and timing reports from
1 shows that the path slack can differ by up to 81ps between SI non-SI analysis.
and non-SI analyses. Multiple parameters ranging from electrical to logic structure
In this work, we use machine learning techniques to estimate the such as coupling capacitance, the ratio of ground and coupling
incremental transition time, incremental delay due to SI, and SI- capacitance of an arc, clock period, the fanin cone stage of the
aware path delay from reports of a signoff timer that performs only arc, etc. all affect the divergence of transition times and delays
non-SI analysis. Table I introduces the terminologies and notations between SI and non-SI analyses. Complex interactions among these
parameters, along with black-box code in commercial signoff timers,
only make the modeling problem more difficult. For example,
T ERMINOLOGIES AND NOTATIONS . SI mode increases from 4ps to 6ps, whereas the incremental delay
due to coupling changes from 115ps to 100ps while delta transition
Term Definition time changes from 133ps to 147ps. The incremental delay and delta
SI mode Timing analysis performed by enabling signal integrity transition time in SI mode are affected in non-intuitive ways by
Non-SI mode Timing analysis performed by disabling signal integrity
Cc Coupling capacitance of an arc
changing the ratio of ground-to-coupling capacitance.
Cg Ground capacitance of an arc
0.15 143ps at
Ctot Total capacitance of an arc
tighter clock

Max Delta Path Slack (SI – non-SI) (ns)

rCc ,Ctot Ratio of coupling to total capacitance of an arc period
Rw Resistance of an arc 81ps at signoff
Delta transition (DTran) time of an arc due to clock period
∆Tsi 0.11
coupling reported in timing analysis in SI mode
Transition time of an arc without
Tsi0 0.09
coupling reported in timing analysis in non-SI mode
Incremental SI delay (SI Incr Delay)
∆Dsi 0.07
of an arc due to coupling reported
in timing analysis in SI mode

