Flavell 1970 Dpmental Changes

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COGNITIVE PSYCHOLOGY 1, 324-340 (1970)

Developmental Changes in Memorization Processes1

University of Minnesota

University of North Carolina

University of Minnesota

Developmental changes in two broad classes of memory-related phenomena

were studied, using nursery school, kindergarten, second grade, and fourth grade
children as Ss: (1) the production and strategic deployment over time of various
types of memorization activities; (2) S’s knowledge concerning his own memory,
With regard to (I), only the older Ss in this study tended to show a specific, fairly
complex memorization strategy when given unlimited time to study a set of items to
the point of perfect serial recall. The strategy appeared to consist of first naming the
items to oneself to initiate the learning process, and of subsequently using system-
atic anticipation and rehearsal procedures to monitor and maintain one’s gradually
increasing state of recall readiness. As for (Z), the older Ss were likewise better able
than the younger ones, both to predict their own memory span in advance of any
concrete memorization experience, and to assesstheir readiness to recall after such
experience. It was concluded that the two phenomena are intimately interrelated in
the older child’s memorization activities, and that the nature and development of
S’s knowledge and awareness of his own memory system is a particularly important
and timely research problem.

Recent evidence suggests that the cognitive and linguistic skills which
the child spontaneously applies to the solution of memory tasks may show
dramatic changes with age, especially during the early school years
1 This research was supported in part by a research grant to the first author from the
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (HD 0 1888) and by grants to
the University of Minnesota’s Center for Research in Human Learning from the National
Science Foundation (GS 541), from the National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development (HD 01136), and from the Graduate School of the University. The authors
are particularly grateful to Mervyn 0. Bergman for his technical assistance. They also thank
Mr. John H&man, principal of Lexington Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota, and
Mrs. Charles Pearlman, director of the Adath Jeshurun Nursery School, Minneapolis, Min-
nesota, for their cooperation in providing Ss.

(Flavell, 1970). For example, older children are much more likely than
younger ones to use verbal rehearsal as a deliberate mnemonic technique
in serial recall tasks (Flavell, Beach, & Chinsky, 1966; Kingsley &
Hagen, 1969). There is now reason to suspect, however, that even such
relatively simple and homogeneous-looking memorization strategies as
verbal rehearsal may prove on closer analysis to be divisible into distinct
subvarieties, each one possibly acquired at a different point in the child’s
development (Daehler, Horowitz, Wynns, & Flavell, 1969; Flavell,
The present study was designed to obtain very detailed records of
children’s spontaneous verbal and visual-perceptual activities as they
memorized the names of a series of depicted objects. The purpose was to
identify whatever different study patterns of looking and verbalization
might be found, and to plot any developmental changes these patterns
might exhibit. A second objective was to discover something about possi-
ble developmental changes, not in the child’s favored strategies for memo-
rizing, but in the knowledge he has concerning his own memory. We are
aware of no previous research on the development of this sort of knowl-
edge, although it is currently attracting the attention of students of adult
memory processes (Tulving & Madigan, 1970).
Two procedures were used. One attempted to assess the child’s ability
to predict his own immediate memory span. The other estimated the
child’s ability to sense when a set of items he had been studying was suf-
ficiently well memorized to guarantee perfect immediate recall. Both of
these procedures have to do with the child’s awareness of his own storage
and retrieval capabilities, but in somewhat different ways. The first deals
with self-estimated, projected capacity to store and retrieve, the child
having in mind a future opportunity to study sets of items of a certain
type. The second deals with his self-estimated ability to retrieve here and
now, while in process of studying and storing a specific set of items.


The Ss were 14 nursery school children, 28 kindergarteners, 28 second
graders, and 14 fourth graders from suburban, largely middle-class homes,
with equal numbers of boys and girls within each grade level.
All testing was administered by a female E (the second author) in a two-
room trailer-laboratory parked adjacent to S’s school. The testing
sequence, identical for all Ss, is given below:

