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Iranian Rehabilitation Journal, Vol. 12, No.

19, March 2014

`Original Article

The effect of Perceptual Motor Training on Motor Skills of preschool


Firoozeh Sajedi , MD.

Pediatric Neurorehabilitation Research Center
University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Hajar Barati*
University of Allameh Tabatabayi, Tehran, Iran

Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of perceptual-motor training on motor skills
of normal preschool children (aged 4-6 years) in Esfahan city.
Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with intervention and control groups. Each group
included 30 normal preschool children aged 4 to 6 years. They were selected randomly; children of
intervention group from one empowering children center and the control group from preschool centers, of
Esfahan city in 2013. The intervention group received perceptual- motor training for 15 sessions (each 1
hour) during 2 months. The measurement was Bruninks– Oseretsky test that was implemented as pre- and
post-tests. Data analysis was done by SPSS version 18.
Results: The intervention group had significantly higher motor skills (gross and fine motor skills) scores
after training, in comparison to control group (p= 0.000).
Discussion: It seems that the perceptual- motor training can improve the motor skills level of preschool
children. So it is recommended as a useful method for motivation of motor skills development in
preschool centers.
Keywords: perceptual– motor training, motor skills, preschool children
Submitted: 19 January 2014
Accepted: 29 February 2014

Introduction education program," pointed out that the early years

One of the important factors in children development of childhood, is an important and appropriate stage
is perceptual-motor abilities, that like other aspects to learn motor skills, because:
of the human develops in early childhood (1). The 1) Children’s bodies at this stage are more
acquisition of motor skills require to obtain susceptible to learning than adolescents and
perceptual skills (2). According to many researches, adults, and therefore it is easier to learn skills.
the effective functioning of perceptual-motor is 2) Children at this stage have fewer skills and
essential for improving students in all three areas of therefore do not interfere with the learning of
education and training (cognitive, affective and new skills.
psychomotor) and also for motor skills development. 3) Children at this stage are more curious and eager
These capabilities should be developed in the early to learn broader, and make more effort.
stages of child's life naturally; this means that these 4) At this age, children are still growing; form
capabilities and features are achieved at age 6 or 7 bones and muscles. Skeletal muscles and joints of
years, if the child has normal development (3, 4). the hands and feet grow during this period.
In fact, almost every movement is a kind of 5) Most importantly, in this age, learning new
perceptual-motor skill. Human movement depends habits is more durable.
on his environment, situation and position. In order Thus, according to the energy and dynamic
to develop perceptual-motor abilities, initial characteristics of the children, if appropriate
experiences of the movement of children have program is not perform for them, the basic body
special importance. Cole in his "pre-school position and movements such as sitting, standing,
* All correspondences to : Hajar Barati, Email: <[email protected]>

14 Vol. 12, No. 19, March. 2014

walking, running and exercise and sport movements walking. 3: Bilateral coordination (eight items).
fail to obtain properly (5, 6). Seven items evaluate the simultaneous coordination
Tucker conducted one systematic review, on the levels between upper and lower limbs. One item evaluates
of physical activity in preschool children in 2008. In the upper limb coordination. 4: Strength (three
his study, after examining the evidence from 39 studies items). This sub-test evaluates the arm, shoulder,
(1986-2007), 10316 patients (5236 males and 5080 abdominal and leg strengths. 5: Upper limb
females) were recruited from seven countries, he coordination (nine items). Six items evaluate visual
concluded that nearly half of the preschool children did pursuit with the movements of the arms and hands.
not get enough physical activity, and although at least Three items evaluates the accuracy of the arms,
60 minutes of physical activity per day is necessary for hands or fingers movements. 6: Response time (one
children, but only 54% of the participants in the studies item). This sub-test measures the ability of rapid
had enough physical activity. Thus, an effective motor response to visual stimuli. 7: Visual-motor
intervention for promoting physical activity in control (eight items). This subtest evaluates the
children is essential (7). precise and coordinated movements of the hands in
As studies about the relationship between learning of coordination to vision. 8: Speed and agility of upper
perceptual-motor abilities and motor skills limb (eight items). This sub-test evaluates the agility
development in preschool children are not enough, of the hands and fingers, and the speed of the arms
we decided to conduct this study to determine the and hands movements.
effect of perceptual- motor training on motor skills Bruninks–Oseretsky test evaluates gross motor, fine
in preschool children. motor, and total motor skills. These items are
expressed in a standardized score with a mean of 50
Methods and a standard deviation of 10.
This study was a quasi-experimental with intervention The perceptual-motor training was performed during
and control groups. The study population was all two months (fifteen sessions; one hour per day for 2
children 4-6 years of one empowering children's week) for intervention group. Perceptual-motor
center in Isfahan city. The sampling method was training included the training movements of static
randomly. After providing information to parents and dynamic balances, balance orientation skills,
about the aims of the research and obtaining consent body awareness, understanding shape, determination
form, 30 children were assigned to intervention and sequences of auditory and visual, auditory and
group. Thirty children were also selected randomly visual perception, eye-hand coordination and spatial
from near preschool centers. relationships. Post-test was performed after
The measurement was Bruninks– Oseretsky test that intervention in 2 groups. Data were analyzed by
was implemented for pre- and post-tests in both SPSS version 18, and covariance analysis was used
groups. This test assesses motor function of children for evaluation of the intervention.
aged 4-14 years. The complete form of test is
composed of eight sub-tests consist of 46 items that Results
assess the motor skills and also separately gross and Sixty children in 2 groups (each 30) participated in
fine motor skills. The short form of test consists of this study. Two groups were matched in aspect of
14 items and provides a brief review of the adequacy gender using the chi-square test. There was no
of general movements. The performance of this test significant difference in gender distribution between
requires 45 to 60 minutes. 2 groups (p=0.792).
Each of eight sub-tests of the Bruninks– Oseretsky Two groups were matched in aspect of age, using
test is designed to assess a specific aspect of motor independent t-test. There was no significant
development. Four sub-tests assess the gross motor difference between 2 groups in aspect of age
skills, three sub-tests assess fine motor skills and one (p=0.567).The mean ages of children were 5.77
sub-test assesses both the gross and fine motor skills. years (±0.43); and 5.70 years (± 0.47) in intervention
These eight sub-tests include: 1: Agility and speed and control groups respectively. The pre and post-
of running (one item). This subtest assesses the tests showed that the children of intervention group
running speed during a certain route. 2: Balance had higher post-test scores than the control group.
(eight items). Three items evaluate the static The total motor skills scores in intervention group
balance, when the child stands on one leg. 5 items were significantly higher than control group in post-
evaluate the balance performance of children at test (table 1, p= 0.000).

