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Curriculum Map ARTS 1 Edited PRINTED

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Curriculum Map

Grade Level: 1
Subject Area: Arts
Quarter/Unit/Domain: 1st – 4th Quarter
JUNE Content Content Standards Performance Standards Assessment Activities Resources
Elements: demonstrates understanding creates a portrait of himself and A1 tells that ART is all A1 pen and paper A1 Show different art works  MAPEH book
Lines of lines, shapes, colors and his family which shows the around and is created and its creator  Youtube.com
Shapes texture, and principles of elements and principles of art by by different people  Pinterest.com
Color balance, proportion and drawing A2. distinguishes and A2 pen and paper A2 show examples of
Texture variety through drawing identifies the different different kinds of drawings
Principles: kinds of drawings:
5. Balance 2.1 portraits
6. Proportion 2.2 family portraits
7. variety 2.3 school ground
Process: 2.4 on-the-spot
Unit/ long Test
8. DRAWING 2.5 drawings of
8.1 Portraits home/school
8.2 family portraits surroundings
8.3 persons
8.4 school, furniture
8.5 animals/ plants
JULY Content Content Standards Performance Standards Assessment Activities Resources
4 Elements: demonstrates understanding creates a portrait of himself and A3 observes and sees A3 pen and paper A3 art activity  MAPEH book
Lines of lines, shapes, colors and his family which shows the the details in a person’s  Youtube.com
Shapes texture, and principles of elements and principles of art by face/body, in a view, to  Pinterest.com
Color balance, proportion and drawing be able to show its
Texture variety through drawing shape and texture
11 Principles: A4 identifies different A4 pen and paper A4 Puzzle
5. Balance lines, shapes, texture
6. Proportion used by artists in
7. variety drawing
8.1 Portraits
8.2 family portraits
8.3 persons
8.4 school, furniture
8.5 animals/ plants
Elements: demonstrates understanding creates a portrait of himself and 5. uses different Group the pupils into two (2).  MAPEH book
Lines of lines, shapes, colors and his family which shows the drawing tools or They will write the different  Youtube.com
Shapes texture, and principles of elements and principles of art by materials - pencil, kinds of lines on the board  Pinterest.com
Color balance, proportion and drawing crayons, piece of that they can see in the
Texture variety through drawing charcoal, a stick on classroom. Make it sure that
Principles: different papers, each of the pupils can draw
5. Balance sinamay, leaves, tree lines. A group that has a
6. Proportion bark, and other local neat and clear drawing will
7. variety materials to create his get three (3) stars and one
Process: drawing (1) star for the other group.
8. DRAWING 6. creates a drawing to Ask the pupils to look around
8.1 Portraits express one’s ideas the classroom and give one
18 8.2 family portraits about oneself, one’s (1) example of the things that
8.3 persons family , home and has different kinds of lines.
8.4 school, furniture school
25 8.5 animals/ plants 7. shares stories related Show the following pictures:
Unit/ long Test to their drawing • Draw a dotted lines of the
following on the board:
Ask five (5) volunteers to
trace the dotted lines. After
Curriculum Map SY 2019 - 2020
the pupils trace all the
objects, let them guess what
is being presented in the
AUGUST Content Content Standards Performance Standards Assessment Activities Resources
Elements: demonstrates understanding creates a portrait of himself and 8. draws different  MAPEH book
Lines of lines, shapes, colors and his family which shows the animals (pets) showing Ask the class to bring out  Youtube.com
Shapes texture, and principles of elements and principles of art by different shapes and their handerchief. Make it  Pinterest.com
Color balance, proportion and drawing textures sure that the bags has
Texture variety through drawing 9. creates a view-finder several school items like
8 Principles: to help him/her select a notebook, pencil, and book.
5. Balance particular view to draw • Instruct them if they hear
6. Proportion 10. draws different kinds the word “pick” they must
7. variety of plants showing a take an item from their bag
Process: variety of shapes, lines and feel it. Say the name of
8. DRAWING and color an object. Repeat it into
15 8.1 Portraits three (3) times to make sure
8.2 family portraits that the pupils can make
8.3 persons ideas about the lesson.
8.4 school, furniture
8.5 animals/ plants
I. Elements:  demonstrates  creates a harmonious 1. identifies colors, both Show a photo of Handicraft
1. Colors understanding of colors design of natural and man- in natural and man- to the pupils.
22 1.1 natural colors and shapes, and the made objects to express made objects, seen in • The pupils will be asked to
1.2 primary colors principles of harmony, ideas using colors and the surrounding guess what does the picture
1.3 secondary colors rhythm and balance shapes, and harmony represents.
2. Shapes through painting 3. experiments on Prepare enough copies for
2.1 geometric shapes painting using different the pupils of the picture
2.2 organic shapes painting tools and paints below. Have them color the
II. Principles: drawing and ask the
3. Harmony following questions after:
4. rhythm 1. Did the drawing enhanced
Unit/ long Test
5. balance after applying colors?
III. Process: 2. What are the impacts of
6. PAINTING the colors to the drawing?
Creating colors from
SEPTEMBER Content Content Standards Performance Standards Assessment Activities Resources
I. Elements:  demonstrates  creates a harmonious Prepare the class for the  MAPEH book
1. Colors understanding of colors design of natural and man- activity under Level Up on p.  Youtube.com
1.1 natural colors and shapes, and the made objects to express 180. Ask them to bring out  Pinterest.com
1.2 primary colors principles of harmony, ideas using colors and their art materials. explain to
1.3 secondary colors rhythm and balance shapes, and harmony them the procedure of the
