DLL Mapeh

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: JINKY S. PINEDA Learning Area: MAPEH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: SEPTEMBER 30-OCTOBER 4, 2019 (WEEK 8) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standard HEALTH Understands the importance of Understands the importance of The learner understands the importance of keeping the school and
keeping the school and keeping the school and community environments healthy.
community environments healthy community environments
B. Performance understands the importance of Demonstrates practices for Demonstrates practices for The learner demonstrates practices for building and maintaining healthy
Standard keeping the school and building and maintaining healthy building and maintaining school and community environments.
community environments school and community healthy school and community
healthy. environments environments
C. Learning The learner… Identifies different wastes Classifies different types of Describes Proper Ways of Waste Disposal
Competencies demonstrates practices for H6CMH-Iie-4 wastes H6CMH-IIf-6
(write the LC Code) building and maintaining H6CMH-IIe-5
healthy school and community
Demonstrates ways to build and Healthy School and Community Healthy School and Community Proper Waste Management
II. CONTENT keep school and community Environments Environment
environments healthy
A. References
1. TG/CG pages TG. p9
2. Learner’s Materials p.53
3. Textbook pages Enjoying life Through Music, Enjoying Life trhough Music, Arts, Physical education and Health 6
Arts, Physical Education and pp.46-53
Health 6 by Marissa C. Pascual,
Irene Feliz S. Reyes, Ma. Elvira
M. Garcia. Mignon C. Artuz
4. Materials MAPEH in Action pp.270-277 K to 12 Curriculum Guide 6 K to 12 basic education curriculum Guide 6
downloaded from
B. Other Learning Powerpoint, pictures, activity Powerpoint, Activity card. LCD Projector, Netbook, Powerpoint, cut-outs, lapel
Materials cards,
A. Reviewing previous What are the characteristics of 1. What can you do to make and Ask the pupils to identify wastes Recall the different types of wastes. (Teacher should prepare cut-out
lesson and a healthy school and keep the school and environment that can be found at home, in letters for this activity.)
presenting new community environments? healthy? school and in the community Each group has jumbled words that they should arrange as fast as they
lesson 2. Identify and discuss the wastes could. The first group who will do it correctly wins.
that affect the family, school, and Ask: 1. How can we lessen the wastes or garbage in our home? In our
community. school? In our community?
2. What are the practices that you do? (Process all the answers)
B. Establishing a How can school and
purpose for the community maintain a healthful
lesson physical environment?
C. Presenting Present pictures of proper Word Hunt Activity1:
examples/instances waste disposal Directions: Identify and encircle Biodegradable and Non-
of the lesson 10 words in the box that are Biodegradable (Annex 1)
related to wastes. Direction: Classify the words
(arranged vertically and below under the proper
horizontally) heading.
Write your answer on a food waste rubber tires
cartolina/manila DVD animal waste
paper. metals radioactive
One minute is provided for the materials
activity. paper magazine
Present the group’s answer dead animals vegetables
when the time is up.
Words to find: ABLE BIODEGRAD
wood, cartons, needles, battery, ABLE
sewage, metals, CD, plastic,
rubber and bottles