Predicted object span. The child’s first task was to estimate his own
immediate memory span. The E had at her disposal strips of heavy paper
on which were mounted different-length series of pictures of familiar,
readily namable objects (e.g., toy blocks, scissors, house). She first
showed S a strip containing one object. She then named it, covered it, and
asked him if he thought he would now be able to say its name from mem-
ory. He could, of course, and was asked to say the name aloud if he had
not already done so spontaneously. The same procedure was then repeated
for a horizontally presented strip of two pictures, with E emphasizing the
need for ordered, left-to-right recall of the object names. The prediction
process continued (now, minus actual attempts at recall) for a strip of
three pictures, then four, and so on, either until S estimated that the series
had now become too long for him to recall, or until a series of 10 pictures
had been presented. The E’s instructional formula for each series of three
pictures or more was: “Do you think you could remember n words (points
to a strip of n pictures) if I said each of them just once and then covered
them up?” An S’s predicted object span was taken to be the longest series
of object names (to a maximum of 10) he thought he would be able to
recall correctly.
Actual object span. The next step was to assess S’s actual memory span
for such items. The E read aloud a series of first three, then four, etc.,
familiar object names at the rate of one name per second, with S in-
structed to try to repeat each series in correct order. If S failed a
sequence, he was given one more try with another sequence of the same
length. In analogy with predicted object span, an S’s actual object span
was defined as the longest series he was actually able to recall correctly.
Memorization and recall. The S was next asked to name the object
depicted in each of 33 small, black and white line drawings, with E provid-
ing help when necessary. The objects were commonplace ones, likely to
be familiar to young children, and the pronunciation of their names in-
volved fairly conspicuous and distinctive lip movements (e.g., ball, moon,
cat). All the object pictures that S would subsequently be called upon to
study and memorize, in the course of one practice trial and three test
trials, were drawn from this set of 33.
The S was then seated before a stimulus panel. The panel was mounted
in the one-way mirror of the wall which separated the two rooms of the
trailer-laboratory. The panel contained a horizontal row of ten 2 X 3-in.
windows with a button directly beneath each window. One of the above-
mentioned object pictures was illuminated in a window whenever S
pressed the button beneath it, and it remained visible only so long as S
kept pressing the button. On the initial practice trial, only the rightmost
three windows contained pictures. The instructions to each S on this trial
were approximately as follows:

“Now the pictures (referring to the ones S had just named) are going to
be hidden. You will have to push a button like this to see them (E pushes
the three buttons in a random sequence). Now you try it, but only push one
button at a time. You can look at any one you need to and in any order
you want, but I’m going to want you to say them back to me in this order
(gestures in the left-to-right direction)-first this one, then this one, then
this one (points to each window), all without looking at the pictures. Let’s
try it. Remember, you can look at the pictures as long as you want. When
you are sure you know them all by heart, ring this bell (a desk bell is on
the chair beside S) and I’ll come hear you say them back to me. Be
careful, though, not to ring until you can remember every one very, very
well in the right order without looking. So when you do know them, ring
the bell and say the words right out loud like this (E demonstrates with the
three pretest pictures), and I’ll hear you. Okay, you can begin.” If, during
this practice trial, S made procedural errors, they were corrected (e.g., he
was not permitted to depress more than one button at a time). If he failed
to recall all the words in correct order, he was cautioned once again not to
ring the bell until he is sure he could remember the whole series. If he per-
formed successfully, he was warmly praised.
Three test trials followed. The procedure was essentially identical to
that of the practice trial, with two exceptions: the object pictures were
now placed behind the leftmost rather than rightmost windows of the
panel; the above-mentioned cautioning after imperfect recall was discon-
tinued after the first of these three trials. A different series of objects was
presented on each trial, but all three series were set exactly equal in length
to the individual S’s own actual object span, determined minutes earlier in
the testing session. Pilot research had suggested that a series of object-
span length would be of suitable difficulty level for our purposes-defi-
nitely short enough to be able to be recalled by that child, but only after
some reasonable effort at memorization on his part. The particular object
pictures presented for study on each trial always consisted of the first II
pictures of a fixed sequence of 10, where n equals that S’s actual object
span. These three lists of 10, plus the three practice items, comprise the
33 object pictures S had named initially. The rare child who on any trial
persisted in waiting as long as 15 min before indicating his readiness to be
tested was dropped as an S; the average length of study period for all Ss
retained in the sample was actually only 53.43 sec.
Recall for each series was also assessed a second time with no explicit
prior announcement to S that this would occur. These retests were in-
serted into the study-test sequences as follows: study 1 (i.e., self-timed
study of the first picture series)-test 1 (i.e., the immediately-subsequent
attempt to recite this series to @--study 2-test 2-retest l-study 3-
test 3-retest 2-retest 3. The retests were presented to the child as

