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Perkins Industrial Engines



Publication No.TPD2006 – Production Issue 6, March 2020

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

TERMINOLOGY .............................................................................................. 3
1.1 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 TEST AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ............................................................................................. 4
1.3 GENERAL MEASUREMENT CONSIDERATIONS .............................................................................. 4
1.4 PREPARATION & INSTRUMENTATION .......................................................................................... 5
1.5 TEST PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................................... 6
1.5.1 Main Circuit Resistance ................................................................................................... 7
1.5.2 Starter Motor Solenoid Resistance ................................................................................... 9
1.5.3 Maximum Mean Cranking Current................................................................................. 10
1.6 RESULTS ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................. 10
1.6.1 Main Circuit Resistance ................................................................................................. 10
1.6.2 Solenoid Circuit Resistance ............................................................................................ 11
1.7 REPORTING ............................................................................................................................... 11
2 ECM CIRCUIT RESISTANCE TEST .................................................. 12
2.1 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................... 12
2.2 TEST & ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ............................................................................................... 12
2.3 PREPARATION & INSTRUMENTATION ........................................................................................ 13
2.4 TEST PROCEDURE ..................................................................................................................... 16
2.5 RESULTS ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................. 17
2.6 REPORTING ............................................................................................................................... 17
3.1 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................... 18
3.2 TEST & ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ............................................................................................... 18
3.3 PREPARATION & INSTRUMENTATION ........................................................................................ 20
3.4 TEST PROCEDURE ..................................................................................................................... 22
3.5 RESULTS ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................. 23
3.6 REPORTING ............................................................................................................................... 23
4 ALTERNATOR LOAD BALANCE TEST ............................................ 24
4.1 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................... 24
4.2 TEST & ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ............................................................................................... 24
4.3 PREPARATION & INSTRUMENTATION ........................................................................................ 25
4.4 TEST PROCEDURE ..................................................................................................................... 26
4.4.1 Low Idle Test .................................................................................................................. 26
4.4.2 Machine Operating Speed Test ....................................................................................... 26
4.4.3 Alternator Charge Circuit Voltage Drop ........................................................................ 27
4.5 RESULTS ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................. 27
4.6 REPORTING ............................................................................................................................... 27
5 OK TO ELEVATE IDLE FUNCTIONAL TEST .................................... 28
5.1 PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................... 28
5.2 TEST AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ........................................................................................... 28
5.3 GENERAL TESTING CONSIDERATIONS ....................................................................................... 28
5.4 TEST PROCEDURE ..................................................................................................................... 28
5.5 REPORTING ............................................................................................................................... 29
6 APPENDIX .......................................................................................... 30
APPENDIX A – STARTER MOTOR TESTING .......................................................................................... 30
APPENDIX B – GENERAL TOOLS & HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ 37
APPENDIX D – CHANGE TABLE............................................................................................................ 37

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

IMS Integrated Magnetic Switch
T30 Starter Motor Main Battery Positive Terminal
T31 Starter Motor Main Battery Negative Terminal
T50 Starter Motor Solenoid Terminal
BNC Bayonet Neill Concelman
Max Mean Cranking Current Average current measured during worst case cranking
ECM Engine Control Module
CSA Cross Sectional Area
DEF Diesel Exhaust Fluid

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

1 Starter Motor Circuit Resistance Testing

Applicable Engines: All Products
Emissions Level: All Emissions Levels
Issue Version: Production Release 1.0
Release Date: March 2015

1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this test is to ensure that a consistent and accurate method is used to
determine starter motor circuit resistance on all installed engine applications. Incorrect cable
sizing and circuit design can lead to starting issues with an otherwise correctly specified
system. Bad circuit design will result in a highly electrically resistive path between the battery
and the starter motor terminals. Increasing the resistive path between the battery and the
starter motor will mean voltage dissipated as heat across the circuit will increase.

1.2 Test And Acceptance Criteria

Parameter Installation Requirement

Starter supply cable circuit resistance 12 Less than 1.7mOhm
Volt system (Combined +ve and –ve cable
Starter supply cable circuit resistance 24 Less than 5.5kW starter - 3.4mOhm
Volt system (Combined +ve and –ve cable 5.5-8.5kW starter – 2mOhms
Starter Motor solenoid (activation) circuit Less than 12v systems - 40mOhms
maximum resistance 24v Systems without IMS – Less than
12/24v systems with IMS – N/A
Table 1.1 Motor Test Acceptance Criteria

1.3 General Measurement Considerations

To maintain the accuracy of readings, tests are to be carried out at an ambient temperature of
20̊°C ±5°C, where possible.

The tests must be performed at a steady cranking speed. Therefore fuel injection must be
disabled before attempting to conduct the following tests. This must be achieved by using the
method indicated below for the engine range being tested. If using the service tool for the
‘disable injection’ method, this feature can be found under the Diagnostics menu of the
service tool.
Injection Disable
Type Disconnect
Service Injector
Tool Connector
400F-E X
400J X* X
904D/F/J X* X
1100D X* X
1200F/J X* X
Table 1.2 Disable injection method

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

*Service Tool fuel injection disable can be found at the following menu location:

Diagnostics/Diagnostic Tests/System Troubleshooting Settings/Injection Disable Override

Under no circumstance should the engine ECM be disconnected from its electrical supply
during cranking or during engine running.