Incremental non-SI delay (Non-SI Incr Delay) Clock period (ns)
of an arc without coupling reported
in timing analysis in non-SI mode
Path delay
Difference in arrival times at the clock pin of the Fig. 3. Maximum path slack delta between SI and non-SI modes over
launch flip-flop and D pin of the capture flip-flop the top-1000 setup-critical paths in a design signed off at 1.0ns. The delta
SI path delay across all timing increases from 81ps to 143ps as the clock period is reduced below 0.87ns.
arcs reported in timing analysis in SI mode
Non-SI path delay across all timing
arcs reported in timing analysis in non-SI mode
∆Psi Difference between Psi0 and Psi
Our contributions in this paper are summarized as follows.
fCc ,red
Miller coupling factor in (1) We analyze multiple sources that cause timing divergence
non-SI mode, i.e., Cc × fCc ,red is added to Cg between SI and non-SI modes and provide new insights
Coupling capacitance factor
in SI mode, i.e., Cc is changed to Cc × fCc
on electrical and logic structure parameters that affect
Ground capacitance factor in SI or incremental transition time, incremental delay and path delay
non-SI mode, i.e., Cg is changed to Cg × fCg in SI mode. Unlike [4], we demonstrate that several new
Resistance factor in SI or parameters affect SI Incr Delay ∆Dsi (as defined in Table I)
f Rw
non-SI mode, i.e., Rw is changed to Rw × fRw
S Stage in which the arc appears
of an arc in a timing path.
Number of stages in the path (2) We develop new machine learning-based models for
in which arc appears incremental transition time and delay due to SI, and compose
rS,Nstg Ratio of arc-stage to total #stages in path these models to derive a new model for path delay that is
clkp Clock period
different from [4].
Naggr Number of aggressors for a victim net
Ar Toggle rate of a net (3) The worst-case absolute errors in our modeling predictions of
Minimum (resp. maximum) rise (resp. fall) incremental transition time, incremental delay due to SI and
arr(min,max),(r, f ),(a,v)
arrival time of an aggressor (resp. a victim) SI-aware path delay are 7.0ps, 5.2ps and 8.2ps, respectively.
LE Logical effort of the driver of a net
We have developed and tested our models using timing reports
of block implementations with 28nm FDSOI foundry libraries.
change in the clock period changes toggle rates of aggressor Compared to the recent work of [4], we reduce worst-case
and victim nets by different amounts that can lead to change in error in prediction of incremental delay due to SI changes
aggressor and victim timing window alignment. Two phenomena from 60ps to 5.2ps.
are particularly challenging for analytical SI delay models. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II,
Challenge 1. Path slack variation with clock period. Figure we review related works on studying correlations of timing
3 shows the maximum delta of slack in a path with 32 stages reports/predictions between different tools/models with attention to
between SI and non-SI analyses for an OpenCores [23] design SI effect. In Section III, we describe our methodology to select
dec viterbi that is signed off at 1.0ns. The delta is 81ps when the significant parameters and derive machine learning models for
clock period varies between 0.87ns and 1.3ns. However, when the incremental delay and path delay in SI mode. In Section IV, we
clock period decreases below 0.87ns, the maximum delta in path describe our experimental setup and present results. In Section V,
slack increases non-monotonically and becomes 143ps at a clock we describe future works and conclude the paper.
period of 0.8ns. Figure 4 shows timing parameters related to SI and
non-SI analyses for several nets and cells. The nets n33458 and II. R ELATED W ORKS
n33452 shown in brown are responsible for large delta transition Prior works that quantify miscorrelations of SI-induced delay
times and incremental delays in SI mode. We highlight these deltas between different analytical timing models or timing tools are
and the impact to path slack using the blue box. The same path has limited.
a delta slack of 49ps when the clock period is 1.0ns, as shown in An analytical model that captures SI-induced delay is due to
Figure 5. The path that has the maximum delta slack of 81ps at Sapatnekar [10]; it lumps coupling capacitance to ground with the
a clock period of 1.0ns continues to have the same value of delta value of Miller coupling factor being 0, 1 or 2 based on the timing
slack at a clock period of 0.8ns, as shown in Figure 6. window overlap and switching directions of the signals. The effect
Challenge 2. Arc delay and incremental transition time variation of crosstalk on net delay is estimated using an iterative algorithm
with ground and coupling capacitances. We illustrate non- with runtime that is polynomial in the number of nets. The results
intuitive impacts of varying ground and coupling capacitances of are not verified with results from other tools or models. Xiao et
the victim net n33452 on arc delay and incremental transition time al. [16] derive an analytical two-pole model for RC interconnect
respectively in Figures 7(a) and (b). When the ground capacitance noise waveform calculation with coupling capacitance. A Newton-
is changed from 0.006pF to 0.0132pF, the incremental delay in non- Raphson iteration is used to obtain the timing information.
Path Delta – 143ps
Cell / net name DTran SI Incr Non-SI Incr SI Path Non-SI Path
(ns) Delay (ns) Delay (ns) Delay (ns) Delay (ns)
inst_ram_ctrl_write_ram_fsm_reg_0_/Q 0.000 0.000 0.069 0.269 0.269
inst_ram_ctrl_write_ram_fsm_0_ (net)
FE_OCP_RBC23542_n28670/Z 0.000 0.000 0.027 0.428 0.428
FE_OCP_RBN23542_n28670 (net)
FE_OCP_RBC23543_n28670/A 0.004 0.004 0.013 0.445 0.441
U143152/Z 0.000 0.000 0.034 0.809 0.800
n33458 (net)
U92231/C 0.003 0.002 0.000 0.811 0.801

U99631/Z 0.000 0.000 0.065 0.769 0.762
n33477 (net)
U145471/C 0.035 0.022 0.002 0.793 0.764

U121581/Z 0.000 0.000 0.104 0.967 0.935
n33452 (net)
U121579/B 0.133 (0.024) 0.115 (0.021) 0.004 1.082 (0.988) 0.939
U121579/Z 0.000 0.000 0.057 1.139 (1.045) 0.996
n79492 (net)
inst_ram_ctrl_inst_generic_sp_ram_0_q_reg_21_/D 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.139 (1.045) 0.996
Fig. 4. Timing divergence in a path with the maximum delta slack of 143ps at a clock period of 0.8ns. As defined in Table I, “DTran” is the delta
Path Delta – 49ps
transition due to coupling, “SI Incr Delay” is the incremental delay due to coupling, “Non-SI Incr Delay” is the incremental delay without coupling, “SI
Path Delay” is the accumulated path delay with coupling and “Non-SI Path Delay” is the accumulated path delay without coupling. The nets in green color
do not contribute to “DTran” and “SI Incr Delay”, whereas the nets in brown color cause non-zero “DTran” and “SI Incr Delay”. The nets that contribute
to the delta slack of 143ps are highlighted inside the blue boxes. The values in green are for the same path but analyzed at a clock period of 1.0ns.

