Fire Alarm Systems - FLM I 420 S Short Circuit Isolator
Fire Alarm Systems - FLM I 420 S Short Circuit Isolator
Fire Alarm Systems - FLM I 420 S Short Circuit Isolator
System Overview
• Flexible network structures including T‑tapping
without additional elements
• Up to 254 LSN-improved elements per loop or stub
• Unshielded cable can be used
Address switch (rotary switch)
The address of the Short Circuit Isolator is set using the
rotary switches.
The following settings are possible:
a- b2+ N/A N/A N/A
with manual addressing
CL 0 0 Loop/stub in classic LSN mode
The Short Circuit Isolator isolates alarm zones in which a
Description Connector short circuit has occurred. The following illustrations
b1+ / a- / b2+ LSN show typical configurations of the isolator module.
N/A (3 x) free terminals, e.g. for looping through ext. auxiliary volt-
age and for shielding
2 | FLM‑I 420‑S Short Circuit Isolator
Wiring example: Isolation of separate floors • The surface-mounted housing has two cable ducts on
opposite sides:
- 2 x 2 pre-punched for diameter up to 21 mm/to
34 mm (for conduits)
FLM-I 420-S - 2 x 4 rubber bushes for inserting cables with
diameters of up to 8 mm.
• In addition, there are cable ducts on the base of the
surface-mounted housing:
III - 1 x pre-punched cable ducts for diameter up to
21 mm (for conduits)
- 2 x 4 rubber bushes for inserting cables with
diameters of up to 8 mm.
FLM-I 420-S
• Connectable to the fire panels FPA‑5000 Modular and
FPA‑1200 with LSN technology improved version.
II Parts Included
Qty. Components
1 Short Circuit Isolator with surface-mounted housing.
FLM-I 420-S
1 DIN rail adapter
Environmental conditions
Ordering Information
FLM‑I 420‑S Short Circuit Isolator FLM-I 420-S
for the isolation of alarm zones in which a
short circuit has occurred.
FLM‑IFB126‑S Surface-mounted Housing FLM-IFB126-S
as retainer for the interface modules ser-
ies 420 type DIN rail (-D) or spare housing for
type surface-mount (-S)
4 | FLM‑I 420‑S Short Circuit Isolator
© Bosch Security Systems Inc. 2010 | Data subject to change without notice
T1868129547 | Cur: en-US, V7, 16 Dec 2010