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RISHABH 6012 / 6013 / 6015 / 6016

True RMS Digital Multimeter

Data logger & View function (up to 32000 readings) Plug and Play USB connectivity with PC
100kHz bandwidth for voltage measurement 1kHz Low Pass Filter mode NO-GO function
VAC with 1M impedance 4-20mA/0-20mA scale type measurement Single fuse for mA & A
Adjustable square wave output Temperature measurement with J, K, Pt100 & Pt1000 sensors
External power adapter for long hours of measurements Selectable clamp ratio for current
measurement Conductance Measurement Frequency / Time Period Measurement


F-31, MIDC, Satpur, Nashik-422 007,India.
Tel.: +91 253 2202160, 2202202 Fax : +91 253 2351064
E-mail : India :- [email protected]
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RISHABH 6012 / 6013 / 6015 / 6016
True RMS Digital Multimeter

The 6012-6016 series of new multimeters is made for professional use that offers safety, high resolution, large range count,
reliability, ruggedness, a complete tool for test automation and is equipped with more than 30 different measuring functions.

Low input impedance (Ri = 1MΩ) Current measurement with clamp sensor
Trouble shooting a branch circuit with dead or Measurement with various clamp sensors is possible,
disconnected circuit is made easy with VAC1MΩ. Low which helps in accurate measurement of current from
impedance VAC1MΩ measurement helps eliminating 60mA to 6000A without interrupting the circuit. The
error readings resulting from ghost voltages caused by
measured current is automatically calculated from the
long wires that share a common conduit.
selected clamp ratio.

Single fuse(16A)
Instrument contains a single fuse of 16A common for all
the ranges of current from 600μA to 10A AC/DC as
compared to the two fuses in traditional DMMs. This
eliminates the accidental blowing of 1.6A fuse due to
operator's error when higher current is applied in lower

Tool for automation, USB 2.0 Interface

With ready to use communication protocol and plug and
play USB 2.0 add-on device, one can easily automate his
test system. The extensive data capturing and analysis is
possible with DMM software.
With vast functionality and editable report settings DMM
software is a real help for easy report generation and Low pass filter(LPF) in VAC10MΩ & VAC1MΩ
analysis of a device under test. A selectable 1kHz low pass filter offers advanced variable
frequency drive filtering to help you accurately analyze non-
traditional sine waves and noisy signals.
In LPF mode DMM rejects all high frequency noise making it
suitable for making measurements on inverters and high
frequency drives.

Square Wave Output

A square wave output can be generated from the DMM
with the user selectable frequency and adjustable duty
cycle.This can be used as baud rate generator,to check
flow meters, to test frequency counters, accelerometer and
frequency transmitter.
It can also be used as audio signal in audio signal testing.


F-31, MIDC, Satpur, Nashik-422 007,India.
Tel.: +91 253 2202160, 2202202 Fax : +91 253 2351064
E-mail : India :- [email protected]
International :- [email protected]
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RISHABH 6012 / 6013 / 6015 / 6016
True RMS Digital Multimeter

True RMS measurement with high crest factors External Power Adapter (DC Jack)
Accurate true RMS measurement of distorted waveform The external power supply adapter helps in conserving
with crest factor CF between 1 to 10. battery while performing long hours of measurements.
When DC jack is connected batteries inside DMM are
Data Logging
electronically disconnected, and reconnected in absence of
DMM 6015/6016 offers continuous data logging of up to
mains, hence there is no need of removing the battery
32000 readings with real time stamping. Log rate is
when using the power adapter.
adjustable from as low as 0.1 sec to as high as 1hr.

100kHz Bandwidth
Alternating voltages with frequencies up to 100kHz can be
measured accurately. This is useful while analyzing high
frequency analog signals.
Self battery voltage measurement
Capable of measuring self battery voltage.