If main battery power is removed from the engine ECM during cranking or when the engine is
running, damage to the fuel system may occur.

In a typical customer installation both the negative and positive halves of the circuit from the
battery are connected to more than one device. For instance it is common for the supply to
the customers fuse panel to be taken from the main cable supply to the starter motor and the
negative terminals on the battery and the starter to be grounded to chassis.

In both cases it is important to ensure that the ammeter is placed around a point where a true
starter current reading can be taken without influence by glow plug activation etc.

1.4 Preparation & Instrumentation

Instrumentation must be calibrated (where applicable) and traceable.

These tests can be performed using the PC oscilloscope method or an alternative method.
Both methods are described in this document.

Due to the restricted length of the oscilloscope leads test measurement cables will need to be
fitted to each starter motor terminal (T30, T31 &T50) and routed back to a position close to
the battery. These test lead connections should be made using 2mm2 cable and be
terminated with an appropriate ring terminal for starter connection and a 4mm banana plug for
connection to the oscilloscope lead. Example test lead connection is shown in figure 2.

Note: Test leads connected to Starter terminals will be at positive battery potential
once installed. Care must be taken to ensure leads are insulated such that they are no
shorted to ground during testing.

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

Figure 1.1 Test Preparation – Test Lead Connections

PC Based Oscilloscope Test – Instrumentation:

Pico Technology Limited Automotive diagnostics kit part number PP923 containing
PicoScope version 4423 and Automotive software version R6.6.18 or later.

Alternative Test Method - Instrumentation:

1 x digital voltage meter
1 x handheld ammeter (must be capable of measuring DC current)
Paper, pen for recording results

1.5 Test Procedure

Before commencing this or any other test, it is of the utmost importance that the
operator understands clearly what is required and that the machine is operated in a
safe and controlled manner. Ensure that the machine controls particularly brakes and
shut off control are functioning correctly and that the test area is partitioned off from
pedestrians and other site personnel. Ensure that test equipment is secured and does
not present a fire risk.

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

1.5.1 Main Circuit Resistance

Starter circuit resistance test

Starter Motor

Key Switch

Battery Disconnect
(if Fitted)




Negative cable

+ - Measurement

Voltage at starter motor

Battery V2
positive terminal

V3 Battery Voltage

A1 Total Circuit Current


Figure 1.2 Starter Circuit Resistance Test Instrumentation

By using a 4 channel PC based oscilloscope the complete Positive and negative circuit
resistance can be measured in one single test. Process below describes how to connect
each of the four channels. For instructions on how to use PicoScope please refer to
Appendix A.

Negative Voltage Connection (V1)

 Plug a BNC lead into channel A of the PicoScope.

 Place a small black crocodile clip onto the test lead with the black moulding.
 Place a large black crocodile clip onto the test lead with the colored molding
 Connect the large black crocodile clip to the negative starter motor connection and
the small clip to the negative battery terminal. Ensure that both clips are securely
connected as poor connections will give false readings.

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

Positive Voltage Connection (V2)

 Plug a BNC test lead into channel C of the PicoScope.

 Place a large red crocodile clip onto the test lead with the colored molding.
 Connect the small black plug into the back of the plugs already connected to the
battery negative terminal and the large red crocodile clip to the positive connection on
the starter motor. Ensure that all connections are secured, as poor connections will
affect the resulting readings.

Battery Voltage Connection (V3)

 Plug a BNC lead into channel B of the PicoScope.

 Place a large red crocodile clip onto the test lead with the colored moulding.
 Connect the small black plug into the back of the plugs already connected to the
battery negative terminal and the large red crocodile clip to the positive battery
terminal. Ensure that all connections are secured, as poor connections will affect the
resulting readings.

Ammeter connection (A1)

 Plug a BNC test lead into Channel D of the PicoScope.

 Select the 2000A ammeter (current clamp)
 Connect the 2000Amp ammeter to the test lead connected to Channel D.
 Switch ON the ammeter
 Zero the ammeter by pressing the blue button on the ammeter.
 The ammeter is marked with a positive symbol and a negative symbol on opposite
sides of the ammeter as shown below. It is important that the positive side of the
ammeter is pointing towards the most positive part of the circuit, which in this case
will be away from the negative battery terminal. (Figure 4)

Figure 1.3 Ammeter orientation

Note: Care must be taken to ensure that the jaws of the ammeter are tightly closed before
activating the test, as any form of air gap between them will lead to incorrect measurements
being taken. The current clamp must be positioned such that clamp is located around the
cable and not around any protective tubing. If protective harness covering is used such as
convoluted tube this must be removed before connecting the current clamp.

Note: Refer to starter motor drawing for starter terminal positions.

