Second Semester 2019-2020

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Course Handout Part II

In addition to part-I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table) this portion gives further
specific details regarding the course.
Course No. : MATH F243
Course Title : Graphs & Networks
Instructor-in-charge : P. K. Sahoo
Instructor : A. Michael Alphonse,
Scope and Objective of the Course: The applications of graph theory are ranging from social sciences to
electrical engineering and computer science to management. Every graph theoretic model is supported by a
strong mathematical scheme. The objective of the course is, in addition to apply the graph theoretic model to
different applications; students can develop a strong concept on the logical foundations, and can develop of a
standard mathematical formulation for different real life problems.
1. Gary Chartrand & Ping Zhang: Introduction to Graph Theory, Mcgraw-hill, Indian Edition 2006.
Reference books
1. E. G. Goodaire & M. M. Parmenter : Discrete Mathematics with graph theory, 3rd edition, Pearson,
2. Narsingh Deo: Graph theory with applications to engineering & computer science, PHI 1974.
3. G. Agnarsson and R. Greenlaw: Graph Theory Modeling, Applications and Algorithms, Pearson, 2007.
Course Plan:
Lectur Learners objective Topics to be covered Chapter
e No. in the
1-4 To introduce the concept of graph and Graphs and Graph Models, Connected Chapter
its representation. Distinguish between Graphs, Classes of graphs, Multigraphs 1.1-1.4
multigraphs and digraphs. and Digraphs.
5-8 Understanding the graph through the Degree of a vertex, Regular graphs, Chapter
degree of the vertices. Relationship Degree Sequence, Graphs and Matrices, 2.1-2.5
between the graphs and matrices. Irregular graphs.
9-12 To appreciate the concept of Isomorphic Graphs, Definition of Chapter
isomorphism as a concept of an isomorphism, Isomorphism as a relation 3.1-3.3
equivalence relation on the set of all
13-16 Concepts of distance between spanning Bridges, Trees, equivalent definitions, Chapter
trees, tree and rooted binary tree spanning tree, Minimal spanning tree, 4.1-4.4
Prim’s & Kruskal Algorithm
Binary trees, Distance between
spanning tree, eccentricity, Centre(s),
diameter of tree & connected graph.
17-20 How spanning tree is connected with Cut vertices, Blocks, Connectivity, Chapter
concept of special type of cut set & Menger’s Theorem 5.1-5.4
circuit in a connected graph

21-23 To appreciate the difference between Eulerian Graphs, Hamiltonian Graphs, Chapter
edge traversal & vertex traversal Hamiltonian walk and numbers 6.1-6.3
24-26 To determine the matching number, Matchings, Factorization Chapter
covering number. 8.1-8.2
27-30 How simple concept of planarity of a Planar Graphs, Euler identity, Detection Chapter
graph is relevant to several problems. of planarity, Embedded graphs on 9.1-9.4
surface. Graph Minors, Embedding
graphs in graphs.
31-34 How graph coloring problem is related The four color problem, vertex Chapter
to independent sets of graph, scheduling coloring, edge coloring, chromatic 10.1-10.3
problems. number, chromatic partitioning, 13.1
domination number.
35-36 How concept of isomorphism is Directed graph, Euler digraph, Chapter
different in digraphs ,Difference Isomorphism in digraph 7.1-7.2
between different type connected Strongly connected & weakly
digraphs & spanning tree & directed connected digraphs,
spanning tree
37- 41 Directed weighted network, relevance of Network flow, Max Flow- Min Cut Chapter
maximum flow theorem, Fulkerson Algorithm for 14.1,
Maximum flow, Shortest path problem 14.2,
& Dijkstara Algorithm. 10.4.1-
Evaluation Scheme:
Evaluation Component Duration Weight Date & Time Nature of
age Component
2/3 1.30 -3.00 PM
Mid-semester 90 Minutes 30% Closed book
Quizes 10 mts 30% Closed book
Total : 5
regular class
Best 4 will be taken hours
02/05 FN 50%Closed Book
Comprehensive 3 Hours 40%
50%Open Book

Chamber Consultation Hour: To be announced in the class.

Notices: All notices about the course will be put on CMS/Mathematics Notice Board.
Make-up Policy: Make up will be granted only in genuine cases. Permission must be taken in advance.
Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy: Academic honesty and integrity are to be maintained by all the students
throughout the semester and no type of academic dishonesty is acceptable.

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