CFD Analysis of Different Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangers: September 2010
CFD Analysis of Different Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangers: September 2010
CFD Analysis of Different Fin-and-Tube Heat Exchangers: September 2010
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ABSTRACT: The objective of this numerical investigation is to examine the effect of heat transfer
and Pressure drop characteristics inside a three-dimensional, four-row fin-and-tube heat exchanger
allowing for staggered and in lined tube array of plain and wavy fin for Laminar (400 ≤ ReH ≤ 1200)
and turbulent (1300 ≤ ReH ≤ 2000) flow range using the commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics
Code ANSYS CFX-11. For transitional flow, the k-ω turbulence model has been used. Results are
presented in the form of Streamline patterns, Velocity vectors, and Temperature and Pressure
distributions. Code validation is carried out by comparing the simulated case friction factor (f) and
Colburn factor (j) to experimental results from the literature. This study reveals that the flow distinction
between plain and wavy fin has an intense influence on the heat transfer and pressure drop
performance. Wavy fin shows greater heat transfer and pressure drop performance compared to Plain
fin arrangements. On the other hand, for a particular Reynolds number (ReH), the efficiency is higher in
in-line arrangement than the staggered case.
Keywords: Plain and Wavy fin, CFD, Heat Exchanger, Nusselt Number, Pressure Drop Co-efficient.
The fin-and-tube heat exchangers are widely used in various thermal engineering applications,
including chemical plants, food industries, HVAC, automotive, aircraft, and more. They consist of a
block of parallel continuous fins with round tubes mechanically or hydraulically expanded into the fins.
The heat exchanger cools heated, compressed air from the motor with cooling water. Fins are used to
increase heat transfer area on the air side, since the air has the largest influence on the overall heat
transfer resistance. The advantages of using fin-and-tube heat exchangers are many. The extended
surfaces (fins) are designed to increase the heat transfer performance, resulting in compact units of
reduced space and weight, with higher heat transfer coefficients.
This study is a CFD simulation of the heat transfer and fluid flow of a four-row heat exchanger
previously tested experimentally and reported in the literature. There has been a variety of work
carried out to study tube-and-fin heat exchangers. Previously, much of the research was experimental,
as theoretical prediction of heat-transfer coefficients is complex due to the airflow pattern occurring in
the exchangers. However, more recently there have also been more numerical studies carried out, as
the use of CFD is becoming more widespread.
During the past few decades many efforts have been devoted to heat transfer and friction
characteristics of plate fin-and tube heat exchangers. Available experimental information on the plate
fin and tube heat exchangers has been presented reviewed and correlated in the literature. Previous
experimental work has focused on obtaining data for analysis, future design, or to create or verify
empirical correlations. [1-8].
Several numerical studies were found in the literature search which used 2D model to simulate flow
and heat transfer in fin-and-tube heat exchangers [9-12]. All of them used FDM and were directed at
comparing the heat transfer and pressure drop of heat exchangers with different geometrical
characteristics. The literature review has also shown that only a few 3D CFD simulations on tube-and-
fin heat exchangers have been done [13-16]. Furthermore, most of the CFD studies found all dealt with
the effect of geometrical parameters on the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics. In this
study, the simulation results for plain and wavy fin considering staggered and in lined arrangements as
shown in fig. 1, simulating pressure drop and heat flow for laminar(400 ≤ Re ≤1200) and transitional
(1300 ≤ Re ≤ 2000) flow range.
2. PHY
The computational
c domain is defined by 0≤X≤16.16D, 0≤Y≤2.66D and 0≤Z≤0.3 37D where
D=9.5525mm. The boundaries of the t domain connsist of inlet and a outlet bouundaries, symm
metry planes
and soolid walls. Thee computationaal domain extennds farther thaan the heat exchangers to dow
wnstream of
it, to reduce the num
merical oscillations [17] as shoown in fig. 2.
Fig. 1: Different fi
fin and tube arrangement.
In Equuations (2) andd (3) µT and PrT are turbulent viscosity and turbulent
t Pranddtl number resppectively. If
we eliminate the term ms containing µT then it becoomes the equattions for the laaminar flow. PrrT = 0.9 was
used in
i the current study as suggeested by Yuann [18]. In k-ω turbulent moddel the µT is liinked to the
turbuleence kinetic en
nergy (k) and tu
urbulence freqquency (ω) via the
t following rrelation:
anical Engine
Mecha eering Division
n The
T Institutio
on of Engineerrs, Banglades
Proceedings of the 13th Annual Paper Meet 3
25 September 2010, Dhaka
ф F ф 1 F ф (7)
The constants are given as α1= 5/9, β′=0.09, β=0.075, σk= 2, σω1= 2, α2 = 0.44, β2 = 0.0828, σk2 =1, σω2
=1/0.856. Details of different turbulent models are documented in [17, 19- 21].
f , j (9)
. . .