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

1.5.2 Starter Motor Solenoid Resistance

Figure 1.4 Starter Solenoid Circuit Resistance Measurement

The resistance of the starter motor solenoid (activation) circuit should be measured using the
same process previously detailed for main supply current but with the following changes.

 Channel A must be connected between the battery negative terminal (Figure 1.2 test
connection V1) and the solenoid terminal on the starter motor.
 Use the 60A ammeter to measure the current in the solenoid circuit and connect to
Channel C of the PicoScope.
 Channel B must be configured to measure the system battery voltage V2.

The tests must be performed at a steady cranking speed. Therefore fuel injection must be
disabled before attempting to conduct the following tests. See table 1 for disable methods.

For this test the engine should be cranked for a minimum of 5 seconds.

Note: If the current is measured next to the T50 terminal the electromagnetic field created by
the starter motor when cranking can disrupt the measurement and result in incorrect and
inconsistent readings. Try and measure the current away from the starte e.g. at the relay.

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

1.5.3 Maximum Mean Cranking Current

For applications where very high starting parasitic loads are present (eg Air compressors) the
maximum mean cranking current must be measured and recorded. This must be measured at
the worst case condition, for most applications this is during cold starting. Therefore this test
should be done at the OEMs minimum cold start temperature, if possible.
If not then the minimum requirements for conducting this test is that it is performed on a ‘cold’
engine i.e. one that has been sat, non-running, for at least 12 hours.

Calculation of the mean cranking current can be taken from either the positive or the negative
circuit due to the fact that the current throughout each half of the circuit will be equal.
Average current can be calculated by measuring the DC average cranking current using the
oscilloscope DC measurement option.

The recorded value must not exceed the Maximum Mean cranking values stated in the
Starting & Charging Systems Manual, referenced in the appendix tables for each applicable
starter motor.

1.6 Results Analysis

1.6.1 Main Circuit Resistance

 Total Circuit Resistance

(Average Voltage at Battery - (Average Voltage at Starter – Average battery Negative voltage
drop)) / Average Total Circuit Current

(Channel B_av – (Channel C_av – Channel A_av) / Channel D_av = Total Circuit Resistance

 Positive Circuit Resistance

(Average voltage at Battery – Average Voltage at Starter T30) / Average Total Circuit Current

(Channel B_av – Channel C_av) / Channel D_av = Positive Circuit Resistance (Ohm)

 Negative Circuit Resistance

Average battery negative voltage drop / Average Total Circuit current

Channel A_av / Channel D_av = Negative Circuit Resistance (Ohm)

 Worked Example

Using the values below the circuit resistances can be calculated as follows;

Total Circuit Resistance (Ohm) = (20.42 – (19.93 – 0.3728)) / 260

Total Circuit Resistance = 3.32mOhm

Positive Circuit Resistance (Ohm) = (20.42 – 19.93) / 260

Positive Circuit Resistance = 1.88mOhm

Negative Circuit Resistance (Ohm) = 0.3728 / 260

Negative circuit Resistance = 1.43mOhm

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

Individual resistance calculations must be made for both the positive and negative halves of
the circuit; an assumption should not be made that the positive circuit will give the same
resistance as the negative as number of connections and battery isolation switches will mean
the positive and negative resistances will vary.

Current flow in both +ve and –ve halves of the circuit should be similar. Any major differences
should be investigated.

1.6.2 Solenoid Circuit Resistance

To calculate the solenoid circuit resistance use the following formula

(Average Battery Voltage - Average Voltage at T50 Terminal) / Average Solenoid Current

(Channel B_av – Channel A_av) / Channel C_av = Solenoid Circuit Resistance (Ohm)

Note: The 60A current clamp is designed to measure in mV with 1A being equal to 10mV.
This means that 600mV = 60A

Worked Example

Figure 1.5 Solenoid Circuit Test Example Results

(Channel B_av – Channel A_av) / Channel C_av = Solenoid Circuit Resistance (Ohm)

Solenoid Circuit Resistance = (10.72V – 10.4V) / 16.5A

Solenoid Circuit Resistance = 0.0193Ohm or 19.3mOhm

Compare measured result with the solenoid limits stated within the Starting and Charging
Systems A&I Manual Appendix III.

1.7 Reporting
Record the results of the test in the relevant section of the Application Audit Report Form. The
report should include references to documentation and personnel through which the test
conditions can be traced. The following information is required for the audit documentation;

 Starter Positive circuit resistance

 Starter Negative circuit resistance
 Starter Motor Total circuit resistance
 Solenoid circuit resistance (where applicable)
 Starter Max mean cranking current.

In addition to the measured values above the general information listed below must also be
included as part of the machine audit report.

 Serial No. of Engine

 Serial No of Machine and record of as tested configuration / machine options
 Starter Motor Part No
 Battery Part No and Specification
 Cable sizes / wiring diagram
 Battery Isolation Switch Part number and specification

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

2 ECM Circuit Resistance Test

Applicable Engines: 400, 900, 1100, 1200
Emissions Level: Tier 3, Stage3A, Tier4i , Stage 4, Tier 4F, Stage 5
Issue Version: Production Release 2.0
Release Date: December 2018

2.1 Purpose
This procedure is intended to provide necessary information to safely carry out circuit
resistance checks on the ECM power supply circuit. The circuit resistance results can then
be checked against the Perkins resistance limits.

