U.5 C. Community Waste Management
U.5 C. Community Waste Management
U.5 C. Community Waste Management
Presented by
Robina Majeed
•Recovery and Recycling
•Plasma gasification
•Waste to Energy (Recover Energy)
This type of waste disposal / refuse are collected separately and disposed
A. Garbage is collected separately in dustbins and conveyed by covered carts
or lorries to suitable place. The combustible and non-combustible garbage is
sorted out. The former is burnt and the later is buried in low lying areas.
B. The human and animal waste (feces and urine) are collected in pans from
lavatories and is then carried by labors in carts or lorries for disposal outside
the city where it is buried for manure. The human and animal waste are also
called night-soil.
C. The storm water is conveyed separately by close and open channels and
discharge into natural streams. This system is obsolete now and can be used
in rural areas where there is shortage of water.
This system has the following disadvantages.
Robina Majeed Sr. Lecturer SNC 18
(a) Service Type of Latrines:
1-Sewered Areas
It requires piped water system for flushing the latrines; there
can be no sewerage system without a piped water supply. It
requires lot of money to lay down the underground system of
pipes and to maintain the system.
(i) It requires no manual labour for removal of human excreta.
(ii) The latrines always remain clean.
(iii) There is no irritation of smell or flies.
(iv) Spreading of diseases by insects, rodents or animals are
(v) There can be overall improvement of community health.
Robina Majeed Sr. Lecturer SNC 20
1-Water Carriage System and sewage treatment
a. Primary treatment
I. Screening
II. Removal of grit
III. Plain sedimentation
b. Secondary Treatment
IV. Trickling filters
V. Activated sludge processes→
C. Other Method
VI. Sea out fall
VII. Sewage farming
VIII. Oxidation ponds (also called lagoons or stabilization ponds, are large,
shallow ponds designed to treat wastewater through the sunlight, bacteria, and
algae. Algae grow using energy from the sun and carbon dioxide and inorganic
Robina Majeed Sr. Lecturer SNC 21
compounds released by bacteria in water).
Oxidation ditches (An oxidation ditch is a modified activated sludge biological
treatment process that uses long solids retention times (SRTs) to remove
biodegradable organics. The typical oxidation ditch is equipped with aeration
rotors or brushes that provide aeration and circulation).
Types of Latrines
History to give modern day F-diagrams which has been widely used
in many other sanitation publications. It was set up in a way that
fecal–oral transmission pathways are shown to take place via
water, hands, arthropods and soil. The sanitation barrier however
when placed prevents the transmission of infection through the
hands, water and food.
The F-diagram is also used to show how proper sanitation (in
particular toilets, hygiene, hand washing) can act as an effective
barrier to stop transmission of diseases via fecal–oral pathways.
One approach to changing people's behaviors and stopping open
defecation, the community-led total sanitation approach, uses "live
demonstrations" of flies moving from food to fresh human feces
and back to "trigger" villagers into action.
Robina Majeed Sr. Lecturer SNC 41
The process of transmission may be simple or involve multiple steps.
Some examples of routes of fecal–oral transmission include:
•water that has come in contact with feces (for example due to
groundwater pollution from pit latrines) and is then not treated
properly before drinking;
•by shaking someone's hand that has been contaminated by stool,
changing a child's diapers, working in the garden or dealing with
livestock or house pets.
•food that has been prepared in the presence of fecal matter;
•disease vectors, like houseflies, spreading contamination from
inadequate fecal disposal such as open defecation;
•poor or absent hand washing after using the toilet or handling feces
(such as changing diapers)
•poor or absent cleaning of anything that has been in contact with
•eating feces, in children, orRobina
in aMajeed
mental disorder called
Sr. Lecturer SNC 42
•Vibrio cholerae (cholera)
•Clostridium difficile (pseudomembranous enterocolitis)
•Shigella (shigellosis / bacillary dysentery)
•Salmonella typhii (typhoid fever)
•Vibrio parahaemolyticus ( is a curved, rod-shaped, Gram-negative bacteria
causes gastrointestinal illness in humans).
•Escherichia coli (gram-negative, anaerobic, rod-shaped)
•Tape worms
•Ascariasis and other soil transmitted helminthiasis
1.Infected person
4.Susceptible person
5.Consumption of untreated water
6.Contaminated water source
7.Hand washing technique must be used.
Syrian hamsters can have long or short hair, and
they come in various colors, including:
•Cinnamon (brown)
•Sable (blackish)
•Grey Robina Majeed Sr. Lecturer SNC 57
Rat-Borne Diseases
Plague. This disease is carried by rats and transmitted by fleas in the
process of taking a blood meal. Domestic rats are the most common
reservoir of plague.
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome. This is a viral disease that is
transmitted by the rat. This disease is spread in one of three ways:
inhaling dust that is contaminated with rat urine or droppings, direct
contact with rat feces or urine, and infrequently due to the bite of rat.
Leptospirosis. This is a bacterial disease transmitted with infected water
by swimming, kayaking (paddle of boat) or by contaminated drinking
Rat-bite Fever. This disease may be transmitted through a bite, scratch
or contact with a dead rat.
Salmonellosis. Consuming food Robina or water
Majeed that
Sr. Lecturer SNC is contaminated by rat 61
•Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome collapsed
•Lassa Fever collapsed: is an acute viral haemorrhagic illness of 2-21
days duration. contaminated with rodent urine or faeces.
•Arena virus: These viruses infect rodents which infect snakes. Aseptic
meningitis. At least eight arena viruses are known to cause human disease.
•Bartonellosis (Trench fever)
•Rat tapeworm: measure 20 to 60 cm in length. through insects in pre-
cooked cereals or other food items.
•Toxoplasmosis: infected cat feces
•Weil’s disease: It's caused by Leptospira bacteria. contact with the urine, blood,
or tissue of animals.
mild flu-like symptoms, such as headache and chills. With severe reaction these
organs include: liver,kidneys,lungs,heart,brain