Concrete Durability Issues Due To Temperature Effects and Aviation Oil Spillage at Military Airbase - A Comprehensive Review

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Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 240–251

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Concrete durability issues due to temperature effects and aviation oil

spillage at military airbase – A comprehensive review
Sukanta Kumer Shill a, Safat Al-Deen a,⇑, Mahmud Ashraf a,b
School of Engineering and Information Technology, The University of New South Wales, Canberra, Australia
School of Engineering, Deakin University, Waurn Ponds Campus, VIC 3216, Australia

h i g h l i g h t s

 A comprehensive review of the existing literature investigating military airfield durability problem is presented.
 The actual degrading mechanism causing this durability problem is discussed.
 Some recommendations for addressing this problem are also presented.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Military airbase pavement concrete, especially parking aprons, are regularly exposed to extremely severe
Received 6 July 2017 circumstances that are not usually experienced by other concrete pavements. Aprons are regularly
Received in revised form 8 November 2017 exposed to hydrocarbons (engine oil, hydraulic fluid, and jet oil), extreme heat shocks, and varied lengths
Accepted 8 November 2017
of repetitive cyclic heat loading. As a result, the rapid development of scaling, damage to the pavement in
the form of thin flat planar pieces that either flake or peel away from the wearing surface of the concrete
pavement, is a regular occurrence on these airbases. This scaling can generate significant amounts of for-
eign object debris (FOD) in the form of released aggregate and poses a grave threat to the safety of both
Airbase concrete pavement
Concrete durability
personnel and assets. Considering this, the paper presents a comprehensive review of the existing liter-
Jet exhaust ature investigating this serious issue raised by the Australian Air Force. In this review, the real environ-
Chemical damage ment and boundary conditions that these airfields are subjected to, which causes rapid scaling, are
Thermal degradation identified. Furthermore, the actual degrading mechanism including the damaging compounds likely to
present in the engine oil, hydraulic fluid and jet oil and their chemical reactions to Portland cement
concrete (PCC) are presented. The study also discusses the influence of strength of concrete, moisture
content, water-cement ratio (w/c) and the permeability of concrete on the durability of the military air-
base concrete. Finally, the authors recommend possible binders, aggregates, and additive materials that
could be suitably used in the military airbase concrete to mitigate the addressed issues.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
2. Military airfield circumstances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
2.1. Characteristics of APUs exhaust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
2.2. Typical exposure of the apron to chemicals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
3. Military airbase concrete degrading mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
3.1. Chemical degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
3.2. Thermal degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
3.3. Alkaline chemical attack hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
3.4. Acid chemical attack hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245

⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Al-Deen).
0950-0618/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.K. Shill et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 240–251 241

4. Other influencing factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246

4.1. Mechanical strength of concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
4.2. Thermal cycles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
4.3. Moisture content and water/cement ratio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
4.4. Permeability of concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
5. Recommended solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
5.1. Types of aggregates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
5.2. Types of binders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
5.3. Types of fibres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
5.4. Types of additives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
6. Conclusions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250

1. Introduction Force (RAAF), scaling alone can classify the pavement as failed,
and scaling can be a severe hindrance to the safe operation of air-
Portland cement concrete (PCC) is a widely used construction craft [7].
material and is widely used in parking aprons and pavements of Originally, most of the jet engines require an external starter
the military airbase around the world. The military airbase con- motor to make the aircraft more self-sustaining. Auxiliary power
crete surfaces, especially aprons are regularly exposed to extre- units (APUs) have subsequently been added to many jet aircraft
mely severe circumstances not often experienced by other to make them more self-sufficient. APUs are essentially small jet
concrete. In addition to the expected dynamic loads of jet fighters, engines that can be used to start the main engine and provide elec-
transport aircraft, and bombers rolling over the surface, these trical and hydraulic power prior to starting the main engine start or
pavements are often exposed to different hydrocarbons (engine providing power during an unexpected engine shut down. In most
oil, hydraulic oil, and jet fuel), extreme heat shocks, and varied aircraft, the APUs exhaust is directed upwards or parallel to the
lengths of repetitive cyclic heat loading. ground surface. However, in the case of the F/A-18s and the B-1,
Typically, concrete is non-combustible and has good fire- the APU exhaust is directed downwards. These downward facing
resistance [1]. However, Mcvay et al. [2] reported that the United APUs exert the exhaust gas on the military airbase concrete at an
States Air Force and Navy have been experiencing concrete dam- angle of 45 °C, and measured surface temperature of concrete is
ages in their airbase due to the effect of high temperature and/or approximately 175 °C [8]. Fig. 1 shows an APU at the bottom of
the effect of the chemical attack by jet fuel, hydraulic oil, and lubri- an F/A-18, which is clearly visible in the centre of the photo.
cants. Moreover, military airbases in Australia have been experi- Fig. 2 shows a scaling on the surface of a military airbase con-
encing concrete scaling damages for over three decades, since crete. In the centre of Fig. 2, an old deep scaling is clearly visible,
F/A-18 jets were purchased and placed into service in 1984 [3]. where aggregates were peeled off from the wearing surface of
Usually, such concrete damage takes place in the form of either the concrete. This kind of damage is a source of FOD, and are
scaling or peeling off aggregate from the wearing surfaces, which observed more frequently in the vicinity of the APUs exhaust
is a regular occurrence on the military airbase concrete. This scal- impinging the concrete. Additionally, a large amount of spilled
ing phenomenon was observed at the parking apron within the engine oil, hydraulic fluid, and vented jet fuel from the aircraft
first six to eighteen months because of cyclic running and mainte- are also found regularly in the same region of pavement where
nance of aircraft on concrete [2]. Scaling developed progressively APUs exhaust impinges concrete. It is also to be noted that the jets
at a shallow depth of 6 mm–13 mm beneath the top surface of con- usually park in roughly the same location every time, causing loca-
crete [2,4]. However, the Department of the Air Force of USA stated lised damage to some areas of aprons.
in their engineering technical letters that scaling damage occurs on Recently, studies on the behaviour of concrete at elevated tem-
the top 25–50 mm of the pavement [5]. This scaling can generate a peratures is a growing topic, which is quite related in airfields con-
significant amount of foreign object debris (FOD) in the form of crete [9–12]. However, military airfields concrete is subjected to
released aggregate and poses a significant threat to the safety of more complicated loading scenarios due to the addition of impact
both aircraft and personnel. FOD of any quantity is not tolerated
in the military airbases as a single piece of loose aggregate entering
into a jet engine could trigger explosion causing significant damage
to loss of assets and personnel [6]. As reported in the airfield pave-
ment maintenance manual (APMM) of the Royal Australian Air