Cell / net name DTran SI Incr Non-SI Incr SI Path Non-SI Path
(ns) Delay (ns) Delay (ns) Delay (ns) Delay (ns)
inst_ram_ctrl_write_ram_fsm_reg_0_/Q 0.000 0.000 0.069 0.269 0.269
inst_ram_ctrl_write_ram_fsm_0_ (net)
FE_OCP_RBC23542_n28670/Z 0.000 0.000 0.027 0.428 0.428
FE_OCP_RBN23542_n28670 (net)
FE_OCP_RBC23543_n28670/A 0.004 0.004 0.013 0.445 0.441
U143152/Z 0.000 0.000 0.034 0.809 0.800
n33458 (net)
U92231/C 0.003 0.002 0.000 0.811 0.801

U99631/Z 0.000 0.000 0.065 0.769 0.762
n33477 (net)
U145471/C 0.035 0.022 0.002 0.793 0.764

U121581/Z 0.000 0.000 0.104 0.963 0.935
n33452 (net)
U121579/B 0.024 0.021 0.004 0.988 0.939
U121579/Z 0.000 0.000 0.057 1.045 0.996
n79492 (net)
inst_ram_ctrl_inst_generic_sp_ram_0_q_reg_21_/D 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.045 0.996
Fig. 5. The path with delta slack of 143ps at clock period of 0.8ns has delta slack of 49ps at clock period of 1.0ns.

Correlation with SPICE shows good matching. However, the tools in SI mode.
Newton-Raphson iteration is computationally expensive and may
not be practical for use with realistic designs. To correlate different signoff timing tools, Mishra et al. [8]
Thiel et al. [12] leverage the ability of PrimeTime (PT) [27] to recalculate clock uncertainties based on miscorrelation between
output a SPICE netlist, and use SPICE simulation to calibrate the different tools, and then use the new uncertainty values for better
PT timing report. However, SI effects are not addressed in this work. timing correlation between the tools. Han et al. [4] provide a deep
Motassadeq et al. [2] extend this analysis flow by using PrimeTime learning methodology to correlate timing between different signoff
SI (PTSI) [27] instead of PT to include SI effects. Mohamed et timers. However, they only correlate either non-SI to non-SI mode
al. [9] correlate PTSI-reported delta delay with coupling capacitance or SI to SI mode. The models in [4] do not predict timing in SI
and drive strengths of the aggressor and victim. However, they do mode using the timing reports of non-SI mode.
not provide a quantitative model for these correlations. Venugopal et
al. [14] characterize delays calculated by PTSI and correlated with Our work is closely related to that of Han et al. [4], even though
HSPICE [26], but no model predicting the discrepancy of HSPICE the work in [4] does not calibrate non-SI to SI. The key differences
and PTSI is presented. are: (i) a new model for incremental transition time due to SI; (ii) a
To minimize the gap between internal incremental STA tool and new model for incremental delay due to SI; (iii) a new model for SI-
signoff timing tool, Kahng et al. [7] use least-squares regression aware path delay; and (iv) validation with a wide range of testcases
to model wire delay. They then use offset-based correlation with that include memories from 28nm foundry FDSOI libraries. The
a signoff timing tool to calibrate the path slacks reported by the new models help us achieve higher modeling accuracy in calibrating
internal STA tool. However, they do not explicitly model signoff non-SI to SI as compared to the models in [4].
Path Delta – 81ps