2.2 Test & Acceptance Criteria

To evaluate the customer wiring harness total resistance (total = positive + negative circuits),
the engine must be stationary and the ECM connectors (J1 and/or J2) disconnected from the
engine ECM. To understand the ECM circuit resistance, wires are inserted into the
appropriate pins on the ECM connectors on the customer side harness (positive and
negative). A milliohm meter is then used to measure the resistance from the pins to main
relay or battery positive and negative (as appropriate).

NOTE: For 400 and 900 Series engines you will need to measure the positive side of the
circuit in two parts. First measure the resistance from the ECM to the main power relay.
Secondly, measure the resistance from the main power relay to battery positive. Alternatively
the relay contacts can be bridged with a piece of wire to measure the positive side of the
circuit as a complete circuit.

NOTE: Since all of the wires that form part of the ECM Power Supply Circuit are in use at the
same time, the resistance of all positive wires must be measured in parallel, then all the
negative wires in parallel too, before adding together to calculate total circuit resistance.
Measuring individual positive or negative wire resistance is incorrect.

Test limits are described as follows;

 Max allowable limits ECM = 50mOhm (12V) and 100mOhms (24V)
 It is good practice to allow some margin to account for aging of the wiring and oxidation of
the contacts though, so if possible 12V system should be under 45mOhms and 24V
systems under 90mOhms (10% aging margin.)

 Circuit resistance measured at ambient temperature 20°C.
 The minimum acceptable cranking battery voltage is 7.3V. This will ensure that when the
battery voltage is 7.3V the Injector fuel delivery will be stable and so avoids poor engine
starting and ECM reset conditions.
 If you are testing the harness on the engine, then you need to ensure there is no power,
as this can damage the milliohm meter.
 For ease of access, it is easier for this test to be completed off engine prior to installation.

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

Figure 2.1 ECM Test Circuit Diagram

2.3 Preparation & Instrumentation

Figure 2.2 ECM Circuit Resistance Measurement Setup – no Factory Link harness

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

Figure 2.3 ECM Circuit Resistance Measurement – with Factory Link Harness (400 and 904 series only)

The following figures show the pins that need to be connected to for the ECM power supply
test. Green highlight is for the negative circuit. Red highlight is for the positive circuit.

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

Figure 2.4 A6E2/A5E12/A5E2v2 (1200 series) ECM Power Supply

Figure 2.5 A6E11 (904-36 series) ECM Power Supply

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Figure 2.6 A6E10 (400J-E and 904-28 series) ECM Power Supply

Figure 2.7 A4E2 (1100 series) ECM Power Supply

2.4 Test Procedure

The Following Tests should be performed using the following equipment:

 Milliohm meter
 Number of lengths of wire to connect all power pins for ECM testing (Suitable size)

1. Zero the milliohm meter as per the manufacturers recommended procedure

2. Disconnect the positive and negative wires from the battery (If required)
3. Disconnect the J1 connector from the ECM (If required)
4. Push the wires into the appropriate positive pins or negative pins. See the appropriate
electrical figure above for the correct pins of the ECM under test.

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5. Connect one of the connectors of the milliohm meter across the positive wires on the
ECM J1 (1 in Fig 2.1 or 2.2), then connect the other end to the battery positive cable (2 in
Fig 2.1 or 2.2) Note the resistance.
a. The resistance of all positive wires must be measured simultaneously i.e. in
parallel as shown in Figures 2.2 or 2.3
6. Connect one of the connectors of the milliohm meter across the negative wires on the
ECM J1 (3 in Fig 2.1 or 2.2), then connect the other end to the battery negative cable (4
in Fig 2.1 or 2.2) Note the resistance.
a. The resistance of all negative wires must be measured simultaneously i.e. in
parallel as shown in Figures 2.2 or 2.3
7. Add the resistances from step 5 and 6 together. This will give you your total circuit
8. Measure the resistance of your flying lead wires and subtract this from your total circuit
resistance from the previous step. You have your final ECM Power Supply Circuit

2.5 Results Analysis

Record the resulting final ECM Power Supply circuit resistance. If greater than the
permissible limits, the following areas of the circuit design should be investigated for
resistance reduction opportunities:

 Wire CSA. Increasing CSA will reduce cable resistance.

 Reduction in the number of connection points within the circuit.
 Reduce total cable length for positive and negative sections of the circuit.
 Connect the negative part of circuit directly to the machine battery (if connected to
machine chassis).

2.6 Reporting
The following information must be recorded and included within the Application Audit report.
 Record final ECM Power Supply circuit resistance

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

3 Injector Resistance Check (904, 400J-E & 400F-E

Applicable Engines: 400F-E, 400J-E, 904
Emissions Level: Tier 3, Stage3A, Tier4i , Stage 4, Tier 4F, Stage 5
Issue Version: Production Release 3.0
Release Date: October 2019

3.1 Purpose
This procedure is intended to provide necessary information to safely carry out circuit
resistance checks on the injector circuit. The circuit resistance results can then be
checked against the permissible resistance limits.