Fig. 1. Underbelly of an F/A-18 with APU featured in the centre of the photo [3]. Fig. 2. Scaling at the top layer of the military airbase concrete.
242 S.K. Shill et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 240–251

Fig. 3. APU’s exhaust impingement zones on the airfield (replotted from [20]).

and eventual passage of jet fuel into concrete. Different studies of concrete, moisture content, water-cement ratio (w/c), perme-
have been carried out on the heat resistant behaviour of concrete ability of concrete on the durability of the airbase concrete. Addi-
subjected to fire at different temperatures. Some of the authors tionally, the authors provide an updated knowledge on the
[13,14] proposed that a high-strength concrete (HSC) or very complete environment and the conditions that the military airfield
high-strength concrete (VHSC) containing polymeric fibres is concrete is subjected to, which cause rapid scaling of the concrete.
appropriate for the military airbase concrete to ensure adequate
durability. Furthermore, Air Force Civil Engineering Centre (AFCEC) 2. Military airfield circumstances
of the Department of Air Force, USA proposed a high-temperature
concrete (HTC) mix that could resist very high temperatures with- 2.1. Characteristics of APUs exhaust
out major spalling. HTC mix is also a PCC mix with expanded slate
or expanded shale, igneous traprock as coarse aggregate with mul- According to the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF), the maxi-
tifilament polypropylene fibres [15]. However, Autelitano et al. mum exhaust temperature of both F/A-18 and B-1 APUs is 669 °C
[16] argued that the thermomechanical spalling occurred in the although there is a significant loss of energy due to dispersion
top 2–5 mm of the pavement surface of the concrete, consequently, and turbulence [20]. However, the surface temperature of concrete
only 25 mm overlay of VHSC on the Normal Strength Concrete is between 93 °C and 177 °C, and the velocity of exhaust gas varies
(NSC) is a viable solution for the construction of vertical landing from 38.6 km/h to 229 km/h. Fig. 3 shows the concrete surface
pad in the military airbase. temperatures and exhausts speeds at the apron level.
In the past, a limited number of studies were carried out by the Malvar & Hironaka [21] explained that the APU of F/A-18 is
US Navy and US Air Force on the durability of the military airbase located at the bottom of the fuselage near the tail section, at about
concrete [5,15,17–19]. However, these studies are limited in many 1.20 m above the ground level. The maximum surface temperature
details and are neither widely published nor conclusively verified. of pavement is about 196 °C with an angle of incidence of 30° with
Additionally, much of these studies focused on either the effects of the vertical, and the maximum velocity of the exhaust gas could
heat or the effects of individual chemical compounds, with only a reach up to 229 km/h. The exhaust gas temperature isotherms on
small number of articles attempting to take a broader combination the pavement surface and the projection of exhaust gasses are
of factors into account. Therefore, the authors aim to review the almost circular showing a gradual reduction in temperature from
existing available literature to make a summary on the actual 196 °C at the centre of the circle to about 93 °C at 762 mm. In addi-
causes of scaling and a probable solution in selecting the binders, tion, McVay et al. (1993) [2] argued that the maximum surface
aggregates, and additives for the military airbase concrete. In light temperature of concrete is between 175 °C and 190 °C for both F/
of this, the study focuses on the effect of F/A-18 and B-1 APU’s A-18 and B-1 aircraft. The maximum single exposure duration is
exhaust temperature and spillage of hydrocarbons in the military approximately 45 min for the F/A-18 and several hours for a B-1
airbase concrete. The study also discusses the influence of strength bomber in standby mode. Furthermore, McVay et al. (1995) [8]
S.K. Shill et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 240–251 243

Min. °C Max. °C Avg. °C Range °C

Point 1 139.4
Line 2 113.8 140.5 128.4 26.7

(a) During engine overcharge. (b) During the continuous heating cycle.
Fig. 4. Thermal image of concrete surface under the F/A-18 APUs exhaust [3].

emphasised that the maximum surface temperature of airbase
175 concrete is about 175 °C subjected to for both F/A-18 and B-1 air-
Temperature (°C)

150 craft. The authors also mentioned that the inclination angle of the
125 exhaust gas is 45 degrees for both F/A-18 and B-1 aircraft. Duane
has illustrated the thermal image of concrete pavement surface is
as shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b) after exposure to two separate F/A-
75 18 APUs [3].
50 According to Duane [3], the maximum surface temperature of
25 the pavement reached under normal operating conditions is no
more than 175 °C. Interestingly the maximum temperature of
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 pavement was observed after the APU went into an overdrive
Time (min) mode during the shutdown sequence, which is obvious from
Fig. 5(a) as a sharp spike is observed near the end of the recorded
(a) Heating profile captured from an SRE patched
data. The F/A-18 and other self-starting jets powered aircraft have
concrete apron. an internally pressurised tank that is used to jump start the main
150 engines and restart the APU during a cold start. The reserve pres-
125 sure tank must be brought to a certain pressure prior to shut-
Temperature (°C)

down to provide enough power for a restart; this occurs when

100 the APU is instructed to shut down. Fig. 5(a) and (b) show the sur-
face heating profile of airbase concrete under F/A-18 APUs exhaust
50 Duane [3] also highlighted that the average initial heating rate
over the first 15 s is over 3 °C/s and approximately 70 °C/min in
25 the first minute. Additionally, Gong [22] also explained that an
APU could heat the surface of the pavement to 150 °C in less than
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 two minutes with a heating rate of 80 °C/min. Use patterns of APUs
Time (min) and their exposure are additional important factors to consider for
(b) Heating profile captured from a weathered water replication of jet engine within a laboratory for further study. In
Australian airbase, the APU does not operate for hours on end, it
covered concrete apron .
operates for an average of 4–5 min, with a range of 2–10 min per
Fig. 5. Surface heating profiles of airbase concrete under F/A-18 APUs exhaust [3]. usage, and is operated an average of twice a day with the majority

Table 1
Breakdown of hydrocarbons likely present on the airbase concrete.