Cell / net name DTran SI Incr Non-SI Incr SI Path Non-SI Path
(ns) Delay (ns) Delay (ns) Delay (ns) Delay (ns)
inst_ram_ctrl_write_ram_ptr_reg_0_/Q 0.000 0.000 0.087 0.285 0.285
inst_ram_ctrl_write_ram_ptr_0_ (net)
FE_RC_3395_0/Z 0.000 0.000 0.015 0.424 0.424
FE_OCP_RBN22308_n20174/A 0.014 0.009 0.019 0.452 0.443
U98160/Z 0.000 0.000 0.029 0.541 0.532
n22678 (net)
FE_OFC16-76_n22678/C 0.003 0.002 0.000 0.543 0.532

U99420/Z 0.000 0.000 0.053 0.742 0.731
n25563 (net)
U145193/C 0.016 0.012 0.000 0.754 0.731
U145193/Z 0.000 0.000 0.114 0.868 0.845
n25556 (net)
U89670/B 0.089 0.058 0.006 0.932 0.851

U121246/Z 0.000 0.000 0.021 1.063 0.982
n70246 (net)
inst_ram_ctrl_inst_generic_sp_ram_1_q_reg_18_/D 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.063 0.982

Fig. 6. Timing divergence in a path with delta slack of 81ps at clock periods of both 1.0ns and 0.8ns.
0.14 Our analyses indicate that the transition time at the output pin of
0.12 a net’s driver, the product of wire resistance and capacitances, are
Arc Timing (ns)

0.1 not sufficient to predict the incremental delay in SI mode. Figures

0.08 DTran 8(a) and (b) show that the incremental delay in SI mode vary in
Arc Timing (ns)

SI Incr Delay the same way for two of the parameters used in [4]. In addition,
0.08 DTran
Non‐SI Incr Delay signoff timing tools use complex algorithms to determine timing
SI Incr Delay
0.06 windows for less pessimistic delay analyses in SI mode. This is
0.02 Non‐SI Incr Delay
0.04 difficult to model because timing windows change with operating
0.02 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 conditions. We introduce new electrical parameters to approximate
0 Ground Cap (pF) the effect of timing windows for the aggressor with the largest
0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014
coupling capacitance. Figures 9(a)–(d) show two new electrical and
0.3 Ground Cap (pF)
(a) two new structural parameters that affect the incremental delay in
SI mode.
We use the following 12 parameters in our modeling: (i)
Arc Timing (ns)

incremental delay in non-SI mode; (ii) transition time in non-SI
Arc Timing (ns)

SI Incr Delay
mode; (iii) clock period; (iv) resistance; (v) coupling capacitance;
Non‐SI Incr Delay (vi) ratio of coupling-to-total capacitance; (vii) toggle rate; (viii)
0.05 SI Incr Delay number of aggressors; (ix) ratio of the stage in which the arc of
Non‐SI Incr Delay the victim net appears to the total number of stages in the path; (x)
0.05 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03
logical effort of the net’s driver; and (xi), (xii) the differences in
Coupling Cap (pF) max (respectively, min) arrival times1 of the signal at the driver’s
0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 output pin for the victim and its strongest aggressor.2 We choose
Coupling Cap (pF) our parameters based on sensitivity of the parameter to incremental
transition time or incremental delay due to SI, or SI-aware path
(b) delay. Our experimental results indicate that dropping any of the
Fig. 7. Timing of the victim net that has the maximum divergence at a parameters can reduce the modeling accuracy by at least 5%.
clock period of 0.8ns when only (a) ground capacitance and (b) coupling
capacitance of the victim net is varied. The figure shows delta transition
Therefore, we use all the parameters indicated in Equations (1), (2)
due to coupling as “DTran” in brown rectangles, arc delay due to coupling and (3) to develop our models. We do not use any layout parameters
as “SI Incr Delay” in green triangles and arc delay without coupling is as since layout is reflected in parameters such as coupling capacitance,
“Non-SI Incr Delay” in blue diamonds. total capacitance and wire resistance.
We model the incremental transition time due to SI as
III. M ETHODOLOGY FOR T IMING C ORRELATION IN SI M ODE ∆Tsi = f (Tsi0 , Rw ,Cc , rCc ,Ctot , clkp, LE) (1)
Our modeling methodology includes (i) selection of parameters
that affect incremental delay in SI mode, and (ii) application of We further model the incremental delay due to SI as
nonlinear modeling techniques to capture the complex interactions ∆Dsi = f (∆Dsi0 , ∆Tsi , Rw ,Cc , rCc ,Ctot , rS,Nstg , clkp, (2)
of parameters so as to accurately predict the incremental delay in ∆arrmin,(r, f ) , ∆arrmax,(r, f ) , Ar , LE)
SI mode.

