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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


N.Ramakrishnareddy1, B.Chaitanyarao2
1 ,2 PG Student, Department of Reneable energy and Environmental Engineering and management, IST,
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Abstract - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) can biophysical, social, and other relevant effects of development
broadly be defined as a study of the effects of a proposed proposals prior to major decisions being taken and
project, plan or program on the environment. The legal, commitments made. These studies integrate the
methodological and procedural foundations of EIA were environmental concerns of developmental activities into the
established in 1970 by the enactment of the National process of decision-making. EIA has emerged as one of the
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in the USA. At the successful policy innovations of the 20th Century in the
international level, lending banks and bilateral aid agencies process of ensuring sustained development. Today, EIA is
have EIA procedures that apply to borrowing and recipient formalized as a regulatory tool in more than 100 countries
countries. Most developing counties have also embraced and for effective integration of environmental concerns in the
are in the process of formalizing EIA through legislation. The economic development process. The EIA process in India
paper highlights the evolution to current status, the legal was made mandatory and was also given a legislative status
framework, concepts, processes and principles of EIA and through a Notification issued by the Ministry of Environment
associated studies. To prepare an effective and sustainable EIA and Forests (MoEF) in January 1994. The Notification,
it is necessary to conduct a baseline survey of the existing however, covered only a few selected industrial
environmental attributes. It helps to evaluate anticipated developmental activities. While there are subsequent
environmental impacts to the proposed activities and in amendments, the Notification issued on September 14, 2006
formulating a scientific Environmental Management Plan. [1].
Irrespective of magnitude of operation, attempts have been
made to maintain ecological balance of the study area. 2. METHODOLOGY FOR CLEARANCE OF THE PROJECT

Key Words: EIA ,Township, accessibility, planning, Conditions of approval may ensure monitoring by the
strategies, Development. proponent, post project analysis and independent auditing.
Thus, Environmental Impact Assessment helps in
1. INTRODUCTION harmonizing the developmental activities with the
environmental concerns. It is an imperative requirement to
Before the First World War, rapid industrialization and understand the basic concepts concerned to the pollution
urbanization in western countries was causing rapid loss of control and the environmental impact assessment in an
natural resources. This continued to the period after the overall objective of the sustainable development. As per the
Second World War giving rise to concerns for pollution, notification, the project is categorized as Category “B1”
quality of life and environmental stress. In early 60s, project which necessitates obtaining the Environmental
investors and people realized that the projects they were Clearance (Builtup area is greater than 1,50,000 m2).
under taking were affecting the environment, resources, raw
materials and people. As a result of this, pressure groups
formed with the aim of getting a tool that can be used to
safeguard the environment in any development. The USA
decided to respond to these issues and established a
National Environmental Policy Act in 1970 to consider its
goal in terms of environmental protection. The USA became
the first country to enact legislation on EIA. This was the first
time that EIA became the official tool to be used to protect
the environment. The United Nations Conference on the
Environment in Stockholm in 1972 and subsequent
conventions formalized EIA. At present, all developed
countries have environmental laws whereas most of the
developing countries are still adopting it. Multilateral and
bilateral lenders included EIA requirements in their project
eligibility criteria [1].
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process of
identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the
Fig -1: Environmental Clearence Proceses flow chart

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1131
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3. STUDY AREA Topography Flat terrain

Nature of Soil Sandy loam to silty loam
Holiday Constructions private Limited (HCPL) are the Nearest Navuluru – 1.1 km – N
developers of MY HOME RESIDENTIAL APARTMENTS at Villages Mangalagiri – 1.1 km – E
Nidamarru Village, Mangalagiri Mandal, Guntur District, Bapujinagaram – 1.2 km - WSW
Andhra Pradesh. Government of India, Ministry of Nearest National Highway (NH-5)
Environmental Forests, New Delhi have issued an Highway connecting Vijayawada – Chennai,
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification SO 2.90 km – SE
1533, of 14-09-2006. As per the notification, the project is Nearest
categorized as Category “B1” project which necessitates Railway Mangalagiri RS at 1.50 km – E
obtaining the Environmental Clearance (Builtup area is station
greater than 1,50,000 m2). The notification has exempted the Nearest Gannavaram ( Vijayawada ) – 28.0
above establishments from holding the Public Hearing. HCPL Airport km - ENE
proposes to develop this residential complex in an area of Water bodies Krishna River – 9.30 km – NE
27.17 acres falling under Survey Nos. 48, 67 and 78 at Western Delta Main Canal – 7.00
Nidamarru Village Of the total area of 27.17 acres, plot area km - E
earmarked for apartments is 22.17 acres. The proposed Guntur Canal – 3.60 km – ESE
Residential Apartments will be developed into magnificent Kuragallu Lake – 2.80 km - WNW
township. Nearest Tadepalle RF – 3.40 km – ENE
Forests Mangalagiri RF – 1.80 km – E
Historical Mangalagiri Temple – 2.10 km – E
sites Amaravathi Temple – 13.20 km –
Pedakakani (Sivalayam) – 12.40
km – SSW
Tenali Temple – 25.40 km – SSW
Undavalli Caves – 7.16 km – NE

