Knave Rats - 2 Sheets - 3 Pages (Maze Rats and Knave Combined)

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This document describes a system of magic spells with different effects that can be cast at varying levels of power depending on the value of L. The spells cover a wide range of categories from illusion and manipulation to conjuration and divination.

X-Ray Vision allows you to see through solid objects and is described on page 3.

Snail Knight summons a knight riding a giant snail who can answer questions related to quests and chivalry. It is described on page 3.

Knave Rats Aquiline

Bullnecked Furrowed Bitter
Cunning Honor-Bound
Athletic Chiseled Gaunt Brave Driven Hotheaded Initiative
A mashup of Ben Milton’s Knave and Maze Rats licensed When combat breaks out, everyone must be sorted into an
under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Barrel-Chested Coltish Gorgeous Cautious Entitled Inquisitive
Boney Corpulent Grizzled Chipper Gregarious Irascible order so they each get to act and react in turn. Every player
License. Both games have been heavily modified. rolls +WIS (We don’t use dexterity because it’s generally
Features: This game uses Maze Rats’ d6 mechanic and Brawny Craggy Haggard Contrary Grumpy Jolly
Brutish Delicate Handsome Cowardly Heartless Know-It-All overpowered ability) those that succeed, take their turn
character creation tables with Knave’s item slots character
specialization and spells. Hideous Sinewy Towering Lazy Righteous Spacey before the opponents. Those that fail have to go after.
Please send your feedback to Lanky Slender Trim Loyal Rude Stoic Ambush
Requirements: At least two six sided dice (d6), two or more Pudgy Slumped Weathered Menacing Sarcastic Stubborn
If a group ambushes another group or NPC, it automatically
players (one Game Master and one or more players), pen Ripped Solid Willowy Mopey Savage Stuck-Up
Rosy Square-Jawed Wiry Nervous Scheming Suspicious gets initiative as well as advantage on all attack rolls during
and paper. the first round. GM can decide that leader of the opposed
Rolling on the Large Tables: Roll 2d6 for each table. The Scrawny Statuesque Wrinkled Protective Serene Wisecracking
Physical Detail Mannerism group might do a WILL roll to avoid this.
first dice determines which group of that table to use. The
second dice determines the item within that group. Acid Scars Bronze Skinned Exotic Accent Anecdotes Drawl Interrupts Actions
Battle Scars Burn Scars Flogging Scars Breathy Enunciates Laconic On each round, each character might move about 30ft/10m
Character Creation Birthmark
Braided Hair
Bushy Eyebrows
Curly Hair
Gold Tooth
Flowery Speech
Gravelly Voice
Long Pauses
and take one action (or in different order). Actions can be
1. Abilities: You have a value for STRength, DEXterity, attacking a target in range, casting a spell, drinking a
Brand Mark Dark Skinned Hoarse Voice Cryptic Highly Formal Melodious potion, moving again, etc.
CONstitution, INTelligence, WISdom, and CHArisma. Roll
Broken Nose Dreadlocks Huge Beard Deep Voice Hypnotic Monotone
1d6 for each ability to determine ability score value. Armor
Long Hair Nine Fingers Sallow Skin Mumbles Rapid-Fire Street Slang
Ability Modifier Roll for Each Matted Hair Oiled Hair Shaved Head Narrates Rhyming Stutters Calculate total armor by adding base armor of 6 with worn
1-2 Ability +0 3-5 Ability +1 6 Ability +2 Missing Ear One-Eyed Sunburned Overly Casual Robotic Talks to Self armor. +1 for shields. +1 for light armor. +2 for heavy
Optionally: Switch two ability values after rolling. Missing Teeth Pale Skinned Tangled Hair Quaint Sayings Slow Speech Trails Off armor.
2. Item Slots: PCs have a number of item slots equal to Mustache Piercings Tattoos Rambles Speechifies Very Loud
10+STR. Muttonchops Ritual Scars Topknot Random Facts Squeaky Whispers
Roll 2d6 + Attack. Attack value depends on the used
3. Starting Equipment: Roll on table to determine starting Background
weapon category (pick a weapon from within that No mechanical effects but GM may take this into account. Making a Roll weapon and level. Heavy weapons: +1 total damage
dealt. Unarmed: -1 total damage dealt. Attacking with
category), starting armor , and 6 starting items. You also Alchemist Contortionist Fence When a player attempts a risky and difficult action the GM
may call for a Roll. Roll 2d6 + ability bonus. If result is 10 ranged weapon is impossible while in melee combat.
start with 2 days of rations. Beggar-Prince Counterfeiter Fortuneteller
Blackmailer Cultist Galley Slave or higher, it’s a success. If not, the GM describes how things Damage dealt is the difference between attack and armor.
