Waxman Smiths Equation
Waxman Smiths Equation
Waxman Smiths Equation
Guodong Jin2, Carlos Torres-Verdín2, Sarath Devarajan2, Emmanuel Toumelin2,3, and E. C. Thomas4
Waxman-Smits and dual-water models of electrical resent homogeneous shaly sands that include the struc-
conductivity of shaly sands account for the dual conduc- tural effects of compaction, cementation, and distribution
tive pathways formed by pore brine and clay mineral of grain-coating clay minerals. Our pore-scale model is
exchange cations, while Archie’s equations describe the implemented on the digitized representative of rock sam-
electrical conductivity behavior of clay-free rocks. These ples, which allows us to consider arbitrary media bound-
empirical models are widely used in the interpretation of aries. Two-phase immiscible fluids are geometrically dis-
resistivity logs acquired in homogeneous reservoir rocks. tributed in the pore space using the ordinary percolation
However, the models are not explicit in their predictions algorithm. We introduce grain-coating hydrated clay min-
of electrical conductivity with respect to rock structure, erals and their corresponding electric double layer in the
spatial fluid distribution in the pore space, wettability, or synthetic rock models with a grain “shell” of variable
clay mineral distribution. The objective of this paper is to dimensions and diffusivity with respect to those of
quantify the influence of exchange cations associated pore-filling brine. Waxman-Smits formation factors and
with hydrated clay minerals, salinity of pore bulk water, resistivity indices are calculated directly with random
and water saturation on the electrical conductivity of walk simulations of late-time diffusion within the conduc-
shaly siliciclastic rocks. We accomplish this objective by tive space formed by the pore water and clay mineral
cal cu lat ing excess con duc tiv i ties asso ci ated with exchange cations in the digitized shaly-sand samples.
hydrated clay minerals for explicit pore geometries of Simulations with this simple model correctly reproduce
brine- and hydrocarbon-saturated shaly granular rocks. In the nonlinear behavior of rock conductivity at low and
so doing we introduce synthetic pore-scale representa- high salinity, and are consistent with reported laboratory
tions intended to reproduce experimental observations of measurements.
electrical conductivity of shaly sands. Keywords: shaly sand, pore-scale model, conductiv-
The synthetic pore-scale models are constructed to rep- ity, clays
Manuscript received by the Editor November 10, 2006; revised manuscript received January 26, 2007.
Originally presented at the SPWLA 47th Annual Logging Symposium, Veracruz, Mexico, June 4–7, 2006, Paper M.
The University of Texas at Austin, Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, One University Station, Mail Stop C0300,
Austin, Texas, 78712; E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected].
Currently with Chevron; 11111 S. Wilcrest Dr., Houston, TX, 77099; E-mail: [email protected]
Bayou Petrophysics; P. O. Box 1027, Tomball, TX, 77377; E-mail: [email protected]
©2007 Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts. All rights reserved.
lem (Garboczi et al., 1995), where the width of the interfa- rent attributed to ions in the bulk water. This behavior is
cial zone is comparable to the grain radius. Clay minerals due to rapid exchange of HCM cations between the clay
do stack up on top of one other to form layers as thick as 12 mineral surface and bulk water. In other words, the
mm. However, individual double-layer thicknesses are still tortuosity is the same for all ions,
in the sub-micron range. Thus, d is the thickness of a repre- 3. The conductivity of HCM exchange cations, scl, is
sentative volume continuum that would describe the cumu- dependent upon the conductivity of bulk water, sw.
