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Detailed Lesson Plan 2

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Department of Education


City of San Jose del Monte Bulacan

Detailed Lesson Plan

Grade 11

Reading and Writing Skills

Time: 8:00-9:00 am
Date: November 26, 2019/ Tuesday


Content Standard Performance Standard

The learner realizes that information in a The learner critiques a chosen sample of

written text may be selected and organized to each pattern of development focusing on

achieved a particular purpose. information selection, organization, and


I. Objectives
Learning Competency: Distinguishes between and among patterns of development
in writing across disciplines; Comparison and Contrast

LC Code: EN11/12RWS-IIIbf3.5

A. Instructional Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. Identify the signal words used in comparing and contrasting ideas.
b. Create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast two different places.
c. Write a comparative review of two short films using the comparison and contrast
pattern of development.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Patterns of Development in Writing
B. References: Exploring Literature and Grammar book,
C. Teaching Materials: powerpoint presentation, LED television and smiley

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities ( indicators 4, 5)
1. Prayer
2. Cleanliness of the room and surroundings
3. Checking of Attendance

B. Motivation ( indicators 2, 4, 5, 6)

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Again Good morning Engineering! Are

you ready for the next pattern that we
will have for today? “Yes Ma’am!”

Good! So Let’s begin with a group

game! I need 3 representatives from
each group. In every correct answer
you’ll receive a Smiley Sticker which is
equivalent to 1 point on your Graded
Recitation. Whoever earns the highest
number of sticker will be the winner. I
prepared 3 questions for the 1st Round
and another 3 questions for the final
round. (Each group will choose their representatives)
3 Representatives (READER-
Analogy: (Group 1 and Group 2
Representatives) So whoever won this
round will have a chance to move on to
the last round. Are you ready? “Yes Ma’am!”
Let’s begin!

1. Odometer is to mileage as
compass is to : “Direction!”

2. Marathon is to race as
hibernation is to: “ Sleep!”

3. Window is to pane as book is to:

Okay the Group 1 won! You will “Page!”
move on to the final round. Stay
on the side first let’s have the
Group 3 and Group 4! Are you
“Ofcourse Ma’am!”
Let’s begin!
4. Yard is to inch as quart is to: “ounce!”

5. Optimist is to cheerful as “Gloomy!”

pessimist is to:

6. Reptile is to lizard as flower is “Daisy!”


Final Round: Winners in each round.

7. Play is to actor as concert is to:
8. Sponge is to porous as rubber is “elastic!”
to :
9. Secretly is to openly as silently “noisily!”
is to :

That was intense! Good game

students and congratulations to
our winning group .. You’ll
receive plus 3 points for our
graded recitation.
You may now go back to your (The students will go back to their seats)

The game you played is what

we call Analogy. It is a literary
device used to compare ideas
that are dissimilar. So what do
you think is next pattern of “I think Ma’am it’s all about comparison and contrast.”
development in writing?

Very good! Analogy is the most

common form of comparing and
contrasting ideas.

C. Presentation
( indicator 1 )
Before we discuss this pattern, anyone
who can give us a recap of the patterns (The students will raise their hands.)
that we studied yesterday?
“Yesterday we had a lesson about Definition in which the
writer’s goal is to help the reader understand new terms
and concepts.”

Okay, very well said! Now what is your ( Student’s answer may vary)
idea on Comparison and Contrast as a
pattern of development in writing?

Aright! Comparison and Contrast

organizes ideas based on how events,
places, people, things and concepts are
similar to or different from one another.
Comparison and contrast paragraphs
are common in writing many academic
disciplines like the humanities, sciences
and business.
Can you give me examples of written “We may use this in various kinds of essays, lab reports,
outputs in which we may use this book and film reviews and also in marketing campaigns.
pattern of writing?

D. Discussion
1, 3, 4, 5)

Yes , when it comes to your Strand this

will be helpful in doing lab and technical

There are signal words that we may use ( The boys will read.)
for comparing. Boys, please read.
( Students’ answer may vary.)

Can you pick one signal word from the

given table and use it in a sentence?
(The girls will read.)

Correct now there are also signal words

that we may use for contrasting. Girls,
please read.

( Students’ answer may vary.)

Thank you! Can you think of a sentence

using the following words?
“Yes Ma’am!”
So based on the given words it will be
easier for us to write a paragraph
following this pattern right?
Nice, and to complete the package we
have to follow this steps in order to
avoid failing and impress our reading

(The teacher will show the step by step

process in writing a comparison and
contrast essay.)

Step 1 Choose your Subject

Remember that your two subjects must
be different, but still in the same
ballpark. For example you want to write “It should be both artists to avoid confusion and to
about two different historical figures. discussed only one concept and idea.”
What will you choose? Both artists or an
artist and a politician? Why?

The examples are :
Modigliani and Picasso
Late President Ferdinand Marcos and
President Rodrigo Duterte
Vegetarians and meat eaters

Step 2 Brainstorm similarities and (Students’ answer may vary)

differences. What do you think is the
purpose of step 2? Hone in on your main argument. This part is where you
Good let us proceed with the Step 3. will go beyond simple listing of similarities and
Kindly read and explain , Renzo! differences to make a meaningful statement about a
larger topic and you will know the significance of it on
your topic which will be your main argument.

Very good!
Knowing your main argument is a plus
factor on your essay.

Step 4 is Fill in Supporting Evidence. These evidences will make our argument or paper strong.
What is the reason of providing
evidences on your paper?

Right for example your topic is all about

the poetry of Shakespeare and Keats,
you may include plenty of quotes from
their poems to support your “Of course Ma’am!”
statement . Is that clear? Can you still
“ Proofread and Revise carefully.”
That’s nice to hear! Let’s move on to the
last step. Everybody please read.

Just like the other papers that you did

you must read your paragraph several
times to check the grammar, spelling,
and punctuation. You may also ask
someone to find mistakes that you
might have missed. Did you
understand? Again, can somebody tell “ Step 1, choose your subject, Step 2, Brainstorm
us the 5 Steps in Writing a Comparison Similarities and Differences, Step 3 Hone in on your Main
Contrast Essay? Argument, Step 4, Fill in Supporting Evidence, and Step 5
Proofread your work.”

Very good! Just remember that a

paragraph developed by a comparison
and contrast has a unifying idea or
purpose. It must be balance in such a
way that there is an equal amount of
information to avoid bias. Is everything
clear? Do you have any question or ( One student may or may not ask questions.)

(The teacher will answer the questions

of the student.)
( The students will listen carefully.)

IV. Application (indicators

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
Now let’s have an individual activity.
Bring out 1pc.of bond paper and create
a Venn Diagram. Try to compare and “Yes Ma’am”
contrast the City of San Jose del Monte
and the City of Manila. Do it for 10
This activity is equivalent to 10points.
Did you understand?
V. Evaluation (indicators 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7)

Write it on your bond paper. ( 15pts.)

VI. Assignment ( indicators 2 )

Be ready to present the comparative review tomorrow.
One representative for each group.

Prepared by:

Precious G. Gabagat
Teacher I

Classroom Observation Tool Panel

Mr. Billy Ray Manuel

Subject Group Head MT II

Ms. Roselle B. Dimagiba, Ph.D

Assistant Principal II

Mrs. Florida C. Gonzales, Ph.D

Principal II

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