Waste Management
Waste Management
Waste Management
Marwa Gaafar
Defintion of waste.
Types and composition of waste.
Public health importance.
Treatment of waste.
Situation in Sudan.
What is waste?
§ Human waste, municipal waste, hazardous waste,
biomedical waste.
Classification of waste:
1. Biodegradable wastes:
Those that can be decomposed by the natural processes and
converted into the elemental form.
e.g. kitchen garbage, animal dung, etc.
2. Non-biodegradable Wastes:
Those that cannot be decomposed and remain as such in the
environment, persistent,can cause various problems.
e.g.plastics, nuclear wastes, glass, etc.
Domestic waste
consumptions of households.
• Includes:
• Dietary habits.
by the public.
Municipal waste - composition
• Composition varies according to consumption nature,
• It includes:
• Food wastes, market wastes, plastic containers, product
packaging materials.
• Does not include:
• Industrial wastes, agricultural wastes, medical wastes.
Solid wastes-public health importance
1. Storage.
2. Collection.
3. Separation.
4. Transport.
5. Disposal.
Solid waste management
1. Storage:
Proper storage while awaiting collection.
Steel dust bin with close fitting cover.
Public bins.
2. Collection:
• Gathering of solid wastes & recyclable materials.
• Transport after collection to the location where the vehicle is emptied.
2. Separation:
• Separation of different types of waste components.
Solid waste management
3. Transport:
From smaller collection vehicle to larger transport equipment.
Then transported over a long distance to processing or disposal
4. Disposal:
Getting rid of waste.
Disposal of
solid waste
Disposal of waste-Land spreading and dumping
In rural areas.
Dug by individual households.
Two pits -alternating.
Simple, relatively effective.
Further management:
Energy production.
In Sudan:
All wastes 5,282,000 tons yearly, only 10 % is transported.
In Khartoum state:
About 4000-6000 tons daily by more than 6 million people.
About 540 vehicles, collected twice per week.
Formerly burning wastes in outskirts, but now population size
Khartoum state cleansing project, processing is by dumping.
Problems with waste management in Sudan
Human Excreta
Refers to byproducts of digestion, such as faces and urine.
Public health importance
Health hazards including:
1. Soil pollution.
2. Water pollution .
3. Contamination of food.
4. Propagation of flies.
Public health importance
Diseases include:
Typhoid and paratyphoid fever.
Diarrheal diseases.. Cholera.
Hook worms, Ascariasis.
Viral hepatitis.
Faecal borne transmission
Methods of human waste disposal
• 1.Unsewered areas:
Service type laterine.
Non-service type laterine.
• 2. Sewered areas:
Water carriage system and sewage treatment.
Service type laterine
Fills rapidly.
Needs special equipment, auger.
Dug well laterine
3. Public sewers:
Collect sewage from several houses & transport to the place of final
4. Sewer appurtenances:
Manholes: openings built into the Sewerage system.
Traps:devices designed to prevent foul gases from entering
houses & remove sand, grease from sewage.
Grit removal (hard small materials).
Flow equalization (fluctuating input, constant output).
Fat and grease removal
Primary treatment