Generic Clue and Event Cards-V1
Generic Clue and Event Cards-V1
Generic Clue and Event Cards-V1
Version 1
These are narrative devices that makes it easier to generate a scenario. Basically they alleviate the
necessity to create an event table and, if required, the clue table. This obviously comes at the
price of being somewhat generic. Thus, the narrative input of the player is required to fill in what
‘actually’ happens. For example if a clue is found at a book shelve the player may decide that the
diary of the mage was found if it was a major clue, or a quickly scrabbled note if it was a minor
Clue Cards
Contained are clue cards, that can be used to find something. Red cards are clue cards, with 1 to
10 being minor clues and jack, queen and king being major clues. The assumption is that two
minor clues are equivalent to a major clue. The minor clues are further split into 6 normal minor
clues, two minor clues with a boon attached and two minor clues with a bane attached. They are
meant to be mixed and matched as desired. The deck also contains no-clue results, these are
likewise split into 6 regular no-clue results, two boons, two banes and three traps.
For example if we want to search for the clues to the hiding spot of an artefact we might require
two clues, where the artefact is and how it can be activated. We could decide to look for it in a
wizards tower with 6 spots to have potential clues, his work room desk and cabinet, the book
shelve in this study, the chest in his private quarters, the notes and maps in the living room. We
could decide on one major and two minor clues as well as three non-clue results. Traps are
unlikely but boons and banes might well happen in a wizards tower and so we include the
following cards in the deck: two random cards from red 1 to 10 and one random card from red
J,Q,K as well as three random cards from black 1 to 10.
Event Cards
For the event cards each suit has a theme and should be chosen accordingly. Some suits might
require additional information. For example the Monster suite requires knowledge about which
kind of opposition can occur. In the case of the monster deck this is split into regular enemies,
leader, and specialists or monsters. Further, local wildlife or other creatures can make an
entrance as wandering monsters or big nasty monsters. It is also possible to simply leave some
entries empty. Then either do not include the cards referring to those monsters or include them as
no-event cards. Printing, and including, blank cards as no-event cards is of course also possible
and can steer the difficulty and length of a scenario. This assumes that the scenario ends when
you run out of event cards, but another option would be to reshuffle the events that already
happened. In this case you might want to use traps as no-event cards or just use them as new
traps found along the way.
The monster cards refer to front, back, left and right when monsters appear on the table. The
convention is that the table edge from which the player enters is `back`. You can of course also
designate the corners as front or back. Likewise, front might also be an enemy encampment which
you are trying to sneak around. In dungeons it makes sense that `back` is actually just around a
corner towards the entrance, or the entrance itself, around which no figure can see. Likewise for
the front. It is best not to think to hard about it and, if in doubt, do what makes the most
thematic sense.
An example, we are searching a crypt for a magic sword and decide on the following encounter
We might decide that the crypt only opens on a full moon night for a couple of minutes after
midnight, say ten turns, which means ten event cards. It is unlikely that critters are in the crypt
so we remove 1 to 5 of spades and shuffle all of the remaining 21 cards together and randomly
draw 10 to be our event deck and timer.
Light Cards
The three light cards are there to simulate scenarios happening at dawn or dusk. I suggest
building the event deck as usual, then split it into four equal parts (or slightly smaller second and
third parts if unequal). Then decide on the starting light, Night or Day, then put the twilight card
in the 2nd pack and the Night or Day card in the 3 rd pack, shuffle the 2nd and 3rd pack and put the
four packs together to form the event deck. This results in the starting light condition being in
game for at least a fourth of the allowed game time, the twilight may last between 1 turn and half
the game and at least a fourth of the game has the light condition inverse starting light condition.
When a light card is drawn leave it face up and cover it with a newly drawn light card, the topmost
card is in effect. This is an easy way to remember the current light condition.
Weather Cards
There are 10 weather cards of which five are considered good weather and five are considered bad
weather. They are ordered in terms of severity, 1 being a sunny day (which is the default weather)
to 9 and 10 which have quite a severe weather effect.
If you have an idea how the weather shall develop in the scenario simply shuffle the weather cards
in to a section of the event cards where it should approximately happen, similar to the way it is
described under Light Cards.
