Copy of Re-Org Employees May 2020

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Employees NOT Guaranteed a Position in

the District
Expected continued Employment N

Resolution for Employee (Remain in current Posit(empty)

Division Job Descrip Employee Count - Job Descrip

D-ADM 24
Admin On Spec Assignment 1
Alege, Olay 1
Analyst, Programmer 1
Borders, St 1
Expulsion Hearing Master 4
Aguero, C 1
Dixon, Char 1
Marion, Fo 1
Underwood, 1
Mgr, Program 3
Russell, Cry 1
Saunders, 1
Thornton, 1
Principal, Elementary 1
Grayes, Ri 1
Secretary, Administrative 9
Burgos, Glo 1
Congiusto, 1
Fertic, Lind 1
Moniz, Eva 1
Roelse, Ba 1
Rountree, 1
Thomas, Al 1
Watkins, K 1
Whiting, Li 1
Supt, Area 5
Fitzgerald, 1
McRae, Sha 1
Morris, Sh 1
Murillo, M 1
Brown, An 1
Creative Lead 1
White, Lesl 1
D-CUR 20
Chief Officer, Academic 1
Cook, Debo 1
Coach, Math 2
Fernandez, 1
Scherer, Ja 1
Coordinator 4
Devizio, Em 1
Fullam, Ka 1
Moore, E 1
Stalnaker, 1
Director 2
Binder, Nic 1
Dougherty 1
Director, General Adv Acadmcs 1
Bergholm, 1
Supervisor 1
Lenegar, Ja 1
Supv Elem Math 1
Fahle, John 1
Supv Elem Reading 2
Creed, Tem 1
Keenan, Ki 1
Supv Elem Science 1
Tirado, Sh 1
Supv Language Arts 1
Navarre, M 1
Supv Mathematics 1
White, Cat 1
Supv Reading 1
Reddel, Lo 1
Supv Science 2
Jacquay, Ni 1
McFarland, 1
Dept Mgr, Fed Prog Evaluation 2
Hooper, S 1
Prive, Ama 1
Dept Mgr, Strategic Planning 1
Swere, Jess 1
Gen Mgr, Strategy Management 1
Cochran, W 1
Liaison, Education Advocate 1
Anderson, 1
Mgr, Strategic Data and Eval 1
McLeod, Ju 1
D-EDL 19
Accountant 1 1
Stout, Mar 1
Accountant 2 1
Ramputi, D 1
Admin On Spec Assignment 6
Cannella, 1
Hawthorne, 1
Mills, Debr 1
Royal, Patr 1
Scaglione, 1
Sykes, Larr 1
Analyst, Div System Procedure 1
Horchak, R 1
Asst Supt, Ed Lead & Prof Dev 1
McManus, T 1
Consultant 1
Daniels, Du 1
Coordinator 2
Fekete, Ge 1
Shaffer, W 1
Director 1
Huff, Kim 1
Secretary, Administrative 1
James, Erik 1
Supervisor 3
Basham, Gr 1
Davenport, 1
Robinson, 1
Supv Staff Development 1
Bogle, Sha 1
D-FAC 46
Coordinator, HVAC Repair 3
Parsons, Ch 1
Perhot, Ga 1
Thomas, T 1
Mechanic 1, Ref, AC 7
Crego, Feli 1
Gonzalez R 1
Guzman, M 1
Martinez, 1
Pericles, J 1
Reed, Larry 1
Sanchez, Al 1
Mechanic 2, Ref, AC 12
Delgado, J 1
Diaz, Lazar 1
Everich, Pe 1
Heaton, Mi 1
Herbello, 1
Llano, Jose 1
Lopez, Luis 1
Morales, J 1
Porter, Rob 1
Pratt, Mich 1
Samaniego, 1
Stansell, F 1
Mechanic 3, Ref, AC 11
Antinori, A 1
Chapman, 1
Frese, John 1
Gil, Jose 1
Guagliardo 1
Iglesias, Ra 1
Maida, Mic 1
Morales, E 1
Quiles, Ru 1
Samaniego, 1
Sams, Robe 1
Mentor, Energy Conservation 6
Dang, Hoa 1
Fernandez, 1
Nottingham 1
Otero, Ken 1
Rooke, Apri 1
Valladares, 1
Supv, Asst Maint Repair 3
Jimenez, J 1
Sharp, Tho 1
Sherman, 1
Supv, Energy Mgmt Services 1
Robertson, 1
Supv, Maint Repair 1
Gay, David 1
Tech, HVAC Control 2
Davies, Jo 1
Derby, Wil 1
Accountant 2 1
Chiles, Cel 1
Asst Supt, Std Fed Prog 1
Brown, Tra 1
Res Tchr, District 1
Costa, Coll 1
Supv Guidance 1
Vallejo, An 1
D-HR 2
Coordinator 1
Cardenas, E 1
Director, Training Staff Dev 1
Jackson, J 1
Graphics Designer 1
Marrero, B 1
Mgr, Multi Media Print 1
Smith, Klis 1
Printer 2 2
Savidge, C 1
Williams, 1
Printer, Senior 1
Teel, Stanl 1
Supv, Admin Svcs 1
Perez Cruz, 1
Officer, Workforce Connections 1
Brooks, Wa 1
Total Result 129
Employees GUARANTEED a position in the
Expected continued Employment Y

Resolution for Employee (Remain in current Posit(empty)

