Periodic Table and Periodicity of Properties

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Periodic Table and Periodicity of Properties

Periodic Table: - Periodic table is the arrangement of elements in order of increasing

atomic number in such a way that those similar properties are placed one above other in
the form of a table.


Periodic table is the arrangement of elements in the form of a table in which elements with
similar properties are placed in the same group.

Importance of periodic table: – The periodic table is the road map to elements. It tells us
about atomic numbers, atomic masses, electronegativity, chemical properties as well as the
relationship among various elements.

Mendeleev’s periodic table;- In 1869, a Russian chemist Mendeleev for the first time
introduced the name periodic table. He arranged the known 63 elements in order of their
increasing atomic masses. The vertical columns were called groups and the horizontal rows
were called periods.
Elements having same properties are placed in the same group. This periodic table got the
name Mendeleev’s periodic table due to name of presenter scientist and was based on
Mendeleev’s law, this law states.

“Properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic masses”.

Merits of Mendeleev’s periodic table: -

1. Systematic arrangements of 63 elements in groups and periods.
2.. Predicted properties of elements which were not discovered -like scandium, gallium,
germanium, which was corrected and left gaps for them.
Demerits of Mendeleev’s periodic table:-

1.Controversial position of hydrogen.

2. Position of isotopes was not correct.
3.Co with higher atomic no. was placed before lower atomic no. Ni which was
contradicting arrangement of element in increasing atomic no.
4. Did not provide space for noble gases which were discovered later.


In 1913 Henry Moseley discovered a new property of elements, the atomic number. He
states that atomic number determines the position of elements. He arranged elements
based on their increasing atomic number in periodic table.

Modern periodic law; – “properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic
According to Moseley atomic number is basic property of an element due to two aspects;

 Atomic number increases regularly from element to element.

 It is fixed for each and every element.

 Salient features of long form of periodic table;

1) This table consists of seven horizontal rows called periods.

 First period consists of only two elements and is called short period.
 Second and third period consists of 8 elements each and are called normal periods.
 Fourth and fifth period consists of 18 elements each and are called long periods.
 Sixth period has 32 elements and is called very long or longest period.
 Seventh period has 23 elements and is incomplete. This is also called very long
 Elements of a period show different properties.

2)Elements of a period show same number of shells.

 There are 18 vertical columns in the periodic table called groups.
 These groups are numbered 1 to 18 from left to right.
 Elements of a group show same chemical properties due to same electronic
 Elements are classified into four blocks depending upon the type of sub-shell that
receives last electrons.


Hydrogen (H) and helium (He) are special elements. Hydrogen can have the electron traits of two
groups: one and seven. For chemists, hydrogen is sometimes missing an electron like the members of
group IA, and sometimes has an extra one as in group VIIA. When you study acids and bases you
will regularly work with hydrogen cations (H+). A hydride is a hydrogen anion and has an extra
electron (H-).
Helium (He) is different from all of the other elements. It is very stable with only two electrons in its
outer orbital (valence shell). Even though it only has two, it is still grouped with the noble gases that
have eight electrons in their outermost orbitals. The noble gases and helium are all “happy,” because
their valence shell is full.

 periodic properties;- periodic properties of elements are those properties of elements that

undergoes gradual decrease or increase from left to right in a period or from top to bottom
in a group in periodic table. These properties include: atomic size, atomic radius, shielding
effect, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity, etc.

Atomic Radius;- The half of the distance between nuclei of two adjacent same atoms is
called atomic radius.
Or Atomic radius is generally stated as being the total distance from an atom’s nucleus to
the outermost orbital of electron.

Atomic size: – the distance between the nuclei of two adjacent same atoms is called atomic

Example: – The distance between nuclei of two adjacent carbon atoms in its elemental form
is 154 pm (Pico meter). It is called atomic size of carbon atom . Its half that is 77 pm is radius
of carbon atom.

Trends in periodic table;-
Variation in a period; – From left to right in a period the atomic sizes gradually decreases
because of the following reasons;
 Increase in the effective nuclear charge.
 Additions of electrons in the same shell.

Variation in a group: – From top to bottom in group atomic sizes increases due to
following reasons;
 Addition of new shells.
 Decrease in effective nuclear charge.

SHIELDING EFFECT:-Shielding effect or screening effect is the decrease in effective nuclear

charge force of attraction of nucleus) on an electron that is caused by the repulsive forces of
other electrons between it and nucleus.

Variation in a period; in a period from left to right, the shielding effect decreases because of
following reason;

♦ Electrons added to same outer shell. That’s why removal of electrons from sulphur is easy
than chlorine.

 Variation in a group:

From top to bottom in a group shielding effect increases due to following reason;

♦ The increase in inner electrons that repel the outer electrons by greater forces.

That is why it is easy to remove an electron from potassium (Z=19) than sodium (Z=11).

 Ionization Energy; - The amount of energy required to remove an electron from the
valence shell of an isolated gaseous atom in its ground state is called ionization energy.

Explanation;- Electrons in an atom are held by electrostatic forces of attraction, that’s why
for the removal of electrons energy is needed. Such type of energy is called ionization
Variation in a period:-The Ionization energy value increases from left to right in a period.
When we moves from left to right in a period;
 Nuclear charge increases.
 Electrons added or enter into same shell.
 Variation in a group: – Ionization energy value decreases from top to bottom in a group.
This is because of;

 Nuclear charge decreases as shielding effect increases.

 Atomic size increases thus hold of nucleus on valence electrons decreases.

Electron Affinity;- The amount of energy released when an electron is added to the

valence shell of an isolated gaseous atom is called electron affinity.

Trends in periodic table:-

Variation of electron affinity in group:- the value of electron affinity of elements decreases
down the group. This is due to following reasons.

 The atomic size increases.

 The nuclear charge decreases.

Variation in a period: – from left to right in a period electron affinity increases because of:
 Increase in effective nuclear charge.
 Size of the atoms decreases.

Electronegativity:- The ability of an atom to attract the shared pair of electrons toward

itself is called electronegativity. The value of electronegativity of elements described the
ability of elements to compete for electrons. The most electronegative element in periodic
table is Fluorine having electronegativity value of 4. The less electronegative element in
periodic table is Cesium having electronegativity value of 0.7.

Example: – In HCl molecule the shared electron pair lies more towards Cl atom because Cl is
more electronegative.

Trends in Periodic table:-
Variation in a group: – Electronegativity value decreases from top to bottom in a group. This
is because of the increase in size and decrease in nuclear charges.

 Variation in a period: – Electronegativity value increases from left to right in a period, this is
due to increase in nuclear charges and less shielding effect.

Difference between Mendeleev’s periodic law and modern periodic law

Mendeleev’s law Modern law

1)properties of elements are periodic functions of Properties of elements are periodic functions of
their atomic masses. their atomic number.

2) This law is based on atomic number. This law is based on atomic mass.

3) Atomic mass is the basic property of this law. Atomic number is the basic property of this law.

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