Discretization of the governing equations is the initial step of the numerical simulation. The objective
of discretization is to reduce the governing partial differential equations to a set of algebraic equations.
Finite volume method (FVM) is used in this Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code. This
approach involves discretizing the spatial domain into finite control volumes using the mesh. The
governing equations are integrated over each control volume, such that relevant quantity (mass,
momentum, energy) is conserved in a discrete sense for each control volume. The solver rapidly
removes local errors in the solution, and an algebraic multi-grid scheme is used to accelerate the
convergence of the solver by computing the corrections on a series of coarse grid levels. In all
simulations, the second order upwind scheme is used for the discretization of the momentum and
energy equations. This code uses a coupled solver, which solves the hydrodynamic equations (for u, v,
w and p) as a single system. For steady state problems, the time-step behaves like an acceleration
parameter, which is responsible to guide the approximate solutions in a physically based manner to a
steady state solution. This reduces the number of iterations required for convergence to a steady state.
Volume fraction
Mass fraction
As the accurateness of the numerical results depends stalwartly on the mesh resolutions, a number of
trial simulations were carried out with different mesh resolutions. The three different grid size chosen
are 91821, 141700 and 191480 nodes for the Plain fin and 121574, 183223 and 263318 nodes for the
wavy fins. The variation of friction factor and Colburn factor of the domain are investigated to attain
the independence of f and j for a given number of nodes. It was observed that an unstructured mesh
system with triangular mesh containing 141700 nodes and 451756 elements for plain fin and 183223
nodes with 451683 elements for wavy fin are considered to be fine enough to resolve the flow features
in all simulations. The surface mesh setup is shown in fig. 4.
Fig. 4: Surface Mesh Setup for Plain and Wavy Fin Configuration
0.07 0.016
Friction factor, f
Colburn factor, j
0.004 Experimental
0.014 Experimental
Present(k-omega model) Present(k-omega model)
0 0
1125 1300 1475 1650 1825 2000 1125 1300 1475 1650 1825 2000
Reynolds number, ReH Reynolds number, ReH
To ensure the numerical results are unswerving, calculations were first prepared to scrutinize the recital
of wavy fin geometry having 4 rows staggered circular tube configuration with the experimental data
by Wang et al. [1997]. The detailed geometry of the examined heat exchanger is same as Wang et al.
As mentioned earlier that three different turbulent models were tested to settle on the most accurate
method for the current analysis. Among these, k-ω model showed the best matching with the
experimental data published by others. The maximum differences in f and j between the numerical and
the experimental data using the k- ω model were found to be 10.22% and 11.25% respectively as
presented in fig. 5.
The current investigation is performed for the laminar (400≤Re≤1200) flow and turbulent
(1300≤Re≤2000) flow range to determine the flow distinction among the plain and wavy fin staggered
and in lined configurations using CFD code ANSYS CFX-11. The flow range is selected for the
present study because the flow remains in this range for most of the fin and tube heat exchanger as it is
recommended by the experimental studies of several researchers.
For the plain fin, flow is fairly straightforward and it gets interrupted only by the tubes. Because of the
flow interruption by the tubes, a flow recirculation zone is observed at the trailing edge of the tubes as
the flow passes over the tubes. In case of wavy fin, the flow is guided by the corrugations as it gets re-
Re=1200 Re=2000
Fig. 6: Streamline pattern for the fin configuration.
Re=1200 Re=2000
Fig. 7: Velocity vectors for the fin configuration
Re=1200 Re=2000
Fig. 8: Temperature contour for fin configuration
Re=1200 Re=2000
Fig. 9: Pressure distribution for the fin configuration
oriented each time it passes over a wavy corrugation. This is distinctive flow pattern compared to plain
fin arrangements. For this reason, less flow recirculation is observed in the wake of the tubes. The
difference between plain fin staggered and plain fin in-lined configuration can be observed from the
streamline of these arrangements as shown in fig 6. For the plain fin staggered configurations flow
interruption takes place on both sides of the domain. Because of the repeated interruption of the flow
due to staggered tube on both sides of the domain for this fin configuration, a smaller recirculation zone
is observed in the trailing edge of the domain. For the plain fin in-lined arrangements flow is blocked
only on one side of the domain due to the in-lined arrays of the tubes. As all the tubes for the plain fin
in-lined configurations lie on one side of the domain, flow gets separated into two forms as seen from
the figure. These two regions can be free flow regions where there is no tube and the stagnant flow
regions, in the trailing edge of the tubes. This effect satisfied the answer that higher recirculation zone
for the plain fin in-lined configuration as compared with the plain fin staggered configurations. Thus
incase of plain fin staggered configurations the flow gets interrupted on both sides of the domain at a
regular interval because of the tube layouts resulting in smaller recirculation zone.