Weapon Category Roll Once
Bounty-Hunter Cutpurse Gambler go wrong. Subtract total damage from defender’s health.
1-4 Light 5 Heavy 6 Ranged
Armor Category and Shield Roll Once Chimney Sweep Debt-Collector Gravedigger Critical Hit
Coin-Clipper Deserter Headsman Abilities
1None 2 Light 4-6 Shield + Light What ability is used depends on what When rolling double sixes, total damage is doubled (or
Items Roll Six Times Hedge Knight Peddler Slave other effect determined by GM) and the defender’s armor
Highwayman Pit-Fighter Smuggler Strength (STR): Used for melee attacks and saves requiring
Animal Scent Chisel Grease physical power, like lifting gates, bending bars, etc. uses 1 point of quality. At 0 quality, the item is destroyed.
Housebreaker Poisoner Street Performer Each point of quality costs 10% of the item’s cost to repair.
Bear Trap Crowbar Hacksaw Kidnapper Rat-catcher Tattooist Dexterity (DEX): Used for saves requiring poise, speed, and
Bedroll Fishing Net Hammer Mad Prophet Scrivener Urchin reflexes, like dodging, climbing, sneaking, balancing, etc. Critical Miss
Caltrops Glass Marbles Hand Drill Mountebank Sellsword Usurer Constitution (CON): Used for saves to resist poison, sick- During an attack, when a player rolls two 1s the attacker’s
Chain (10ft/3m) Glue Horn ness, cold, etc. The Constitution bonus is added to healing
Clothing weapon loses 1 point of quality. At 0 quality, the item is
Chalk Grappling Hook Iron Spikes
Antique Decaying Flamboyant rolls. A PC’s number of item slots is always equal 10 plus destroyed. Each point of quality costs 10% of the item’s cost
Iron Tongs Metal File 10 Foot Pole (3m)
Battle-Torn Eccentric Food-Stained their constitution. to repair.
Lantern and Oil Rations (3) Tinderbox
Bedraggled Elegant Formal Intelligence (INT) Used for saves requiring concentration
Large Sack Rope (50ft/15m) Torch
Blood-Stained Embroidered Frayed
Shatter Shield
Lockpicks (3) Steel Wire Vial of Acid and precision, such as wielding magic, resisting magical If the defender has a shield, they may choose to shatter it
Manacles Shovel Vial of Poison Ceremonial Exotic Frumpy effects, recalling lore, crafting objects, tinkering with
Dated Fashionable Garish when attacked ignoring all damage.
Medicine (3) Steel Mirror Waterskin machinery, picking pockets, etc.
Write equipment in item slots. Each item and rations will use Grimy Oversized Sigils Wisdom (WIS): Used for ranged attacks and saves Death
Haute Couture Patched Singed requiring perception and intuition, such as tracking, If Player Character has 0 Hit Points they are unconscious.
1 slot. Consult the Weapons and Armor tables to find out
Lacey Patterned Tasteless navigating, searching for secret doors, detecting illusions, Roll+CHA to face Death on their next turn. If successful, the
how many slots are needed for those. If you do not have Livery Perfumed Undersized
enough item slots to fit all your starting items, decide which etc. PC regains 1HP and is no longer unconscious. If fail, the PC
Mud-Stained Practical Wine-Stained is slain. Player’s should create a new level 1 character or
starting items will be removed. Ostentatious Rumpled Worn Out Charisma (CHA): Used for saves to persuade, deceive,
4. Armor: Write down total Armor. Add up base armor of 6 interrogate, intimidate, charm, provoke, etc. PCs may takes over a level 1 NPC hireling.
with armor value of worn items. employ a number of henchmen equal to their Charisma Healing
5. Attack Write down the attack value of the weapon you bonus. PCs recover 1+CON HP when eating a meal and getting a
are starting with. Advantage full night’s rest. 24 hours in safe location restores all health.
