A Study of Effectiveness of Vocabulary Software Use of

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 673

2022 3rd International Conference on Language, Art and Cultural Exchange (ICLACE 2022)

A Study of Effectiveness of Vocabulary Software Use of

Chinese College Students on Receptive Input
Bisen Guo
Busan University of Foreign Studies
Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of smartphone applications in the development of English
vocabulary knowledge, to explore initially whether there is a link between receptive vocabulary knowledge and
receptive language skills, and the influence of affective factors in the development of vocabulary knowledge. The results
of the study showed that although the performance of both groups (experimental and control) improved, the
improvement was more pronounced in the experimental group. Questionnaires analyzing the role of affective factors in
the development of vocabulary knowledge revealed that smartphone apps were highly correlated with students'
motivation to learn, but showed no significant correlation in terms of attitude and anxiety.

Keywords: apps, vocabulary learning (VL), EFL, mobile assisted language learning (MALL), receptive
vocabulary knowledge, receptive language skills

Vocabulary memory: The definition of "memory" is

based on the Atkinson-Shiffrin theory of memory, and in
Vocabulary knowledge is integral to learning a this paper it is divided into short term memory and long
second language (L2). Moreover, acquiring vocabulary is term memory for vocabulary.
a key challenge for college English learners (Berman &
Cheng, 2010; Evans & Morrison, 2011) [1], especially in 2. RESERCH METHODOLOGY
the classroom where exposure is inadequate due to time
constraints. As a result, teachers and students have been 2.1. Research Participants
searching for effective alternatives to traditional
classroom instruction. In recent decades, mobile-assisted The study consisted of 74 freshman students from a
language learning (MALL) has gained significant university in Heilongjiang Province, China. They were
attention in Chinese universities due to its practical and divided into an experimental group and a control group.
functional applications. Furthermore, this increased use
of mobile technology provides learners with rich 2.2. Research Materials and Instruments
interactive opportunities to use language for their daily
communication needs and to engage in different cultural 2.2.1. Research Material
experiences (Lu, 2008).
There 3200 words were used as research material in
The present study further validated the effectiveness this study.
of cell phone applications in receptive vocabulary
knowledge memory by investigating and comparing cell 2.2.2. Instruments
phone based vocabulary memory software with paper
based vocabulary lists and contributed to the growing 1)Baicizhan mobile vocabulary learning App
body of research on mobile assisted vocabulary learning.
Also this study experimentally verified whether there is 2)Questionnaire Network
an association between receptive vocabulary knowledge 3)WeChat
and receptive skills.

Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 215
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 673

2.3. Research Procedure line with (Wang, Y.H. & Shih, S.K.H., 2015; Xue &Wu,
2014) are consistent with the findings[11][12].
2.3.1. Pre-test on Listening and Reading Zhao's (2014) study compared the effects of paper-
based vocabulary lists and mobile learning software on
The multiple-choice questions in the listening section
students' memory effectiveness[14]. It also pointed out
consisted of four dialogues and four passages. After
that mobile learning vocabulary has the advantages of
listening to each dialogue and passage (from a humanities
convenience, interactivity and personalization. And in
or natural science text), students were asked to choose the
terms of receptive vocabulary knowledge of English-
best answer from A), B), C), and D). The multiple-choice
Chinese vocabulary translation, the experimental group
questions in the reading section consist of four dialogues
using APP was significantly better than the control group
and four passages from humanities or natural science
using rote memorization. Ouyang's (2018) study
texts. After reading each dialogue and paragraph,
explored the effect of APP on students' English-Chinese
students need to choose the best answer from A), B), C),
and Chinese-English vocabulary learning. The
and D).
experimental study finds the effect of APP on English-
Chinese and Chinese-English translation[8]. APPs could
2.3.2. Treatment perform well in receptive vocabulary memory and are
Subjects in the experimental group were asked to effective in improving vocabulary recall.
complete a total of 80 tasks using the app during the In conclusion, improving listening performance
treatment period. Each task was to recite 40 words per through apps is better than rote memorization, especially
day. in listening conversations. From this result, it can be seen
The control group used the traditional paper and that students who used the app improved their listening
pencil recitation method, reciting the same 40 words per performance, which is consistent with the findings of Ma
day as the experimental group. (2021) and Si (2017).