2. Shapes through painting 4. paints a design based activity.
2.1 geometric shapes on the Philippine • Post on the board the
2.2 organic shapes jeepney or fiesta décor examples of your own
II. Principles: and shapes using painting (at least 3 photos or
3. Harmony primary colors arranged more). The sample painting
4. rhythm in balanced pattern will serve as the sample
5. balance model for the pupils.
III. Process: • After the preparation, let
6. PAINTING them perform the activity.
Creating colors from Allot time for them to accom-
natural plish their artworks
12 5. relates personal Facilitate the discussion on
observations on jeepney the topic “Fun With Colors.”
designs and fiesta • Emphasize the following
decorations subtopics as you discuss the
a. Primary Colors
Curriculum Map SY 2019 - 2020
b. Secondary Colors
c. Warm Colors
d. Cool Colors
• Demonstrate to the class
the mixing process of two
primary colors to form
secondary color. You may
use liquid paints or
6. draws a design out of Prepare an enlarged drawing
repeated abstract and of a parol on a white
geometric shapes like in cartolina. Post it on the
a parol and paints it in board and ask the pupils to
primary and secondary color it with their desired
colors colors or designs.
7. uses his creativity to Facilitate discussion on the
create paints from illustrations show rhythmic
nature and found patterns.
materials, and brushes • Prepare real parol or
from twigs, cloth and lantern that has rhythmic
other materials pattern. Show the example
Unit/ long Test
artworks to the class and
explain the importance of
using different shapes and
colors in designing a parol or
OCTOBER Content Content Standards Performance Standards Assessment Activities Resources
I. Elements:  demonstrates  creates a harmonious 8. creates a design Prepare a short video clip of  MAPEH book
1. Colors understanding of colors design of natural and man- inspired by Philippine compilation of natural  Youtube.com
1.1 natural colors and shapes, and the made objects to express flowers or objects found wonders of the Philippines.  Pinterest.com
3 1.2 primary colors principles of harmony, ideas using colors and in school Let the pupils watch the
1.3 secondary colors rhythm and balance shapes, and harmony video and ask them to
2. Shapes through painting answer the following
2.1 geometric shapes questions after watching.
2.2 organic shapes 9. paints a home/school Discuss what is meant by
II. Principles: landscape or design landscape. Then, ask the
3. Harmony choosing specific colors pupils to share their thoughts
4. rhythm to create a certain about the example picture of
5. balance feeling or mood landscape on the book, p.
III. Process: 201.
6. PAINTING • Emphasize also in the
Creating colors from discussion the relevance of
natural using appropriate colors for
landscape painting.
• Introduce also to the class
the famous landscape
painter, Fernando Amorsolo.
Occasionally ask the pupils
to refer to the textbook for
content reading.
OCTOBER Content Content Standards Performance Standards Assessment Activities Resources
24 I. Elements:  demonstrates  creates a harmonious 10. appreciates and Tour the pupil in the library  MAPEH book
1. Colors understanding of colors design of natural and man- talks about the for the activity “Landscape  Youtube.com
1.1 natural colors and shapes, and the made objects to express landscape he painted Painting Viewing.” Ask them  Pinterest.com
1.2 primary colors principles of harmony, ideas using colors and and the landscapes of to choose 1 (one) painting
1.3 secondary colors rhythm and balance shapes, and harmony others and have them answer the
2. Shapes through painting following question:
2.1 geometric shapes 1. Why do you like or
Curriculum Map SY 2019 - 2020
2.2 organic shapes choose that painting?
II. Principles: 2. What is the mood
3. Harmony of the painting you chose?
4. rhythm
5. balance
III. Process:
Creating colors from
NOVEMBER Content Content Standards Performance Standards Assessment Activities Resources
I. Elements:  demonstrates  creates prints that show 1. distinguishes Let the pupils play a game  MAPEH book
1. Shape understanding of shapes repetition, alternation and between a print and a “Shape Sorter.” Group the  Youtube.com
2. Texture and texture and prints emphasis using objects drawing or painting class into two and each  Pinterest.com
II. Principles: that can be repeated, from nature and found member has to be
3. Prints can be alternated and objects at home and in blindfolded. They are given
3.1 Repeated emphasized through school two set of rumbled shapes
3.2 Alternated printmaking but two different shapes
3.3 emphasized have been removed. Tell
III. Process: them that their task is to
4. PRINTMAKING identify the shape and
4.1 This process allows version of each of the two
the pupil to copy the pieces that have been
image from nature and removed. This game will take
environment about 20 minutes. The team
5. Kinds of prints: who guess shapes correctly,
5.1 Nature print wins.
5.2 Object prints 2. identifies the shape Have the pupils do an art
5.3 Stencil prints and texture of prints activity where they will form
14 made from objects their favorite cartoon char-
found in nature and acter using different shapes
man-made objects discussed in the lesson.
3. identifies artistically Group the pupils to do the
designed prints in his activity on Level Up, p. 218.
artworks and in the Rate their performance using
artworks of others the rubric on p. 218.
4. creates a print by
applying dyes on his
finger or palm or any
part of the body and
Unit/ long Test
pressing it to the paper,
cloth, wall, etc. to create
DECEMBER Content Content Standards Performance Standards Assessment Activities Resources
5. creates a print by  MAPEH book
rubbing pencil or crayon  Youtube.com
on paper placed on top  Pinterest.com
of a textured objects
from nature and found
6. repeats a design by  MAPEH book
the use of stencil  Youtube.com
(recycled paper, plastic,  Pinterest.com
cardboard, leaves, and
Unit/ long Test
other materials) and
prints on paper, cloth,
sinamay, bark, or a wall