The Site of My Home is located at Nidamarru Village,

Mangalagiri Mandal, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh . The
Project Site is a part of the Survey of India Toposheet No.
65/D/11. The site falls (A) 16°26'11.85"N - 80°33'8.22"E
(B) 16°26'14.10"N - 80°32'56.68"E (C) 16°26'21.43"N -
80°32'57.32"E (D) 16°26'22.37"N - 80°33'8.53"E North
Fig -2: Shows study area of the project latitude and East Longitude with an average altitude of 24
m above MSL. Nearest railway line connecting
Table -1: Salient fetures collection as per MoEF&CC Rajahmundry - Guntur of South Central Railway line is at a
distance of 1.1 km to SE direction from the Project Site.
Site Location Nidamarru Village, Mangalagiri Table-2: Details of Flats
Mandal, Guntur District, Andhra
Pradesh. S.No Name of the Maximum demand (in
Latitude 1625’58.02” – 1625’58.24” N flat kw)
Longitude 8031’48.42” - 8031’50.16” E 1 3 bed room 8736
Elevation, m 24 flats
above MSL 2 2 bed room 2240
Maximum & 45 (in May) & 10 (in December) flats
Minimum 3 Street lights 20
Temperature, 4 Parking lights 20
C 5 Club 50
Annual 1031.60 mm 6 Water pumping 56
Rainfall, mm 7 Lifts 270
Relative 35-83% Total 11392
Humidity, %
Average 5-10 Vijayawada is major town at a distance of 12.3 km in ENE
Wind Speed, direction. Guntur district is at a distance of 18.0 km in SW
km/h direction. The National highway (NH-5) connecting

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1132
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Vijayawada to Chennai is at a distance of 2.5 km SE. The

nearest railway station is Mangalagiri RS at 1.5 km in E
direction. The proposed new Capital ‘Amaravathi’ is at a
distance of 10.70 km – NW. There are no national parks,
elephant/tiger reserves within 10km radius of the study
area. Uppalapadu Bird Sanctuary is located at distance of
15.45 km – SSW.

Table -3: Landuse Pattern


1 Built-up area 5.18
2 Internal Roads 7.39
3 Open space 4.44 Chart -2: Profession of the Villagers
4 Total area 4.98
4.3. Income Levels
5 Others (club house) 0.18
Total 22.17 In this study area the maximum income levels below
10000Rs.the area more containing formers and labor. and
4. SOCIO ECONOMIC DATA COLLECTION next maximum income level is10000 to 20000 these are
mainly employs
4.1. Age Distribution

The age of each individual is collected from the onboard

surveys and the Figure below indicates the age groups. Age
15 to 25 shows more in number when compared to
remaining age group.

Chart -3: Income Levels of The Villagers

4.4 Analysis of Public & Private Transport Demand

Public transport demand may depend on various factors,

ranging from travel behavior parameters (travel cost, travel
time, trip length, accessibility ratio, comfort level, frequency,
convenience etc). Although for the purpose & context of our
Chart -1: Age Distribution of The Villagers study area we selected only the parameters of travel
behavior as they directly affected the demand generation in
4.2. Profession our context. Thus, the selected parameters were trip
purpose, trip length, and accessibility. These parameters
The diagram represents the 60% of the students, 27% of the were selected on the basis of a detailed stated preference
employs, 8% of the farmers, 3% of the labour and 2%of the survey conducted for understanding the travel behavior of
others are travel in the public transportation. The Students the study area.
are Every day travel from home to inistitute by using public
transport only. 4.5 Number of trips by Public and private transport

Both the public and private trips is collected from the

surveys and it is segregated based on vehicle type like Two-
Wheelers, Three-Wheelers, Four-Wheelers, Buses. Figure
shows that out of all vehicles type 31% are bus users.