6. Health: Your character begins with 4+CON current If risk of action is reduced due to preparation, or situational One medicine restores 1+CON HP, once per day.
health, 4+CON maximum health. factors the GM might grant advantage. Roll 3d6 instead of
7. Level and XP: You start with 0 XP and at level 1. 2d6 and use the two highest dice. Advantages don’t stack.
8. Characteristics: Roll or choose other traits. (Use tables You can’t get more than advantage once. Either roll 2d6,
below.) 3d6 with advantage, or GM decides no roll is needed.
9. Name: Roll or choose a name for your character.
Leveling Up Items Monsters and NPC Stats.
All PCs start at level 1. At the end of each session the GM All prices are in gold coins. Payment for things like ships, Envision a monster or NPC. Use the table below to define its Max/Current Health, Armor, Attack, and Ability Bonuses.
awards from 1 to 3 XP to all PCs. real estate, and so on usually takes the form of trade Health 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 6d6
 Showed up to the game: 1XP goods, favors, or oaths of fealty rather than coins. Health Weak Typical Tough Hulking Colossal
Use the list of gold prices below as a guideline. Players may Armor 6 7 8 9 10
 Overcame a difficult challenge: 2XP
have to haggle for actual prices. Armor Unarmored Light Protection Moderate Protection Heavy Protection Nigh Impervious
 Overcame an impressive challenge beyond expected
Items Other +0 +1 +2 +3 +4
abilities: 3XP
Common Items: Rope, candles, torch, etc. 1-5 Attack Untrained Trained Dangerous Masterful Lethal
When a player has enough XP, they level up.
Specialized Items: Bear trap, key, etc. 5-20 Strength Weak Average Strong Powerful Monstrous
LVL XP Level Features Luxury Items: Book, mirror, potion etc. 20-100 Dexterity Slow Average Nimble Swift Blurred
2 2 +2 Max HP. +1 to two abilities Animals Constitution Weak Average Tough Vigorous Unbreakable
3 6 +2 Max HP. +1 Attack. +1 to one ability. Mule 20 Bloodhound 100 Intelligence Stupid Average Bright Intelligent Brilliant
4 12 +2 Max HP. +1 to two abilities. Horse 5 Chicken 5 Wisdom Foolish Average Keen Wise Enlightened
5 20 +2 Max HP. +1 Attack. +1 to one ability.
Dog 5 Trained Falcon 1000 Charisma Dull Average Appealing Charismatic Mesmerizing
6 30 +2 Max HP. +1 to two abilities.
Transport Note that Armor can also be used to represent a monster’s resistance to mundane weapons, or other factors that would make
7 42 +2 Max HP. +2 Attack. +1 to one ability. Cart 30 Rowboat 50 it difficult to harm. While some monsters may have spells books like a human, most are innately magical. These monsters do
A PC’s abilities may never be higher than +4. Gaining Max
Wagon 100 Fishing Boat 500 not follow the normal spellcasting rules, and may have abilities that are always active or that can simply be used at will.
HP does not increase current health. After reaching level 7,
Coach 250 Caravel 5000
PC may retire to become an NPC.
Warship 10000 Character and NPC Names
Character Sheet Small House
1000 Fortified Outpost 25000 Adelaide
Female Names
Clover Esme Balthazar
Male Names
Destrian Florian
Your character sheet is simple enough to fit on an index
Tavern 2000 Estate 50000 Alma Constance Fern Basil Ellis Fox
card or piece of paper and should contain the following Barsaba Damaris Hester Bertram Erasmus Godwin
information. Guildhall 5000 Castle 200000
Manor 10000 Beatrix Daphne Hippolyta Blaxton Faustus Hannibal
Name: Pick a name. Bianca Demona Jessamine Chadwick Finn Jasper
Level: Start at 1. Weapons
Cleopha Elsbeth Jilly Clovis Fitzhugh Jiles
XP: Start at 0. Category Attack Slots Hands Quality Cost
Morgot Pepper Trillby Jules Oswald Silas
STR, DEX, CON, INT, WIS, CHA: Roll to determine abilities. Unarmed -1 0 1 - -
Minerva Phoebe Tuesday Leopold Percival Stilton
Attack: Attack value depending on weapon and level. Light: Axes, Nerissa Piety Ursula Merrick Peregrine Stratford
Armor: 6 + bonuses from armor/shield. daggers, short +0 1 1 3 20 Odette Poppy Vivian Mortimer Quentin Tenpiece
swords, flails,… Olga Silence Wendy Ogden Redmaine Waverly
Health: Starts at 4+CON. Max Health: Starts at 4+CON
Heavy: Spears, Orchid Sybil Zora Orion Reinhold Webster
Item Slots: Number of items slots equal to 10+STR.