lative effect from surface phenomena at each double-layer. For fully water-saturated shaly sands, the W-S model is
Likewise, there is no simplistic relation that associates sur- defined as
face conductance with volumetric excess HCM exchange
cation conductivity. Parameter calibration is crucial owing 1
so = ( sw + scl ) , (2)
to the freely varying nature of d. FR*
The electrical response of shaly sands is also determined
by the distribution, amount, shape and type of clay miner- where the shaly-sand formation resistivity factor, FR* ,
als, the salinity of pore water, and water saturation. It is relates to total interconnected rock porosity and is inde-
essential to develop a clear understanding of the effect these pendent of formation-water salinity. The value of FR* can be
factors have on the electrical conductivity of shaly sands. In determined at high salinity where surface electrical conduc-
this paper we introduce a new pore-scale method based tion can be neglected. The conductivity of HCM exchange
upon the three-dimensional (3D) digital representation of cations scl is expressed as
the porous medium aimed at investigating the effect of the s cl = BQv , (3)
electrical conductivity contrast between bulk water and
clay-bound water, and their relative amount on the shaly where Qv is the volume concentration of HCM exchange
sand con duc tiv ity. First, we briefly describe the cations (equivalent/liter or meq/ml) and B represents the
Waxman-Smits model, which forms the theoretical basis of average mobility of the HCM counterions near their sur-
our study. In order to illustrate our simulation approach, we faces (mho cm2/meq), which at 25°C is given by
consider a clean, well-sorted, quartz-cemented, water-wet
shaly-sand model. The geometry of the model consists of B = 0.046[1- 0.6 exp(-s w / 0.013)]. (4)
electrically insulating spherical grains coated with a HCM
The W-S model captures the nonlinear behavior of so versus
counterion double-layer of thickness d, conductivity scl,
sw at low values of salinity by allowing the counterion
and the bulk pore electrolyte of conductivity sw. Electrical
mobility B to increase exponentially at low values of sw
conductivity of shaly sands is calculated directly from ran-
until it attains a constant and maximum value at high values
dom walk simulations of late-time diffusion. Subsequently,
of salinity. When sw = 0, the W-S model gives a finite value
we describe the algorithm of random walk simulation and
of so, i.e., the rock is still conductive even if it is saturated
our implementation on the digitized rock samples. Simula-
with fresh water. While B accounts for the well understood
tion results are presented and analyzed for two modeled
electrochemical phenomenon of ionic mobility, it is the one
shaly sands with different values of porosity.
free parameter that is used in the empirical W-S regression.
Regardless of the phenomenological accuracy of equation
THE WAXMAN AND SMITS MODEL (4), it is worthwhile recognizing that the product BQv repre-
sents the experimental excess conductivity due to the HCM
Waxman and Smits (W-S, 1968) proposed a physical
exchange cations at various values of salinity and can be
model to describe the dependence of shaly-sand conductiv-
used to calibrate a proposed conductivity model in response
ity on clay content, expressed as cation exchange capacity
to type and amount of clay, and type of clay distribution in
per unit pore volume. The W-S model has become the most
the pore space.
fully developed and widely accepted approach to the under-
Another parameter of interest is the “excess conductiv-
standing of the electrical conductivity of shaly-sand forma-
ity” associated with the HCM exchange cations. For better
tions. The main assump tions of the W-S model are
understanding, equation (2) is rewritten in its general form
(Bussian, 1983):
1. The electrical conductivities associated with both bulk
water in the pore space and HCM exchange cations con- sw
tribute to the electrical conductivity of shaly-sand for- so = (1 + X ) , (5)
mations in a manner analogous to a parallel circuit,
2. The electric current transported by HCM exchange ions where the dimensionless excess conductivity X, defined as
travels along the same tortuous path as the electrical cur-
sponding double layer. This thickness is small compared to tion of the discretization. However, such dependence is
the dimensions of both pores and grains. negligible if the spatial resolution is sufficiently high. For
Another interpretation of the clay shell thickness d is that our study, we determined a small voxel size of 6 mm from
the grain surface is electrically charged where electrical sensitivity studies of calculated permeability (Jin et al.,
neutrality requires an equal concentration of counterions 2006b).
