Assignment No 1 - PLLP Matrix

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Name and School: _Leosa T. Dela Cruz/ Cristo Rey High School Specialization/Subjects Handled: Filipino

21st Century Level of Target KSAV Self-Learning Time Support Resources Barriers/ Solution/Action
Literacies (1) Competency (2) (3) Activities (4) Framework (5) Needed (6) Challenges (7) points (8)
To engage in, Bring out artist Department learning My own fear of Personal willingness
various modes of Literacies through: Action cell and School experimentation to risk failure an a
The Arts and Good or Competent knowledge All Year Round learning Action Cell feeling pressured to focus in the long-term
Creativity creation,  Watch be productive benefits of my
including some In Service Training experiments.
aesthetic, videos Busy schedule,
interpretative and like “Do aside from paper Time management
analytical as well it Your works , I’m also an
as different self” on adviser of one Get advantage of a
modes of how to school organization school WI-FI. Used
presentation create Local material or
different Insufficient Fund reusable material.
 Explore
Ideas in
new ways
to solve
 Challenge
and my
to learn
new craft
 Learn
that me
used for
 Produce
unique or

Understand the Attend some Support from the office Poor access to up-to Using the world
material system seminars, training, of Department of date ecological Largest Lesson
that sustain life symposium natural Resources information Website
Eco-literacy Good or Competent on earth and
apply the Watch some All year-Around Support from Barangay Absence of Library Attend seminars/
principles programme related Council in school workshop on eco
guiding to Eco-literacy. literacy
ecosystem to help Support from the Limited funds
create sustainable Continuous direct school through the Seek the help of
human contact with other Department of Science administration and
communities living things other stake-holder
Support from the
Studying Supreme Student
indigenous culture Government

Visit the
phenomenal web-
based tools such as
Google-Earth to
enable me to travel
virtually and view
the landscape in
other regions and

practicing and
teaching the
Reduce, Reused
and Recycle
To understand the Used social Support from ICT Insufficient funds Allocate some
digital tools that media for coordinator personal money
can unlock my learning and Age and physical
Cyber literacy deeper teaching collaborating All Year Round Support from colleges health Take the challenge
(Computer and Developing potential that are expert in ICT
ICT) Learn how to
Collaborate with evaluate online Personal Funds
my peers to share resources for
technology and to accuracy/trust
work toward worthiness of
improving information
outcomes for our
To equip my self Attend some All year round Support from School Financial Situation Analyse the financial
with the seminars about Administration situation through the
Financial Literacy Developing knowledge and earning, spending, Lack of support help of financial
skills on how to savings and Support from Financial from community expert
manage financial investing money Expert
matter effectively Educate community
Plan for our future Support from through sharing them
To promote and make smart Community my financial literacy
awareness and decisions about
educate money
communities to
access financial Practise the 3 jars
literacy money

Savings jar- 10%

Titling jar- 10%
Emergency jar-

Share my financial
knowledge to
family and
community service
To find and use Attend trainings on All Year Round Support from School Insufficient Allocate some
information from media literacy Administration Funding personal funds for
Media Literacy Developing a variety of sponsored by seminars and training
sources like TESDA Support from Media Conflict and hectic
print, materials Information Literacy schedule due to Time management
and non-print Search on internet teacher loaded paper works
materials for a the different use of as class adviser and
variety purposes media organizational
Use a variety of Frequent use of
media and multimedia tools
formats for
different Attend to media,
purposes in information
communicating Literacy class of
information and my colleague
ideas effectively
to multiple

Establish and Nurture my self All year Round Lack of Resource Ask help from Social
maintain positive with a culture of School local or Speakers Sciences Teacher
relationship and kindness personal Funds
make responsible Lack of support Motivate some stake
Social/Emotional Good or Competent decisions Attend some Support from from stake holder holder to support
Literacy seminars about community Leaders some activities
Foster the stress management
development of Support from my
five interrelated Attend some Learners
sets of cognitive community service
affective and
behavioural Set up my
awareness such classroom for
as self-awareness, conducive to
self management, learning classroom
social awareness,
relationship skills Read magazine
and responsible about Peaceful
conflict resolution

To gain a better Attend some All Year Round Support from the Availability of the Visit some website
understanding of cultural festival school administration, books about Globalization
Globalization and Good or Competent the different colleagues and friends Multicultural Literacy
Multicultural cultural Collect some Insufficient Funds
Literacy differences books about Support from Barangay
Globalization and council Donation drive for
To promote Multicultural Festival and food fair
cultural Literacy Support from
sensitivity Community Leaders
Hold a food fair to
To integrate the celebrate different
value of dishes from around
multiculturalism the region
Set presentation
projects for
students on a
culture or nation

Learner’s Signature:_______________________________ Reviewed/Approved by: AMPARO M. MUNOZ, Ed.D.

Principal IV

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