303 Revision of Qualification Procedures For HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable Systems
303 Revision of Qualification Procedures For HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable Systems
303 Revision of Qualification Procedures For HV and EHV AC Extruded Underground Cable Systems
Working Group
August 2006
Working Group
Members of WG B1.06.:
Jean BECKER –Belgium (Convener), Pierre DEJEAN - France (Secretary), Luigi AROSIO –
Italy, John COOPER – USA, Tadeusz CZASZEJKO – Australia, Gunnar EVENSET –
Norway, Bruno FAINARU –Israel, Pravesh HARIPERSAD - South Africa, Anders JENSEN
– Denmark, Seung-Yk JEON – Korea, Johan KARLSTRAND – Sweden, Rudolf MEIER –
Switzerland, Jean-Luc PARPAL – Canada, Ronald PLATH – Germany, Nico VAN SCHAIK
(Edwin PULTRUM) –The Netherlands, Dany QUEK – Singapore, Susumu SAKUMA –
Japan, Steve SWINGLER – UK, Christian SZCZEPANSKI – Belgium, Martti TORIKKA –
Copyright © 2006
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1.1 General 8
1.2 Scope and terms of reference of WG B1.06 9
1.3 Experience 9
1.3.1 Ageing of extruded polymeric insulation 9
1.3.2 Experience with HV extruded cable systems up to and including 150 kV 10
1.3.3 Experience with EHV extruded cable systems at voltages above 150 kV 10 Prequalification test experience 10 Service experience 13
2.1 General 16
2.2 Revision of the present prequalification test procedure 16
2.2.1 Duration of the heating cycle voltage test 17
2.2.2 Procedure in case of a system component (cable and/or accessory) failure during the
test 17
2.2.3 Final control test 18
2.3 Changes in a prequalified cable system 18
2.3.1 Evaluation of changes in a prequalified system 18 Exchange of cable and/or accessory in a prequalified cable system 20 Modification to the cable in a prequalified cable system 21 Modification to an accessory within the same family in a prequalified cable system
2.3.2 Basic principles of the Extension of Prequalification (EQ) test 24
2.3.3 Procedure of the Extension of Prequalification test 25
2.4 Recommendations to IEC 62067 26
3.1 General 27
3.2 Prequalification test for HV systems 29
3.2.1 Range of Prequalification test 29
3.2.2 Prequalification test procedure 31
3.3 Exchanges and modifications in a prequalified HV cable system 33
3.3.1 Evaluation of changes and modifications in a prequalified system 33
3.3.2 Procedure of the Extension of Prequalification (EQ) test for HV cable systems 36
3.4 Recommendations to IEC 60840 36
ANNEX 5.1 Terms of Reference 39
ANNEX 5.2 Membership 40
ANNEX 5.3 Sensitivity of Partial Discharges in XLPE Cable Insulation to Change of
Electrical Stress 41
ANNEX 5.4 Functional Analysis 53
5.4.1. Introduction 53
5.4.2 Functional Analysis method 53
5.4.3 Functional Analysis tables 57
ANNEX 5.5 Tests From Functional Analysis not in IEC 81
ANNEX 5.6 Bibliography 87
IEC test requirements have evolved over the years from the component-based approach in
IEC 840 to the system based approach. Accessories are considered together with the cable, in
IEC 62067 Ed.1 and in the most recent edition of IEC 60840 Ed.3.
In its meeting in Madrid of 2001, Study Committee B1 decided to install a Task Force TF
21.11 to get SC B1 prepared to issue future recommendations for evolutions of IEC 62067
taking into account the expected innovations in cable technology, the need to reduce the time-
to-market and the overall cost to introduce new evolutions as well as service experience
collected by the Cable Industry.
TF 21.11 issued in 2002 a proposal of Terms of Reference and Scope of Work for a new
Working Group which was launched as WG B1.06 in Paris Study Committee meeting in
In July 2005 WG B1.06 circulated its final draft of report for approval by SC B1. Comments
were received from France, Japan, The Netherlands and Italy.
As time schedule for issuing the new Edition of IEC 62067 Ed.1 was critical, SC B1 agreed to
go in more detailed recommendations and decided in its meeting of Rosenön (SE), September
2005 to launch a Task Force to finalise the report and write clear and practical
recommendations for appropriate changes in IEC 62067 Ed.1 and IEC 60 840 Ed.3.
This report is the result of the Work of WG B1.06 and of the Task Force.
Chapter One of the report is an Introduction, which recalls and details the Scope of Work
and the Terms of Reference and gives an overview of the service experience of HV and EHV
cable systems so far as well as a survey of experience obtained by testing EHV cable systems.
At voltages up to and including 150 kV extruded insulation has largely superseded paper-
insulated cables for new installations.
Much of the service experience with HV XLPE cable systems is based on cables with
moderate design stresses. A new generation of ‘slim-design’ HV cables is being developed,
with similar technology and design stresses to those seen in EHV XLPE systems. Hence
historical service experience with HV cable systems is not necessarily a good guide to the
likely future service experience of these novel systems.
XLPE has only recently become the insulation of choice for many utilities for EHV
transmission circuits. The introduction of XLPE for longer transmission circuits has been
facilitated by the use of a one-year heat cycle voltage test called Prequalification (PQ) test,
which was recommended by CIGRE in 1993 and afterwards specified in IEC 62067 Ed.1 in
Following the successful completion of a number of PQ programmes, some large 400 and
500 kV cable circuits have been installed and commissioned.
There is still limited experience with EHV XLPE cable systems. The designs, manufacturing
methods and materials employed in joints and terminations differ significantly amongst
manufacturers. Thus the service experience from any particular system cannot necessarily be
taken as a guide to the likely service experience of other systems. The long term behaviour of
an EHV system has to be demonstrated by a well specified PQ test.
Chapter Two covers long duration tests on EHV cable systems and the different features,
which are examined:
• Design concept
• Electrical performance of cable and accessories
• Performance of a cable system under prolonged heat cycling
• Aspects of installation design and practice
• Ability of the Installer to joint in realistic conditions rather than laboratory conditions
From the existing service experience in both long duration tests and in operation as mentioned
in chapter one, it is confirmed that a Prequalification test (PQ test) is still necessary to
demonstrate the long-term reliability. Improvements of this test are proposed such as
measurement of partial discharges as a mean to provide early warning and offer possibility of
repair before failure.
A procedure to be adopted in case of failure of a component during the PQ test is introduced
and a modification to the final impulse test is proposed.
Then changes in an already prequalified cable system are evaluated. A procedure of extension
of qualification is recommended and a table is given to indicate in main cases of changes the
test sequence to adopt, instead of repeating the complete PQ test.
A new test called Extension of Qualification Test (EQ test) is proposed mainly in case of
changes of or in accessories. This test shall be performed in a laboratory on one or more
samples of complete cable of the already prequalified cable system. At least two accessories
of each type that need the extension of qualification shall be tested. A total of 80 heating
cycles shall be carried out of which the last 20 cycles shall be under a voltage of 2 U0.
As a summary and conclusion from its reflections WG B1.06 makes the following
recommendations to IEC for further consideration in future editions of IEC 62067:
• To maintain a Prequalification (PQ) test for the basic qualification of a new cable
• To allow in case of a failure of an accessory the continuation and completion of the
PQ test for the undisturbed components of the loop.
• To introduce in case of less significant changes/modifications at prequalified
components a simplified long-term test (80 cycles) called “Extension of
Prequalification (EQ) test”.
• To perform the lightning impulse test at the end of the PQ test at the complete test
loop or, in case of practical problems with test equipment, in any other test
arrangements, which include the accessories.
• To include sample tests at accessories in IEC 62067 Ed.1 as in IEC 60840 Ed.3. These
tests are intended to check not only the intrinsic quality of the accessory, but also the
quality of the installation, which is critical at the EHV level.
thicker insulation and the newer types of cables with reduced insulation (changes of an
existing HV link with a new cable type or repair of an older link).
Taking into account that service experience collected so far on HV cable systems working at
usual stresses was rather good, the Working Group recommend that cable systems should be
considered rather than cables or accessories alone when higher stresses are adopted.
After giving detailed examples of calculated stresses (AC and impulse) in different types of
accessories, the WG recommends to adopt a prequalification procedure when electrical
stresses are above given limits.
A Prequalification (PQ) test shall be performed only on cable systems where the calculated
nominal electrical stresses at the conductor screen will be higher than 8 kV/mm and/or at the
insulation screen higher than 4 kV/mm. This Prequalification test can be omitted in some
special cases listed in Chapter 3.
Contrary to the Prequalification test for EHV systems, in this case the test is simplified
because it can be performed in a laboratory and 180 cycles are required.
The proposed layout of cable system is described as well as the test sequence.
Then changes in a prequalified cable system are addressed. The Extension of Prequalification
test (EQ) is proposed to be the same as for EHV systems.
As a summary and conclusion from its reflections WG B1.06 makes the following
recommendations to IEC for further consideration in future editions of IEC 60840:
• To introduce a Prequalification (PQ) test for those HV cable systems where the
calculated nominal electrical stress at the conductor screen will be higher than 8
kV/mm and/or at the insulation screen higher than 4 kV/mm.
This test needs not to be performed if
- cable systems with the same constructions and accessories of the same
family have been prequalified for higher rated voltages
- equivalent long term tests have been already successfully carried out
- good service experience at cable systems with equal or higher stresses
can be demonstrated
• To allow in case of a failure of an accessory the continuation and the completion of
the PQ test for the undisturbed components of the test loop.
• To introduce in case of less significant changes/modifications at prequalified
components a simplified long-term test (80 cycles) called “Extension of
Prequalification (EQ) test”.
• To perform the lightning impulse test at the end of the PQ test at the complete test
loop or, in case of practical problems with test equipment, in any other test
arrangements, which include the accessories.
Chapter Four lists the conclusions of the Working Group. Main ones are:
• EHV Cable systems: there is not sufficient service experience on EHV cable systems
collected so far to introduce major changes to the existing initial Prequalification test. This
PQ test has to be repeated in case of extension of the range of approval. Within the range
of approval, a new test called Extension of Qualification test is proposed to control
changes in already prequalified cable systems instead of repeating the complete PQ test.
This new test can be carried out on a laboratory loop and will comprise 80 heating cycles
combined with voltage application at 2 U0 for the last 20 cycles.
• HV Cable systems: a Prequalification test is recommended for design stresses above 8
kV/mm on the conductor or 4 kV/mm over insulation. This test can be carried out on a
laboratory loop and will comprise 180 heating cycles combined with voltage application
at 1.7 U0. This PQ test has to be repeated in case of extension of the range of approval.
Within the range of approval, a new test called Extension of Qualification test is proposed
to control changes in already prequalified cable systems. This new test can be carried out
on a laboratory loop and will comprise 80 heating cycles combined with voltage
application at 2 U0 for the last 20 cycles.
1.1 General
Extra high voltage (EHV) cable systems are designed and built to transmit bulk electrical
power. For this reason, it is imperative that they attain the highest possible reliability. At the
same time, the transmission capacity of the high voltage (HV) cable links is continuously
increasing. This is why reliability considerations of cable installations in this category are
also becoming very important.
Accessories are an integral part of a cable system. Their performance together with that of the
cable determines the overall reliability of the circuit. Accessories are installed by hand, and
therefore their reliability is determined by a combination of good design, clear instructions,
quality assurance (QA) and the skill of the fitters. The long-term Prequalification (PQ) test
was developed to build confidence in the operation of XLPE cable at EHV levels. A PQ test
demonstrates the quality of the overall design of the system together with the quality of
IEC test requirements have evolved over the years from the component based approach in
IEC 840 to the system based approach, where accessories are considered together with the
cable, in IEC 62067 Ed.1 and the most recent edition of IEC 60840 Ed.3.
The IEC has published series of test specifications for HV and EHV cables, accessories and
cable systems:
• In 1988, the first specification was published. IEC 840 (renamed later as IEC 60840) is for
cables up to 150 kV (Um=170 kV) [1]. In this specification, type tests, routine and sample
tests were prescribed for cables only.
• In 1999 IEC revised this specification and IEC 60840 Ed.2 was published, in which
accessories were included in type testing [2].
• In 2004 IEC published a third edition, IEC 60840 Ed.3, in which type tests on cable
system and routine and sample tests on prefabricated accessories were introduced [2].
• In December 1993 CIGRE Working Group 21.03 published in Electra recommendations
for PQ tests, type tests, sample and routine tests for extruded cables and their accessories
for voltages above 150 kV (Um = 170 kV) up to 400 kV (Um = 420 kV) [3][4]. In 1997,
the voltage range was extended to 500 kV (Um = 525 kV) [5][6]. In these
recommendations, type tests, routine and sample test procedures were based on those from
IEC 840. Long term AC stressing together with heat cycles up to the maximum operating
temperature followed by impulse tests were prescribed to demonstrate the long-term
electrical and thermo-mechanical performance of the system (PQ test). It was considered
to be imperative that the test set-up reflected real installation conditions. Test
specifications recommended by WG 21.03 were then implemented in IEC 62067 Ed.1 [7]
published in October 2001.
The PQ tests recommended by CIGRE and incorporated into IEC 62067 Ed.1 have been
accepted worldwide. As a result, only those manufacturers whose products have passed long-
term PQ tests have been allowed to participate in subsequent EHV cable projects.
1.2 Scope and terms of reference of WG B1.06
It is inevitable that over a period of time an approved cable system undergoes some changes,
such as modifications to the cable construction, higher stress, new type of accessories, new
manufacturing processes, etc. However, there is little incentive to the manufacturer to make
incremental improvements to the product, since these might invalidate the previous ‘approval’
and require the long and expensive PQ test to be repeated. Reducing the amount of testing
needed would encourage manufacturers to introduce design improvements or measures to
reduce cost. For this reason, CIGRE Study Committee B1 launched Working Group WG
B1.06 with the task of revising the qualification procedures for underground high voltage
cable systems.
The WG was asked to examine how it might be possible to qualify a modification to a cable
system without making the full set of tests which are presently recommended or specified in
standards. All tests, PQ and type tests were to be reviewed, although the PQ test has received
greatest attention, as it is the most costly and the longest.
The full scope and terms of reference of the WG are given in Annex 5.1.
1.3 Experience
The ageing behaviour of extruded insulation of cables under dielectric and/or thermal stress
has been studied extensively [8-16]. No significant ageing could be detected, even with the
most sophisticated test methods presently available [15].
Locally there may be weak points in the insulation: impurities or voids in the insulation or
protrusions at the interface with the semi-conductive screens. These defects may initiate
ageing or accelerate degradation of the cable insulation. In modern cable factories great care
is taken to avoid these defects: extrusion of extremely clean insulation materials, extrusion of
very smooth semi-conductive materials, careful handling of insulation and semi-conductive
materials, etc. Before leaving the factory, the finished cable is submitted to a routine electrical
withstand test together with measurement of partial discharges. The effectiveness of these
routine tests on HV cables is good as there are very few cable breakdowns on installed
Other ageing factors (i.e. factors that may affect the capability of components to fulfil their
roles) are described in the 1992 report from WG 21.09 published in ELECTRA 140,
‘Considerations of ageing factors in extruded insulation and accessories’ [17]. The main
“ageing” factors considered in this report are the locked-in mechanical stresses and shrinkage
of cable insulation or outer sheath, maximum operating or overload temperatures affecting
radial expansion and possible permanent deformation and reducing AC and impulse
breakdown strength, deformation under temperature and externally applied mechanical stress,
The conclusion of this report is: “the extruded polymeric insulants used in high voltage cables
do not appear to exhibit property changes that can be measured easily or that can be said to be
significant in terms of cable life reduction when contaminants from external sources, e.g.
water, oil and sulphur are avoided. For accessories the same may be stated.”
In order to evaluate, to some extent, the electrical ageing aspects of a cable system, a type test
is prescribed in IEC 60840 Ed.3. In IEC 62067 Ed.1, the PQ test is supposed to evaluate the
long-term electrical, thermal and mechanical behaviour of the cable system in an environment
near to the conditions in the field.
The evolution of XLPE MV and HV systems commenced in the 1960s. In the 1970s, the first
commercial 90-132-154 kV XLPE systems were installed in Europe and in Japan.
The results of a survey made by CIGRE WG 21.09 on cable, associated accessories and
service stresses and lengths installed in different countries were published in ELECTRA 139
in 1991 [18]
CIGRE WG 21.10 has published in Electra 137 [19] a survey on the service performance of
HV AC cable systems. The failure rate of extruded cable systems was very low (0.1 failures
per 100 circuit km per year on cables and accessories - external failures were not included). A
new Working Group (WG B1.10) was set up in 2004 to update the service experience data.
There are a number of designs of joints and terminations currently in use and an industry
standard has not yet evolved. WG 21.06 has described and illustrated the different types of
accessories in use [20].
At voltage up to and including 150 kV extruded insulation has largely superseded paper-
insulated cables for new installations.