that are confined to the surface within a distance d. These
additional HCM counterions contribute to the electrical
conductivity of the shaly sand beyond the contribution due IMPLEMENTATION
to bulk water. The water in the d zone is called the
clay-bound water, similar to the concept of the double layer Steady-state flow of electric current through a porous
developed by Clavier et al. (1977, 1984). As the salinity of medium saturated with an electrolyte is governed by the dif-
the pore water increases, d decreases and the surface cat- ferential equation (Revil and Glover, 1997)
ions are packed closer together near the surface (Johnson
and Sen, 1988; Sposito, 2004). Ñ× [ sÑF ]= 0 , (7)
To construct a 3D model of the pore space, we discretize where F is the local electrical potential. Additionally, the
the macroscopic cube with grains in the form of a 3D array no-flux boundary condition is enforced at the solid-void
of identical microscopic cubes (voxels). Our convention is interface when the solid phase is assumed to be insulating,
that a voxel is an element of the pore space if its center is i.e.
within the pore space; otherwise, it becomes an element of
the solid skeleton. Figure 4 displays the corresponding n× ÑF = 0 , (8)
discretized pore space of the grain packing shown in Figure
2, with voxel dimensions of 250 x 250 x 250, and with the where n is the unit normal vector outward from the solid to
side length of each voxel equal to 6 mm. Porosity can be the pore space. The solution of this problem in terms of the
directly evaluated from the fraction of void-space voxels in conductivity of the porous medium so is given by
the rock image, here approximately equal to 36.5%. The
j =-s o ÑF , (9)
porosity calculated this way depends on the spatial resolu-
r 2 (t )
D (t ) = , (11)
ated and evaluated. In our model, the starting points of walk- We applied the random walk algorithm to calculate the
ers are randomly specified using a Monte Carlo algorithm. formation factor of a sandstone computed-tomography
Only those walkers within the pore space occupied by the (CT) image to validate this approach. There is no clay pres-
electrically conductive components, i.e. bulk water and ent in the rock core sample from which the CT image was
clay-bound water, are retained. The walker distribution is acquired. The sample has a measured porosity of 20.3% and
proportional to the ratio of the volume of the clay-bound formation factor of 17.5. The size of the CT image is
water zone to that of the bulk water zone. Each walker is dis- 300´300´300 voxels with the side length of each voxel
placed for a sufficiently long time. Length steps of a random equal to 4.5 mm. The calculated CT image porosity is
walker are dependent on the type of voxels or fluid in it, approximately equal to 21.1%. We carried out 10 independ-
whereas the direction is distributed equally and randomly. In ent simulations, each consisting of 1000 walkers, on the
the coarse voxels C, a large step size is used, which is propor- image and calculated the effective diffusivity for each sim-
tional to the size of coarse voxels, while the step size in ulation. Figure 6 shows an example of the variation of the
voxels D and E is proportional to the size of fine voxels. A effective diffusivity with simulation time for one simula-
random step is possible and the new location of the walker is tion, which describes an ensemble average of 1000 random
stored if the new location is not occupied by the non-conduc- walkers. From equation (13), we calculated the formation
tive phase (solid or oil). However, if the new position is factor for each simulation. The mean value of the formation
within solid or oil the step is not carried out, i.e. the walker is factor from 10 independent simulations is 18.5 with a stan-
returned to the previous position, and the clock is allowed to dard deviation of 0.21. Considering the difference in poros-
advance by one time step (Schwartz and Banavar, 1989). ity and spatial scales between the CT image and the core
A random walker can jump from the bulk water zone to
sample, our calculation is in good agreement with the
the clay-bound water zone with a given jump probability
experimental measurement.
pb,cl, or stay at the original position with probability (1 –
pb,cl). In either case, the simulation time is incremented by
one unit. The reverse condition occurs for the case of walk- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
ers jumping from the clay-bound water zone to the bulk We performed the random walk simulations on two
water zone. We enforce a periodic boundary condition in models of shaly sands with different porosities, and investi-
the simulations, that is, a walker that moves out of the pore gated the effect of the double layer thickness d, diffusivity
space image at one side reappears at the opposite side. contrast Dcl /Dw between clay-bound water and bulk water,
and water saturation Sw on the electrical conductivity of the
modeled shaly sands.