If you just want a random weather choose a starting condition and put that card face up, then
choose how the weather develops, and discard all cards that have the other effect. Then shuffle
the remaining cards and put the desired number into the event deck. A weather card is discarded
if the number is lower than the current card (if the weather is supposed to get worse) or higher
than the current card (if the weather is supposed to get better). If however the card comes into
effect put it face up over the current weather card. This is an easy way to track the current
weather condition.
Random Weather
If you just want to add random weather, shuffle the deck and draw a weather card, this card will
be in effect at the start of the game. Discard all cards of the same type (good or bad) and shuffle
the other five into the event deck. The weather will get better if the starting card was a bad
weather card and vice versa.
Shadow Cards
These are cards that reflect the influence of the Shadowdeep and should be used predominantly
when in or in the vicinity of it. They are split into spells and environments, the primary difference
being that spells are one time effects while environmental effects stay in play.
For experience the monster events are pretty straightforward, they simply give the experience as
per the rulebook. Otherwise refer to the following Table for suggestions. As always adjust to taste.
What XP What XP
Major Clue 10 Trap 1
Minor Clue 5 Bane 1
Shadow—Spell 2 Shadow—Environment 3
Information for Monster Event Cards
Scenario Overview Scenario Overview
As is stands, clues to the whereabouts of magic arms are hidden somewhere in his home. The
Shadowdeep is about to swallow the house, making retrieving the arms more difficult and
increasing the likelihood of the arms are found and used against us.
You are dispatched to find and retrieve what weapon or armour might be found.
This is a mission in two parts, the fist scenario has the heroes searching the house of Arthancus
for clues and the second has them retrieve the arms.
Place a Major Clue, two random Minor Clues in the Clue deck
and fill it up with a number of random no-clue results to
match the number of places where a clue can be hidden.
Searching a spot is an action and results in the drawing of a
clue card. On finding two major clues you establish that the
arms are buried with it’s owner in an old graveyard which now
lies inside the Shadowdeep.
Place two rats in the garden, two spiders in the park and two
flies at the entrance of the Laboratory.
Take a single random clue card, this represents the arms, and a number of no-clue cards
according to the graves as follows: one per grave, two per mausoleum or crypt. When searching a
crypt two clue cards are drawn representing that a larger number of bodies are interred therein.
For each clue card that is not a bane or boon roll on the following table:
d20 Result
1-10 Nothing happens
11-15 A skeleton rises, on an even roll it starts in base to base contact with the searcher.
16-20 A zombie rises, on an even roll it starts in base to base contact with the searcher.
Place a total of two Spiders, two Rats and two Flies near graves, mausoleums and crypts.
Generate the Event deck by shuffling the Trap and Monster cards and randomly selecting 15
cards. A card is drawn at the end of each round. After round 15 agents of the Shadowdeep arrive
to also search for the weapon and the scenario comes to an end.
Enemies, traps and banes give experience as normal. Finding the weapon gives 15xp instead of
the regular experience for finding a clue marker. If the Ghost Stone module is available take the
weapon found as per the table in that module. If the module is not available, or if you so choose,
then the the Sword of the Cleansing Fire is found.
If the weapon is not desired it can be turned in at the kings armoury to be used by others. If this
option is taken, choose to gain either 10xp for the ranger or 2 progression points which can be
split as desired among companions.
Final remarks
The cards are made for printing on A4 paper. I find regular printing paper (80gsm) a bit to light, in
that it makes shuffling the cards harder then necessary. A regular printer can deal with 160gsm
paper which is still on the light side but sufficient for regular use.
The cards are the same size as cards from Magic the Gathering (63×88 mm). This means the
typical protective sleeves for magic cards can be used. The sleeves make shuffling a much easier
task and I highly recommend it.
Due to two full set suit sets adding up to 26 cards but the 3x3 layout adding up to 27 per 3 pages
there were three spots left over. I added a Special Clue and Special Event card for scenario specific
events or clues you might think of. That left one more spot which I filled with a positive event for a
1♥ Clue: Minor 2♥ Clue: Minor 3♥ Clue: Minor
Right there in the open you find a minor After a short search a minor clue is You find something interesting, but it
clue. found. only partially answers your questions.
Now would you look at that! Wow this is splendid! This is a lot to search through.
You also found something else, roll a d20 to You also found something else, roll a d20 to Pass a Perception skill roll TN 13 or only
find out what: find out what: have a single action on the next activation.
1-2: This is a treasure! Place a treasure 1-2: Pass an Ancient Lore skill roll TN 7
token here. to realize this is a Potion of Restoration.