Fig. 8 shows the temperature contour for the plain fin staggered , plain fin in-lined , wavy fin staggered
and wavy fin in-lined configurations taken on the X-Y Planes at Z=1.765 mm for Re=1200 and
Re=2000 in Laminar flow and Turbulent flow respectively. Fig. 9 shows the pressure distribution for
the same configuration as temperature distributions. For the present analysis inlet air temperature was
kept constant at 25˚C and the fin and the tube surfaces were kept as wall boundary with a constant
temperature of 100˚C and outlet pressure was assumed to be zero. The temperature profile study
provides the same behavior as the streamline pattern and the velocity vector. Much larger recirculation
zones are observed in the trailing edge of the tubes for plain fin in-lined arrangements as compared to
the plain fin staggered configurations. But for the wavy fin staggered and in-lined arrangements less
recirculation was found. From the temperature profile of plain fin in-lined arrangements, it is found that
there is larger high temperature zones in the trailing edge of the tubes can be called warm zones
because of the recirculation flow which stretches between two adjacent tubes.
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Reynolds Number, Re
Fig. 10: Effect of Nusselt Number (Nu) for different fin configuration
14 Plain fin
Pressure Drop Co efficient, Cp
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000
Reynolds Number, Re
Fig. 11: Effect of Pressure drop Coefficient (Cp) for different fin configuration
As the intensity of the flow in the turbulent region is higher compared to Laminar flow region, so the
visualization effect of the above mentioned analysis is significantly different. The recirculation zone for
the turbulent flow is higher compared to laminar flow for four different configurations. The flow
structure difference for the plain fin in lined and staggered configuration and wavy fin in lined and
staggered configurations based on the same geometrical parameter are investigated on the heat transfer
and pressure drop characteristics. Fig. 10 shows the Variation of Nusselt Number (Nu) against the
Reynolds number (Re) and fig. 11 shows the Variation of Pressure drop coefficient (Cp) against the
Reynolds number for the four tube row domain of the plain and wavy fin in-lined and staggered
configurations. Nusselt Number (Nu) increases with the increase in Reynolds Number (Re), while
Pressure drop Coefficient (Cp) decreases with the increase in Reynolds Number (Re).
From fig. 10, it can be seen that Nusselt Number (Nu) for the wavy fin staggered configuration is 11.03
% higher than that of the wavy fin in-lined arrangements. While the Nu for the plain fin staggered
configuration is 30.76 % higher than that of the plain fin in-lined arrangements. From fig. 11 it can be
said that Pressure drop coefficient for the wavy fin staggered configuration is 15.05% higher than that
of the wavy fin in-lined arrangements. While the Cp for the plain fin staggered configuration is 47%
higher than that of the plain fin in-lined arrangements. From this flow analysis it can be reported that
for the plain fin staggered arrangements higher difference in heat transfer and pressure drop is found
when compared with the plain fin in-lined configurations. On the other hand, a relatively low
percentage of difference is found for the Cp and Nu for the wavy fin staggered arrangements when
compared with the wavy fin in-lined arrangements.
The numerical investigations of heat transfer and pressure drop for laminar and turbulent flow regime
was carried out in this outline. The flow range considered for the present computation is laminar and
turbulent. Laminar flow model is used for the laminar flow range while k-Omega Turbulence model is
employed for the transitional flow range with 5% turbulence intensity. The effect of flow distinction
between plain fin and wavy fin is significant.. Recirculation zone is the differentiating factor for these
two fin configurations. The area of the recirculation zone for the plain fin is more than the wavy fin
configurations. On the other hand, in case of in lined arrangements, the recirculation zone is larger than
the staggered arrangements in between two adjacent tubes, since the flow is obstructed only on one side
of the domain. Wavy fin show larger heat transfer performance as indicated by higher Nu Pressure drop
is also significant as compared to plain fin.
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