Single-phase simulation
All grains in the Finney packing are uniformly grown
without moving their centers to generate two different poros-
ities of 25.4% and 18.9%. A homogeneous HCM exchange
cation shell of thickness d and diffusivity Dcl is added to each
electrically insulating grain. The pore space is saturated with
the electrolyte, which is assigned a diffusivity equal to Dw.
Note that different values of electrical conductivity exist
close to the clay mineral surfaces, i.e. in the double-layer
zone, compared to the electrical conductivity of the bulk pore
fluid, which could be an order of magnitude larger than the
bulk pore water conductivity even for moderately saline
waters (Almon, 1979). We assign a specific conductivity to
the water in the double-layer zone, and a different value to
the bulk pore water, in which the electrical conductivity is
FIG. 6 Change of effective diffusivity with increased simulation assumed to be proportional to the diffusivity of the corre-
time. The solid line describes an ensemble average of 1000 ran-
dom walkers. Fluid bulk diffusivity is assumed equal to 1
sponding water (Schwartz and Banavar, 1989).
mm2/ms, and the calculated effective diffusivity (asymptotic Input parameters in the simulation are the bulk water
value) is equal to 0.256 mm2/ms (dash line), with the standard diffusivity Dw, the clay-bound water diffusivity Dcl, the
deviation equal to 1.86 x 10–4 mm2/ms. ratio of the coarse voxel size to the random step size rc for
TABLE 1 Parameters used in the random walk simulations. TABLE 2 The corresponding values of clay-bound water
saturation Sw,cl, and bulk water saturation Sw,b for each con-
Notation Values figuration of d in the two modeled shaly sands with different
values of porosity f and shaly-sand formation factor, FR*.
Dw (mm2/ms) 1
Dcl (mm2/ms) 1, 5 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000 f(%) FR* Notation Values
rc 2 (coarse voxel size 6 mm)
rf 2 (finer voxel size 0.6 mm) d (mm) 1.8 3.0 3.6 4.8
N 1000 18.9 16.6 Sw,cl (%) 18.1 29.0 33.7 42.0
tT (ms) 1.0´107 Sw,b(%) 81.9 71.0 66.3 58.0
d (mm) 1.8, 3.0, 3.6, 4.8
pb,cl (%) 50 d (mm) 1.8 3.0 3.6 4.8
25.4 9.0 Sw,cl (%) 15.6 25.3 29.5 37.3
Sw,b (%) 84.4 74.7 70.5 63.7
the type of voxels C, the ratio of the finer voxel size to the
random step size rf for the type of voxels D and E, the num-
tion (5) is used to compare our simulation results to the W-S
ber of walkers N, the travel time of each walker tT, the thick-
model. The simulated values of dimensionless excess con-
ness of clay-bound water d, and the probability pb,cl (Table
ductivity X vary with the diffusivity contrast Dcl /Dw and the
1). The calculated values of the shaly-sand formation factor
thickness d for the modeled shaly sands with porosity of
FR* and saturation of clay-bound water Sw,cl and bulk water
18.9% and 25.4%, respectively (Figures 7 and 8). The HCM
Sw,b are shown for each configuration of d (Table 2). The
exchange cation layer cannot be strictly treated as a contin-
value of FR* is calculated by assigning Dcl = Dw during the
uum of finite conductivity. The conductivity of HCM
simulation. It is discussed later that values of the diffusivity
exchange cations decreases from a “surface value” to the
contrast Dcl /Dw are close to 1 when the pore bulk water is
bulk value for both shaly-sand samples and is a function of
highly conductive. The value of FR* from the W-S equation
the normal distance from the grain surface (Schwartz et al.,
corresponds to the slope of the linear portion of the so ver-
1989). As d increases, the clay-bound water saturation in
sus sw plot that occurs at high values of sw.
the rock increases (Table 2), and its relative contribution to
If the bulk water conductivity sw and diffusivity Dw are
the overall rock conductivity increases, resulting in a higher
assigned the value of unity in equation (13), then the rock
excess conductivity X. With the porosity increasing, the rel-
conductivity can be calculated directly as so = fD¥. Equa-
FIG. 7 Simulated values of dimensionless excess conductivity FIG. 8 Simulated values of dimensionless excess conductivity
X as a function of diffusivity contrast Dcl /Dw and thickness d for X as a function of diffusivity contrast Dcl /Dw and thickness d for
the shaly sand with porosity equal to 18.9%. the shaly sand with porosity equal to 25.4%.
