ATS1279 Rubric A3 Research Proposal 2020

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ATS1279 Rubric A3 Research Proposal

N (Fail) Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction

0-49 50-59 60-69 70-79 80-100
Presentation, English expression and grammar -10%
1-4.5 5-5.5 6-6.5 7-7.5 8-10
Expression lacks fluency Pass. Communicates Good. Very good. Accurate Excellent. Conveys
and accuracy. High density with some clarity, Communication is and appropriate complex ideas with
of errors impede despite frequent clear despite expression. Ideas clarity. Headings are
communication. errors. References are occasional errors. conveyed clearly. used and strictly
References are not cited cited appropriately. Reference styles Errors are rare. adheres to referencing
appropriately. Headings Headings are used. adhered to Headings are style.
absent or inappropriate. appropriately. appropriate and
Headings are adheres to
adequate referencing style.
Clarity of the topic or issue to be analysed (background) -10%
1-4.5 5-5.5 6-6.5 7-7.5 8-10
Student does not provide Pass. Provides a basic Good. Provides a Very good. Provides a Excellent. Provides a
sufficient information to explanation of the text description or clear description of clear and concise
understand what is being or phenomenon that is background of the the topic. The description of the
discussed. not quite clear. issue or background is topic. The background
phenomenon. informative. presents the
phenomenon in an
interesting manner.
Research aims and questions – 20%
.5-9.5 10-11.5 12-13.5 14-15.5 16-20
It is not clear what the Pass. There is a Good. The topic of Very good. The topic Excellent. Research
student finds curious or research topic, but it the research is clear of the research is aims are clearly
wants to find out about. may be unclear or the but the questions are clear. The questions written and the
questions do not seem vague or generic. are appropriate. student has developed
to match the topic. interesting questions
about the issue.
Knowledge of research on the topic – literature review – 20%
.5-9.5 10-11.5 12-13.5 14-15.5 16-20
Does not discuss relevant Pass. Is aware of one Good. Shows a Shows a very good Shows an excellent
research on the topic. Uses similar research reasonable grasp of grasp of the research grasp of the research
research from outside of project. The relevance research on the on this issue. Makes on this issue. Identifies
communications and is not explained. topic, and is able to some attempt to the main research and
media studies. discuss them. explain how these discusses significant
inform the research findings relevant to
project. the research.
Choice and explanation of theoretical frame 20%
.5-9.5 10-11.5 12-13.5 14-15.5 16-20
The theory discussed is not A relevant theory is Shows a reasonable Shows a very good Shows an excellent
relevant to the topic or introduced in a basic grasp of theory. A grasp of theory. A grasp of theory.
issue, OR no theory is fashion, but does not relevant theory is relevant theory is A relevant theory is
discussed, OR theory is demonstrate full introduced, with summarised summarised
incorrectly described. comprehension of the mainly accurate completely and completely and
theoretical frame. explanation. accurately. accurately.
Explanation and justification of the method(s) chosen – 20%
.5-9.5 10-11.5 12-13.5 14-15.5 16-20
The method(s) chosen Bare pass. The student Shows a reasonable Shows a very good Suitable methods to
is/are not explained has chosen at least grasp of research grasp of research answer the questions
AND/OR one method suitable methods. At least methods. Suitable were chosen,
are not suitable for to answering the one suitable method methods to answer explained and
answering the questions. questions but the was selected and the questions were justified.
method is not fully mostly accurately chosen and were Shows an excellent
explained. described. explained. grasp of research
Assessment task title: Assignment 3 - Research project design

Due date: Friday 12 June, 11.55pm AEST

Details of task: The difference between university and school is that it is at university that
knowledge is 'created'. This creation involves a process of structured thinking and research. In
this assignment, you need to develop a research project on an issue or topic that you thought
interesting. Do not write an essay - the aim is not to provide an answer to your question, but to
think about obtaining and creating information. 

As with the other assignments, you should be writing in your own words. Do not use
quotations. Your project must use the following headings and provide the following information:

 Title – [CITATION 20014 \l 1033 ] Key

 Subordination cycle, Police brutality Racism,Ethnicity,
stereotyping, white priviliege,
 Background – Issues related to racism and ethnic minorities have been of
keen interest in media studies, particularly larger than life social movements
that critically redefine human culture. How violence caused by stereotyping ,
how vilience caused by sterotyping becomes a source for social movements,
and how it influences their life by asserting a new identity. minorites ,ethnicities
can cause political movements for social change and how they have the power
to change the identity of ethnicities, particularly minorities .and how it
influences their social life particularly in US.