Fluid name Military designation Potentially damaging compounds Concentration%

Engine oil MIL-PRF-23699 Fatty acids, C5-9, tetraesters with pentaerythritol 70–90
Fatty acids, C5-9, hexaesters with dipentaerythritol 5–10
Tris (methylphenyl) phosphate <5
Benzenamine, N-phenyl-, reaction products with 2,4,4-trimethylpentene <5
Jet fuel F-34/AVTUR/ FSI Kerosine (petroleum), hydrodesulphurised 0–100
Kerosine 0–100
Diethylene glycol monomethyl ether 0–0.15
Hydraulic oil MIL-PRF-83282 1-Decene, tetramer, mixed with 1-decene trimer, hydrogenated 60–100
2,20 ,6,60 -tetra-tert-butyl-4,40 -methylenediphenol <10
Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated heavy paraffinic <10
Phenol, isobutylenated, phosphate (3:1) [Triphenyl phosphate > 25%] <10
244 S.K. Shill et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 240–251

(a) New apron after a single maintenance (b) Oil floating on runoff water
Fig. 6. New apron after a single maintenance on a V-22 Osprey at some Australian airbase [3].

of these activations being the start-up of a jet for active service and 3.1. Chemical degradation
not for maintenance. The maximum number of cycles in a day can,
however, be much higher based on operational requirements and Engine oil contains fatty acids, C5-9, tetraesters with pentaery-
could be as high as 10 times a day for touch and go exercises, thritol up to 90% and fatty acids, C5-9, hexaesters with dipentaery-
although this would be uncommon. There are also long periods thritol up to 10%. Similarly, McVay et al. reported that the ester
of rest with no APU usage above any specific apron when planes content in the lubricating oil and hydraulic oil are 95% and 30%,
are away on exercise, deployed or under maintenance in a hanger. respectively [8]. This ester is soluble in normal water in presence
According to Duane [3], from the maintenance life log of the F/A- of heat. When these esters come into contact with water in pres-
180 s of some Australian airbase, the average APU is operated ence of heat, it hydrolyses to carboxylic acid and alcohol. Eq. (1)
approximately 130–140 times per year based on the average of a explains the hydrolysis of the ester.
4-min run cycle.
CH3 COOR0 ðesterÞ þ H2 OðwaterÞ ! CH3 COOHðcarboxylic acidÞ
2.2. Typical exposure of the apron to chemicals 0
þ R OHðalcoholÞ ð1Þ

Oil spillage during maintenance of aircraft on the parking apron Typically, the carboxylic acid is colourless liquid with very
or venting of oil from the aircraft after the main engine starting is a strong odours (pungent smell) and this acid is a weak acid having
common phenomenon and is inevitable in an airbase. Usually, the a pH of around 2–6. Despite being a weak acid, carboxylic acid
military airbase is exposed to three primary chemicals such as behaves like any other acid and can react with soluble and insol-
engine oil (MIL-PRF-23699 or MIL-L-7808), jet fuel (F-34 or simi- uble alkalis and carbonate to form salts and water. Eqs. (2) and
lar) and hydraulic oil (MIL-PRF-83282). Engine oils are saturated (3) presents how the carboxylic acid reacts with alkali and
ester based lubricants, jet fuel is almost hundred percent kerosene, carbonate.
and hydraulic oil is the synthetic hydrocarbon based on
phosphate-esters and is hygroscopic [23]. The chemical breakdown CH3 COOHðcarboxylic acidÞ þ CaðOHÞ2 ðcalcium hydroxideÞ
of the potentially damaging compounds of those oils is presented ! CaðCH3 COOÞ2 ðcalcium saltÞ þ H2 OðwaterÞ ð2Þ
in Table 1.
The carboxylic acid reacts with calcium hydroxide present in
Fig. 6(a) presents a photograph of aprons after a single short
PCC producing calcium salt and water. Additionally, Carboxylic
maintenance on a V-22 engine on some Australian airbase. It can
acid can also react with calcium carbonate present in Portland
be seen that the pavement is saturated by engine oil and this
limestone cement (PLC) concrete producing calcium salts, water,
would be similar to the situation which occurs during on-apron
and carbon dioxide.
maintenance to other aircraft. Emphasis is generally placed on
restoring capability to the aircraft and not on protecting the con-
CH3 COOHðcarboxylic acidÞ þ CaCO3 ðcalcium carbonateÞ
crete below the aircraft, which means small spills or leaks are often
not cleaned up and are allowed to soak into the concrete. Thus, ! CaðCH3 COOÞ2 ðcalcium saltÞ þ H2 O þ CO2 ð3Þ
during each maintenance, the pavement below the aircraft is satu- These calcium salts of fatty acid are soft, soapy materials that
rated quickly by the spilled fluids. As a result, apron concrete gets have the rancid odour, which supports the physical properties of
an abundance of unwanted reactants to allow for possible chemical damaged samples collected by the US Air force [2]. Thus, the pro-
attacks to take place. duced calcium salts in both equations are known as scale in the
Fig. 6(b) shows oil floating on runoff water indicating wastage. military airbase. Moreover, the pace of reaction depends on the
Loss of oil from maintenance is not the only sources of spilled oils. temperature and pH value of cement. Since PCC has a pH value
Older machinery such as older F/A-18s have regular slow leaks greater than 12, and APUs exhaust makes the surface temperature
pouring unwanted engine oils on the surface of aprons. of concrete around 175 °C, therefore, this reaction happens at a
very faster rate on the top cementitious layer of concrete.
3. Military airbase concrete degrading mechanisms Both the engine oil and the hydraulic oil containing phosphate
esters in the form of tris (methylphenyl) phosphate and triphenyl
When the military airbase concrete is exposed to engine oil, phosphate. These compounds help to lubricate steel and reduce
hydraulic fluid and jet fuel in the presence of APUs exhaust tem- wear due to heat and friction. The triphenyl phosphate is a colour-
perature, the durability of concrete might be deteriorated due to less ester (triester) of phosphoric acid and phenol. It is used as a
chemical attack, due to high temperature or most likely the com- flame retardant and plasticizer in hydraulic fluids. Triphenyl phos-
bined effect of heat and chemical attack. phate is biodegradable under anaerobic conditions and soluble in
S.K. Shill et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 240–251 245