A. Selection of parameters 1 We use rise and fall arrival times based on the signal’s transition at the
We have studied multiple electrical and circuit parameters that output pin of the net’s driver, from timing reports in non-SI mode.
can affect incremental delay in SI mode and have drawn from the 2 We consider the net with largest coupling capacitance to the victim as
list of parameters used to model wire delay in SI mode in [4]. the strongest aggressor.
of both the victim and aggressor nets, and can change the timing
Incremental Delay in SI Mode (ns)

windows. As a result, the number of aggressors on the victim can

Incremental Delay in SI Mode (ns)

increase. These interactions are non-obvious and cannot be captured
by linear modeling techniques. We therefore use Artificial Neural
Networks (ANN) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) [5] for our
In ANN, we use one input, one output and two hidden layers. In
Rw x Cc Rw x Ctot
each hidden layer, we use up to twice the number of neurons as the
(a) (b) number of input parameters. We search for the minimum number of
Fig. 8. Incremental delay due to SI varies in the same way as (a) Rw ×Cc neurons per hidden layer that can achieve the smallest mean-squared
and (b) Rw ×Ctot . error on the training set. In SVM, we use the Radial Basis Function
Incremental Delay in SI Mode (ns)
(RBF) kernel with a gamma value of the inverse of the number
Incremental Delay in SI Mode (ns)

of the parameters. To generalize our models and avoid overfitting,

we use five-fold cross validation and use a separate validation set
to reduce overfitting while training our models. We use Hybrid
Surrogate Modeling (HSM) [6] to combine the predicted values
from the ANN and SVM models and obtain the final predictions.
For each technique (ANN, SVM and HSM), we create one model for
Nstg ≤ 20 and another model for Nstg > 20, as our separate studies
Logical Effort of Driver (Victim – Aggressor) Max Arrival Time (ns)
indicate that modeling accuracy improves with this approach.
(a) (b)
Incremental Delay in SI Mode (ns)

We now describe our design of experiments, i.e., our testcases,

Incremental Delay in SI Mode (ns)