Although there exists some research work on citizens views regarding protests,
and political movements, there is almost no empirical data describing different
types of protests and subsequent reactions from the government,

we find that Black respondents were more likely to support all types of anthem
protests and also to believe that players who protest the anthem should not be
disciplined by the NFL nor team owners. Moreover, these strong race effects
remain even after controlling for several key correlates, which themselves point
to some key distinctions regarding how young adults view the anthem protests.
 This is a description of the kind of media texts or phenomenon that interests you – you
must provide sufficient i[CITATION Hur791 \l 1033 ]nformation for someone who has never seen
any of the texts or media phenomenon to know what you are talking about (about 200-250
 Aims – we will try to figure out The incidents that cause a nationwide movement

 The gensis of prejudice on the minorites concerned

How stereotyping leads to police brutality,

 The effect of the protests, how they are doing it

 Literature review – What are some of the different studies on this topic or on similar
issues? Use the required and recommended readings and the textbook to find examples. You
should also include the articles and chapters you found from your database search in class time.
What did they say about the questions you would like answered? Outline some of the findings
that are relevant to your project, and what more there is to find out (about 300 words).
 Theoretical frame – Stuart Hall subordination theory What theory (or theories) do you
think best explains or illuminates the issue? Explain it in your own words (about 300 words).
 Method – Ethnographic Survey, Interviews, What method or methods would you use to
find out more? Explain why you would choose these methods. (about 300 words). Be as specific
as possible. For example, explain which texts you would analyse, or how you would select a
population group to survey or interview, and why. 

Release dates: N/A

Word limit: 1200 words excluding reference list.

Value: 30%

Presentation requirements: 

 Save as a Word document

 Helvetica, Arial or Calibri
 12 point font
 1.5 - 2 line spacing
 Australian English
 Left aligned
 Harvard in-text citation and reference list using the Library's online guide or quick guide
 Use page numbering
 Do not include your name or student number anywhere in the essay.

Estimated return date: Two weeks after submission.

Hurdle requirements for assessment item: Completion of the week 1 tutorial on Academic

integrity. This assignment must be submitted to pass the unit.

Individual assessment in group tasks: N/A

Criteria for marking: 

 English expression and grammar, presentation including headings, citations and

references - 10%
 Clarity of the background/introduction - 10%
 Research aims and questions – 20%
 Knowledge of research on the topic - 20%
 Choice and explanation of theoretical frame – 20%
 Explanation and justification of the method(s) chosen - 20%

Referencing requirements: In this subject you are required to use Harvard in-text referencing
style developed by Monash University Library. Under this system, you are required to show
relevant names, dates and page numbers in the text of your assignment. You are also required to
provide a list of full references on a separate page at the end of your assignment. Only the sources
you actually used, and cite, should be included in the reference list.

Referencing guidelines and tutorials can be found at the following sites:

To build your skills in citing and referencing, and using different referencing styles, see the
online tutorial Academic Integrity: Demystifying Citing and Referencing

Additional information: So far in this unit, you have looked at how media studies might allow
you to analyse things that you find interesting (in your presentation), learned about some of the
theories used in communications and media studies (assignment 1) and gained an understanding
of method (assignment 2). In this assignment, you need to bring these elements together, and add
to them a short 'literature review' (you are already familiar with these from essay writing).
Writing focussed research aims and questions is very difficult. Make sure that you follow the
steps on the worksheets to help you narrow your topic.

The recommended readings for week 12 will help you choose a method and justify it. Use the
contents page and index of the textbook to explore other approaches to your topic. You will also
do a 'literature search' on a communications and media studies database to find similar
research. Pay attention to the theory and method as a means of exploring your own area of
interest. Notice which theoretical frames they use. Which is most relevant for your research? If
you found a really inspiring research project when you did your database search, you can use this
as a model for your own research. Adapt it to the issue that interests you. How would you do it
differently? What questions would such a study answer? 

In your reference list we would expect to see:

 The textbook
 Two or three articles or chapters from the required or recommended readings list (other
than the textbook).
 At least four academic articles about similar research based on a search of the
Communications and Mass Media Complete database.
 Possibly a couple of web page URLs, or references to the media text(s) that interest you
for background information.

Hodkinson, P., 2017. Media culture and society: an introduction, 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.
Available at:
society-an-introduction?assignmentId=3CLibMwmjLpGmRetq&part=1[Accessed 12 June 2020].

Hur, K. & Jeffres, L., 1979 . A Conceptual Approach to the Study of Ethnicity. Communication and Urban
Stratification. Available at ''.

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