Curriculum Map SY 2019 - 2020

JANUARY Content Content Standards Performance Standards Assessment Activities Resources
I. Elements:  demonstrates  creates prints that show 7. shares experiences in Have the pupils find their  MAPEH book
1. Shape understanding of shapes repetition, alternation and experimenting different partner and let them talk  Youtube.com
2. Texture and texture and prints emphasis using objects art materials about the following  Pinterest.com
II. Principles: that can be repeated, from nature and found questions:
3. Prints can be alternated and objects at home and in 1. What objects did you find?
3.1 Repeated emphasized through school 2. What senses did you use
3.2 Alternated printmaking to tell if these objects were
3.3 emphasized smooth, rough, fine, and
III. Process: grainy?
4. PRINTMAKING • Start the discussion by
4.1 This process allows introducing the definition of a
the pupil to copy the texture. Emphasize the
image from nature and following as you also discuss
environment each topic:
5. Kinds of prints: a. visual texture
5.1 Nature print b. physical texture
5.2 Object prints
5.3 Stencil prints
JANUARY Content Content Standards Performance Standards Assessment Activities Resources
8. school/district exhibit Ask the pupils to show their  MAPEH book
and culminating activity favorite school material and  Youtube.com
23 in celebration of the let them describe the texture  Pinterest.com
National Arts Month in a visual and physical
(February) manner.
30,31 Bible Month
FEBRUARY Content Content Standards Performance Standards Assessment Activities Resources
I. Elements:  demonstrates  creates a useful 3- 1. distinguishes Ask the class to draw a big  MAPEH book
1. shape (3-dimension it understanding of texture Dimensional between 2-dimensional healthy tree on the board.  Youtube.com
has height, depth and and 3-D shapes, and object/sculpture using and 3-dimensional Let each pupil add details  Pinterest.com
width) principle of proportion found objects and recycled artwork and states the showing how thick the leaves
2. texture - feel of the and emphasis through 3- materials difference are, and how rough the trunk
surface D works and sculpture and branches are.
II. Principles: 2. identifies the different Ask the pupils to draw their
3. Proportion - parts are materials that can be favorite school facility using
of the proper size and used in creating a 3- the shapes and patterns
weight so that the dimensional object: discussed in the lesson. Let
sculpture is balanced. 2.1 clay or wood them draw it in their art
4. Emphasis is created (human or animal notebook.
by using unusual figure)
decorative materials that 2.2 bamboo (furniture,
are big, or colorful, or bahay kubo)
unusual. 2.3 softwood (trumpo)
III. Process: 2.4 paper, cardboard,
5. 3 - Dimension works (masks)
and sculpture 2.5 found material
(parol, sarangola)
3. selects 3D objects Ask the pupils to draw their
that are well idea of an art festival
20 proportioned, balanced The pupils may be asked
and show emphasis in about the following:
design 1. What do they
27 4. appreciates the notice about the picture?
Unit/ long Test creativity of local and 2. Are those things
indigenous craftsmen seen in the pictures really