Room temperature measurement

Room temperature can be sensed and measured without
Adjustable Beep Level
any external sensor. The same is used as internal
With Beep level setting, the limit for continuity can be
reference temperature in thermocouple based temperature
adjusted from 10Ω to 90Ω depending upon application.
Separate fuse compartment
Easier access to fuse when replacing the blown fuse. Fully programmable GO NO-GO
Auto Power OFF with adjustable timing The Go - NoGo function gives an indication through a buzzer
Flexibility to adjust “Auto off ” period from 5 minutes to 60 for the applied input lying inside or outside the set band. The
minutes. values for low limit, high limit and buzzer condition can be
easily set through NoGo function in menu settings. Once the
60mv & 600mV DC & ACDC NoGo function is set, user can get busy doing other activities
This helps in accurate measurement of low output in the vicinity of the meter, whenever the condition is met it
voltages <600mV from sensors & transmitters. High will be indicated by a buzzer. It eliminates the need of
frequency low voltage signal from RF transmitters can also operator to continuously monitor the display.
be measured. Signal as low as 0.001mV can be measured
accurately. View Function
Data logged on meter can be viewed directly on the meter
Min / Max / Avg measurement itself, hence the data analysis is also possible without a PC
Min/Max/Avg function records the minimum, maximum and based software. However for graphical and large data
average of all the readings applied since its activation. analysis PC based software can be used.
With dual display it makes it even flexible for the user to
Dangerous Contact Voltage Indication
keep the trace of the applied readings while viewing
Min/Max/Avg readings. The average reading is useful for Presence of hazardous voltage (>35Vrms 50/60Hz and
smoothing out unstable inputs,& verifying circuit 50Vdc) at the contact terminal are indicated on display.
performance. This is very useful while performing measurements in the
circuit which takes longer time to discharge its capacitors,
Dedicated keys for easy navigation or where unexpected danger voltage are present.
Dedicated navigation keys makes scrolling through menu
and setting of parameters easy & comfortable.


F-31, MIDC, Satpur, Nashik-422 007,India.
Tel.: +91 253 2202160, 2202202 Fax : +91 253 2351064
E-mail : India :- [email protected]
International :- [email protected]
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RISHABH 6012 / 6013 / 6015 / 6016
True RMS Digital Multimeter

Model Wise Functional Overview

Functi ons/Features 6012 6013 6015 6016
Voltage VDC (Ri>9MΩ) • • • •
Voltage VAC TRMS (Ri>9MΩ) • • • •
Ω Ω)
Voltage LoZ VAC TRMS (Ri=1M • • •
Voltage VAC TRMS (Ri>9MΩ) LPF 1kHz
Ω • • •
Voltage LoZ VAC TRMS (Ri=1MΩ) LPF 1kHz • • •
Voltage VACDC (Ri>9M Ω)
• • • •
High impedance, high bandwidth mV measurement 600mV
60mV/600mV 60mV/600mV

Bandwidth VAC & mV 10kHz 10kHz 10kHz 100 kHz

Frequency Measurement
Duty cycle %
• •
Voltage level measurement dB,dBu,dBm • • •
Resistance • • • •
Conductance measurement • • • •
Continuity test (I const = 1 mA) • • • •
Diode measurement (I const = 1 mA) • • • •
Temperature measurement (TYP J,TYP K) • • •
Temperature measurement (PT100,PT1000) • • •
Capacitance measurement • •
Current ADC
600mA 6 A/16 A 600 µA/6 mA 600 µA/6 mA
Current AAC+DC TRMS (20 A) 60 mA/600 mA 60 mA/600 mA
6 A/10 A (16 A) 6 A/10 A (16 A)
Current AAC TRMS
Bandwidth @ AAC+DC or AAC 10 kHz • • • •
Measurement with Clamp Sensor • • • •
Data Logging / Viewing Function • •
Protective rubber holster • • • •
Fuse 16A / 1000V 1.6A
• •
0-20mA / 4-20mA percentage scale • •
Square wave Out • •
Self battery voltage measurement • • • •
MIN/MAX/AVG and Auto Hold functions • • • •
Dangerous contact voltage indication • • • •
REL/Zero function • • • •
USB IR-interface
External power supply adapter
1000 V
1000 V
Measuring Category 600 V CAT
CAT I 600V
600 V CAT IV 600 V CAT IV

Environmental Condition
Operating temperature -10 to +50°C
Storage temperature - 25 to +70°C

Relative humidity <75% non condensing.

