Turbulence Modeling
Turbulence Modeling
Turbulence Modeling
6 janvier 2014
Some Applications
Turbine Blades, Aircraft Wings/Fuselage, Helicopter Rotors, Ship Hulls, Jet
Engines, Automobiles, High-Speed Trains, Wind Turbines, Weather
Prediction etc.
Nomenclature I
ν = Kinematic viscosity
µ = Dynamic viscosity
ρ = Fluid density
p = Instantaneous static pressure
ui = Instantaneous velocity in the i-direction
p = Mean static pressure
ui = Mean velocity in the i-direction
p0 = Fluctuating static pressure
u0i = Fluctuating component of the ui velocity
u0i = Mean uctuating velocity in the i-direction
02 02 02
k = Turbulent kinetic energy,
p (u + v + w )/2
uτ = Wall friction velocity, (τw /ρ)
=0 (1)
Closure Problem
For RANS of 3D ows,
1 2
"Modeling" in US English and "Modelling" in British English
No Closure Problem for the Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS)
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Introduction k− k−ω SST RSTM References
∂ui ∂uj
−ρu0i u0j = µt ( + ) = 2µt Sij (3)
∂xj ∂xi
∂ui ∂uj
where Sij = 12 ( ∂xj
+ ∂xi ) is the mean rate-of-strain tensor.
Characteristics of µt
I µt is apparent, turbulent or eddy viscosity
Modied Relationship
−ρu0i u0j = − ρkδij + 2µt Sij (4)
1 0 0
wherek is the turbulent kinetic energy per unit mass given by
2 ui ui =
1 02 02 02
2 (u + v + w ) and δij is the kronecker delta with :
I δij = 0 for i 6= j (Reynolds Shear Stresses)
So the extra term ensures the correct sum of the Reynolds Normal stresses
which is ρu0i u0i = 2k .
Reynolds Stresses+
4 2 2
<w′ >/uτ
0 500 1000 1500
I Mixing length (lm ) : analogy with Mean Free Path of molecules (lmf p )
2 ∂u ∂u
−ρu0i u0j = ρlm ( ) (5)
∂y ∂y
Reynolds shear stress −ρu0i u0j should change sign with ∂u/∂y thats why
∂u 2
modulus sign has been used. Use of ( ) in the above equation would
mask the change of sign. Comparing with −ρu0i u0j = µt , we have,
2 ∂u
µt = ρlm (6)
Modulus sign has been used in the equation (6) because the eddy viscosity
is always positive (for this and two-equation models) even if the velocity
gradient ∂u/∂y becomes negative.
Log Layer lm = κy
Mixing Layer lm = 0.071δ0.5
Plane Wake lm = 0.18δ0.5
Plane Jet lm = 0.09δ0.5
Round Jet lm = 0.075δ0.5
Pipe Flow lm /R = 0.14 − 0.08(1 − y/R)2 − 0.06(1 − y/R)4
Here κ=0.4, δ0.5 is half-width (of a jet, wake or mixing-layer) with y = δ0.5
when u(x, δ) = 0.5u(x, 0), R is the pipe radius and y is the wall-normal
+ /A+
lm = κy(1 − e−y ) (7)
where y + = yuτ /ν and for zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer
A+ = 26. Damping eects are reduced for y + > A+ . As for the external
layer, lm 6= κy and experiments show that lm ∼ constant, so that,
lm = Co δ (8)
for the outer layer. Here Co ' 0.085 (varies between 0.04 and 0.09 for
y/δ > 0.2) and δ is the boundary layer thickness. The mixing-length model
for the whole turbulent boundary layer can be written as,
+ /A+
lm = min(κy, Co δ)(1 − e−y ) (9)
k − Models I
νt = CLn V n (10)
Therefore, for the eddy viscosity formulation we need to know at least one
length scale and one velocity scale. Here C is a dimensionless constant of
proportionality, L is the length scale (to be specied) and Vn is the
velocity scale (to be specied) with n as exponent.
