Multiplayer D100
Multiplayer D100
Multiplayer D100
The Basics:
All players will experience the same dungeon layout and as a team they must fight their way through until all players have completed their
Mapping: Players take it in turns to roll for the newly discovered room, players start by rolling 1x D10 highest number maps the 1st room
and the mapping then rotates around the players in order of highest to lowest on these rolls.
Loot: Each advesary can only be looted once, players can decide which person is looting which advesary, all players must only loot 1 advesary
per encounter, if a advesary escapes then players decide who goes without if other advesaries have been defeated in that room - see
Encounters below,
Red Room -
Encounters: All players roll for their encounters adjusting Table E by their quests Enc Mod. Players engage their own encounters first and can
then move on to assist their allies after their own adversary or pack has been defeated, if you escape combat at any time you are forced to
retreat to the previous room and can not re enter the fight. If you defeat your advasary you can then go on to assist your ally but must forfiet
one combat round to position yourself to assist. Escaping creatures can be intercepted by anyone engaged with them on the previous round
or by someone who was due to engage them on the round they attempt to escape. Each player rolls their own Block Escape check and
actions it. Looting of defeated foes happens only when no active advasaries are remaining in the room. Players can now decide which of the
advesaries they will loot each only being looted once, this allows players to potentially obtain quest requirements from their allies spawned
foes i.e. You require Parts, but you encountered a Goatman who has a choice of rolling for (I/A/W), your ally encountered Giant Rats (P) so
you choose to loot the rats for body parts whilst your ally decides which loot table she would like to roll on for the Goatman. Note each
player can only loot 1 advesary per enconter, we all have bills to pay at the end of our journey.
Green Room -
Traps: rooms containing traps must be overcome by all party members, parties containing a player with DEX 51+ can boost other members
DEX based checks by their allies DEX CHA minus 50 i.e. DEX 53 = +3 bonus, this is going on the assumption that the higher DEX player offers
tips on how to overcome the traps.
Barrels: Barrels states a "number of barrels" in its description therefore all players may make a roll to search through them once.
Chests: Chests are treated differently, each player can attempt to open / unlock a chest however the contents can only be looted once, it is
up to the players to decide who will loot the chest.
Grates: Grates are treated in the same way as chests - see above .
Altars: Can be used by all players
Shrines: Can be used by all players
Crypts: Can be searched by all players
Fountains: Can be used by all players, but the first rolled result is applied to all players drinking from it.
Forge: Can be searched by all players
Strange Circle: Can be used by only one player.
Tree: Can be used by all players
Mushrooms: Can be used by all players
Chasm: Blocks all party members.
Moss: All players must make their own checks.
Rope Bridge: All players must make their own checks, parties containing a player with DEX 51+ can boost other members DEX based checks
by their allies DEX CHA minus 50 i.e. DEX 53 = +3 bonus, this is going on the assumption that the higher DEX player offers tips on how to
overcome the bridge.
Lava: All players must make their own checks.
Bottomless Pit: All players must make their own checks.
Cave In: If you opt to clear the rubble reduce the time taken by 1 hour for each party member to min 1 hour and mark it on your time
track.Round up i.e clearance adds 3hrs to time track, two players clear mark off 2hrs on track.
River: All players must make their own checks.
Portcullis: One attempt per party member or one combined attempt by two party members add 50% of second players STR to the highest
STR players and roll.
Boulder: One attempt per party member or one combined attempt by two party members add 50% of second players STR to the highest STR
players and roll.
Levers: As this is a combined dungeon crawl one player should record the levers on their track and roll vs it as dictated by normal play.
Players must announce who is pulling a lever when they are discovered, just in case it's been trapped, the person pulling the lever will be
affected by the trap.
Adventurer: Can be used by all players, but the maximum number of purchasable items is still 5. If attacked and he escapes all party
members lose 1 REP.
Treasure Room #1 (98 on Table G): Only one player gets to roll on Table TA, players can decide what to do with the gold coins.
Treasure Room #2 ( 99 on Table G): Players must decide how to deal with the rolls, One roll on Table TB or two rolls on Table TA, players can
decide what to do with the gold coins.
Treasure Room #3 (100 on Table G): Players must decide how to deal with the rolls, One roll on Table TC, or two rolls on Table TB, or three
rolls on Table TA. Players can decide what to do with the gold coins.
Stairs: Normal rules apply
Blue Rooms -
Objective Rooms: If any player has an "Objective" quest then these rooms will trigger for them as a priority, if more than one player has
objectives and they are not the same each player rolls 1x D10 highest roll activates the room for their quest. If players have identical or
compatible "objective" criteria then the rooms will trigger for those first in order to facilitate both quest objectives requirements i.e Player
one has Master Monster quest ( defeat a monster 66+ on Table E), whilst player two is on The Lich Lord King ( defeat monster 89 on Table E
with +10 HP's). The Lich Lord King will be spawned by Player twos quest objective as it will also allow player 1 to complete her quest. Blue
rooms do not generate additional encounter rolls for extra party members.
Yellow Rooms -
Empty Rooms: No special rules.
Search Rolls: When a room has been cleared players may make search rolls of the room,+5 for Green Room, +10 for Red Room and +20 for
Blue Room, you can either roll individually modifying the FIND roll by -20 per person searching or decide that only one person will search
without the extra penalty.