IP IP 50 for Housing, IP20 for terminals.


Altitude Up to 2000 m


F-31, MIDC, Satpur, Nashik-422 007,India.
Tel.: +91 253 2202160, 2202202 Fax : +91 253 2351064
E-mail : India :- [email protected]
International :- [email protected]
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RISHABH 6012 / 6013 / 6015 / 6016 BT
True RMS Digital Multimeter

Technical Specification
Intrinsic Uncertainty under
Measurement Measuring Input Reference Condition ±(…% of Overload Capacity
Resolution the rdg.+…Digits)
Function Range Impedance
7) 1) 3) 1) 3)
DC AC ACDC Value Tim e
6V 100µV 0.05 + 5
60V 1m V 0.05 + 5 1000 V
V >9MΩ 0.5 + 9 1 + 30 DC/ Continuous
600V 10mV 0.05 + 9
1000V 100m V 0.09 + 10 RMS
60mV 1µV 0.09 + 15 Sine
mV >10MΩ - 1 + 30 Max 10 s
600mV 10µV 0.09 + 15

Influence Ac c ur ac y
Range of Influenc e Range
Quantity DMM 6016 Others

>15 Hz....45 Hz 60 mV ~ , 5)
>65 Hz....100kHz 600 mV ~
>15 Hz....45 Hz 2+9 3+9
> 65Hz… 1kHz 6V, 60V, 1+9 3+9
Frequency 6)9) >1kHz…..20kHz 600V ~ 3+9 4+9 10)
>20kHz….100kHz 3.5+30
>15 Hz....45 Hz 2+9 3+9
> 65Hz… 1kHz 1000V ~ 2+9 3+9
>1kHz…..10kHz 3+30

1) Specified Accuracy is valid as of 3% of the meas uring range.With Short- circuited tes t probes : residual value of 1 to 30 d at
zero point due to the TRMS converter.
2) At 0°C to 40°C (Accuracy Range)
3) In VAC m easurem ent, Frequency will be shown above 10% of the present range, except for 1000V & 60m V range i.e. 25% &
50% respectively.
4) Frequency Influence upto 10kHz.
5) Frequency response up to 50 kHz
6) Frequency response is valid from 10% to 100% of range
7) With Zero Balancing
8) Frequency response up to 100 kHz, for greater than 50 kHz plus 2.5%
9) Overload capacity of the voltage m eas urem ent input: power Limiting: Frequency x Voltage Max : 6x10 V x Hz for V>100V
10) Frequency res ponse greater than 2 kHz plus 2.5%

Frequency, Duty Cycle

Measurem ent Intrinsic 1)
Measuring Range Frequency Capaci ty
Functi on Uncertai nty
Value Tim e
600Hz, 6kHz, 60kHz,
Hz 5) 2)
0.05 +5
600kHz, 1MHz fm in : 6Hz 1000 V
Hz(V) 10Hz…..100kHz 0.1 +5 4) DC/
AC Max 10 s
2.0…98% 15Hz .... 1kHz 0.1 R + 5 d
Duty Cycle(%) 5.0…98% .... 10kHz 0.2 R per kHz + 5d Sine
10…90% .... 50kHz 0.5 R per kHz + 5d

1) At 0°C to 40°C (Accuracy Range)

2) Lowest m easurable frequency for square m easuring signals sym m etrical to the zero point ( +5V).
3) Overload capacity of the voltage m easurem ent input :
Power lim iting: Frequency x voltage m ax : 6x10 V x Hz for U> 100V.
4) Input sens itivity, sinusoidal signal , 10% to 100% of the m easuring range
5) At input +5Vrm s ,Square wave, Bipolar inputs .
R= Range d= digit