3.2 Test & Acceptance Criteria

NOTE: If you take the factory supplied link harness on 1.7-3.6(400J & 904J) there is no
requirement for you to perform this test.

To evaluate the customer wiring harness injector supply circuits total resistance (total =
positive + negative circuits), the engine must be stationary and the ECM J2 and engine
interface connector disconnected. To understand the injector circuit resistance, wires are
inserted into the appropriate pins on the J2 and engine interface connector on the customer
side harness (positive and negative). A milliohm meter is then used to measure the resistance
from the pins on the J2 to the pins on the engine interface connector (as appropriate).

Test limits are described as follows;

 For an individual Injector circuit between J2 and engine interface connector =

 It is good practice to allow some margin to account for aging of the wiring and
oxidation of the contacts though, so if possible a target of 90mOhms should be used
(10% aging margin.)

 Circuit resistance measured at ambient temperature 20°C.
 If you are testing the harness on the engine, then you need to ensure there is no
power, as this can damage the milliohm meter.
 It is recommended that this test is completed off engine prior to harness installation

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

Figure 3.1 Injector Test Circuit Diagram

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3.3 Preparation & Instrumentation

Figure 3.2 Injector Test Circuit Setup for a Single Injector Circuit

The following figures show the pins that need to be connected to for the Injector power supply
test. Green highlight is for the negative circuit. Red highlight is for the positive circuit.

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Figure 3.3 Injector #1 Circuit Engine Interface Connector pinout (400J-E and 904 series)

Figure 3.4 Injector #1 A6E11 ECM J2 Connector pinout (904-36 series)

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Figure 3.5 Injector #1 A6E10 ECM J2 Connector pinout (904-28 and 400 series)

3.4 Test Procedure

The Following Tests should be performed using the following equipment:

 Milliohm meter
 Number of lengths of wire to connect all power pins for ECM testing (Suitable size)

1. Zero the milliohm meter as per the manufacturers recommended procedure

2. Disconnect the J2 connector from the ECM (If required)
3. Disconnect the Engine Interface Connector (If required)
4. Push a test wire into the appropriate positive pins or negative pins, on both the ECM J2(1
or 2 in Fig 3.2) and Engine interface connector(3 or 4 in Fig 3.2).
5. Connect one of the connectors of the milliohm meter to the wire on the ECM J2 pin, then
connect the other end to the wire on the engine interface connector pin. Note the
6. If you measured the Positive side of the circuit first, repeat Step 5 for the Negative side of
the circuit
7. Add both resistance measurements together. This will give you your Total injector Power
Supply Circuit Resistance.
8. Measure the resistance of your flying lead wires and subtract this from your total circuit
resistance from the previous step. You have your final Injector Power Supply Circuit
9. To double-check measurements steps 4 to 8 can be repeated for a different injector
circuit i.e. Injector #2 circuit, though the result should be the same

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3.5 Results Analysis

In the event of the injector circuit resistance being outside the described specification efforts
to improve circuit design may include but are not limited to;

 Length, thickness and quality of cables used.

 Poor contacts at electrical connection points.
 Environmental temperatures
 Number of electrical connections within the circuit (the injector wiring should be direct
from the ECM to the Engine Interface connector so this should not be a factor)

3.6 Reporting
The final injector circuit resistance value must be included as part of the A&I audit report.

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

4 Alternator Load Balance Test

Applicable Engines: All Engines
Emissions Level: All Emissions Tiers
Issue Version: Production Release 1.0
Release Date: March 2015

4.1 Purpose
The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that the selected machine alternator has enough
capacity to supply the demand from the engine and machine control systems and provide
charge to the machine battery across all operating speeds.

Incorrect alternator sizing can lead to poor system performance and in worst case drained
machine batteries. With the introduction of DEF systems at Tier 4 Final, the total electrical
demand from the engine system has increased to levels higher than those previously seen at
Tier 3 and Tier 4interim. To ensure that the alternator is sized correctly for the total system
demand, tests must be conducted at Low idle and standard machine operating speed, as the
output from the alternator will be less than the advertised rated output at lower engine

4.2 Test & Acceptance Criteria

The eventual sign off of a machines alternator selection and circuitry will be defined by
meeting the following criteria.

 Alternator can meet machine electrical load requirement at all engine speeds (Low
idle and main machine operating speed).
 Acceptance criteria for low idle needs to be based on an assessment of a typical
operating cycle for the machine under test, specific conditions and time spent at low
idle speeds.
Max output required from alternator should be at least 10A less then max advertised
alternator output to ensure reserve is available for battery charging.
 Measured alternator output must not exceed manufacturers current output defined by
the alternator load curve.
 Alternator load curves are referenced at 25degC and all alternator testing should be
conducted as close to this temperature as possible to ensure accurate data
 Volt drop test pass criteria (delta between V1 and V2).