Much of the ‘good’ experience with HV XLPE cable systems is based on older cable with
moderate design stresses. A new generation of ‘slim-design’ HV cables is being developed,
with similar technology and design stresses to those seen in EHV XLPE systems. Hence
historical service experience with HV cable systems is not necessarily a good guide to the
likely future service experience of these novel systems.
1.3.3 Experience with EHV extruded cable systems at voltages above 150 kV
Whilst cable with extruded insulation is in general use for electricity distribution and at the
lower transmission voltages, XLPE has only recently become the insulation of choice for
many utilities for EHV transmission circuits. The introduction of XLPE for longer
transmission circuits has been facilitated by the use of the PQ test.
As cable makers started to develop EHV XLPE cable systems, they needed testing
programmes both to monitor their own progress and to give customers confidence in the
products being developed. Initially, these testing programmes were agreed on a local or
national basis. For example, France used a 250-cycles test for 6000 hours at 3 U0, while
Belgium adopted a 100-cycles test at 2 U0. Japan used a half-year test at relatively low
electrical stress based on the degradation factor of the insulation system.
Plans to install major 400 kV cable systems led CIGRE to set up a working Group to consider
an international test specification. The tests were developed to give confidence that cable
systems passing the tests would have a fault rate in service lower than 0.2 faults/100km/year.
In 1993 CIGRE WG 21.03 published a test program for cable systems above 150 (170) kV [3]
and [4] and IEC published a specification based on these documents IEC 62067 Ed.1 in 2001
In IEC 62067 Ed.1 the definition of the PQ test is as follows: “a test made before supplying
on a general commercial basis a type of cable system covered by this standard, in order to
demonstrate satisfactory long term performance of the complete cable system. The PQ test
need only be carried out once unless there is a substantial change in the cable system with
respect to material, manufacturing process, design and design levels”.
It is useful to examine some of the early French experience of prequalification testing. The
French (EDF) specification required a long-term test of duration 6000 hours, although many
of the tests were continued beyond this. The specified voltage was 3 U0 for 250 heat cycles
(167 cycles at maximum service temperature and 83 cycles at emergency temperature).
Figure 1.1 summarizes long-term test results on 220 kV cable at the EDF laboratories.
Design stresses for the cables (at U0) were 8.5 kV/mm at the conductor screen and 4.2 kV/mm
at the insulation screen.
Nuber of failures
<100 100 - 300 - 400 - 500 - 1200 - 1450 - 2500 - 3000 - 4000 - 5000 - 6000 - 7000 - 11000 - 12000 - 14000 - 16000 - >
300 400 500 1200 1450 2500 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 11000 12000 14000 16000 30000 30000
Time (Hours)
The defects causing breakdown in less than 10 hours were mounting errors in accessories (5
in joints and 2 in terminations). Eight of the test lengths that failed prematurely contained
artificial defects in their terminations. These tests were to simulate a defect found in the field.
They showed that this type of PQ test is effective in distinguishing between defective and
well-made accessories.
The tests are all from the early stages of development of 220 kV cable systems (pre 1980).
Only 2 breakdowns occurred on cables themselves (150h and 36000h). All the other
breakdowns were in the accessories. This indicates the important role of accessories in
determining the overall reliability of the cable system and the importance of carrying out tests
on the cable and accessories as a system.
Some of the tests carried out by connecting the cable between phase and earth of the 400 kV
network highlighted the problems associated with this approach. Four of breakdowns
occurring after about 6000 hours happened during a thunderstorm with lightning strikes
falling on the adjacent overhead line. The defects responsible for the cable failures could not
be determined because the cables had experienced the full short circuit current of the 400 kV
network and suffered significant local damage at the failure site. The use of a dedicated test
transformer provides far better control of the test voltage (avoiding system disturbances) and
limiting the short circuit current allows better forensic examination of the failure site.
The occurrences of failures over a wide range of times (up to 16000 hours) suggests that it is
not advisable to reduce the duration of the 8760 hours PQ test.
In 2001 Parpal [22] summarized the early experience from a number of PQ tests [23-30].
Subsequently, most of the major EHV cable makers have successfully completed PQ tests on
400 or 500 kV XLPE cables often with large conductors (2000 and 2500 mm²).
The evolution of EHV systems followed with the first EHV XLPE systems being installed in
the voltage range 220-275 kV in the late 1970s. Widespread commercial use of XLPE cables
up to 230 kV was not seen until the 1980s. The first 275 kV XLPE systems with joints were
installed in Japan in 1989 [21]. These were qualified using Japanese utility specifications.
In France cables insulated with low-density polyethylene (LDPE) preceded XLPE and were
first installed at 225 kV in 1969. Since then more than 1000 km of LDPE cable has been
installed with field-moulded joints and around 600 km of high-density polyethylene (HDPE)
cables with good service experience.
The first 400 kV LDPE cables were installed in France in 1985 and XLPE in 1999. In total,
40 km of cable and 21 back-to-back joints have been installed.
The world’s first 500 kV XLPE system was commissioned in Japan in 1988 and two
subsequent circuits were commissioned in 1988 and 1991. These were relatively short circuits
without joints.
Following the successful completion of a number of PQ programmes, some large 400 and
500 kV cable circuits have been installed and commissioned. These are summarized in Table
Although the service experience is limited, all the EHV installed systems subjected to the IEC
62067 Ed.1 PQ procedures have, to date, demonstrated satisfactory behaviour. A more precise
picture about the service experience of these cable systems will be available when WG B1.10
"Update of service experience on underground and submarine cables" will conclude his task
in 2007.
There is still little service experience with XLPE EHV and it cannot be regarded as sufficient
to have demonstrated the long-term reliability of such systems. Also the designs,
manufacturing methods and materials employed in joints and terminations differ significantly
amongst manufacturers. Thus the service experience from any particular system cannot
necessarily be taken as a guide to the likely service experience of other systems.
Table 1.1: Major XLPE cable systems at 400kV and above. (Data supplied by CIGRE WG B1.07, March 2006)
Country Rated Type of Number Number of Type of Route Number Conductor cross- Commissioning year
(ф- ф) joints (1) of joints outdoor/SF6 installation (2) length of circuits section/Transmission
voltage terminations capacity in Winter
(kV) (km) mm²/(MVA)
Denmark 400 CPFJ 72 3/3 DB 22 1 1600 Cu / 975 1997
(Copenhagen:Southern cable
route) [54]
Denmark 400 PMJ 42 3/3 DB 12 1 1600 Cu / 800 1999
(Copenhagen:Northern cable
Germany(Berlin/ BEWAG 400 CPFJ+ PMJ 48 0/12 T 6.3 2 1600 Cu / 1100 1998
Mitte-Friedrichshain) (double systems)
Germany(Berlin/ BEWAG 400 CPFJ+ PMJ 30 0/12 T 5.5 2 1600 Cu / 1100 2000
Friedrichshain-Marzahn) (double systems)
Japan (Tokyo) (3) [55] 500 EMJ 264 0/12 T 39.8 2 2500 Cu / 2400 (4) 2000
United Arab Emirates (Abu 400 PMJ 12 12/12 D&M 1.3 (5) 4 800 Cu /not available 2000
Spain (Madrid) 400 CPFJ+PMJ 96 12/0 T 12.8 2 2500 Cu / 1720 2004
Denmark (Jutland) 400 PMJ 96 36/0 DB&D 14.5 2 1200 Al / 1200 2004
United kingdom (London) 400 CPFJ 60 0/6 T 20 1 2500 Cu / 1600 2005
The Netherlands (Rotterdam) 400 PMJ 3 6/0 DB&D 2.25 1 1600 CU / 1000 2005
Austria (Wienstrom) 380 PMJ 30 6/6 DB&T&M 5.2 2 1200 Cu / 1400 2005
Italy (Milan) 380 PMJ 66 12/0 8.4 2 2000 Cu / 2100 2006
CPFJ= Composite prefabricated joint, PMJ=premoulded joint and EMJ=extruded moulded joint
(2) T=tunnel, DB=directly buried, D=ducts, D&M=ducts and manhole
(3) Cable system prequalified following Japanese Specifications [48]
(4) 1200 MVA/circuit with forced cooling in the future. 900 MVA/circuit now.
(5) 15 core kms / 4 circuits X3 phases = 1.3 km
2.1 General
The prequalification (PQ) test was introduced to compensate for the lack of service
experience with XLPE insulated cables above 150 kV (Um =170 kV).
The PQ test checks the performance of the cable/accessory system under realistic conditions.
Features examined include:
• Design concept (for example, some early PQ tests at CESI Laboratory showed that a
number of taped joints designs did not perform well in long-term tests).
• Electrical long-term performance of accessories and cable.
• Performance of the cable system under prolonged heat cycling (e.g. thermal-
mechanical aspects, shrinkage). The 20 thermal cycles specified in the type test are not
sufficient to test for the effect of cable insulation shrink-back within the assembled
• Aspects of installation design and practice. For example, PQ tests have shown that
insufficient attention was paid by some installers to arrangements for clamping the
cable adjacent to the joint.
• The ability of the installer to mount accessories under realistic conditions rather than
in the test laboratory. In some cases, this has highlighted the need for improvements in
jointer training. Although not every aspect of the work is tested, the PQ process gives
a good indication of the overall competence of the supplier of the cable system.
Although some manufacturers have learnt rapidly from problems in the early PQ tests, this
knowledge has not been widely shared. Accessories (and sometimes cables) are still
experiencing problems during PQ and type testing and sometimes also in service. The WG
has the opinion that the state of the art of XLPE cable technology is not sufficiently advanced
that the competence of every manufacturer can be assumed without evidence. Until such time
that a significant body of service experience has built up, the WG feels that a PQ test is still
The prequalification test procedure detailed in IEC 62067 Ed.1 has been reviewed by the WG.
The main items addressed in order to look for a possible simplification/optimization were:
- the range of Type and PQ approval in relation with the calculated nominal electrical
- the duration of the heating cycle voltage test
- the procedure in case of a component failure during the test
- the voltage control at the end of the test.
Regarding a possible widening of the present range of type and PQ approval WG looked very
carefully to the sensitivity to change of electrical stress in relation with the generation of
partial discharges. It is recommended to keep the relevant sub-clauses in IEC 62067 Ed.1 and
in IEC 60840 Ed.3 as they are, see Annex 5.3.
2.2.1 Duration of the heating cycle voltage test
There is no clear evidence for recommending that the number of 180 heat cycles, presently
specified, should be reduced. It is well known that, if the heating cycles were not correct in
terms of temperature drop, the thermo-mechanical behaviour of the cable system would not be
checked adequately.
There is, also, no possibility to reduce the overall length of the test to 180 days, because a
daily heat cycle is not possible in many practical conditions.
In fact, for cables installed in air or for buried smaller conductor cables with one day cycle it
will be possible to reach, at the end of the cooling period, a conductor temperature near to
ambient temperature. When testing a large conductor cable buried in the ground it is not
always possible to achieve a correct cooling temperature in 16 hours, due to the long thermal
time constant of the cable and/or its surrounding. Thus the actual duration of the test could
vary from 6 months for a cable system installed in a tunnel to one year for large conductor
cables installed in the ground.
In order to avoid a significant difference in duration of the prequalification test as a function
of the cable construction and installation conditions, WG B1.06 suggests for the heating cycle
voltage test of the prequalification test the duration of one year.
In addition, the practical experience detailed at section 1.3.3 has shown that the duration of
the voltage application is an important factor, because failures in accessories during PQ
testing have occurred throughout the one-year test period [22, 23, 28, 29, 49, 50, 52]. This is
another reason why the one-year heat cycle test with AC voltage on the system is needed to
check the long-term electrical behaviour of the system under test.
Because of these two reasons, it is recommended to maintain the present one-year duration
(8760 hours).
Where partial discharge (PD) tests have been performed at regular intervals during the long-
term test, it was noted that PD activity could initiate at any moment during the test. For this
reason it is recommended to perform partial discharge measurements on the test assembly to
provide an early warning of possible degradation and to enable the possibility of a repair
before failure.
The WG considers that it is not easy to specify a PD test on the whole loop as compulsory,
because it can be difficult to achieve an adequate sensitivity when carrying out a PD test at an
unscreened location. This makes it currently difficult to define a level of background noise
that can be achieved in practice.
2.2.2 Procedure in case of a system component (cable and/or accessory) failure during
the test
The present IEC 62067 Ed.1 standard does not allow any failure during the heating cycle
voltage test.
However, taking into account that this test is very onerous, the WG considers that
replacement/repair of an accessory failed during the test should be allowed and the test
continued because the replaced/repaired accessory cannot influence the behavior of the other
On the contrary it is not allowed to repair a cable failure, unless it is caused by an accidental
external damage or the same cable has already been prequalified.
At the end of the 180 loading cycles /one year test and impulse test only the successfully
tested accessories will be prequalified, while the accessory/ies subjected to repair or
replacement will not be prequalified.
However, it is in the option of the cable/accessory manufacturer to continue the test on the
replaced/repaired accessory/ies until it/they complete the 180 loading cycles / one year test
and impulse test. In this case also these accessories are prequalified.
In the event that during this test another component, fully prequalified (including the final
impulse test), fails, it is possible to repair it and continue the test until the second run is
completed on the replaced accessory/ies.
The failure of the component already prequalified (which in this case acts as a laboratory test
component) does not violate its prequalification and should not be mentioned in the test
According to IEC 62067 Ed.1 the PQ test need only be repeated if there is “a substantial
change in the cable system with respect to material, manufacturing process, design and design
levels”. A substantial change is defined as one, which might adversely affect the performance
of the cable system and puts the responsibility on the supplier to make the detailed case that a
change is not substantial.
There is however no internationally agreed method by which the supplier and purchaser can
evaluate the evidence and come to a decision as to whether the PQ test or other tests need to
be repeated or not.
In order to cover this matter and to evaluate what changes must be considered as
“substantial”, the WG has adopted the Functional Analysis Method described in Annex 5.4.
This method correlates the function performed by a certain item to the tests required to check
that function. As a result a number of changes to the components of a cable system that
require the repetition of the long-term test were identified.
However it was realized that some of these changes do not require the repetition of a full
Prequalification test, but a simplified long-term test called “Extension of Prequalification
(EQ) test” could be adopted (see sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3).
The Working Group considers that allowing a shorter laboratory based long-term test rather
than requiring the cable/accessory maker to repeat the full PQ test, will encourage incremental
improvements in technology, whilst reducing the risk to the customer.
As far as the accessories are concerned, it is important to observe that accessories of different
manufacturers make may significantly differ in design, material and construction. For instance
a premoulded joint and a taped joint are substantially different and require a specific
Prequalification test (if not already prequalified). For this reason the concept of accessory
families for each type of accessory, i.e. joints, metal enclosed terminations and outdoor/indoor
terminations has been introduced. The names of the accessory families are defined in the
CIGRE Technical Brochure 89 [20] and are summarized in Table 2.1
Table 2.1 Accessory family definitions
Accessory families
1 Joints
1.1 Taped joints
1.2 Pre-moulded joints
1.3 Composite joints
1.4 Field moulded joints
1.5 Heat shrink sleeve joints
1.6 Back to back joints
1.7 Transition joints
1.8 Branch joints
The three main types of changes that can occur in a prequalified system and the relevant type
of qualification test required in each case are discussed below.
In Table 2.2 a guide to the selection of test procedures is given for the extension of the
prequalification of a prequalified cable system in case of an exchange of cable and/or an
accessory by another cable and/or accessory (from the same family or from another family),
see Table 2.1.
The selected procedure depends on the calculated electrical stresses at the insulation screen of
the other cable and/or accessory with respect to the calculated electrical stresses at the
insulation screen of the originally prequalified cable system and on the prequalification of the
cable system containing that other cable and/or accessory.
Table 2.2 – Test procedures in case of an exchange of a cable and /or accessory in a
prequalified cable system
Cable and/or Already qualified on another cable Already qualified on another cable
accessory system within the same or higher system with a lower insulation screen
insulation screen stress stress or not qualified
cable 12.5 + XX 2) 12 + 13.2
(non electrical TT + EQ 1) (electrical and non electrical TT + PQ)
Joint XX 2) 12 + 13.2
(EQ) (TT + PQ)
Metal enclosed XX 2) 12 + 13.2
Termination (EQ) (TT +PQ)
Outdoor XX 2) 12 + 13.2
Termination (EQ) (TT + PQ)
The numbers given refer to the respective clauses in IEC 62067 Ed.1
) EQ consists of the bending test, 60 heat cycles without voltage and the electrical type tests
) (XX) Clause to be added in the standard
In Table 2.3 a guide to the selection of test procedures is presented for the extension of the
prequalification tests or of the type tests in case of a modification to the cable in a prequalified
cable system.