Division Job Descrip Employee Count - Job Descrip

D-ADM 11
Admin On Spec Assignment 5
Faucett, Col 1
Mayo, Denn 1
Nelson, Rob 1
Pritchard, O 1
Tonelli, Kris 1
Custodian 1
Fors, Raquel 1
Secretary 2 2
Johnson, Fel 1
Smrstick, Lo 1
Secretary 3 2
Turner, Rei 1
Velazquez Ri 1
Spec, Communication 1
Sukach, Kim 1
D-CUR 86
Accountant 3 1
Crescenzi, 1
Clerk 3, Accounting 1
Valentin, Mi 1
Coach, Math 6
Collins, Leis 1
Frost, Darrel 1
Knox, Barba 1
Mixon, Mag 1
Uhe, Shann 1
Young, Sha 1
Coach, Reading 7
Alexander, 1
Bedford, A 1
Ciccarello, 1
Curry, Cynth 1
Garced, Ma 1
Mestre, Tra 1
Thomas, Lor 1
Coach, Science 4
Dunn, Laura 1
King, Laure 1
Mueller, Am 1
Pisaneschi, 1
Coach, Writing 4
Alonso, Sha 1
Dent, Autu 1
Gordon-Bird 1
Vannostran 1
Coordinator 12
Booker, Jon 1
Bottone, Gai 1
Cooks, Patr 1
Durkee, Chri 1
Laux, Katie 1
Lucas, Ayan 1
Mastrucci, 1
Morris, Jos 1
Robinson, K 1
Shaffer, Bri 1
Swager, Jen 1
Woodward, 1
Director 1
Plank, Larry 1
General Director, Inst Ldrship 3
Granich, Les 1
Spence, Jan 1
Zilbar, Amy 1
Mgr, Instr Prog Support 1
Wilson, Don 1
Res Tchr, District 19
Barron, Judi 1
Castro, Meli 1
Coykendall, 1
Danger, Chri 1
Foss, Alyssa 1
Kabani, Mo 1
Lopez, Lesle 1
Miller, Ama 1
Moon, Jenni 1
Moore, Mich 1
Morgan, Lor 1
Niebel, Line 1
Olsen, Meli 1
Ratasky, Jo 1
Scrivner, Cr 1
Sharpe, Luci 1
Suarez, Emil 1
Tedder, Jenn 1
Tuero, Lisa 1
Res Tchr, Site 1
Tanner, Elis 1
Spec, Off Netwk Computer 1
Trejo, Patric 1
Supervisor 3
Morgado, Me 1
Sarmiento, J 1
Suarez, Troy 1
Supv Art 1
Saladino, Er 1
Supv Assessment 1
Welch, Deir 1
Supv Data Analysis 1
Brown, Laur 1
Supv EC Kindergarten 1
Black, Lisa 1
Supv Ed Materials Svc 1
Johns, Karin 1
Supv Elem Generalist 4
Crawford, M 1
Lewis, Debr 1
Saunders, D 1
Small, Mia 1
Supv Elem Reading 1
Alonso, Mell 1
Supv English 1
Brown, Eliz 1
Supv Gifted 1
West, Jennif 1
Supv Library Media Svc 1
DeFusco, Ki 1
Supv Library Media Svc K 5 1
Milburn, Jo 1
Supv Mathematics 1
Smith, Mich 1
Supv Music 2
Faulkner, M 1
Hope, Ted 1
Supv Physical Education Health 1
Cappucci, A 1
Supv Secondary Generalist 2
Edgecomb, A 1
Liccio, Celes 1
Supv Social Studies 2
Ford, Marth 1
Holt, Dennis 1
Secretary, Executive 2
Vasquez, Vir 1
Webber, Ki 1
D-EDL 66
Admin On Spec Assignment 3
Campbell, T 1
Marceaux, S 1
Talley, Deb 1
Clerk 4 1
Barnhart, Er 1
Mentor, Instructional 51
Alwood, Jan 1
Baertschi, 1
Bateham, Ka 1
Brennan, Ke 1
Bujnicki, Lis 1
Caraway, Do 1
Caruso, Ren 1
Ciofalo, Juli 1
Coleman, Ki 1
Dahmash, El 1
Daigle, Lian 1
Dax, Alyssa 1
Demming, C 1
Demorin, D 1
Denten, Jos 1
Edelblute-Ca 1
Edwards, Ch 1
Falcone, St 1
Floyd, Zand 1
Fourqurean 1
Fuchs, Valer 1
Haack, Arle 1
Halfmann, 1
Hall, Candic 1
Heeman, Ja 1
Hegarty, Ad 1
Heidt, Corri 1
James, Nico 1
Jankowski, 1
Kahlert, Gail 1
King, Michel 1
Klingman, Ch 1
Lee, Kimber 1
Lefevre, Th 1
Letcher, Joy 1
Livingston, 1
Maguregui, 1
Mayhall, Kel 1
Miller, Nico 1
Mitchell, W 1
Motl, Suzan 1
Quade, Lind 1
Rubly, Step 1
Sharp, Dean 1
Steffen, Erin 1
Stewart, Gai 1
Szewc, Jame 1
Vail, Allyson 1
Villa, Tania 1
Watson, Ka 1
Watts, Char 1
Res Tchr, District 6
Copello, Jo 1
Gates-Mccar 1
Jacobs, Kim 1
Le'Noir, Tar 1
Newman, A 1
Shanteloo, 1
Secretary 3 3
Madonna, R 1
Perkins, Lau 1
Watson, Na 1
Secretary, Executive 1
Underwood, 1
Supervisor 1
Hensley, Kri 1
D-FAC 24
Asst Dept Mgr, HVAC 1
Cooper, Ste 1
Clerk, Maint Unit 1
Stafford, D 1
Clerk, Sr Maint Unit 1
Garcia, Kar 1
Dept Mgr 1
James, Lori 1
Rep, Operations 1
Torres, Car 1
Secretary 1 1
Baker, Sylvi 1
Secretary 2 1
Matthew, S 1
Spec 3, HVAC 2
Garcia, Rich 1
McLaughlin, 1
Spec, Business Process 1
Holt, Christ 1
Spec, Repair Parts 1
Ammann, Ch 1
Storekeeper 3 1
Polento, Jo 1
Trds Wker 4, Multi 4
Dawson, Ti 1
Johnson, Wa 1
Lopez Cruz, 1
Vazquez Bra 1
Trds Wker 7, Multi 4
Diaz, Herber 1
Johnson, R 1
Okins, Peter 1
Pollard, An 1
Trds Wker 9, Multi 1
Houston, Lin 1
Trds Wker, Multi 3
Buell, Thom 1
Coughlin, S 1
Suarez, Ale 1
Clinician, Dist. Mental Health 1
Merchant, M 1
Res Tchr, District 1
Gilberto, Kel 1
School Social Worker 2
Hromalik, S 1
White, Susa 1
Secretary 3 2
Bodie, Debo 1
Britt, Belind 1
Spec, Curriculum 1
Gudes, Deb 1
D-HR 2
Supervisor 1
Richman, Sc 1
Supv Staff Development 1
Miraglia, Ba 1
D-IT 2
Clerk 3, Accounting 1
Banwo, Patr 1
Res Tchr, District 1
Richwine, M 1
Secretary, Executive 1
Lee, Arlita 1
Total Result 201
Employees that have Resolution (Remain in
current postion, Transfer, Retirement, End
Assignment, Pool)
Expected continued Employment - all -