 12V = 0.5V
 24V = 1V

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4.3 Preparation & Instrumentation

Instrumentation must be calibrated (where applicable) and traceable.

Before testing, the machine battery must be charged to full capacity. Once charged the
battery should be disconnected from the charger and left disconnected from the machine for a
minimum of 1 hour prior to commencing the alternator test. This time period allows the
battery terminal voltage to settle after charging.

The tests should be conducted using the following equipment;

 2 x digital Voltage meters

 2 x hand held Ammeters (must be rated to more than the maximum current output of
the alternator). Ammeter must be capable of measuring DC current.
 Ensure instrumentation is set to continuous measurement settings and not peak-hold.
 Paper, pen for recording results.

Figure 4.1 Alternator Load Balance Test Circuit

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4.4 Test Procedure

In preparation for the tests the following must be completed.

 Connect the fully charged battery into machine system (after allowing at least 1hr for
the battery terminal voltage to settle after charging).
 Position alternator current clamp (A1) so that the polarity of the reading is ‘positive’
when the alternator is generating current.
 Position the battery current clamp (A2) so that the polarity of the reading is ‘negative’
when the battery is discharging and reading ‘positive’ when the battery is charging.
 Connect voltage probe (V1) between the alternator B+ terminal and the alternator
case (ground).
 Connect voltage probe (V2) between the battery + terminal and the battery – terminal.
(see diagram Figure 1).

4.4.1 Low Idle Test

 Start engine and operate at low idle. Monitor battery current until such a point as the
current flowing into the battery has stabilised to 5A or less (ref. Battery current A2).
 Measure alternator current at low idle before any machine electrical load has been
applied, in order to baseline the system (ref alternator current A1).
 Measure machine total electrical load by incrementally turning on each machine
electrical circuit and measuring the associated currents after a settlement period of 30
seconds per circuit. During measurement, the ammeter (A2) should not read a
negative figure when each incremental load is applied.
 Once all machine electrical loads are applied, allow system to run for a stabilisation
period of no less than 5 minutes. After this 5 minute period, record all instrument
values (A1, A2, V1, V2).

4.4.2 Machine Operating Speed Test

 Switch off all machine electrical loads and set engine speed to standard machine
operating speed. Monitor battery current until such a point as the current flowing into
the battery has stabilised to less than 1A (ref. Battery current A2)
 Measure alternator current at machine operating speed before any machine electrical
load has been applied, in order to baseline the system (ref alternator current A1).
 Measure machine total electrical load by incrementally turning on each machine
electrical circuit and measuring the associated currents after a settlement period of 30
seconds per circuit. During measurement, the ammeter (A2) should not read a
negative figure when each incremental load is applied.
 Once all machine electrical loads are applied, allow system to run for a stabilisation
period of no less than 5 minutes. After this 5 minute period, record all instrument
values (A1, A2, V1, V2).

Note: the batteries may be discharging, ‘adding to’ (+) the output form the alternator, OR
charging, ‘taking from’ (-) the alternator.

Upon completion of this test, it is recommended to conduct a volt drop test. The
following section explains the reason and procedure for conducting this test.

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4.4.3 Alternator Charge Circuit Voltage Drop

The intention of this test is to discharge the battery in order to measure the voltage drop
between the alternator and the battery. During this test the battery will be discharged. Be
aware that this test may result in batteries being put into an unrecoverable state if not
managed correctly, which could result in an inoperable machine. To test the system voltage
drop the following procedure must be followed.

 Disable fuel injection as indicated in table 1 below.

 Operate the starter motor and crank the engine for 20 seconds.
 Re-enable fuel injection.
 Start the engine.
 Apply all machine electrical circuits as quickly as possible. (all the same circuits as
previously tested in the load study above).
 Measure the voltage V1 and V2 and current A1 and A2, as soon as possible after
starting the engine and applying all electrical loads to the system (ideally within a
maximum of 60 seconds).
 Remove all electrical loads on the circuit and allow the system to recover through
alternator charging, or remove the batteries and charge as required prior to
conducting any further machine tests.

Injection Disable
Type Disconnect
Service Injector
Tool Connector
400F-E X
400J X* X
904D/F/J X* X
1100D X* X
1200E/F/J X* X
Table 4.1 Injection disable method per engine type

4.5 Results Analysis

To analysis the results generated the following material will be required.

 Test results taken for each test condition

 Copy of the alternator performance curve for the alternator used

In order for the alternator sizing to be acceptable within an application both the low idle and
high idle current demands from engine and machine must fall within the current limits of the
alternator. If at any time the load exceeds the advertised output of the engine alternator a
review of the alternator option must be held with the customer.