water [24,25].These phosphate esters present in both the engine oil presence of moisture in pores of cement is the primary cause of
and hydraulic oil can be formed in phosphoric acid when it comes concrete failure in airbase pavements [29]. Travis & Mobasher
into contact with water at high temperature [26]. Eq. (4) illustrates explained that heat causes micro-cracking in concrete resulting
how phosphoric acid can be formed from phosphate ester. in a decrease in the modulus of elasticity; with lower elastic mod-
ulus, the concrete is more likely to see a failure in tension under
C 18 H15 PO4 ðphosphate esterÞ þ H2 O
mechanical loading [30]. Furthermore, when gypsum and benefi-
T150220 C
 ! C 18 H15 PO4 ðunreacted fluidÞ cial crystal ettringite are decomposed, sulphate reacts with alu-
minum and calcium and start to expand the volume of concrete
þ H3 PO4 ðphosphoric acidÞ þ C 18 H15 OHðalcoholÞ ð4Þ
mass. As a result, micro cracks are developed around the aggregate
In addition to that, a small percent of red phosphorus is also that decreases the elasticity and increases the permeability of con-
added to the engine oil to act as a scavenger for oxygen and water. crete. Finally, if the chemically bonded water starts evaporating
The red phosphorus can be oxidised simply in the air producing due to thermal cycles, that leads to dehydrate the C-S-H gel of
phosphorus pentoxide. Eq. (5) shows the production of phosphorus cement paste, resulting in the decrease of concrete strength expo-
pentoxide. nentially because the cohesive force of C-S-H gel contributes
approximately 50% of the total strength of cement paste.
Pðred phosphorusÞ þ O2 ! P2 O5 ðphosphorus pentoxideÞ ð5Þ Aggregates in concrete also play a vital role in the thermal
The phosphorus pentoxide reacts with water, even though it degradation of the military airbase concrete under the APUs
can react with the moisture in the air, to form phosphoric acid. exhaust temperature. When concrete is exposed to high tempera-
Eq. (6) presents the production of phosphoric acid from phospho- ture, the volume of aggregates also expands according to the ther-
rus pentoxide. mal expansion coefficient of aggregates. Usually, aggregate content
is more than 70% of the mass of a typical mix of concrete. As a
P2 O5 ðphosphorus pentoxideÞ þ H2 O result, the thermal expansion coefficient of a mass concrete
! H3 PO4 ðphosphoric acidÞ ð6Þ increases with the increase of the thermal expansion coefficient
of its aggregate. Consequently, tensile stresses develop around
These phosphoric acids produced from phosphate ester and red the aggregates producing micro-cracks in the cement paste of con-
phosphorus can react with the calcium hydroxide present in PCC crete. Ultimately, the military airbase concrete degrades a lot faster
and react with calcium carbonate present in PLC concrete. Eqs. with increased penetration of hydrocarbons and water.
(7) and (8) show the reaction between phosphoric acid and cal-
cium hydroxide and reaction with calcium carbonate, respectively. 3.3. Alkaline chemical attack hypothesis
H3 PO4 þ CaðOHÞ2 ! Ca3 ðPO4 Þ2 ðcalcium phosphateÞ þ H2 O ð7Þ
McVay et al. [2] tested a set of 152 mm thick concrete slabs with
H3 PO4 þ CaCO3 ! Ca3 ðPO4 Þ2 ðcalcium phosphateÞ þ CO2 þ H2 O 910 mm diameter in the laboratory by applying cyclic heating to
samples that were exposed to equal parts of lubricating oil (MIL-
L-7808) and hydraulic fluid (MIL-H-83282). Another set of samples
The phosphate esters and the red phosphorus could be decom- were kept dry as control samples. Both sets of samples were heated
posed in water and air oxidation in presence of heat producing for three hours a day to a temperature of 176 °C every day except
phosphoric acid. These phosphoric acids can attack the PCC and weekends; the samples exposed to the fluids all showed scaling
produce calcium phosphate within the top cementitious layer, within four weeks of the experiment beginning, whereas the set
resulting in a soft, spongy material also known as scale. Therefore, of dry samples showed no scaling after the same exposure to cyclic
when the scale is being developed in the top cementitious layer of heating. X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared Spec-
concrete, the top layer of concrete becomes more brittle and troscopy (FTIR) analysis and Gas Chromatography/ Mass Spectrom-
reduces the elasticity of concrete. As a result, aggregates or plate- etry were conducted on the scaled samples by McVay et al. to
like pieces peel off from the top layer of the concrete due to identify the type of chemical attack. The authors proposed that
mechanical abrasion that contributes to a significant amount of the alkaline calcium hydroxides were reacting with the esters pre-
FOD in the military airbase. sent in the lubricants to form calcium salts and alcohols [2]. This
process is called saponification and can occur when oils are
3.2. Thermal degradation brought into contact with concrete. As a general rule, the hydroly-
sis doubles its rate for every 10 °C increase, and this causes a rapid
When the airbase concrete is exposed to APUs exhaust temper- acceleration in damage within the heat impinged zones.
ature, the free water evaporates in the range of 30–105 °C, gypsum However, not all research supports the alkaline reaction as a
and ettringite are decomposed in the range of 110–170 °C and the major contributor to the chemical attack on the pavement. Novin-
C-S-H gel dehydration occurs at 180 °C [27]. Moreover, PCC starts son has reported that chemical analysis strongly supports the acid
to lose its chemically bonded water at around 121 °C and the high- attack theory; phosphoric acid causes the scaling damage in the
est rate of dehydration occurs at around 177 °C [15]. Further, Hager military airbase [6]. Thus, there is a contradictory theory in chem-
argues that the structure of Portland cement paste damages par- ical attack of the military airfield concrete. This indicates the lack
tially due to dehydration at a temperature of 105 °C [28]. of knowledge of the actual process of scaling damage. Therefore,
Often vapour pressures in the pore of saturated or partially sat- the additional chemical analysis is necessary to increase the under-
urated dense concrete are detrimental because water vapour can- standing regarding the scaling damage of airfield concrete.
not be relieved fast enough during the heating phase. Eventually,
vapour pressure is sufficient to cause tensile cracks in PCC because 3.4. Acid chemical attack hypothesis
concrete temperature beneath an F/A-18 reaches 140 °C in about 2
min. Furthermore, excessive use of pozzolanic materials in cement Novinson [6] proposed the possibility of the phosphoric acid
such as silica fume minimizes the porosity and permeability of attack on the military airbase concrete caused by the presence of
concrete. Consequently, the low porosity and permeability of con- tricresyl orthophosphate in the engine oil (MIL-L-23699). Further-
crete matrix amplify the build-up of high pore vapour pressure as a more, it is noteworthy that there is also a source of phosphate
result of water evaporation [27]. Moreover, Kodres concluded that within the hydraulic fluid, which could also contribute to damages
246 S.K. Shill et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 240–251