Resolution for Employee (Remain in current Posit- multiple -

Division Job Descrip Employee Count - Job Descrip

Deputy Director 1
Brooks, Ma 1
Supt, Area 1
Yost, Lisa 1
D-HR 6
Res Tchr, District 6
Dawson, J 1
Holland, Ho 1
Huriaux, 1
Jones, Lisa 1
Roman, Di 1
Siudut, Ker 1
Total Result 8
Site # Site Name Division Employee Name EE ID Position
9230 Office of External Comm D-COM White, Lesli 203198 9230-00065
9252 Outreach & School Improvement D-ADM Burgos, Glorivee 182023 9252-00010
9252 Outreach & School Improvement D-ADM Russell, Crystal 194199 9252-00018
9252 Outreach & School Improvement D-ADM Saunders, Darla 112334 9252-00025
9252 Outreach & School Improvement D-ADM Thornton, Ashleigh 206072 9252-00021
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Bogle, Shannon 129913 9253-00055
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Daniels, Dustin 205930 9253-00104-T
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Fekete, George 123383 9253-00005
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Hawthorne, Terry 113928 9253-00068
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Horchak, Robert 188648 9253-00046
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL James, Erika 174679 9253-00027
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL McManus, Tricia 109647 9253-00031
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Ramputi, Darlene 109788 9253-00079
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Royal, Patricia 122490 9253-00068
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Shaffer, Whitnee 136811 9253-00004
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Stout, Marie 111870 9253-00087
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Sykes, Larry 113791 9253-00076
9310 Office of Teaching & Learning D-CUR Cook, Deborah 106884 9310-00054
9310 Office of Teaching & Learning D-CUR Doughertyunderw, Ramona 128926 9310-00020
9314 Assessment and Accountability D-CUR Binder, Nicole 132303 9314-00001
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR McFarland, Daniel 117779 9320-00003
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR Reddel, Lory 106760 9320-00008
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Creed, Temetia 132056 9330-00005
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Devizio, Emily 136672 9330-00037
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Fahle, John 134023 9330-00007
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Fernandez, Rebecca 180030 9330-00106
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Keenan, Kimberly 131718 9330-00005
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Scherer, Jana 174951 9330-00106
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Tirado, Shana 131549 9330-00003
9340 Academic Support & Federal Prg D-FSS Brown, Tracye 115590 9340-00004
9340 Academic Support & Federal Prg D-FSS Chiles, Celeste 193981 9340-00212
9347 Early Childhood Programs D-FSS Costa, Colleen 206490 9347-00183
9352 School Counseling Services D-FSS Vallejo, Ansberto 132777 9352-00002
9368 Central Printing D-SUP Marrero, Brianna 110750 9368-00009
9368 Central Printing D-SUP Perez Cruz, Aracelis 197080 9368-00001
9368 Central Printing D-SUP Savidge, Connie 200145 9368-00004
9368 Central Printing D-SUP Smith, Klisa 147681 9368-00003
9368 Central Printing D-SUP Teel, Stanley 160644 9368-00005
9368 Central Printing D-SUP Williams, Ronald 186925 9368-00004
9373 Educ Access Opp and Alts D-ADM Aguero, Carmen 118826 9373-00030
9373 Educ Access Opp and Alts D-ADM Dixon, Charles 118405 9373-00030
9373 Educ Access Opp and Alts D-ADM Marion, Fontaine 114764 9373-00030
9373 Educ Access Opp and Alts D-ADM Underwood, Juanita 111625 9373-00030
9390 Middle School Education Dept D-CUR Jacquay, Nicole 154129 9390-00008
9390 Middle School Education Dept D-CUR Navarre, Mary 119492 9390-00009
9390 Middle School Education Dept D-CUR White, Catherine 148077 9390-00007
9392 Choice Program Office D-ADM Borders, Stacy 121226 9392-00074
9395 Advanced Academics D-CUR Bergholm, Eric 113673 9395-00001
9395 Advanced Academics D-CUR Fullam, Karen 135427 9395-00005
9395 Advanced Academics D-CUR Lenegar, Jazheel 135907 9395-00008
9395 Advanced Academics D-CUR Moore, Emme 180169 9395-00005
9395 Advanced Academics D-CUR Stalnaker, Kelly 182187 9395-00005
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Basham, Gregory 146719 9428-00034
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Cannella, Gregory 114323 9428-00032
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Davenport, Dodi 134162 9428-00020
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Huff, Kim 105543 9428-00033
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Mills, Debra 102375 9428-00032
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Robinson, Sandra 121520 9428-00035
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Scaglione, Jacquelyn 114213 9428-00032
9431 Professional Development D-HR Cardenas, Elizabeth 117476 9431-00002
9431 Professional Development D-HR Jackson, Jamalya 133218 9431-00001
9541 Career and Technical Education D-TCA Brooks, Warren 121167 9541-00100
9610 Chief of Schools, Admin D-ADM Grayes, Richard 119642 9610-00040
9651 Area 1 District Office D-ADM Moniz, Eva 137153 9651-00035
9651 Area 1 District Office D-ADM Yost, Lisa 112227 9651-00001
9652 Area 2 District Office D-ADM Murillo, Marcos 131358 9652-00001
9652 Area 2 District Office D-ADM Whiting, Linda 104212 9652-00036
9653 Area 3 District Office D-ADM Brown, Anna 135303 9653-00001
9653 Area 3 District Office D-ADM Thomas, Alice 118460 9653-00034
9655 Smaller Learning Network 1 D-ADM Alege, Olayinka 107194 9655-00038
9655 Smaller Learning Network 1 D-ADM Congiusto, Aurora 129926 9655-00036
9655 Smaller Learning Network 1 D-ADM Fitzgerald, Michelle 196432 9655-00001
9656 Area 5 District Office D-ADM Brooks, Maribeth 132716 9656-00047
9656 Area 5 District Office D-ADM Fertic, Linda 111695 9656-00042
9656 Area 5 District Office D-ADM Morris, Sharon 103672 9656-00001
9656 Area 5 District Office D-ADM Rountree, Dorinda 136298 9656-00042
9657 Area 4 District Office D-ADM Watkins, Kimberly 142066 9657-00040
9658 Smaller Learning Network 2 D-ADM McRae, Shaylia 126669 9658-00002
9658 Smaller Learning Network 2 D-ADM Roelse, Barbara 150471 9658-00028
9720 Office of Strategy Management D-DEP Anderson, Roscoe 143761 9720-00016
9720 Office of Strategy Management D-DEP Cochran, William 150530 9720-00015
9720 Office of Strategy Management D-DEP Hooper, Samantha 186655 9720-00018
9720 Office of Strategy Management D-DEP McLeod, Julie 152231 9720-00017
9720 Office of Strategy Management D-DEP Prive, Amanda 140725 9720-00025
9720 Office of Strategy Management D-DEP Swere, Jessica 132365 9720-00019
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Antinori, Alan 110372 9834-00016
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Chapman, Bryan 167053 9834-00016
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Crego, Felix 119142 9834-00014
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Dang, Hoa 164259 9834-00029
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Davies, John 118082 9834-00017
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Delgado, Jaime 130715 9834-00015
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Derby, William 172178 9834-00017
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Diaz, Lazaro 191586 9834-00015
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Everich, Peter 158692 9834-00015
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Fernandez, David 172249 9834-00029
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Frese, John 133276 9834-00016
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Gay, David 182414 9834-00013
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Gil, Jose 131407 9834-00016
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Gonzalez Resto, Gamaliel 149954 9834-00014
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Guagliardo, Gregory 112230 9834-00016