F-31, MIDC, Satpur, Nashik-422 007,India.
Tel.: +91 253 2202160, 2202202 Fax : +91 253 2351064
E-mail : India :- [email protected]
International :- [email protected]
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RISHABH 6012 / 6013 / 6015 / 6016 BT
True RMS Digital Multimeter


Intrinsic Uncertainty under

Votlage Reference Condition ±(…% of Overload
Measurem ent Measuring 2)
Resolution Drop Capacity
Function Range the rdg.+…Digits)
Approx. 4) 1) 1)
DC AC ACDC Value Time
600 µA 10 nA 60 mV 0.5 + 15 1 + 10 1.5 + 10
6 mA 100 nA 60 mV 0.5 + 5 1 + 10 1.5 + 10
mA 0.7A Continuous
60 mA 1 µA 60 mV 0.1 + 5 1 + 10 1.5 + 10
600 mA 10 µA 60 mV 0.2 + 5 1 + 10 1.5 + 10
6A 100 µA 60 mV 0.9 + 10 1 + 10 1.5 + 10
A 10 A: = 5 min 3)
10 A 1 mA 300 mV 0.9 + 10 1 + 10 1.5 + 10

Influence Accuracy
Range of Influence Range
Quantity DMM 6016 Others
>15 Hz....45 Hz 600µA......
Frequency 3+10
>65Hz....10 kHz 10A
1) Specified Accuracy is valid as of 3% of the measuring range. With Short- circuited test probes:
residual value of 1 to 30 d at zero point due to the TRMS converter.
2) At 0°C to 40°C (Accuracy Range)
3) Off time 30 min and TA = 40°C
4) With Zero Balancing
5) Frequency response is valid from 10% to 100% of range

Resistance, Diode, Continuity

Measurement Measuring Open Ckt. Meas. curr. @ Intrinsic
Resolution Capacity
Function Range 4) Voltage range limit Uncertainty
Value Time
600Ω 10mΩ Approx. 300 µA 0.1 + 10
6kΩ 100mΩ Approx. 250 µA 0.1 + 10
60k Ω 1Ω Approx. 100 µA 0.1 + 10 1000 V
Ω 600kΩ 10Ω Approx. 12 µA 0.5 + 10 DC/
AC Max 10 s
6MΩ 100Ω Approx. 1.2 µA 1 + 10
60MΩ 10k Ω Approx. 125 nA 5 + 10 Sine
Continuity 600Ω - Appx. 8V Approx. 1 mA 3+5
Diode 6.0V 3) - Appx. 8V Approx. 1 mA 0.5 + 5

1) Measurement of Resistance, Diode will be more accurate after removal from device under test

2) At 0°C to 40°C (Accuracy Range)

3) Displays up to max 6.0 V, “OL” in excess of 6.0V.
4) With Zero Balancing


M e a su r e m e n t In tr i n si c Ove r l o a d Ca p a ci ty
Me a su r i n g Ra n g e
Fu n cti o n Un ce rta i n ty Va lu e Tim e

-2 0 0 o C .. 2)
Pt 1 0 0 0 .3 + 1 5
+ 8 5 0 °C

-1 5 0 o C .. 2)
100 0 V
Te m p e ra tu re Pt 100 0 0 .3 + 1 5 D C/
+ 8 5 0 °C
AC Ma x 1 0 s
°C/°F o
-2 0 0 C ..
TC K 1 % +20 2) R MS
+1 3 7 2 °C S in e

-2 1 0 o C .. 2)
TC J 1 % +20
+1 2 0 0 °C

1 ) At 0 °C to 4 0 °C (Accu ra cy R a n g e )
2 ) P lu s Se n s o r D e via tio n


F-31, MIDC, Satpur, Nashik-422 007,India.
Tel.: +91 253 2202160, 2202202 Fax : +91 253 2351064
E-mail : India :- [email protected]
International :- [email protected]
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RISHABH 6012 / 6013 / 6015 / 6016 BT
True RMS Digital Multimeter