methodology to generate “ground truth”, and tool settings. We then

describe our modeling results.
A. Design of experiments
In our experiments, we use six real designs (aes cipher top,
dec viterbi, jpeg encoder and THEIA from OpenCores [23]; FIFO
Stage of Victim Number of Effective Aggressors from Synopsys Designware [25]; and single core of OST2 [24])
(c) (d) as well as artificial testcases developed in-house based on [4]. An
Fig. 9. Incremental delay due to SI varies with (a) logical effort of the net’s illustration of our artificial testcase is shown in Figure 11. We use
driver, (b) the difference in max arrival times of victim and the strongest 28nm FDSOI foundry technology libraries for all our experiments.
aggressor, (c) the stage in which the arc appears, and (d) the number of We vary parasitics, i.e., Rw , Cc , Cg , size of the driver, type of the
effective aggressors of the victim net. driver cell, the number of fanouts, clock period, etc. We use default
Timing Reports Timing Reports in values of 1Ω for Rw , 1fF for Cc and Cg and use scaling factors fRw ,
in SI Mode Non-SI Mode fCc and fCg to respectively scale Rw , Cc and Cg in both real designs
and artificial testcases.
Create Training, Validation We use one implementation of the aes cipher top design
and Testing Sets signed off at 1.0ns (∼13K standard cells at post-synthesis), one
implementation of the dec viterbi design signed off at 1.0ns
ANN (2 Hidden Layers, SVM (RBF Kernel, 5-Fold (∼97K standard cells at post-synthesis), one implementation of
5-Fold Cross-Validation) Cross-Validation)
the jpeg encoder design signed off at 0.8ns (∼62K standard
cells at post-synthesis), one implementation of the FIFO design
HSM signed off at 0.75ns (∼6.5K standard cells at post-synthesis), one
(Weighted Predictions from ANN and SVM) implementation of the THEIA design signed off at 2.0ns (∼125K
standard cells at post-synthesis) and one implementation of the
Save Model and Exit OST2 design signed off at 2.2ns (∼350K standard cells at post-
synthesis). Table II lists the ranges of various parameters that we
Fig. 10. Modeling flow using nonlinear modeling techniques. sweep in our experiments.
and the SI-aware path delay as K EY PARAMETERS SWEPT IN OUR EXPERIMENTS .
stg Parameter Range Design/Testcase
∆Psi = f (Psi0 , ∑i=1 ∆Dsi , Nstg ) (3)
1.0ns + {-0.2, 0.2}ns aes cipher top
where ∆Dsi is the predicted incremental delay due to SI per arc, 1.0ns + {-0.2, -0.1, 0.0, 0.1, 0.2}ns dec viterbi, artificial
obtained from the model developed using Equation (2). 0.8ns + {-0.2, -0.1, 0.0, 0.1}ns jpeg encoder
0.75ns + {-0.15, 0.15}ns FIFO
2.0ns + {-0.2, 0.2}ns THEIA
B. Nonlinear modeling technique 2.2ns + {-0.2, 0.2}ns OST2
If the coupling capacitance is zero, we set the incremental delay Nstg {15, 20, 25, 30} artificial
due to SI as zero; otherwise, we proceed with modeling. We use fCc ,red {0.0, 1.0, 2.0} all
nonlinear modeling techniques to model the incremental transition f Rw {0.5, 1.0, 2.0} all
fCc {0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0} all
time, incremental delay due to SI, and SI-aware path delay, given the fCg {0.5, 1.0, 2.0} all
complex interactions between modeling parameters described above. Driver size {X6, X16, X24, X32} artificial
For example, reducing the clock period can increase the toggle rates
• Experiment 1. (Accuracy) Predict incremental transition time,
incremental delay and path delay due to SI using a model
derived from non-SI timing reports of a signoff timing tool.
• Experiment 2. (Robustness) Predict incremental delay due
to SI on “unseen” data points from a new implementation of
jpeg encoder. The new implementation of jpeg encoder uses
different signoff and layout constraints as compared to the
implementation (cf. Table II) used to train the models.
• Experiment 3. (Accuracy) Compare the predictions of
incremental delay and path delay due to SI of our models
versus those of [4].
Fig. 11. Illustration of an artificial testcase instance. In our results, we compare path delay instead of path slack
because the delta in slack arises due to differences in path delay. The
To generate “ground truth” data, we perform path-based setup required arrival times calculated in both SI and non-SI modes are
timing analyses in both SI and non-SI modes and report the top- the same because elements such as clock uncertainty, clock skew,
1000 critical paths. In non-SI mode, we use fCc ,red values of 0.0, and setup time of the capture flip-flop do not vary with coupling.
1.0 and 2.0 to capture the following effects of victim and aggressor Only the arrival times vary due to incremental delay in SI and non-
nets switching: (i) a value of 0.0 when the victim and aggressor SI modes. Therefore, the errors in correlating path slack will be the
switch in the same direction; (ii) a value of 1.0 when the victim same as the errors observed in correlating path delay. We report
does not switch but the aggressor switches; and (iii) a value of 2.0 predicted values of transition time and incremental delay due to SI
when the victim and aggressor switch in the opposite directions. In and SI-aware path delay only on the test dataset, that is, we do not
SI mode, we use recommended tool settings for the most accurate include the training and validation datasets in reporting results in
(least pessimistic) analysis, which include (i) disabling of critical Experiments 1 and 2. We calculate percentage error in predicting
path reselection so that all aggressors are selected for analysis incremental delay and transition time due to SI in an arc and SI-
at all times for all victims; (ii) enabling the clock network for aware path delay as follows.
analysis so as to include coupling effects of clock nets on victim (Predicted – Actual) ∆Tsi or ∆Dsi
Errorarc = Actual ∆Tsi or ∆Dsi (4)
signal nets; and (iii) performing analysis in edge-alignment mode (Predicted – Actual) ∆Psi
so as to consider all possible edge arrivals from the upstream logic, Error path = Actual ∆Psi (5)
using minimum-delay (respectively, maximum-delay) edges for the B. Results of Experiment 1
minimum (respectively, maximum) incremental delay calculations.
Following are steps used for timing analysis in SI and non-SI The goal of this experiment is to validate our modeling accuracy
mode. We specifically highlight the differences in SI versus non-SI in predicting incremental transition time, incremental delay due to SI
mode, if any, in each of the steps. and SI-aware path delay. Our models are developed by using timing
reports in non-SI mode. We test the accuracy of our models by using
• Step 1. Read databases of timing libraries.
∼17K data points for incremental transition time and incremental
• Step 2. Read and link the design; the post-layout netlist is in
delay and ∼320 paths for SI-aware path delay, across real designs
.v format.
and artificial testcases.
• Step 3. Read the constraints specified in .sdc format.
Figure 12 shows actual versus predicted incremental transition
• Step 4. Read the parasitics specified in .spef format. In SI
times due to SI. Our modeling predictions have a worst-case
mode, read the coupling capacitances, whereas in non-SI mode
absolute error of 7.0ps (8.8%)3 and have a range of errors of 11.3ps.
convert coupling capacitances to ground capacitances by using
Our average absolute error in predicting incremental transition time
Miller coupling factor fCc ,red .
is 0.7ps (0.6%). Figure 13 shows actual versus predicted incremental
• Step 5. (SI mode only) Set flag to reselect critical paths for SI
delays due to SI. Our modeling predictions have a worst-case
analysis to false.
absolute error of 5.2ps (15.7%) and have a range of errors of 9.8ps.
• Step 6. (SI mode only) Set flag to reselect clock nets for SI
Our average absolute error in predicting incremental delay is 1.2ps
analysis to true.
• Step 7. (SI mode only) Set flag for delay analysis mode to be
Figure 14 shows actual versus predicted SI-aware path delays.
Our modeling predictions have a worst-case absolute error of 8.2ps
• Step 8. Perform path-based timing analysis of specified top-
(6.9%),4 i.e., our worst-case absolute error in predicting path slack
1000 paths of the signed off design.
is also 8.2ps. The average absolute error in predicting path delay
• Step 9. Report capacitance, incremental delay, transition time,
is 1.7ps (1.4%). Figure 15 shows the actual and predicted values
accumulated stage delay of all cells and nets in the top-1000
of incremental delay and path delay in SI mode of the same path
paths. In SI mode, report incremental delay and transition time
as shown in Figure 4. The path slack divergence between SI and
due to coupling.
non-SI modes of 143ps is reduced to 5ps by our models.
We generate a total of 188K data points of nets that have non-
zero value of incremental SI delay, out of which we use 60% for 3 In non-SI and SI modes the transition times are 34.6ps and 114.6ps,