ative fraction of the HCM exchange cation region in the model based on the relative conductivity of the two phases,
rock decreases, and hence one obtains lower values of X. i.e., Dcl /Dw (Kim and Torquato, 1990) or the harmonic
In the simulations we use an unbiased jump probability mean of Dcl and Dw (McCarthy, 1990). However, a rigorous
(pb,cl = 50%) for walkers stepping across the phase bound- justification for these two approaches is yet to be provided.
aries, since HCM exchange cations on the mineral surface At low water conductivity the simulated rock conductiv-
are in rapid exchange with those in the bulk water. Other ity so is described as a function of the pore water conductiv-
biased probabilities could also be implemented in our ity sw for the shaly sand with porosity equal to 18.9% (Fig-
ure 9). Values of Qv = 0.20 meq/ml and d = 3.6 mm are used
in this plot. The values of so are derived by rescaling the
simulation results with the corresponding values of sw that
are obtained by choosing the appropriate value of Dcl /Dw in
Figure 7 and by resolving the dimensional excess conduc-
tivity from Figure 1. Note that the simulation curve of
shaly-sand conductivity is not linear at low values of sw. For
clarity, we calculated the differences between the simula-
tion results so, and the values obtained from the linear curve
connecting the two end-points of the simulation curve of
shaly sand, so,linear, and W-S calculation, so,W-S, from equa-
tion (2) (Figure 10). As expected, so is an increasing func-
tion of sw, and exhibits convex-up behavior at low values of
sw (Waxman and Smits, 1968; Waxman-Thomas, 1974).
The simulation rock conductivity so is consistent with the
calculations from Waxman-Smits model. It is also interest-
ing to note that the chosen diffusivity contrasts are propor-
tional to 1 / sw at high values of salinity but proportional
to 1 / sw at low values of salinity (Figure 11).
FIG. 9 Plot of so versus sw for the shaly sand with porosity equal
Reasonable parametric values can be surmised from a
to 18.9% at low values of salt concentration. Values of Qv = 0.20
meq/ml and d = 3.6 mm were used to construct the plot. The better understanding of the relationship between diffusivity
dashed line (parallel to that of clean sand) is used to emphasize contrasts and pore fluid conductivity sw. Diffusivity con-
the nonlinearity of the relationship between so and sw. trasts are strongly affected by different values of d (3.6 mm
FIG. 10 Differences between the simulation results so, values FIG. 11 Chosen values of Dcl /Dw as a function of sw used to
so,linear calculated from the linear relation connecting the two calculate the results shown in Figure 9. Values are selected to
end-points of the simulation curve of shaly sand in Figure 9, and yield an excess conductivity consistent with W-S model predic-
Waxman-Smits calculations so,W-S from equation (2). tions.
and 4.8 mm) in a synthetic shaly sand with Qv = 0.20 meq/ml is also of interest. Excess conductivity generated by the
and f = 18.9% (Figure 12). It is clear that the desired value HCM counterions results in decreased values of ma at low
of Dcl /Dw at different values of salinity is influenced by the values of salinity. As salinity increases, ma reaches a con-
choice of d. In the case of sw < 0.005 mho/cm, the value of d stant value as the relative contribution of HCM conductivity
exerts a strong influence on the diffusivity contrast that decreases. Figure 13 describes the variation of ma with pore
needs to be chosen. The ratio Dcl /Dw can be maintained rel- fluid conductivity calculated for the shaly sand with f =
atively constant if d is allowed to increase with decreasing 18.9% and d = 3.6 mm. The variation of ma closely resem-
values of salinity. This is in keeping with increments in dou- bles the trends in bilogarithmic plots of Fa /FR versus sw
ble-layer thickness that have been found to occur below a reported by Worthington (1985).