Curriculum Map SY 2019 - 2020

and women who caught attention?
created artistic and
useful things out of • Introduce to the pupils the
recycled materials like history of having a National
the parol, maskara, Arts Month. Facilitate dis-
local toys, masks cussion about the said event.
MARCH Content Content Standards Performance Standards Assessment Activities Resources
I. Elements:  demonstrates  creates a useful 3- 5. creates a useful 3D Bring out the objects needed  MAPEH book
1. shape (3-dimension it understanding of texture Dimensional object: for ice breaker (lego, poster,  Youtube.com
has height, depth and and 3-D shapes, and object/sculpture using a pencil holder, bowl, big dice, chair, map, etc..)  Pinterest.com
width) principle of proportion found objects and recycled container, using and show them to the pupils.
2. texture - feel of the and emphasis through 3- materials recycled materials like • Ask the following questions
surface D works and sculpture plastic bottles to the pupils after the activity:
II. Principles: 6. constructs a mask out 1. Can you name these
3. Proportion - parts are of cardboard, glue, objects?
of the proper size and found materials, bilao, 2. What did you notice about
weight so that the paper plate, string, the objects?
sculpture is balanced. seeds and other found
4. Emphasis is created materials for a
12 by using unusual celebration like the
decorative materials that Maskara Festival of
are big, or colorful, or Bacolod
III. Process:
5. 3 - Dimension works
and sculpture
I. Elements:  demonstrates  creates a useful 3- 7. utilizes masks in Show the photos/illustrations  MAPEH book
26 1. shape (3-dimension it understanding of texture Dimensional simple role play or skit of different three-dimensional  Youtube.com
has height, depth and and 3-D shapes, and object/sculpture using artworks to the pupils.  Pinterest.com
width) principle of proportion found objects and recycled 8. creates mobiles out Prepare cut-outs of the
2. texture - feel of the and emphasis through 3- materials of recyclable materials following: butterfly, weighing
surface D works and sculpture such as cardboards, scale, bunny-shaped
II. Principles: papers, baskets, leaves, headband, teddy bear,
3. Proportion - parts are strings and other found house Look for five
of the proper size and materials representatives from the
weight so that the class and ask them to
sculpture is balanced. Discuss the use of balance
4. Emphasis is created in an artwork as well as the
by using unusual three types of balance –
decorative materials that symmetrical, asymmetrical,
are big, or colorful, or and radial.
unusual. 9. creates human Show photos/illustrations of
III. Process: figures out of clay, flour- artworks made from
5. 3 - Dimension works salt mixture, or paper- recyclable materials.
and sculpture mache using different • Ask the pupils of the
techniques following:
1. Have you seen these
objects or products before?
2. Do you think you can
make the same artworks?
Introduce Filipino craftsmen
and women to the pupils.
Focus on their creativity and
their works.
• Show examples of Filipino
local toys made from
recyclable materials.
• Show examples of 3D
objects made from junks and
recyclable materials.
Curriculum Map SY 2019 - 2020
Curriculum Map SY 2019 - 2020

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