350 HSC 1 6

Splitting tensile strength (MPa)

Compressive strength [MPa]

300 NSC 1

250 SPRC 2 SCC-P

200 NSC 2
150 DS-series
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature [ 0 C] Temperature (°C)

Fig. 7. Compressive strength of concrete at high temperature. adapted from Fig. 9. Residual splitting tensile strength of concrete (replotted from Khaliq &
[13,27,32–36] Kodur) [38].

in concrete. The author did not conduct any laboratory experi- strength concrete (NSC) because of the low permeability of HSC
ments on controlled concrete samples but he did analyse field sam- and VHSC. However, Fig. 7 shows that the compressive strength
ples collected from an airbase parking apron. Several methods of NSC increases with the increase of temperature up to 100 °C.
were used to source evidence of the chemical attack including elec- Beyond 100 °C, the rate of decrease of compressive strength of
tron scanning chemical analysis (ESCA), Fourier Transform Infrared NSC up to 200 °C is marginal, and the residual strength of NSC at
Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis and gas chromatography/mass spec- 200 °C retains about 90% of the original unheated strength [32].
trometry analysis. The evidence collected in these analyses did Beyond 200 °C, the rate of loss of compressive strength of NSC
support the acid attack hypothesis. Further, Way & Wille identified increases highly with temperature. Moreover, Fig. 7 also shows
that a small amount of red phosphorus is added to the engine oil to that the compressive strength of HSC and VHSC increases with
act as a scavenger for oxygen and water [27]. Moreover, phospho- the increase of temperature up to 300 °C. Beyond 300 °C, the com-
rus oxidizes to phosphorus oxides that produce phosphorous and pressive strength decreases drastically with the increase of tem-
phosphoric acids, which readily attacks concrete and produces cal- perature up to 800 °C. Beyond 800 °C, most concrete types
cium phosphate resulting in the soft, spongy material known as almost lose their compressive strength.
scale. According to Cheng et al. [37], HSC loses a significant amount of
strength beyond 400 °C and at 800 °C the strength loss is about
4. Other influencing factors 75%. The rate of change of mechanical properties of concrete in
the temperature range of 100–400 °C is marginal. Way & Wille pre-
Many other factors including the mechanical properties of con- sented that the compressive strength of VHSC increases around
crete, thermal cycles, moisture content, water-cement ratio and 70–90% of its peak strength up to a temperature of 200 °C [27]. Fur-
the permeability of concrete influence the durability of the military ther, beyond 200 °C temperature, the change in the strength of
airbase concrete. VHSC is marginal up to 500 °C.
It is widely accepted that concrete strains increase with the
increase of temperature. Although, Fig. 8 shows that the peak
4.1. Mechanical strength of concrete strain below 200 °C is approximately equal to the original
unheated value for most concrete types. Above 200 °C, the peak
The strength of the concrete decreases with temperature and strain increases rapidly with the increase in temperature.
higher heating rates leading to the possibility of higher spalling The splitting cylinder strength of concrete plays a very impor-
in concrete [31]. Additionally, the possibility of temperature tant role in cracking mechanism of concrete at high temperature.
induced spalling of high strength concrete (HSC) and very high Concrete with higher splitting cylinder strength tend to show
strength concrete (VHSC) is significantly greater than the normal higher resistance to thermal cracks at elevated temperature.
Fig. 9 shows that the splitting tensile strength of concrete
decreases with the temperature. Khaliq & Kodur [38] investigated
0.05 that the rate of decrease of splitting tensile strength is steady
Chang et al. 2006
and almost linear up to a temperature of 400 °C; beyond 400 °C,
Zheng et al. 2012 At 200 0 C
µstrain = 0.0042 the rate of reduction of that is very sharp up to a temperature of
0.04 Zheng et al. 2012
Anagnostopoulos et al.2009
COVstrain = 0.3 800 °C. This severe reduction beyond 400 °C could be due to of
Way & Wille 2016 the formation of extreme micro and macro cracks because of
0.03 excessive vapour pressure and thermal incompatibility of concrete.

Way & Wille 2016

Yong et al 2009 Ma et al. [39] argued that the splitting cylinder strength of con-
Junaid et al. 2014 crete decreases at an almost linear rate with the temperature.
Zheng et al. 2012
However, splitting cylinder strength of concrete decreases at a
higher rate beyond 400 °C when compared against that under
400 °C.
In summary, the military airbase concrete surface temperature
0 is not more than 175 °C when it is exposed to APUs exhaust of both
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Temperature [0C] F/A-18 and B-1. The rate of decrease of mechanical strength for
most concrete types within that temperature is marginal. In reality,
Fig. 8. Residual strain of concrete at high temperature. adapted from [13,27,32–36] the mechanical strength of HSC and VHSC increases when they are
S.K. Shill et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 240–251 247