halberds, long +1 2 2 3 40
Containing weapons, armor, and items (and coins, spell swords,…
books when you find them). Ranged: Bows, Upper Class Surnames Lower Class Surnames
Notes: To write down character characteristics and other +0 2 2 3 20-40 Belvedere Dunlow Gastrell Barrow Coffin Gimble
things. Armor Bithesea Edevane Girdwood Beetleman Crumpling Graveworm
Calaver Erelong Gorgon Berrycloth Culpepper Greelish
Item Slots Category
Base Armor
Defense Slots Quality
6 0 -
- Carvolo Febland Grimeson Birdwhistle Dankworth Hardwick
PCs have a number of item slots equal to their Strength De Rippe Fernsby Gruger Bobich Digworthy Hatman
Shield +1 1 1 10
Defense. Droll Fisk Hitheryon Chips Dreggs Hovel
Light Armor +1 2 3 100
Most items, including spell books, potions, a day’s rations, La Marque Portendorfer Stavish Knibbs Rumbold Slee
Heavy Armor +2 4 6 400 Malmora Romatet Vandermeer Midnighter Rummage Slitherly
light weapons, tools and so on take up 1 slot. Particularly
Heavy Armor prevents getting advantage on DEX rolls or Miter Rothery Wellbelove Needle Sallow Stoker
heavy or bulky items like armor or medium to heavy
surprise attack rolls. Oblington Skorbeck Westergren Nethercoat Saltmarsh Tarwater
weapons may take up more slots.
Hirelings Onymous Slora Wexley Pestle Silverless Tumbler
Groups of small, identical items may be bundled into the
Profession Price Per Day Phillifent Southwark Wilberforce Relish Skitter Villin
same slot. 100 coins can fit into 1slot. 1 slot can hold around
Servant 1-5
5 pounds.
Players use Item Slots as a simple system to define their
Torchbearer 5-10 Loot
Guide 10-20 Mundane Items Treasure
characters. Magic users might carry many spell books but
Sellsword 20-50 Acid Flask Cup Goggles Alchemy Recipe Compass Fine China
have little room for heavy armor and weapons while
Magician 100-200 Bowl Deck of Cards Grappling Hook Amulet Contract Fine Liquor
fighters might have no space for plenty of items. Brass Bell Drawing Grease Astrolabe Crown Instrument
Chain Fishing Hook Hacksaw Blueprints Crystal Magical Book
Clothing Game Piece Hammer Calligraphy Deed Microscope
Crowbar Glass Jar Handkerchief Carpet Embroidery Music Box
Hourglass Needle Quill Pen Orrery Royal Robes Silverware
Lantern Oil lamp Rope Painting Saint’s Relic Spices
Lens Old doll Scissors Potion Scrimshaw Spyglass
Loaded Dice Paint pot Scroll Prayer Book Sextant Tapestry
Lock/Key Pickaxe Sealed Letter Printing Block Sheet Music Telescope
Necklace Pole Spikes Rare Textile Signet Ring Treasure Map
11 Bend Fate: Roll L+1 d20s. Whenever you must roll a 43 Invisible Tether: Two objects within 10ft/3m of each 76 Snail Knight: 10 minutes after casting, a knight sitting
Spells d20 after casting the spell, you must choose and then other cannot be moved more than 10ft/3m apart. astride a giant snail rides into view. He is able to
Casting Spells discard one of the rolled results until they are all gone. 44 Knock: L nearby mundane or magical locks unlock. answer most questions related to quests and chivalry,
Spells are cast out of spell books, which must be held in both 12 Bird Person: Your arms turn into huge bird wings. 45 Leap: You can jump up to L×10ft/3m in the air. and may aid you if he finds you worthy.
hands and read aloud. Each spell book can only be used 13 Body Swap: You switch bodies with a creature you 46 Liquid Air: The air around you becomes swimmable. 77 Sniff: You can smell even the faintest traces of scents.
