Department of Mechanical Engineering Question Bank Sub. Code/Name: ME1305 Applied Hydraulics and Pneumatics Year/Sem: III/V
Department of Mechanical Engineering Question Bank Sub. Code/Name: ME1305 Applied Hydraulics and Pneumatics Year/Sem: III/V
Department of Mechanical Engineering Question Bank Sub. Code/Name: ME1305 Applied Hydraulics and Pneumatics Year/Sem: III/V
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. Define fluid power?
2. List the advantages and disadvantages of fluid power system?
3. Compare hydraulic and pneumatic system?
4. Define Pascal's -Law
5. Give the standard graphical symbol for FRL unit?
6. Define viscosity and bulk modulus of a hydraulic fluid?
7. List any four application of fluid power system.
8. Define Hydraulics.
9. What do you mean by non-positive displacement pump?
10. Name any four draw backs of fluid power system
11. Give the graphical symbol for pressure reducing valve?
12. What are the major components of a hydraulic system?
13. What is the function of hydraulic actuator?
14. What is a Fluid Power System?
15. Explain the term friction factor.
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. Name any four desirable characteristics of hydraulic pumps?
2. What are a positive displacement pump and a non-positive displacement
3. Mention different types of pumps used in fluid power system?
4. List the factors to be considered in the pump selection?
5. Give the graphical symbol of pressure reducing valve?
6. Why end cushions are used in cylinders?
7. How do you select hydraulic pipes for a hydraulic system?
8. How do you classify the direction control valves?
9. Draw the hydraulics symbol for a pressure temperature compensated flow
control valve?
10. What are pump characteristic curves? Draw the same for the positive
displacement pump.
11. Define Pump.
12. How pumps are classified?
13. Write about positive displacement pumps?
14. What is the function of hydraulic actuator?
15. Define Axial Piston pump & Radial Piston pump.
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. What is a two way valve?
2. List any four types of pressure control valves
3. differentiate between pressure reducing valve and pressure relief valve giving
graphical symbol
4. What are the different between pilot operated and direct operated pressure
relief valve.
5. what is the function of accumulator
6. What is a combined flow control valve and check valve
7. what are the function of reservoir
8. What is the purpose of regenerative circuit?
9. Define ‘pressure override’ in pressure controls valves.
10. Highlight the need of using an accumulator in hydraulic circuits.
11. What is twin pressure valve?
12. What are the control functions of different valves in hydraulic systems?
13. What is a control valve?
14. What are the three basic types of separator type gas loaded accumulator?
15. What are the most common applications of accumulators in hydraulic
16. What is the function of accumulator?
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. Compare hydraulic and pneumatic circuit with respect to their characteristics?
2. What is the function of the bleed-of circuit?
3. What is the function of reservoir?
4. What is the air over oil intensifier?
5. What is meter-in circuit? What are its limitations?
6. What is meant by interlock contacts?
7. What is a relay?
8. Give the standard graphical symbol for FRL unit
9. What is the need of lubricator unit in the pneumatic system?
10. What are the reasons for pressure drop in pneumatic lines?
11. How are the air compressor classified
12. What are the conditions for the two cylinders to be synchronized?
13. Name three speed control circuits?
14. What is the use of bleed-off circuit?
15. Name the important auxiliary components used in the hydraulic circuits?.
16. What are the factors to be considered while designing a hydraulic circuit?
17. What are the factors to be considered while designing a hydraulic circuit?
18. What is a sequencing circuit?
19. What is pneumatic direction control valve?
20. What is the circuit for shaping machine?
PART-A (2 Marks)
1. What is meant by interlock contacts?
2. Mention any two roles of pneumatic systems in low cost automation?
3. What do you understand by single shot sequencing?
4. What is a power pack? what are the important components of a hydraulic
power pack.
5. How do microprocessors differ from PLCs?
6. Give the Harris formula used to determine the pressure drop in pipes for
.pneumatic circuits
7. What is a microprocessor
8. What is servo valve? How does it work
9. Define coanda effect?
10. Define FLUIDICS?
11. What are the reasons for pressure drop in pneumatic lines?
12. Define the terms LAP and NULL with respect to servo valves
13. Differentiate between single stage and two stage servo valves
14. List major units of a PLC and the functions
15. List four types of faults and causes of hydraulic system break down
16. List types of faults that can be found in each of the components of a FRL unit
17. What is pneumatic direction control valve?
18. What is the use of Time Delay Valves?
19. What is the function of pneumatic circuit using quick exhaust valve?
20. What is the use of compressor?
21. Define FRL unit?
22. Explain Fluidic Logic Control?
23. Name the common methods used for designing logic circuits?
24. What are the basic elements of PLC?
25. What is ladder diagram?