∂u0i ∂u0i
p = ν( ) (12)
∂xj ∂xj
This last form is used in the two-equation models of turbulence. This form
itself is only valid for an incompressible homogeneous turbulent ow
(sometimes called pseudo-dissipation) but when used in the k -transport
equation the combined terms of dissipation rate and viscous diusion also
represent anisotropic eects. Expanding the above equation :
νt = νt P k
= νt (−u0 v 0 )
∂u 0 0
= −νt ( )u v
= −u0 v 0 (−u0 v 0 )
= (u0 v 0 ) ≈ 0.09k 2 (14)
νt ≈ 0.09k 2 / (15)
νt = Cµ k 2 / (16)
−ρu0i u0j = 2µt Sij − ρkδij (17)
−u0i u0j = 2νt Sij − kδij (18)
1 ∂ui ∂uj
where Sij = ( + ) is the mean rate-of-strain tensor and δij is the
2 ∂xj ∂xi
Kronecker delta.
0 200 400 600 800 1000
0 0
The viscous dissipation term per unit volume (2µSij Sij ) is usually
multiplied by ρ to give the pseudo-dissipation rate of the turbulent kinetic
0 0
energy per unit mass (2νSij Sij ) with units m2 /s3 . It is usually not written
as 2νSij to allow summation over the repeated index (Einstein notation).
0 S 0 = 2ν(S 02 + S 02 + S 02 + 2S 02 + 2S 02 + 2S 02 )
= 2νSij ij 11 22 33 12 13 23
Statistical Approach to Wall Turbulence by Sedat Tardu
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Introduction k− k−ω SST RSTM References
0.2 Dissipation
0.15 V diffusion
T diffusion
0.1 Redistribution
loss gain
0 100 200 300 400 500
LHS terms of the k -equation are used exact. On the RHS, the production
term of the k -equation is modeled using the Boussinesq hypothesis.
∂ui h ∂u
i ∂uj 2 i ∂u
−ρu0i u0j = µt ( + ) − δij ρk (23)
∂xj ∂xj ∂xi 3 ∂xj
The viscous dissipation term or is computed from its own transport
equation. Approximately ≈ u03 /l = k 3/2 /l.
Turbulent diusion term is modeled using the gradient diusion hypothesis :
k is diused from the regions of high k to those of low k. Limitation :If the
gradient of k is zero in a direction, it would imply zero turbulent diusion.
µt ∂k
− 21 u0i u0i u0j = −u0j k ∼
σk ∂xj
µt ∂p
−u0j p0 ∼
σp ∂xj
µ ∂k
− ku0j + p0 u0j =
σk ∂xj
"Modeled" in US English and "Modelled" in UK English
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Introduction k− k−ω SST RSTM References
∂k ∂k ∂ui ∂uj ∂ui
µt ∂k ∂
ρ + uj = µt + − ρ +
+µ 2
∂t ∂xj ∂xj ∂xi ∂xj
σk ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj
∂ui ∂uj ∂ui ∂ µt ∂k
= µt + − ρ + µ+
∂xj ∂xi ∂xj ∂xj σk ∂xj
∂k ∂ui ∂uj ∂ui ∂ νt ∂k
uj = νt + −+ (25)
∂xj ∂xj ∂xi ∂xj ∂xj σk ∂xj
This can be derived from the Navier-Stokes equation and is far more
complex than the corresponding equation for k. For the incompressible ow
Most of the terms of this equation have been modeled by their dimensional
equivalents. The turbulent diusion term is modeled using the hypothesis
of transport by the mean gradient,
∂ ∂ ∂ νt ∂
− νu0j ( i )2 = − u0j = (28)
∂xj ∂xl ∂xj ∂xj σ ∂xj
Production terms (mean gradient and mixed) are modeled using the
anisotropy tensor (proposed by John Lumley).