Iranian Rehabilitation Journal 15

Table 1. Means and standard deviations of total motor skills systematic method in the game has positive effect on
scores in pre- and post-tests in 2 groups. the capacity of movement control and promotes
Group Pre- test Post- test PV mental and motor skills of children. Therefore,
mean SD mean SD 0.000
motor activities is necessary for mental and motor
Total 72.77 11.89 90.70 11.60 development in preschool children (8).
motor The results of the study about improving overall
skills 69.97 9.41 73.63 9.73
(n=30) motor skills are consistent with the findings of the
studies of Dortaj and Asemi (14) , Salman et al (15),
Table (2) shows that the fine motor skills scores in Shahbazi (16), Aghaei Baliani (17), Piek (18),
intervention group were significantly higher than Geuze (19), Shirvani Broujeni (1) , Rohbanfard (20)
control group in post- test (p= 0.000). Pienaar (21), Asonitou (22), Lupu (23). Dortaj and
Asemi examined the effect of selected motor
Table 2. Means and standard deviations of fine motor skills
program on cognitive-motor skills and academic
scores in pre- and post-tests in 2 groups.
achievement in students with slow learning in
Group Pre- test Post- test PV
mean SD mean SD 0.000
second grade of primary school. They found that the
Intervention program has a positive effect on the development of
Fine 26.50 5.38 35.10 5.96 cognitive– motor abilities including dynamic balance,
24.43 5.32 26.23 5.32 static balance, speed, coordination, accuracy and
(n=30) strength, but there was no significant difference in
muscle strength between two groups. There was also
Table (3) shows that the gross motor skills scores in a significant effect on academic achievement in
intervention group were significantly higher than intervention group (14).
control group in post- test (p= 0.000). Shahbazi et al determined the relationship between
Table 3. Means and standard deviations of gross motor skills
perceptual-motor abilities and creativity among
scores in pre- and post-tests in 2 groups. Iranian students, 12-14 years old. They showed that
Group Pre- test Post- test PV there was a positive relationship between cognitive-
Variable motor abilities and creativity of students; as they can
mean SD mean SD 0.000
Intervention develop their creativity through participation in
Gross 35.07 5.82 40.23 5.64
(n=30) school physical education programs (16). Pienaar et
Control al investigated the effect of a Kinderkinetics
skills 33.93 4. 23 35.40 5.06
program on components of children’s perceptual-
Discussion motor and cognitive development and they found
This study showed that after perceptual-motor that the program has a significant effect on
training, intervention group achieved higher scores improving the fine motor, gross motor, perceptual-
in motor skills than the control group, which motor and total motor abilities in pre-school children
represents the effect of this training on motor skills (21). The promotion of motor skills development in
development. Findings of this study about the effect our study may be due to the motor training; there
of perceptual- motor training on fine motor skills are were many activities that required eye-hand
consistent with the findings of Lupu(8), Miquelote et coordination, hand and foot coordination and overall
al (9), Mohammadi and sabzi (10), Sheikh et al (11), body coordination for doing them. So these activities
Reimer et al (12), and Ghodsi (13). may be promoted these skills, and finally, helped to
Lupu (23) studied the influence of motor games on the development of motor skills in child.
motor and mental development of preschool However the genetic factors, innate determinant of
children. He selected 24 children (girls and boys), 5 individual potential, and also environmental factors
to 6 years, from a preschool center, (12 children in determine the degree of success of an individual to
intervention and 12 children in control groups). The develop these abilities. The first six years of child's
purpose of the study was whether there are life are very critical years; development rate in these
significant differences between the intervention years is much higher than the other periods, and
group which was exposed during the whole week basic movement patterns are shaped in this period.
with motor games, and the control group which was So promoting of child movements can affect all
exposed to only one day a week of activities. The aspects of development (physical, cognitive, social
results showed that the use of a scientific and and moral, etc.) in this period. Therefore, we have to

16 Vol. 12, No. 19, March. 2014

provide the appropriate incentives to foster an motor skills development and it seems that the
environment appropriate for a child's full potential perceptual- motor training can improve the motor
(4, 24). The correct and proper instructions in pre- skills level of preschool children. So this training is
school courses will lead body movements properly recommended as a useful method for promotion of
so they that will become more organized in later motor skills development in preschool centers via
periods. regular programs.

Conclusion Acknowledgment
Early movement experiences will form the main We would like to acknowledge to the collaboration
basis for the development of perceptual-motor of the Center for Children's Empowerment of
abilities, and early childhood is the best period to Esfahan and the children and their parents who
promote these capabilities. This study showed that participated in this study.
the positive effect of perceptual-motor training on
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