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Chapter 1 Understanding the Supply Chain

Multiple Choice Questions

1) Supply chain profitability is

A) not correlated to the value generated by the various stages of the supply chain.
B) the total profit to be shared across all supply chain stages.
C) the difference between the revenue generated from the customer and the overall cost across
the supply chain.
D) the total revenue generated by the distributor stage of the supply chain.
E) B and C only
Answer: E

2) The decision phases in a supply chain include

er as
A) production scheduling.

eH w
B) customer relationship management.

C) supply chain operation.

rs e
D) supply chain orientation.
ou urc
E) all of the above
Answer: C

3) Which of the following is not a cycle in the supply chain cycle view?
A) Customer order cycle
aC s

B) Replenishment cycle
vi y re

C) Manufacturing cycle
D) Procurement cycle
E) All of the above are part of the supply chain cycle view.
ed d

Answer: E
ar stu

4) Which of the following is not a process in the customer order cycle?

A) Customer arrival
B) Customer order entry
sh is

C) Customer order fulfillment


D) Customer order receiving

E) All are processes in the customer order cycle.
Answer: E
Diff: 2
Topic: 1.5 Process Views of a Supply Chain

5) Customer order fulfillment refers to

A) the point in time when the customer has access to choices and makes a decision regarding a
B) the customer informing the retailer of what they want to purchase and the retailer allocating
product to the customer.
C) the process where product is prepared and sent to the customer.
D) the process where the customer receives the product and takes ownership.
E) none of the above
Answer: C

6) The processes involved in the replenishment cycle include

A) retail order receiving.
B) retail order entry.
C) retail order trigger.
D) retail order fulfillment.
E) all of the above
Answer: E

7) The processes included in the replenishment cycle include

A) order arrival.

B) production scheduling.

er as
C) retail trigger.

D) manufacturing.

eH w
E) receiving.

Answer: C
rs e
ou urc
8) The manufacturing cycle occurs at the
A) customer/retailer interface.

B) retailer/distributor interface.
aC s

C) distributor/manufacturer interface.
vi y re

D) manufacturer/supplier interface.
E) none of the above
Answer: C
ed d
ar stu

9) The manufacturing and shipping process in the manufacturing cycle is equivalent to the
A) order receiving process in the replenishment cycle.
B) order fulfillment process in the replenishment cycle.
C) order entry process in the replenishment cycle.
sh is

D) order trigger process in the replenishment cycle.


E) none of the above

Answer: B
10) The phenomenal success of 7-Eleven Japan is attributed to
A) being in the right place at the right time.
B) its supply chain design and management ability.
C) having 9000 locations.
D) serving fresh food.
E) none of the above
Answer: B

11) When a customer purchases a book online from a company such as Amazon, which of the

following is NOT part of the typical supply chain operations?

er as
A) The customer

B) Amazon's web site

eH w
C) Amazon's book supplier

D) Amazon's accounting department
Answer: D
rs e
ou urc

Short Answer Questions:

aC s
vi y re

1. What is the source of supply chain revenue?

Answer: Customers.
ed d

2. List three supply chain strategy decision:

ar stu

• Locations of facilities
• Products to be made or stored at various locations
• Modes of transportation
sh is

3. What is the decoupling point of a SC? Where is the strategic inventory point for Make-to-Stock?
Answer: It is s an important strategic consideration for supply chains: it decides the position of
strategic inventory; a push policy is used for customer orders before the point and a pull policy
is used after the point.
MTS uses the retailers as the point for the strategic inventory.

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