u0i u0j
aij = − δij (30)
k 3
= −2νt Sij
1 ∂ui ∂uj
where Sij = + . Thus, the modeled production terms
2 ∂xj ∂xi
∂u0i ∂u0i ∂u0j ∂ 2 u0i 2
−2ν −2 ν = −C2 (32)
∂xj ∂xl ∂xl ∂xj ∂xl k
Assembling terms, the modeled transport equation for the dissipation rate
can be written as,
∂2 2
∂ ∂ νt ∂ ∂ui ∂ui ∂uj
uj = +ν + C1 νt + − C2
∂xj ∂xj σ ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj k ∂xj ∂xj ∂xi k
νt = νt P k
= νt (−u0 v 0 ) (34)
= νt (−u0 v 0 )
−u0 v 0 = νt
we have,
νt = (u0 v 0 )2 (35)
νt = Cµ or ν t = Cµ k 2 (36)
therefore comparison with the equation (35) gives,
(u0 v 0 )2
Cµ k 2 = (u0 v 0 )2 or Cµ = (37)
Experimental results show that in the logarithmic layer of turbulent
boundary layer,
−u0 v 0
= 0.3 theref ore Cµ = 0.09 (38)
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Introduction k− k−ω SST RSTM References
U = − (39)
d 2
U = −C2 (40)
dx k
Assuming that the decay of k is exponential, i.e., k ∝ x−n , we have,
∝ −nx−n−1 . Putting it in the equation (39) gives,
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Introduction k− k−ω SST RSTM References
= un(−n − 1)x−n−2 (42)
Substitute in the equation (40),
u(un(−n − 1)x−n−2 ) = −C2
Substitute for from equation (41) and replace k by x−n ,
(unx−n−1 )2
u(un(−n − 1)x−n−2 ) = −C2
Solving for C2 gives, C2 = . Experimental results (e.g.,
Comte-Bellot and Corrsin, JFM, 1966)[4] show that n = 1.25 ± 0.06 and
The modeled transport equation for the dissipation rate applied to the 2D
turbulent boundary layer is,
∂ ∂ ∂ νt ∂
u +v = + C1 P k − C2
∂x ∂y ∂y σ ∂y k k
In the logarithmic layer of the turbulent boundary layer, the convection
term is negligible and making use of the local equilibrium hypothesis
(replacing Pk by ), we have,
∂ νt ∂
0 = + (C1 − C2 ) (43)
∂y σ ∂y k
∂ νt ∂ k
0 = + C1 − C2
∂y σ ∂y 2
k ∂ νt ∂
C1 = C2 − 2
∂y σ ∂y
∂u ∂u u3
= P k = −u0 v 0 ≈ u2τ = τ (44)
∂y ∂y κy
∂u uτ
where the relation = has been used. For νt ,
∂y κy
∂u ∂u
νt = νt P k = νt (−u0 v 0 ) = (−u0 v 0 )νt = (u0 v 0 )2 ≈ u4τ (45)
∂y ∂y
νt ≈ u4τ / = uτ κy
For k,
νt = Cµ or k 2 = νt (46)
As νt ≈ u4τ , therefore
u4τ uτ
k2 = or k=p (47)
Cµ Cµ
C1 = C2 − p (48)
σ Cµ
The last two coecients σk and σ are optimised by applying the model to
various fundamental ows. For σk = 1 and σ = 1.3, C1 = 1.44 and the
set of coecients becomes,
Some k − models I
I Can't be used very near the wall (viscous sublayer and buer layer)
k − ω models I
∂k ∂ui ∂uj ∂ui ? ∂ ∂k
uj = νt + − β kω + (ν + σk νt ) (49)
∂xj ∂xj ∂xi ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj
∂ω ω ∂ui ∂uj ∂ui 2 ∂ ∂ω
uj = γ νt + − βω + (ν + σω νt ) (50)
∂xj k ∂xj ∂xi ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj
Closure Coecients of k − ω I
The closure coecients of this model have been derived in the same way as
the k− model (using decaying grid turbulence, logarithmic layer of TBL
and local equilibrium hypothesis) and are given as :
Limitation of k − ω model
Ask=0 on a non-slip solid boundary while 6= 0 at wall therefore
ω= ? becomes innite at that boundary. Low-Reynolds k−ω model
β k
devised to overcome this default.
DNS of ZPG FP TBL, Reθ = 2540 DNS of ZPG FP TBL, Reθ = 2540
0.5 0.35
0.2 0.15
0 0
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 500 1000 1500
DNS of ZPG FP TBL, Reθ = 2540 DNS of ZPG FP TBL Reθ 2540
2 14
1.5 10
(P + Π )/−ε of k
P+/−ε+ of k
1 6
0.5 2
0 −2
0 500 1000 1500 0 500 1000 1500
y y+
3 0.6
2 0.4
1 0.2
0 50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200
y+ y+
Realizability Constraints I
Mathematical constraints that a turbulence model should satisfy.
(1) The Reynolds normal stresses, turbulent kinetic energy k and
dissipation rate should stay positive (or zero) all the time.
i ≥ 0, k ≥ 0, ≥0 (51)
u0i u0j
≤ 1, i 6= j, no summation over i and j (52)
(u02 02 1/2
i uj )
i goes to zero, i.e., Du02
i /Dt → 0.