training, 10% for validation and the remaining 30% for testing. The respectively. The actual incremental transition time due to SI is 114.6 −
training time of our models is 10.6 hours for ANN, 23.9 hours for 34.6 = 80ps, whereas our model for incremental transition time predicts
SVM and 12 minutes for HSM on an Intel Xeon E5-2640 2.5GHz 73ps. The difference is 7.0ps. Therefore, per Equation (4), the percentage
error is 7.0/80 = 8.8%.
server with eight threads. This is a one-time overhead. After the 4 In non-SI and SI modes the path delays are 1055.2ps and 935.5ps,
models are trained, the time to test is ∼10 minutes for every 10K respectively. The actual difference in SI-aware path delay is 1055.2 −
data points. 935.5 = 119.7ps, whereas our model for SI-aware path delay predicts
We conduct three experiments to demonstrate accuracy and 109.6ps. The difference is 8.2ps. Therefore, per Equation (5), the percentage
robustness of our models. error is 8.2/119.7 = 6.9%.
Path Delta (Post‐Fitting) – 143ps
Cell / net name (Actual) SI Incr (Model) SI Incr (Actual) SI Path (Model) SI Path
Delay (ns) Delay (ns) Delay (ns) Delay (ns)
inst_ram_ctrl_write_ram_fsm_reg_0_/Q 0.000 0.000 0.269 0.269
inst_ram_ctrl_write_ram_fsm_0_ (net)
FE_OCP_RBC23542_n28670/Z 0.000 0.000 0.428 0.428
FE_OCP_RBN23542_n28670 (net)
FE_OCP_RBC23543_n28670/A 0.004 0.004 0.445 0.445
U143152/Z 0.000 0.000 0.809 0.809
n33458 (net)
U92231/C 0.002 0.002 0.811 0.811