4.6 Reporting
All recorded measurements are to be recorded within the relevant section of the A&I audit

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5 OK to Elevate Idle Functional Test

Applicable Engines: 400F-E, 400J-E, 904F-E, 904J-E, 1200F-E, 1200J-E
Emissions Level: Tier 4 Final and Stage V

5.1 Purpose
The purpose of this test is to ensure that the OK to Elevate Idle (also known as Machine Safe
State or Work Mode) is correctly fitted and configured on the engine to enable the idle speed
to be elevated when required for Aftertreatment Regeneration. As well as helping
regeneration during normal machine operations this functionality is also required to run
certain Service Tests where engine speed must be controlled by the ECM instead of the
machine throttle.

5.2 Test And Acceptance Criteria

The logic captured during the Design phase of the A&I project on how the OEM intends to
integrate the Elevated Idle feature is correct and is shown to work on the Production design

5.3 General Testing Considerations

It is important that this test is completed on a machine which has Production-intent wiring and
MCU software (depending on whether OK to Elevate Idle is done with wiring or with J1939

Consult the relevant Electronic A&I guide to check exactly which ECM pin needs to be used
for this function and which J1939 message needs to be received by the ECM.

5.4 Test Procedure

N.B. In later software versions there is a configuration required to set the Elevate Idle switch
to be either hardwired or J1939 (CAN) based. Ensure that this is programmed before testing
with the Service Tool in the Configuration screen.

Connect up the Service Tool to the engine under test and navigate to the ‘Status’ screen
(Shortcut F2.)
Then using the menu on the left select ‘Aftertreatment Regeneration’ (Aftertreatment
Regeneration - II for 1200J)
The parameter that needs to be checked during the test is called ‘DPF Low Speed
Regeneration Engine Speed Control Enable Switch Status’

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When the machine controls are in the logical position decided by the OEM to declare ‘safe
state’ or ‘not in work mode’ the above status should read ‘On.’ The engine ECM will have
permission to Elevate the Idle Speed in this condition.

When the machine controls are not in the above position i.e. machine is declaring ‘not safe’
or ‘in work mode’ the above status should read ‘Off.’ The engine ECM will not have
permission to Elevate the Idle Speed in this condition.

5.5 Reporting
Record the results of the test in the relevant section of the Application Audit Report Form
including the logical position of all operator controls required to change the status of the Ok to
Elevate Idle switch.

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Electrical Field Test Procedures

Appendix A – Starter Motor Testing

PicoScope Software activation and set-up.

Before entering the PicoScope software application, ensure that the PicoScope interface unit
is connected to the PC via the USB cable supplied with the unit. - Select the PicoScope icon
from the desktop.

Figure 6.1 Picoscope icon

 Before starting the test ensure that the PicoScope is set to x1 probe, resolution 5s/div
and channels are set to the voltage ranges shown below.

Figure 6.2 Main Starter Circuit PicoScope Channel Configuration

Figure 6.3 Starter Solenoid PicoScope Channel Configuration

 Once configured each channel will be set to measure the following parameters;

o Channel A – Negative Circuit Voltage drop.

o Channel B – Voltage at Starter Motor Main Battery Positive Terminal.
o Channel C – Battery Voltage.
o Channel D – Total Circuit Current.

 To activate the test press the space bar on the PC, this will activate the logger and
sampling operation.
 Crank the engine for 5 seconds (after the engine injection has been disabled in
accordance with table 1) and a waveform similar to that shown in figure 7 should be
 Press the space bar to stop the logger.

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Figure 6.4 Expected Starter Motor Waveforms

Note: The sampling operation of the PicoScope is set to record the data for a 50 second
period on a rolling basis. For this reason the logging operation should be started a few
seconds before the engine cranking begins and stopped a few seconds after the 5 second
crank has been completed. This will ensure that all data will be captured.

 The waveforms can be saved via the file / save current waveform option for further
analysis at a later date.
 Waveforms and measurement data should be checked to ensure that data captured
is of good quality to ensure repeat visits are not required.

Interpreting Data & Determining Circuit Resistance

After completing the test procedure the captured data will provide all the information
necessary to determine the following;

 Total circuit resistance.

 Positive circuit resistance.
 Negative circuit resistance.
 Mean cranking current.

To prepare the captured data for resistance calculations the data from each channel must be
averaged using the PicoScope tool. The following procedure describes this process.

 Open the saved waveform within the PicoScope application.

 On the bottom left hand side of the screen there are two vertical cursor /
measurement lines as shown in figure 8

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Figure 6.5 PicoScope Measurement Cursor Location

 Drag the cursors into position using the mouse. It is important that the first cursor is
placed at the point at which the waveforms begin to stabilise as the initial cranking
voltage and current will distort all calculations and should be ignored. The second
cursor should be placed at the end of the trace as shown below.

Figure 6.6 Waveform DC Averaging Example

 Once the measurement cursors have been set-up, via the measurements tab select
add measurement and configure the measurement as shown below.

Figure 6.7 Adding a DC Average Measurement

 Repeat this configuration for channels B, C & D.

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 Once all channels have been set-up correctly, the average readings one for each
channel i.e. volt drop and current will be displayed at the bottom of the screen as
shown below. The values can now be used to determine circuit performance.

