AGN 234 - Generating Set Assembly - Alignment

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Application Guidance Notes: Technical Information from Cummins Generator Technologies

AGN 234 – Generating Set Assembly - Alignment


This Applications Guidance Note is the third in a series of four AGNs that look at assembling
an alternator to a prime mover:

• AGN232 – Generating Set Assembly – Coupling Arrangements

• AGN233 – Generating Set Assembly – Mounting Arrangements
• AGN234 – Generating Set Assembly – Alignment
• AGN235 – Generating Set Assembly – Torsional Vibration Analysis


Shaft alignment is the process of satisfactorily connecting two or more shafts with each other
to within a specific tolerance. For a Generating Set, the prime mover and the alternator must
be correctly aligned to ensure a long and serviceable life. Shaft misalignment is responsible
for as much as 50 percent of all costs related to rotating machinery breakdowns. When
coupling, the prime mover is mostly defined as the reference point, and the alignment
adjustment is typically carried out on the alternator.

Alignment is critical to the operational characteristics and service life of the Generating Set.
Operating vibration, rubber coupling operating temperature, bearing serviceability and rotor
alignment (airgap) are areas that are susceptible the causes of misalignment. Various methods
of ensuring alignment are required, depending on the design of the Generating set; open
coupled, close coupled, single bearing, two-bearings. Single bearing alternators and close

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coupled two-bearing alternators rely on the adaptor mating face housing and spigot to provide
shaft alignment. Open coupled two-bearing alternators rely on accurate shaft alignment
procedures. Typically, rubber coupling manufacturers will have maximum misalignment
tolerances that needs to be adhered to. Also, consideration of operating temperatures and
shaft centre heights are required to minimise radial misalignment during operating conditions.
Table 1 provides the recommended maximum values for radial misalignment allowed for
different speeds.

Table 1: Recommended radial alignment offset as per operating speed.

Thermal Expansion

The temperature inside an alternator will increase considerably during normal operation. The
materials used in the construction of an alternator, such as copper, electrical steel, iron and
aluminium, will expand as the temperature increases. Overall, the alternator will increase in
size both horizontally and vertically, during operation. The increase may be small, but may be
significant. It will therefore; be necessary to thermally-compensate for true alignment, the
increase in length (∆L) as shown in Figure 1. It may be necessary to compensate for the
alternator/engine axial thermal expansion, depending on the type of mounting arrangement
and base frame design.

Figure 1: Typical linear expansion of an object.

The change in length ∆L depends on the temperature change, ∆T = T f - Ti; the initial length of
the rod L0; and a constant that is characteristic of the material being heated. The experimentally
observed linearity between ∆L and L0∆t can be represented by the equation;

∆L = 𝛼 L0∆t


• α is the coefficient of linear expansion (10 × 10-6 K-1).

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• Tf is the final temperature (°K).
• Ti is the initial temperature (mm).
Axial Thermal Expansion

The axial thermal expansion of the alternator can be calculated from the non-drive end bearing
on the alternator to the end of the shaft on the drive side, as shown in Figure 2. The non-drive
end bearing is fitted with an O-ring that allows it to thermally grow horizontally for about +/-
2mm during operation. On a two-bearing alternator, the drive end bearing is fixed.

Figure 2: Axial thermal expansion.

Below formula can be used to calculate the axial thermal expansion of an alternator;

∆L = α ∗ ∆T ∗ L


• ΔL is the thermal expansion (mm).

• α is the coefficient of linear expansion (10 × 10-6 K-1).
• ΔT is the temperature difference between alignment temperature and operating
temperature to be expected (°K).
• L is the distance from the fixed bearing to the drive end of the shaft (mm).

Vertical Thermal Expansion

The vertical thermal expansion of the alternator can be calculated approximately using the
distance between the base and centre of the shaft, as shown in Figure 3 on the next page.

Below formula can be used to calculate the vertical thermal expansion of an alternator;

∆H = α ∗ ∆T ∗ H


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• ΔH is the thermal expansion (mm).
• α is thermal expansion coefficient (10 × 10-6 K-1).
• ΔT is the temperature difference between alignment temperature and operating
temperature to be expected (°K).
• H is the Shaft height (mm).

Figure 31: Vertical thermal expansion.

Types and Consequences of shaft misalignment.

Shaft misalignment can be due to axial misalignment, parallel (or offset) or angular
misalignment, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 42: Shaft misalignment.

A Generating Set that is not properly integrated will increase the amount of stress on each
assembly unit, resulting in a range of potential problems as listed below:

• Failure of coupling and foundation bolts.

• Increased vibration and noise.
• Increased rubber coupling temperatures and service life reduction.
• Excessive seal lubricant leakage.
• Premature shaft and coupling failure.
• Excessive wear on bearings and seals, leading to premature failure.

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• Increased friction, resulting in excessive wear, excessive energy consumption, and the
possibility of premature breakdown of equipment.

Types of alignment equipment

The three alignment methods used in the Generating Set industry include; visual inspections
(straightedge), dial indicators and laser guided tools, as shown in Table 2.

Table 21: Overview of shaft alignment equipment and characteristics.

Alignment Process

Dial gauges and laser measuring instruments are recommended. There follows, alignment tips
used in the Generating Set industry for connecting a single bearing alternator and a two-
bearing alternator to a prime mover, using a dial gauge. The Owner’s Manual for the alternator
will include the detailed alignment process. This process can be streamlined by using a
dedicated laser alignment tool.

Alignment process:

1. Roughly align the alternator on the Generating Set base frame or the bed plates.
2. Couple the prime mover and alternator without using force.

Single bearing alternator alignment

When aligning a single bearing alternator to a prime mover, the primary objective is to ensure
that the alternator’s air gap between the rotor and stator is maintained equidistant and the rotor

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is exactly aligned radially. Shims are used on the alternator’s feet arrangement to achieve the
correct level.

Pay attention to the following points:

• Crankshaft clearance on the combustion engine.

• Air gap between rotor and stator.
• Axial dimension.
• Check the radial alignment accuracy by measuring the distance between the shaft
and the machined inside diameter of the bearing plate.

Two-bearing alternator alignment

If aligning when the Generating Set is cold, due consideration must be made to the
measurements of alternator, gearbox and prime mover, as these measurements will increase
due to thermal expansion.

• Align the coupling (minimum axial offset) according to the instructions from the coupling
• Use flexible coupling designed to suit the specific engine/alternator combination to
minimise torsional vibration effects.
• Ensure the alternator is levelled vertically, horizontally and axially. Make the necessary
adjustments by placing alignment elements or shims under the feet to achieve level.
• During this process consider the linear expansion of the shafts when reaching the
operating temperature.

Application Guidance Notes are for information purposes only. Cummins Generator Technologies reserves the right to change the contents of
Application Guidance Notes without notice and shall not be held responsible for any subsequent claims in relation to the content.

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