The selected test procedure depends on the type of modification of the relevant cable
component. As far as type tests are concerned, in some cases only the relevant clauses of IEC
62067 Ed.1 type test procedure covering the function of the specific item changed are
considered. The origin of the type of modification may be a change in material,
manufacturing process, design or design level, as indicated for information in Table 2.3.
In Table 2.4 a guide to the selection of test procedures is presented for the extension of the
Prequalification tests or of the Type tests in case of a modification to an accessory (joint
and/or termination), within the same accessory family (see Table 2.1) in a prequalified cable
The selected test procedure depends on the type of modification of the relevant accessory. The
origin of the type of modification may be a change in material, manufacturing process, design
or design level, as indicated for information in Table 2.4.
Table 2.3 Guide to the selection of tests because of modifications to a cable in a prequalified
EHV cable system
Modification IEC 62067 Ed.1
Component Clause number
Type of modification M* P* D* DL* T-test PQ-test EQ-
Cable Conductor Larger cross-section 12 13.21) -
Copper to Aluminium 12 - -
Insulated wires (enamelled or oxidized…) 12.5 - (xx)
Stranded to solid conductor 12.5 - (xx)
Water tightness 12.5.14 - -
Cable semi-conductive Change of origin (supplier or production 123)
inner and/or outer plant)
screen 2) 2)
Transfer extrusion line (see cable insulation)
Different quality of semicon. 123) - -
Cable Insulation Change of base resin 123) - -
Change in cross linking package 12 - -
Nature of polymer (XLPE, LDPE, HDPE, 12 13.2 -
Higher conductor stress, no increase of 12 - -
insulation screen stress
Increase of insulation screen stress 12 13.2 -
New extrusion line or transfer of extrusion 12 -
line with earlier experience in-house
New extrusion line, or transfer of extrusion 12 13.2
line without earlier experience
Cable Change of laying, material, thickness 12.5.4 - -
Bedding (layer over 12.5.14 (if
extruded semicon required)
Cable Different types of metal screen 12.4.4 + - -
Metallic screen 12.4.10
Cable Different type of materials 12.54) - -
Outer sheath
Different processes 12.54) - -
Change in bonding material and/or process 12.54) - -
to metal screen
* M: change in material; P: change in manufacturing process; D: change in design (construction); DL: change in electrical
design stress level
If higher calculated dielectric stresses at the insulation screen, clause 13.1
Same as for insulation
If outside Range of Type Approval, clause 12.2
As appropriate to outer sheath materials
(XX) Clause to be added in the standard
Remark: in type test, only the relevant clauses are applicable
Table 2.4 Guide to the selection of tests because of modifications to an accessory within
the same family in a prequalified EHV cable system
2.3.2 Basic principles of the Extension of Prequalification (EQ) test
The 60 daily heat cycles without voltage plus the 20 heat cycles of the type test applied to the
test loop are intended to allow relaxation of most of the mechanical stresses trapped in the
cable insulation during manufacture.
This relaxation results in retraction of the XLPE insulation wherever the cable is cut.
The retraction of the cable insulation within an accessory, if not provided with a specific anti-
retraction device, can initiate partial discharge activity, leading to failure of the accessory. In
fact the considerations made at paragraph 1.3.1 and the TB “Interfaces in accessories for
extruded HV and EHV cables” [53], indicate that thermal cycles stressing is the main failure
mechanism in accessories, which typically include due to their intrinsic construction a number
of interfaces.
As shown by figure 2.1 the retraction of the XLPE insulation is practically completed after
about 60-80 heat cycles.
R et r act io n o f
o ver sheat h
25.0 R et r act io n o f
i nsul at i o n
Retraction (mm)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Num ber of heat cycles
Fig 2.1 Retraction test on a 5-meter long 1000 mm² 500 kV cable with XLPE insulation
and PE sheath
In addition the heat cycles are producing a radial expansion and retraction of the cable
insulation and of the accessory components that can also influence the interfacial pressure in
In order to be able to perform the EQ test in a laboratory, limiting the engagement of the HV
test equipment, it has been decided to perform these pre-conditioning cycles without applied
voltage. Being the EQ test performed in a laboratory, i.e. with well-defined thermal
conditions, it is possible to carry out the heat cycles in approximately one day also with very
large cross-section cables.
To prove that the heat cycling has not affected the integrity of the test loop a complete
electrical type test (as defined in IEC62067 Ed.1) is used.
As the installation design conditions can significantly affect the thermo-mechanical behaviour
of the accessories, the test arrangement shall take this into account.
For instance a rigid installation can be simulated by suitably cleating the cable at each side of
a joint. In order to comply with this requirement a minimum length of 10 m of free cable
between accessories is specified for the EQ test.
To maintain a similar degree of risk for the shorter duration of the EQ test compared to the
duration of Prequalification test, at least two accessories of the same type, instead of one,
shall be included in the test loop submitted to the extension of prequalification.
The sequence of tests for the extension of prequalification is summarized below. The numbers
in brackets refer to clause numbers of present tests in IEC 62067 Ed.1.
• Check of the insulation thickness of cable for electrical type test to determine the test
voltage values (12.4.1)
• The test assembly may be installed in a laboratory and shall consist of at least 2
accessories of the same type that is to be prequalified. There shall be at least 10m of
cable between accessories. The minimum length of the test loop shall be at least 30m.
If a joint submitted to EQ has to be used in both flexible and rigid installations, one
joint shall be installed in a flexible configuration, the other rigid. Where a joint is
designed for use only in rigid installations, then both joints shall be rigidly fixed.
Similarly, for a joint intended only for flexible installations, both joints shall be
installed in a flexible test configuration. An example of the test loop is shown in figure
• The partial discharge test defined in 12.4.5 shall be carried out here to check the
quality of the assembled accessories.
• The thermal preconditioning test consists of 60 heat cycles with no voltage applied.
The heat cycles shall be as given in 12.4.7, i.e. a minimum of 8 hours of heating
followed by at least 16 hours of natural cooling. The steady state conductor
temperature shall be between 5°C and 10°C above the maximum cable operating
temperature for at least two hours. At the end of the cooling period the conductor
temperature shall be within 15°C of ambient temperature, with a maximum of 45°C.
• Continue with the partial discharge test (12.4.5) followed by the full sequence of
electrical type test. No failure shall occur.
NOTE: In case of modification of the cable, in order to cover all the requirements of the type
test it is necessary to perform also the non-electrical test on the cable as specified in 12.5.
Rigid installation
>10 m
Flexible installation
Figure 2.2 Extension of Prequalification test loop for a joint intended for flexible and
rigid installations
As a summary and conclusion from its reflections WG B1.06 makes the following
recommendations to IEC for further consideration in future editions of IEC 62067:
• To maintain unchanged the present one-year Prequalification (PQ) test for the basic
prequalification of a new cable system (as a check on e.g. the long-term electrical and
thermal-mechanical behaviour).
• To allow in case of a failure of an accessory the continuation and completion of the
PQ test for the undisturbed components (cable and other accessories) of the loop.
• To perform partial discharge measurements on the prequalification test assembly
during the PQ test to provide an early warning of possible degradation and to enable
the possibility of repair before failure.
• To perform the lightning impulse test at the end of the PQ test on the complete test
loop or, in case of practical problems with test equipment, on cable samples including
each type of accessory. The intention is to check the insulation properties at the
interfaces, in the accessories and in the cable.
• To maintain unchanged the present range of Type and PQ approval, see Annex 5.3.
• To introduce a simplified long-term test (80 cycles) called “Extension of
Prequalification (EQ) test” (see 2.3.3) in case of exchange of prequalified components
(cable and/or accessories) with other components that are already prequalified in other
cable systems with the same or higher calculated electrical stress at the insulation
screen of the subjected system or in case of modification of a cable or an accessory
within the same family in a prequalified cable system (see 2.3).
• For engineering purposes a “Functional Analysis Method” (see Annex 5.4) is
recommended as a mean for a systematic assessment of the significance of
changes/modifications at components (cables and accessories) of a cable system and
thus for the selection of the appropriate test (PQ or EQ test).
• To introduce guides to the selection of appropriate test procedures, based on the
application of that “Functional Analysis Method”, to the most important components
of actual cable systems, in case of
o exchange of a cable and/or accessory in a prequalified cable system (table 2.2)
o modification of a cable in a prequalified cable system (table 2.3)
o modification of an accessory within the same family in a prequalified cable
system (table 2.4)
• To include sample tests on accessories, which are presently “under consideration”
within IEC 62067 Ed.1, following the wording of IEC 60840 Ed.3. For accessories,
where the main insulation cannot be routine tested, the partial discharge and high
voltage test should be introduced, but only on one accessory of each type per contract.
These tests are intended to check not only the intrinsic quality of the accessory (design
and materials), but also the quality of the installation (equipment and jointers skill),
factors that are very important at the EHV level.
• To align the definition of type tests (sub-clause 3.2.3 of IEC 62067 Ed.1) to the
definition of the prequalification test to ease the potential use of the tables (2.2, 2.3
and 2.4) as a guide for the selection of test procedures in case of changes on
prequalified cable systems.
• It is worth noting that, as a result of the application of the “Functional Analysis
Method” (see Annex 5.4), a number of tests have been identified that are not included
in IEC 62067 Ed.1. These tests are generally performed as development tests and are
summarized in Annex 5.5 for future consideration by IEC.
3.1 General
Traditionally EHV cables are working at a significantly higher stress than HV cables (see
figure 3.1).
Due to increased competition and good experience with (very) high AC stresses (12-
15 kV/mm and even more) on EHV cable systems it becomes more common nowadays to
produce cables with reduced insulation thickness [31, 32, 33] at the HV level. This leads to
higher dielectric stresses nearly as high as in the EHV field not only at main insulation, but
also at the interfaces between cables and accessories.
Impulse stresses
Working stress (kV/mm)
AC stresses
10 100 1000
Voltage level (kV)
The development of reduced insulation thickness cables at the HV level was successful due to
the experience gained by the major cable makers at the production, testing, installation and
good service of EHV cable systems.
Also new types of accessories are appearing on the market, of course with no earlier
experience [34-40]. These accessories should be able to fit to the older types of cables with
thicker insulation and the newer types of cables with reduced insulation (changes of an
existing HV link with a new cable type or repair of an older link).
In several countries long-term tests have been performed on new HV cable systems [32, 33,
43, 44, 48].
Working Group members recommend that cable systems should be considered rather than
cables or accessories alone, see also [46].
There exist arguments for and against long-term tests on HV cable systems.
• The electrical service stresses and mainly lightning impulse stresses at the core
(interface with prefabricated accessories) of HV cables are becoming almost as high as
the stresses of EHV cables.
• Practical shrinkage tests on cable lengths of 5 meters or more have shown that cable
insulation and over-sheath is only stabilized after around 60 to 80 heat cycles (see
Figure 2.1). This is confirmed by experts and by the outcome of PQ tests [23, 28, 49,
• New accessory designs are coming to the market
• The countries that have performed long-term tests on new cable systems before
installing them in the network have reported very good service experience
• Test laboratories that conduct type tests for many suppliers have published the results
of their experience: the failure rate of MV and HV type tests is growing [45]. The
reasons for this could be the lack of experience of some manufacturers with higher
dielectric stresses in cables, the lack of experience with new type of accessories or all
these combined
• Breakdowns in service are recorded on recently commissioned systems.
• The good and sometimes long experience of some cable makers with HV cables and
cable systems (cables with “reasonable” stresses)
• In some countries where long-term tests are not performed on new cable systems
before installing them in the network, service experience is good, as know-how has
been gained during many years in the HV field
• The reluctance of some utilities or other end-users to test entire systems if they wish to
buy their HV cables and accessories separately
For prefabricated accessories (joints or stress-cones), mainly impulse stresses at the cable
insulation screen are most critical. For instance a 400 kV cable has a ratio BIL/U0 lower than
HV cables. That means that HV cables with an AC stress of 4 kV/mm at insulation surface
reach an impulse level of 36 kV/mm, as high as a 400 kV system, which has an AC interface
stress of 5.5 kV/mm, etc (see table 3.1)
Table 3.1: AC and BIL stresses at the insulation screen for different voltage levels
A practical example: A 1600 mm² 400 kV cable with an insulation thickness of 26 mm has a
service stress at the insulation surface of 6.5 kV/mm and an impulse stress at the insulation
surface of 40 kV/mm. A 1600 mm² 150 kV cable with an insulation thickness of 15 mm has a
service stress of 4.7 kV/mm at the insulation screen, i.e. 30% lower than the 400kV cable, but
an impulse stress of 40.3 kV/mm at the insulation surface, the same as the 400 kV cable.
Based on the above considerations, a PQ test is recommended for cable systems with
insulation screen stresses above 4 kV/mm.
As shown in figure 3.1 HV cables have operated at conductor stresses below 8 kV/mm.
In addition, for joints that are taped or field-molded also the AC and impulse stresses at the
conductor screen are critical.
So, if the conductor stresses are higher than 8 kV/mm, it is recommended to perform the long-
term test on the system.
These conclusions are also supported by the evaluation of the sensitivity of electric stress to
changes in dimensions reported in Annex 5.3. In fact these calculations show that for a
reduction of the insulation thickness of 5%, the thickness of a defect between the cable
insulation and the premoulded accessory must be reduced of about 21%, in order to avoid
partial discharges.
If the operating stresses at the insulation screen and at the conductor screen are below 4
kV/mm and 8 kV/mm respectively, they compare with those found in cable systems already
installed for a long time. Even if most of these cables and accessories have only been type
tested, service experience is generally considered good.
So the prequalification test shall be performed only on cable systems where the calculated
nominal electrical stresses at the conductor screen will be higher than 8 kV/mm and/or at the
insulation screen higher than 4 kV/mm. The prequalification test shall be performed except:
− if cable systems including a cable of similar construction and accessories of the same
family have been prequalified for higher rated voltages or
− if an alternative long term test has been carried out on cable systems with the same
construction and accessories of the same family and the manufacturer can demonstrate
good service experience (*) with cable systems with equal or higher calculated nominal
electrical stresses on the conductor and insulator screens, in the main insulation part(s)
and in boundaries of the accessories
(*) Unfortunately it is difficult to give a specific rule about the evaluation of a good service
experience, but the matter has to be dealt with, case by case, between the supplier and the
As HV cables are less rigid and have generally smaller conductor cross sections than EHV
cables, the thermo-mechanical aspects are less critical than for EHV cable systems, so the
WG has considered that laboratory conditions, instead of an actual outdoor installation, could
be adopted, in this case, for the PQ test.
Being the test performed in a laboratory, i.e. with well defined thermal conditions, it is
possible to carry out correctly the heat cycles in approximately one day also with very large
conductor cross section cables, so 180 daily cycles instead of one year duration is permissible.
This has the advantage of halving the time to market of these new HV cable systems,
combined with a reduction of the overall cost of the PQ test. The disadvantage is that the
long-term behavior of the electrical insulation of the cable system is checked in only half a
year. For these kinds of cable systems, it was judged as acceptable.
• Length of cable: one length with a minimum of 20 m without accessories and at least
10 m for the other lengths between two accessories. The total length depending on the
number of accessories in the system under test
• Number of accessories: at least one of each type
• Test could be performed in a laboratory and not necessarily in a situation simulating
the real installation conditions. Where thermo-mechanical aspects have to be
considered, special test arrangements could be considered. Figures 3.2 and 3.3 show
examples of methods to simulate the thermo-mechanical forces on joints, when a cable
is installed in a duct or rigidly fixed.
• The test is to be performed on the cable system (cables and accessories)
• Tests after long term testing: hot lightning impulse test on the complete loop
• Examination of the test loop after completion of these tests.
J3 J2
Figure 3.3 Possible test layout for cable anchored on the ground
Note: The replacement/repair of an accessory failed during the heating cycle voltage test is
allowed and the test can be continued, because the replaced/repaired accessory cannot
influence the behavior of the other ones.
On the contrary it is not allowed to repair a cable failure, unless it is caused by an accidental
external damage or the same cable has already been prequalified.
At the end of the 180 loading cycle voltage test and the impulse test, only the successfully
tested accessories will be prequalified, while the accessory/ies subjected to repair or
replacement will not be prequalified.
However, it is in the option of the cable manufacturer to continue the test on the
replaced/repaired accessory/ies until it/they complete the 180 loading cycles voltage test and
the impulse test. In this case also these accessories are prequalified.
In the event that during this continued test another component, fully prequalified (including
the final impulse test), fails, it is possible to repair it and continue the test until the second run
is completed on the replaced accessory/ies.
The failure of the component already prequalified (which in this case acts as a laboratory test
component) should not be mentioned in the test report.
As far as the guide to the selection of test procedures in case of an exchange of a cable and/or
an accessory with another one or of a modification of a cable and/or an accessory of a
prequalified cable system is concerned, the same considerations made at paragraph 2.3 apply.
Also the extension of prequalification test (EQ) is the same as for EHV systems (see, and, where Tables 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 (for IEC 62067 Ed.1) have to be replaced
by Tables 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 (for IEC 60840 ED.3).