The researcher and the instructor made sure that both Ma (2021) stated that the use of APP can help
groups of students learned the same vocabulary list each students' English listening learning, as well as increase
day. their interest in listening learning and increase their
independence and creativity in listening learning[7]. Also,
2.3.3. Post-test on Listening and Reading the use of APPs can enhance students' awareness of using
listening learning strategies. And Si (2017) stated that
The post-test had the same type of questions as the APP can increase students' interest in listening learning,
pre-test, but different content. All participants were enhance students' self-confidence in learning, help
tested in class for 60 minutes. develop students' independent learning habits, and help
improve students' ability to think and analyze problems.
2.3.4. Questionnaire RQ2. What is the association between short-term
memory receptive vocabulary knowledge and two
The design of the 30 questions in the questionnaire
receptive language skills (reading/listening)?
was based on Grande's Attitude/Motivation Test Battery:
An International AMTB Research Project (English Short-term memory test scores were significantly
version), An Empirical Study on the Application of associated with listening skills in conversation, while
Affective Strategies in Teaching English Vocabulary in reading skills were also significantly associated in
High School, and the Likert Scale. conversation and passages. Zhang's (2014) study
explored the factors that influence second language
3. RESULTS FROM THE STUDY AND listening comprehension and reading comprehension,
DISCUSSION respectively[15]. The role of short-term memory,
working memory, and vocabulary knowledge in second
3.1 Research Questions language listening and reading comprehension was
investigated using English majors as the study
RQ1. What is the effect of vocabulary apps on participants. The results showed that (1) among the
improving learners' receptive vocabulary knowledge? measures, vocabulary size, productive vocabulary
knowledge, and short-term memory for letters
There was a significant difference between the
significantly accounted for differences in second
experimental and control groups in terms of short-term
language listening comprehension, while vocabulary size
memory tests and long-term memory tests. It is better to
and verbal working memory significantly accounted for
improve retention of vocabulary through application than
differences in second language reading comprehension;
through rote memorization. From this result, it can be
and (2) short-term memory, working memory, and
seen that many students who used the app greatly
improved their English vocabulary retention, which is in