minor excursions from the main procedure (which, indeed, they were to
us as well), without any suggestion conveyed that S really should be ex-
pected to perform well on them.
Finally, half of the kindergarten and second-grade groups and all of the
preschoolers and fourth graders did their studying with E physically ab-
sent from the room (she awaited S’s ready signal just outside the closed
door). In the case of the remaining kindergarteners and second graders, E
remained in the room, sitting quietly a few feet behind him and unrecep-
tive to any bids for attention while he studied.
Rationale. Each part of the foregoing task sequence was designed to
provide information related in some way to the development of memory.
It is apparent, for instance, that the relation between the child’s predicted
memory span and his actual memory span might inform us about one as-
pect of his knowledge regarding his own memory capacities. His ability to
recall the picture series on the three study-test trials should be a measure
of another aspect of that knowledge, namely, knowledge about the re-
trievability of currently processed items. It seems reasonable to credit a
child with at least a modicum of this latter sort of knowledge if, having
said he is now ready to recall a series perfectly, he then proceeds to do
just that.
The retesting of previously tested series was something of an after-
thought, inserted into the design in the hope that it might at least roughly
measure degree of overlearning or “overmemorization” of correctly
recalled series. It might be, for example, that there is an increase with age
in the ability or disposition to memorize the series just well enough to sat-
isfy E’s immediate recall requirements; the use of this efficient, “least-ef-
fort” strategy could be reflected in perfect recall at test coupled with very
poor recall at subsequent retest.
The purpose of the self-timed study periods was to permit S to memo-
rize the picture series and, more importantly, to afford us some observa-
tional data as to how he went about doing so, i.e., his study-memorization
strategies. An Esterline-Angus event recorder was connected to the but-
tons of the display panel, its pen tracings automatically providing a per-
manent record of the timing and sequence of S’s spontaneous picture-ex-
posing behavior (and hence, by not much inference, of his spontaneous
picture-studying activity). An observer (the third author) was seated
directly behind the one-way mirror throughout each testing session, She
had trained herself to lipread the particular object names used in this
study, was always aware of which object picture the child was currently
studying, and could observe his face from a distance of l-2 ft. In addition,
she wore a set of high-quality earphones to help supplement the visual
evidence of verbalization. Pilot research had indicated the desirability of

recording each observed occurrence of four types of study patterns:

Naming, Anticipation, Rehearsal, and Gesture (see Results and Discus-
sion). The observer had her own panel of buttons for recording such pat-
terns as they were observed. Since each button was connected to a sepa-
rate pen on the above-mentioned event recorder, her observations
produced a permanent record of the frequency and time of occurrence of
these patterns.
Finally, the E-present versus E-absent treatment of the kindergarteners
and second graders during study periods was added to the design simply
to find out whether the presence of another person would have any effect
on a child’s disposition to engage in private, task-oriented speech, and
whether any effect found would vary with the age of the child.


We shall begin with an analysis of the data most directly pertinent to the
child’s developing knowledge of his own memory abilities and processes.
These data consist, firstly, of the relation between S’s predicted and ac-
tual object span, and secondly, of his readiness to recall items after the
three self-terminated study periods. The remainder of the paper describes
and interprets various behavior patterns observed during the study
periods themselves, and also draws some general conclusions regarding
the nature and development of memorization processes.
Predicted versus Actual Object Span

Table 1 summarizes most of the findings with respect to these two

measures. As would of course be expected, actual span shows a regular
increase with age across these four grade levels. At each grade level,
mean predicted span is higher than mean actual span. The difference
between these two spans is sharply reduced in the two oldest groups,
however, both because actual span has increased and because predicted
span has decreased. The bottom three rows of Table 1 provide addi-
tional detail regarding this developmental increase in the ability to predict
one’s own level of memory performance. First, however, there are some
nondevelopmental observations to make concerning these predictions.
There is good reason to believe that the predicted object span test led
the Ss to adopt either one or the other of two quite distinct and discontin-
uous courses of action. On the one hand, S might assent, probably without
reflections to the highest span that E ever puts to him (a decidedly unreal-
istic span of 10, in our procedure). On the other hand, he might really
come to grips with the task and make a genuine, more or less accurate
estimate of his actual span, presumably informed by some sort of intuition
or knowledge regarding his ability to memorize items. The following facts

Performance on Actual Object Span and Predicted Object Span Tests

Grade (and Ns)

Measure N(l4) K(28) 2(28) 4(14)