3-5: Pass a Read Runes TN 7 check to 3-5: Pass a Read Runes TN 7 check to
read the label on this Coridal of Spellfire. read the label on this Potion of Strength.
6-9: Pass a Survival skill roll TN7 to 6-9: Pass a Survival skill roll TN 7 to
determine that these are Fury Leaves. determine that this is Ironbark Powder.
10-14: Pass an Ancient Lore skill roll TN 10-14: Pass an Ancient Lore skill roll TN
7 to identify an Anthalas plant. 7 to identify an Explosive Cocktail.
15-20: Pass a Survival skill roll TN 7 to 15-20: Pass a Read Runes skill roll TN 7
recognize a portion of Nightlock. to realize this is a Potion of Slow Fall.
Clue Clue Clue
Look, what is that? Oh my this is quite informative. A thorough search reveals quite a lot.
What you find explains a great part of It's quite clear that there is nothing of
A brief search turns up ... nothing.
what you search for. interest here.
You rummage through what is there but Despite a close inspection you find
Nothing of note was found.
find nothing helpful. nothing.
Clue Clue Clue
You also found something else, roll a d20 to You also found something else, roll a d20 to
find out what: find out what:
1-2: This is a treasure! Place a treasure 1-2: Pass an Ancient Lore TN 7 skill
token here. check to recognize Silverhair.
3-5: Pass a Read Runes TN 7 check to 3-5: Pass a Read Runes TN 7 check to
read the label on this Potion of Healing. read the label on this Potion of Heroism.
6-9: Pass a Survival skill roll TN7 to 6-9: Pass a Survival skill roll TN7 to
determine that this is a Quickbeam Root. determine that this is a Haikwheat.
10-14: Pass an Ancient Lore skill roll TN 10-14: Pass an Ancient Lore skill roll TN
7 to identify a Philtre of Fairy Dust. 7 to identify an Anthalas plant.
15-20: Pass a Survival skill roll TN 7 to 15-20: Pass a Survival skill roll TN 7 to
recognize a portion of Dremlock Weed. recognize a portion of Farlight Leaf.
This is a lot to search through, sadly This is a lot to search through, sadly
Oh no it's trapped.
the search is pointless. the search is pointless.
Pass a Perception skill roll TN 13 or only Pass a Perception skill roll TN 13 or only Roll a d20 to find out which one:
have a single action on the next activation. have a single action on the next activation. 1-4: Poison Needle—Pass a Traps skill roll
TN 13 or become poisoned.
5-11: Hidden Crossbow—Become the
target of a Shoot+0 attack.
12-20: Poison Gas—Pass a Will TN 13 roll
or lose your next activation as you shake of
the effects.
Roll a d20 to find out which one: Roll a d20 to find out what happens: You found the scenario special.
1-4: Dread Curse—Pass a Will roll TN 13 1-4: Exploding Rune—Every figure within
or: Either lose the use of a spell or heroic 2" of the rune suffers a +5 magic shooting
ability you have or lose 5 Health. attack.
5-11: Hidden Crossbow—Become the 5-11: Firebolt—Become the target of a
target of a Shoot+0 attack. Shoot+0 attack.
12-20: Curse Rune—Pass a Will TN 13 12-20: Magic Sleep—Pass a Will TN 13
roll or become cursed: You must re-roll the roll or fall asleep: When activating the
next successful roll, then the curse is character must pass a TN13 Will roll or
fulfilled. continue sleeping and lose the activation.
Another character can spend an action to
rouse the sleeper.
Clue Clue Clue
An Enemies Patrol appears in FRONT. An Enemies Patrol appears in FRONT. It’s an ambush, enemies appear at the
Roll a d20: Roll a d20: nearest terrain feature to a random heroic
10+: An Enemy Leader accompanies them. 13+: An Enemy Leader accompanies them. figure. Roll a d20 to see what appears:
15+: An Enemy Specialist/Monster 1 : A Big Nasty.
accompanies them. 2 : An Enemy Patrol with Enemy
Leader and Enemy Specialist/Monster.
3- 4: An Enemy Patrol with Enemy
5- 6: An Enemy Patrol Enemy
7- 9: An Enemy Patrol.
10-20: A Wandering Monster.
Watch out, enemies at the flank Behind you Watch out, enemies at the flank
An Enemies Patrol appears at the LEFT It’s an ambush, enemies appear at the An Enemies Patrol appears at the RIGHT
flank. nearest terrain feature to a random heroic flank.