D. Discussing new 1.Group them into 2. Word Configuration Discuss and differentiate Show them pictures:
concepts and 2.Explain the topic in the 1. Divide the class into 4 groups. biodegradable and non- A
practicing new skills Activity Sheet on Proper Waste 2. Each group will be given work biodegradable materials
#1 disposal using graphic sheets (Annex 2)
organizers 3. The task of the group is to 1.How will you know that waste
ACTIVITY SHEET 1 (GROUP 1) identify the words being is biodegradable?
1.Identify and separate wastes described in the following non-biodegradable?
Note:Explanation:(Wastes could numbers (1-5). Word
be classified as configuration with quiz bee 2. How can you lessen the
biodegradable,non- approach will be applied to this amount of biodegradable and B.
biodegradable and hazardous activity. non-biodegradable waste at
wastes) 4. Each group will use a Show Me home? In school? In the
ACTIVITY SHEET 2 (GROUP 2) Board in presenting their community?
2.Proper waste management answers.
Note: Explanation:(Reduce Questions
waste by recycling or reusing 1. Waste that can easily be
them.When you recycle,you broken down into
break down waste products smaller parts by natural
back to their basic material for processes
reuse for the same purpose or 2. Waste products with
for other purpose.) poisonous chemicals
that were flushed out by
factories and industrial
Let the pupils describe each container in the picture A and B. (Annex 1)
Ask. Why do we need to put our waste in the right container?
3. Also known as waste
What can you say about the phrase “May Pera sa Basura”?
4. One of the most
common radioactive
Teacher will post on the board the terms:
 Biodegradable, Non-biodegradable, Reuse, Reduce and
Describe the difference of each terms briefly.
Reduce- to make (something) smaller or lesser in amount.
Examples: purchasing items with less packaging, minimizing food waste
by planning every meal, buying things that you only need.
Reuse – to use (something) again.
Examples: carrying eco-freindly bags when buying product, using
reusable tumblers and food containers.
Recycle- to make (something) from things that have been used before.
Examples: using food waste as plant fertilizer (composting), recycling
high grade paper into low-grade paper (news-print), using tires/PET
bottles as plant pots.
Biodegradable- capable of being decomposed by bacteria or living
Examples: animal and human wastes (manure), dry leaves/twigs, spoiled
food, dead animals etc.
Non-biodegradable – type of waste that can’t be broken down into its
base compounds.
Examples: radioactive material, metal, rubber, needles, electronic parts
E. Discussing new The teacher will identify and Activity2:
concepts and discuss the wastes that affect the Classify other waste materials
practicing new skills family, school, and community as: solid waste, water waste,
#2 hazardous waste, bio
medical/health care waste, and
reusable and recyclable
materials. (Annex 2)
Direction: Classify the words
below by matching Column A
with that of Column B.
Column A Column B
Wood, Solid Wastes
boards, pet
scrap metals
Spoiled Hazardous
foods, scrap Wastes
parts of
fruits and
F. Developing mastery What is the proper disposal of The teacher will discuss other Activity: “SINGING”
(lead to formative different kinds of waste? waste materials (solid waste, Song: Waste Disposal Method
assessment 3) (garbage,rubbish,ashes,street water waste, hazardous waste, Tune: “Are you sleeping, brother John”
refuse,dead animals,abandoned bio medical/health care waste, Waste disposal, waste disposal
vehicles,industrial and reusable or recyclable Proper waste disposal
wastes,demolition materials) 1. Reduce, reuse, recycle
wastes,construction Why is it important to know the Landfill and composting
wastes,hazardous wastes like types of wastes? Separation and combustion
explosivesbatteries,radioactive 2. How can this help you in
materials) maintaining a healthy school
and community environment?
G. Finding practical Completing the Graphic 1. What are the waste products How does classification and What do you do to make your home, school, and community clean?
application of Organizers that can be found at home and in segregation of wastes help you
concepts and skills Fill in the diagrams to show how the community? at home? Why do we need to implement proper wastes disposal?
in daily living you dispose biodegradable and 2. How will you dispose these In school?
non-biodegradable Wastes at wastes properly In the community
home and school
Biodegradable Wastes