once per day. Each spell book takes up an item slot and can touch. If one body dies, the other dies as well. 47 Magic Dampener: All nearby magical effects have 78 Sort: Inanimate items sort themselves according to
only hold 1 spell, so if a PC wants to be able to cast a wide 14 Catherine: A woman wearing a blue dress appears their effectiveness halved. categories you set. The categories must be visually
variety of spells, they’ll have to fill most of their inventory until end of spell. She will obey polite, safe requests. 48 Manse: A sturdy, furnished cottage appears for L×12 verifiable.
with spell books. 15 Charm: L creatures treat you like a friend. hours. You can permit and forbid entry to it at will. 79 Spectacle: A clearly unreal but impressive illusion of
Gaining Spells 16 Command: A creature obeys a single, three-word 49 Marble Madness: Your pockets are full of marbles, and your choice appears, under your control. It may be up
PCs are unable to create, copy, or transcribe spell books. command that does not harm it. will refill every round. to the size of a palace and has full motion and sound.
PCs can only get spells by recovering them from dungeons 17 Comprehend: You become fluent in all languages. 50 Masquerade: L characters’ appearances and voices 80 Spellseize: Cast this as a reaction to another spell
or looting them from other magicians. The higher the level of 18 Control Plants: Nearby plants and trees obey you and become identical to a touched character. going off to make a temporary copy of it that you can
the spell book, the rarer and more valuable it is. PCs openly gain the ability to move at 5ft/1.5m per round. 51 Miniaturize: You and L other touched creatures are cast at any time before this spell ends.
carrying high-level spell books are likely to be hounded by 19 Control Weather: You may alter the type of weather at reduced to the size of a mouse. 81 Spider Climb: You can climb surfaces like a spider.
bandits and wizards looking to “acquire” them. will, but you do not otherwise control it. 52 Mirror Image: L illusory duplicates of yourself appear 82 Summon Cube: Once per second, (6 times per round)
20 Counterspell: Make an opposed Intelligence save under your control. you may summon or banish a 3ft/1m wide cube of
Saves against the Intelligence of the caster of a nearby spell. 53 Mirrorwalk: A mirror becomes a gateway to another earth. New cubes must be affixed to the earth or to
If a spell directly affects another creature, the creature can You may do this out of turn as a reaction, or against an mirror that you looked into today. other cubes.
make a save by making a roll with the appropriate ongoing magical effect. On a success, you may cancel 54 Multiarm: You gain L extra arms. 83 Swarm: You become a swarm of crows, rats, or
modifier. the spell. 55 Night Sphere: An L×40ft/12m wide sphere of darkness piranhas. You only take damage from area effects.
 Dexterity for ranged attack spells 21 Deafen: All nearby creatures are deafened. displaying the night sky appears. 84 Telekinesis: You may mentally move L items.
 Constitution for life-draining spells 22 Detect Magic: You hear nearby magical auras singing. 56 Objectify: You become any inanimate object between 85 Telepathy: L+1 creatures can hear each other’s
 Intelligence for mind-altering spells Volume and harmony signify the aura’s power and the size of a grand piano and an apple. thoughts, no matter how far apart they move.
 Wisdom for Illusion refinement. 57 Ooze Form: You become a living jelly. 86 Teleport: An object disappears and reappears on the
Compare the result with a caster’s roll+INT. If the target’s 23 Disassemble: Any of your body parts may be 58 Pacify: L creatures have an aversion to violence. ground in a visible, clear area up to L×40ft/12m
roll is higher than the caster’s roll the spell’s effect is detached and reattached at will, without causing pain 59 Phantom Coach: A ghostly coach appears until end of away.
negated or reduced. GM Decides. or damage. You can still control them. spell. It moves unnaturally fast over any terrain, 87 Thaumaturgic Anchor: Object becomes the target of
24 Disguise: You may alter the appearance of L including water. every spell cast near it.
Spell Effects characters at will as long as they remain humanoid. 60 Phobia: L creatures become terrified of an object of 88 Thicket: A thicket of trees and dense brush up to
“L” Modifier: These 100 spells can be cast at any level. The Attempts to duplicate other characters will seem your choice. L×40ft/12m wide suddenly sprouts up.
“L” is a number equal to the caster’s level. uncanny. 61 Pit: A pit 10ft/3m wide and L×5ft/1.5m deep opens in 89 Time Jump: An object disappears as it jumps L×10
Items and Objects: “Items” can be lifted with one hand. 25 Displace: An object appears to be up to L×10ft/3m the ground. minutes into the future. When it returns, it appears in the
“Objects” is anything up to human size. from its actual position. 62 Primeval Surge: An object grows to the size of an unoccupied area nearest to where it left.
