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[Socrative Group] Technology Enhance Language Learning

Enhancing Students’ Pronunciation Skill By Using ELSA Application In Indonesian Higher Education Context
A. The concept of the topic: A. What is the technological tool? A. How the tool works? ELSA Application is one of many
According to Richards and Renandya (2002: ELSA (English Language Speaking The system architecture powering this app implements a client- technological tools which can help the
255), vocabulary is a core component of Assistant) is the app which helps the server processing scheme. For every trial submits the spoken audio development of students’ pronunciation and
language proficiency and provides much of user to improve the speaking skill by to the server as well as information about the user and the exercise two 21st century skills: critical thinking and
the basis for how learners speak, listen, read exercising to speak with various being spoken. It then gathers the processed results and presents them technology literacy. By providing the
and write (as cited in Rohmatillah, P. 70). context and the feedback for the to the user. Audio is streamed to the server in real time so that feedback and review, mispronounced
Teaching vocabulary is a crucial aspect in exercise and designed for all levels of processing in the server can start before the user finishes speaking detection, and another features which has
learning a language as languages are based English learners. The app employs the sentences, therefore receiving a quicker answer. When speaking available on this application, it can exercise
on words (Alqahtani, 2015). Cook (1996 as “proprietary artificial intelligence” a sentence, the user is instructed when to start speaking and then end the students to have a good pronunciation.
cited in Pourhosein Gilakjani, 2016) including automatic speech recognition pointing detection is performed on the server to stop processing and
Pronunciation is “the production of English return results. REFERENCES
to provide feedback on users’
sounds”, it is learnt by repeating sounds and pronunciation accuracy. B. Classroom procedure Abbas, G. P. (2012). The significance of
correcting them when produced inaccurately. Pre: the teacher greet the students and do the ice breaking by pronunciation in English Language Teaching.
B. The rationale for choosing the technological tool playing the games about guessing words. During: the students are Iran: Islamic Azad University, 5.
Teaching pronunciation to adults is one of
1. The app allows users to select area of focus for asked to mention about sentence of daily life. Then the teacher gives
the most difficult issues in ELT (Strevens, Anguera, X., & Van, V. (2016). English
learning, and shows where they can improve. students are exposed to the use of ELSA app and its benefits. The
1991). In teaching pronunciation, teachers Language Speech Assistant. In INTERSPEECH
2. The app has a built in feature which gives users a students are asked to make pronunciation log as the report for their
should be provided with courses and (pp. 1962-1963).
percentage indicating their pronunciation levels. work at home and make vocabulary log to register their finding of
materials that help them improve their Becker, K., & Edalatishams, I. TECHNOLOGY
3. Provides users: instruction, native audio, practice, new words. Post: the teacher explain that the finding of new words
pronunciation instruction (Fraser, 2000). REVIEW ELSA Speak-Accent Reduction.
feedback, simulated “conversation” practice will be discussed in the next meeting, then closing
B. The concept of the context Komplin, E., & Richline, J. The Impact of
According to Encyclopaedia Britannica
C. Objectives of the technological tool Mobile Apps on Language Learner Motivation.
The app offers 3 main exercise types: pronunciation CRITICAL REFLECTION
“higher education, any of various types of A. Advantages Reid, E., Markechová, D., Kozík, T., Tirpáková,
education given in postsecondary institutions (speak the proposed word or phrase, get the feedback Very attractive display; exercise starts from B. Disadvantage A., Mederly, P., Jurikova, T., ... & Slepecky, M.
of learning and usually affording, at the end for each phoneme, and phonetic hints to fix existing pronouncing words, phrases, and sentences; (2016).
errors); intonation (practice word syllable stress: Even with the paid
of a course of study, a named degree, provide feedback and review; detection of version of the app, Rohmatillah, R. (2014). A STUDY ON
diploma, or certificate of higher studies”. sentence intonation and rhythm); and conversation pronunciation errors with an accuracy rate of users only get access STUDENTS’DIFFICULTIES IN LEARNING
training (practice real-life conversations and receive 95%; varies topics; provides an interactive
C. The concept of the 21th century skill to more lessons; it VOCABULARY. English Education: Jurnal
instant feedback on their pronunciation and intonation dictionary, users may assess their level of
Critical thinking helps students figure stuff does not offer a Tadris Bahasa Inggris, 6(1), 75-93.
at word level). proficiency.
out for themselves when they don’t have a substantially better Susanto, A. (2017). The teaching of vocabulary:
teacher at their disposal. Then, technology D. How the tool relates to the 21 st century skills? C. How it enhance learning the skills? version. A perspective. Jurnal Kata: Penelitian Tentang
literacy goes another step further to teach This app need the critical thinking of the users since it is ELSA Speak listens to the way language learners pronounce words, Ilmu Bahasa Dan Sastra, 1(2), 182-191.
students about the machines involved in the engaging the problem-solution thing by giving feedback sentences or conversations to pinpoint exact errors and provide real- Teaching English pronuncation to different age
Information Age and gives students the basic to the users. The use of the application will help the time feedback on pronunciation mistakes with specific suggestions groups. Jazykovedné, literárnovedné a
information they need to understand gadgets' students to sharpen their technology literacy skill by on how to improve, so the students will know their learning progress didaktické kolokvium xxxixi: Zborník
performance. understanding how the technology of the app works. of pronunciation. vedeckých prác a vedeckých štúdií, 19-30.

Lecturer : Ratu Sarah Pujasari, M. Pd Asri Ainun Nisa [172122099] | Delia Nandasari Ramadhan [172122105] | Wanti Amelia [172122090] English Education Programme of Siliwangi University [2020]

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