Non-Biodegradable Wastes

H. Making How do you dipose garbages at What are the different Describe the proper ways of disposal?
generalization and home, school and community? classifications of wastes? What are the benefits of practicing proper waste disposal?
abstractions about Things I learned today about
the lesson community health on proper
waste disposal…
I. Evaluating learning Put a check ( / ) before each Game: Pinoy Henyo Classify the different type of Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
statement that describes your 1. Divide the class into four (4) wastes __ 1. We can recycle the glass bottles and jars.
attitudes and feelings during teams. Direction: __ 2. Plastics can be reduced if we use it properly.
and after doing the activities. 2. Each team will choose 2 Write B if the example is __ 3. Spoiled foods can be used as fertilizer.
___1.I can describe proper representatives, one will be the biodegradable,NB if non __ 4. Junked papers like news papers are not recyclable.
waste ways disposal “tagahula”, while the other one biodegradable or H if it is __ 5. Old clothes can be used as a new one.
___2.I can classify different will serve as the guide. He/she is haradous
types of wastes only allowed to say “oo, hindi, Fruit Seeds
___3.I can identify things that pwede”. peelings
can be recycled in school and in 3. Each team will be given a Cans Used
the community. minute to guess the word batterie
___4.I can practice proper assigned to them. s
waste managementat home, in 4. The teacher will record the Pesticid Left
school,and in the community. time of each team. es over
___5.I can demonstrate ways to 5. The team with the shortest foods
build and keep school and time in guessing the word wins bottles Expired
community environments the game. medicin
healthful. Answers: (paper, bone, urine, es
cotton, glass)
J. Additional activities Make a slogan on proper waste Make a slogan about the
for application or disposal importants of classifying wastes.
VI. REFLECTION Assessing yourself as a teacher and analyzing the students’ progress this week.
A. No. of learners who ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80%
earned 80% in the 80% above 80% above above above above
B. No. of learners who ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require
acquired additional additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for additional activities for remediation additional activities for
activities for remediation remediation remediation remediation
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
lessons work? No. of ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught ____ of Learners who caught up ____ of Learners who caught up the ____ of Learners who caught up
learners who have the lesson up the lesson the lesson lesson the lesson
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to ___ of Learners who continue to
continue to require to require remediation to require remediation require remediation require remediation require remediation
E. Which of my teaching Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well: Strategies used that work well:
strategies worked ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive ___Metacognitive
well? Why did these
Development: Examples: Self Development: Examples: Self Development: Examples: Self Development: Examples: Self Development: Examples: Self
assessments, note taking and assessments, note taking and assessments, note taking and assessments, note taking and assessments, note taking and
studying techniques, and studying techniques, and studying techniques, and studying techniques, and studying techniques, and
vocabulary assignments. vocabulary assignments. vocabulary assignments. vocabulary assignments. vocabulary assignments.
___Bridging: ___Bridging: ___Bridging: Examples: ___Bridging: Examples: ___Bridging: Examples:
Examples: Think-pair-share, Examples: Think-pair-share, Think-pair-share, quick-writes, Think-pair-share, quick-writes, and Think-pair-share, quick-writes, and
quick-writes, and anticipatory quick-writes, and anticipatory and anticipatory charts. anticipatory charts. anticipatory charts.
charts. charts. ___Schema-Building: ___Schema-Building: ___Schema-Building:
___Schema-Building: ___Schema-Building: Examples: Compare and Examples: Compare and contrast, Examples: Compare and contrast,
Examples: Compare and Examples: Compare and contrast, jigsaw learning, peer jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and
contrast, jigsaw learning, peer contrast, jigsaw learning, peer teaching, and projects. projects. projects.
teaching, and projects. teaching, and projects. ___Contextualization:  ___Contextualization:  ___Contextualization: 
___Contextualization:  ___Contextualization:  Examples: Examples: Examples:
Examples: Examples: Demonstrations, media, Demonstrations, media, Demonstrations, media,
Demonstrations, media, Demonstrations, media, manipulatives, repetition, and manipulatives, repetition, and local manipulatives, repetition, and
manipulatives, repetition, and manipulatives, repetition, and local opportunities. opportunities. local opportunities.
local opportunities. local opportunities. ___Text ___Text Representation:  ___Text Representation: 
___Text ___Text Representation:  Examples: Student created Examples: Student
Representation:  Representation:  Examples: Student drawings, videos, and games. created drawings, videos, and
Examples: Student Examples: Student created drawings, videos, and ___Modeling: Examples: games.
created drawings, videos, and created drawings, videos, and games. Speaking slowly and clearly, ___Modeling: Examples:
games. games. ___Modeling: Examples modeling the language you want Speaking slowly and clearly,
___Modeling: Example ___Modeling: Exampl : Speaking slowly and clearly, students to use, and providing modeling the language you want
s: Speaking slowly and clearly, es: Speaking slowly and clearly, modeling the language you want samples of student work. students to use, and providing
modeling the language you modeling the language you students to use, and providing Other Techniques and samples of student work.
want students to use, and want students to use, and samples of student work. Strategies used: Other Techniques and
providing samples of student providing samples of student Other Techniques and ___ Explicit Teaching Strategies used:
work. work. Strategies used: ___ Group collaboration ___ Explicit Teaching
Other Techniques and Other Techniques and ___ Explicit Teaching ___Gamification/Learning throuh ___ Group collaboration
Strategies used: Strategies used: ___ Group collaboration play ___Gamification/Learning throuh
___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching ___Gamification/Learning throuh ___ Answering preliminary play
___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration play activities/exercises ___ Answering preliminary
___Gamification/Learning ___Gamification/Learning ___ Answering preliminary ___ Carousel activities/exercises
throuh play throuh play activities/exercises ___ Diads ___ Carousel
___ Answering preliminary ___ Answering preliminary ___ Carousel ___ Rereading of ___ Diads
activities/exercises activities/exercises ___ Diads Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Rereading of
___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Rereading of ___ Differentiated Instruction Paragraphs/Poems/Stories
___ Diads ___ Diads Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Discovery Method ___ Role Playing/Drama
Paragraphs/Poems/Stories Paragraphs/Poems/Stories ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Lecture Method ___ Discovery Method
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Discovery Method Why? ___ Lecture Method
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Lecture Method ___ Complete IMs Why?
___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method Why? ___ Availability of Materials ___ Complete IMs
___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Complete IMs ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Availability of Materials
Why? Why? ___ Availability of Materials ___ Group member’s ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn collaboration/cooperation ___ Group member’s
___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___ Group member’s in doing their tasks collaboration/cooperation
___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn collaboration/cooperation ___ Audio Visual Presentation of in doing their tasks
___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s in doing their tasks the lesson ___ Audio Visual Presentation of
collaboration/cooperation collaboration/cooperation ___ Audio Visual Presentation of the lesson
in doing their tasks in doing their tasks the lesson
___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Audio Visual Presentation
of the lesson of the lesson
F. What difficulties did I __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils __ Bullying among pupils
encountered which my __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude
principal can help me __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs __ Colorful IMs
__ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology
Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD)
__ Science/ Computer/ Internet __ Science/ Computer/ Internet __ Science/ Computer/ Internet __ Science/ Computer/ Internet Lab __ Science/ Computer/ Internet
Lab Lab Lab __ Additional Clerical works Lab
__ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works __ Additional Clerical works
G. What innovation or Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
localized materials did __Contextualized/Localized and __Contextualized/Localized and __Contextualized/Localized and __Contextualized/Localized and __Contextualized/Localized and
I used/discover which Indigenized IM’s Indigenized IM’s Indigenized IM’s Indigenized IM’s Indigenized IM’s
I wish to share with __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos
other teachers? __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books from views __ Making big books from views of __ Making big books from views
views of the locality views of the locality of the locality the locality of the locality
__ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be __ Recycling of plastics to be used __ Recycling of plastics to be used
used as Instructional Materials used as Instructional Materials used as Instructional Materials as Instructional Materials as Instructional Materials
__ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition __ local poetical composition

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