Mean actual object span 3.50 3.61 4.36 5.50

Mean predicted object span 7.21 7.97 6.00 6.14
Percentage of Ss predicting 10 57(8/14) 64(18/28) 25 (7/28) 21(3/14)
Mean error of Ss predicting < 10 1.66(6) 1.60(10) 0.81(21) 0.91(11)
Percentage of (< 10) Ss with no
error 17(1/6) fxW0) 48(10/21) 36(4/l 1)

suggest the legitimacy of such a dichotomization. As the third row of

Table 1 shows, 36 of the 84 Ss predicted precisely the largest span the test
procedure allowed, i.e., 10 objects. Among the remaining 48 Ss, however,
only one S predicted nine objects, none predicted eight and three
predicted seven (but with two of these Ss having actual spans of six). In
fact, the absolute level of predictive accuracy seemed surprisingly high
among these 48 Ss (fourth row of Table 1). Moreover, they showed no
tendency as a group either to overestimate or to underestimate actual
span: 15 Ss predicted perfectly (fifth row), 17 overestimated, and 16 un-
derestimated. Clearly, these Ss were processing the task in a qualitatively
different fashion than the lo-choosers were.
Correspondingly, there are two sorts of age trends apparent in the data.
First, the percentage of children who, for whatever reason, fail to deal with
the task in a responsive and realistic manner shows a clear decrease with
age (third row). And second, even among the children who are respon-
sive, there is a significant tendency for the older ones to be more accurate
in their predictions than the younger ones (fourth and fifth rows). For
example, a 4-fold x2 table can be constructed from the fifth row, with
grades N-K and 2-4 defining columns and with errorless and nonerrorless
predictors defining rows. The resulting x2 value is 5.34, statistically signif-
icant at p < .05 (this and all other x2 values reported in this article were
Yates-corrected). It is apparent that the first of these two trends cannot be
taken as unequivocal evidence for, specifically, a developmental increase
in the child’s knowledge of his own mnemonic processes and skills; there
are clearly other age-related factors that might as readily account for this
trend. Nevertheless, we think it not at all implausible that at least some of
the Ss, and the younger ones especially, may have acceded to any span E
proposed simply because they did not have the remotest idea how many
items they would be able to remember. In any event, the second trend
provides clear evidence for a developmental increase in this sort of

mnemonic knowledge. Considering only the “realistic” Ss once again, i.e.,

those predicting a span of less than 10 items, the mean errors of the two
oldest groups are only about half the magnitude of those of the two
younger groups, and the percentage of errorless predictors is several
times higher in the upper two grades. It is worth emphasizing again,
however, that a number of even the younger, 4- to 5-year-old children can
predict their own spans with surprising skill: of the 15 N and K S’s in the
< 10 category who misestimate at all, nine of them are off target only
one object and four by only two.

Recall Readiness
Table 2 shows the percentages of Ss at each grade level who proved
themselves ready to recall sets of picture series perfectly on none, one,
two, or all three of their post-study-period recall opportunities. It is appar-
ent that there is a very marked improvement over this age range in the
child’s ability to sense when he has memorized a set of items sufficiently
well to recall them perfectly. Combining adjacent grades and adjacent
levels of recall to make a fourfold contingency table, this improvement is
highly significant (x2 = 26.41; df= 1; p < .OOl). One might have ex-
pected that there would be some sort of grade by trial interaction here,
with perhaps the younger Ss, having profited from knowledge of their ini-
tial recall failure and from E’s cautioning to do better next time, improving
on the later trials. No interaction of this sort was evident in the data, how-
ever. Again, one certainly might have predicted that “realistic” (< 10) ob-
ject span predictors would also tend to be more recall-ready, i.e., to recall
better at test. The object span prediction test and the recall tests were,
after all, both designed to tap S’s knowledge or skill with respect to his
own memory processes. Again, however, the data suggested no such rela-
tionship. And finally, the retesting of previously tested picture series also
yielded nothing of interest: even when initial recall of a series had been er-

Recall Readiness: Percentages of Ss Performing
Without Error on O-3 Recall Tests

Grade (and Ns)

Number of tests
correct N(l4) KC281 2(28) 4(14)

None 14 18 0 0
One 64 32 7 0
Two 14 36 11 14
Three 7 14 82 86

rorless, subsequent recall of the same series tended to be very poor, and
more or less uniformly so across grade levels. These negative findings
notwithstanding, the object span prediction and recall readiness data
impress us as being decidely encouraging overall. Even measures as crude
and insensitive-appearing as these have proved capable of suggesting, and
rather strongly, that S’s cognitive relation to his own memory system does
somehow change in the course of the early school years. But more probing
and analytic studies will now be needed, obviously, to find out exh,tly
what the “somehow” consists of.