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Guzman, Michael 171686 9834-00014
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Heaton, Michael 156986 9834-00015
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Herbello, Manuel 105098 9834-00015
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Iglesias, Raul 113036 9834-00016
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Jimenez, Jose 156176 9834-00012
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Llano, Joseph 109745 9834-00015
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Lopez, Luis 114027 9834-00015
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Maida, Michael 115095 9834-00016
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Martinez, Roberto 203144 9834-00014
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Morales, Ephraim 103382 9834-00016
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Morales, Jose 105562 9834-00015
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Nottingham, Mark 171902 9834-00029
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Otero, Kenneth 166776 9834-00029
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Parsons, Charles 135392 9834-00035
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Perhot, Gavin 168487 9834-00035
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Pericles, Jean 171485 9834-00014
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Porter, Robert 103413 9834-00015
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Pratt, Micheal 155988 9834-00015
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Quiles, Ruben 130870 9834-00016
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Reed, Larry 121394 9834-00014
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Robertson, William 172583 9834-00036
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Rooke, April 110735 9834-00029
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Samaniego, Gabriel 197016 9834-00015
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Samaniego, Juan 102226 9834-00016
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Sams, Robert 121568 9834-00016
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Sanchez, Alexis 200024 9834-00014
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Sharp, Thomas 121198 9834-00012
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Sherman, James 133098 9834-00012
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Stansell, Frank 119961 9834-00015
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Thomas, Tyrone 113804 9834-00035
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Valladares, Josefina 171844 9834-00029
9251 Operations Division D-SUP Lee, Arlita 189563 9251-00006
9252 Outreach & School Improvement D-ADM Fors, Raquel 148679 9252-00020
9252 Outreach & School Improvement D-ADM Johnson, Felecia 115049 9252-00024
9252 Outreach & School Improvement D-ADM Smrstick, Lorinda 176823 9252-00023
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Barnhart, Erin 150544 9253-00043
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Campbell, Teresa 123477 9253-00068
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Copello, Joseph 180646 9253-00060
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Gates-Mccarthy, Nancy 116783 9253-00073
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Hensley, Kristine 105107 9253-00091
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Jacobs, Kimberly 133713 9253-00048
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Le'Noir, Tarance 111823 9253-00051
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Marceaux, Sheryl 109893 9253-00068
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Newman, Amanda 132118 9253-00060
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Shanteloo, Jasmine 149952 9253-00060
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Underwood, Regina 158130 9253-00098
9253 Leadership Prof Dev & Sch Tran D-EDL Watson, Nanette 109964 9253-00082
9309 Student Services Department D-FSS Britt, Belinda 113994 9309-00007
9309 Student Services Department D-FSS Merchant, Melissa 138950 9309-00028
9310 Office of Teaching & Learning D-CUR Danger, Christine 133040 9310-00023
9310 Office of Teaching & Learning D-CUR Laux, Katie 204407 9310-00047
9310 Office of Teaching & Learning D-CUR Plank, Larry 125617 9310-00016
9310 Office of Teaching & Learning D-CUR Robinson, Kathryn 107817 9310-00052
9314 Assessment and Accountability D-CUR Brown, Laura 150499 9314-00002
9314 Assessment and Accountability D-CUR Mastrucci, Adam 203240 9314-00005
9314 Assessment and Accountability D-CUR Swager, Jennifer 175380 9314-00018
9314 Assessment and Accountability D-CUR Welch, Deirdre 102821 9314-00004
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR Brown, Elizabeth 126313 9320-00012
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR Cappucci, Ashlee 154124 9320-00002
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR Castro, Melissa 137514 9320-00181
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR Collins, Leisha 138877 9320-00157
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR Dent, Autumn 158447 9320-00160
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR Granich, Leslie 123231 9320-00001
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR Holt, Dennis 113430 9320-00004
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR Hope, Ted 110258 9320-00007
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR King, Lauren 134585 9320-00159
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR Liccio, Celeste 135092 9320-00010
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR Morgado, Melissa 114866 9320-00151
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR Morris, Joseph 103165 9320-00148
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR Saladino, Erin 138966 9320-00005
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR Smith, Michael 110269 9320-00009
9320 Secondary Education Dept D-CUR Woodward, Lauren 202696 9320-00152
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Alexander, Lianna 101276 9330-00107
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Alonso, Mellissa 118299 9330-00083
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Black, Lisa 130042 9330-00002
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Ciccarello, Kathleen 138980 9330-00107
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Crawford, Maria 131644 9330-00008
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Curry, Cynthia 139954 9330-00107
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Dunn, Laura 124245 9330-00104
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Faulkner, Melanie 108464 9330-00078
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Foss, Alyssa 100175 9330-00123
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Frost, Darrell 123444 9330-00106
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Garced, Mary 101298 9330-00107
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Gordon-Birdwell, Heidi 139971 9330-00105
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Knox, Barbara 128763 9330-00106
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Lewis, Debra 126544 9330-00008
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Mestre, Tracey 147356 9330-00107
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Mueller, Amber 140349 9330-00104
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Niebel, Linette 125655 9330-00047
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Olsen, Melissa 128691 9330-00047
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Ratasky, Joseph 128635 9330-00014
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Sarmiento, Julia 145785 9330-00004
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Saunders, Daryl 112100 9330-00008
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Small, Mia 131583 9330-00008
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Thomas, Lori 123816 9330-00107
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Uhe, Shanna 125511 9330-00106