2 ∂u
u02 = k − 2νt (53)
3 ∂x
If ∂u/∂x becomes too large (like in a stagnation ow), then u02 can
become negative or non-realizable. In general, normal Reynolds stresses can
become negative in an eddy-viscosity model if the mean strain rate is large
enough to satisfay,
k ∂u 1
> ≈ 3.7 (54)
∂x 3Cµ
∂u k ∂u Cµ k 2 ∂u
−u0 v 0 = νt = =
∂y ω ∂y ∂y
2 2 1/2 2 1/2
k Cµ ∂u 2 1/2 k Cµ ∂u 2
= k ( ) = kCµ ( )
2 ∂y 2 ∂y
= kCµ1/2 ( )1/2 (55)
When P k >> , equation (55) overpredicts the shear stress. In ZPG at
TBL, P ≈ and equation (55) is valid.
k Cµ k
νt = = 1/2 (56)
ω Cµ ω
−u0 v 0 = νt ∂u
Now from
∂y and −u0 v 0 = Cµ k , we have,
p ∂u
Cµ k = νt = νt Ω
Cµ k
νt = (57)
where Ω = ∂u/∂y is the absolute vorticity for boundary layers. We want
equation (57) to be used in boundary layers hence we multiply it with a
function 1/F2 with F2 equal to 1 near walls and 0 elsewhere. Then we take
a minimum νt of equations (56) and (57).
k Cµ k
νt = min , (58)
ω F2 Ω
Cµ k
(inside b.l) F2 = 1 ⇒ νt = if P k > (Ω is high)
(outside b.l) F2 = 0 ⇒ νt =
For implementing the k − ω model near wall and the k− away from it,
the blending function F1 is used,
∂k ∂ ∂ ∂k fk − β ? kω
+ (uj k) = (ν + νt σk ) +P (59)
∂t ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj
∂ω ∂ ∂ ∂ω ω
+ (uj ω) = (ν + νt σω ) + α P k − βω 2 + (1 − F1 )CD
∂t ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj k
1 ∂k ∂ω
CD = 2σω2 (61)
ω ∂xi ∂xi
The boxed part of equation (60) corresponds to the k−ω model.
fk = min(P k , 20) = min(P k , 20β ? kω)
P is the production limiter to
prevent the build-up of turbulence in the stagnation regions.
Blending Functions I
The viscosity switch F2 and model (inner/outer) switch F1 gradually
change from 1 near walls to 0 outside boundary layer and are given as,
F1 = tanh(φ41 ) (62)
k 500ν 4σω2 k
φ1 = min max ? , 2 , (63)
β ωd d ω max(CD , 10−20 )d2
F2 = tanh(φ22 ) (64)
2 k 500ν
φ2 = max ? , 2 (65)
β ωd d ω
where d is the wall-normal distance to the closest wall (in some
applications like wing-fuselage junctions, closest wall is hard to determine).
Blending Function F1 I
DNS of ZPG FP TBL, Re = 2540
F1 of the SST Model
500 1000 1500 2000
The coecients are not constants and are blended from their corresponding
k−ω and k− values using the relation,
Coecients of the SST model are derived from the following coecients
using equation (66) :
These values of α1 and α2 (or γ1 and γ2 ) are from the SST (2003) model.
Also σk1 = 0.85 in the SST (2003)[11] model.
k 500ν 4σω2 k
φ1 = min max ? , 2 , (68)
β ωd d ω max(CD , 10−10 )d2
=0 (69)
∂ui uj 1 ∂P ∂ 2 ui
=− +ν 2 (70)
∂xj ρ ∂xi ∂xj
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Introduction k− k−ω SST RSTM References
The exact transport equation for the Reynolds stresses can be written as,
∂ 0 0 ∂ui ∂uj
u u uk = −u0j u0k − u0i u0k
∂xk i j ∂xk ∂xk
| {z } | {z }
convection production
∂ 0 0 0 ∂ 0 0 1 0 0
1 0 0
− u u u −ν u u + δjk ui p + δik uj p
∂xk i j k ∂xk i j ρ ρ (71)
| {z }
p0 ∂u0i ∂u0j ∂u0 ∂u0j
+ + − 2ν i
ρ ∂xj ∂xi ∂xk ∂xk
| {z } | {z }
pressure-strain viscous dissipation
The term by term modeling of the basic RSTM model (Launder, Reece and
Rodi (1975)[8] with wall correction terms of Shir (1973)[16] and Gibson
and Launder (1978)[6] is demonstrated here.