Study Period Behaviors

As indicated earlier, it had been decided on the basis of pilot data that
the observer would record, from behind the one-way screen, all observed
instances of four types of study activity:
Naming. The S presses one of the buttons, thereby exposing a picture
of an object, and immediately says that object’s name once.
Anticipation. Finger poised in readiness to expose what he believes will
be a picture of certain object, S first says that object’s name once and then
presses the button, presumably to see if he had correctly memo 23 that
object’s location. Notice that the naming-pressing sequence is 3 exact
opposite of the one just described. Notice also that the S is here adminis-
tering to himself, spontaneously, a learning-testing procedure much like
what Es often administer to Ss in paired-associate learning experiments.
Rehearsal. The S names an object other than when actually observing it
(as in Naming), or when in immediate anticipation of observing it (as in
Anticipation). The typical instance of Rehearsal would be a string of two
or more different names (i.e., part or all of the sequence of names S was
to recall on that trial). More rarely, S might verbalize but a single
name, either once or several times in succession; for example, he might
press a button to expose a picture of a ball, look away thoughtfully, and
then say “ball” (or “ball, ball . . .“).
Gesture. The S engages in the rhythmic motor behaviors of finger
counting, touching or pointing to buttons, or head nodding (the third was
somewhat less frequent than the first two).
Naming, Anticipation, and Rehearsal were mutually exclusive cat-
egories from the observer’s point of view. That is, at any given instant, S
could be recorded as engaging in no more than one of these three response
patterns. In contrast, Gesture could and did occur concurrently with
other patterns, notably Rehearsal. A single recorded instance of either
Naming or Anticipation behavior consisted of but a single heard and/or
lipread word. In contrast, a single recorded occurrence of Rehearsal
usually comprised a multiword utterance, followed by a pause. Not

surprisingly, a single scored instance of Rehearsal very often consisted of

a rapid fire, poorly articulated repetition of the entire series of object
names that S was to memorize on that trial. (Similarly, one coded instance
of Gesture would often be a quick succession of gestures rather than a
single one.) Accordingly, it should be borne in mind that a child with a
Rehearsal score of, say, 10 might have done every bit as much “verbaliz-
ing” (“verbally mediating”) in the service of his recall as a child with
Naming or Anticipation scores of, say, 30. Although interjudge reliability
for these categorizations was not formally assessed, we are confident that
the observer had become both accurate and consistent in her recording by
the time we were ready to test Ss in earnest.
An initial, somewhat peripheral question involving these study patterns
was whether the presence versus the absence of E in the room during S’s
study periods had any measurable influence on his verbalization. The ver-
balizations we were recording were clearly of the private, speech-for-self
versus social-communicative variety (Kohlberg, Yaeger, & Hjertholm,
1968), and it might consequently be expected that they would be more in
evidence under conditions of apparent privacy, at least in the case of the
older Ss. However, comparisons of the Naming, Anticipation, and
Rehearsal scores of E-in versus E-out Ss at both kindergarten and second
grade levels completely failed to confirm any such expectation; in fact, the
relevant pairs of mean scores were in all cases very similar. There might
possibly have been group differences in the loudness rather than the
amount of the speech detected, although the observer recalls having no
such impression (most of the speech was more or less sotto vote). More
than likely, E’s presence simply had little or no effect on either the quan-
tity or the audibility level of the children’s verbalizations, and thus our E-
in reduplication of kindergarten and second grade Ss served only to
replicate one segment of the main (E-out) developmental study. But since
the E-in and E-out mean scores did prove quite similar, within each age
group and each category of study behavior, the replication was obviously
successful-and to our way of thinking, an unintended successful replica-
tion is no less welcome than an intended one!
Brief mention of several other minor findings might also be made at this
point. The average duration of Ss’ button presses significantly (p < .Ol)
decreased with age up to second grade, with the second- and fourth-
graders tending to expose pictures about equally briefly; the average time
spent not looking at pictures-in between presses-did not show any sig-
nificant age changes, however. Of greater interest was a significant
(p < .05) increase with age in the mean length of Ss’ self-timed study
periods. The actual figures, in mean number of seconds per study period,
were 37.85, 39.55, 48.80, and 78.26, reading from youngest to oldest