O v e rl o a d
M e a su r e m e n t M e a su r i n g In t r i n si c 2)
R e so l u t i o n V OM A X C a p a c i ty
F u n c ti o n Ra n g e U n c e r ta i n t y
V a lu e Tim e
10 nF 1 0 pF 1 + 1 0 2)
100 nF 100 p F 1 + 6
1 µF 1 nF 2) 10 00V D C /
3 )4 )
1 + 6
F 0 .7 V AC R MS Ma x 1 0 s
10 µF 1 0 nF 1 + 6 2) S in e
100 µF 100 n F 5 + 6
100 0 µF 1 µF 5 + 6

1 ) At 0 °C to 4 0 °C (Ac cu ra c y R a n g e )
2 ) Ap p li e s to m e a s u re m e n ts a t film ca p a c ito rs a n d b a tte ry o p e ra te d .
3 ) Me a s u re m e n t o f C a p a ci ta n ce w i ll b e m o re a c c u ra te a fte r re m o va l fro m d e vic e u n d e r te s t
4 ) W i th Z e ro B a la n c i n g

Square Wave Out

Output Range Accuracy

Frequency 30Hz - 10kHz 0.1% x output frquency + 2 counts of DMM display
Duty Cycle 10% - 100% [2] 0.2% of Full scale

Amplitude Fixed -3.15 to 3.15V ±0.4V

1) For signal greater than 1kHz, add 0.2% per kHz to the accuracy
2) In Multiple of 10

Influence Error
Measured Quantity / Variation ± (….%of rdg. +
Influence Quantity Range of Influence
Measuring Range 1) ….digits)/10k

V DC 0.2 + 20
V~, VACDC 0.4 + 10
600Ω to 600 k Ω 0.5 + 10
> 600 k Ω 1 + 10
mA/ ADC 0.6 + 10
-10 ºC to 21 ºC
mA/ AAC, ACDC 0.8 + 10
Temperature &
+25 °C to 50 °C 10nF…10µF 1+5
100µF...1000µF 1.5+10
Hz, % 0.2 + 10
ºC/ºFpt100/pt1000 0.5 + 10
0.2 + 10
Relative humidity 3 Days V,A,Hz,%,Diode,F,Ω 1 × intrinsic error
Meter off
Batteryvoltage 1.8 to 3.6V V,A,Hz,%,Diode,F,Ω 1 × intrinsic error
1) With Zero Balancing

Reference Condition for Accuracy

Reference Temperature 23°C ± 1K
Relative Humidity 45%...55% RH
Waveform of measured quantity Sinusoidal
Input frequency 45...65 Hz
Battery Voltage 3 V ± 0.1 V


F-31, MIDC, Satpur, Nashik-422 007,India.
Tel.: +91 253 2202160, 2202202 Fax : +91 253 2351064
E-mail : India :- [email protected]
International :- [email protected]
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RISHABH 6012 / 6013 / 6015 / 6016
True RMS Digital Multimeter

Influence Quantity
Influence Quantity Range of Influence Meas ur ing Ranges Attenuation
Noise quantity max. 1000 V dc V dc > 120 dB

6.0 V~,60 V~ >80 dB

Co mmo n Mo d e i n ter fer en ce
vo l tag e Noise quantity m ax. 1000 V ~
600 V~ > 70 dB
50-60 HZ sinusoidal
1000 V~ > 60 dB

Noise quantity V ~
Value of the measuring range at a
time V dc > 50dB
No r mal Mo d e
i n ter fer en ce r ati o Max. 1000V~ ,50Hz, 60Hz

Applicable regulations and standards Noise quantity max. 1000 V dc V~ >110dB

Applicable Regulations & Standards

EMC Immunity IEC 61326-1:2012, Table A.1

Immunity IEC 61000-4-2 : 8 KV atmosphere discharge, 4 KV contact discharge
IEC 61000-4-3 : 3 V/m
Safety IEC 61010-1-2010
IP for water & dust IEC 60529 : IP 50 For Instrument and IP20 for socket
Pollution degree: 2
Installation category: 1000 V CATIII / 600 V CATIV, 600V CATII for DMM 6013
High Voltage Test 7.4 kV (IEC 61010-1-2010), 3.5kV For DMM 6013
Test & Procedure IS 13875