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1133
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


The total water requirement of the complex in

operational phase including maintenance of the complex
is estimated to be 900 m3/day. Estimation of water
demand is given below :

The per capita consumption considered : 145 lpcd.

Occupancy level 5 persons per flat .

5.4 Water Requirement

Domestic Water Demand -10080 X 145 : 1461600 lpd

Chart -4: Trips generated by the public & private Club House : 10000 lpd
transport Utility/service usage : 10000 lpd
4.6 Private transport demand Total Water demand : 1481600 lpd
Treated Wastewater Generation : 1185280 lpd
Respondents were asked to identify, in a fixed choice
question, why they are choosing private transport. The Reusing of treated effluent for : 403200 lpd
respondents indicating each problem were shown in figure.
flushing – 10080 X 40
Services and club house : 10000 lpd
Landscape and car wash 15 % of usage : 219240 lpd
Total treated wastewater for recycling : 632440 lpd
Remaining treated water let into storm : 552840 lpd
Total water demand after : 849160 lpd
reusing treated water say (50000 lit provision for
swimming pool) : 900000 lpd = 900 m3/day

The main source of water for the project would be from

municipal supply. HCPL has applied for permission from the
Chart -5: shows the Private transport demand Central Ground water department for withdrawal of ground
water during operational phase.
5.1 Water
HCPL will provide the tanks of following capacity for storage
Water for construction will be sourced from of water.
Borewells/Tankers. The water requirement during
construction phase has worked out considering concrete Table 4: Water tank capacity of the study area
curing, Mortar mixing and curing for block work, Mortar
mixing and curing for plastering, Floor finishes, Roof OVERHEAD TANK UNDER GROUND
works/screed, Sprinkling for dust suppression and Domestic SUMP CAPACITY
Water for construction will be sourced from HMWSSB. The Numbe Capacity, Numbers Capacit
water consumption during construction is estimated to be rs m3 y, m3
about 250 m3/day. Domestic 40 680 28 3036
water (capaci (capacity
5.2 POWER tank – ty – 17 – 137 m3
Ground m3 each)
The power requirement of the building will be sourced from water each)
APSPDCL. The total power requirement of the complex for Municipa 72 432 28 3640
2016 flats for all electrical appliances is estimated to be l water (capaci (capacity
about 12000 kW, which will be sources from grid. tank - ty – 6 – 130 m3
Drinking m3 each)

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1134
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