grade group. It is possible that this increase largely reflects the older Ss’
greater effort to insure recall readiness-an effort that, as we have just
seen (Table 2), was decidedly successful. Length of study period also
varied significantly fp < .05) with trial, the third study period tending to
be shorter than the first and second. There was no significant grade by
trial interaction here, however.
The question of principal interest to us, however, concerned the possi-
ble influence of several variables, and most especially the age variable, on
the four study patterns. Four-way analyses of variance were performed
upon the study pattern scores of the 56 E-out Ss (the 28 E-in Ss were not
considered in these analyses, in order to maintain equal Ns in the four age
groups). The four independent variables were grade (4 levels), sex (2),
trial (3), and “trial quartile” (4), i.e., each self-timed study period was
divided into four equal time segments. The first two are between-S vari-
ables and the latter two are within-S variables. As Table 3 shows, there
were significant grade, trial quartile, and grade x trial quartile effects in
the case of all four study period behaviors. There were only three other
significant effects out of the 48 remaining possibilities, none of them very
credible, interpretable, or interesting: (1) a sex X trial quartile interaction
0, < .Ol) for Naming (both sexes show what will be seen to be a charac-
teristic distribution of Naming responses across the four quartiles of each
trial, but girls show it a bit more strikingly than boys); (2) a grade X sex X
trial interaction (p < .05) for Anticipation, essentially indescribable; (3) a
main effect for trial 01 < .05) in the case of Rehearsal that is certainly
puzzling if it is not a chance effect (more rehearsal responses in the sec-
ond trial than in the first or the third).
In contrast with these rather suspect effects, the pattern of findings
represented in Table 3 tells what seems to us to be a rather clear and inter-
esting story. Figure 1 gives a visual representation of each of the four

F Values and Associated p Values for Significant Analyses of Variance
Effects Involving Study Period Behaviors

Type of study period behavior

Naming Anticipation Rehearsal Gesture

Variable df F P F P F P F P

Grade (G) 3,48 4.09 c.05 9.88 c.001 9.38 <.OOl 7.41 <.OOl
Trial quartile (Q) 3,144 27.08 <.OOl 9.36 < .OOl 22.80 <.OOl 9.06 c.001
GxQ 9,144 7.55 <.ool 2.39 C.05 3.24 <.Ol 5.60 <.OOl

I I /
M Grade N _
0-0 Grada h
0-0 Grade 2
A-A Grade 4

FIG. 1. Distributions of Naming, Anticipation, Rehearsal, and Gesture Responses over

trial quartiles for each grade group.

grade X quartile interactions. These interactions taken as a group suggest

the developmental emergence, during the early school years, of a fairly
complex mnemonic strategy for coping with this sort of memory problem.
According to this strategy, S commences each study period by familiar-
izing himself with the identity and location of each object picture, saying
the names of the pictures to himself as he exposes them in an initial effort
to get the list into memory storage (Naming). As the list begins to get
memorized in this fashion, the temporal and psychological relationships
between his perceptual and linguistic responses become more varied, with
a more sophisticated Anticipation and Rehearsal activity (often punc-
tuated by Gesture) starting to alternate with and to substitute for this
simple Naming behavior. Consequently, hype end of the trial, Rehearsal
is just reaching its peak and Anticipation remains high, but Naming has
ebbed to quite a low level. An analysis of individual response records also
suggests that a number of the older Ss followed roughly this strategy. Of
the 25 second-graders and 14 fourth-graders whose observational records
contain at least some instances of all three major response categories, the
records of 16 second-graders and 10 fourth-graders showed the following