Roll a d20: figure. Roll a d20 to see what appears: Roll a d20:
15+: An Enemy Specialist/Monster 1 : A Big Nasty. 15+: An Enemy Leader accompanies them.
accompanies them. 2 : An Enemy Patrol with Enemy
Leader and Enemy Specialist/Monster.
3- 4: An Enemy Patrol with Enemy
5- 6: An Enemy Patrol Enemy
7- 9: An Enemy Patrol.
10-20: A Wandering Monster.
Behind you Careful, enemies at our back Look out, prowling monsters
It’s an ambush, enemies appear at the An Enemies Patrol appears BEHIND you. A Wandering Monster appears at a random
nearest terrain feature to a random heroic Roll a d20: table edge.
figure. Roll a d20 to see what appears: 16+: An Enemy Specialist/Monster
1 : A Big Nasty. accompanies them.
2 : An Enemy Patrol with Enemy 20+: An Enemy Leader accompanies them.
Leader and Enemy Specialist/Monster.
3- 4: An Enemy Patrol with Enemy
5- 6: An Enemy Patrol Enemy
7- 9: An Enemy Patrol.
10-20: A Wandering Monster.
Event Event Event
Look out, prowling monsters Look out, prowling monsters Look out, prowling monsters
A Wandering Monster appears at a random A Wandering Monster appears at a random A Wandering Monster appears at a random
table edge. table corner. table corner.
A Big Nasty appears at a random table edge A random heroic figure steps on something A random heroic figure is the target of a
or corner. and is bitten by it. It was a Deathadder. little spider with a green hue and violet skull
Pass a Survival TN 8 skill check or lose marking. Unless a perception TN 8 check is
Health equal to the amount by which you passed the spider is noticed too late and the
failed the test. the figure becomes poisoned.
A random heroic figure steps on something A random heroic figure is the target of a A random heroic figure is stung by a little
and is bitten by it. It was a Deathadder. little spider with a green hue and violet skull insect which then dissolved into a black
Pass a Survival TN 10 skill check or lose marking. Unless a perception TN 10 check is smoke. Pass an Ancient Lore TN 8 check to
Health equal to the amount by which you passed the spider is noticed too late and the focus on the sign of the cleansing fire. If the
failed the test. the figure becomes poisoned. check is failed the figure becomes confused
by hallucinations and only has one
activation until a Will TN 13 check is passed
(check for free at the beginning of each
Event Event Event
A random heroic figure is stung by a little A random heroic figure is caught by a snare. A random heroic figure is caught by a snare.
insect which then dissolved into a black Until a Traps TN 13 roll is passed, each of Until a Strength TN 13 roll is passed, each
smoke. Pass an Ancient Lore TN 10 check to which uses up an action, the figure can do of which uses up an action, the figure can
focus on the sign of the cleansing fire. If the nothing but try and untangle itself. do nothing but try and break free.
check is failed the figure becomes confused
by hallucinations and only has one
activation until a Will TN 13 check is passed
(check for free at the beginning of each
A random heroic figure triggers a wire A random heroic figure triggers a wire A random heroic figure walks over a Curse
leading to a hidden crossbow and becomes leading to a hidden crossbow and becomes Rune and must pass a Will roll TN 13 or
the target of a Shoot+1 attack. the target of a Shoot+3 attack. choose one:
The traps skill instead of the Fight statistics The traps skill instead of the Fight statistics
may be used to defend against the trap. may be used to defend against the trap. - Lose the use of a heroic ability or spell (can
only be used if a use is actually lost)
- Lose 5 Health
A rune glows briefly before it vanishes A rune glows briefly before it vanishes Something is happening
A random heroic figure walks over a Glyph A random heroic figure walks over a Glyph The scenario special event happens.
of Dreams, it and every figure within 2" of Want, it must pass a Will roll TN 13 roll or
must pass a Will roll TN 13 roll or fall asleep: be overcome with the desire to go towards a
When activating the character must pass a random corner or edge center point. Until a
TN13 Will roll or continue sleeping and lose Will TN 13 check succeeds (check on each
the activation. Another character can spend activation) the figure must use it’s move
an action to rouse the sleeper. action to move towards that point.