exposed to a temperature below 200 °C. However, the rate of heat- the pavement and apron concrete are often fully saturated by
ing and cyclic heating may play vital roles in increasing the ther- moisture during the rainy season. This moisture increases vapour
mal degradation of military airbase concrete. pressure at high temperature and helps to increase the thermal
conductivity of concrete when exposed to APUs exhaust. Thus,
4.2. Thermal cycles higher moisture content and lower w/c ratio could be detrimental
at high temperature.
The military airbase concrete in the Nordic countries and in dif-
ferent areas of the United States are often subjected to freeze and 4.4. Permeability of concrete
thaw cycles, which causes serious issues with durability. Cyclic
freeze and thaw loadings can also cause scaling of the concrete sur- The permeability of concrete plays an important role when it is
face in military airbase pavements and aprons, bridge deck, con- exposed to hydrocarbons under the APUs exhaust temperature in
crete dams and road pavements due to the large open surface the military airbase. Usually, the permeability of concrete depends
area at cold climates. The freezing of capillary water inside the highly on the pore structure of concrete and high strength concrete
pore structure of concrete can expand the volume of concrete by (HSC) generally possesses lesser permeability than normal
about 9%. This expansion of the volume of water produces huge strength concrete (NSC). However, it is believed that the surface
pressure in the capillaries and pores of the concrete. When the scaling of concrete occurs due to chemical spillage in the military
intensity of that pressure exceeds the tensile strength of concrete, airbase, and APUs exhaust temperature acts as a catalyst and accel-
cracks are formed in concrete. Further, salts are regularly applied erates the pace of chemical reaction. Additionally, APUs exhaust
for deicing concrete in cold climates that also degrade the cement heat increases the permeability of concrete by producing the ther-
paste and the quality of aggregates. In this way, the combined mal cracks in concrete. Moreover, the permeability coefficient of
effect of cyclic freeze-thaw and degradation of cement gel and concrete increases with the increase of temperature [50]. The
aggregates due to deicing salts can cause scaling of concrete. Sev- increased permeability of concrete allows more hydrocarbons
eral studies are available in the literature to explain the actual fail- repeatedly into the interface of concrete. As a result, the cement
ure mechanism of concrete under a freeze and thaw loads, such as paste quality of hardened concrete gets deteriorated due to chem-
the hydraulic pressure [40], the osmotic pressure [41] and the ical attack. In brief, the military airbase concrete should have low
micro-ice-lens model [42]. Thus, the damage to concrete occurred permeability to suppress chemical interactions.
in terms of surface scaling and/or sometimes complete disintegra-
tion as layers of ice are formed due to the cyclic effect of freezing-
thawing loads. This damage starts from the surface of concrete and 5. Recommended solutions
gradually extends inwards beneath the surface [43]. In brief, to
develop a durable concrete mix for the military airbase, freezing The current practices to the scaling of the military airbase con-
and thawing effect must be considered in the analysis and design crete are to cut out the degraded concrete and to replace it with an
of experiments. expensive sand and semi-rigid epoxy (SRE) patch that is designed
for small spalls. This process, however, is reported to be extremely
4.3. Moisture content and water/cement ratio costly to replace up to 2–3 m2 [3]. Little to no improvements have
been made over the last 25 years to the resistance of concrete
Moisture content generally influences the spalling process of aprons to hydrocarbons. Therefore, the authors have put forward
concrete at high temperatures. It is widely accepted that the possi- some recommendations in the following sections regarding select-
bility and the extent of spalling of concrete increase with the mois- ing suitable aggregates, binders, fibres and additives to ensure the
ture content. Higher the moisture content in concrete higher the durability of the concrete mix used in the military airbase.
vapour pressure at high temperature. Additionally, moisture con-
tent increases the thermal conductivity of concrete. Since the ther- 5.1. Types of aggregates
mal conductivity of water is 25 times greater than air, when pores
of concrete are partially filled by moisture or fully saturated by The type of aggregate plays a vital role in the thermal degrada-
water, the concrete must have greater thermal conductivity. tion process of the military airbase concrete. Many research papers
Water/cement (w/c) ratio also has a major influence on the in the literature deal with the effect of aggregates on the mechan-
spalling process of concrete. According to Chan et al., the rate of ical properties of concrete at elevated temperatures [51–62]. How-
loss of residual compressive strength is higher with higher w/c ever, very few research articles and US Navy’s technical data sheet
ratio of concrete [44]. Phan et al. argued that the loss of both com- explain the influence of coarse aggregates on the observed scaling
pressive strength and modulus of elasticity of concrete are higher of airbase concrete [4,15,18]. The expanded shale aggregate of 9.5
with higher w/c ratio at high temperature [45]. Moreover, similar mm was reported to be the best option as a coarse aggregate for
results have been found for compressive strength of concrete con- airbase concrete [4]. Limestone aggregates are more favourable
taining different filler materials at high temperature [46–48]. at a higher temperature than the siliceous aggregates because of
Lightweight concrete also showed similar results when concrete their lower thermal expansion coefficient [63]. Further, concrete
with different w/c ratio were exposed to high temperature [49]. containing limestone aggregates could be used in applications
However, Phan et al. investigated that spalling of concrete occurred involving high temperatures [64]. Carbonate stones like limestone
at lower w/c ratio of 0.22 when exposed to 450 °C, whereas, con- and dolomite are stable up to 600 °C [28]. The Department of the
crete with w/c ratio of 0.33 was undamaged at that temperature Air Force of the USA reported that the high-temperature concrete
[45]. Therefore, it can be stated that low w/c ratio is more prone (HTC) mixtures are unique for airbase concrete when landing and
to spalling than high w/c ratio as the rate of gain of vapour pres- take–off operation applies temperature at the surface of the con-
sure in concrete at a higher temperature would become faster in crete from 482 to 926 °C [15]. HTC mix must be made of 100%
the case of dense concrete. expanded or approved traprock aggregates, where coarse aggre-
Usually, different sizes of water basins are found in and around gate and fine aggregate should originate from the same material
the airbases to protect the pavements and aprons from waterlog- but with different grading. However, expanded clay aggregate is
ging due to rainfall. Thus, the water table is located close to pave- not allowed because of their insufficient durability for the airfield
ment surface in the airbase during the rainy season. Consequently, concrete environment. HTC mixes are typically less workable due
248 S.K. Shill et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 240–251