critical value of salinity (Clavier et al., 1984; Sen, 1987; In addition to the rapid exchange with ions in the bulk
Bassiouni, 1994; Hill et al., 1979). Silva and Bassiouni water, the HCM exchange cations on the clay mineral sur-
(1988) calculated the fractional volume occupied by the face can move along the surface when the shaly sand is sub-
double layer as a function of far-water conductivity. A jected to an external electrical field (Revil and Glover,
decrease of far-water conductivity below a value of 0.03 1998). This movement results in finite rock conductivity
mho/cm is accompanied by a drastic increase in volume even if the shaly sand is saturated with fresh water (Dalla et
occupied by the double layer. This further justifies the al., 2004; Lima et al., 2005). Our simulations confirm the
selection of higher values of d at low values of salinity existence of this finite conductivity. Figure 14 shows the
while maintaining invariant diffusivity contrasts. In the variation of the simulated rock conductivity so with the
case of very shaly sands (Qv > 1 meq/ml) and under low thickness of clay-bound water d when the shaly sand is sat-
equilibrating brine conductivity (sw < 0.03 mho/cm) the urated with fresh water (sw = 0 or negligible). One can
desired excess conductivity is realizable only when d is observe that so increases linearly as d increases, and that the
comparable to the bulk/pore dimensions. The ratio Dcl /Dw conductivity becomes null when d = 0. This behavior is
can then be as low as 1, which eventually reduces to consistent with the property that the conductivity of dry
Waxman and Smits’ assumptions of a uniformly enhanced shaly sand is negligible (Bassiouni, 1994). The simulated
pore electrolyte (Waxman and Smits, 1968). rock conductivity can be rescaled back to the “true” value if
The variation of the apparent formation-porosity expo- we knew the conductivity of clay-bound water and its
nent ma, defined as diffusivity. In the simulation, we assume values of the con-
ductivity and diffusivity of clay-bound water equal to 1
1 sw mho/cm and 1 mm2/ms, respectively.
Fa = = , (14)
f ma
Two-phase simulation
We investigated the effect of water saturation on the
electrical conductivity of the modeled shaly sands at low
and high values of water conductivity, sw. For the simula-
tions, we maintain values of the clay shell thickness con-
stant at d = 3 mm, while the volume concentration of HCM
exchange cations is set to Qv = 0.20 meq/ml for both sam-
ples. At low sw, we choose the diffusivity contrast Dcl /Dw =
5. From Figure 1, Figure 7 and Figure 8, we determine that
sw = 0.031 mho/cm for the shaly sand with porosity of
18.9% and 0.025 mho/cm for the sample with porosity of
25.4%. At high sw, we set Dcl /Dw = 1.
We assume that these two samples are water-wet sand
and that a film of water is always maintained on the grain
surfaces. Under such a condition, the wetting phase (water)
occupies the corners of large pores and small pores, while
the non-wetting phase (oil) occupies the central parts of the
invaded pores. To assign the spatial fluid distributions in
the pore space, we use the technique of maximal-inscribed
spheres to obtain several distributions of water and oil for
each sample corresponding to a different value of capillary
pressure (Silin et al., 2003, 2004). The ordinary percolation
algorithm is used for that purpose. Figures 15(a) and (b) dis-
play an example of part of the pore space occupied by water
and oil in the sample with porosity of 18.9%, where water
saturation is Sw = 0.668 including clay-bound water and bulk
water. In the following simulations, we only consider the
cases in which water is connected through the pore space.
The resistivity index IR is used to quantify the effect of
partial saturation on the rock conductivity and is defined as
exchange cation zone: d = 3 mm, Qv = 0.20 meq/ml, and simulations were also observed in experimental measure-
Dcl/Dw = 5. This implies that the relative contribution on rock ments (Diederix, 1982; Taylor and Barker, 2002), we make
conductivity from HCM exchange cations is smaller in the the following remarks stemming from our simulation results:
sample with high porosity than in the sample with low poros- 1. The curved relationship of log(I R* ) versus log(Sw) in Fig-
ity. The sample with high porosity will exhibit relatively ure 16 was obtained at low sw, where the conductivity
larger values of n*L and n*H, as observed in our simulations. enhancement arising from the HCM exchange cations
The calculated values of cross-over critical water satura- becomes more prominent. We could not anticipate this
tion Sw,cr are 0.80 for both samples. This cross-over could be behav ior from Diederix’s exper i men tal results
larger and reach the value of 1.0 if the rock porosity were (Diederix, 1982).