Event Event Event
No Line of sight above 24”. Acrobatics, Climb and Swim rolls receive a Shooting attacks have a penalty of 1 if under
Figures that are more than 12” apart count -2 modifier. half weapon range, or a penalty of 2 if over
as in cover. half weapon range.
No Line of sight above 12”. Acrobatics, Climb and Swim rolls receive a Shooting attacks have a penalty of 1 if under
Figures not in base to base contact count as -5 modifier. half weapon range, or a penalty of 2 if over
in cover. Perception rolls receive a -2 modifier. half weapon range.
Perception rolls receive a -2 modifier. Acrobatics, Climb and Swim rolls receive a
-5 modifier.
Perception rolls receive a -2 modifier.
Event Event Event
Fog and Rain It is dark. Dim light between day and night.
No Line of sight above 12”. Line of sight without light is restricted to 6”. Line of sight without light is restricted to 24”.
Figures not in base to base contact count as Everything not in light or base to base Everything not in light or within 12” is
in cover. contact is considered to be in cover. considered to be in cover.
Acrobatics, Climb, Swim and Perception
rolls receive a -5 modifier.
No effect. Select a random heroic figure. It becomes Each enemy figure makes a Will roll TN10, if
confused and can not act normally until the successful it immediately resolves a single
spell is broken. When it is nominated to be action.
activated it makes a Will roll and:
1-6: It acts like an enemy, it will not use
items, heroic abilities or spells.
7-12: It will loose all it‘s actions as it
looks around confused.
13+: The spell is broken.
A wave of nauseating energy pulses Gnats swarm from all around and form
A feeling of déjà vu
over the battlefield a stinging cloud
Each enemy figures restores up to 5 Health. A random heroic figure is stung by an The event of last round happens again.
uncountable number of gnats, while the
swarm remains the figure can not make
shooting attacks and it’s Fight value is
reduced by 2. An attempt to disperse the
gnats can be made as a move action, it
succeeds on a successful Survival TN 8 roll.
An adjacent figure can also attempt this.
Any kind of area damage that includes the
afflicted figure also removes the swarm.
Event Event Event
A random enemy figures mutates, roll a d20 Each heroic figure must pass a Will roll TN 8 The strands target a random heroic figure, it
and apply the following effect: or become diseased. and every heroic figure within 6” are
1-2: Bony protrusions form all over it’s entangled in a magical web until they break
body, increase the Armor by 5. free.
3-5: A stinger grows from the creatures While entangled the figure makes a Strength
back, it’s attacks now inflict poison. TN 10 check when it is activated. If
6-9: A few extra limbs grow and give the successful it can act normally otherwise it
creature Fight+3. remains entangled and loses it’s activation.
10-14: Muscles swell up and give the
creature Damage+2 on a successful attack.
15-20: The figure grows a pair of wings,
it ignores terrain restrictions for movement.
The ground and objects move and bend The ground opens and attempts to bite
Lightning strikes
around you …
A random heroic figure is struck by Bushes, trees, man-made objects and even The ground opens, forms a mouth and
lightning, a Shoot+3 attack, each figure boulders bend and shift and try to guard attempts to swallow a random heroic figure.
within 2” is struck by the shock wave, a enemies and give a clear path to heroic Pass an Acrobatics skill check TN 10 or lose
Shoot +0 attack. figures, which has the following effects: Health equal to the amount by which you
failed the test.
- Heroic figures can never benefit from
intervening terrain, light and heavy cover.
- Enemy figures benefiting from cover do so
as if the cover is a step better, i.e.,
intervening terrain counts as light cover,
light cover counts as heavy cover but heavy
cover and no cover are as is.
An object near a random heroic figure grows Unless a strong wind blows them away For some reason you fell like you are making
tentacles. It will, starting now, attack each (players judgment) the cloying pollen make tremendous headway. A figure, randomly
heroic figure within 6” of the object once per breathing a hardship and make arduous determined if necessary, regains the use of a
event phase with Fight +0. The object tasks harder. spent spell or heroic ability. If no figure is
ignores damage from weapons but can be eligible a random figure has a third action,
damaged by spells. - All Acrobatics and Climb target numbers which can be used like a regular action, on
Object: F+0, S -, A -, W+0, H 1. Range 6“ are increased by 4. it’s next activation.
- Only a single action can be used for
- Swim checks and movement in the water
are unaffected by this.
- Enemy figures are unaffected by the pollen.
Event Event Event