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Valentin, Michelle 170387 9330-00117
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Vannostrand, Anna 107107 9330-00105
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR West, Jennifer 132115 9330-00006
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Young, Shanann 146386 9330-00106
9330 Elementary Education Dept D-CUR Zilbar, Amy 101124 9330-00001
9342 English Language Learners D-CUR Barron, Judith 126145 9342-00018
9342 English Language Learners D-CUR Coykendall, Raquel 136959 9342-00012
9342 English Language Learners D-CUR Lopez, Lesleigh 121671 9342-00003
9342 English Language Learners D-CUR Moon, Jennifer 134826 9342-00018
9342 English Language Learners D-CUR Moore, Michelle 159443 9342-00019
9342 English Language Learners D-CUR Sharpe, Lucille 136049 9342-00018
9342 English Language Learners D-CUR Suarez, Emilia 184407 9342-00012
9342 English Language Learners D-CUR Tedder, Jennifer 114269 9342-00012
9342 English Language Learners D-CUR Tuero, Lisa 116434 9342-00018
9347 Early Childhood Programs D-FSS Gilberto, Kelly 107052 9347-00180
9347 Early Childhood Programs D-FSS Gudes, Debbra 106773 9347-00012
9347 Early Childhood Programs D-FSS Hromalik, Susana 121356 9347-00181
9347 Early Childhood Programs D-FSS White, Susan 119373 9347-00181
9353 Psychological Services D-FSS Bodie, Deborah 109506 9353-00014
9360 Media Services D-CUR DeFusco, Kimberly 100828 9360-00005
9360 Media Services D-CUR Milburn, John 108775 9360-00008
9390 Middle School Education Dept D-CUR Alonso, Sharon 138757 9390-00079
9390 Middle School Education Dept D-CUR Bedford, Amanda 135581 9390-00072
9390 Middle School Education Dept D-CUR Booker, Jonathan 147017 9390-00064
9390 Middle School Education Dept D-CUR Edgecomb, Allison 115714 9390-00050
9390 Middle School Education Dept D-CUR Ford, Martha 107629 9390-00010
9390 Middle School Education Dept D-CUR Johns, Karine 131655 9390-00038
9390 Middle School Education Dept D-CUR Kabani, Mohamed 128571 9390-00080
9390 Middle School Education Dept D-CUR Mixon, Magda 129781 9390-00071
9390 Middle School Education Dept D-CUR Pisaneschi, Dena 106443 9390-00078
9390 Middle School Education Dept D-CUR Spence, Janet 126825 9390-00001
9390 Middle School Education Dept D-CUR Suarez, Troy 151447 9390-00054
9390 Middle School Education Dept D-CUR Tanner, Elise 163432 9390-00090
9392 Choice Program Office D-ADM Sukach, Kimberly 101163 9392-00019
9395 Advanced Academics D-CUR Bottone, Gail 101020 9395-00005
9395 Advanced Academics D-CUR Cooks, Patra 112600 9395-00012
9395 Advanced Academics D-CUR Durkee, Christina 134769 9395-00018
9395 Advanced Academics D-CUR Lucas, Ayana 115979 9395-00005
9395 Advanced Academics D-CUR Miller, Amanda 139957 9395-00028
9395 Advanced Academics D-CUR Morgan, Lora 154452 9395-00028
9395 Advanced Academics D-CUR Scrivner, Crystal 143868 9395-00015
9395 Advanced Academics D-CUR Shaffer, Brian 160005 9395-00005
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Alwood, Janet 141110 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Baertschi, Michele 129462 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Bateham, Kathryn 101137 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Brennan, Kelly 105972 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Bujnicki, Lisa 180264 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Caraway, Dorothy 105624 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Caruso, Renee 159778 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Ciofalo, Julie 123895 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Coleman, Kimberly 114066 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Dahmash, Elsebeth 189061 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Daigle, Liana 151113 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Dax, Alyssa 141063 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Demming, Carla 130351 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Demorin, Dianne 148600 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Denten, Joseph 155725 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Edelblute-Caggia, Jennifer 128039 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Edwards, Cheryl 134792 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Falcone, Stephanie 153400 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Floyd, Zandra 145986 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Fourqurean, Samantha 187042 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Fuchs, Valerie 104445 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Haack, Arlene 129183 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Halfmann, Norma 147626 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Hall, Candice 118417 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Heeman, Jaime 146682 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Hegarty, Adelfa 206239 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Heidt, Corrie 132546 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL James, Nicole 158789 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Jankowski, Sarah 152456 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Kahlert, Gail 109091 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL King, Michelle 133066 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Klingman, Christina 169023 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Lee, Kimberly 140845 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Lefevre, Thomas 134008 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Letcher, Joy 147621 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Livingston, Nadine 136265 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Madonna, Ranae 166738 9428-00037
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Maguregui, Julian 180098 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Mayhall, Kelly 140065 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Miller, Nicole 106117 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Mitchell, Wendy 121384 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Motl, Suzanne 127919 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Perkins, Laura 109719 9428-00037
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Quade, Linda 125697 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Rubly, Stephanie 164340 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Sharp, Deana 137333 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Steffen, Erin 136604 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Stewart, Gail 152792 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Szewc, James 140141 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Talley, Deborah 109833 9428-00032
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Vail, Allyson 142387 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Villa, Tania 101273 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Watson, Kay 165948 9428-00023
9428 Leadership Development D-EDL Watts, Charles 144107 9428-00023
9431 Professional Development D-HR Dawson, Jenna 164415 9431-00006
9431 Professional Development D-HR Holland, Holly 133196 9431-00015
9431 Professional Development D-HR Huriaux, Wendy 158333 9431-00015
9431 Professional Development D-HR Jones, Lisa 150486 9431-00006
9431 Professional Development D-HR Miraglia, Barbara 117190 9431-00009
9431 Professional Development D-HR Richman, Scott 113859 9431-00004
9431 Professional Development D-HR Roman, Diamar 105526 9431-00006
9431 Professional Development D-HR Siudut, Keri 172855 9431-00006
9443 Safety Office D-FAC Torres, Carmen 186361 9443-00039
9511 Divisional Program Services D-CUR Crescenzi, Karen 134173 9511-00006
9511 Divisional Program Services D-CUR Trejo, Patricia 165859 9511-00007
9511 Divisional Program Services D-CUR Wilson, Donna 109192 9511-00016
9610 Chief of Schools, Admin D-ADM Velazquez Rivera, Amarilis 172669 9610-00007
9611 Administration D-ADM Turner, Reina 113614 9611-00013
