Iran Rehabil J 2014 12 19 14 17
Iran Rehabil J 2014 12 19 14 17
Iran Rehabil J 2014 12 19 14 17
`Original Article
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of perceptual-motor training on motor skills
of normal preschool children (aged 4-6 years) in Esfahan city.
Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with intervention and control groups. Each group
included 30 normal preschool children aged 4 to 6 years. They were selected randomly; children of
intervention group from one empowering children center and the control group from preschool centers, of
Esfahan city in 2013. The intervention group received perceptual- motor training for 15 sessions (each 1
hour) during 2 months. The measurement was Bruninks– Oseretsky test that was implemented as pre- and
post-tests. Data analysis was done by SPSS version 18.
Results: The intervention group had significantly higher motor skills (gross and fine motor skills) scores
after training, in comparison to control group (p= 0.000).
Discussion: It seems that the perceptual- motor training can improve the motor skills level of preschool
children. So it is recommended as a useful method for motivation of motor skills development in
preschool centers.
Keywords: perceptual– motor training, motor skills, preschool children
Submitted: 19 January 2014
Accepted: 29 February 2014
Conclusion Acknowledgment
Early movement experiences will form the main We would like to acknowledge to the collaboration
basis for the development of perceptual-motor of the Center for Children's Empowerment of
abilities, and early childhood is the best period to Esfahan and the children and their parents who
promote these capabilities. This study showed that participated in this study.
the positive effect of perceptual-motor training on
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