Cable and/or Already qualified on another cable Already qualified on another cable
accessory system within the same or higher system with a lower insulation screen
insulation screen stress stress or not qualified
cable 12.4 + YY 2) 12 + ZZ 3)
(non electrical TT + EQ 1)) (electrical and non electrical TT + PQ)
Joint YY 2) 12 + ZZ 3)
(EQ) (TT + PQ)
Metal enclosed YY 2) 12 + ZZ 3)
Termination (EQ) (TT +PQ)
Outdoor YY 2) 12 + ZZ 3)
Termination (EQ) (TT + PQ)
The numbers indicate the respective clauses in IEC 60840, Ed.3
) EQ consists of the bending test, 60 heat cycles without voltage and the electrical type tests
) (YY) Clause to be added in the standard
) (ZZ) Clause to be added in the standard
Table 3.3 Guide to the selection of tests because of modifications to a cable in a
prequalified HV cable system
Table 3.4 Guide to the selection of tests because of modifications to an accessory within
the same family in a prequalified HV cable system
3.3.2 Procedure of the Extension of Prequalification (EQ) test for HV cable systems
The sequence of tests for the Extension of Prequalification (EQ) test is summarized below.
The numbers in brackets refer to clause numbers of IEC 60840 Ed.3.
• Check on the insulation thickness of cable for electrical type test to determine the test
voltage values (12.3.1)
• The test assembly may be installed in a laboratory and shall consist of at least 2
accessories of the same type that is to be prequalified. There shall be at least 10m of
cable between accessories. The minimum length of the test loop shall be at least 30m.
If a joint submitted to EQ has to be used in both flexible and rigid installations, one
joint shall be installed in a flexible configuration, the other rigid. Where a joint is
designed for use only in rigid installations, then both joints shall be rigidly fixed.
Similarly, for a joint intended only for flexible installations, both joints shall be
installed in a flexible test configuration. An example of the test loop is shown in figure
• The partial discharge test defined in 12.3.4 shall be carried out here to check the
quality of the assembled accessories.
• The thermal preconditioning test consists of 60 heat cycles with no voltage applied.
The heat cycles shall be as given in 12.3.6, i.e. a minimum of 8 hours of heating by
conductor current followed by at least 16 hours of natural cooling. The steady state
conductor temperature shall be between 5°C and 10°C above the maximum cable
operating temperature for at least two hours. At the end of the cooling period the
conductor temperature shall be within 15 °C of ambient temperature, with a maximum
of 45 °C.
• Continue with the partial discharge test (12.3.4) followed by the full sequence of the
electrical type test (see 12.3.2 item b to h).). No failure shall occur.
NOTE: In case of modification of the cable, in order to cover all the requirements of the type
test it is necessary to perform also the non-electrical test on the cable as specified in 12.4.
As a summary and conclusion from its reflections WG B1.06 makes the following
recommendations to IEC for further consideration in future editions of IEC 60840:
• To introduce a prequalification (PQ) test for those HV cable systems where the
calculated nominal electrical stress at the conductor screen will be higher than 8
kV/mm and/or at the insulation screen higher than 4 kV/mm (see 3.2).
This test need not to be performed if
- cable systems with the same constructions and accessories of the same
family have been prequalified for higher rated voltages
- if equivalent long term tests have been already successfully carried out
on cable systems with the same construction and accessories of the
same family and a good service experience at cable systems with equal
or higher stresses can be demonstrated
• To allow in case of a failure of an accessory during the test the continuation and the
completion of the PQ test for the undisturbed components (cable and other
accessories) of the test loop.
• To perform partial discharge measurements on the prequalication test assembly during
the PQ test to provide an early warning of possible degradation and to enable the
possibility of repair before failure.
• To perform the lightning impulse test at the end of the PQ test on the complete test
loop or, in case of practical problems with test equipment, on cable samples including
each type of accessory. The intention is to check the insulation properties at the
interfaces, in the accessories and in the cable.
• To maintain unchanged the present range of Type and PQ approval, see Annex 5.3
• To introduce a simplified long-term test (80 cycles) called “Extension of
prequalification (EQ) test” (see 3.3.2) in case of exchange of prequalified components
(cable and/or accessories) with other components that are already prequalified in other
cable systems with the same or higher calculated electrical stress at the insulation
screen of the subjected system or in case of modification of a cable or an accessory
within the same family in a prequalified cable system (see 3.3).
• For engineering purposes a “Functional Analysis Method”, see Annex 5.4, is
recommended as means for a systematic assessment of the significance of
changes/modifications at components of a HV cable system and thus for the choice of
the appropriate tests (PQ or EQ) or Type Tests (TT).
• Based on the application of the “Functional Analysis Method” to the most important
components of actual HV cable systems (see Annex 5.4), guides to the selection of test
procedures are given in case of
o exchange of a cable and/or accessory in a prequalified cable system (table 3.2)
o modification of a cable in a prequalified cable system (table 3.3)
o modification of an accessory within the same family in a prequalified cable
system (table 3.4)
• To align the definition of type tests to the definition of the prequalification test (see
sub-clause 3.2.3 of IEC 62067) to ease the potential use of the tables (3.2, 3.3 and 3.4)
as a guide for the selection of test procedures in case of changes on prequalified HV
cable systems.
• To include an electrical sample test as a check on the properties of the insulation of
HV cables, see Table 5.5.1, item 25
• It is worth noting that, as a result of the functional analysis exercise (see Annex 5.4), a
number of tests that are not included in IEC 60840 Ed.3 have been identified. These
tests are generally performed as development tests and are summarized in Annex 5.5
for future consideration by IEC.
In this report the testing procedures of HV and EHV extruded cables and related
accessories have been reconsidered extensively. Improvements in both effectiveness (can
it be done better) and efficiency (can it be done faster) have been proposed. In the final
proposals the desirable improvement and its practical feasibility are balanced carefully,
resulting in a series of well thought practical propositions to improve extruded cable
testing. The main results are summarized below:
• EHV Cable systems: there is no sufficient service experience on EHV cable systems
collected so far to change the existing initial Prequalification test. This PQ test has to
be repeated in case of extension of the range of approval.
Within the range of approval, a new test called Extension of Qualification (EQ) test is
proposed to control changes in already prequalified cable systems instead of repeating
the complete PQ test. This new test can be carried out on a laboratory loop and will
comprise 80 heating cycles combined with voltage application at 2 U0 of the electrical
type test.
• HV Cable systems: a prequalification test is recommended for design stresses above 8
kV/mm on the conductor or 4 kV/mm over insulation. This test can be carried out on a
laboratory loop and will comprise 180 heating cycles combined with voltage
application at 1.7 U0. This PQ test has to be repeated in case of extension of the range
of approval.
Within the range of approval, a new test called Extension of Qualification (EQ) test is
proposed to control changes in already prequalified HV cable systems. This new test
can be carried out on a laboratory loop and will comprise 60 heating cycles without
voltage and followed by the full sequence of the electrical type tests, with 20 heat
cycles combined with voltage application at 2 U0.
• For both EHV and HV cable systems the PQ test will be completed with an impulse
test on the full loop to check that no degradation in the system, especially at the
interface with accessories, has occurred. (Only in case suitable impulse test equipment
is not available at the test site, the impulse test can be carried out in any other test
arrangement including each type of accessory taken from the loop).
• For both PQ and EQ tests, PD tests are recommended to provide an early warning of
possible degradation and to enable the possibility of a repair before failure.
• Several tables are provided as guides to determine the appropriate test sequence in
case of changes or modifications.
• In Annex 5.5 tests from Functional Analysis, not yet published in IEC standards, are
summarized. This list of tests will be handed to IEC TC 20 for further consideration.
Revision of Qualification Procedures for High Voltage and Extra High Voltage AC
Extruded Underground Cable Systems
After the official qualification of a cable system, there are possible changes (new cable
construction, higher stress, new extrusion line, new process, new type of accessories…)
especially if this cable system is manufactured over several years, and the question raised is to
examine how it is possible to qualify this new system without making the full set of tests
which are presently recommended or specified in standards.
A WG has been launched on this item limited to AC extruded cable systems. All tests,
prequalification and type tests will be reviewed, even if the prequalification test should be
examined first, as it is the most costly and the longest.
Terms of reference:
For the range of AC extruded underground cable systems for voltages above 30 kV up to 500
kV, review and complete the qualification procedures for the different HV voltage ranges
the goal to come quickly and economically to the market with innovative solutions but
without jeopardizing the reliability of the installed system:
• propose tests where there are lacks e.g. short circuit tests, climatic tests on
• evaluate whether in high voltage systems up to 150 kV a long term test has to be
recommended above given dielectric service stresses or where the innovation is not
built on earlier experience
• define what “earlier experience” means
• in case of major innovation in EHV cable systems, evaluate whether long term test can
be replaced by shorter ones, which should be defined by the WG
ANNEX 5.2 Membership
J. Becker Belgium
P. Dejean France
Regular members
L. Arosio Italy
G. Evenset Norway
A. Jensen Denmark
J. Karlstrand Sweden
R. Meier Switzerland
R. Plath Germany
N. van Schaik (E. Pultrum) The Netherlands
S. G. Swingler United Kingdom
C. Szczepanski Belgium
Corresponding members
J. Cooper United States
T. Czaszejko Australia
B. Fainaru Israel
P. Haripersad South Africa
S. Y. Jeon* Korea
J.L. Parpal Canada
D. Quek Singapore
S. Sakuma Japan
M. Torikka Finland
J. Becker Belgium
P. Dejean France
P.Argaut France
W.Boone The Netherlands
B.Parmigiani Italy
S.G.Swingler United Kingdom
N. van Schaik The Netherlands)
ANNEX 5.3 Sensitivity of Partial Discharges in XLPE Cable Insulation to Change of
Electrical Stress
1. Introduction
2. Cable standards and electric stress
3. Sensitivity of electric stress to change of cable dimensions
4. Determination of risk of discharge caused by change of dimensions
5. Effect of change of cable dimensions on discharge free operation
6. Conclusions
5.3.1. Introduction
In CIGRE WG B1.06, a question was raised whether the range of type approval and of PQ
approval could be widened. This annex provides details of the analysis made for this purpose.
Dielectric stress level variations specified in relevant sub-clauses of the current IEC standards
were used as a starting point in this work.
As a first step of the process, we can determine the rate of change of electric field strength
inside a radial cable with respect to:
• the change of the insulation inner radius, without changing the insulation thickness
• the change of the insulation thickness, without a change of the inner radius
The obtained relationships are the so-called sensitivities of field strength to a dimensional
change. They can indicate, for example, what effect a 1% change of the insulation thickness
has on the field strength at the insulation outer surface.
In the next step, the sensitivity values together with Paschen's curve can be used to calculate
the change of the discharge inception voltage in insulation defects. The Paschen curve
describes the relationship between breakdown voltage and size of defect together with gas
pressure within the defect. In this study we are concerned with discharge free operation of the
cable. Therefore, it is more useful that instead of the discharge inception voltage the
maximum defect size is determined from the above relationship at a given voltage across the
defect and at a given pressure.
Two types of defects are considered in this study: a spherical void located on the conductor
screen interface and a fissure located on the outer insulation surface. The former can be seen
as a worst-case scenario of a manufacturing fault while the latter can represent a defect at the
interface to accessories.
The model calculations presented in this study are first order estimations of the risk of
electrical discharge in voids from a change in electric stress at insulation interfaces caused by
dimensional changes of insulation. In the practical situation, stresses at the interfaces may be
different because of the actual geometry. However the model calculations describe the worst-
case situation.
5.3.2. Cable standards and insulation stress
Sub-clauses 12.3.1 of IEC 60840 and 12.4.1 of IEC 62067 state that the test voltage values
have to be adjusted if insulation thickness of the tested cable system exceeds 105% of the
nominal insulation thickness with the upper limit at which the adjustment is allowed of 115%.
The range of type approval sub-clause 12.1 of IEC 60840 and sub-clause 12.2 of IEC 62067
state that the approval is valid for systems in which:
• calculated nominal conductor stress at the conductor screen does not exceed 110% of
the tested system
• calculated nominal insulation stress at the insulation screen does not exceed the
insulation screen stress of the tested system
In this context, we are considering whether it is possible to widen the range of approval
without jeopardizing performance of the cable system.
E x = U 0 [x ln (R r )] (a)
stress Er at conductor screen
E r = U 0 [r ln (R r )] (b)
stress ER at insulation screen
ER = U 0 [R ln(R r )] (c)
potential difference U0
r R
We are interested in the field strength at two locations within insulation, namely, on the inner
surface and on the outer surface. Using R = r + w, we get
U0 1
Er = (2)
r r+w
U0 1
ER = (3)
r+w r+w
which is also shown in Figure 5.3.1
Electrical stress sensitivity is defined as the rate of change of field strength with respect to a
given dimension. In this work, we consider the rate of change of field with respect to
insulation inner radius, r, and with respect to insulation thickness, w.
Sensitivity to change of inner radius only is obtained by differentiating (2) and (3) with
respect to r, which gives
⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟
dE r U0 ⎜ w kV 1
= − 1⎟
r+w ⎜ r+w ⎟ mm mm
⎜ (r + w) ln
r 2 ln ⎟
r ⎝ r ⎠ (4)
⎛ ⎞
dE R U0 ⎜ w ⎟ kV 1
= ⎜ − 1⎟
dr (r + w)2 ln r + w ⎜⎜ r ln r + w ⎟⎟ mm mm
r ⎝ r ⎠ (5)
if U0 is in kV and all dimensions are in mm.
Differentiating (2) and (3) with respect to w gives the following expressions of sensitivity to
change of insulation width only
dE r −U 0 kV 1
= 2
dw ⎛ r +w⎞ mm mm
r (r + w)⎜ ln ⎟
⎝ r ⎠
⎛ r+w ⎞
U 0 ⎜ ln + 1⎟
dE R ⎝ r ⎠ kV 1
=− 2
dw ⎡ r + w⎤ mm mm
⎢ (r + w ) ln
⎣ r ⎥⎦
The absolute value of sensitivity, as described by equations (4)-(7), is useful only for a
specific cable if its operating voltage and relevant dimensions are known. To make sensitivity
expressions more general, we can represent them in per unit terms. The per unit base for the
field change dEr and dER will be the respective nominal field intensities Er and ER. The per
unit base for the dimension change dr and dw will be the respective dimensions r and w.
These lead to the following results.
dE r dE r E r dE r r w 1
= = = −1 (8)
dr PU dr r dr E r r + w log + w
⎛ ⎞
dE R dE R E R dE R r r ⎜⎜ w 1 ⎟
= = = − 1⎟ (9)
dr dr r dr E R r + w ⎜ r log r + w ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ r ⎠
dE r dE r E r dE r w w 1
= = =− ( 10 )
dw PU dw w dr E r r + w log r + w
⎛ ⎞
dE R dE R E R dE R w w ⎜⎜ 1 ⎟
= = =− + 1⎟ ( 11 )
dw dw w dr E R r + w ⎜ log r + w ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝ r ⎠
The obtained expressions can now be used to estimate sensitivity values for a range of cable
designs. The operating voltage will be reflected in the value of the insulation width, w, while
the conductor size will be reflected in the value of the inner radius r.
Numerical example
Table 5.3.2: Sensitivity to dimensional change in two example cables
Rated voltage dEr/Er dER/ER
Change of r only 127/220 kV - 0.22dr/r + 0.18dr/r
Change of w only 127/220 kV - 0.78 dw/w - 1.18 dw/w
Change of r only 220/380 kV - 0.28 dr/r + 0.22 dr/r
Change of w only 220/380 kV - 0.72 dw/w - 1.22dw/w
Table 5.3.2 results show that a decrease of insulation thickness by 1% leads to an increase of
the field strength at the insulation screen by approximately 1.2% in both types of cables. At
the same time, an increase of the inner radius by 1% leads to an increase of field intensity at
the insulation screen by approximately 0.2%.
Similar calculation results are shown graphically in Figure 5.3.2 (a) and (b) for a range of
values of r and w. The obtained plots show that variations of the field strength sensitivity to
dimensional change are relatively small within a large range of dimension values. The
sensitivity values are also very similar for the two types of cables considered. This is an
important observation, which allows the definition of sensitivity to be generalized for the
entire range of practical cable designs.
(a) (b)
Figure 5.3.2: Field strength sensitivity to change of dimension for a range of values of
the insulation inner radius and width.
Now, we will consider how these changes of electric field strength affect the risk of discharge
in the interface regions in the presence of voids.
• fissure located on the insulation screen interface
Spherical defects near the conductor screen usually originate from manufacturing faults and
they can be detected by factory quality control tests. Fissure defects at the interface with
accessories pose a greater risk because they can be introduced during installation and they are
not as easily detected.