pattern, summing across the three trials: more instances of Naming in the
first two trial quartiles combined than in the last two combined, and the
converse for Anticipation and for Rehearsal.
What functions might Anticipation and Rehearsal perform in S’s at-
tempts at memorization, and why should they gradually preempt Naming
as the study period continues? Our belief is that, relative to Naming,
Anticipation and Rehearsal have somewhat more to do with the output
from memory, or retrieval, in contrast to the input to memory, or storage.
And it is item retrieval rather than item storage, after all, that E will
demand of S when the study period is completed. Our hypothesis is that,
as the study period proceeds, the process of getting ready to be tested
becomes increasingly one of checking and maintaining one’s gradually
improving ability to retrieve a complete, correctly ordered list of the pic-
ture names. While it is undoubtedly true that the exercise of all three
study patterns can and does serve to improve retrievability, Anticipation
and Rehearsal seem especially well-fitted to monitor and maintain it as
well. Like Naming, Anticipation and Rehearsal do of course consist of
potentially recall-facilitating repetitions of item names. Unlike Naming,
however, an attempted Anticipation also provides information about an
item’s current level of retrievability. It thus serves to check and monitor
S’s progress towards the task-defined criterion of complete retrievability.
Also unlike Naming, Rehearsal serves to sustain and safeguard the list’s
gradually improving retrievability, the rehearsed utterance eventually
becoming indistinguishable from the recall-test utterance.2 Needless to
say, Anticipation could also maintain as well as monitor, and Rehearsal
automatically monitors in the very act of maintaining. We saw a number
of rather amusing examples of Rehearsal apparently serving both roles.
An S (usually an older one), finally able to rehearse his entire list (call it
“A-B-C”) rapidly and correctly, would thereupon wrap up both study
period and recall test as follows: “A-B-C, ” “A-B-C” (hits the signal bell
without the slightest pause in the rehearsal cycle) “A-B-C,” “A-B-C” (E
hastens into the room), “A-B-C” (S turns to E), “A-B-C!” (said loudly
and triumphantly to E). By virtue of having produced one or more
complete rehearsals, such an S judges that he is now ready to be tested,
i.e., he thinks he can produce yet another, identical rehearsal for E that
will comprise his recall test (a monitoring function). And by virtue of then

2 This last would of course only be true of the more common form of Rehearsal, wherein S
repeats a whole string of object names. The less common form, i.e., repeating a single name
one or more times, strikes one as a rather different sort of process altogether-more like an
elaborated version of Naming, perhaps. It was unfortunate that the observer could not
quickly, easily, or frequently enough distinguish the two forms to warrant recording them
under separate response categories.

continuing to rehearse uninterruptedly until E enters the room, S prac-

tically guarantees that he will in fact produce this identical rehearsal (a
maintenance function). There is one bit of evidence in the data that is at
least consistent with these ideas about the monitoring-maintaining roles of
Anticipation and Rehearsal in this sort of study-test sequence: among the
42 nursery school and kindergarten children, the presence of either Antic-
ipation or Rehearsal behavior in an S’s record is positively associated
with degree of recall readiness (coincidentally, both chi-square values are
4.34, df = 1, P < .W.
It is apparent from Table 3 and Fig. 1 that the younger Ss differ from
the older ones in two ways. First, they show significantly fewer Naming,
Anticipation, Rehearsal, and Gesture responses than their elders (the sig-
nificant main effect of age). And second, the responses they do produce
fail to show the pronounced quartile effects so evident in the older groups
(the significant interaction of age with quartile). We are inclined to make
less of the interaction than the main effect. Inspection of the individual
response records shows that the rare N or K S who did produce at least a
moderate number of Anticipation or Rehearsal responses also tended to
distribute them much as the older children did, for instance with Antici-
pation least frequent in the first quartile and Rehearsal most frequent in
the last quartile. More than likely, the tendency to distribute these re-
sponse patterns strategically across study period quartiles develops apace
with the disposition to produce them at all-or at least to produce them in
quantity. More interesting, we think, is this very failure on the part of the
young child to produce them in quantity. It should be noted that the fail-
ure is not really uniform across the three major categories. For instance,
fully 90% of the N and K Ss produce at least some Naming responses,
whereas only 38% and 33% of them produce any Anticipation and
Rehearsal responses, respectively (comparable figures from the two older
groups combined: lOO%, 95%, 98%). Similarly, the fourth-graders
average about two and a half times as many Naming responses as the nur-
sery school children do, but some nine times as many Rehearsal re-
sponses and an incredible 22 times as many Anticipation responses.
Such evidence is consistent with that of other recent studies (e.g., Dale,
1969; Flavell, 1970; Hagen, Meacham, & Mesibov, 1970) in suggesting
two conclusions about the nature and development of memory strategies.
The first conclusion is that it is no longer sufficient to say of a child (much
less an adult) that his recall was “verbally mediated,” that he “verbalized
the stimulus names” in an effort to remember a series of items, etc. It is
one thing, psychologically, to “verbalize a stimulus name” as part of a
Naming routine and quite another to perform the selfsame speech act-
literally the same “response’‘-within the setting of a self-testing, Antici-