U99631/Z 0.000 0.000 0.769 0.769
n33477 (net)
U145471/C 0.022 0.023 0.793 0.794

U121581/Z 0.000 0.000 0.967 0.968
n33452 (net)
U121579/B 0.115 0.118 1.082 1.086
n79492 (net) Model xt v2 0.000 0.000 1.139 1.140

Fig. 15. Actual and predicted values of “SI Incr Delay” and “SI Path Delay” (defined in Table I) of the same path shown in Figure 4. Our models reduce
0.000 0.000
Model pd_v2
1.139 1.144

the path delay (as well as path slack) divergence from 143ps to 5ps. The predicted values that differ from the actual values are highlighted in red.
Predicted Incremental Transition Time (ps)

Predicted Path Delay (ps)



Model xd v2
Actual Incremental Transition Time (ps) Actual Path Delay (ps)
Fig. 12. Actual versus predicted incremental transition times due to SI. Fig. 14. Actual versus predicted SI-aware path delays.

and utilization of 55%. The implementation used for testing is

signed off at different clock period, has different mixes of cell types,
Predicted SI Incr Delay (ps)

number of stages per path, net parasitics, etc. as compared to the

implementation (cf. Table II) used to train our models. However, as
we include important parameters that affect incremental transition
time, incremental delay due to SI, and SI-aware path delay, we
expect that our models can be generalized to unseen data points
at the same 28nm FDSOI foundry technology. Figure 16(a) shows
5.2ps actual and predicted values of incremental delay in SI mode for 2.5K
unseen data points. The worst-case absolute error in prediction is
7.9ps (12.3%), however, the average absolute error is 1.6ps (2.6%).
Figure 16(b) shows the distribution of errors across all test data
Actual SI Incr Delay (ps)
Fig. 13. Actual versus predicted incremental delays due to SI.
D. Results of Experiment 3
In this experiment we compare the accuracy of our models, versus
that of the wire and path delay models in [4] that predict SI-aware
C. Results of Experiment 2
path delay. We develop these models for wire and path delay using
The goal of this experiment is to validate the robustness of our timing reports in non-SI mode. Recall that Figure 2 in Section I
models and stress test our models on “unseen” data points. We shows that the worst-case error in predicting incremental arc delay
train our models using data points from our design of experiments due to SI using the model in [4] can be as large as 60ps. Figure 17
described in Section IV-A, and test the models using unseen data shows that the worst-case error in path delay can be 87.3ps using
points from a new implementation of jpeg encoder signed off with the model in [4]. As described in Section IV-B, our models have
clock period 1.0ns, tighter maximum transition constraint of 150ps worst-case errors of 5.2ps and 8.2ps in predicting incremental delay
mode. We provide a machine learning-based methodology that can
accurately model incremental delay due to SI, and SI-aware path
delay. Our models for a 28FDSOI production technology and cell
Predicted SI Incr Delay (ps)

library have worst-case errors of 7.0ps, 5.2ps and 8.2ps, respectively

in predicting incremental transition time, incremental delay due to
SI, and SI-aware path delay. We demonstrate that our models are
more accurate than previous work [4]. Our ongoing works include
(i) predicting timing reports in path-based analysis using reports
7.9ps from graph-based analysis, and (ii) integrating our models with an
academic timer [28].
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Predicted Path Delay (ps)

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In this work, we analyze electrical and logic structure parameters
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