Battery Voltage 2 X 1.5 V Cells (LR6 Battery)

Battery type Alkaline manganese cells.
Battery Life Appx. 100 Hrs. (Backlight off)
Battery test Automatic display of symbol when battery voltage drops below approx. 2.4V

Mechanical Design
Housing PC ABS
Dimension 200 x 91 x 54 mm
Weight Approx. 0.5 kg with batteries


F-31, MIDC, Satpur, Nashik-422 007,India.
Tel.: +91 253 2202160, 2202202 Fax : +91 253 2351064
E-mail : India :- [email protected]
International :- [email protected]
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RISHABH 6012 / 6013 / 6015 / 6016
True RMS Digital Multimeter

Crest Factor
Crest Factor
Additional error caused by signal’s crest factor: 1 < CF < 3: 1% R+ 30D
3 < CF < 10: 3% R
Curve 1: Range from 0.06V to 60V,
0.6mA to 60mA, 6A

Curve 2: Range 600V


Curve 3: Range 1000V


Note: With Unknown Waveform (CF >2), measurement should be made with manual range selection.
R = Reading
D = Digit

Internal Clock
Time Format dd.MM.yy hh.mm.ss
Resolution 1s
Accuracy +1min. per month
Temperature Influence 50 ppm/K

LCD display field 67 mm X 54 mm with digital display, analog scale and with
display of measurement unit, and Various special functions.

Display: LCD scale with bar graph or pointer,
depending on the selected parameter setting
Scaling: 2 bar/pointer corresponds to 2500 counts at
the digital display
Over range Display (Digital): By triangle “ ”
Polarity Display: With automatic switching
Sample rate (Digital): 10 measurements / sec and display refresh

Display: 7-segment characters
Character Height: Main Display - 12.88mm
Sub Display - 7.37mm
Resolution: 60,000 counts
Overflow Display: “OL” is displayed
Polarity Display: “-” (minus) is displayed
if plus pole is connected to “ ”
Measuring Rate: 10 measurement / sec with the Min-Max
function except for the capacitance,
frequency and duty cycle measuring Function
Refresh Rate: 4 times/ sec
Number of Digits: 5


F-31, MIDC, Satpur, Nashik-422 007,India.
Tel.: +91 253 2202160, 2202202 Fax : +91 253 2351064
E-mail : India :- [email protected]
International :- [email protected]
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RISHABH 6012 / 6013 / 6015 / 6016
True RMS Digital Multimeter

Crest Factor
FF (UR) 16 A/ 1000 V AC/DC; 10 mm x 38 mm (DMM 6015 & DMM 6016)
FF (UR) 1.6 A/ 1000 V AC/DC ; 6.3 mm x 32 mm (DMM 6012)
Switching Capacity 30 kA at 1000 V AC/DC (DMM 6015 & DMM 6016)
10 kA at 1000 V AC/DC (DMM 6012)

Accessories For Operation at a PC

Interface Adapter For USB Communication

Communication: Bi-Directional
Baud Rate: 9600
Data Bit: 8
Stop Bit: 1
Flow Control: None

A CD ROM is included which contains current drivers for

Windows operating systems, Installation Guide, Rishabh
Datalogger User Manual and Rishabh Datalogger Setup File.

Scope of Supply
Model Name Scope of Supply
RISHABH 6012 1. Digital Meter
RISHABH 6013 2. Cable Set
RISHABH 6015 3. Protective Case
RISHABH 6016 4. Battery
5. Operating Manual
6. Test Certificate
1. External Power Supply Adapter
2. USB Interface Adapter + Software CD


F-31, MIDC, Satpur, Nashik-422 007,India.
Tel.: +91 253 2202160, 2202202 Fax : +91 253 2351064
E-mail : India :- [email protected]
International :- [email protected]
Subject to Change Without Notice
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