Mace 60035

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DATE: is" January 2008

TIME: 09:45 -11:45


___________________________ ~ J _


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Page 1 of7


Question 1 (a)

With the aid of diagrams explain the terms 'shear lag' and 'effective breadth'

(4 marks)

Explain the difference between the stress-block method and the linear interaction method when design composite beams with partial shear connection.


(6 marks)

(c) The structural Jayout shown in Figure l(a) consists of a composite slab spanning 3.5 metres onto steel beams spanning 14 metres. Shear studs are used to ensure the steel beams act compositely with the composite slab.



I.. 14m ... 1




-£ \~~I \Ol_..&..-.._..z....50mm

1.164mm .1. .1136rrnn

Section through composite slab.

Figure l(a) Floor plan and section through floor slab Characteristic loadings:

Self-weight of floor and steel beams Ceiling, services and raised floor Partitions

Imposed load

Construction load Steel properties Concrete properties

3.0 kN/m2 1.0 kN/m2 1.0 kN/m2 2.5 kN/m2 1.5 kN/m2

py = 275 N/mm2 feu = 30 N/mm2

Page 2 of7


(i) Check the design ofa beam of size 610x229xlOlUB (Sx=2880cm3) at the construction stage.

(3 marks)

(ii) The size of the beam 610x229xlOlUB is shown in Figure 1 (b).

Assuming full shear connection between the beam and floor slab check to see if the beam is adequate at the ultimate limit state.

(8 marks)



~;....__ .r--- ..... L.._----, =i

l 228mm J,



Figure 1 (b) Dimensions of610x229xlOlUB

(iii) The resistance of the shear connection between the steel beam and composite slab (Rq) is limited to 2985kN. Re-design the beam for partial shear connection using the stress block method and check to see ifit is still adequate at the ultimate limit state.

(12 marks)

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Question 2 (a)


Explain why for medium rise medium span multi-storey steel framed buildings, it is preferable to use simple construction rather than continuous construction, but it is the opposite for single storey long span steel framed buildings.

(11 marks) When designing columns for a multi-storey steel framed building, how would you select sizes for columns on the same grid line and why?

(10 marks) Figure 2 shows the light X-bracing arrangement and relevant dimensions for a one storey frame in simple construction. The steel beam and columns may be considered to be rigid members. The steel grade is S275 with a Young's modulus of 205000 N/mm2 and design yield strength of 275 N/mm2. The two bracing members are not connected together where they cross and you may ignore any contribution to strength and stiffness of the structure by the bracing member in compression. The elastic critical load factor of the structure may be

calculated using acr = KHh , where KH is the stiffness of the structure under a


horizontal load at the top, h is the storey height and V Ed the total vertical load on the structure.


(i) calculate the elastic critical load factor for the structure;

(8 marks)

(ii) check whether the bracing members have sufficient resistance under the notional horizontal load.

(4 marks)




Figure 2

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Question 3 (a)



Figure 3(a) shows the dimensions of a composite column cross-section formed by encasing a steel section in concrete. The design strength of steel is fy=275N/mm2 and the design compression strength of concrete is 15 N/mm2. The diameter of the reinforcement bars is 16mm and the design strength of the reinforcement is 400 N/mm2. Evaluate the bending moment and compression capacity of the four key points indicated in figure 3(b) of the bending moment - compression force interaction diagram for the cross-section bending about the Y-Y axis through the centre of the cross-section.

(22 marks) Sketch the stress states of the steel tube and concrete core of a concrete filled circular tubular section under compression approaching failure. Explain what causes these stress states and the implication on design.

(11 marks)



!Units in mm


• C:::==:::;-;:::::%17=.3::::::J 1

._._._.26!t7. 10.3 1

• .... f __ 25_6._3 - ..... f •




Figure 3(a)

Axial load



Bending moment

Figure 3(b)

Page 5 of7


Question 4

The British Standard gives the following equation for calculation of the buckling bending moment resistance of a beam

u, = ±~y +(I+'7)ME -~[My + (1 + 17)MEJ2 -4MyME]



.. ;r2 AEh 1 (LE t J2

in which ME = ( \2 C, 1 + - -.-

2 LE / ry J 20 r. h


and My is the moment to cause first yield of the gross cross-section. 1] is the Perry imperfection parameter, it is 0 when LElr ys40 and 1] = 0.002 V E I r y - 40 C b ) when LElry240.

Furthermore, if the maximum bending moment within the beam span between supports is less than the larger of the two end moments, then

( )2

M1 Ml

C; =1.75-1.05-+0.3 - :::;;2.3

M2 M2


where, Mds the numerically smaller and M2 is the numerically larger of the two bending moments at the ends of the unbraced length. All other symbols have their normal meanings.

The channel section shown in Fig.4(a) is fully built in at end D and simply supported at the end B with torsional restraint only. A concentrated load P is applied through the shear centre via a rigid member which provides full restraint on all rotations at the load point C. The total length of the beam is L]=5m. The bending moment diagram is given in Fig.4(b). If the material yield strength is 280N/mm2, and neglecting local buckling of the section,

(a) Evaluate the second moment of the cross-sectional area about the minor axis y through the centroid and the corresponding radius of gyration r y ••

(b) Calculate My.

(10 marks)

(3 marks) (c) Determine the lateral torsional buckling bending moment resistance and the ultimate load of the beam.

(20 marks) Note: Because of the different boundary conditions at B, C and D, the effective length coefficients for spans Be and CD can be taken as 0.9 and O. 7, respectively.

1 a=O.4L] ~r O.fiL] ~I
(a) beam 20


__ --I---IftJJ.X 150

t ~0168PL'




(b) bending moment diagram

(c) cross section diagram

Fig.4 Propped cantilever of a lipped channel section Page 6 of7


Question 5


The present British Standard gives an explicit formula for calculation of the effective width of a compression member:

bejj =


(G'c $;0.123)

o ;

(lTC > 0.123)


Where 0" cr is the critical stress for elastic buckling of the member and can be simplified to 185000k(i J for steel, in which k is buckling coefficient. a; is the actual compressive stress on the effective compression section and can be safely replaced by the yield stress Ys. However, when the stress varies from compression to tension, as it is usually the case for a web member, the effective compressive stress should not exceed

0" =[1.13-0.0019D ~ Y. ]p ,in which D is the web depth and t is the member

c t 280 y

thickness. The design strength p v can be taken as Ys.

Fig.5 shows a symmetric hat section which acts as a simply supported bending beam with the top element in compression. The yield stress of the material is 266 N/mm2• The dimensions given are to the outside of the section.

(a) Evaluate the reduced section properties and


(b) Estimate the permissible span of the beam if a uniform factored load 2 kN/m is applied.



Fig. 5 Dimension of the cross-section (all dimension units are millimetres)


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