9651 Area 1 District Office D-ADM Faucett, Colleen 128290 9651-00038
9652 Area 2 District Office D-ADM Nelson, Robert 112492 9652-00038
9653 Area 3 District Office D-ADM Tonelli, Kristin 132706 9653-00036
9656 Area 5 District Office D-ADM Mayo, Dennis 112990 9656-00048
9658 Smaller Learning Network 2 D-ADM Pritchard, Odalys 131860 9658-00032
9720 Office of Strategy Management D-DEP Vasquez, Virginia 116636 9720-00014
9720 Office of Strategy Management D-DEP Webber, Kimberly 121635 9720-00014
9750 Information Services D-IT Banwo, Patricia 109892 9750-00034
9750 Information Services D-IT Richwine, Melinda 113475 9750-00080
9810 Operations Division D-FAC Holt, Christopher 165290 9810-00033
9810 Operations Division D-FAC James, Lori 119822 9810-00040
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Ammann, Christopher 189902 9834-00011
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Baker, Sylvia 121030 9834-00004
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Buell, Thomas 126137 9834-00018
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Cooper, Steve 151208 9834-00030
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Coughlin, Steven 115103 9834-00018
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Dawson, Timothy 107828 9834-00019
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Diaz, Herbert 115336 9834-00021
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Garcia, Karen 153578 9834-00006
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Garcia, Richard 109455 9834-00028
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Houston, Linvall 136898 9834-00023
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Johnson, Raymond 111921 9834-00021
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Johnson, Walter 134343 9834-00019
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Lopez Cruz, Hiram 155269 9834-00019
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Matthew, Shanna 205852 9834-00005
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC McLaughlin, Christopher 106481 9834-00028
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Okins, Peter 128612 9834-00021
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Polento, John 145538 9834-00010
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Pollard, Anthony 134253 9834-00021
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Stafford, Deborah 106745 9834-00007
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Suarez, Alejandro 137709 9834-00018
9834 Air Conditioning & Energy Mgt D-FAC Vazquez Bravo, Ivan 202719 9834-00019
Job Job Descrip Tenure EE Status Bargaining
51384 Creative Lead AA Non-Represented
50210 Secretary, Administrative AA Non-Represented
58902 Mgr, Program AC Non-Represented
58902 Mgr, Program AA Non-Represented
58902 Mgr, Program AC Non-Represented
12066 Supv Staff Development TA-01 AA Non-Represented
58901 Consultant TS-06 AC Non-Represented
10175 Coordinator TA-01 DP Non-Represented
10162 Admin On Spec Assignment TA-01 AA Non-Represented
50501 Analyst, Div System Procedure AA Non-Represented
50210 Secretary, Administrative AA Non-Represented
10082 Asst Supt, Ed Lead & Prof Dev EXE AA Non-Represented
50904 Accountant 2 DP Non-Represented
10162 Admin On Spec Assignment TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10175 Coordinator TA-01 AA Non-Represented
50902 Accountant 1 DP Non-Represented
10162 Admin On Spec Assignment EXE DP Non-Represented
10101 Chief Officer, Academic EXE AA Non-Represented
10160 Director TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10160 Director TA-01 AA Non-Represented
12063 Supv Science TA-01 DP Non-Represented
12060 Supv Reading TA-01 AA Non-Represented
12018 Supv Elem Reading TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10175 Coordinator TA-01 AA Non-Represented
12019 Supv Elem Math TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10588 Coach, Math TA-01 AA Represented
12018 Supv Elem Reading TA-01 DP Non-Represented
10588 Coach, Math TA-01 AA Represented
12022 Supv Elem Science TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10108 Asst Supt, Std Fed Prog EXE AA Non-Represented
50904 Accountant 2 AA Non-Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District PB-01 AC Represented
12036 Supv Guidance TA-01 AA Non-Represented
53833 Graphics Designer DP Represented
51317 Supv, Admin Svcs AA Non-Represented
50346 Printer 2 AA Represented
50342 Mgr, Multi Media Print AA Non-Represented
50348 Printer, Senior AA Represented
50346 Printer 2 AA Represented
19025 Expulsion Hearing Master AH Non-Represented
19025 Expulsion Hearing Master AH Non-Represented
19025 Expulsion Hearing Master AH Non-Represented
19025 Expulsion Hearing Master AH Non-Represented
12063 Supv Science TA-01 AA Non-Represented
12043 Supv Language Arts TA-01 AA Non-Represented
12049 Supv Mathematics AA-01 AA Non-Represented
50514 Analyst, Programmer AA Non-Represented
10147 Director, General Adv Acadmcs TA-01 DP Non-Represented
10175 Coordinator TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10170 Supervisor TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10175 Coordinator TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10175 Coordinator TA-01 LY Non-Represented
10170 Supervisor TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10162 Admin On Spec Assignment TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10170 Supervisor TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10160 Director TA-01 DP Non-Represented
10162 Admin On Spec Assignment TA-01 DP Non-Represented
10170 Supervisor TA-01 DP Non-Represented
10162 Admin On Spec Assignment TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10175 Coordinator TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10167 Director, Training Staff Dev TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10409 Officer, Workforce Connections TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10182 Principal, Elementary TA-01 AA Non-Represented
50210 Secretary, Administrative AA Non-Represented
10400 Supt, Area EXE DP Non-Represented
10400 Supt, Area EXE AA Non-Represented
50210 Secretary, Administrative AA Non-Represented
10400 Supt, Area EXE AA Non-Represented
50210 Secretary, Administrative DP Non-Represented
10162 Admin On Spec Assignment TA-01 AA Non-Represented
50210 Secretary, Administrative DP Non-Represented
10400 Supt, Area EXE AA Non-Represented
10411 Deputy Director TA-01 AA Non-Represented
50210 Secretary, Administrative DP Non-Represented
10400 Supt, Area EXE DP Non-Represented
50210 Secretary, Administrative AA Non-Represented
50210 Secretary, Administrative AA Non-Represented
10400 Supt, Area EXE AA Non-Represented
50210 Secretary, Administrative AA Non-Represented
56102 Liaison, Education Advocate AA Non-Represented
10029 Gen Mgr, Strategy Management TA-01 AA Non-Represented
19206 Dept Mgr, Fed Prog Evaluation TA-01 AA Non-Represented
19204 Mgr, Strategic Data and Eval TA-01 AA Non-Represented
19206 Dept Mgr, Fed Prog Evaluation TA-01 AA Non-Represented
19205 Dept Mgr, Strategic Planning TA-01 AA Non-Represented
54736 Mechanic 3, Ref, AC DP Represented
54736 Mechanic 3, Ref, AC AA Represented
54733 Mechanic 1, Ref, AC DP Represented
55031 Mentor, Energy Conservation AA Non-Represented
54738 Tech, HVAC Control AA Represented
54734 Mechanic 2, Ref, AC AA Represented
54738 Tech, HVAC Control AA Represented
54734 Mechanic 2, Ref, AC AA Represented
54734 Mechanic 2, Ref, AC AA Represented
55031 Mentor, Energy Conservation DP Non-Represented
54736 Mechanic 3, Ref, AC AA Represented
54703 Supv, Maint Repair AA Non-Represented
54736 Mechanic 3, Ref, AC DP Represented
54733 Mechanic 1, Ref, AC AA Represented
54736 Mechanic 3, Ref, AC AA Represented
54733 Mechanic 1, Ref, AC AA Represented
54734 Mechanic 2, Ref, AC AA Represented
54734 Mechanic 2, Ref, AC DP Represented
54736 Mechanic 3, Ref, AC DP Represented
54702 Supv, Asst Maint Repair AA Non-Represented
54734 Mechanic 2, Ref, AC DP Represented
54734 Mechanic 2, Ref, AC AA Represented
54736 Mechanic 3, Ref, AC DP Represented