pation program, or in the context of a systematic Rehearsal cycle. “Ver-

bal mediation” appears to be a very mixed bag of cognitive processes, at
least where memory is what is being ‘mediated.” Moreover, the unpack-
ing of that bag may require elaborate and fine-grained observational
methods akin to those invented for the present experiment.
The second conclusion is that these processes tend to be develop-
mentally as well as functionally heterogeneous. The present evidence, es-
pecially when considered together with the results of other recent studies
(see Flavell, 1970) , strongly suggests that Naming is an earlier-developed
method for coping with memory problems than either Anticipation or
Rehearsal. Moreover, there is at least a faint suspicion that Naming,
unlike Anticipation and Rehearsal, may not always be produced for the
express purpose of aiding memory. If a child Anticipates or Rehearses in
a memory task like the present one, there is every reason to believe that
he did so specifically in order to further his memorization efforts; he
would almost certainly not have done either, for instance, had he merely
been requested to look at the pictures for his own amusement rather than
to memorize them. Can we be so sure that he would not have Named
them under these conditions? Or more to the present point, is it as certain
that the younger Ss in this study always Named for the sole and specific
purpose of aiding memory as it is that the older Ss always Anticipated and
Rehearsed for this purpose? A recent study by Dale (1969) suggests that
young children may often make implicit labeling responses, more or less
passively and automatically, when perceiving readily namable stimuli. We
should like in future research to test the hypothesis that naming as a delib-
erate mnemonic strategy only gradually differentiates from naming as an
almost reflexive concomitant of perceptual identification, or more gener-
ally perhaps, the hypothesis that the deliberate intention to memorize per-
ceptual inputs for later recall only gradually emerges and articulates itself
from the less deliberate intention just to recognize and contemplate them.
Notice that the present turn of the discussion further accentuates and
highlights the presumed differences in mnemonic behavior between the
younger and older Ss in this study. Not only do the older children Name,
Anticipate, and Rehearse where the younger ones tend only to Name, it
may also be true that even the Naming of the older Ss is more exclusively
mnemonic in intent than is the Naming of the younger Ss.
As indicated in the introductory paragraphs of this article, this study
was originally conceived in reference to what we had regarded at the time
as two distinct and different objectives, one dealing with what S does to
memorize material and the other with what he knows about his memory
states and processes. In retrospect, the two appear to be more closely in-
tertwined than we had suspected. In particular, much of what is done

when an older S memorizes material seems to be done either in response

to something he has just learned about his current memory state or, con-
versely, in response to a felt need to assess the current state. The fourth-
grader, we have been arguing, is very much more closely attuned to his
own mnemonic states and processes than the preschooler is. He clearly
shows this by his superior a priori prediction of memory span and by his
superior a posteriori judgment of recall readiness. But he also may be
showing it, we now think, in the very act of engaging in mnemonic-stra-
tegic behaviors like Anticipation and Rehearsal. The judgment that his
recall is now ready to be tested is only the last and most salient of a whole
series of prior judgments and predictions about his recall state, with each
of these judgments both resulting from and leading to such mnemonic-
strategic behaviors. Need to appraise current readiness? Appraise it by
Anticipating or attempting to Rehearse. The appraisal said you aren’t
ready to recall yet? Rehearse some more. All in all, we find ourselves
agreeing with Tulving and Madigan’s rather extravagant evaluation of the
importance of mnemonic monitoring as an object of scientific inquiry:
“What is the solution to the problem of lack of genuine progress in un-
derstanding memory? It is not for us to say, because we do not know. But
one possiblility does suggest itself: why not start looking for ways of
experimentally studying, and incorporating into theories and models of
memory, one of the truly unique characteristics of human memory: its
knowledge of its own knowledge. No extant conceptualization, be it
based on stimulus-response associations or an information-processing
paradigm, makes provisions for the fact that the human memory system
cannot only produce a learned response to an appropriate stimulus or re-
trieve a stored image, but it can also rather accurately estimate the likeli-
hood of its success in doing it. . . . We cannot help but feel that if there
is ever going to be a genuine breakthrough in the psychological study of
memory . . . it will, among other things, relate the knowledge stored in
an individual’s memory to his knowledge of that knowledge” (1970, p.

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(Accepted May 26, 1970)

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