(1) Production Rate Term Pij : This term is computed exactly without
using the Boussinesq hypothesis.
(2) Diusion Rate Term Dij : This term contains triple velocity correlations
k 1 νt ∂k
Dj,t = − u0i u0j u0i = −u0j k =
2 σk ∂xj
k ∂k ∂k ∂k
D1,t ∝ u01 u01 + u01 u02 + u01 u03 (73)
∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3
∂k k
Therefore even if
∂x1 = 0, the turbulent diusion term D1,t may still be
non-zero if
∂x2 6= 0. The repeated index k causes summation over itself.
k ∂u0i u0j
t ∂ 0 0
Dij = ck uk um (74)
∂xk ∂xm
νt ∂u0i u0j
t ∂
Dij = (75)
∂xk σk ∂xk
(3) Viscous Dissipation Rate Term ij : The small or dissipating scales of
turbulence are usually assumed to be isotropic at high Reynolds number
(Kolmogorov theory), i.e., the velocity uctuations of small-scale
turbulence do not have any preferred direction. In the isotropic turbulence
u02 = v 02 = w02 (turbulent normal stresses) and u0i u0j = 0 (turbulent shear
stresses). These properties are true for their gradients too,
Using the above two relations, expression for the isotropic viscous
dissipation rate can be written as,
2 ∂u0i ∂u0i
ij = δij with =ν (76)
3 ∂xk ∂xk
(4) Pressure-Strain Rate Term Πij : The modeled pressure-strain rate term
is divided into a slow part, a rapid part and a wall part. The wall part is
again divided into a slow and rapid part. It is also called the redistribution
term. It acts such as to make turbulence more isotropic by decreasing large
normal and shear stresses and increasing the small normal stresses. In this
sense it is also called as 'Robinhood term', taking from the rich and giving
it to the poor. If we denote the modeled pressure-strain terms as φij , then,
The subscript 1 denotes the slow term, 2 denotes the rapid term and
w denotes the wall part. A third part can be added for a body force.
(4a) Slow Pressure-Strain Term : It is also called as return-to-isotropy
term. The slow term represents the eects of turbulent uctuations
whereas rapid term represents inuence of the mean velocity gradient .
0 0
ui uj
0 0 2 2
φij,1 = −c1 ρ u u − δij k = −c1 ρ − δij (78)
k i j 3 k 3
2 k
φij,2 = −c2 ρ Pij − δij P (79)
where c2 can vary with Ret (near-wall ows) but is generally considered
constant and equal to 0.6 (validated in experiments).
∂u0i 2
∂ 0 ∂ 0 ∂ k 0 0 ∂
− νuj ( ) =− u = C uj ul (82)
∂xj ∂xl ∂xj j ∂xj ∂xl
Mean gradient and mixed production terms are computed exactly. FLUENT
employs an equation similar to the k− model with SGDH and Boussinesq
hypothesis for the production term. The model equation for as per
Hanjalić and Launder (1972) is given as,
∂ ∂ k 0 0 ∂
uj = C uj ul + C1 Pii + C3 Gii − C2 (83)
∂xj ∂xj ∂xl k k
References I
[2] B.S. Baldwin and H. Lomax. Thin layer approximation and algebraic
model for separated turbulent ows. In 16th Aerospace Sciences
Meeting, Huntsville, Alabama, January 1978. 13
[5] B.J. Daly and F.H. Harlow. Transport equations in turbulence. Physics
of Fluids, 13 :26342649, 1970. 74
References II
[8] B.E. Launder, G.J. Reece, and W. Rodi. Progress in the development
of a Reynolds-stress turbulence closure. Journal of Fluid Mechanics,
68 :537566, 1975. 73
[9] B.E. Launder and B.I. Sharma. Application of the energy dissipation
model of turbulence for the calculation of ow near a spinning disk.
Letters in Heat and Mass Transfer, 1(2) :131137, 1974. 41, 51
References III
References IV
References V