water each) 5.8 Construction Machinery

Fire 112 1112 56 6676
Fighting Table 5: Constructional machinery of the study area
Sl. No. Equipment No. of
Water from the separate over head storage tanks (i.e units
drinking, domestic use and flushing) will be supplied 1 Tower crane (electrically 4
through separate pipelines to each flat. operated)
2 Hoists - (Diesel operated) 4
5.6 Drainage Network System & Sewage Treatment
Plant 3 Vibrators - (electrically 30
Sufficient drainage network system will be provided to 4 Saw machine & cutting tools 8
collect the sewage from all the flats. The network will be 5 Site office computers 2
provided with inspection chamber as per the requirement. 6 Water Pumps 20
The sewage collected through the network will be routed to 7 Concrete Truck Mixers 10
the proposed two sewage treatment plants proposed in 8 Concrete Pump 2
Northern direction.
5.9 Climatology
The total sewage generation from the complex will be about
720 m3/day. HCPL will construct one full fledged sewage In general the climate of this area is dry. Summer starts from
treatment plant of 1000 m3/day for treating the sewage. A mid of February and continues up to first week of June, when
separate piping network will be provided to use the treated the monsoon breaks. The monsoon continues till the end of
sewage for use in flushing of toilets and sprinkling on lawns. October. Winter is between November and middle of
February. The peak of summer is in May. The maximum
5.7 Importance Of The Project To The Region temperature is about 45 degree Celsius. During the cold
months of December the temperature falls to 120C. The
The aim of Residential Apartments venture is to work out a average rainfall of the district is 1031.60 mm. The maximum
concept of self-sufficient neighborhoods, complete with & minimum Temperature Humidity recorded during
work-live-play environment, incorporating the latest state of summer season is given in following table.
the art technology in terms of technical know-how,
convenience and comfort on the housing front. It is the Table- 6: Climatical condition of the study area
amalgamation of high quality office space with luxurious,
executive, residential apartments with recreation facilities,
meticulously landscaped, aesthetically approached,
conducive from business as well as living. The concept 1. Temperature 45 27
involves developing growth centers where all facilities of (oC)
housing, banking, communication links, industrial units, 2. Humidity (%) 83 35
roads and infrastructure can comfortably co-exist. It aims at
de-linking from the main city, and forming self contained 6. AMBIENT AIR QUALITY (AAQ)
centers serving as a mini cities where people work and live
on a day-to-day basis, and the need to access the main city Ambient air quality of the study area has been assessed
would be few and far in between. through a network of four ambient air quality stations. The
locations of ambient air quality stations are given below
Now Vijayawada is emerging as a developing city, accounting
for a substantial portion of the nation's investments and
Table-7: Details of the Near by villages
profits, both in the public and private sector. Keeping in view
of need for development of infrastructure, many
construction companies have come forward to take up the Station Village Name With Respect To
development of infrastructure including commercial Code Project Site
complexes. Direction Distance
After determining the OAL in the study area the following A1 Project Site --- ---
areas are having poor accessibility levels , comparing to A2 Navuluru N 1.10
the remaining areas. A3 Mangalagiri E 0.90
A4 Bapujinagaram WSW 1.20

© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1135
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

The ambient air quality locations are presented in Fig-3.1. 9. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CELL
The values of SPM, SO2 and NOx monitored at the above
locations are given below.  Provide solid waste handling facilities such as waste
bins across the estate and ensure that they are
Table-8: Summary of Ambient Air Quality often emptied to enhance maximum cleanliness.

CODE LOCATION 98TH PERCENTILE  Ensure that solid waste generated at the homes, is
NO NAME VALUES regularly disposed of appropriately at authorised
SPM RPM SO2 NOx dumping site
A1 Project Site 159 66 15.3 16.5
 Ensure the general safety and security at all times
A2 Navuluru 166 68 15.8 17.4
by providing day and night security guards and
A3 Mangalagiri 163 64 16.3 18.1
adequate lighting within and around the premises
A4 Bapujinagaram 151 59 15.4 17.2 during night hours.


Noise levels were measured in the vicinity of the project at The proposed My Home Residential Apartments will have
four locations. The noise monitoring location are presented. numerous positive impacts including creation of
Details of the location and noise levels are given below: employment, quality shelter, improved infrastructure,
increase in national housing stock and increase in revenue
Table-9: Summary of Noise environment among others has outlined in the report.

Station Location Distance Direction The negative environmental impacts that will result from
Code (Km) w.r.t establishment of the project which include increased
Project population without adequate services and amenities;
Site increased pressure on infrastructure; air pollution; water
N1 Project Site --- --- pollution and generation wastes among others which
N2 Navuluru 1.10 N however can be mitigated.
N4 Mangalagiri 0.90 E
N5 Bapujinagaram 1.20 WSW The proponent of the proposed project shall be committed
to putting in place several measures to mitigate the
negative environmental, safety, health and social impacts
Table 10: Equivalent Noise Levels In The Area associated with the Development cycle of the proposed
housing project. It is recommended that in addition to this
Station Location dB (A) commitment, the proponent shall focus on implementing
Code Day Night Day- the measures outlined in the EMP as well as adhering to all
Equiv Equiva Night relevant national and international environmental, health
alent lent Equival and safety standards, policies and regulations that govern
ent establishment and operation of such projects.
N1 Project Site 53.1 50.4 57.3
N2 Navuluru 55.6 50.9 58.4 It is also proposed that the positive impacts that come from
N3 Mangalagiri 54.3 50.8 57.9 such activities shall be maximized as much as achievable. It
N4 Bapujinagara 51.4 58.6 55.5 is expected that these measures will go a long way in
m ensuring the best possible environmental acquiescence and
performance standards.
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© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1136
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 12 | Dec-2017 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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© 2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1137

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