Duration: Unless noted otherwise, all spells with ongoing 26 Earthquake: The ground begins shaking violently. elephant. If it is an animal, it is enraged. 90 Summon Idol: A carved stone statue the size of a four
effects last up to L×10 minutes. Structures may be damaged or collapse. 63 Psychometry: The referee answers L yes or no poster bed rises from the ground.
Range: Unless noted otherwise, all spells have a range of 27 Elasticity: Your body can stretch up to L×10ft/3m. questions about a touched object. 91 Time Rush: Time in a 40ft/12m bubble starts moving
up to 40ft/12m. 28 Elemental Wall: A straight wall of ice or fire 64 Pull: An object of any size is pulled directly towards 10 times faster.
Spell List L×40ft/12m long and 10ft/3m high rises from the you with the strength of L men for one round. 92 Time Slow: Time in a 40ft/12m bubble slows to 10%.
1 Adhere: Object is covered in extremely sticky slime. ground. 65 Push: An object of any size is pushed directly away 93 True Sight: You see through all nearby illusions.
2 Animate Object: Object obeys your commands as best 29 Filch: L visible items teleport to your hands. from you with the strength of L men for one round. 94 Upwell: A spring of seawater appears.
it can. It can walk 15ft/5 per round. 30 Fog Cloud: Dense fog spreads out from you. 66 Raise Dead: L skeletons rise from the ground to serve 95 Vision: You completely control what a creature sees.
3 Anthropomorphize: A touched animal either gains 31 Frenzy: L creatures erupt in a frenzy of violence. you. They are incredibly stupid and can only obey 96 Visual Illusion: A silent, immobile, illusion of your
human intelligence or human appearance for L days. 32 Gate: A portal to a random plane opens. simple orders. choice appears, up to the size of a bedroom.
4 Arcane Eye: You can see through a magical floating 33 Gravity Shift: You can change the direction of gravity 67 Raise Spirit: The spirit of a dead body manifests and 97 Ward: A silver circle 40ft/12m across appears on the
eyeball that flies around at your command. (for yourself only) up to once per round. will answer L questions. ground. Choose one thing that cannot cross it: Living
5 Astral Prison: An object is frozen in time and space 34 Greed: L creatures develop an overwhelming urge to 68 Read Mind: You can hear the surface thoughts of creatures, dead creatures, projectiles or metal.
within an invulnerable crystal shell. possess a visible item of your choice. nearby creatures. 98 Web: Your wrists can shoot thick webbing.
6 Attract: L+1 objects are strongly magnetically attracted 35 Haste: Your movement speed is tripled. 69 Repel: L+1 objects are strongly magnetically repelled 99 Wizard Mark: Your finger can shoot a stream of ulfire-
to each other if they come within 10ft/3m. 36 Hatred: L creatures develop a deep hatred of another from each other if they come within 10ft/3m. colored paint. This paint is only visible to you, and can
7 Auditory Illusion: You create illusory sounds that seem creature or group of creatures and wish to destroy it. 70 Scry: You can see through the eyes of a creature you be seen at any distance, even through solid objects.
to come from a direction of your choice. 37 Hear Whispers: You can hear faint sounds clearly. touched earlier today. 100 X-Ray Vision: You gain X-Ray vision.
8 Babble: A creature must loudly and clearly repeat 38 Hover: An object hovers, frictionless, 2ft/0.5m above 71 Sculpt Elements: All inanimate material behaves like
everything you think. It is otherwise mute. the ground. It can hold up to L humanoids. clay in your hands.
9 Beast Form: You and your possessions transform into a 39 Hypnotize: A creature enters a trance and will 72 Shroud: L creatures are invisible until they move.
mundane animal. truthfully answer L yes or no questions you ask it. 73 Shuffle: L creatures instantly switch places. Determine
10 Befuddle: L creatures of your choice are unable to form 40 Icy Touch: A thick ice layer spreads across a touched where they end up randomly.
new short-term memories for the duration of the spell. surface, up to L×10ft/3m in radius. 74 Sleep: L creatures fall into a light sleep.
41 Illuminate: A floating light moves as you command. 75 Smoke Form: Your body becomes living smoke.
42 Increase Gravity: The gravity in an area triples.

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