Both types of defects are found in most practical cable systems in operation. At a given field
strength a discharge free operation is possible if size of defects is sufficiently small. A
discharge free operation may be still possible even under increased field strength if the defect
size is further reduced. The maximum size of discharge free defects at operating voltage Uo
can be estimated from sensitivity of defect size to a relative increase of the field strength in
the insulation, dEins/Eins, at the defect location. This is done with the help of Paschen curve
shown in Figure 5.3.3
0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10 100
Bar mm
In the context of this analysis, the Paschen curve can represent relationship between
breakdown voltage, Ubd, within a defect of given size at given gas pressure inside the defect
(Bar⋅mm). Instead of breakdown voltage, the breakdown field strength can be obtained from
the curve, as shown in Figure 5.3.4.
Ubd (kV)
Ebd (kV/mm)
0.01 0.1 1
defect dimension (Bar⋅mm)
The field intensity within the defect can be determined from the field strength in the insulation
at the defect location considering also permittivity difference between the defect (gas, ε = 1)
and surrounding insulation (XLPE, ε = 2.26). In a radial field, such as in the case of fissure at
the interface to an accessory, a simple ratio of dielectric permittivity of insulation material and
of gas inside the defect gives the field increase factor inside the fissure. This is illustrated in
Fig 5.3.5 (a). For a gas filled sphere the field increase factor is equal to 1.23, as shown in Fig
5.3.5 (b).
εi Ei
E0 = U/d Ee d
Ei = E0⋅3ε0/(εi + 2ε0)
Ei = E0⋅3εi/(εi + 2ε0)
Ei = 1.23E0 (b)
Figure 5.3.5: Electric field calculations inside a fissure (a) and spherical defect (b)
Taking into account the field increase factors from Figure 5.3.5 and the breakdown field
strength of the defect from Figure 5.3.4 we can obtain the relationship between the size of a
breakdown free defect and the field strength in the surrounding dielectric. It is quite clear that
nearly twice stronger field is needed to initiate discharges in a spherical void in comparison
with fissure. The related curves are depicted in Figure 5.3.6.
Ei (kV/mm)
0.01 0.1 1
⋅mm 1B
Using equations (2) and (3) we can calculate partial discharge inception voltage from field
intensity for a defect located on the conductor screen interface and the insulation screen
interface respectively. Typically, we consider a fissure on the insulation screen and a spherical
void at the conductor screen interface.
1 ⎛R⎞
U isphere = E r r ln⎜ ⎟ kVrms ( 12 )
2 ⎝r⎠
1 ⎛R⎞
U ifissure = E R R ln⎜ ⎟ kVrms ( 13 )
2 ⎝r⎠
A range of values of inception voltage as a function of defect size can be obtained for the two
cables listed in Table 5.3.1by substituting to equations (12) and (13) appropriate field
intensity values from Figure 5.3.5together with respective cable dimensions. The obtained
results together with the cable nominal voltage are shown in Figure 5.3.7 and 5.3.8
Inception voltage (kV-rms) for a 127/220 (245) kV Inception voltage (kV-rms) for a 127/220 (245) kV
XLPE cable, 2000 mm2, at conductor screen, XLPE cable, 2000 mm2, at insulation screen
200.00 Ui (kV-rms) spleet
200.00 Ui (kV-rms) bol
150.00 Uo (kV-rms)
150.00 Uo (kV-rms)
0.01 0.1 1 10
0.01 0.1 1 10
Bar.mm Bar.mm
Figure 5.3.7: Partial discharge inception voltage, as a function of the size at p = 1 Bar, in
a spherical void at the conductor screen interface and in a fissure at the insulation
screen interface in a 127/220 kV, 2000 mm2 cable
Inception voltage (kV-rms) for a 220/380 (420) kV Inception voltage (kV-rms) for a 220/380 (420) kV
XLPE cable, 1600 mm2, at conductor screen, XLPE cable, 1600 mm2, at insulation screen,
sphere fissure at interface
Inception voltage (kV-rms)
Inception voltage (kV-
Figure 5.3.8: Partial discharge inception voltage, as a function of the size at p = 1 Bar, in
a spherical void at the conductor screen interface and in a fissure at the insulation
screen interface in a 220/380 kV, 1600 mm2 cable
The comparison of the discharge inception voltage Ui with the nominal voltage U0 on these
plots gives the maximum size of a discharge free defect of approximately 30 µm (at p = 1
Bar) in the 127/220 kV cable and approximately 20 µm (at p = 1 Bar) in the 220/380 kV
The Paschen curve in the form of field strength vs. defect size, Figure 5.3.4, shows that the
higher the field intensity the smaller defect size must be for a discharge free operation of the
cable. We are interested in determining the relative rate of change of the defect size with
respect to the relative change of field intensity in the dielectric at a given location.
d (Bar ⋅ mm ) ⎛ dE ⎞
= f ⎜⎜ i ⎟
⎟ ( 14 )
Bar ⋅ mm ⎝ Ei ⎠
These parts of the Paschen curve where Bar⋅mm > 0.01 (> 0.01 mm at p = 1 Bar) can be
modelled in sections as an exponential function of the following form
Ebd = b(Bar ⋅ mm ) ( 15 )
Ebd = ε i Ei
( 17 )
dEbd = ε i dEi
Substituting (17) to (16) and rearranging gives the desired form of sensitivity
in which a is the exponent coefficient of the exponential function modelling the Paschen
Equation (18) allows us to obtain sensitivity values from estimating the value of exponent a
from the Paschen curve. Taking the logarithm of both sides of (15) gives
Now, the values of a and b can be found from the curve Ebd = f(Bar⋅mm) in Figure 5.3.4. The
obtained results are shown in Table 5.3.3and Table 5.3.4.
Table 5.3.3: Data points from Paschen's curve in Figure 5.5.3
Bar⋅mm log(Bar⋅mm) Ubd (kV) Ebd (kV/mm) log Ebd
0.01 -2 0.35 35 1.544
0.03 - 1.5228 0.55 18.3 1.262
0.1 -1 1.00 10 1.000
0.3 - 0.5229 2.10 6.67 0.824
1 0 5.00 5 0.699
3 0.477 11.0 3.67 0.565
Values of 1/a shown in Table 5.3.4 indicate that within the pd area of 0.03 - 0.1 mm at p = 1
Bar a 1% increase of the electric field strength will require a 2% reduction of the defect size
for a discharge free operation of the cable. Within the pd area of 0.1 - 0.3 ⋅mm at p = 1 Bar the
corresponding reduction of the defect size is 3.8%. For the range of 0.1 – 3 mm, the reduction
of the defect size is stated to be 3.5% in case of a 1% increase of the electric field strength.
A change of insulation dimensions will result with a change of electric field intensity. This
was considered in Section 5.3.3 and defined as field strength sensitivity to change of inner
radius and to change of width of insulation. We will combine these findings with results of
Section 5.3.4 to determine conditions of discharge free operation if dimensions of cable
insulation change. There are two main cases that need to be considered
• decreased insulation thickness ("slim" design)
• increased conductor size
At the same time, we concentrate on the case of possible discharges occurring in a fissure
located at the insulation screen interface as more important from the practical point of view.
By recalling results from Table 5.3.2 in Section 5.3.3 we know that a 1 % reduction of
insulation width will result with a 1.2% increase of the field strength at the insulation screen
interface. At the same time, the defect size sensitivity to change of field for a discharge free
operation is stated to 3.5, see Table 5.3.4. Therefore, the combined effect will be
1.2% × 3.5 = 4.2% of reduction of permissible size of defects for a discharge free operation.
From this, it is straightforward to see that a 5% decrease of insulation width leads to a
necessary reduction of the size of contributing defects by 21%.
Results presented in Table 5.3.2 show that a 1% increase of the conductor radius contributes
to a 0.2% increase of the field strength on the insulation screen interface. This gives the total
effect of 0.2% × 3.5 = 0.7% decrease of permissible size of contributing defects. An increase
of the conductor cross-section from 1600 mm2 to 2000 mm2 results with an approximate
increase of the insulation inner radius by 12%. This corresponds to a necessary decrease of
permissible size of contributing defects by approximately 8.4%.
5.3.6. Conclusions
The effect of change of insulation dimensions on the size of discharge free defects in high
voltage cables was analyzed in this Annex. The following results were obtained for the two
types of design considered.
"Slim" design
For each 1% reduction of the insulation width the reduction of fissure radial dimension by
approximately 4.2% is necessary for a discharge free operation. Considering reduction of
insulation width of 5%, as specified in the current range of type approval, will require a
reduction of the fissure size by 21%
An increase of the conductor cross-section size from 1600 mm2 to 2000 mm2 without
changing the insulation width will result with a necessary decrease of permissible size of
contributing defects located on the insulation screen interface by approximately 8.4%.
The above results show that widening the current range of type approval described by IEC
60840 and IEC 62067 will lead to an unacceptable increase of risk of partial discharge in
operating cable systems. Therefore, it can be concluded from this study that the range of type
approval in relevant IEC standards ought not to be changed.
ANNEX 5.4 Functional Analysis
5.4.1. Introduction
International Standards provide plant manufacturers with a consistent set of tests that allows
them to demonstrate that their equipment meets certain minimum criteria. For the purchaser,
testing to International Standards provides a degree of assurance that the plant or equipment
can be operated safely and reliably. Although testing to International Standards is often time
consuming and expensive, once a manufacturer and purchaser have agreed that the test
requirements have been met, the product is ‘approved’ and further purchases of the same
product are relatively simple. One advantage of testing to International Standards is that
many purchasers worldwide will accept the test evidence, without the tests having to be
This Annex sets out a process whereby the significance of any change can be evaluated and
the need for further testing agreed.
In principle, it should be possible to classify any change to a cable as a change that might
change the performance characteristics (“major” change), requiring a repeat of type testing, or
as a “substantial change” requiring a repeat of prequalification testing, or a ‘minor’ change
requiring little or no repeating of testing.
The tests in international cable standards have evolved either to simulate the service
conditions experienced by the cable (system) (often in an accelerated manner) or to test for
the presence of specific defects and deficiencies. The tests have evolved to ensure that a cable
(system) is able to survive the various functions that it has to perform during its lifetime and
their resulting stresses (electrical, mechanical and chemical). For example, a cable has to be
bent during production, transportation and installation, so the IEC Standards include a
bending test. The Working Group has extended this principle to examine how a change to the
cable design or manufacture might affect its performance and hence what further testing
might be required.
The methodology adopted by the WG was first to perform a functional analysis to consider
the functions performed by each part of a cable’s and accessories construction and how each
function is tested presently in IEC 60840 Ed.3 and IEC 62067 Ed.1.
The WG then considered a number of possible changes a manufacturer might make to the
cable system. The functional analysis was then used to determine what further testing might
be required.
The result of this exercise is summarized in Table 5.4.1 as far as the constituents of the cable
itself are concerned and in Tables 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 for the components of joints and
terminations respectively. It must be mentioned that this analysis is based on the present
knowledge and could be updated and used as guidance for future work.
The main changes to cables and accessories in a prequalified cable system, which require the
repetition of the type test (or part of it) or of the prequalification tests or of the extension of
qualification, are summarized in tables 2.3 and 2.4 of part 2 of this report.
The cable supplier and purchaser may use the functional analysis to discuss if any change to a
constituent part might lead to a change in the performance characteristics or reliability of the
cable system. This is particularly useful where the change is outside the scope of table 2.3 and
2.4 of part 2.
The process for determining if further testing is required is described in the attached
When a supplier proposes a change to an approved cable system, the functional analysis tables
may be used to determine the functions performed by the component of the cable or the
accessory that may be changed. The development test evidence is then considered by the
supplier and purchaser to see if the change has increased the risk that this cable or accessory
will not perform as well as before.
If the development tests prove that there is no or only a “minor” increase in risk, then no
further testing is required.
is appropriate for the supplier and purchaser to agree a further program of development tests
rather than repeating the type tests.
If the proposed change introduces a “significant” increase in risk, then both the Type tests and
PQ tests should be repeated.
The analysis described above can be extended to cover any components and materials not
specifically listed in the functional analysis tables. It must be remembered that a small
change in a component of cable and/or accessory does not necessarily mean a small increase
in risk. Changing a small component, such as a lubricant or the material used for a wiping
cloth can dramatically increase the risk for a cable system failure.
Using a combination of functional analysis and risk assessment should allow the supplier and
purchaser to agree on the optimum program of tests to minimize the cost of testing whilst
managing the risk of potential future cable system failure.
Flowchart showing how functional analysis can be used to determine the extent of
testing required following a change to a com ponent of the cable system
Has the risk increased ?
No further testing required
Repeat prequalification
test and type test
Is the threat YES
adequately covered
by the type test ?
Repeat the type test
5.4.3 Functional Analysis tables
A number of tests are identified in the functional analysis tables that are neither in IEC 62067
Ed.1 nor in IEC 60840 Ed.3. These tests are considered by the WG as Prequalification tests,
Extension of Prequalification tests, Type tests, Sample tests and development or quality
control tests. These tests are enumerated in annex 5.5.
Table 5.4.1 Functional Analysis of a High Voltage Cable and cable components
Abbreviations: Routine… R, Sample test… S, Type test….T, Development…. D, Pre-Qualification…. PQ
-b. Limit temperature with thermal short -b. Calculation of thermal short circuit temperaturre b. If temperature rise is considered
circuit current dangerous, a short circuit test is proposed
as a development test. Check that there is
no degradation of tapes and extruded semi-
con after short circuit test
2 -a. Satisfy the minimum bending radius -a. Bending before type tests (S: §12.3.3/§12.4.4)
Mechanical properties without harmful mechanical deformation
-b. Support pulling during installation -b. No test b. Limitation of pulling force to be given
by the manufacturer
3 -a. Prevent longitudinal water penetration -a. Water penetration test (T: §12.4.18 / §12.5.14) a. Test if water blocking properties
Water blocking required
4 -a .No corrosion when using Al conductor -a. Examination after type test (IEC60840/ IEC 62067) or long term a. If Al conductor avoid: water ingress
Chemical properties PQ test (IEC 62067) +chemical species (e.g. contaminations,
-b. No degradation due to layers over - b. Compatibility test (T: §12.4.4/§124)
conductor (tape or semi-con)
5 -a. Low interface resistivity with connectors -a. See accessories a. Taken into account in accessories part
Interface with other
components or -b.Thermal-mechanical -b. Thermal cycles: 20 (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7) or 180 (PQ: §13.2.3 b. PQ not in IEC 60840 ed3
accessories expansion/deformation (Influence of shape on cable system)
of wires on interface of extruded semi-con
with insulation)
-c. Avoid water penetration -c. Water penetration test (T: §12.4.18/§12.5) c. Water penetration may lead to chemical
degradation of the insulation mainly if the
conductor metal is aluminum
Cable’s Function or Test to check the functionality
component Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067Ed. 1 in brackets Comments
–IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
Tape over 1 -a. Resistance sufficiently low to avoid PD -a. PD measurement (R,T; §9.2/§9.2-§12.3.4/§12.4.5) a. Covered by type tests
Electrical resistance and to avoid voltage over semicon during fast +Lightning impulse test (T; 12.3.7/§12.4.9) +examination
conductor transients (T: §12.3.8/§12.4.10)
3 -a. No degradation of conductor or semi-con -a. Compatibility test on whole cable (T: §12.4.4/§12.5.4)
Chemical properties
-b. Stability of electrical resistivity after heat -b. Resistance measurement after heat cycles b. Can be confirmed by test §12.3.9/
cycles §12.4.11 on semicon indirectly and its data
should be shown by manufacturer if
4 -a. Avoid penetration of semi-con into -a. Visual examination after manufacturing in hot oil+ impulse test
Interface with other conductor (S; 12.3.7/§12.4.9)
Inner 1 -a. Smoothening of electrical field at the -a. AC (R, T, PQ §9.3/§9.3, §12.3.6 /§12.4.7, §13.2.3 and impulse a. Some standards and customer’s
Electrical properties insulation interface (avoid protrusions, voids, test (T, PQ) §12.3.7/§12.4.9, §13.2.4 specifications prescribe to check on a
extruded contaminants). sample that there are no protrusions, voids
semi- -b. Avoid PD at inner surface of insulation or contaminants larger than their
-b. PD tests (R, T: §9.2/§9.2-§12.3.4/§12.4.5) permissible level. It is a good tool to check
conducting -c. Resistivity sufficiently low, to avoid PD, the quality of interfaces protrusions and
screen in the whole range of service temperatures -c. Resistivity measurement (T: §12.3.9/§12.4) contamination. However electrical routine
and to avoid voltage over semicon during fast tests are considered necessary to have a
transients view of the quality on the full length of the
cable and are still mandatory.