to larger surface area and angularity of aggregates used in HTC mix. strength, flexural strength, splitting tensile strength and modulus
Aggregates should be, in general, heat resistant for the construc- of elasticity after exposure to higher temperature. As stated in
tion of durable military airbase concrete. In summary, it can be sta- the experimental works of Gao et al. [75], the addition of 2% steel
ted that the expanded shale, expanded slate, traprock aggregates fibres in concrete can increase the splitting strength of concrete by
and limestone aggregates might be the best aggregates for the con- 42.6% at ambient temperature and also can increase the residual
struction of military airbase as they offer lower thermal expansion splitting strength of concrete by 36.1% after exposure to 400 °C
coefficient than other silicious aggregates. temperature. The size of steel fibres also play an important role
on the residual mechanical properties of concrete at elevated tem-
5.2. Types of binders perature. Smaller size of the steel fibres enhances the residual
strengths of concrete at elevated temperature [76]. Further, the
McVay et al. [2] stated that the rate of chemical attacks in the presence of steel fibres in concrete marginally improves the spal-
military airbase concrete depends on the pH value of cement. ling resistance of concrete at high temperature [9]. However, due
Higher or lower the pH of cement, faster the pace of the chemical to high thermal conductivity of steel fibres, it can spread out the
degradation process. Usually, PCC has a pH value greater than 12, heat more consistently in steel fibres reinforced concrete. As a
and hence, the authors envisage that neutral pH cement such as result, steel fibres can moderate the propensity of cracks develop-
aluminum and/or magnesium phosphate cement could be consid- ment caused by thermal gradients in concrete [52,75,77].
ered as a suitable option for the military airbase pavements and The addition of polypropylene fibres can increase the significant
aprons. As reported in the experimental works of McVay et al. amount of residual flexural strength and splitting strength of con-
[8], the ordinary Portland cement (OPC) lost 55% and 17% of the crete even after exposure to high temperatures [75]. However, the
strength only after seven days when it was exposed to heat and influence of polypropylene fibres on the compressive strength of
lubricating oils, heat and hydraulic fluids, respectively. Further- concrete at higher temperature is not significant because of its
more, Hironaka & Malvar [4] recommended magnesium ammo- lower melting temperature of 170 °C. Concrete with polypropylene
nium phosphate cement for the military airbase concrete. fibres have a better resistance to the thermal spalling at high tem-
In the current study, the authors suggest geopolymers as bind- perature than concrete without fibres [33,58,78–81]. Polypropy-
ing materials for the repairing and construction of military airbase lene fibres increase the permeability of concrete at least three to
concrete. Geopolymers are one kind of civil engineering binding four times when the concrete with polypropylene fibres is exposed
materials which are manufactured by activating of solid alumi- to a temperature of lower than 140 °C, with a decreasing rate for
nosilicate material with highly alkaline solution. Usually, Geopoly- increasing temperature [82]. Furthermore, 0.1–0.5% of polypropy-
mer materials are based on the class-F fly ash (FA) and contain very lene fibres by volume of mix is suggested to achieve better perfor-
low percentage of calcium oxide. A typical mix of geopolymer con- mance of concrete at high temperatures [75,83,84]. However, a few
crete contains fine aggregates, coarse aggregates, FA, sodium authors recommended that the required amount of polypropylene
hydroxide and sodium silicate. The geopolymer concrete has supe- fibres in concrete to minimize the spalling is 0.05–0.2% by volume
rior acid resistance [65,66], spalling resistance and heat-resisting [81,82,85–88]. Moreover, the length of fibres also plays a signifi-
capacity than PCC due to their low differential gradients and ther- cant role on the performance of concrete. From the availability
mal incompatibility between the geopolymer paste and aggregates point of view, normally 10–20 mm long polypropylene fibres of
[67]. However, the geopolymer materials prepared using metakao- the diameter of 50–200 mm are used for preventing spalling of con-
lin shows better durability and heat-resistant properties than crete. As reported in the experimental works of Heo, the long
geopolymer materials prepared using FA [66]. length of polypropylene fibres is beneficial on the spalling protec-
The authors also suggest polymer-modified concrete (PMC) or tion process of concrete at high temperature [79]. Further, Kalifa
polymer modified mortar (PMM) for repairing and construction et al. observed that a dose of polypropylene fibres of 2 kg/m3 with
of the military airbase concrete. In the case of PMC/PMM, the bind- a fibre length of 20 mm is very effective to reduce thermal spalling
ing materials are polymers preferably acrylic latex, epoxy resin, of HPC up to 100 MPa [89]. Moreover, the polypropylene fibres
polyester resin and any hydraulic cement. Usually, in the PMC/ have a better thermal spalling resistance than the steel fibres
PMM, the polymer to cement ratio is 0.10–0.20 by weight of because high vapour pressure is the main reason of thermal spal-
cement [68]. PMC and PMM are primarily preferred for thin coat- ling of concrete at high temperature [52]. Finally, the mixing
ings and patching for concrete restoration as well as an overlay sequence of polypropylene fibres also has an influence on the spal-
on the surface of the degraded concrete [68,69]. In addition, ling resistance of concrete. Spalling resistance increases effectively
PMM or PMC patches are commonly used particularly in situations when polypropylene fibres of 0.2% (by volume of concrete) are
where the concrete surfaces are exposed to aggressive chemicals mixed with fresh concrete or fine aggregates [90]. However, the
such as heavy duty industrial floor, parking decks and marine addition of polypropylene fibre in the military airbase concrete
decks [68,70]. Addition of polymer in hydraulic cement concrete might not produce a good result because it could significantly
improves tensile strength, flexural strength, impact strength, abra- increase the permeability of concrete under the APUs exhaust of
sion resistance, resistance to permeability, chemical resistance and both F/A-18 and B-1 aircraft.
adhesion of hydraulic cement mortar [68,69,71–73]. Finally, PMC/
PMM has low pH value and has a greater resistance to acid and 5.4. Types of additives
base at elevated temperature [74].
The most commonly used mineral additives in the concrete are
5.3. Types of fibres silica fume (SF), fly ash (FA) and blast furnace slag (BFS). However,
application of sodium silicate in the ordinary concrete pavement
A limited number of studies were carried out on the effect of dramatically improves the ability of concrete to resist the damage
fibres in the military airbase concrete however, considerable up to a temperature of 260 °C [18]. In addition, the concrete made
research was carried out to study the effect of fibre on the mechan- with limestone fillers have better performance because this con-
ical properties of different types of concrete at high temperature. crete maintains a high percentage of residual strength after
The most commonly used fibres in concrete are steel fibres and exposed to high temperature [34].
polypropylene fibres. Generally, the addition of steel fibres in con- SF is the by-product of the silicon and ferrosilicon industry. SF is
crete can improve a significant amount of the residual compressive actually known as pozzolanic admixture that is effective in
S.K. Shill et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 240–251 249