low enough or else if d were large enough. Such behavior 2. The dependence of the saturation exponent n* on poros-
indicates that only the HCM exchange cations contribute to ity could be more likely related to the relative contribu-
rock conductivity or that their contribution is relatively tion of HCM exchange cations on rock conductivity. For
large compared to that due to pore bulk water. In the latter the rock with low porosity, the relative volume fraction
case, the two piecewise linear segments would become a of the HCM exchange cation zone to the bulk (or free)
single line with a slope equal to n*. water zone is large, which results in a substantially
In contrast to the curved relationship between log(I R* ) and higher electrical conductivity and a lower value of n*.
log(Sw) at low values of sw, our simulations exhibit the nor- 3. Water saturation may affect the electrical behavior of
mal linearity at high sw (Figure 17). One can observe that the shaly sands at low sw much more than at high sw. The
effect of water saturation on the exponent n* is negligible. dependence of I R* on water conductivity or salinity was
Although an increase in sw decreases the relative contribu- also observed in experimental measurements by Taylor
tion from the HCM counterions to the rock conductivity, and Barker (2002). However, such a statement cannot be
regardless of the model interpretation, this contribution still generalized without further investigation and verifica-
makes the value of n* smaller than 2. The value of n* is tion by experiments.
larger for the sample with high porosity of 25.4% (n*=1.93)
than for the sample with low porosity of 18.9% (n*=1.72).
Again, this result is due to the assumption of equal properties
in the HCM exchange cation zone for both samples. We developed a pore-scale random-walk model based on
Even though the anomalous resistivity index/water satu- the 3D digital representation of a porous medium and used
ration relationships of very low n*-values obtained in our it to simulate pore-level phenomena that govern electrical
conduction in shaly sands. With this model, we reproduced
realistic values of excess conductivity associated with the
HCM exchange cations at various electrolyte conductivi-
ties. Our model can be extended to various clay mineral
morphologies since we have made no assumptions regard-
ing continuous electrical pathways for the HCM cations.
Several previous works on this subject did not consider the
effective volumetric contribution to excess conductivity
resulting from surface conductivities associated with the
HCM cations.
We have shown that the relationship between interfacial
clay mineral conductivity and effective excess conductivity
of the HCM exchange cations needs to be calibrated using
the thickness of the volume continuum, d. The requirement
of increased values of d with a decrease in electrolyte salinity
is consistent with observed swelling of the anion-free layer at
low values of salinity. By maintaining constant diffusivity
contrasts while allowing only d to increase, we have simu-
lated the entire range of measured excess conductivities
FIG. 17 Computed resistivity index versus water saturation Sw associated with moderately shaly sands. The fact that the
for two shaly-sand samples for the case of high sw. Archie’s
equation used in the calculations is given by IR* = Sw-2. The fitting
thickness of the clay mineral zone d needs to be comparable
curves have the form IR* = b *Sw-n *, where the values of b* and n* in size to the pore dimensions at low values of salinity con-
are listed in Table 3. firms the W-S assumptions of a uniform pore electrolyte.