2 -a. Resistance to mechanical bending during -a. Bending + 20 thermal cycles (T: §12.3/§12.4)
Thermal- mechanical manufacturing and installation
-b. Stability of form with thermal constrains -b. Bending (T: §12.3.3/§12.4.4) + 20 thermal cycles (T§12.3.6 b. 20 cycles are considered sufficient by
/§12.4.7) the WG to evaluate this functionality
-c. Shrinkage of semicon -c. Heat cycles (T§12.3.6 /§12.4.7) and shrinkage test (T §12.4.13) c. For type tests, the shrinkage test acts as
a check on the properties of the material.
For the long term test, the shrinkage test is
not necessary when these long term tests
are performed successfully on the cable
Cable’s Function or Test to check the functionality
component Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067Ed. 1 in brackets Comments
–IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
3 -a. Stability of electrical properties with -a. Resistivity measurement before and after ageing
Chemical properties ageing (T: §12.3.9/§12.4.11)
-b. Stability of electrical resistivity after heat -b. Resistivity measurement before and after ageing
cycles (T: §12.3.9/§12.4.11)
-c. Compatibility with layers or conductor -c. Compatibility test on whole cable (T: §12.4.4/§12.5.4) c. PIXE (Particle induced X-ray Emission)
below and with insulation +Resistivity measurement of semicon before and after compatibility measurements have shown that there is no
test (T: §12.3.9/§12.4.11) ionic migration from the semi-con into the
. insulation during heat cycling tests or in
service. However, there is some diffusion
of the antioxidant and low molecular
weight species during the curing process
and afterwards
-c. Good bonding of extruded semi- -c. Bending + heat cycling (min 80 cycles –D) + PD: ((T: c. Good bonding of extruded semi-
conducting screen with insulation §12.3/§12.4 conducting screen with insulation is
generally not a problem but should be
checked at least once with a new material.
Tests could be performed on model cables.
20 cycles are not considered enough to
check whether the bonding with insulation
remains correct. When 180 PQ cycles are
performed, this property is indirectly
-d. No deformation of semicon surface due to -d. Examination of surface in hot oil d. Quality control
penetration of semicon between the
conductor’s wires
Cable’s Function or Test to check the functionality
component Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067Ed. 1 in brackets Comments
–IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
1 -a. Withstand to AC stresses and -a. AC: routine test on each length and type test and regular impulse a. Following a study made in Japan,
Insulation Dielectric properties lightning/switching impulses tests: on samples and with type test switching impulse breakdown values on
AC (R, T, PQ) §9.3/§9.3, §12.3.6 /§12.4.7, §13.2.3 and cables are higher than for lightning
Lightning (S, T, PQ) §12.3.7/§12.4.9, §13.2.4 impulse.
Switching (T, PQ) §12.4.8 on EHV system For EHV cable systems switching impulse
is still relevant
Some customers prescribe to check on a
sample that there are no protrusions, voids
or contaminants larger than their
permissible level. WG has considered that
protrusions and contamination
examination on a small sample is less
relevant than an electrical routine test on
the whole length of cable
(Same as before. See page 2)
-b. No harmful voids in the bulk or in the -b. PD routine test (§9.2/§9.2) b. No PD shall be allowed, as they may be
interface with semi-conducting screens harmful. Good sensitivity
-e. Low dielectric losses, -e. Tan δ measurement (T: §12.3.5/§12.) e. Preliminary test can be performed on
insulating material before extruding it on
Cable’s Function or Test to check the functionality
component Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067Ed. 1 in brackets Comments
–IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
2 -a. Resistance to mechanical bending during -a. Bending test followed by PD and dielectric tests +examination
Thermal-mechanical manufacturing and installation after tests (T: §12.3/§12.4)
-b. Stability of mechanical and dielectric -b. Hot set test (S: §10.9/§10.9, T: §12.4.10/§12.5.10)
properties with temperature and thermal Ageing and mechanical test on material (T: §12.4.2/§12.5.2)
-c. Stability of form under the pressure of -c. Heating cycles with bending in test set up (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7) c. In IEC 60840 ed3 no long-term PQ test
accessories and under the pressure of the Long term test with cable system installed in conditions near reality is performed on cable systems. (This
thermal-mechanical expansion of the (PQ: 180 cycles §13.2.3) problem is considered in chapter 3) The
conductor experience in the field shows whether the
behavior of the cable system is correct. It
would be wise to make a long term cycles
test also on new cable systems below 220
kV at a relatively high value of electrical
stress except if a similar system has been
tested for higher voltage
3 -a. Compatibility with inner and outer semi- -a. Compatibility test- (T: ageing test on complete cable
Chemical properties con §12.4.4/§12.5.4)
-b. Resistance to oxidation and thermal -b. 20 cycles (T) §12.3.6/§12.4.7 or 180 cycles (PQ §13.2.3 b. In IEC 60840 ed3 no long-term PQ test
degradation (see above) is performed. Presence of water prohibited
avoiding electrochemical (water) treeing.
This can be avoided by a metal sheath over
the cable core
4 -a. Compatibility with inner and outer semi- -a. Compatibility test. Ageing test on complete cab le
Interface with inner and con: see above (T: §12.4.4/§12.5.4)
outer semicon and
accessories -b. Compatibility with accessories interfaces -b. 20 cyc les (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7) or 180 cycl es (PQ: §13.2.3) b. In IEC 60840 ed3 no long-term test PQ
is performed on cable systems. Long term
tests would be useful as a development test
D for new designs on cables or accessories
under specific conditions. (This problem is
considered in chapter 3)
-c. Shrinkage of insulation -c. Shrinkage test (T: §12.4.13/---) or long term cycling test in c. No need for a shrinkage test if long-
presence of accessories D or (PQ: §13.2.3)
term tests with cycles are performed. For
-d. Smoothness of surfaces and purity of
type tests it acts as a test on the material
insulation -d. Test in hot oil as a production test useful
Cable’s Function or Test to check the functionality
component Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067Ed. 1 in brackets Comments
–IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
Outer 1 Same as inner semicon See inner semicon
Electrical properties
conducting 2 Same as inner semicon See inner semicon
screen Thermal-mechanical
3 -a. Same as inner semi-con, but compatibility a. See inner semicon a. Some customers ask to check the
Chemical properties with outer layers or (and) metal screen moisture content in the semicon
(<1000ppm content) as for the inner
-b. Stability of electrical resistivity after heat b. See inner semicon semicon. Influence on the dielectric
cycl behaviour of the insulation system?
Layer over 1 -a. Low resistivity to avoid PD at interface -a. PD measurement (R: §9.2/§9.2, and T: §12.3.4/§12.4.5)
Electrical properties with screen
(optional) 2 -a. Resistance to mechanical bending during -a. Bending test before type test (T: §12.3.3/§12.4.4)
Thermal-mechanical manufacturing and installatn Examination after completion of the type tests (T:
properties §12.3.8/§12.4.10)
16.1.1 - b. Prevent deformation of the -b. 20 cycles (T: § 12.3.6/§12.4.7) + PD test (§ 12.3.4/§12.4.5)
semicon and the insulation… +examination (§12.3.8/§12.4.10)
-c. Water-blocking tapes possibly avoid the -c. Water penetration test (T: §12.4.18/§12.5.14)
longitudinal water penetration (if required)
3 -a. Compatibility with semi-con and screen -a. Compatibility test. Ageing on complete cable (T:
Chemical properties §12.4.4/§12.5.4)
-b . Stability of electrical resistivity after -b. 20 cycles (T: § 12.3.6/§12.4.7)+ measurement of resistivity after
heat cycles
Cable’s Function or Test to check the functionality
component Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067Ed. 1 in brackets Comments
–IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
4 -a. Compatibility test (see above) -a. Ageing on complete cable (T) but no measurement on tape (see
Interface with semi-con above)
and metal screen
-b. Avoid deformation of insulation (see -b. 20 cycles (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7+ examination §12.3.8/§12.4.10)
Metal 1 -a. Satisfy the short-circuit conditions -a. Calculation of cross section needed (following IEC 60949 and
Electrical properties 61443)
Screen/ -b. Resistance measurement as for conductor (S, T: §10.5/§10.5,)
Sheath and dimensions of the screen (§10.7/§10.7)
-b. Collects capacitive current and induced -b. Calculation of losses (depending on installation conditions – see
currents IEC 60287)
-c. Electrical connection when more than one -c. T: Heat cycling and temperature measurements
metallic screen is applied
-d. Current sharing in two metal layer -d. Current sharing following conductivities. d. Missing in IEC! CIGRE WGB1-03 has
constructions made a report TB 272 on this subject in
-e. Good contact between metal screen/sheath - e. PD test + cycles +PD (T: §12.3. /§12.4.)
and semicon layer below
Cable’s Function or Test to check the functionality
component Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067Ed. 1 in brackets Comments
–IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
2 -a. Supports mechanical bending -a. Bending test before type test (T: §12.3.3/§12.4.4)
Mechanical properties -Examination after completion of the type tests
(T: §12.3.8/§12.4.10)
-b. Limited deformation of insulation and -b. Thermal short-circuit test on screen (D) b. No official thermal short-circuit test in
outer semicon in case of short circuit IEC specifications concerning HV cables
temperature rise
-c. Supports radial pressure during heating -c. Thermo-mechanical test with heat cycles c. To be defined: sidewall pressure test as
recommended CIGRE in ELECTRA 141
and IEC 61901 TR
Only to be performed if needed for a
special application
-d. Radial water tightness in case of -d. Technical Report of IEC ( IEC 61901 TR) recommending a
composite metal foil screen long term test in water (see also CIGRE recommendations from
-e. Fatigue in case of lead or lead alloy: -e. Check in relevant standards dealing with lead alloys that the e. Other tests like slow elongation
possible growth of crystals and fissuring chosen alloy is well adapted to the application in the field: (0.1mm/h) or “cone” test could be
EN 12548, EN 50307 or equivalent. Micrographic tests could be proposed to check the quality of the lead
useful to evaluate the grain size of the extruded lead (Quality extrusion?
control during extrusion of lead sheath)
-f. Fatigue in case of composite metal foil -f. A fatigue test (: repeated bending) could be recommended as a f. To be defined: number of bendings,
screen when installed in non buried development test D diameter of bending…
-g. Side wall pressure in case of composite -g. Technical Report of IEC(IEC 61901 TR) recommending a side
metal foil screen wall pressure test (see also CIGRE recommendations from
3 -a. No corrosion of the metal -a. Corrosion test following ELECTRA 141 or IEC Technical
Chemical properties Report (IEC 61901 TR) when using Aluminium foil or IEC 60229,
Clause 4.2 for Aluminium metallic layer
4 -a. Satisfy temperature measurement -a.b.c. Short circuit test with the installed sensors (mainly if sensors Check that the sensor is not destroyed by
Temperature are optical fibers) would be useful as a development test D the short circuit temperature and the
Monitoring -b. Satisfy short-circuit conditions electromagnetic forces
(if any)
-c. Satisfy mechanical conditions
Cable’s Function or Test to check the functionality
component Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067Ed. 1 in brackets Comments
–IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
5 -a. Compatibility (see above) -a. Compatibility test: -Ageing of complete cable (T: a. See electric contact properties after
Interface with semi-con §12.4.4/§12.5.4 with visual examination) compatibility test
or layer and over-sheath
and with accessories -b. Correct connection with accessories -b. Heat cycles: -20 cycles (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7) or 180 cycles b. Long term PQ test not in IEC 60840 ed3
screens (PQ: §13.2.3)
And thermal short-circuit test (development test D)
-c. (Especially in case of lead or lead alloy -c. To make the right choice of lead: see EN 12548 and EN 50307 c. Fatigue of lead may lead to cracks but
sheath: fatigue problem possible) may be they do not yet appear during long-
term PQ tests
-d. Radial water tightness in case of metal foil -d. Corrosion test following ELECTRA or IEC Technical Report
or sheath (IEC 61901 )
Over sheath 1 -a. Electrical insulation of screen from earth -a. AC/DC test on sheath (R: §9.4/§9.4) or a spark test during
Electrical properties if required manufacturing
-b. Insulate for AC and impulse voltages in -b. Test combined with test on outer protection of joints
case of cross bonding or single point bonding
-c. No degradation of this property -c. 20 cycles (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7) + AC and impulse test on sheath
-d. Correct behavior in case of short-circuit -d. Short circuit test on screen in network conditions as a
on outer screen development test D
2 -a. Supports mechanical bending during -a. Bending test (T: §12.3.3/§12.4.4)
Thermal-mechanical installation
-b. Resistance to mechanical impact during -b. Mechanical impact: see ELECTRA 141 for metal foils or IEC
and after installation Technical Report (IEC 61901 TR) and in addition to §12.4.19
-c. Resistance to abrasion during installation -c. Tests according to IEC 60229, Clause 4.1
-d. See the different tests on the different types of materials in IEC
-d. Good mechanical qualities before and (§12.4., §12.5.)
after ageing e.g. no cracking of the outer
-e. Tests under fire following the relevant tests in IEC (§12.4.17,
-e. Resistance to fire if required §12.5.13)
Cable’s Function or Test to check the functionality
component Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067Ed. 1 in brackets Comments
–IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
3 -a. Compatibility with screen -a. Compatibility test: -Ageing on complete cable (T: §12.4.4/
Chemical properties §12.5.4)
-c. Resistance to the chemicals in ground -c. Choice of material depending on the application
-d. Resistance to termites and rodents where -d. Special tests depending on type of termites and rodents: D
needed (special additives or design)
4 -a.See above -
Interface with screen,
accessories or external -b. Shrinkage of over-sheath may give -b. Long term cycling in presence of accessories: PQ or D b. Included in long-term pre-qualification
aggression problems with accessories (T: §12.4.14/ -) test of IEC 62067 (§ 13.2.3) but not in
IEC60840 ed3. Shrinkage, if any, is not
necessarily finished after 20 cycles.
Complete 1 -a. No degradation because of interactions -a. Examination after completion of the type tests
Different electrical and between all components and of components (T: §12.3.8/§12.4.10)
cable mechanical needs themselves -b. Short circuit test as D depending on the network conditions (to
be decided with the network engineers)
-b. No ingress of water to avoid insulation -b. Water penetration test (T: §12.4.18/§12.5.14)
degradation and dielectric problems with
• Long-term tests could be performed where necessary as development tests when not prescribed in specifications. See the
recommendation from the WG in this report. (See table 5-7-1)
• The functions are determined by the construction. The construction, the materials applied and the production process applied determine
the functional properties. The standards take this into account with the Range of Type Approval
• A short circuit between conductor and metal screen/shield may influence most of the functions described by thermal effects and
mechanical effects (thermal expansion and shrinkage of materials). Adherence of layers/screens is also tested with this test. Should this
lead to an extension of the test series with a type test or a development test? After discussion it was concluded that a short circuit test
should be recommended as a development test.
• In the IEC 62067 and the IEC 60502-2, there is an electrical Sample test as a check on the properties of the insulation. In the IEC 60840
there is no electrical sample test on the insulation. It would be wise to perform a lightning impulse test as soon as the stress level near the
inner semi-conducting screen reaches values as in IEC 62067. This may be the case when reducing the insulation thickness so that the
inner AC service stress is becoming as high as 8kV/mm.
• The current standards IEC 60840/Ed3 and IEC 62067/Ed1 cover the most important functions. No tests should be deleted. May be
tan δ could be performed on materials in stead of being performed on cable insulation (but be careful, as it seems that tan δ can be
influenced by the diffusion of some products into the insulation)
Table 5.4.2 Functional analysis of High Voltage cable joint and joint components
3 -a. Dissipates correctly the heat generated -a. Heat cycles, but without voltage, of connections (D: a. If a reliable program to calculate the
Thermal function in the connection and avoids overheating §12.3.6/§12.4.7) +Measurement of temperature of connector versus temperature profile in a joint is available,
in the center of the joint conductor + examination §12.3.8/§12.4.10) it may replace the test on cable system
4 -a. Compatibility of the possible used -a. Long- term test (D or PQ: § 13.2.3 + examination) a. Such a PQ test is not prescribed in IEC
Interface with joint additives with the semi-con of the joint 60840 ed3
semi-con (Grease, mastic, water sealant) Test is also possible on materials: semi-
con plates in air oven exposed to the
Joints Function or Test to check the functionality
components Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067 Ed.1 in Comments
brackets-IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
Possible 1 -a. No negative influence on the -a. Heat cycles on connections (see above)
Electrical function conductivity of the contact
additives 2 -a. Supports the temperature of the -a. Heat cycles of connections: see above. Examination of the
(grease, Thermal properties connection during service without additive after cycling
mastic, water 3 -a. Gives some protection against electrical -a. Heat cycles of connections: see above. Examination of the
sealant…) Chemical properties degradation of the contact of the additive after cycling
4 -a. Compatibility of the possible used -a. Long- term test (D or PQ: § 13.2.3 + examination) Or test on
Interface with joint additives with the semi-con of the joint semi-conducting materials in air oven exposed to the additives
Insulation 1 -a.Continuation of the insulation of the -a. Partial discharge test (R, S,: § 9.2 and 11.2.a )and
Dielectric function cable: Withstand to AC stresses and (T:§12.3.4/§12.4.5) and voltage test (R, S: § 9.3 and11.2.b),
(field lightning/switching impulses heating cycle test (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7)
grading) Lightning impulse test during type tests (T:§12.3.7/§12.4.9) or long
term test (PQ: §13.2.4)
-b. Reasonably low tan δ , to avoid too -b. Tan δ test (T: §12.3.5/§12.4.6)
high dielectric losses during voltage
-c. Maintenance of the dielectric qualities -c. Long term tests + impulse test on assembly + (PQ: §13.2.3 +
c. PQ Test missing in IEC 60840 ed3.
of the system during the lifetime §13.2.4) + PD test after after long term test
Impulse test may be sufficient to detect
lack of adherence.
