Influence Lines Concepts

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CIV 2101 Theory of Structures I (3 CU)

MalekMeri C
Theory of Structures I

Lecture # 05

Influence Lines
The Concept of the Influence Lines
Construction of IL for SD Beams, Frames and Trusses
Applications of IL

MalekMeri C
The Concept of the IL
 Structures are subjected to;
- Fixed loads (dead load)
- Variable loads (live and environmental loads)- Live loads (either moving or movable loads)
 The concept/ method used in the analysis of structures subjected to moving
loads – Influence lines.
 The concept of Influence lines was initially introduced by E. Winkler in
 Consider a vehicle moving across a bridge, the forces in the members will
vary with position x of the car.
 In the analysis of bridge elements (beams, deck, etc.), the load must be
placed at a position where it causes maximum effect.

MalekMeri C
The Concept of the IL
 In the analysis of bridge elements (beams, deck, etc.), the load must be
placed at a position where it causes maximum effect. This could be
reactions, shear, bending moments or axial forces in the truss members.
Note that; the load position that causes maximum bending moment at a section will not
necessarily cause maximum shear at the same section.
 Solution is to plot of curves that show the individual effect of load on an
element at a certain location of the structure as a unit load moves across the
structure span – This is what is called Influence lines
 The IL method involves 2- steps;
1) Determine position of load that causes maximum response
2) Compute maximum value of the load effect

MalekMeri C
Load Position Causing Max. Effect
 Determined by construction of Influence lines
 Two methods are used;
1) The Equilibrium method
2) Muller Breslau Principle
 Equilibrium method (E.M)
Equilibrium equations are used for constructing the influence lines for; support
reactions, shears and bending moments.
 Procedure for constructing IL for Reactions, Shears and Bending
Moments using E.M
Consider a simply supported beam of span, L(m).
Draw the influence lines for the vertical reactions at A and C and shear and
bending moment at B located a distance, a from the left end of the beam

MalekMeri C
Construction of IL for Reactions
 Construction steps
1. Assume the unit load moves from left end of the beam to right thus the origin
is taken at support A. Direction of traffic

2. Place a unit load at a distance x from the origin, and determine the expression
for the reaction in terms of x by applying an equation of equilibrium or condition.

MalekMeri C
Construction of IL for Reactions
 Construction steps
3. Once step 2 is completed for all the positions of the unit load, plot the
magnitude of the reaction (y-axis) against the position of the unit load (x-axis)

4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all the desired influence lines for reactions have
been determined
 Note
1) For beams with internal hinges or rollers, the unit load must be place on each
rigid part of the structure and an expression for the reaction obtained for each
position of the load.
2) A positive reaction value indicates that the unit load place at that point causes
a reaction in the positive direction.

MalekMeri C
Construction of IL for Shear and Bending Moment
 Construction steps
1. Assume the origin is at left end of the beam that is at support A
2. Place a unit load at position x to the left of the point under consideration and
determine the expressions for shear (or bending moment).

3. Place a unit load at position x to the right of the point under consideration and
determine the expressions for shear (or bending moment).

Equation for shear force and bending moment are thus:

MalekMeri C
Construction of IL for Shear and Bending Moment
 Construction steps
4. Repeat step 2 and 3 until all the desired influence lines for shears and bending
moments have been determined. Draw the SF and BM

 Note
The shear or bending moment is considered positive or negative in accordance
with the beam sign convention.
MalekMeri C
Example 1: IL for Reaction, Shear and Bending
Draw the influence lines for the vertical reaction and the reaction moment at
support A and the shear and bending moment at point B of the Cantilever beam

1) Vertical Reaction, AY at A

b) FBD showing the unit load placed at a distance x

MalekMeri C
Example 1: IL for Reaction, Shear and Bending
Draw the influence lines for the vertical reaction and the reaction moment at
support A and the shear and bending moment at point B of the Cantilever beam

2) Reaction Moment, MA at A

b) FBD showing the unit load placed at a distance x

MalekMeri C
Example 1: IL for Reaction, Shear and Bending
Draw the influence lines for the vertical reaction and the reaction moment at
support A and the shear and bending moment at point B of the Cantilever beam

3) Shear Force, SB at B


b) FBD showing the unit load placed at a distance x

MalekMeri C
Example 1: IL for Reaction, Shear and Bending
Draw the influence lines for the vertical reaction and the reaction moment at
support A and the shear and bending moment at point B of the Cantilever beam

3) Bending Moment, MB at B


b) FBD showing the unit load placed at a distance x

MalekMeri C
Example 2: IL for Reaction, Shear and Bending
Draw the influence lines for the vertical reaction at supports A, C and E, the
shear just to the right of support C and the bending moment at point B of the
beam shown

1) Vertical Reaction, EY at E

b) FBD showing the unit load placed at a distance x

MalekMeri C
Example 2: IL for Reaction, Shear and Bending
Draw the influence lines for the vertical reaction at supports A, C and E, the
shear just to the right of support C and the bending moment at point B of the
beam shown

2) Vertical Reaction, CY at C substituting for EY

b) FBD showing the unit load placed at a distance x

MalekMeri C
Example 2: IL for Reaction, Shear and Bending
Draw the influence lines for the vertical reaction at supports A, C and E, the
shear just to the right of support C and the bending moment at point B of the
beam shown

3) Vertical Reaction, AY at A substituting for EY and CY

b) FBD showing the unit load placed at a distance x

MalekMeri C
Example 2: IL for Reaction, Shear and Bending
Draw the influence lines for the vertical reaction at supports A, C and E, the
shear just to the right of support C and the bending moment at point B of the
beam shown