Figure 6.8 Measurement Results

Note: Channel D will read mV and not current. The current clamp used is designed to
read in mV with 1mv = 1A. This means that a reading of 300mA = 300A when used in

Alternative Test Method:

A standard test configuration can be used to measure each of the critical system parameters
such as circuit resistance, voltage drop etc. The test layout shown in figure 6 shows the
preferred test configuration.

Test procedure:

 Connect a clamp on ammeter to the battery negative cable as close to the battery as
possible ensuring that the ammeter is connected in the correct orientation i.e.
negative sign facing the most negative part of the circuit, the battery.

Ensure that the ammeter is connected as close to the negative battery terminal as

 Using a set of multimeter crocodile clips, clip the negative multimeter cable to the
negative terminal of the battery and the positive lead to the starter motor negative
terminal. This will enable a true voltage drop measurement to be taken across the
length of the negative circuit.

 Set the multimeter to measure in mV DC, to record the voltage drop on the cable.

 Disable injection (see table 1 for applicable method)

 Crank the engine for 7 to 8 seconds and record the average voltage drop reading and
circuit current readings.

 Repeat the test 3 times and record the average result of the three tests.

 Now repeat the test for the positive half of the circuit ensuring that the current clamp
is orientated correctly and is positioned so that the reading is purely for the starting
circuit and does not encompass the machine demand from the battery during

The two sets of test results can now be used to calculate circuit resistance, voltage drop at
the starter motor and the average cranking current.

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Figure 6.9 Circuit Resistance Check Multimeter Method

Supplementary Tests

The Following tests should be conducted in the event of a starter motor circuit resistance

Battery Disconnect Switch Resistance

In cases where the application system design contains a battery disconnect switch, a contact
resistance check should be made to ensure that the switch is not contributing excessively to
the overall circuit resistance. This Measurement can be taken using the PC based
oscilloscope and measuring both the voltage drop across the disconnect switch and the
overall circuit current as shown below in figure 5.10, or by using multimeters to take
measurements as shown in figure 5.11.

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Figure 6.10 Battery Disconnect Switch Test – Oscilloscope method

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Figure 6.11 Battery Disconnect Switch Test – Multimeter method

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Appendix B – General Tools & Hardware Requirements

General Tool / Hardware Quantity Test Procedure

Digital Voltage Meter 2 Section 1 & 4
Digital Current Clamp 2 Section 1 & 4
Milliohm Meter 1 Section 2 & 3
PicoScope Test Kit 1 Section 1
4mm Insulated Banana Plug 3 Section 1
Ring terminals for crimping 3 Section 1
2mm2 Cable for Test Leads 3 Leads Section 1

Milliohm Meter recommended: RS Pro Milliohm Meter ILOM-508A

Minimum Spec
Range: 0.1 to 100 mOhms
Accuracy: +/-0.3% of reading
Zero adjustment capability

Appendix C – ECM & Injector Circuit Resistance Tooling

Description Engine ECM Part Number Quantity Supplier
ECM J1 Power Pins– Tab 3.6 A6:E11 1-962916-1 6 TE
2.8x0.8 (3 +ve & 3 -ve) Connectivity
EIC Injector - Socket 3.6/2.8 EIC 1062-16-0622 1 Deutsch
ECM J2 Injector - Wire 3.6 A6E11 22AWG solid wire
ECM J1 Power Pins – Tab 1.7/2.2/2.8 A6:E10 1-962916-1 6 TE
2.8x0.8 (2 +ve & 4 -ve) Connectivity
EIC Injector – Pin 1.7/2.2 EIC 1060-16-0622 1 Deutsch
ECM J2 Injector - Wire 1.7/2.2/2.8 A6E10 23AWG solid wire
ECM J1 Power Pins 4.4/7.1 A6:E2, 0460-204- 6 TE
A5:E2v2, 12141 (3 +ve & 3 -ve) Connectivity

Appendix D – Change table

Description of change Section Page
Main circuit resistance calculation corrected. 1.6.1 10
Check points corrected to match figure 3.2. 3.5 17
Figure 5.9 Circuit resistance diagram corrected to show correct
5 27
measuring points.
Check points corrected to align with figure 3.2. 5 31 & 32
Engine Model List Updated in Table 1.2 and 4.1 1.3 4
Updated the ECM Circuit Resistance Test to new Milliohm Meter
2 12 &13
Test procedure
Updated the ECM Circuit Resistance Test to new Milliohm Meter 14, 15
Test procedure &16
Updated Appendices to remove 854 Connector Kit information 6 38
Milliohm meter recommended spec added to Appendix B Appendix B 35
Added ECM J2 connector pinout guides for Injector Circuit
3.3 21 & 22
Resistance tests
Injector Resistance Check procedure and diagrams all updated to
3 18 to 23
improve clarity
ECM & Injector Tooling Requirements revised App C 38
ECM Circuit Resistance Test Wording revised to clarify the need
2.2, 2.4 13, 17
to measure wires in parallel, not individually

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Starter Solenoid Circuit Current measurement position updated to

avoid incorrect/inconsistent readings due to electromagnetic 1.5.2 9

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