PD monitoring during type testing or long
term testing would be a good tool to check
the evolution of the adherence.
Joints Function or Test to check the functionality
components Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067 Ed.1 in Comments
brackets-IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
2 -a. Maintenance of good contact with cable -a. Long term tests + impulse (PQ: §13.2.3 + §13.2.4) a. A long-term PQ test is not prescribed in
Thermal-mechanical insulation (good elasticity and compatible IEC 60840 ed3. A development test:
properties shrinkage of the different layers) with time “pressure versus time of contact of joint
at ambient and with cycles insulation to cable insulation”, would be
an alternative for pre-molded type
No such test in IEC 62067 ed1 nor in IEC
60840 ed3
-b. Maintenance of mechanical quality in -b. Short circuit test following the needs of the network would be
case of short circuit useful as a development test D
-c. Good heat dissipation -c. Development test D: check of temperature drop in the insulation
during heat cycling
-d. No slipping on cable with pressure -d. Long term test on system installed in a test arrangement d. Long term PQ test missing in IEC
from one side (prefabricated: composite or representative of installation design (PQ: §13.2.3 + §13.2.: 60840 ed3
pre-molded joint)
3 -a. Maintenance of good contact with cable -a. Long term tests + impulse +PD (PQ: §13.2.3 + §13.2.4 ) a. Long term PQ test missing in IEC
Interface properties insulation (see above) or interface with 60840 ed3
other joint components
-b. Compatibility with cable insulation, -b. Heat cycles (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7) Long term tests (PQ: §13.2.3 b. Long term PQ test missing in IEC
lubricants and joint’s semi-con for EHV) 60840 ed3
-c. Shrinkage of cable materials -c. Long term shrinkage test as D on 5m long cable: see French c. The shrinkage test made following the
specification for high voltage and extra high voltage cables NFC 32 French specifications shows that the
352 or C 33 253 insulation and sheath materials shrink back
during a quite long time: 80 cycles or even
more are often needed to stabilize the
shrink back
-d. Compatibility of interface additives -d. Development test D to check the good behavior of materials in d. Manufacturers responsibility
(lubricants..) with cable contact with additives: check of mechanical properties of cable
insulation/semicon material and joint materials and joint materials after ageing in airen
insulation/semicon material
4 -a. No harmful ageing of material -a. Long term tests + impulse + PD (PQ: §13.2.3 + §13.2.4 ) a. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
Chemical properties 60840 ed3
Interface 1 -a. The materials used to clean or to -a. Long term tests + impulse +PD (PQ: §13.2.3 + §13.2.4 a. Long term test followed by PD tests will
Electrical properties lubricate the surfaces of the cable or the give an indication whether the contact
matters joint insulation shall not degrade the between the the surfaces remain correct
including dielectric properties of the system. The Long term PQ tests missing in IEC 60840
lubricant is also filling up the micro-holes ed3
between the two insulating surfaces
Joints Function or Test to check the functionality
components Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067 Ed.1 in Comments
brackets-IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
cleaning 2 -a. No harmful ageing of material -a. Long term tests + impulse + PD (PQ: §13.2.3 + §13.2.4 ) a. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
Chemical properties 60840 ed3
material, 3 -a. No slipping on cable with pressure
lubricants.. Thermal-mechanical from one side (prefabricated or pre-molded
properties joint)
4 -a. Compatibility of lubricants with cable -a. Development test D to check the good behavior of materials in
Interface properties and joint’s insulation, and cable and contact with additives: check of mechanical properties of cable
joint’s semi-con materials and joint materials after ageing in air oven
Metal 1 -a. Transfers currents circulating in cable -a. Thermal cycles with current circulating in the screen :D a. Currents in the screen may be important
Electrical function screen, transfers short circuit current. and the ability of the screen connection not
screening, to overheat during cycling should be
connection to checked (not in cycling tests in IEC)
cable screen Thermal short circuit test following the needs of the network would .No such short circuit test in IEC 62067
be useful as a development test D (see IEC 61443) ed1 nor IEC 60840 ed3
-b. No harmful deformation of cable or -b. 20 Thermal cycles (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7). + Examination
joint insulation
-c. No cracking near the connection in -c. Be sure that the correct lead alloy for the metal sheath of cable c. Cracking may need more than 180
case of lead or lead alloy sheath of cable has been chosen following EN 50307 and EN 18 cycles to appear ( 180 cycles: long term
test following IEC 62067 ed1). Severity
depends largely on the installation
environment and conditions.
3 -a. Compatibility with cable and joint -a. Thermal cycles (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7)
Chemical properties materials
4 -a. Withstands dielectric transients -a. AC and impulse tests on outer protection of joints (T Annex H
Screen disconnection /Annex D)
(for cross-bonding)
5 -a. Avoid water ingress to the insulation -a. Water tightness test
Water tightness Long term heat cycles with joint immersed or in ground followed by
a sheath voltage test
(Eventual) 1 -a. Avoid high thermal resistance a. Design aspect
Filling of housing
Joints Function or Test to check the functionality
components Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067 Ed.1 in Comments
brackets-IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
filling 2 -a. Compatibility with surrounding -a. Development test to check the good behavior of materials in
Chemical properties material contact with additives: check of mechanical properties of cable
materials and joint materials after ageing in air oven
3 -a. Avoid water ingress to the insulation -a. Water tightness test
Water tightness Long term heat cycles with joint immersed or in ground followed by
a sheath voltage test
4 -a. Eventually rigidifies the joint a. Design aspect
Outer 1 -a. Isolation of joint from earth -a. Test on outer protection (T: Annex H /Annex D)
Electrical function
protection -b. No degradation of dielectric function -b. Long term test (PQ: §13.2.3 + §13.2.4) b. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
with ageing and during short circuit Short circuit test on metal screen 60840 ed3
3 -a. Avoid water ingress into the cable -a. Test in water on outer protection (T: Annex H /Annex D)
Water tightness
4 -a. Compatibility with inside material, -a. Long term test (PQ: §13.2.3 for EHV) + voltage withstand test a. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
Chemical properties resistance against soil aggression (if cable on outer protection after long term test 60840 ed3
installed in ground) or other surroundings
5 - a. Possible shrinkage of cable over- -a. Check the shrinkage of the cable sheath and joint protection after a. May be 20 cycles are not enough to see
Interface with cable sheath and/or shrinkage of joint outer heat cycling of 20 cycles (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7) or 180 cycles (PQ: the long term behavior of the shrinkage
over-sheath protection to be taken into consideration §13.2.3) effect Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
when designing the outer protection 60840 ed3
Complete 1 -a. No degradation because of interactions -a. Examination after completion of the type tests
Overall properties between all components and of (T: §12.3.8/§12.4.10)
joint components themselves
-b. No water penetration before and after -b. Test in water on outer protection (T: Annex H /Annex D) or b. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
heat cycling into the cable system better: Long term test (PQ: §13.2.3 for EHV) + insulation 60840 ed3
resistance test on outer protection after long term test
• Long-term tests could be performed where necessary as development tests when not prescribed in specifications.
See the recommendation from the WG in this report. ( See table 5-7-1)
• A short circuit between conductor and metal screen/shield of the cable system may influence most of the functions described by thermal
effects and mechanical effects (thermal expansion and shrinkage of materials). Adherence of layers/screens is also tested with this test.
Should this lead to an extension of the test series with a type test or a development test? After discussion it was concluded that a short
circuit test should be recommended as a development test
• In IEC 60840/Ed.3, sample tests on accessories are included. (In the IEC 62067 yet under consideration). They should be included also
in the IEC 62067
General remark: what about checking of skill of the jointers and effectiveness of mounting instructions? People responsible for installation of
the accessories shall consider this in their quality assurance and quality control process. CIGRE WG B1-22 is currently working on this issue.
Table 5.4.3 Functional analysis of High Voltage terminations and components of terminations
Metallic 1 -a. Transfers nominal current without -a. Heat cycles on connections a. No prescription in IEC 60840 ed3 or
Electrical continuity overheating Use IEC 61238-1 when appropriate (= not welded): D 62067ed1
connection of /electrical resistivity Short circuit test values could be
conductor to selected from the data of IEC 60859
-b. Supports short-circuit current and -b. Short circuit test (D) following the network ds
network temperature b. No short circuit test prescribed in
IEC 60840 ed3or 62067ed1
2 -a. Supports compression/extension efforts -a. 20 cycles (T) §12.3.6 / §12.4.7 or long term test (PQ §13.2.3 for a. System aspect
Mechanical properties during cycling of cable conductor EHV) Long term PQ tests missing in IEC 60840
-b. Supports the thermal short circuit -b. Short circuit test following the needs of the network would be
efforts useful as a development teD b. No such test in HV IEC specifications
component Function or Test to check the functionality
of Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067 Ed.1 in brackets Comments
termination IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
Electrical 1 -a. Field grading of dielectric stresses in -a. Partial discharge (R §9.2 )and voltage test (R §9.3)Lightning a. PD after long term test shows that
Dielectric function order to pass AC and lightning/switching impulse (T §12.3.7 / §12.4.9) Switching impulse on EHV material adherence between stress relieve
field grading impulses (T)§12.4.8) components is still good
(stress cones, Long term test (PQ §13.2.3) followed by lightning impulse (PQ: Long term PQ tests missing in IEC 60840
13.2.4) ) and PD ed3
capacitive or
non linear -b. Maintenance of these qualities with -b. See above
-c. Reasonably low tan δ , to avoid too -c. Tan δ test on loop with terminations (T: §12.3.5/§12.)
high dielectric losses during voltage
2 -a. Maintenance of good contact with cable -a. Development test: pressure of contact versus time and long term a. PD after long term test shows that
Thermal- mechanical insulation (good elasticity and compatible AC test with cycles, Long term test: (PQ: §13.2.3) and PD) after adherence between stress relieve
properties shrinkage of the different layers) with time long term test components is still good . Long term PQ
at ambient and with cycles tests missing in IEC 60840 ed3
-c. No harmful cable deformation -c. Long term test: (PQ: §13.2.3) and PD after long term test + c. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
examinon 60840 ed3
3 -a. Resistance to thermal ageing -a. Long term test: (D: §13.2.3) anD a. Long term test needed if no earlier
Chemical properties experience with a similar product
Long term PQ tests missing in IEC 60840
4 -a. Good compatibility with cable -a. Long term test: (PQ: §13.2.3) and PD after long term test+ a. Long term test needed if no earlier
Interface quality insulation system and lubricants (between examination experience with a similar product
cable insulation and stress relieve Long term PQ tests missing in IEC 60840
component) if any ed3
-b. Resistance to filling medium (oil…) -b. Development test D on materials in contact with filling medium: b. Manufacturers responsibility
check of mechanical, chemical and dielectric properties of cable
materials and termination materials after ageing in airen
Interface 1 -a. The materials used to clean or to -a. Long term tests + impulse + PD (PQ: §13.2.3 + §13.2.4 a. Long term test followed by PD tests will
Electrical properties lubricate the surfaces of the insulation of give an indication whether the contact
matters the cable or the termination shall not between the surfaces remains correct
including degrade the dielectric properties of the Long term PQ tests missing in IEC 60840
system. The lubricant is also filling up the ed3
cleaning micro-holes between the two insulating
material, surfaces
2 -a. No harmful ageing of material -a. Long term tests + impulse + PD (PQ: §13.2.3 + §13.2.4) a. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
lubricants… Chemical properties 60840 ed3
component Function or Test to check the functionality
of Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067 Ed.1 in brackets Comments
termination IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
3 -a . No slipping or restraining on cable due
Thermal-mechanical to pressure
4 -a. Compatibility of lubricants with cable, -a. Development test D to check the good behavior of materials in
Interface properties insulation, semiconductor and termination contact with additives: check of mechanical properties of cable
components materials and terminations materials after ageing in air oven
Insulator/ 1 -a. Correct creep distance and length in air -a. Lightning impulse (T: §12.3.7/ §12.4.9) a. Switching impulse for voltages of
Dielectric functions or gas Switching impulse (T: § 12.4.8) for voltages above 300kV 300kV and above
(Porcelain, -b. Resistance to leakage currents and -b. For outdoor terminations, Salt fog test, Climatic test following b. Length of creep distance adapted to the
evacuation of these currents IEC 61442: development tes degree of pollution
insulator, 2 -a. Resistance to mechanical forces from -a. Cantilever test: D a. Not prescribed by IEC HV specs;
Thermal- mechanical the HV connection Internal test
epoxy…) properties
-b. Resistance to seismic activity -b. Calculations according to IEC 61463
-c. Good long term resistance to higher -c. Long term test: (PQ: §13.2.3) + examination (PQ:§13.2.5) c. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
temperatures 60840 ed3, but useful even for this range
of voltages
-d. Resistance to internal arcing in case of -d. Short circuit test with internal electrical fault: D
breakdown in the termination (no harmful Internal overpressure test: d. No test in IEC HV specs for cable
projections) terminations or similar equipment such as
bushings and instrument transformers
3 -a. Resistance to climatic and polluting -a. Development test D: Climatic tests following IEC 61109
Interface quality with surrounding
filling medium and
surrounding -b. Compatibility with filling medium -b. Long term test (PQ §13.2.3) + examination(PQ: §13.2.5) b. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
60840 ed3
4 -a. Resistance to UV, climate, water and -a. Development test: Climatic tests following IEC 61109
Chemical properties pollution
component Function or Test to check the functionality
of Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067 Ed.1 in brackets Comments
termination IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
Filling 1 -a. Good dielectric breakdown values -a. Development test on filling material: breakdown tests a. Manufacturers responsibility
Electric properties
medium -b. Low dielectric losses
(if any) -c. Maintenance of dielectric properties -b. Long term test (PQ: §13.2.3) +examination (PQ: §13.2 b. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
with ageing 60840 ed3
2 -a. No harmful degradation of the material -a. Long term test (PQ: §13.2.3) +examination (PQ: §13.2.5) a. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
Thermal properties with ageing 60840 ed3
3 -a. Good compatibility with cable material -a. Long term test (PQ §13.2.3) +examination (PQ: §13.2.5) a. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
Chemical properties in contact (insulation, eventually semi- 60840 ed3
and interface con) and stress controlling material Development test to check the good behavior of materials in Responsibility of the manufacturer
contact with additives: check of mechanical properties of cable
materials and joint materials after ageing in airen
Screen/Earth 1 -a. Fixation of earth potential a. Engineering problem, to be considered
Electrical functions when installing the system. Bimetallic
connection connections to be considered with special
-b. Evacuates short circuit current and -b. Short circuit test following the needs of the network would be b. No short circuit test in IEC 60840 ed3
circulating currents with both ends earthed useful as a development test D nor in IEC 62067 ed1
Thermal cycles with current in the screen (D) Currents in the screen may be important
and the ability of the screen connection not
to overheat during cycling should be
checked (not in cycling tests in IEC)
-c. In case of disconnection from earth, -c. Impulse and DC/AC test between earth and screen as a type test
electrical withstand between earth and T
component Function or Test to check the functionality
of Property Specification/Threat (Relevant paragraphs of IEC 60840 Ed.3/62067 Ed.1 in brackets Comments
termination IEC 62067 Ed.1 in Italics)
3 -a. No entry of humidity underneath the -a. a. Visual inspection on installed system
Interface outer protection of the cable
-b. Possible shrinkage of cable over-sheath -b. Check the shrinkage of the cable sheath and joint protection after b. May be 20 cycles are not enough to see
and/or shrinkage of joint outer protection heat cycling of 20 cycles (T: §12.3.6/§12.4.7) or 180 cycles (PQ: the long term behavior of the shrinkage
to be taken into consideration when §133) effect. Long term PQ tests missing in IEC
designing the outer protection 60840 ed3
Base plate 1 -a. Supports the weight of termination and a. Design aspect
Mechanical properties cantilever forces on termination
2 -a. No corrosion of the base plate -a. Examination when making climatic tests a. Design aspect
Chemical properties
3 -a. Withstand AC/DC/Impulse in specially -a. AC/DC and impulse test on screen connection versus base plate a. Design aspect
Base plate insulators bonded systems
Complete 1 -a. No degradation because of interactions -a. Examination of deterioration after completion of the type tests a. Leakage may come up with time in
Overall properties between all components and of (T) §12.3.8/§12.4.10 and short circuit test service and, may be, will not be detected
termination components themselves during long-term development tests. It
-b. Correct sealing and no fluid leakage needs regular inspection or special
protection if no inspection is possible
• Long-term tests could be performed where necessary as development tests when not prescribed in specifications.