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 673

vocabulary knowledge explained differences in second find the use of smartphones and smartphone apps
language listening and reading comprehension. effective and useful, some learners do not feel as
comfortable using these technological features as they do
Question 3: What is the correlation between long-
using their own traditional and personal learning methods.
term memory receptive vocabulary knowledge and the
However, despite this limitation, researchers have been
two receptive language skills (reading/listening)?
able to report valuable data and information that
There was a significant correlation between scores on determines not only the effectiveness of smartphone use,
the long-term memory test and listening skills in but also the use of smartphone apps. Future research
conversation, as well as reading skills in terms of should focus on how to combine modern smartphones
conversation and passages. It is evident from this result with "traditional learning methods" for learning and
that many students who used the app showed significant teaching in and out of the classroom so that the needs and
improvements in the listening and reading sections, preferred learning methods of all learners are met.
which is consistent with the findings of Cui (2018), who
This study contributes to the existing knowledge by
noted that using a mobile app vocabulary app for English
comparing the effectiveness of Chinese university
vocabulary learning can improve students' receptive
students' use and non-use of vocabulary learning apps to
vocabulary, both reading receptive vocabulary and
develop their vocabulary knowledge and improve their
listening receptive vocabulary.
language skills while learning English. This study could
In conclusion, apps have been shown to have a help students build their vocabulary through mobile
significant effect on increasing the amount of the language learning, which could help students succeed in
receptive vocabulary knowledge in long-term memory beginning courses. Although the prevalence of
and promoting the development of the receptive language information and communication technology (ICT) in all
skills. aspects of 21st century life is quite clear and accepted, as
Dalton and Grisham (2011) state, it is less clear how
Question 4: What are the affective factors that have a
teachers can integrate technology into EFL learning,
strong influence on improving the two receptive
especially in the teaching of vocabulary knowledge
language skills of young adult learners?
development.[4] This study explores and investigates the
The results of Yang's study (2012) are consistent with effectiveness of vocabulary learning apps and contributes
the findings of the present study regarding application to two aspects of improving vocabulary development
and student motivation and related studies[13]. Apps can knowledge for L2 students in English courses through the
promote students' motivation. use of smartphones.This study aims to raise language
teachers' awareness of how to use smartphones and how
Ciampa's (2014) study of Malone and Lepper's
to use smartphones appropriately and effectively for
taxonomy of intrinsic motivation for learning from a
English vocabulary learning.
theoretical aspect was used as a framework to investigate
whether and how this particular theory of motivation is The results of this study confirm that language
equally applicable to mobile learning was validated.[3] learning is not "just" assisted language learning, but
The argumentative model helps to understand the mobile assisted language use (MALU) as well as MALL.
motivational characteristics of learning with mobile in particular, smartphones should be a defining point for
devices and how mobile technology can be used to teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL),
enhance learner motivation, further extending the theory placing them in the vanguard of teaching and learning
of mobile learning. (Achilleos & Jarvis, 2013)[5].
In conclusion, motivation as an affective factor has a
significant impact on the improvement of receptive skills
such as listening and reading. [1] Berman, R., & Cheng, L. (2010). English academic
language skills: Perceived difficulties by
4. CONCLUSION undergraduate and graduate students, and their
academic achievement. Canadian Journal of
Through this study, it was found that the use of
Applied Linguistics, 4(1), 25–40. Retrieved from
mobile apps can effectively improve the learning of
receptive vocabulary knowledge in English. Moreover,
the results achieved using mobile apps are much higher
compared to traditional memorization methods. [2] Cui Yuhang (2018)An Empirical Study on the
As is widely believed, and as mentioned in the Effectiveness of Mobile App Vocabulary Software
previous sections, there is no "one-size-fits-all" approach on English Vocabulary Learning. Journal of
that works for every learner. In the case of learning with Taiyuan Urban Vocational College
smartphones, not all participants performed in the
positive, expected, and desired way. While most people

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 673

[3] Ciampa, K. (2014). Learning in a Mobile Age: An [15] Zhang Xiaodong ( 2014 ) Short-term memory,
Investigation of Student Motivation. Journal of working memory, and lexical knowledge Effects on
Computer Assisted Learning, 30, 82-96. second language receptive skills. Foreign Language
[4] Dalton, B., & Grisham D. L. (2011). 10 Ways to Use World No. 5 2014 (General Serial No. 164)
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[5] Jarvis, H., & Achilleos, M. (2013). From Computer
Assisted Language Learning (CALL) to Mobile
Assisted Language Use (MALU).
[6] Lu, M. (2008). Effectiveness of vocabulary learning
via mobile phone. In Journal of Computer Assisted
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[7] Ma Jie(2021) Research on the Application of
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Yan'an University
[8] Ouyang Chaojun(2018)A Study on Baicizhan APP
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China Normal University
[9] Stephen Evans & Bruce Morrison(2011)Meeting
the challenges of English-medium higher education:
The first-year experience in Hong Kong, English for
Specific Purposes,Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 198-
[10] Si Jingjing (2017) Study on application of mobile
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Northwest Normal University
[11] Wang, Y. H. & Shih, S. K. H. (2015). Mobile-
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[12] Xue, J. and Wu, Q. (2014) The Establishment of the
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[13] Yang Dannan(2018)From the Proliferation of
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[14] Zhao Min (2014) The Effectiveness of Learning
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