3) Shear Force, SCR just to the right of C substituting for EY

b) Diagram showing shear just to right of C

MalekMeri C
Example 2: IL for Reaction, Shear and Bending
Draw the influence lines for the vertical reaction at supports A, C and E, the
shear just to the right of support C and the bending moment at point B of the
beam shown

3) Bending Moment, MB at B substituting for AY

b) Diagram showing shear just to right of C

MalekMeri C
Example 3: IL for Reaction, Shear and Bending
Draw the influence lines for the vertical reaction and reaction moment at
supports A

1) Vertical Reaction, AY at A

b) FBD showing the unit load placed at a distance x

MalekMeri C
Example 2: IL for Reaction, Shear and Bending
Draw the influence lines for the vertical reaction and reaction moment at
supports A

1) Reaction Moment, MA at A

b) FBD showing the unit load placed at a distance x

MalekMeri C
Tutorial Problems
1. Draw the influence lines for the vertical reactions at B and D and shear and
bending moments at C and E of the beam shown

2. Draw the influence lines for the vertical reactions at A and E and the reaction
moment at support E of the beam shown

MalekMeri C
Influence Lines for Trusses
 In bridges: primary load-carrying members
 Load path: bridge deck – stringers – floor beams – joints on the bottom chord

MalekMeri C
Influence Lines for Trusses
 The IL ordinate value for each member is obtained by loading each joint along
the deck with a unit load and then use the method of joints or the method of
sections to calculate the force in the member.
 Procedure for constructing IL for Trusses
a) Reactions
 Same procedure as for beams using equilibrium method
b) Truss members
 Each successive joint is loaded with a unit load and calculate the desired
member force using method of sections or joints
 Tabulate the results for each member
 Construct the influence line by plotting the member force and by connecting
the ordinates by a straight line.
Note: If the member force was initially assumed to be tensile in deriving
the equations of the influence line, then a positive ordinate of the influence line
indicates that the unit load applied at that point causes a tensile force in the
member and vice versa.
MalekMeri C
Influence Lines for Trusses - Example
Draw the influence lines for the vertical reactions at A and E; and for axial forces
in members CI;CD; DI; IJ, and FL of the truss

MalekMeri C
Influence Lines for Trusses
IL for Reactions, Ay and Ey
1) Place a unit load a joint B a distance x from support A.

2) Apply equilibrium equations to obtain the reaction functions for Ay and Ey

3) Plot the reaction function against distance x.

MalekMeri C
Influence Lines for Trusses
IL for Axial Force in Member CI
 The forces in members CI is determined by passing an imaginary line through
section aa.

 Place a unit load to the left of C i.e. portion AC, then use force equilibrium
equation to determine the force in CI of the right portion DG

 Place a unit load to the right of C i.e. portion DG, then use force equilibrium
equation to determine the force in CI of the left portion AC

MalekMeri C
Influence Lines for Trusses
 For portion CD, the unit load is placed on the bridge deck between joints C
and D. By geometry the force transmitted by the floor beam (deck) to joint C
is (9-x)/3. Add this force to the equilibrium equation of the portion AC to get
force in CI.

 Construct the influence line for FCI using force functions obtained for portion
AC, CD and DG

MalekMeri C
Influence Lines for Trusses
IL for Axial Force in Member CD
 The expressions for the member force FCD can be determined by considering
the same section aa used for FCI but by applying the moment equilibrium
 Place a unit load to the left of C i.e. portion AC, then use moment equilibrium
equation to determine the force in CD of the right portion DG.

 Place a unit load to the right of C i.e. portion CG, then use moment
equilibrium equation to determine the force in CD of the left portion AC

 Construct the influence line for FCD using force functions obtained for portion
AC and CG

MalekMeri C
Influence Lines for Trusses
IL for Axial Force in Member DI
 The forces in members DI is determined by passing an imaginary line
through section bb.

 Place a unit load to the left of C i.e. portion AC, then use force equilibrium
equation to determine the force in DI of the right portion DG

 Place a unit load to the right of C i.e. portion DG, then use force equilibrium
equation to determine the force in DI of the left portion AC

MalekMeri C
Influence Lines for Trusses
IL for Axial Force in Member DI
 Construct the influence line for FDI using force functions obtained for portion
AC and CG and the ordinates at C and D are connected by a straight line to
complete the influence line

IL for Axial Force in Member DI

 By considering section bb, and by placing the unit load first to the left and
then to the right of joint D, we obtain the following expressions for FIJ

MalekMeri C
Influence Lines for Trusses
IL for Axial Force in Member IJ
 Construct the influence line for FIJ using force functions obtained for portion
AD and DG

IL for Axial Force in Member FL

 Consider the equilibrium of joint F

MalekMeri C
Influence Lines for Trusses
IL for Axial Force in Member FL
 Apply force equilibrium equation to the free body of joint F. We determine
that FFL is zero when the 1-kN load is located at joints A through E and at
joint G and that FFL = 1 kN when the unit load is applied to the joint F.
 The influence for FFL, obtained by connecting these ordinates by straight lines

Note: Since the influence line for FL does not extend over the entire span of the
truss, member FL is referred to as a secondary member.

MalekMeri C
Influence Lines for Trusses
Tutorial Problems
Draw the influence lines for the forces in the members identified by an ‘‘x’’ of
the trusses shown in below. Live loads are transmitted to the bottom chords of
the trusses.

Draw the influence lines for the forces in the members identified by an ‘‘x’’ of
the trusses shown in below. Live loads are transmitted to the top chords of the

MalekMeri C
To be Continued……….

MalekMeri C

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