See the recommendation from the WG in this report. See table 5-7-1
• A short circuit between conductor and metal screen/shield of the cable system may influence most of the functions described by thermal
effects and mechanical effects (thermal expansion and shrinkage of materials). Adherence of layers/screens is also tested with this test.
Should this lead to an extension of the test series with a type test or a development test? After discussion it was concluded that a short
circuit test should be recommended as a development test
ANNEX 5.5 Tests From Functional Analysis not in IEC
A number of tests are identified in the functional analysis tables, see Annex 5.4, that are
neither in IEC 62067 nor in IEC 60840.
Most of these tests are recommended by the WG as development or quality control tests.
One test, the Long Term Heating Cycling Test, is currently not in IEC 60840 Ed.3. For high
stress designs it is proposed to include such a test as a Prequalification (PQ) test and as an
Extension to Prequalification Test.
Another test (item 24) is considered to be a Sample test, namely the Sample Tests on
accessories in the IEC 62067. They are yet under consideration and should follow the regime
of the IEC 60840 Ed.3.
Electrical sample test on cable insulation for IEC 60840 (item 25) is recommended, see also
Table 5.4.1. It is included in the IEC 62067 and the IEC 60502-2.
Table 5.5.1 Tests from functional analysis not in IEC 60840 or/and IEC 62067 but recommended by WG B1-06.
d) Correct behavior of over-sheath in case of short- d. Check that the sensor is not destroyed by the
circuit on outer screen: influence of temperature or short circuit temperature and the
mechanical effort electromagnetic forces
e) Short circuit test on screen to check thermal e. Short circuit test following the network needs
monitoring sensors if any
f) Short circuit on metal connections (joints and f. Short circuit test following the network needs
terminations): hot spot? (Such a test is part of IEC 6123)
g) Check that here is no degradation of dielectric
function with ageing and during short circuit on outer
protections (over-sheath, outer protection of joints or
h) No degradation of the conductivity of connections
after short circuit tests
2 Sheath voltage test combined with a) Check the shrinkage of the cable sheath versus the a. When making pre-qualification long term test Development test
accessories protection and the absence of water ingress this test is indirectly done if after long term test
long term prequalification test on below the outer protection (can be done without voltage a sheath voltage test is performed
cable application)
b) Check that there is no degradation on outer protections
Test not in IEC 60840 or/and IEC
Item Function and threat/specification Comment Recommendations
3 Long term heat cycling test (not in
IEC 60840) on cable or system
a) Cable conductor chemical properties No corrosion a. If Al conductor avoid: +water
+chemical species (e.g. contaminations,
ingress a. Part of Development Test
when using Al conductor
(With or without voltage application) Solvents)
b) Cable conductor’s interface with insulation and
b. Water penetration may lead to chemical b.. We propose a PQ test
accessories: -Thermal-mechanical expansion/deformation-
degradation of the insulation mainly if the and an EQ test for the high
Avoid water penetration
conductor metal is aluminum stress designs
c) Semi-con interface with insulation: -No degradation of
c. Part of development test
insulation by migration of low molecular species
d. Thermal cycles check mainly the possible
d) Insulation: Stability of dielectric properties with
deformation of the insulation. No thermal or d. We propose a PQ test and an
thermal and electrical ageing
electrical ageing was ever demonstrated under EQ test for the high stress
normal service conditions. Some physical- designs
e) Thermal-mechanical properties of insulation: - chemical parameters presented changes after
Stability of form under the pressure of accessories and pre-qualification tests but they were not e. We propose a PQ test and an
under the pressure of the thermal-mechanical expansion of correlated to any degradation of the dielectric EQ test for the high stress
the conductor properties of the insulation. designs
Microscopic defects may, however, lead to local
degradation. This degradation can be expressed
by a power law
f) Chemical properties of insulation and filling media of f. We propose a PQ test and an
accessories: -Resistance to oxidation and thermal f. Long term test with cable system installed in EQ test for the high stress
degradation of insulation conditions near reality (PQ: 180 cycles designs
§13.2.3): the behavior of the cable system is
g) Interface of insulation with inner and outer semicon correct. It would be wise to make a long term
and accessories: -Compatibility with accessories interfaces cycles test also on new cable systems below 220 g. We propose a PQ test and an
and filling media (joints, terminations) kV at a relatively high value of electrical stress EQ test for the high stress
except if a similar system has been tested for designs
h) Correct connection of screens with accessories higher voltage
screens h. We propose a PQ test and an
(Especially in case of lead or lead alloy sheath: fatigue Presence of water prohibited avoiding EQ test for the high stress dess
problem possible) electrochemical (water) treeing. This can be
avoided by a metal sheath over the cable core
i) Mechanical properties of connections of joints or Long term tests would be useful as a i. Part of development tests
terminations: -Supports the compression and extension development test for new designs on cables or
efforts during cycles from cable conductor accessories in all cases
(Does not allow wrinkling of conductor during heating
cycles) lead behavior at connection (no cracking,)
j) No slipping of joint on cable with pressure from one j. Long term test on system installed in a test j. We propose a PQ test and an
side (prefabricated: composite or pre-molded joint arrangement representative of installation den EQ test for the high stress
Test not in IEC 60840 or/and IEC
Item Function and threat/specification Comment Recommendations
4 Climatic and salt fog tests on outdoor a) Resistance to leakage currents and evacuation Part of
of leakage currents (IEC 61109?), Resistance to UV
terminations on synthetic insulators development test
(mainly on synthetic and composite
5 Cantilever test on termination a) Resistance to mechanical forces from the HV Part of
development test
6 Dielectric test on screen a) Withstand the dielectric constraints (Ac and Part of
disconnections (terminations) development test
7 Dielectric test on base plate a) Withstand the dielectric constraints (Ac and Part of
insulators of terminations development test
8 Measurement of stability of the a) Chemical properties of semi-conductive tapes- a. Can be confirmed by test §12.3.9/ §12.4.11 on Quality control
Stability of electrical resistivity after heat cycles semicon indirectly and its data shall be shown
resistance of semi-conductive tapes by manufacturer if required
on cable
9 Examination of XLPE cable a) Interface of tape over conductor with semicon: - Quality control
Avoid penetration of semi-con into conductor
insulation in hot oil
10 Examination of protrusions and a) Smoothness of interface between semicon and a. Some customers or standards prescribe to Possibly as quality
insulation and cleanness of insulation check on a sample that there are no protrusions,
contaminants on cable voids or contaminants. WG has considered that control
protrusions and contamination examination on a
small sample is less relevant than an electrical
routine test on the entire length of cable
11 Moisture content in inner and outer Some customers ask to check the moisture Possibly as quality
content in the semi-con (<1000ppm content)
extruded semi-conductive layer on Influence on the dielectric behavior of the control
cable insulation system?
12 Grain size measurement on lead a) Evaluate the extrusion quality of the lead to a. To make the right choice of lead: see EN Quality control
have an idea of its fatigue behavior 12548 and EN 50307
sheath on cable
Test not in IEC 60840 or/and IEC
Item Function and threat/specification Comment Recommendations
13 Evaluate Fatigue in case of lead or a) Speed of crystal growth due to heat cycling and a. Possible growth of crystals and fissuring Development test
lead alloy on cable:
vibration -Check in relevant standards dealing with lead where applicable
alloys that the chosen alloy is well adapted to
the application in the field: EN 12548, EN
50307 or equivalent
14 Evaluate Fatigue in case of composite a) Fatigue in case of composite metal foil screen when Development test
installed in non buried conditions Test to be defined
metal screen on cable where applicable
15 Side wall pressure test on cable a) Side wall pressure in case of composite metal foil a. To be defined: sidewall pressure test as Development test
screen recommended CIGRE in ELECTRA 141 (also
future IEC 61901TR) where applicable
Only to be performed if needed for a special
16 Long term thermal cycling test in a) Radial water tightness in case of metal foil or sheath a. Radial water tightness in case of composite Development test
metal foil screen
water on cable where applicable
A technical specification in IEC recommending
a long term test in water (see also CIGRE
recommendations from ELECTRA 141) (also
IEC 61901TR)
17 Mechanical impact on over-sheath a) Check mechanical behavior of over- sheath and metal a. Mechanical impact: see ELECTRA 141(also Development test
screen (mainly if metal foil bonded to over-sheath) IEC 61901TR) for metal foils
18 Accelerated weathering test a) Test of UV behavior of over-sheath material Development test
19 Test on outer protection to check the a) Mechanical behavior of over sheath a. Special tests depending on type of termites Development test
and rodents
resistance to rodents and termites on N.B. There is no international standard dealing where applicable
cable with criteria of these kind of resistance.
20 Heat cycles on connections (joints a) Electrical continuity/electrical resistivity: -Transports a. Use IEC 61238-1 when appropriate: D Development test
nominal current without overheating IEC61238-1 is presently only prescribed
and terminations) for 30 kV connections and below but could
b) Evaluate how currents are distributed when a double be useful for HV connections
screen is applied
c. Can be replaced by calculation if
c) Evaluate heat dissipation in the joint effective method is available
Test not in IEC 60840 or/and IEC
Item Function and threat/specification Comment Recommendations
21 Compatibility test of additives and a) Check whether the additives do not harm the quality
of insulations or semi-con materials of cable and
Development test
filling material with cable and accessories
accessories material
22 PD test on accessories after long term a) Evaluate whether the cycles have, or not, Development test
created a ionizing defect at the interface between
test the cable insulation and the accessories insulation
23 Evaluate heat dissipation in a) Check of temperature drop in the insulation a. Can be replaced by calculation if Development test
during heat cycling Evaluate heat dissipation in effective method is available
accessories either by calculation or the joint
temperature measurement
24 Sample tests on accessories in IEC They are yet in the IEC 60840 ed.3. Thy Sample test
should also be included in the IEC 62067
62067 are currently “under
25 Electrical sample test as a check on In IEC 62067 and IEC 60502-2, but not in IEC Perform a lightning impulse test as soon as Sample test in IEC
60840 the stress level near the inner semicon
the properties of the insulation screen reaches values as in IEC 62067, 60840 on cable
meaning higher than 8 kV/mm sample
ANNEX 5.6 Bibliography
[1] IEC 60840 Ed.1 1998, “Tests for Power Cables with Extruded Insulation of Rated
Voltages above 30 kV (Um= 36 kV) up to 150 kV (Um= 170 kV)”
[2] IEC 60840 Ed.2, February 1999 and Ed.3, April 2004, “Power Cables with extruded
insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 30 kV (Um= 36 kV)) up to 150 kV
(Um= 170 kV) – Test methods and requirements”
[3] ELECTRA 151, December 1993, CIGRE Working Group 21.03 “Recommendations for
electrical tests type, sample and routine, on extruded cables and accessories at voltages >150
(170) kV and ≤ 400 (420) kV”
[4] ELECTRA 151, December 1993, CIGRE Working Group 21.03 “Recommendations for
electrical tests prequalification and development on extruded cables and accessories at
voltages >150 (170) kV and ≤ 400 (420) kV”
[5] CIGRE SC21 Website paper Doc 97.08, 1997, Working Group 21.03 “Recommendations
for electrical tests (type, special and routine) on extruded cables and accessories at voltages
>150 (170) kV and ≤ 500 (525) kV”
[6] CIGRE SC21 Website paper Doc 97.07, 1997, Working Group 21.03 “Recommendations
for electrical tests prequalification and development on extruded cables and accessories at
voltages >150(170) kV and ≤ 500 (525) kV”
[7] IEC 62067 Ed.1, October 2001,” Power Cables with extruded insulation and their
accessories for rated voltages above 150 kV (Um= 170 kV)) up to 500 kV (Um= 550 kV) –
Test methods and requirements”
[8] “Evolution of ac breakdown strength of XLPE HV cable after long term test, and
correlation with physical properties” 4th International Conference on Conduction and
Breakdown in Solid Dielectrics, Sestri Levante, Italia (1992).
J. Bezille, H. Janah, J. Becker and H. Schädlich,
[9] “Evolution of ac and impulse breakdown strength of HV cable after long term test.
Correlation with physical properties” C.E.I.D.P., Arlington, Texas, USA 94, Annual Report,
pp. 582-87 (1994).
J. Bezille, H. Janah, J. Chan and M. D. Hartley,
See also Jicable 95, Versailles, France, paper A.8.3 (pp. 212-14)
[10] "Les limites des études de vieillissement sur le polyéthylène’’, Jicable 95, Versailles,
France, paper B.9.1 (pp. 476-80)
F. Duchateau et al
[12] “Investigation of XLPE insulations after high stress ageing”, Jicable 95, Versailles,
France, paper B.9.4 (pp. 494-99)
H. Schädlich and J. Klass
[13] “AC field ageing of power cables”, Jicable 99, Versailles, France, paper B 3.3 (p405)
J. L. Parpal, P. Mirebeau, D. Coelho, H. Janah, F. Gahungu, J. Cardinaels et D. Meurer
[14] “Assessment under high dielectric field of the long term behaviour of power
polyethylene insulant”, Jicable 99, Versailles, France, paper B 4.2 (pp424-429)
R. Clavreul, M. H. Luton, J. Berdala, H. Janah and P. Laurenson
[15] “Evaluation of modelling of thermo-electric ageing of XLPE insulated power cables: the
ARTEMIS outcome”, Jicable 03, Versailles, France, paper B.7.5 (pp525-530)
C. Laurent and A. Campus
[16] “Electrical Degradation and Breakdown in Polymers”, IEE Materials and Devices Series
9, Peter Peregrinus Ltd, 1992, ISBN 0-86341-196-7
Dissado L.A and Fothergill J.C
[17] ELECTRA 140, February 1992, Working Group 21.09 “Considerations of ageing factors
in extruded insulation cables and accessories”
[18] ELECTRA 139, 1991, Working Group 21-09 “Working Gradient of HV and EHV
Cables with Extruded Insulation and its Effects”
[19] ELECTRA 137, 1991, Working Group 21-10 “Survey of the service performance on HV
AC cable systems”
[20] CIGRE Technical Brochure 89, 1994, Working Group 21.06, “Accessories for HV
extruded cables, types of accessories and terminology”
[21] “Development and Installation of Long-Distance 275-kV XLPE Cable Lines in Japan”,
CIGRE paper 21-102, Paris 1990.
K. Kaminaga, T. Asakura, Y. Ohashi, Y. Mukaiyama
[22] “Prequalification testing of EHV XLPE cable system”; Understanding and Managing
Underground Transmission and Distribution Cables, CEA Workshop, June 10-13, 2001.
Jean-Luc Parpal
[23] “New 400kV XLPE Long Distance Cable Systems, Their First Application of the Power
supply of Berlin” CIGRE paper 21-109, Paris 1998
Henningsen C. H., Muller K. B., Polster K. and Schroth R. G.
[24] “Development of High Stress HV and EHV XLPE Cable Systems”, CIGRE paper 21-
108, Paris 1998
Attwood J. A., Gregory B., Dickenson M., Hampton R.H. and Svoma R.
[25] “Development of a 420 kV XLPE Cable System for the Metropolitan Power Project in
Copenhagen”, CIGRE paper 21-201, Paris 1996
P. Andersen, M. Dam-Andersen, L. Lorensen, O. Kjaer Nielsen, S.H. Poulsen, B.S.Hansen, T.
Tanabe, S. Suzuki,
[26] “State of the Art in EHV XLPE Cable Systems”, Jicable 99, Versailles, France, paper A
2.2 (pp 44-49)
A. Bolza, D. Kunze, S. Norman, S. Pöhler
[27] “Long term test of 500kV XLPE cables and accessories” CIGRE, Paper 21-202, Paris
Kaminaga K., et al
[28] “Prequalification Testing of 345kV Extruded Insulation Cable System” CIGRE paper 21-
101, Paris 1998
Parpal J.L. et al
[30] “Development and Qualification of a new 400 kV Cable System with Integrated Sensors
for Diagnostics”, CIGRE paper 21-103, Paris 1998
G.P. Van der Wijk, E. Pultrum, H.T.F. Geene,
[32] “Design of a new 150 kV cable system for the Belgian electrical network”, Jicable 99,
Versailles, France, paper A.1.5 (pp 25-30)
Couneson/Argaut et al
[33] “150 kV underground links in Belgium: A new technical stage for XLPE insulated
cables”; CIGRE paper 21-101, Paris 2000
Couneson/Becker et al
[34] “Development of factory expanded cold shrinkable joint for HV XLPE cables”; Jicable
03, Versailles, France, paper A.5.1 (pp 148-153)
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