enhancing the mechanical properties of concrete. SF contains [104–108]. Thus, FA might be used effectively in the military air-
extremely fine particles; the particle size of SF is finer than 1 mm. base of non-Nordic countries at an optimum dose of 30% (by
The addition of SF in concrete increases the compressive strength, weight) as this addition will reduce the permeability of concrete,
tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, durability, toughness and the resistance to salt scaling and the thermal conductivity of con-
abrasion resistance. On the other hand, SF reduces the permeability crete, whilst could enhance the durability of concrete at high
of concrete due to very fine particle size. Furthermore, SF decreases temperature.
the thermal conductivity and density of concrete. Demirboğa
reported that 10% replacement (by weight) of Portland cement
by SF decreases the thermal conductivity of mortar up to 40% 6. Conclusions
[91], and SF is more effective in reducing the thermal conductivity
of concrete than FA and BFS. The dose of SF in HSC has a remark- Based on the aforementioned review of all available relevant lit-
able influence on the mechanical properties of concrete at high erature, the following conclusions can be drawn:
temperature. Hertz [92] proposed that 10% replacement of Port-
land cement by SF is the upper limit to reduce the thermal spalling  The maximum surface temperature of a military airbase con-
of concrete. Further, the concrete containing 10% SF performs bet- crete pavement is not more than 175 °C under normal operating
ter than OPC at 100–200 °C, but significant strength loss is conditions of F/A-18s, B-1s, and V-22 Ospreys. The average ini-
observed at 300 °C temperature when compared to that of OPC tial heating rate of F/A-18 over the first 15 s is over 3 °C/s and
[93]. Behnood & Ziari [94] argued that the effect of dose of SF in approximately 70 °C/min during the first minute.
the residual compressive strength of concrete is not significant at  When concrete is exposed to APUs exhaust, free water on the
the temperature of 100–200 °C. Beyond 300 °C, the dose of SF sig- top surface of concrete evaporates at 30–105 °C temperature
nificantly affects the residual compressive strength of concrete. range, and consequently builds up significant vapour pressure
The authors suggested an optimum dose of SF in HSC is 6% (by in concrete pores. Vapour pressures in the pores of saturated
weight) at high temperature to reduce the adverse effects of SF. dense concrete are detrimental and eventually cause tensile
Sørensen [95] proposed that drying and rewetting of concrete prior cracks in concrete because the surface temperature of concrete
to freezing and thawing has a major influence on the scaling pro- beneath an F/A-18 can reach up to 140 °C within 2 min.
cess of conventional concrete, whereas concrete with SF remains  Gypsum and ettringite are decomposed in the range of 110–
relatively unaffected. Moreover, Hooton [96] investigated the frost 170 °C. This causes sulphate to react with aluminum and cal-
resistance of concrete containing 10% of SF by mass of cement. The cium triggering expansion of the volume of concrete mass.
result yields that PCC failed after 58 cycles of freezing and thawing, Hence, micro-cracks develop around aggregates, which are
while concrete containing 10% of SF had a durability factor of 97.5% responsible for an eventual decrease in elasticity and increase
even after 300 cycles of freezing and thawing. Johnston [97] in permeability of concrete allowing more chemical spillage
reported that the concrete containing 10 and 15% of SF with a max- within the concrete mass.
imum water binder ratio of 0.45, has an acceptable resistance to  Engine oil contains fatty acids, C5-9, tetraesters with pentaery-
salt scaling. In brief, silica fume can be used effectively in the mil- thritol up to 90% and fatty acids, C5-9, hexaesters with dipen-
itary airbase concrete at an optimum dose of 6% (by weight), taerythritol up to 10%. These esters of fatty acid easily
because SF reduces the thermal conductivity of concrete, increases hydrolyses to carboxylic acid and alcohol. The carboxylic acid
the mechanical strength of concrete, increases the resistance to salt reacts with calcium hydroxide, and calcium carbonate present
scaling, as well as reduces the permeability of concrete. in PCC produces calcium salt. These calcium salts of fatty acid
Fly ash (FA) is another type of additive frequently used for con- are soft, soapy materials that have a rancid odour, and are
crete, which is the most available supplementary cementitious known as scale in military airbase concrete.
materials for concrete. FA is a by-product obtained from coal burnt  Both engine oil and hydraulic oil contain phosphate esters in
power stations. FA particles are generally spherical in shape, and the form of tri (methylphenyl) phosphate and triphenyl phos-
size of FA ranges from 1 to 100 mm [98]. The addition of FA in con- phate. In addition, a small percentage of red phosphorus is also
crete has many benefits to fresh concrete. FA increases workability, added in engine oil. These phosphate esters and the red phos-
decreases the water demand and reduces the heat of hydration of phorus could be decomposed in water and air in the presence
fresh concrete. Another important advantage of FA is it reacts with of heat producing phosphoric acid. These phosphoric acids can
available lime and alkali in concrete leading to produce more attack the PCC and can produce calcium phosphate in the top
cementitious compounds. FA reduces the permeability of hardened cementitious layer, resulting in a soft, spongy material also
concrete and increases the durability of concrete. Moreover, FA known as scale.
reduces the probability of sulphate attack of concrete because it  When the scale is being developed in the top cementitious layer
consumes the free lime of cement. Sotiriadis et al. [99] argued that of concrete, the top layer of concrete becomes more brittle and
FA is the most effective mineral additive for improving the sul- loses its elasticity. As a result, aggregates or plate-like pieces
phate resistance of limestone concrete. However, concrete contain- peel off from the top layer of concrete due to colloquial mechan-
ing FA hardens slowly and reduces the early gain of compressive ical abrasion.
strength [100–102]. Since, the thermal conductivity of concrete  Geopolymer concrete is deemed suitable for military airbase
increases with cement content, 20% of FA replacement by weight because of their superior acid resistance and heat-resisting
of Portland cement can decrease the thermal conductivity of mor- capacity than PCC. Polymer-modified concrete is also recom-
tar up to 33% [91]. Based on their experimental works, Tanyildizi & mended to be used in military airbase because it has lower
Coskun [103] reported that FA increases the resistance of concrete pH value, higher flexural strength and has a greater resistance
against high temperature as it contributes interfacial properties by to both acids and bases at elevated temperatures.
the pozzolanic effects. The authors also observed that the highest  Silica fume can be used effectively as mineral additives in mil-
values for compressive strength and splitting strength are obtained itary airbase concrete at an optimum dose of 6% (by weight)
at 30% replacement of Portland cement by FA [103]. Nevertheless, as it reduces the thermal conductivity and the permeability of
the excessive use of FA in concrete leads to bleeding of FA, and concrete. SF also increases the mechanical strength of concrete
hence reduces the resistance to salt scaling [104]. Addition of FA up to 200 °C in addition to increasing the resistance to salt
in concrete also diminishes the resistance to salt scaling scaling.
250 S.K. Shill et al. / Construction and Building Materials 160 (2018) 240–251

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