54733 Mechanic 1, Ref, AC AA Represented
54736 Mechanic 3, Ref, AC AA Represented
54734 Mechanic 2, Ref, AC AA Represented
55031 Mentor, Energy Conservation AA Non-Represented
55031 Mentor, Energy Conservation AA Non-Represented
54945 Coordinator, HVAC Repair AA Represented
54945 Coordinator, HVAC Repair AA Represented
54733 Mechanic 1, Ref, AC AA Represented
54734 Mechanic 2, Ref, AC DP Represented
54734 Mechanic 2, Ref, AC AA Represented
54736 Mechanic 3, Ref, AC AA Represented
54733 Mechanic 1, Ref, AC DP Represented
54669 Supv, Energy Mgmt Services AA Non-Represented
55031 Mentor, Energy Conservation AA Non-Represented
54734 Mechanic 2, Ref, AC AA Represented
54736 Mechanic 3, Ref, AC AA Represented
54736 Mechanic 3, Ref, AC AA Represented
54733 Mechanic 1, Ref, AC AA Represented
54702 Supv, Asst Maint Repair AA Non-Represented
54702 Supv, Asst Maint Repair AA Non-Represented
54734 Mechanic 2, Ref, AC AA Represented
54945 Coordinator, HVAC Repair AA Represented
55031 Mentor, Energy Conservation AA Non-Represented
50211 Secretary, Executive AA Represented
54114 Custodian AA Represented
50112 Secretary 2 DP Represented
50112 Secretary 2 AA Represented
50108 Clerk 4 AA Represented
10162 Admin On Spec Assignment TS-01 AA Non-Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TA-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
10170 Supervisor TS-01 AA Non-Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-02 AC Represented
10162 Admin On Spec Assignment TS-01 AA Non-Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
50211 Secretary, Executive AA Represented
50212 Secretary 3 AA Represented
50212 Secretary 3 AA Represented
10508 Clinician, Dist. Mental Health TS-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
10175 Coordinator PB-01 AA Non-Represented
10160 Director TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10175 Coordinator TA-01 AA Non-Represented
12011 Supv Data Analysis TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10175 Coordinator AA-01 AA Non-Represented
10175 Coordinator TA-01 AA Non-Represented
12005 Supv Assessment AA-01 AA Non-Represented
12025 Supv English TS-01 AA Non-Represented
12054 Supv Physical Education Health AA-01 AA Non-Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
10588 Coach, Math TS-01 AA Represented
10589 Coach, Writing TS-01 AA Represented
10198 General Director, Inst Ldrship TA-01 DP Non-Represented
12065 Supv Social Studies TS-01 DP Non-Represented
12050 Supv Music TS-01 DP Non-Represented
10583 Coach, Science TS-01 AA Represented
12064 Supv Secondary Generalist TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10170 Supervisor TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10175 Coordinator TS-01 AA Non-Represented
12004 Supv Art TA-01 AA Non-Represented
12049 Supv Mathematics TS-01 DP Non-Represented
10175 Coordinator AA-01 AA Non-Represented
10582 Coach, Reading TS-01 AA Represented
12018 Supv Elem Reading TS-01 AA Non-Represented
12015 Supv EC Kindergarten TS-01 DP Non-Represented
10582 Coach, Reading TS-01 AA Represented
12017 Supv Elem Generalist TS-01 DP Non-Represented
10582 Coach, Reading TS-01 AA Represented
10583 Coach, Science TS-01 AA Represented
12050 Supv Music TS-01 DP Non-Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District AE-01 AA Represented
10588 Coach, Math TS-01 AA Represented
10582 Coach, Reading TS-01 AA Represented
10589 Coach, Writing TS-01 AA Represented
10588 Coach, Math TS-01 AA Represented
12017 Supv Elem Generalist TS-01 AA Non-Represented
10582 Coach, Reading TS-01 AA Represented
10583 Coach, Science TS-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
10170 Supervisor TA-01 AA Non-Represented
12017 Supv Elem Generalist TS-01 AA Non-Represented
12017 Supv Elem Generalist TS-01 AA Non-Represented
10582 Coach, Reading TS-01 AA Represented
10588 Coach, Math TS-01 AA Represented
50916 Clerk 3, Accounting AA Represented
10589 Coach, Writing TS-01 AA Represented
12034 Supv Gifted TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10588 Coach, Math TS-01 AA Represented
10198 General Director, Inst Ldrship TS-01 AA Non-Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District AE-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 LY Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 DP Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TA-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 LY Represented
10345 Spec, Curriculum TS-01 AA Represented
10710 School Social Worker TS-01 DP Represented
10710 School Social Worker TS-01 DP Represented
50212 Secretary 3 DP Represented
12046 Supv Library Media Svc TA-01 AA Non-Represented
12045 Supv Library Media Svc K 5 TS-01 AA Non-Represented
10589 Coach, Writing TS-01 AA Represented
10582 Coach, Reading TS-01 AA Represented
10175 Coordinator TA-01 AA Non-Represented
12064 Supv Secondary Generalist TA-01 AA Non-Represented
12065 Supv Social Studies TS-01 AA Non-Represented
12016 Supv Ed Materials Svc TS-01 AA Non-Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
10588 Coach, Math TS-01 AA Represented
10583 Coach, Science TS-01 AA Represented
10198 General Director, Inst Ldrship TA-01 DP Non-Represented
10170 Supervisor TA-01 AA Non-Represented
12081 Res Tchr, Site TS-01 AA Represented
10561 Spec, Communication TS-01 AA Represented
10175 Coordinator TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10175 Coordinator TS-01 AA Non-Represented
10175 Coordinator TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10175 Coordinator AA-01 AA Non-Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District AE-01 AC Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TA-01 AA Represented
10175 Coordinator TA-01 AA Non-Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional AE-01 AC Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 DP Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TA-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 LY Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TA-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 DP Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 DP Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional AC Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional AE-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 DP Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TA-01 LY Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
50212 Secretary 3 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TA-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 LY Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 DP Represented
50212 Secretary 3 DP Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TA-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
10162 Admin On Spec Assignment TS-01 DP Non-Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TA-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TA-01 AA Represented
19028 Mentor, Instructional TS-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AC Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TA-01 AA Represented
12066 Supv Staff Development TA-01 AA Non-Represented
10170 Supervisor TS-01 AA Non-Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TA-01 AA Represented
50954 Rep, Operations AA Non-Represented
50906 Accountant 3 DP Non-Represented
50561 Spec, Off Netwk Computer AA Represented
10120 Mgr, Instr Prog Support TA-01 DP Non-Represented
50212 Secretary 3 AA Represented
50212 Secretary 3 AA Represented
10162 Admin On Spec Assignment TS-01 AA Non-Represented
10162 Admin On Spec Assignment TS-01 AA Non-Represented
10162 Admin On Spec Assignment TS-01 AA Non-Represented
10162 Admin On Spec Assignment TS-01 AA Non-Represented
10162 Admin On Spec Assignment TS-01 AA Non-Represented
50211 Secretary, Executive AA Represented
50211 Secretary, Executive AA Represented
50916 Clerk 3, Accounting AA Represented
12080 Res Tchr, District TS-01 AA Represented
19023 Spec, Business Process AA-01 AA Non-Represented
10178 Dept Mgr AA-01 AA Non-Represented
55087 Spec, Repair Parts AA Represented
50110 Secretary 1 DP Represented