Clay in the rock matrix plays an essential role in electri- n*H High value of n*
cal conduction, but only in the presence of an electrolyte. N Number of walkers
The conductivity of dry shaly sand is negligible. Our results pb,cl Jump probability from the bulk water zone to
confirmed the existence of a finite electrical conductivity of the clay-bound water zone
shaly sand saturated with fresh water. It was found that Qv Volume concentration of HCM exchange
there is no electrical conduction when the thickness of the cations, meq/ml
clay mineral zone d is zero. r Displacement of a walker at time t, mm
Simulations considered in this paper reproduced the rc Ratio of the coarse voxel size to the random
anomalous curved resistivity index/water saturation rela- step size
tionships of very low clay-corrected saturation exponent rf Ratio of the fine voxel size to the random step
n*, which are consistent with reported experimental obser- size
vations (Diederix, 1982; Taylor and Barker, 2002). The Sw Water saturation
simulated values of n* are lower than the typical value of 2. Sw,b Saturation of bulk water
It was found that the relative amount of the HCM exchange Sw,cl Saturation of clay-bound water
cation zone to the total conductive volume could dramati- Sw,cr Cross-over critical water saturation
cally affect the electrical behavior of shaly sands. t Time, ms
Our pore-scale model allows one to include arbitrary tT Travel time of each walker, ms
media boundaries and takes into account the effect of clay X Dimensionless excess conductivity
minerals on the electrical properties of the rock. The ability
of our approach to correctly predict the so versus sw curves Greek symbols
and the subsequent sensitivity to model parameters lends cre- scl Conductivity of HCM exchange cations or
dence to the physical consistency of the method. Future work clay-bound water, mho/cm
will involve studying the effects of wettability, saturation so Conductivity of the water-saturated rock,
cycles, and varying rock geometry on the model parameters. mho/cm
so,linear Conductivity interpolated from a linear
relationship, mho/cm
NOMENCLATURE so,W-S Conductivity calculated from Waxman-Smits’
a Coefficient in Archie’s equation model, mho/cm
b Coefficient in Archie’s equation st Conductivity of the rock partially saturated with
b* Modified coefficient in Archie’s equation water, mho/cm
bL* Low value of b* coefficient in Archie’s equation sw Conductivity of the saturating water, mho/cm
bH* High value of b* coefficient in Archie’s f Effective rock porosity
equation d Thickness of the shell of HCM exchange
B Mobility of HCM counterions, mho cm2/meq cations, mm
D Diffusivity, mm2/ms F Local electrical potential
Dw Diffusivity of bulk water, mm2/ms Y Local diffusion potential
Dcl Diffusivity of clay-bound water, mm2/ms t Tortuosity
D¥ Asymptotic value of time-dependent diffusivity,
Fa Apparent formation resistivity factor
FR Rock formation resistivity factor The work reported in this paper was funded by the Uni-
FR* Shaly-sand formation resistivity factor versity of Texas at Austin’s Research Consortium on For-
HCM Hydrated-clay minerals mation Evaluation, jointly sponsored by Aramco, Baker
IR Resistivity index Atlas, BP, British Gas, ConocoPhillips, Chevron, ENI E&P,
I R* “Clay-corrected” resistivity index ExxonMobil, Halliburton Energy Services, Hydro, Mara-
j Electrical current density thon Oil Corporation, Mexican Institute for Petroleum,
m Cementation exponent in Archie’s equation O c c i d e n ta l P e t ro l e u m C o r p o ra t i o n , P e t ro b r a s ,
ma Apparent cementation exponent Schlumberger, Shell International E&P, Statoil, TOTAL,
n Unit normal vector and Weatherford.
n Saturation exponent in Archie’s equation We are also thankful to Professor Tad W. Patzek of the
n* “Clay-corrected” saturation exponent University of California at Berkeley and Dr. Dmitry B. Silin
n*L Low value of n* of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for their help in
partitioning the images occupied by wetting and non-wet- conductivity and percolation aspects of statistically homoge-
ting fluids. A note of gratitude goes to Dr. James J. Howard neous porous media: Transport in Porous Media, vol. 29, no. 1,
p. 61–83.
and three anonymous reviewers of Petrophysics whose con- Jin, G., Patzek, T. W., and Silin, D. B., 2003, Physics-based recon-
structive editorial and technical suggestions improved the struction of sedimentary rocks, SPE-83587: Society of Petro-
original conference paper. leum Engineers, presented at Western Regional/ AAPG Pacific
Section Joint Meeting.
Jin, G., Patzek, T. W., and Silin, D. B., 2006a, Dynamic reconstruc-
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