54748 Trds Wker, Multi AA Represented
54800 Asst Dept Mgr, HVAC AA Non-Represented
54748 Trds Wker, Multi DP Represented
54751 Trds Wker 4, Multi AA Represented
54754 Trds Wker 7, Multi DP Represented
50143 Clerk, Sr Maint Unit AA Represented
54767 Spec 3, HVAC DP Non-Represented
54756 Trds Wker 9, Multi AA Represented
54754 Trds Wker 7, Multi AA Represented
54751 Trds Wker 4, Multi AA Represented
54751 Trds Wker 4, Multi AA Represented
50112 Secretary 2 AA Represented
54767 Spec 3, HVAC AA Non-Represented
54754 Trds Wker 7, Multi AA Represented
50724 Storekeeper 3 AA Represented
54754 Trds Wker 7, Multi AA Represented
50144 Clerk, Maint Unit DP Represented
54748 Trds Wker, Multi AA Represented
54751 Trds Wker 4, Multi AA Represented
Transfer/Pool/End Assign Expected continued Employment
Annual contract. End Assignment 6/30/2020 N
end 06/30/2020 N
end 06/30/2020 N
end 06/30/2020 N
end 06/30/2020 N
Annual contract. End Assignment N
End assignment if not rehired by 6/30/2020 N
Non rep employee. End Assignment. N
At will employee. End assignment. N
Annual contract. End Assignment N
Non rep employee. End Assignment. N
At will N
Annual contract. End assignment. N
Annual contract. End Assignment N
Annual contract. End assignment if not rehired. N
Annual contract. End assignment if not rehired. N
Annual contract. End assignment if not rehired. N
Annual contract. End assignment. N
Annual contract. End assignment if not rehired. N
Annual contract. End assignment if not rehired/transf N
Annual contract. End assignment if not rehired. N
Annual contract. End assignment if not rehired/transf N
Annual contract. End assignment if not rehired. N
At will N
end 06/30/2020 N
Restricted empolyee. End Assignment N
End 6/30/2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
End Assignment N
End Assignment N
End Assignment N
End Assignment N
Annual contract. End assignment if not rehired. N
Annual contract. End assignment if not rehired. N
Annual contract. End assignment if not rehired. N
end 06/30/2020 N
Annual contract. End assignment if not rehired. N
Annual contract. End assignment. N
Annual contract. End assignment if not rehired. N
Annual contract. End assignment. N
Annual contract. End assignment. N
Annual contract. End Assignment N
Annual contract. End Assignment N
Annual contract. End Assignment N
Annual contract. End Assignment N
Annual contract. End assignment if not rehired. N
Annual contract. End assignment if not rehired. N
End 6/30/2020 N
Annual contract. End Assignment N
Non rep employee. End Assignment. N
At will employee. End assignment. N
At will employee. End assignment. N
Non rep employee. End Assignment. N
At will employee. End assignment. N
Non rep employee. End Assignment. N
Annual contract. End Assignment N
Non rep employee. End Assignment. N
At will employee. End assignment. N
Annual contract. End Assignment N
Non rep employee. End Assignment. N
At will employee. End assignment. N
Non rep employee. End Assignment. N
Non rep employee. End Assignment. N
At will employee. End assignment. N
Non rep employee. End Assignment. N
end 06/30/2020 N
End 6/30/2020 N
End 6/30/2020 N
End 6/30/2020 N
End 6/30/2020 N
End 6/30/2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
end assignment 6-30-2020 N
pool rights Y
HSEF pool Y
ESP pool Y
ESP employee. AA status. Pool Y
ESP employee. AA status. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Represented employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
ESP employee. AA status. Pool Y
ESP pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Confirm move to ASFP Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
confirm move to Site 9347 Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
HCTA pool Y
HCTA pool Y
HCTA pool Y
HCTA pool Y
ESP pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
HCTA pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Maintain Positoin. No Action Needed. Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
ESP Employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
ESP Employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Transfer to Teaching and Learning Y
Transfer to Teaching and Learning Y
Transfer to Teaching and Learning Y
Transfer to Teaching and Learning Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Transfer to Teaching and Learning Y
Transfer to Teaching and Learning Y
pool rights Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
ESP employee. AA status. Pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
ESP employee. AA status. Pool Y
ESP Employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
ESP pool Y
ESP pool Y
ESP Employee. Pool Y
Tenured employee. Pool Y
Maintain position. No action needed. Y
Position moved to SNS Y
Maintain position, no action Y
pool rights Y
pool rights Y
Maintain position, no action Y
pool rights Y
pool rights Y
pool rights Y
pool rights Y
Maintain position, no action Y
pool rights Y
pool rights Y
pool rights Y
pool rights Y
pool rights Y
Maintain position, no action Y
pool rights Y
pool rights Y
pool rights Y
pool rights Y
pool rights Y
pool rights Y
End assignment 6/30/2020
Tricia's Sites. Need Information.
Tricia's Sites. Need Information.
Tricia's Sites. Need Information.
Emailed on 5/12/20. I spoke to Kim Bays about his position. He does all of the analytics for the Leadership Pipeline on EdConn
Tricia's Sites. Need Information.
Tricia's Sites. Need Information.
Tricia's Sites. Need Information.
Reapply-Retitled Position
Reapply- Retitled Position
Reapply-Retitled Position
Reapply-Retitled Position
Pool rights
Pool rights
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
Delete position
Delete position
Delete position
Delete position
Reapply-Retitled Position
Reapply-Retitled Position
Reapply-Retitled Position
Tricia's Sites. Need Information.
Tricia's Sites. Need Information.
Tricia's Sites. Need Information.
Called on 5/14/20  and was told to reapply. S. McRae
Reapply-Retitled Position
Pool rights
Pool rights
Pool rights
Pool rights
Pool rights
Pool rights
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer, may reapply.
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
Pool rights
Pool rights
Tricia's Sites. Need Information.
Tricia's Sites. Need Information.
Tricia's Sites. Need Information.
Tricia's Sites. Need Information.
Pool rights
Maintain position
Maintain Positoin
Maintain-Retitled Position
Maintain-Retitled Position
Reapply-Retitled Position
Maintain Positoin
Maintain-Retitled Position
Reapply-Retitled Position
Maintain Positoin
Maintain Positoin or move to ASFP?
Maintain Positoin or move to ASFP?
Moved to ASFP
VPK moving to site #9347 (ASFP?)
Maintain-Retitled Position
Maintain Positoin
Maintain Positoin
Maintain Positoin
Maintain Positoin
Maintain Positoin
Maintain Positoin
Maintain Positoin
Maintain Positoin
Maintain Positoin
Pool rights
Pool rights
Pool rights
Pool rights
Pool rights
Maintain Positoin
Maintain-Retitled Position
Maintain Positoin
Pool rights
Maintain Positoin or Delete? Provided with Conflicting info.
Maintain Positoin or Delete? Provided with Conflicting info.
Maintain Positoin
5/13/2020-Told to reapply. S. McRae
5/13/2020-Told to reapply. S. McRae


May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
5/13/2020-Told to reapply. S. McRae
Pool rights
Pool rights
Delete position
Maintain at What site #
no action
no action
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
no action
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
no action
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
no action
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
May transfer to any position for which qualified, if no success, assigned to the pool.
Resolution for Employee
(Remain in current Position,
Transfer, Retirement, End
Assignment, Pool) Details

r the Leadership Pipeline on EdConnect and manages all of the leadership personnel data for all programs and Pipeline Programs. Bays ma


ams and Pipeline Programs. Bays may want to keep him to continue that work. S. McRae

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